Learning Diary

In this Learning diary, I have chosen some topics of interest and researched on them, in order to gain information for my bachelor's thesis as well as set into practiceone of my themes of research, life long learning, which I want to encourage and promote in my future students.
Bullying can hurt as much as physical pain, due to the neural receptors of the aggression. Many types of bullying can affect an individual, and if this individual is in an intersectional crossroad ( For example bullying + Learning difficulties) life as well as learning can get harder. Bullying should be studied from an interdisciplinary perspective to understand fully the implications of it, as well as the different types which tend to proliferate nowadays with technology and social media. This should also allow us to tackle bullying through pacifist measures, without targeting the bully. This is because the bully can also be a victim and the victim also is a bully. Overall it is important to treat the root of the problem, the psychological aspect of the pain.
Learning Disabilities and Bullying: JDoubleeopardy
ARTICLE oConsequences f Bullying onMAdolescents’ ental Health in Germany:Comparing BFace-to-Face ullying and Cyberbullying
- Videos: ted talks Playlist: Stand up to bullying 6 videos
The talks are about various topics regarding Bullying, the price of shaming as well as how to combat it without becoming a bully yourself
Chapter 1: Bullying from a Social psychological approach
Chapter 8: differencesSex agressionsin
Book Bullying, rejection, & peer victimization: A social cognitive neuroscience perspective
Chapter 4: WHy is alwayseverybodypicking on me?
Chapter 7:Three Social understandingtotheories bullying perpetration
Article 1: The Patras Blended Strategy Model for Deep and Meaningful Learning in Quality LifeLong Distance Education
Article 2: Social media and education: reconceptualizi ng the boundaries of formalinformaland
Lifelonglearningisaninnatecharacteristic tohumanbeings,despitethis,ithastobe promoted,trainedanddeveloped,specially whenlearningnewacademicskills. Independentlearningisalsoapartoflife longlearning,wherethelearneris encouragedtosearchfortheirownpathin Learning. Thisskillshavetobetrainedinorderto adjusttothe21stcenturysocietyofever flowinginformationandchanges.Thishasto bepromotedinallstagesofeducation. Alsomoderntechnologieshelpdevelopthis skillsbylettingthelearnerguidetheirown learning,throughtheaccessofdifferent information.Thissiwhyalsocriticalthinking hastobepracticedtobeabletoclassifythis information.
Ch1. Independent approach to teaching and Rhetoriclearning.or reality?
Book 2:Promoting LearningIndependent in the Primary Classroom
Book 1:
for EducationHigherReal World Learning and Innovation across the Curriculum
Ch 5.Independence in inspiratonpractice:for change
Makingeducationengagingisthekeyfor success.Thiscanbedonebydeveloping intrinsicmotivationwithignstudents( linkedtoLLL).Nowadayswiththe pandemicclosingschools,it'svery importanttofindalternativewaysto educateonline,especiallyforspecialneeds studentswhichneedspecificadaptations tobeabletoworkanddeveloptheir capacities.ThissiwhywhenteachingSE studentsremotely,it'sveryimportantto focusonpositivepsychologyhighlighting theiraptitudes.
Alsodifferentlearningmethodologiessuch asPBLorActivelearning,flippedclassroom andmore,arecrucialforengagingthe learnerdevelopinganactiveclassroom whichcaneasilyadapttochanges.
Guidance for the inclusion of students with Special Educational Needs for online learning
Book1: Project
Teaching : How
Experiences Suzie Boss and John Larmer Larmer Active Learning Strategies in Synchronous Online Learning for Elementary School Students
EARTIKKELI ducators,learners and lactiveearning methodologie s
Art of Learning – An InterventionArt-Based Aimed at Improving Children’s Executive Functions
Arthasvariouswaysofdevelopingthe humanmindwhichcanbestudiedthrough neuroscience.Artcanbeusedtomotivate learningaswellasavisualtoolfor developingcriticalthinkingtowards informationreceived. Theeducationalsystem(ingeneral) nowadaystendstoexcludeartasan importantsubject,notacknowledgingit's multipleapplicationsaswellasit'sincentive forchange.
Artcanalsobeusedasanengineforchange wheremultiplealternativepedagogiesare appliedsearchingforsocialjustice in education.
Without Criteria: Art and Learning and the Adventure of Pedagogy Dennis Atkinson
NAeyc webinar: National Association for the Education of Young Children
Creativity: Nurturing Creativity: An Essential Mindset for Young Childrens Learning"
3 ted talks: - Do schools kil creativity? - the importance of art education in well being - art in education
Creativity, Art and Learning: A PsychoSocial Exploration of Uncertainty
1 Book:Art,Equality and PLearning: edagogies Against the State Atkinson, Dennis
ch 4 subjectivities and school educationart
ch 6:intensions art education
Thenowadaysdemanding societycausesseveredamagein student'smentalhealth.Thisis whymentalhealthshouldbe supportedineducationthrough variousstrategies.Nowadaysthe pandemichasaggravatedthe situationso moreinterventions areneeded.
Is mentalteachers’ health and associatedwellbeingwith andmentalstudents’health wellbeing?
Caregiver–child mental health: a prospective studyin conflict and refugee settingss
Webinar or videos:
education week webinars: - Making Connections on Student Mental Health in the Pandemic." 1h - Measuring & Supporting Student Well-Being: A Researcher and District Leader Roundtable- 1,10 h
ch7: Identifying MentalStudents’Health Problems in PrimarySettingsCare
ch1. introduction
BOOK 1. Students' mental health needs: problems and responses
ch 13: responding to student suicide
ch11: structuredUsingself help material
- Beltort Berch-
“There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning.”
– Jiddu Krishnamurti“Art Is Not a Mirror to Reflect Reality, but a Hammer to Shape It”
“Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it isn't so.”
– Lemony Snicket