Didactic Unit 1st year degree Design

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Yaiza Hernández Escobar : Group 112, Magisterio primaria : 14/15/19

Yaiza Hernández Escobar - Learning unit 9: Back to the land
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Hernández Escobar - Learning unit 9: Back to the land
4th primary Second or intermediate cycle Language and literature. Didactic unit: *Drawing by

1) Introduction and timing :

Sermone's adventure comes to an end after learning a lot about language and literature this term. Therefore, it ends with the return to earth, in which she will learn about different types of literary resources, read many stories, poems, riddles and appreciate the wonders of literature. The Didactic Unit "Back to Earth" will be held from 8th to 23rd May.

Date of the session: Duration: Name of the session:

Session 1: 08/05/2019 1h Welcome to literature!

Session 2: 09/05/2019 1h Legend or fairy tale?

Session 3:10/ 05/2019 1h Identify yourself

Session 4: 13/05/2019 2h Creating theatre

Session 5: 14/05/2019 1h Poetry for all

Session 6: 15/05/2019 1h Friends Literary resources

Session 7: 16/05/2019 1h Quijotando

Session 8: 17/05/2019 1h Getting to know sermone

Session 9: 20/05/2019 1h Egalitarian Poetry Corners

Session 10: 21/05/2019 1h We perform theatre

Session 11:22/05/2019 1h UD Portfolio + We expose our inspirations

Session 12: 23/05/2019 1h Monitoring, feedback and self-evaluation.

2) Justification of the issue

The topic covered in the didactic unit is classical and children's literature. The contents included are very relevant to the didactic programme because through their knowledge and understanding, it will be possible to carry out the proposed school projects, such as the reading club, the creative arts workshops and the activities included in the reading promotion plan. This is because the main contents of the unit are: knowledge of traditional stories, distinguishing between fairy tales and legends, commenting on poems, stories and plays and learning about the linguistic variety of the Spanish language.

Through these contents, the aim is to work on the competences related to language and literature, mentioned in the didactic programme, such as "Knowing and using the Spanish language and, if there is one, the co-official language of the Autonomous Community, in an appropriate way, and

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develop reading habits" (Royal Decree of 28 February 2014). In addition to a short introduction to literature to foster understanding of where language comes from, other transversal competences such as digital competence, a sense of initiative and entrepreneurship and cultural awareness and expressions will be promoted. All this in order to reach the final objective of trying to make students cultured, competent and aware citizens interested in improving their communicative skills, interacting satisfactorily in all areas of their lives.

The didactic unit will be taught at the end of the course (May and June) because it is understood as a way of closing the course by applying the grammatical structures and spelling learnt previously to understand and create literature. It is also taught at this time, because at the end of the course, the travelling book (Reading Promotion Plan and Reading Club) that the students have been writing throughout the course comes to an end. Therefore, the aim is to contextualise them with respect to the literary resources it contains and their understanding and interpretation, both of the travelling book and of other major literary works.

3) DU objectives *indirect area objectives, see annex (1)*.

The objectives are adapted to the DU, taking into account the contents:

Area Objectives Direct (related to the stage objectives): PS

(b) To develop teamwork habits, developing students' communicative competence, understood in all its aspects: pragmatic, linguistic, sociolinguistic and literary. The student should also develop habits of responsibility in individual study, as well as attitudes of self-confidence, critical sense, personal initiative, curiosity, interest and creativity in learning, and an entrepreneurial spirit.

(e) Know and use appropriately the Spanish language and, if any, the co-official language of the Autonomous Community through reading, understanding and interpreting significant texts. Reading habits and literary reflection must be developed, as this favours knowledge of the expressive possibilities of the language, develops the pupils' critical and creative capacity, gives them access to knowledge of other periods and cultures and confronts them with situations that enrich their experience and knowledge of the world.

b) e)

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Yaiza Hernández Escobar - Learning unit 9: Back to the land

5) Basic competences to be worked on

(A) General competence of the subject: Linguistic communication

The competence will be worked on through activities in which the contents of language and literature are included. In the case of literature, we will focus on one of the facets of the competence, which is the introduction to literature in order to understand the origin and aesthetic aspects of language.

An example of such activities is the creation of a small notebook of literary inspirations throughout the unit.

