ابق س وم عنا RE AT ومات موق عل ى ST م عل UF So !يل F ON mu دل LIN ch جرد E.. mo ن م . re م th ر ي an بكث a d كثر i re أ cto ry!
الدليل الكامل لألسرة في أبوظبي
The Know It All Family Guide
habi.ae لزوروا d u b a a ll a .y w w w لحصول ! على فرصة للفوز e allaabudhabi.a ! Go to www.y ce to WIN
ارب ح و ا ! ! WIN إ قامة ليلتين ف ي منتجع ق صر السراب
for your chan
ht A two-nig asr stay at Q A l S a ra b
!كل الفعاليات العائلية على موقعنا Every family event on our website!
Yalla Abu Dhabi
نشاطات ما بعد اليوم المدرسي After school activities
العودة الى المدرسة Back to school
سجل للحصول على نشرتنا الدورية
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! نسخ ـ ـ ــة في الت ـ ــوز يـ ــع ونتـ ــزايـد25,000 25,000 copies in distribution & growing!
جديد! دليل ياال لنوادي ما بعد اليوم المدرسي هذا الخريف
New! The Yalla guide to autumn after school clubs
خـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــر يـف AUTUMN
Jane on +971 (0)56 399 5155 EMAIL yalla@yallauae.ae Yalla Abu Dhabi yallaabudhabi CONTACT
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Hi! Welcome to The Know It All Family Guide
PUBLISHED BY Phoenix Media & Publications FZ LLC BL 425 Twofour54, P.O Box 769386 Blue Building Abu Dhabi, UAE
EDITOR IN CHIEF Tamsin Anderson tamsin@yallauae.ae +971 (0)56 433 3616
FOUNDER AND GENERAL MANAGER Jane Barraclough jane@yallauae.ae +971 (0)56 399 5155
For all advertising queries & further information contact yalla@yallauae.ae www.yallaabudhabi.ae Yalla Abu Dhabi Yallabudhabi Please note that all distribution outlets and Yalla accept no liability for errors, omissions or damage resulting from the use of this directory or any of the advertisements in it. Publication of an entry does not imply any endorsement by our distributing outlets or us. Readers must make their own enquiries to establish the credentials of each entry. Information is correct at time of going to the press. PRINTED BY Big Vision Advertising (L.L.C.) DESIGN BY Katharine Cameron-Clarke
الدليل الكامل لألسرة في أبوظبي
The Know It All Family Guide for Abu Dhabi Now in its second year, Yalla has really become the know it all family guide for Abu Dhabi. We remain passionate about sharing the information which you and your family need to know and are always delighted with the positive feedback that Yalla attracts. Many of you who enjoy Yalla in print, have joined our online community as well. Our website www.yallaabudhabi.ae is a truly brilliant, regularly updated resource for families. As well as highlighting what’s new and interesting in Abu Dhabi, you can find our well-researched Yalla Diary of events. You can also have our weekly ‘What’s On’ newsletter emailed to you. Subscribe to Yallagram online or email subscribe@yallauae.ae. And so as families reunite after the holiday, the new school year starts and the cooler weather approaches, we have two interesting features for you. Our Top Tips on page 2 is a source of inspiration for family time and we showcase some fantastic after school activities for your children on page 18. As ever, thank you to all organisations and establishments which distribute Yalla. As new distributors come on board, each issue of Yalla becomes more accessible to families in Abu Dhabi. We also thank our advertisers, community businesses and supporters who all make Yalla possible. And of course, we are grateful to you our readers and for your feedback, which helps us improve each issue. Please keep telling us what you think at yalla@yallauae.ae. We hope you have a fantastic autumn.
