Nov. 3, 2015A new $50 million initiative to attract more diverse faculty across all of Yale’s schools is announced.
Sept. 2015Prof. Elizabeth Alexander (English) and Vanessa Agard-Jones (WGSS) announce they will leave Yale for Columbia.
Nov. 13, 2015Next Yale publishes its demands for President Salovey, which include promoting ER&M to Departmental status and creating various ethnic studies programs under that department.
Nov. 4, 2015Prof. Karen Nakamura (Anthropology and East Asian Studies) and Jafari Allen (Af-Am and WGSS) announce they will leave Yale.
1998Yale officially offers a major in Ethnicity, Race, and Migration.
2009Several faculty members begin informal talks about a potential center to include American Studies, WGSS, and Af-Am Studies. 1991The First Report of the President’s Committee to Monitor the Recruitment and Retention of Disabled, Minority, and Women Faculty finds faculty diversity seriously lacking.
10 – The Yale Herald
How Yale’s new interdisciplinary center fits in
n November, Next Yale presented a list of demands to President Peter Salovey to address issues of racial inequality and marginalization on campus. The group asked for changes to many aspects of the university, from financial aid to cultural houses. A major point on their agenda was a new academic focus on ethnic studies. Last week, Yale announced the founding of the new Center for the Study of Race, Indigeneity, and Transnational Migration. But this new center was not created and will not exist in a vacuum. The new initiative comes from Yale’s fraught history with ethnic studies and faculty diversity and will take its place among other related but separate research centers working to expand academic work on race and ethnicity.
In an Un response t mands, Pre lines chan will make, a new mult
The Gildner Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition:
Initiative on Race, Gender and Globalization:
Hosts an annual conference, awards prizes and fellowships, and maintains public databases related to slavery and its demise.
Runs events and courses that promote cross cultural thinking in various different disciplines.
Yale Research Initiative on the History of Sexualities: Sponsors workshops, lectures, and research on LGBTQ history and sexuality as a force in history.
Genocide Studies Program: Conducts seminars and research on genocide as a concept and specific genocides in history.
v. 17, 2015-
niversity-wide email to the Next Yale deesident Salovey outnges the University , including founding tidisciplinary center.
Feb. 16, 2016President Salovey officially unveils the new
Center for the Study of Race, Indigeneity, and Transnational Migration.
Center for the Study of Inequality: Invites non-academic visiting fellows and organizes Research Working Groups about inequality and politics.
Howard R Lamar Center for the Study of Frontiers and Borders: Sponsors talks and provides grants for graduate students in History and American Studies dealing with the North American frontier.
Yale Group for the Study of Native America: Provides a forum for graduate students, faculty, and staff to discuss their articles and dissertations and awards a fellowship.
Infographic by Calvin Harrison YH Staff, Haewon Ma YH Staff, and Claire Sheen YH Staff Feb. 26, 2016 – 11