The following is an excerpt from Quips upon Questions by Robert Armin (1563–1615), a member of the Lord Chamberlain’s Men and likely the first actor to play Feste.
What’s Unfit Me thinks it is unfit that women scold. True, so me thinks; and yet they will not leave. Me thinks ’tis strange that Summer should be cold,
Yale School of Drama presents
twelfth night or what you will
And yet the season often doth deceive.
How unfit things are, seeming to agree,
That every man in reason ought to see.
Me thinks ’tis strange, water should make fire burn, When water quencheth fire evermore: In the Smiths forge ’tis so, whose hand doth turn, Both heat and cold, to furnish out his store.
How can this fit, when things unfitting be?
How ere they fit, they fit yet and agree.
The bellows blows out fire, yet makes fire blaze. Blow in hot pottage and they will be cold. When thy nails freeze, blow with thy breath apace And they will heat again, thou mayst be bold.
Things seeming unfit, fitteth to be done:
God gives, man uses, since the world begun.
Quip A wonder how, me thinks it is unfit, To see an iron gridiron turn a spit. No, no, me thinks that it is more unfit, To see a blockhead ass have any wit.
2010–11 season
The Studio Series productions are designed to be learning experiences that complement classroom work, providing a medium for students at Yale School of Drama to combine their individual talents and energies toward the staging of collaboratively created works. Your attendance meaningfully completes that process.
by william shakespeare directed by alexandru mihail
Thursday, april 14, 4PM Friday, april 15, 4PM and 8PM Saturday, april 16, 4PM ISEMAN THEATER 1156 CHAPEL STREET
april 14 to 16, 2011 Yale School of Drama James Bundy, Dean Victoria Nolan, Deputy Dean presents
twelfth night or what you will by william shakespeare directed by alexandru mihail
Artistic Staff
production Staff
Scenic Designer ana M. milosevic
Sebastian/Boy/Officer josiah bania
Associate Production Supervisor
Joe Stoltman
Costume Designer kristin fiebig
Sir Toby Belch danny binstock
Assistant Sound Designer and Engineer
keri klick
Stage Management Advisor
allison hall johnson
Lighting Designer tom delgado
Orsino trai byers
Technical Director
ted griffith
Composer and Music Director junghoon pi
Olivia stÉphanie hayes
Assistant Technical Director
Michael Backhaus
Master Electrician
jonathan pellow
Fight Choreographer Michael Rossmy
Sir Andrew Aguecheek/ Valentine jack moran
Costume Project Coordinator
linda kelley-dodd
Scenic Charge
April Nichole Chateauneuf
Antonio/Curio paul pryce
Staff Sound Engineer
Paul bozzi
Dramaturg elliot b. quick Stage Manager kirstin hodges
in alphabetical order
Maria da’Vine joy randolph Malvolio babak tafti Viola jillian taylor Feste adina verson
Build Crew Hsaio-Ya Chen Barbara Tan-Tiongco Maria Hooper Run Crew Eric Casanova Nikki Delhomme Luisa Proske Management Assistant jeNnifer lagundino House Manager
jennifer harrison newman
SPECIAL THANKS: Michael Vincent Skinner
Front illustration by John Tenniel.
april 14 to 16, 2011 Yale School of Drama James Bundy, Dean Victoria Nolan, Deputy Dean presents
twelfth night or what you will by william shakespeare directed by alexandru mihail
Artistic Staff
production Staff
Scenic Designer ana M. milosevic
Sebastian/Boy/Officer josiah bania
Associate Production Supervisor
Joe Stoltman
Costume Designer kristin fiebig
Sir Toby Belch danny binstock
Assistant Sound Designer and Engineer
keri klick
Stage Management Advisor
allison hall johnson
Lighting Designer tom delgado
Orsino trai byers
Technical Director
ted griffith
Composer and Music Director junghoon pi
Olivia stÉphanie hayes
Assistant Technical Director
Michael Backhaus
Master Electrician
jonathan pellow
Fight Choreographer Michael Rossmy
Sir Andrew Aguecheek/ Valentine jack moran
Costume Project Coordinator
linda kelley-dodd
Scenic Charge
April Nichole Chateauneuf
Antonio/Curio paul pryce
Staff Sound Engineer
Paul bozzi
Dramaturg elliot b. quick Stage Manager kirstin hodges
in alphabetical order
Maria da’Vine joy randolph Malvolio babak tafti Viola jillian taylor Feste adina verson
Build Crew Hsaio-Ya Chen Barbara Tan-Tiongco Maria Hooper Run Crew Eric Casanova Nikki Delhomme Luisa Proske Management Assistant jeNnifer lagundino House Manager
jennifer harrison newman
SPECIAL THANKS: Michael Vincent Skinner
Front illustration by John Tenniel.
The following is an excerpt from Quips upon Questions by Robert Armin (1563–1615), a member of the Lord Chamberlain’s Men and likely the first actor to play Feste.
What’s Unfit Me thinks it is unfit that women scold. True, so me thinks; and yet they will not leave. Me thinks ’tis strange that Summer should be cold,
Yale School of Drama presents
twelfth night or what you will
And yet the season often doth deceive.
How unfit things are, seeming to agree,
That every man in reason ought to see.
Me thinks ’tis strange, water should make fire burn, When water quencheth fire evermore: In the Smiths forge ’tis so, whose hand doth turn, Both heat and cold, to furnish out his store.
How can this fit, when things unfitting be?
How ere they fit, they fit yet and agree.
The bellows blows out fire, yet makes fire blaze. Blow in hot pottage and they will be cold. When thy nails freeze, blow with thy breath apace And they will heat again, thou mayst be bold.
Things seeming unfit, fitteth to be done:
God gives, man uses, since the world begun.
Quip A wonder how, me thinks it is unfit, To see an iron gridiron turn a spit. No, no, me thinks that it is more unfit, To see a blockhead ass have any wit.
2010–11 season
The Studio Series productions are designed to be learning experiences that complement classroom work, providing a medium for students at Yale School of Drama to combine their individual talents and energies toward the staging of collaboratively created works. Your attendance meaningfully completes that process.
by william shakespeare directed by alexandru mihail
Thursday, april 14, 4PM Friday, april 15, 4PM and 8PM Saturday, april 16, 4PM ISEMAN THEATER 1156 CHAPEL STREET