ً !مرحبا بكم في ياال الدليل الكامل لألسرة في أبوظبي ً أصبحت ياال وهي اآلن في عامها الثاني حقا الدليل ً ويسعدنا دائما أن نتشارك.الكامل لألسرة في أبوظبي ً كما نرحب دائما،المعلومات التي تفيدكم وتهم عائالتكم .بردود األفعال اإليجابية التي تجتذبها ياال انضم الكثيرون،باإلضافة الى متابعة النسخ المطبوعة ويعتبر موقعنا.منكم الى مجتمع ياال على اإلنترنت مصدر رائع للمعلومات التيwww.yallaabudhabi.ae ً فضال عن تسليط الضوء على.يتم تحديثها بانتظام للعائالت يمكنكم أن،كل ما هو جديد ومثير لالهتمام في أبوظبي ً كما يمكنكم الحصول على.تجدوا أيضا أجندة ياال للفعاليات ً .ملخص الفعاليات أسبوعيا عبر البريد اإللكتروني الخاص بكم وكذلك تستطيعون اإلشتراك في ياالغرام من خالل موقعنا على شبكة اإلنترنت أو مراسلتنا على البريد اإللكتروني subscribe@yallauae.ae ويبدأ، وحيث أنه سيتم لم شمل العائالت بعد العطلة كما أن الطقس المعتدل قد صار،العام الدراسي الجديد ً أولها. فإنه لدينا اثنين من الموضوعات التي تهمكم، قريبا هي أهم النصائح التي ستعطيكم أفكار متنوعة لتمضية كما نستعرض أبرز. 2 أوقات رائعة مع األسرة في صفحة .18 نشاطات ما بعد المدرسة لألطفال في صفحة ً وأخيرا نود أن نتقدم بالشكر لكل الجهات التي توزع ياال وتجعل هذا الدليل في متناول األسر في أبوظبي بما ً في ذلك الموزعين الجدد ونود أيضا أن نشكر المعلنين ً ً .والمؤيدين الذين يجعلون من ياال واقعا ممكنا وبطبيعة الحال نشكر كل قرائنا حيث تساعدنا ردود فعلكم ً على تحسين كل نسخة ونتمنى ان تشاركونا آرائكم دائما عبر . yalla@yallauae.ae ً .نتمنى لكم أوقاتا رائعة في فصل الخريف
ARABIC TRANSLATION BY Place Communications FZ L.L.C ARTWORK BY French Vision Advertising & Mkg. PHOTOGRAPH OF JANE & TAMSIN Victoria Akbik All content and images may not be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form without prior consent. © Phoenix Media & Publications FZ LLC 2016
P.S. Visit www.yallaabudhabi.ae to
see our competition to win an amazing family trip to the Anantara Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort!
قوموا بزيارة:مالحظة
للمشاركةwww.yallaabudhabi.ae في مسابقتنا للفوز برحلة عائلية رائعة !لمنتجع أنانتارا قصر السراب
اختيار ياال ألفضل خمسة أنشطة هذا الخريف
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
المشروبات والموسيقى،يقام مهرجان مذاق أبوظبي للمأكوالت ويعتبر المهرجان فرصة. نوفمبر في مدينة زايد الرياضية12 الى10 من واالسترخاء،رائعة لألسر لإلنخراط في أنشطة ًعشاق الطعام أو الجلوس www.tasteofabudhabi.com !والتمتع بالجو الرائع أو كالهما معا
Taste of Abu Dhabi is food, drink and music festival
that takes place from 10 – 12th November at Zayed Sports City. The festival is a great opportunity for families to get involved in the foodie activities or sit back, relax and enjoy the atmosphere or both! www.tasteofabudhabi.com
السنوي على مستوى المدينة خالل2016 يمتد معرض فن أبوظبي يتخذ المعرض من منارة السعديات مقر له. نوفمبر19 الى16 الفترة من هذا.ويتضمن فعاليات تناسب جميع ًاألعمار بما في ذلك العروض العامة ويعتبر المعرض فرصة خاصة جدا لفتح عيون أطفالكم على جميع أشكال www.abudhabiart.ae .الفنون