(C) Cultural awareness and expressions

This competence will be worked on throughout the unit due to the fact that literary texts from other periods and creations containing characteristics of other cultures will be worked on.

Work will be done through the reading and comprehension of stories, legends, poems, plays and narratives.

Competences Not worked on:

(B) Transversal competences: digital competence

Digital competence will be worked on through various activities such as diagrams or advertising posters to be carried out during the unit.

Resources such as "Canva" will be used to carry them out.

(D) Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

The competence will be worked on through team and individual work. In them, prior brainstorming will be valued and encouraged. In the assignments, selfreflection will be promoted, allowing students to create new ideas and solve problems in their environment by understanding them.

• Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology: This competence will be worked on in the reading plan of the programme, due to the fact that a book entitled: "The murdered mathematics teacher" will be read, and therefore, I consider that it is not fundamental to focus on it and deal with it more in this didactic unit.

• Learning to learn: This is a competence that is worked on throughout the course, as students must be self-aware and self-controlled in their learning. It is worked on throughout the whole course through the portfolio (course notebook). Therefore, I have decided not to focus on this competence and to highlight others.

• Social and civic competences: This is a competence that is worked on throughout the course and which is dealt with from other competences (such as cultural awareness and expressions and the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship). For example, in cultural awareness and expressions, we work on cultural diversity, which is included in the social and civic competences. Therefore, I consider that it is possible to work from other perspectives and to reach the basics of this competence in other ways.

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6) Methodology / planned activities

• Methodology :

In order to carry out all of the above, from a pedagogical and didactic point of view, some basic methodological principles and main methodologies to be followed are introduced in the unit. As methodological principles, meaningful learning, personal reflection and a climate of coexistence and safety in the classroom should be encouraged. Furthermore, the contents learnt must be visualised from a globalising and playful approach. It is therefore important to introduce innovative methodologies in order to teach new concepts. The main methodologies of this didactic unit will be: The work corners, and learning based on small projects.

• Planned activities ( Simplified table):( + )indicates enlargements

*For a table developed with assessment, functional diversity plan, see annex (2)*.

Session 1: Welcome to literature

Date: 08/05/2019 Duration 1h

Brief description of the activity: Introduction with an assembly with the pupils (sitting in a circle on the floor) on the subject: What are stories? Brief explanation of the types of stories and how to distinguish them by means of an outline made by the teacher. Explanation of the notebook of inspirations (+ in the reading promotion plan). Screening of a short film about the Lazarillo de Tormes. Contextualisation of Lazarillo de Tormes (author and period). End with a small artistic exhibition by the pupils on their opinion of what they have learnt about the Lazarillo de Tormes (small drawing, phrase, fact, reflection, etc.).

Materials: Computer, digital whiteboard. Internet, Video : (2 minutes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PYREvqXzBY

Space: Classroom with tables cleared to make space for an assembly.

Contents Conceptual: Knowledge of traditional and author's tales. Procedural: Expressive representations of literary texts

Objectives e, j and c

Competences A, C

Attitudinal: Vision of the literature as a creative and learning process

Session 2: Legend or fairy tale?

Date: 09/05/2019

Duration 1h

Brief description of the activity: Students will be asked to bring 1 short story they have from home (if not, it will be provided). In groups (of 5), they will be asked to order the stories they have brought (+ Diversity attention measures) (by doing a quick reading beforehand) according to the types seen in the previous session (wonderful stories, formula stories, animal stories...) Within this "deck of stories", the teacher will introduce legends that they will not know how to classify or will classify them wrongly. After the confusion, the teacher will explain the difference between a story and a legend. In order to understand the distinction, the students will be asked to read first a legend and then a story aloud and dramatically. The teacher will start by demonstrating that there should be no shame in doing what is asked. In the dramatised reading, jumping from one pupil to another (a legend and a short story will be read).

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Materials: Various stories (5 per group) 3 legends per group.

Contents Conceptual: Distinction between fairy tales and legends, knowledge of traditional stories, reading guided.

Venue: School playground (due to good weather). See believes that this will also promote freedom of space and thus encourage dramatic reading.

Dramatisation and dramatised reading of literary texts. Attitudinal: Appreciation of the artistic and historical effort involved in the realisation of the works.

