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FEBRUARY 10 AND 11, 2012





PROGRAM OF MUSIC Vers la Flamme, op. 72 Prelude in G-sharp Minor, op. 22, no. 1 Prelude in C-sharp Minor, op. 22, no. 2 Prelude in B Major, op. 22, no. 3 Prelude in B Minor, op. 22, no. 4 ALEXANDER SCRIABIN (1872–1915)

Feuillet d’ Album in F-sharp Major, Opus Posthumous Etude in F-sharp Minor, op. 8, no. 2 Etude in B Major, op. 8, no. 4 Etude in G-sharp Minor, op. 8, no. 9 Etude in B-flat Minor, op. 8, no. 11

Feuillet d’Album in E-flat Major, op. 45, no. 1 Desir in C Major, op. 57, no. 1 Caresse Dansee in C Major, op. 57, no. 2 Reverie in C Major, op. 49, no. 3 Danse Languide in G Major, op. 51, no. 4 Nuances in C Major, op. 56, no. 3 Fragilite in E-flat Major, op. 51, no. 1 Valse in A-flat Major, op. 38

Feuillet d’Album, op. 58 Poeme Fantasque in C Major, op. 45, no. 2 Masque, op. 63, no. 1 Etrangete, op. 63, no. 2 Poeme Languide in B Major, op. 52, no. 3 Poeme Aile in B Major, op. 51, no. 3 Sonata no. 4 in F-sharp Major, op. 30, Andante; Prestissimo volando



ARTIST BIOS ETERI ANDJAPARIDZE has performed in the world’s most prestigious concert series as guest soloist with major orchestras and leading conductors, as well as in solo and collaborative recitals. Highlights of her international festival engagements as an artist and faculty have included White Light Festival at Lincoln Center, International Keyboard Festival and Institute in New York, Mannes College Yearlong Festival, Round Top International Festival-Institute, PianoSummer at New Paltz, Los Angeles International Piano Symposium, Piano Festival Northwest, Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival, Festival International de Colmar, Duszniki-Zdroj International Chopin Festival, White Nights, and Russian Winter. Her discography on Naxos, Marco Polo, and Melodiya labels includes solo albums nominated for Grammy and Deutsche Schallplatten awards. Currently teaching on the faculty at NYU Steinhardt, she has served as Professor of Piano and Head of the Keyboard Programs at DePaul University in Chicago, taught at the Moscow Tchaikovsky and Tbilisi State Conservatoires, the State University of New York, and conducted master classes worldwide. A Steinway Artist, she is founder and artistic director of The United Sounds of America music festival and the AmerKlavier Studio. Born into a family of prominent musicians in Tbilisi, Georgia, she studied at the Moscow Tchaikovsky State Conservatoire with Vera Gornostayeva, a student of Heinrich Neuhaus. She was the youngest participant to receive Fourth Prize at the Fifth Tchaikovsky International Competition in Moscow and the first Soviet pianist to win Grand Prix at the Montreal International Piano Competition. Her recognitions include International Friendship Order, Georgian Order of Honor, and People’s Artist of Georgia title.

JENNIFER TIPTON is well known for her work in dance, theatre, and opera. Her recent work in dance includes Paul Taylor’s Phantasmagoria and Liam Scarlett’s Asphodel Meadows for the Royal Ballet, London. Her recent work in theatre includes The Glass Menagerie at the Mark Taper Forum and the Wooster Group’s version of Tennessee Williams’s Vieux Carre. Her most recent work in opera includes Daniel Cattan’s Il Postino directed by Ron Daniels at the Los Angeles Opera; Gounod’s Romeo et Juliette directed by Bart Sher at the Salzburg Festival; Aida directed by David McVicar at the Royal Opera House, London; and Rameau’s Pygmalion directed by Trisha Brown for the Festival in Aix-en-Provence. Ms. Tipton teaches lighting at Yale School of Drama. Among many awards, she is the recipient of the Dorothy and Lillian Gish Prize in 2001 and the Jerome Robbins Prize in 2003. In 2008 she became a United States Artist “Gracie” Fellow and a MacArthur Fellow.

