Brief overview didactic kit

Page 21

¿What Body?

D i d á c t i c K i t
Hernández Escobar


This presentation of the Kit, consists of a short overview of it's contents. The aim is to inspire other teachers/artists in the making of this types of resources. The activities have quite a deep and complex background as well as more resources, instructions, examples, ICT activities, instructions, tips for teachers and tools to reflect which are not shown due to the possibility that copyright infractions ( Copying Ideas or designs from me) could take place. The kit is officially registered as my own.

¿What is it about?

This educational kit is about the body, the human being. It focuses on self-acceptance and celebrating the great diversity that exists. Topics such as gender and sex, racism and self-empowerment are addressed. The aim is to encourage creativity and artistic madness, critical thinking and self-esteem.

We try to work on several multiple intelligences, from Howard Gardner's theory, but the most important ones are intra and interpersonal.


Introduction: ¿Why This kit?

This kit has been made with a view to a more inclusive future.

In my opinion, in today's times, polarisations seem to be growing and instead of uniting us as humanity, we are becoming more and more separated.

There are still many social problems that should not exist, as we should be able to evolve towards a better future.

In spite of this, there are people who every day contribute energy to achieve this evolution. That is why this Kit aims to train future students to be those people who help to move forward in unity towards the necessary transformation of society.


To take into account

1 . F o r c h i l d r e n

It is important to consult a specialist, both pedagogues and psychologists, in order to implement the kit in the classroom. An observation of the pupils' behaviour should be carried out to understand the social situation of the classroom and the pupils' emotional and family situation.

2 . F o r t e a c h e r s

El/la docente debe estar formado en éstos temas y no tener miedo de tratarlos con naturalidad. Cualquier tema que se trate cómo tabú de dicho kit, podría perjudicar al alumnado en su desarrollo sano y relación tanto intra cómo interpersonal.


.To work on fine motor skills.

To train the "artist's eye" for the creation of one's own work.

. To work on self-knowledge and self-acceptance.

To develop artistic and personal expressiveness.


To work on taboos in children's and adults' vocabulary.

To encourage critical thinking in the face of society's stereotypes.

. To encourage creativity.

3rd Digital competence.

Learning to learn.

5. Social and civic competences.

6. Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit.

7. Cultural awareness and expression.

1- Learning to create.

2 - Proactivity and ability to share artistic work.

3-Adaptation to mishaps (How to solve them).

O E e t a p a p r i m a r i a :
Competencies: B
O w


1- Colour theory (complementary colours, light and pigment colours, basic mixtures, cold and warm)

2- Printing and its basics (specific instruments, gouge, roller, matrix).

3- Expressiveness of the line.

4- Mirror drawings.

5- Learning to use natural and recycled materials in art.

6- The state of water (Natural sciences).

7- History of genital representations.

8- Superposition of colours and their results.

9- Basic pop up.

10- Difference between gender and sex, gender expression, gender identity and sexual orientation.

11- Colour as an expressive medium.

12- Basic loom and sewing stitches.

13-Contents related to looms (warp, taffeta, needle).

14- Thread as a means of expression (line).

15- Basic geometrical figures and their application (through arsintes).

16- Modelling pastes, natural and artificial, and their elaboration processes.

17- Knowledge of one's own body, proportions and measurements.

18- Working with skin tones, achieving semi-accurate colours.

S k e t c h e s I d e a s a n d p l a n n i n g :
S k e t c h e s I d e a s a n d p l a n n i n g :

Kit a it's insid


W h y i s i t c a l l e d

" W h a t a b o d y " ?

"What a body" in Spanish is usually the verbal aggression, the misnamed "piropo" that is often thrown at women describing their physical form. "What a body" usually carries sexist connotations that reduce women to a body. As well as trying to define what is a woman and what is not. For this reason, I have decided to make a play on words in which it appears as a question, questioning everything that the above imposes.

Activity 1: Gender roles

The light colours are represented with translucent plastic sheets but are best explained on a computer screen..

Recommended for :The last years of primary school

Colour theory is worked on through the superimposition of translucent materials. We also work on the concepts of what defines a man and a woman, as well as gender stereotypes, gender identity, gender expression, sexual identity and medical sex.

Artistic reference : Miranda Makaroff


Complementary colours and translucent play figures. Colour theory (chromatic circle, cold and warm, basic mixtures and light and pigment colours).

Did you know? Curious facts about colour.

. Mini pop up artistic reference

Envelope with refl3xiona, research and basic outline on sex and gender.

- R o l e s d e g é n e r o : ¿ Q u é n o s e n c a s i l l a ? -
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
N u m b e r d e s c r i p t i o n
A c
t i v i t y

Activity2: My Body

- From the first to the third cycle of primary school (two levels):

We work on self-esteem about one's own body through stamping with blue speedball rubber. We also work on the expressiveness of the line and the silhouette, as well as the diversity of bodies. There are different artistic references for each level, but the one used for the example of level 2 is: Alda Armagni.