Objectives e, b ,a, c Competences A C D

Session 3: Identify yourself

Date: 10/05/2019 Duration 1 h

Brief description of the activity: The contents learnt in the previous session will be reviewed by means of a video (The types of stories) and the video will be discussed by asking the students to make an outline, individually, of it in the iMind map HD application on I Pads that will be lent to them from the school. After this, they will get into groups of 5 (those from the previous session) and review the outline and finally show it to the class. To finish the review, a table with differences between the stories and legends will be written on the blackboard and the pupils will take turns to complete it. The session will end with a short reading by the pupils in turn of the first chapter of Lazarillo de Tormes (+) adapted to the pupils' needs. children. To integrate everything with session 1 and work on dramatised reading of texts.

Materials:Video review of types of stories https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-drDEoImTE, Ipad IMind Map application

Space : Classroom with digital whiteboard for projection.

Contents Conceptual: Knowledge of traditional tales, Knowledge of Spanish legends and legends from other countries, Have basic notions about the authors of classical literature.

Procedural: Dramatised reading of literary texts

Attitudinal: Appreciation of the artistic and historical effort involved in the production of works of art. Objectives b, e,a,c Competences A,B,D


4: Creating theatre Date: 13/05/2019 Duration:2h

Brief description of the activity: The class will be divided into groups of 5 people (those of session 2) and the activity will consist of 2 parts: 1- after what has been learnt in the previous days, to perform (write a script of no more than 3/ 4 sheets of paper) a short theatre performance based on one of the stories (to be chosen by each group) from the previous sessions. In order to deal with the theme of the didactic unit, the pupils will be asked to situate their story in space. 2Drawing in Canva (example +)( an application) a "publicity poster" of the play they are going to perform (session 10)

Materials: Projector, Computers 1x group, Videos, Canva application, Parchment paper and various stationery materials.

Space: Computer room. Contents Conceptual: commented reading of poems, stories and plays.

Procedural: Creation of literary texts, dramatisation and dramatised reading. Creation of works of theatre.

Attitudinal: Understanding of literary texts and literature as a source of artistic and cultural inspiration. creative.

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Objectives e, b Competences A, B,C,D

Session 5: Poetry for all

Date: 14/05/2019 Duration 1h

Brief description of the activity: The session will deal with poetry. It will begin with an introductory video (almost 3 minutes) on the parts of a poem and the rhetorical and metrical resources of these, to then work on them in depth. The video will be followed by an explanation of rhyme (consonant and assonant), the parts of a poem and examples of easy types of poems, such as "haiku" poems. This will be followed by interactive activities, which will be worked on the digital whiteboard to review what has been learnt (The activities+). At the end of the class, each student will write a short haiku poem in their portfolio, adapted to their level, which they will memorise and recite in session 9.

Materials: videos (+)

Contents Conceptual: Comprehension, memorisation and recitation of poems, with appropriate rhythm and intonation.

Objectives e ,j (d- Japanese haiku problems)

Procedural: Recitation and intonation of poems, as well as creation of literary texts in prose or verse.

Space : Classroom with blackboard

Attitudinal: Assimilate literary expressions and readings as a form of mental relaxation.

Competences A,B,C,D

Session 6: Friends and literary resources Date: 15/05/2019 Duration 1h

Brief description of the activity: Students will be asked to carry out a brief research of the main literary resources in groups, each group will be assigned a literary resource (comparison, metaphor, synaesthesia, personification, hyperbole and puns) and will be in groups of 6 or 7 students. After having collected the fundamental information, each group will present their resource in 5 minutes explaining it to the rest of the class. After reading the main resources, the teacher will make a digital outline (+) with the participation of the class of the main literary resources as a review. Finally, in the last 20 minutes of the class, the teacher will read a small fragment of text that will in turn be projected on the digital whiteboard and students will have to identify the main literary resources.

Materials : Digital whiteboard, Writing materials

Contents Conceptual: Knowledge of literary resources.

Objectives b,e,a,d

Session 7: Quijotando

Space: classroom with digital whiteboard.

Procedural: Identification of literary devices in literary works.

Attitudinal: Vision of literature as a creative and daily learning process in which self-learning is pursued.