NOTES ON SCRIABIN A Poem by Alexander Scriabin

Written for Sonata no. 4 in F-sharp Major, op. 30 TRANSLATED BY FAUBION BOWERS

In a light mist, transparent vapour Lost afar and yet distinct A star gleams softly. How beautiful! The bluish mystery Of her glow beckons me, cradles me. O bring me to thee, far distant star! Bathe me in trembling rays Sweet light! Sharp desire, voluptuous and crazed yet sweet Endlessly with no other goal than longing I would desire. But no! I vault in joyous leap Freely I take wing Mad dance, godlike play! Intoxicating shining one! It is toward thee, adored star My flight guides me Toward thee, created freely for me To serve the end My flight of liberation!

In this play Sheer caprice In moments I forget thee In the maelstrom that carries me I veer from thy glimmering rays In the insanity of desire thou fadest O distant goal But ever thou shinest As I forever desire thee! Thou expandest, star! Now thou art a Sun Flamboyant Sun! Sun of Triumph! Approaching thee by my desire for thee I lave myself in thy changing waves O joyous god I swallow thee Sea of light My self-of light I engulf Thee!

Who was he‌Scriabin? A composer, pianist, poet, mystic, solipsist, a semi-, neo-, theo- philosopher. All these disparate talents, facts, dreams, concepts, and fantasies combined in the cauldron of his genius. The brew was potent music-magic.


Scriabin is the singing of a falling moon. Starlight in music. A flame’s movement. A burst of sunlight. The cry of soul to soul… A singing illumination of the air itself, in which he himself is captive child of the gods. A strong tenderness; a mighty invincible sweetness… All his music is light itself…

He felt with symphonies of light and called into a floating temple to unite— touch, sound, incense, and processionals of light, where dances flow like omens of the old. Solarity, inferno of the summer’s gold, the lunar fortune-telling by starlight, the minor babble and the thunder’s might, through teasing musicality unfold.


To dream on earth and wake up in the sky, to pierce the dark so sparks of whirlwinds fly, unsapped by sacrifice and searing din, He spiraled in the flaming maw, thereby he woke in death with gleaming brow held high, mad elf, my calling, ringing Scriabin. —KONSTANTIN BALMONT (TRANSLATION BY SHOTA PAPAVA)

FROM THE ARTISTS Improvising upon Alexander Scriabin’s vision of music being related to a spectrum of certain colors and light, we would like to offer our own poetic rendering of some “colortonal” analogies, as we experiment with creating an environment for light and sound to play together in a chamber ensemble. This particular compilation of Scriabin’s solo piano works includes some rarely performed poems, preludes, etudes, morceaux, and Valse, along with the well-known Vers la Flamme and Fourth Sonata. None of these compositions are meant to be performed with lighting. Thus, we are not after any historic reproduction of Luce, a curious keyboard instrument, which appears in the score of Scriabin’s symphonic opus Prometheus: Poem of Fire, designed to emit no sound but to project beams of light that change color according to the specific harmonic progression of Scriabin’s music. Our stage presentation weaves Scriabin’s piano music in concert with color and light in a nod to the composer’s synaesthetic perception of keys and colors. Adding colorful visual aspects to a live performance of the piano repertoire takes it beyond the traditional dimensions of a piano recital and transfers us into a fascinating world of “piano-theatre.” —ETERI ANDJAPARIDZE AND JENNIFER TIPTON

YALE REPERTORY THEATRE STAFF James Bundy, Artistic Director Victoria Nolan, Managing Director Jennifer Kiger, Associate Artistic Director