The annual Abu Dhabi Art 2016 is a citywide exhibition taking place from 16-19th November. Abu Dhabi Art takes place at Manarat Al Saadiyat and there are events for all ages, including public performances. The exhibition is a really special opportunity to open your children’s eyes to all forms of art. www.abudhabiart.ae
لقد أوشك انتظار محبي مكعبات ليغو على االنتهاء حيث تفتح ســوف يتم ازالة اللوحات.® دبي أبوابها خالل شــهر أكتوبرLEGOLAND اإلعالنية على امتداد شارع الشيخ زايد للكشف عن متنزه ترفيهي يجمع المعالم، المنزلقات المائية، العروض، من األلعاب التفاعلية60 ما بين 15,000 مليون مكعب و60 الســياحية وتجارب البناء وتصميم النماذج مع كما يمكن لعشاق ليغو شراء تذاكر.نموذج لشخصيات ليغو المحببة www.legoland.com !الدخول السنوية اآلن The wait is nearly over for LEGO® fans as LEGOLAND® Dubai opens in October. The hoardings along the Sheikh
Zayed Road will come down to reveal the theme park, which combines 60 rides, shows, water slides, attractions and building experiences with 60 million LEGO® bricks and 15,000 LEGO® model structures. Real LEGO® fans can already purchase their annual pass! www.legoland.com
.يعتبر مهرجان الظفرة لإلبل احتفال حقيقي بأسلوب الحياة اإلماراتية مسيرات،الهجن اخرجوا الى الصحراء البعيدة نحو ليوا للعثور على سباقات ً فضال عن، مسابقات التمور واألسواق، سباق السلوقي،جمال اإلبل ً يقام المهرجان في أواخر.الطعام اللذيذ الذي يتم طهيه أمام عينيك ! تابعوا أجندة ياال لمزيد من المعلومات حول يوم رائع حقا.شهر ديسمبر www.yallauae.ae The Al Dhafra Camel Festival is a true celebration of Emirati life. Head out into the distant desert towards Liwa to find camel racing, beauty parades, Saluki racing, date competitions and souks, as well as delicious food being cooked in front of your eyes. The festival takes place in late December, so keep an eye on Yalla Diary for more information on a really wonderful day out. www.yallauae.ae
احجزوا أماكنكم في سباق الجري الليلي لفندق ويستن تحت أضواء فئات السباق مفتوحة أمام األعمار المختلفة.للغولف ً نادي أبوظبي كيلومتر الى سباق2.5 عاما ويتضمن سباقات تتراوح من99 الى4 من األعمار والقدرات! كما سيتضمن الحدث لتالئم مختلف،الماراثون الكامل ً أكتوبر مما28 ويقام السباق يوم.أنشطة ترفيهية لألطفال والكبار أيضا www.premieronline.com !يتيح لكم فرصة التدريب اآلن
Reserve your spaces for the night time Westin Kilo Run under the lights of Abu Dhabi Golf Club. With categories for ages 4 – 99 and from 2.5km to a full marathon, there really is a distance for every age and ability! As well as the races, there will be fun activities for children and adults too. The run takes place on October 28th, giving you the chance to get in training now! www.premieronline.com
قدمنا لكم لمحة سريعة على الفعاليات العائلية المثيرة القادمة ، للحصول على قائمة الفعاليات الكاملة.اليكم في فصل الخريف ! وطالعوا أجندة ياالwww.yallauae.ae زوروا موقعنا This is just a taster of exciting family events coming up in the autumn. For a full listing, do go to www.yallauae.ae and visit our Yalla Diary!