Competences A,C,D

Date: 16/05/2019

Duration: 1h

Brief description of the activity: At the beginning of the class, a small assembly will be held for 10 minutes to recall the literary resources and the outline made in the previous session will be projected. After the review, the father of one of our students, a graduate in Hispanic Studies, will briefly explain for 20 minutes the plot and the literary resources (highlighting metaphors) present in Don Quixote for children. The resources will be explained from a fragment of the novel, which will be worked on later. He/she will also relate the period, the context and the writer of the novel with the contents of the subject of Social Sciences. During the remaining half hour, the students in groups of 5, will elaborate an ending for the short fragment previously read, which will be given to them in printed form so that they can work on it. fragment will be adequate to be able to invent an ending.

Materials: Flipchart, Writing materials, parent's willingness.

Space: Classroom with blackboard

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Contents Conceptual: Knowledge of literary resources Have basic notions about the main authors of classic children's literature. Knowledge of stories and novels.

Procedural: Identification of literary resources in literary works. Creation of texts literary works in prose or verse.

Attitudinal: Understanding of literary texts and literature as a source of artistic and creative inspiration and as a source of knowledge of other times. Appreciation of the artistic and historical effort involved in the production of works of art. Literary.

Objectives b,e,d,j Competences A,C,D

Session 8:

Getting to know sermone

Date: 17/05/2019 Duration: 1h

Brief description of the activity: The session will be divided into two parts. First, the author of the fragments of the sermon story (PS) will come and comment for half an hour on the most relevant aspects of the protagonist and the stories. The students will learn more about the creation of a literary character. Afterwards, they will do a small craft in groups to make their own personalised sermon and incorporate the haiku poem (s5) on its cover.

Materials: Various arts and crafts materials ("tetrabriks")(+) Space : Arts and plastic arts class

Contents Conceptual: Knowledge of traditional, marvellous and animal stories, guided reading of various texts.

Procedural: Expressive representations of reflections on literary texts.

Objectives b,e,a,c Competences A ,C, D

Session 9: Egalitarian poetry corners

Date: 20/05/2019 Duration 1h

Attitudinal: Viewing literature as a creative and daily learning process in which one can

Brief description of the activity: The session will begin with a brief review of session 5 (poems for everyone) and after that, groups of 9-10 people will be formed and will rotate around the different work corners. The teacher will have previously prepared 3 corners, with a laptop in each corner to be able to access 3 short videos (1 x corner) on the explanation of the 3 main types of children's poems (Dramatic, Lyrical and Epic), and some samples of different proverbs, riddles, tongue twisters and popular songs. In addition, a poem (feminist), traditional proverb, riddle, etc. will be printed next to the type corresponding to the corner. The pupils will rotate during the first 40 minutes. After that, in groups they will choose the poem etc... that they liked the most and read it in turn in the class.

Materials: Digital whiteboard, 3 laptops, videos (+) printed poems (+). Space: Regular classroom with tables placed in corners.

Contents Conceptual: Comprehension, memorisation and recitation of poems, with appropriate rhythm and intonation.

Procedural: Recitation and intonation of poems with appropriate rhythm and diction.

Attitudinal: Assimilate literary expressions and readings as a form of relaxation.

Objectives b,e,a,d,j Competences A,B,D

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Session 10: We perform theatre

Date: 21/05/2019 Duration 1h

Brief description of the activity: This session will be devoted to the performance of the short play written by the students in session 4 (creating theatre). The session will be divided into two parts, first a short rehearsal of 20 minutes.

minutes and finally 40 minutes of performance of which no more than 7 minutes per group.

Materials: Scripts written by the students. Venue: Performance in the cultural centre near the school, where the stage will be rented for a few hours.

Contents Conceptual: Knowledge of traditional tales

Procedural Theatricalisation of plays and expressive performance of plays.

Objectives b,e,a ACD Competences

Session 11: Portfolio Ud + We expose our inspirations

Attitudinal: Understanding of literary texts and literature as a source of artistic inspiration.

Date: 22/05/2019 Duration 1h

Brief description of the activity: In the session, 30 minutes will be dedicated to a quick review of the unit and the following 30 minutes will be dedicated to the reading of the notebooks of inspirations by the students. Each student will read a short sentence or sample that has marked him/her from his/her collection of inspirations. Finally, the teacher will collect the portfolios (course notebooks) and take them away for review.