Resident Artists Paula Vogel, Playwright-in-Residence Liz Diamond, Evan Yionoulis, Resident Directors Catherine Sheehy, Resident Dramaturg Ming Cho Lee, Set Design Advisor Michael Yeargan, Resident Set Designer Jane Greenwood, Costume Design Advisor Jess Goldstein, Resident Costume Designer Jennifer Tipton, Lighting Design Advisor Stephen Strawbridge, Resident Lighting Designer David Budries, Sound Design Advisor Walton Wilson, Voice and Speech Advisor Rick Sordelet, Fight Advisor Mary Hunter, Stage Management Advisor Associate Artists 52nd Street Project, Kama Ginkas, Mark Lamos, MTYZ Theatre/Moscow New Generations Theatre, Bill Rauch, Sarah Ruhl, Henrietta Yanovskaya Commissioned Artists David Adjmi, Todd Almond, Hilary Bell, Adam Bock, Bill Camp, Lear deBessonet, Will Eno, Marcus Gardley, Matt Gould, Kirsten Greenidge, Danai Gurira, Ann Marie Healy, Amy Herzog, Naomi Iizuka, Branden Jacobs-Jenkins, Aditi Brennan Kapil, Carson Kreitzer, Dan LeFranc, Elizabeth Meriwether, Scott Murphy, Julie Marie Myatt, David LeFort Nugent, Lina Patel, Jay Reiss, Sarah Ruhl, Octavio Solis, Lucy Thurber, Alice Tuan, Paula Vogel, Kathryn Walat, Anne Washburn, Marisa Wegrzyn, Robert Woodruff Artistic Administration Amy Boratko, Literary Manager Kay Perdue Meadows, Artistic Associate Tanya Dean, Artistic Coordinator Benjamin Fainstein, Elliot B. Quick, Anne Seiwerath, Literary Associates Tara Rubin, C.S.A.; Merri Sugarman, C.S.A.; Eric Woodall, C.S.A.; Lindsay Levine; Kaitlin Shaw, Casting Ruth M. Feldman, Director of Education and Accessibility Services Teresa Mensz, Library Services Assistant Josie Brown, Senior Administrative Assistant to the Artistic Director and Associate Artistic Director Laurie Coppola, Senior Administrative Assistant for the Directing, Dramaturgy and Dramatic Criticism, Playwriting, and Stage Management Departments Mary Volk, Senior Administrative Assistant for the Design and Sound Design Departments


Karena Fiorenza Ingersoll, Jaeeun Joo, Associate Managing Directors Jennifer Lagundino, Assistant Managing Director Anne Flammang, Lauren Wainwright, Xaq Webb, Management Assistants Emalie Mayo, Senior Administrative Assistant to the Managing Director Caitie Hannon, Company Manager Yu Shen, Assistant Company Manager Development and Alumni Affairs Deborah S. Berman, Director of Development and Alumni Affairs Janice Muirhead, Senior Associate Director of Development Barry Kaplan, Senior Staff Writer Susan C. Clark, Laura J. Eckelman, Development Associates Belene Day, Senior Administrative Assistant to Development and Marketing & Communications Eric Gershman, Development Assistant Finance and Information Technology Katherine D. BurgueĂąo, Director of Finance and Human Resources Denise Zaczek, Associate Director of Finance Cristal Coleman, Alex Grennan, Ashlie Russell, Business Office Specialists Randall Rode, Information Technology Director Daryl Brereton, Associate Information Technology Director Mara Hazzard-Wallingford, Director, Yale Tessitura Consortium Toni Ann Simiola, Senior Administrative Assistant to Business Office, Information Technology, Operations, and Tessitura Marketing, Communications, and Audience Services Anne Trites, Director of Marketing and Communications Steven Padla, Senior Associate Director of Communications Daniel Cress, Senior Associate Director of Marketing Rachel Smith, Associate Director of Marketing DeDe Jacobs-Komisar, Associate Director of Marketing Sarah Stevens-Morling, Online Communications and Advertising Manager Marguerite Elliott, Publications Manager Shane D. Hudson, Marketing Assistant Kathleen Martin, Graphic Design and Production Assistant Fraver, Graphic Designer Joan Marcus, Production Photographer