Join us on Facebook and Instagram for regular updates about the magazine as well as reader competitions Yalla Abu Dhabi
2اختيار ياال ألفضل خمسة أنشطة هذا الخريف 12ركن األطفال 18استطالع ياال للنوادي التي توفر نشاطات ما بعد اليوم المدرسي 28خريطة ياال الخاصة بأبوظبي
4 20 FOR YOUخاص باألطفال
20التعليم 36اللياقة البدنية ،الجمال ،والعافية 37المجتمع والمنظمات الخيرية 37 COMMUNITY, CHARITY & CLUBS والنوادي 40 FAMILY SHOPPING 40التسوق العائلي 20 EDUCATION
1 5 1 5 51 51 52 52
56 5 6
45 51 FOR INFOللجميع 51
معلومات مفيدة المصورين العقارات 51 REAL ESTATE خدمات التصليح 51 REPAIRERS األطباء البيطريون والحيوانات األليفة 52 VETS AND PETS الصحة العائلية 52 FAMILY HEALTHCARE المنزل 56 HOME المعلومات الخاصة بالطوارئ 56 EMERGENCY INFORMATION USEFUL INFORMATION
5 4 8 4 48 48 48 48 48
5 0
50 50
خـ ــر يـ ـ ــف 2016
أنشطة عائلية من األلف الى الياء الحفالت
تناول الطعام في الخارج وفي المنزل وقت العائلة المغامرات في أنحاء أبوظبي المرح مع الحيوانات دور السينما المعارض التجارب والرحالت التراث والثقافة أيام عائلية خارجية في العين أيام عائلية خارجية في دبي
لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على 056 399 5155أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني yalla@yallauae.ae To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
FOR KIDS! أنشطة عائلية من األلف الى الياء
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae Orange Wheels
Al Wahda Mall 02 667 4411 www.orangewheels.com
Play & Learn
Marina Mall Sparky’s Various Locations
مراكز أ النشطة
Activity Centres
Adventure HQ – Adventure Zone Dalma Mall Yas Mall www.adventurehq.ae
02 445 8903 02 565 0996
The Galleria Al Maryah Island www.caboodle.ae
02 616 6973
02 681 5990
Various Locations www.wanasaland.com
Whiz Kidz Skill Development
02 641 6420
التمارين الرياضية واللياقة البدنية
Aerobics & Fitness Advantage Sports UAE
Deerfields Mall FabylandFEC
02 666 9772
Crowne Plaza Abu Dhabi www.advantagesportsuae.com
Fun City
Various Locations www.funcity.ae
04 501 4699
Various locations www.esportsuae.com
Al Marina www.hallabolou.com
02 622 2285
04 369 7817
Zayed Sports City www.haddins.com
02 403 4233
Al Khubeirah
02 692 4205
Hiltonia Health Club
Happynest Play House
Gardens Plaza Al Raha 02 676 0605 www.happynestplayhouse.ae
Inspire Sports Management
The Club
Abu Dhabi Mall 02 645 9070 Deerfields Mall 02 563 9070 Dalma Mall 02 551 9070 www.kidoosentertainment.com
Kidz Factory
Al Bateen 050 157 5508 www.inspiresports.ae Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com
Kidz Venture
Khalifa City www.alforsan.com
055 959 6600
Kool Kidz
World Trade Center Mall 02 677 0954 www.koolkidz.ae
Little World Discovery Center
Nation Galleria - Corniche 02 681 8824 www.littleworlduae.com
My First Gym
Al Nahyan 02 444 3560 www.myfirstgymuae.com
Art Beat UAE
Al Mushrif www.artbeatad.com
02 444 5135
Al Forsan International Sports Resort
02 556 8555
Boutik Mall artcentral
02 621 1607
Art at International Music Institute Al Khalidiyah www.imi-jmc.com
02 621 1949
The Club
Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com
كرة السلة
Al Mushrif 02 657 7777 www.adcountryclub.com
Various locations www.esportsuae.com
04 369 7817
Inspire Sports Management
Art ‘N’ Move
Al Khalidiyah www.artnmove.com Al Rayhan www.craftopia.ae
02 626 2020
Al Bateen 050 157 5508 www.inspiresports.ae
Jump Sports Academies 02 447 4545