Instructions for each level

Examples of each level

artistic references of the box

Kit "my own stamp" : blue speedball rubber, small tube of gouache, gouge, carbon paper, paper and sponge (inking)


written information about the activity stuck on the lid of the box (next slides).

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. N u m b e r d e s c r i p t i o n

c t i v i t y 2 : A r t i s t i c r e f e r e n c

c l u d e d o n t h e s i d e s o f t h e

s i n
o x
A c t i v i t y 2 : e x a m p l e s o f m y o w n w o r k

Activity 3: Reproductive Figures

From first to third cycle of primary school: (level 1 second and first cycle, level 2 third cycle).

The activity deals with the genital organs from a natural perspective, dealing with these taboo subjects in a tactful and calm way. There are 3 parts.

The first one is called DID YOU KNOW WHAT, curiosities about the representations of these organs in art throughout history. The second one is Create your own teat or ice penis and the third one is Answer some activities collectively and individually. The main objective is to to avoid the embarrassment that these themes produce in the students and to demystify their apparent secrecy and to work on the concept of ephemeral installation and the ephemeral in art.

Activity instructions

Folding booklet Did you know?

Part 3 activities

instructions for teat and ice penis

letter to the teacher

Sample of natural and artificial materials to make ice tit and ice penis

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. N u m b e r d e s c r i p t i o n
A c t i v i t y 3 : S o m e P h o t o s O f s m a l l b o o k

Activity 4: Corporeal fluids

- F i r s t t o t h i r d c y c l e o f p r i m a r y s c h o o l . In this activity we work on the loom and weaving. Related contents are dealt with (warp, taffeta, braiding...) The activity tries to remove the taboo on body fluids and human secretions (pee, sweat, tears, poo, blood, snot, farts). A loom should be made with the colours that the pupils think represent these things.

1 . l o o m f r a m e c r e a t e d w i t h

c h o p s t i c k s

A c t i v i t y i n s t r u c t i o n s

3 . p l a s t i c b e a d s a n d n e e d l e s

4 . T h r e a d s o f d i f f e r e n t c o l o u r s

a n d t h i c k n e s s e s .

N u m b e r d e s c r i p t i o n

Activity 5: Parts of my body

- Recommended for the first and second cycle of primary school, also suitable for the third cycle of primary school. In the activity, body parts have to be represented using Angel Ferrant's Arsintes stencils and then be converted into relief or 3D by modelling them with different modelling pastes.

The aim is to work on modelling with different modelling pastes and relief and 3D modelling from a 2D image. The aim is also to encourage creativity through the use of colour, to work on basic geometric figures and to work on the parts of the body and their elementary shapes.

Activity and teacher instructions

Instructions for children on a piece of paper

Two-level arsintes.


Palette of modelling clay

6. Acrylic, scissors, pencil and paintbrush to create

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. N u m b e r d e s c r i p t i o n

Two types of Arsintes have been made, to avoid frustration when cutting out.

For level 2, the original Arsintes by Angel Ferrant is used, and for level 1, an Arsintes of our own elaboration. To make the palette of doughs more intuitive, the name of the dough and the two colours contained in the jar have been put on each small jar.

A c t i v i t y 5 : D y e s a n d d
p a l e t t e
o u g h

Hand of terracotta and white air-drying clay and vagina of plasticine and FOAMY dough.

In the photograph you can see all the steps, first the Arsintes cut out, then the drawing and colouring and finally the relief and modelling.

A c t i v i t y 5 : E x a m p l e s o f m y w o r k

Activity 6: I Dolls

The activity consists of creating a felt doll of oneself, working on one's own skin colour and thus diversity. The activity is inspired by the work Humanae by the artist

ANGÉLICA DASS. As well as her work in schools. The aims of the activity are:

To celebrate diversity and the uniqueness of each person. To encourage self-esteem. To try to break with racism by deconstructing the concept of race. To work on critical thinking. To work on colour mixing. To encourage creativity through sewing..

o l o u r p a l e t t e 6 . d o l l s t u f f i n g 7 . f e l t c o l o u r s a n d w h i t e 8 . F o r t h e t e a c h e r N u m b e r d e s c r i p t i o n
1 i n s t r u c t i o n s 2 . t e m p e r a a n d b e a d s 3 . e x a m p l e d o l l 4 . t h i n k a b o u t i t 5 . c

The example was made using the same materials as in the kit, also inspired by Picasso and his way of making human faces. For a better hold of the painted felt, I used a silicone glue in a bottle, included in the kit.

A c t i v i t y 6 : I a m a d o l l e x a m p l e

5. Conclusions

I consider that this project has been very formative both professionally and personally.

I have been able to reflect values that I consider very important in society, in an artistic kit format, merging several disciplines, which has helped me to have a global and transversal vision of education, especially artistic education.

I also hope that the resources presented and shared have helped my colleagues as well.

I consider that the topics covered may be somewhat controversial, but they should be treated naturally in young children to enable them to develop better emotionally, psychologically and physically.

S u r p r i s e q r c o d e : I f i t d o e s n ' t w o r k , t r y t h i s l i n k :

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