Janna J. Ellis, Associate Director of Audience Services and Tessitura Specialist Laura Kirk, Assistant Audience Services Director Shane Quinn, Audience Services Assistant Tracy Baldini, Subscriptions Coordinator Evan Beck, Brittany Behrens, Amanda Bermudez, Amanda Culp, Courtney Engle, Gabriel Levey, Tiffany Lin, Emily Sanna, William Smith, Joanna Wilson, Box Office Assistants Operations Diane Galt, Director of Facility Operations Rich Abrams, Operations Associate Paul Catalano, Arts and Drama Zone Superintendent Krista J. MacLellan, 217 Park and 212 York Superintendent VonDeen Ricks, Senior Custodian Marcia Riley, Facility Steward Lucille Bochert, Norma Crimley, Donell D’Gioia, Ty Frost, Mark Roy, Custodians Theater Safety and Occupational Health William J. Reynolds, Director of Theater Safety and Occupational Health Jacob Thompson, Security Officer Ed Jooss, Audience Safety Officer Fred Geier, Customer Service and Safety Officer


Properties Brian Cookson, Properties Master David P. Schrader, Properties Craftsperson Jennifer McClure, Properties Assistant Bill Batschelet, Properties Stock Manager Scenery Colin Buckhurst, Don Harvey, Neil Mulligan, Technical Directors Alan Hendrickson, Electro Mechanical Laboratory Supervisor Eric Sparks, Shop Foreman Matt Gaffney, Ryan Gardner, Sharon Reinhart, Master Shop Carpenters Brandon Fuller, Shop Carpenter C. Nikki Mills, Kenyth X. Thomason, Jacqueline Deniz Young, Assistants to the Technical Director Sound Josh Loar, Sound Supervisor Paul Bozzi, Staff Sound Engineer Jacob Riley, Jennifer Timms, Assistants to the Sound Supervisor Projections Erich Bolton, Projection Supervisor Micah Stieglitz, Head Projection Technician

Bronislaw J. Sammler, Production Supervisor James Mountcastle, Production Stage Manager Jonathan Reed, Senior Associate Production Supervisor Grace O’Brien, Senior Administrative Assistant to the Production Department

Stage Operations Janet Cunningham, Stage Carpenter Kate Begley Baker, Properties Runner Elizabeth Bolster, Wardrobe Supervisor Charles Harbert, Sound Operator

Costumes Tom McAlister, Costume Shop Manager Robin Hirsch, Associate Costume Shop Manager Mary Zihal, Senior Draper Clarissa Wylie Youngberg, Draper Deborah Bloch, Senior First Hand Linda Kelley-Dodd, Costume Project Coordinator Denise O’Brien, Wig and Hair Design Barbara Bodine, Company Hairdresser Linda Wingerter, Costume Stock Manager Greta Schmitt, Assistant to the Costume Shop Manager

Kaitlyn Anderson, Christopher Ash, Mike Backhaus, Keri Klick, Kenyth X. Thomason, Emily Erdman, Greta Schmitt, Crew Shane D. Hudson, House Manager

Electrics Donald W. Titus, Lighting Supervisor Jason Wells, Linda Young, Senior Head Electricians Emily Erdman, Assistant to the Lighting Supervisor Painting Ru-Jun Wang, Scenic Charge Angie Meninger, Scenic Artist Keri Kriston, Assistant Scenic Artist Allison Jackson, Nathan Jasunas, Assistants to the Painting Supervisor


Spectral Scriabin February 10 and 11, 2012 University Theatre, 222 York Street


WORLD PERFORMANCE PROJECT AT YALE STAFF Joseph Roach, Principal Investigator Emily Coates, Artistic Director Kathryn Krier, Production Manager Bonnie Antosh, Assistant Production Manager Cosima Cabrera, Assistant Production Manager