Various locations www.jumpsports.ae
02 449 4621
Tarfeeh Football & Basketball Academy
Kidz Factory
Al Wahda Mall 02 671 1269 www.kidzfactory-uae.com
Marina Mall 02 681 1185 Emirates.Bowling.Village.EBV
L’Atelier Des Arts
الشواطئ والنوادي الشاطئية
Foutouh Al Khair Mall www.latelierarts.com
02 639 7104
Little World Discovery Centre
Nation Galleria 02 681 8824 www.littleworlduae.com
Orange Wheels
Al Wahda Mall 02 667 4411 www.orangewheels.com
علم الفلك
Abu Dhabi Astronomy Club
Ada’ Archery Range
ألعاب القوى
Al Ghazal Golf Club 055 955 7500 www.abudhabiarchery.com
Al Rammai Archery Tag
Abu Dhabi Striders
Various locations 056 760 2179 www.alrammaiarchery.ae
كرة الريشة
Abu Dhabi Country Club
Art Central
الرماية بالقوس والسهم
Inside Wanasa Land 02 671 1269 Al Wahda Mall www.kidzfactory-uae.com Mangrove Village www.kidzventure.ae
Abu Dhabi Pottery
Haddins (Adults & Kids)
Arts, Crafts & Pottery
Al Khalidiyah 02 666 7079 www.abudhabipottery.com
Wanasa Land
Al Zahiyah
الفنون والحرف اليدوية وصناعة الفخارBadminton
Zayed Sports City www.haddins.com
Ultimate Athletics
02 403 4233
New York University 050 225 7024 www.ultimateathleticsuae.com
Beaches & Beach Clubs Al Raha Beach Hotel
Al Raha 02 508 0555 www.alrahabeach.danathotels.com
Al Bateen Corniche Saadiyat Island www.bakeuae.com
Beach Rotana
Al Zahiyah 02 697 9302 www.rotana.com/beachrotana
Body & Soul Health Club & Spa
Al Raha Beach Hotel 02 508 0555 www.alrahabeachhotel-abudhabi.com
Eden Spa & Beach, Le Meridien Hotel
Al Zahiyah 02 644 6666 www.lemeridienabudhabi.com
Emirates Palace Beach Club Al Ras Al Akhdar www.kempinski.com
02 690 9000
Fairmont Health & Beach Club Bab Al Bahr www.fairmont.com
02 654 3333
!خاص باألطفال Hiltonia Beach Club Al Khubeirah www.hilton.com
02 692 4205
Khalidiyah Palace Rayhaan Rotana Al Ras Al Akhdar www.rotana.com
02 657 0182
Khor Al Maqta 02 818 8888 www.ritzcarlton.com/abudhabi
Al Dhafra and Sunshine Tours
Belevari Marine www.belevari.com 02 643 1494 Captain Tony’s www.captaintonys.ae 02 650 7175 Eden Yachting
04 328 2930 www.edenyachting.com/abu-dhabi
Saadiyat Beach Club
Saadiyat Island 02 656 3500 www.saadiyatbeachclub.ae
02 444 9914
Lulu Boats
600 575756
050 642 9777
Qaryat Al Beri 02 509 8888 www.shangri-la.com/abudhabi
Sea Cruisers www.seacruiser.ae
050 800 9495
Sheraton Hotel & Resort
The Club Dhow www.the-club.com
02 673 1111
Al Zahiyah 02 673 3333 www.sheratonabudhabihotel.com
St Regis Nation Riveria Beach Club
Al Khubeirah 02 694 4444 www.nationriveriabeachclub.com
Walidia Yachts 050 711 3474 www.walidiayachts.com Yellow Boats
St Regis
Saadiyat Island 02 498 8888 www.stregissaadiyatisland.com
The Club
Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com
Yas Beach
Yas Island www.yasbeach.ae
056 242 0435
ركوب الدراجات
Bikes & Cycling Abu Dhabi Tri Club
Funridesports – Bike Hire Mushrif Mall/Corniche www.funridesports.com
Yas Cycles
Al Zeina www.yascycles.com
050 480 0825
Yas Marina Circuit
Yas Island 02 659 9800 www.yasmarinacircuit.com
�وتأج جوالت القوارب ي اليخوت
Boat Tours & Yacht Charters Abu Dhabi Pearl Journey
050 221 1055 www.adpearljourney.com
800 892
Bowling Bowling City
Various Locations www.bowling-city.com
Nadia Training Institute
Khalifa International Bowling Centre Zayed Sports City www.zsc.ae
02 403 4200
Al Danah 02 677 4031 www.nadia-training.com