Materials: Notebooks of inspirations prepared by the students and portfolio. Space: Regular classroom.

Contents Conceptual: Review of basic concepts.

Procedural: Dramatisation and dramatised reading of literary texts.

Attitudinal: Vision of literature as a creative process of daily learning and self-learning.

Objectives b,e,d,j ACD Competences

Session 12: Monitoring, feedback and selfevaluation.

Date: 23/05/2019 Duration 1h

Brief description of the activity: The session will start with a test carried out on the digital platform "socrative". The test will consist of 12 questions and will be very short, suitable to be completed in 20 minutes. After that, the test will be corrected, giving immediate feedback to the students. Finally, in the last part of the class, students will have to write a short essay as a self-evaluation of their performance and initiative in this UD.

Materials: "Socrative" and control questions previously designed by the teacher. Stationery material for writing. Space: Computer room.

Contents Conceptual: Review of basic concepts. Procedural: reflection on the UD.

Attitudinal: attitude of selfcriticism.

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Objectives b,e ACD Competences

Yaiza Hernández Escobar - Learning unit 9: Back to the land

7) Evaluation

Evaluation criteria: 7.1 learning standards

1-Appreciate the value of literary texts and use reading as a source of enjoyment and information and consider it as a means of learning.

2-Integrate expressive reading and the comprehension and interpretation of narrative, lyrical and dramatic literary texts in school practice, recognising and interpreting some resources of literary language and differentiating the main formal conventions of the genres

3-To know and value the literary resources of the oral tradition: poems, songs, stories, proverbs, riddles.

4-Produce from given models literary texts in prose or verse, with aesthetic sense and creativity: stories, poems, riddles, songs, and theatrical fragments.

5-Participate with interest in dramatisations of literary texts adapted to their age group and of their own or classmates' productions, making appropriate use of the basic resources of oral exchanges and theatrical technique.

1.1. Recognises and appreciates the fundamental characteristics of narrative, poetic and dramatic literary texts.

2.1. Guided readings of narrative texts from the oral tradition, children's literature, adaptations of classical and contemporary works.

2.2. Interpret figurative language, metaphors, personification, hyperbole and puns in literary texts.

3.1. Distinguishes some rhetorical and metrical devices typical of poems. 3.2. Uses comparisons, metaphors, augmentatives, diminutives and synonyms in literary texts.

4.1. Creates literary texts (stories, poems, songs and short plays) on the basis of given patterns or models, using lexical, syntactic, phonic and rhythmic resources in such productions.

5.1. Performs individual and group dramatisations of ageappropriate or age-appropriate literary texts and selfproduced texts.

5.2. Can memorise and reproduce short simple oral texts, stories, poems, songs, proverbs, riddles, tongue twister.

7.2 assessment tools: *For rubrics designed for various activities see annex 3.

The assessment will be continuous, therefore, it will be carried out through the evaluation of all the activities carried out by means of rubrics that will be given to the students beforehand. The course portfolio will also be taken into account for the evaluation, with considerable weight. Specifically that of the didactic unit. The portfolio refers to the subject's notebook, in which all the activities, mind maps, notes and exercises carried out in class will have to be reflected, as well as personal reflections and information extensions, characteristics that are reflected in the specific rubric for evaluating the unit's portfolio.

At the end of the didactic unit, there will be a small control that will represent a low percentage of the grade in the educational platform "socrative" in the computer classroom. The objective is for the teacher and the student to have knowledge of the concepts that

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Criteria / Indicators

are still to do more work or not. Although the test is usually carried out in pairs or groups. In this didactic unit, the test will be done individually, because in this way the teacher will be able to focus better on the specific students who need reinforcement (by doing it in groups, I could that the lack of work on a knowledge is not so evident). In order to have immediate feedback, once the test is finished, the answers will be corrected and explained. At the end of the UD, time will be dedicated to a short self-evaluation of the student's portfolio (class notebook) and attitude.

*Heading modified, but originally done with Miriam Pampín, and Rubén Fernández.