THE WORLD PERFORMANCE PROJECT (WPP) promotes research in performance studies across departments at Yale. An interdiscipline that draws from the arts, humanities, and human sciences (theater, drama, dance, visual arts, speech, linguistics, anthropology, sociology), performance studies defines as its objects cultural performances of all kinds, from theatrical presentations to rites of passage, and expands its frontiers anywhere significant performances are likely to take place, from Yorubaland to Disneyland. Working in partnership with departments and programs throughout the university, WPP presents performances, workshops, lectures, and symposia with artists and scholars working in a spectrum of performance forms. Through these events, WPP fosters teaching, research, and publication on performance-related topics. Originally established with funding provided by a Distinguished Achievement Award granted to Joseph Roach, Sterling Professor of Theater, by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, WPP is affiliated with the Yale College Theater Studies Program and the Whitney Humanities Center at Yale.

For more information about the World Performance Project please visit


THEORY THEORY IN IN PRACTICE PRACTICE Yale College Theater Studies presents ...

Faculty Directed Projects for Spring 2012

Yale College Theater Studies presents ... Yale College Theater Studies presents ...

Othello Faculty Faculty Directed Directed Projects Projects for for Spring Spring 2012 2012 Faculty Director: Murray Biggs March 28-30, 8 pm, March 31, 2 & 8 pm


Faculty HamletDirector: Murray Biggs March March 28-30, 28-30, 88 pm, pm, March March 31, 31, 22 & & 88 pm pm

Faculty Director: Deb Margolin April 13 & 14, 8 pm, April 15, 2 pm, Hamlet Hamlet April 19-21, 8 pm Deb Margolin Faculty Director: Faculty Director: Deb Margolin April 13 & 14, 8 pm, April 15, 2 pm, April & 14,8 8pm pm, April 15, 2 pm, April 13 19-21, April 19-21, 8 pm

Shakespeare Dances Faculty directors: Kathryn Alexander, Shakespeare Dances Emily Coates, and Wendall Harrington Faculty directors: Kathryn Alexander, Shakespeare Dances April 25, 12:45 pm 2:15 pm Emily Coates, and Wendall Faculty directors: Kathryn Harrington Alexander, April 25, 12:45 pm - 2:15 pm Emily Coates, and Wendall Harrington Yale Dance Theater: The April 25, 12:45 pm - 2:15 pm

YaleofDance The Legacy MerceTheater: Cunningham Legacy of Merce Cunningham Faculty director: Emily Coates Yale Dance Theater: The Faculty director: Emily Coates April 27, 5 & 7 pm Legacy of Merce Cunningham April 27, 5 & 7 pm Faculty director: Emily Coates

Yale Yale Baroque Baroque Opera Opera Project: April 27,Project: 5 & 7 pm Il ritorno d'Ulisse in patria Faculty Dorfman and Yale Directors: Baroque Toni Opera Project: Grant Herreid Grant Il ritorno d'Ulisse in Herreid patria May 4 & 5, 7:30 pm

& 5, 7:30and pm Faculty Directors:May Toni4Dorfman Grant Herreid For more information on venues and project descriptions, visit: May 4 & 5, visit: 7:30 pm For more information on venues and project descriptions, http://calendar.yale.edu/cal/theaterstudies




“ The curtain rises, and we see the fiction within the fiction within the fiction within the fiction. The curtain falls.” —Cuqui Jerez THREE PERFORMANCES ONLY! March 23 at 8pm March 24 at 2pm & 8pm Iseman Theater Performed in English.

In this quirky, humorous, and intriguing work, Spanish choreographer and performer Cuqui Jerez challenges the audience’s perception of reality by presenting a rehearsal, or perhaps the rehearsal of a rehearsal.


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