Portfolio (Class notebook)


It does not include the basic contents of the

It includes the contents basic realised

Includes all contents worked on in all the

Includes all contents made during the sessions. There is literature and activities during the sessions. See sessions. More are shown depth and breadth with data carried out during the show without any elaborate (there are some you have been interested in. The information sessions. The information type of processing. The enlargements worked on). The is perfectly integrated with the given is incorrect and information is information is remarkably and enlargements have unconnected to the present with the integrated with what has been worked on. cross-connection with other subject. worked. subjects and topics, all integrated. Reflection

There are no reflections of the activities, there has been no

Includes related reflections It includes elaborated reflections, related to It includes very elaborated reflections, perfectly related to the understood the purpose partially with the notably with the content. Understood the purpose of the sessions and/or the contents. But itdoesnot contents. It is shown in of the work. And it is shown in the form of work. are very Clear form with what has been learned. precise. It also includes reflections Structured or Demonstrates that the reflections of the extended andexpanded contents and cohesive. have been worked on. reflections have cohesion.

Organisation Work submitted without It has a structure It has a structure that It is very well structured n / Cleaning structure, loose-leaf, inconsistently and/or (title page, table of contents and titles). It is presented


(anyone can identify the content covered). It provides a cohesion. Missing with a structure table of contents and titles. And this title page, table of contents, headings, numbering and of schemes made in basic. grouped in a coherent way. bibliography and is presented in a sessions. clean and coherently grouped.

differentiates between the parts of the work. Provide a cover page,

No ideas, no effort of its own. Being It contributes few ideas of its own that could be improved

It contributes its own and novel ideas in relation to the

It brings innovative and novel ideas taking into account the content and very unimaginative. with regard to the content. Letting yourself be guided context of the subject. In addition content and work by the competences and Interesting in relation to the itself. But try to be objectives worked on in class. competences and objectives and all the imaginative. aspects of the portfolio (either

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- Learning unit 9: Back to the
Hernández Escobar
design, contents...)

7.3 Qualification criteria:

(Portfolio)/Portfolio: 40%. Tasks to be assessed : Percentage of the mark Inspiration notebook: 10%. Notebook 50% Class activities 25%

Activities of which a Controls after each DU 15% highlight: (of 25%) -Theatre show 5%-Theatre show 5% -Theatre show 5%-Theatre show Attitude and Self-Assessment 10% -Creation of an alternative ending

/Haiku poem 5% Haiku -15% of the total.

8. Diversity measures: * Extension of Annex 2*.

The aim is the inclusion of pupils in the school and cultural diversity, therefore, to prevent the 3 South American pupils in the classroom from losing knowledge of the traditions and customs of their countries, the reading of traditional literature from their respective countries will be promoted in the classroom. This will also help the class to understand other realities and cultures. In the classroom, there is also a student with motor disabilities, who will have no problems with mobility because the school is adapted for this and the cultural centre where the play will be performed is also adapted. With regard to the pupil with acquired dyslexia, some activities will be adapted and she will work with her support teacher in her extracurricular reinforcement hours. As the classroom also has a student with high abilities, entrepreneurship and personal reflection will be encouraged, providing her with topics of interest and research.

9. Reading promotion plan.

Reading will be promoted through the school projects (the termly reading, the travelling book and the book trailers/commentators youtubers). However, as this unit is about literature, students will have to create a notebook of inspirations. This will be a "Notebook" of no more than three pages in sheet size dedicated to reflections, ideas and artistic expressions that have emerged during the didactic unit and the literature reading, which will be reviewed at the end of the unit and each student will be asked to select one of the small artistic samples they have to briefly explain it to the class. The literature reading will consist of short texts and/or news items that the teacher will send out to be read on the two weekends that are on the calendar of the teaching days of this unit.

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10) Annexes

• (ANNEX 1)

a) Knowing and appreciating the values and rules of coexistence, learning to act in accordance with them, preparing for the active exercise of citizenship and respecting human rights, as well as the pluralism of a democratic society. All of this, taking into account the richness of cultural diversity provided by knowledge of other realities through reading.

Indirect area objectives: PS a) c) d) j) m)

c) Acquiring skills for the prevention and peaceful resolution of conflicts, enabling them to develop autonomously in the family environment, as well as in the social groups with which they interact. Developing good teamwork without major discussions, through activities of joint creation of literary works, such as the travelling book.

d) Knowing, understanding and respecting different cultures and the differences between people, equal rights and opportunities for men and women and non-discrimination of people with disabilities. Developing empathy thanks to the vision of the diverse realities present through the reading of various significant texts.

j) Using different artistic representations and expressions and getting started in the construction of visual and audiovisual proposals. Encouraging the creation of artistic representations related to what has been learnt about literature in class.

m) To develop their affective capacities in all areas of their personality and in their relationships with others, as well as an attitude against violence, prejudices of any kind and sexist stereotypes. Through criticism of traditional sexist stories and conscious and critical reading on important current issues.

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Specific evaluation method ( where available)

Session 3: 10/05/2019

Session 4:13/05/2019

Extra materials

Attention to diversity

Lazarillo Tormes cover for children to be worked on: The stories explained will also be by South American writers. The student with dyslexia will be helped to read more slowly by underlining the main points.

Example of Canva (made by me):

No specific adaptations are needed, but the student with dyslexia will be given more attention when doing the canva.

To be assessed using the rubric

Session 5: 14/05/3019

Interactive resources page for activities: https://luisamariaarias.wordpress.com/tag/la-poesia/ Example of a haiku poem: The butterfly will remember forever, That it was a worm.

Mario Benedetti-

No specific adaptation is needed, but the student with dyslexia will be given more attention when making the haiku poem.

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Introductory Video 3 min https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=137&v=S MDuyGg7ies

Headin g Annex 3

Session 6: 15/05/2019

Example of an outline of literary resources:

No specific adaptation is needed, but the highly able pupil will be given a text together with the repeating pupil to work at home on literary resources.

Session 8: 17/05/2019

Example of sample sermone singing for a world of letters (drawn by me):

No specific adaptation is needed.

Session 9 : 20/05/2019

Examples of videos and printed poems:




Types of poetry : https://tiposde.online/tipos-de-poesia/

She does not need a specific adaptation. But the student with dyslexia will be monitored to ensure that she understands all the work.

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Notebook of inspirations.

Criteria / Indicators Content

It does not include the basic contents of the mandated literature.


Organisatio n / Cleanliness


There are no written reflections or inspirations on the contents.

Work presented without structure, loose sheets, without coherence and/or cohesion.

No ideas, no effort of its own. Very unimaginative.

It includes the basic contents of the readings without coherence or cohesion.

Includes reflections and phrases, etc.. Inspirations, partly related to the contents.

It has basic structure. And somewhat coherent grouping.

It includes all the contents of the reading assignments.

It includes very elaborate reflections and inspirations, perfectly related to the contents.

It is very well structured in a clean and coherently grouped way.

But it tries to be imaginative Bring innovative and novel ideas, taking into account the context of the subject.

Theatre exhibition:

Criteria / Indicators Attitude /participation

Script writing

Adverse, negative attitude to the task at hand. Nil participation.

The script is insufficient and does not make sense with any story.

Positive attitude towards what is proposed and little participation and/or sense of initiative.

Poorly developed script with little connection to the stories.

Positive attitude and participation.

More elaborate and relatively dynamic script with a good relationship to the stories.

Positive attitude, high participation and entrepreneurial spirit.

Very elaborated script, very dynamic and with total relation and incorporation of the plot of the chosen story.


No attempt to get into the role

She has the initiative to interpret and has a basic knowledge of the script.

He has the initiative to perform, has a basic knowledge of the script and plays a bit with improvisation.

He gets into the role, has a good knowledge of the script and gives free rein to improvisation, without straying from the plot of the story.

Yaiza Hernández Escobar - Learning unit 9: Back to the land 19

Creation of alternative ending/Haiku poem/Canva theatre

Criteria / Indicators Structure Not in accordance with the structure of a narrative/poem/ha iku/advertisement

Reflection There is no deep reflection, no coherence or cohesion.


Work presented without structure and coherence.

It has a basic structure quite in keeping with the narrative/haiku poem/advertisement.

It includes a preliminary reflection and deals with an interesting and imaginative topic.

It is presented with a basic structure.

It has a proper narrative/poem haiku/advertisement structure, taking into account the same.

It includes a thorough reflection beforehand and deals with an interesting, subject-relevant and imaginative topic.

It provides a neat and coherently grouped presentation.

Yaiza Hernández Escobar - Learning unit 9: Back to the land 20

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