Time Training Center
Abu Dhabi Chess and Culture Club
Al Bateen 02 633 1110 www.abudhabichess.com
الكمبيوتر ودورات تكنولوجيا المعلومات
Al Zahiyah www.timetraining.ae
Cooking Classes
Chef Eric’s Cooking School
050 417 5078 www.chefericscookingschool.com
Jones The Grocer
Various locations www.jonesthegrocer.com
Computer Explorers UAE
Lana’s Partiperfect
Creative Robotics
Marina Mall 050 717 3529 creativeroboticsuae
Eton Institute
Khalifa Park 02 449 9649 www.etoninstitute.com/ae
04 369 7817
الرقص والباليه
Dance & Ballet
دروس الطبخ
Al Marina www.partiperfect.ae
Various locations www.esportsuae.com
02 671 3828
Computer & IT Courses
Nation Galleria 02 681 8824 www.computerexplorers.com/uae
Active Dance and Fitness The Room Zayed Sports City www.theroom.ae
02 444 4981
Advantage Sports UAE
Golf Gardens www.advantagesportsuae.com
Arabesque Ballet Center
02 681 0090
Abu Dhabi Cricket Club
Sheikh Zayed Cricket Stadium Sas Al Nakhl/Khalifa City www.adcricketclub.ae
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
Al Nahyan & Sas Al Nakhl Khalifa City 050 845 2314 www.abudhabidance.com
Ballet at International Music Institute Al Khalidiyah www.imi-jmc.com
02 621 1949
Barefoot UAE
Al Danah 02 677 0611 www.barefootuae.com
2016 خـ ــر يـ ـ ــف
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
Bodytree Studio
Al Karamah 02 443 4448 www.bodytreestudio.com
Expressions of Dance & Drama
Abu Dhabi Dramatic Society
Al Hilal 02 493 0115 www.expressions-dance.net
Fusion Arts Dance School Cobra Gym Al Bandar www.fusionarts.ae
050 669 7913
Inspire Sports Management
Al Bateen 050 157 5508 www.inspiresports.ae
Motion Studios of Performing Arts
Mangrove Village 02 409 3131 www.mspa.co My First Gym Al Nahyan 02 444 3560 www.myfirstgymuae.com
Tiffany Dance Academy
Various locations 050 259 9379 TiffanyDanceDubai
Turning Pointe
Various Locations www.turningpointe.ae
800 32623
Abu Dhabi Sub Aqua Club (ADSAC) Al Mina www.the-club.com
02 673 1111
Al Mahara Diving Centre We are a community space that cultivates mindfulness & positive change. We offer a wide range of classes for children, teens and adults including: • Pilates • Yoga • Dance • Pre/Post Natal • Kindermusik
Al Mina www.the-club.com
02 673 1111
Drama Scene
Al Yasmina School 055 310 0984 www.dramascene.com
Expressions of Dance & Drama
Al Hilal 02 493 0115 www.expressions-dance.net
Emirates Divers Centre Abu Dhabi 02 643 2444 www.emiratesdivers.com
ISM Sports
Motion Studios of Performing Arts Mangrove Village www.mspa.com
050 123 8686
Noukhada Adventure Company Yas Beach www.noukhada.ae To find out more call us on +971 2 4434448 or visit bodytreestudio.com
02 558 1889
Various locations www.ismsports.org
02 403 4233
050 519 3899
Jump Sports Academies Various locations www.jumpsports.ae
02 449 4621
Meehal Football Academy
Theatre Works
Khalidiya Village Sas Al Nakhl Village 050 158 5650 www.theatreworks.com
The Glee Club
Arabesque Ballet Centre Al Nahyan 050 845 2314 gleeclubabudhabi
صيد أ السماك
Arabian Divers & Sport Fishing
Captain Tony’s Abu Dhabi www.captaintonys.ae
02 650 7175
The Dome @Rawdhat Al Rowdhat 055 434 3457 Meehal FA
PASS Abu Dhabi The Dome @Rawdhat BSAK 056 613 0262 www.passabudhabi.com Real Madrid Foundation Football Academy
Armed Forces Officers Club & Hotel Khor Al Maqta’a 02 445 2525 www.rmfa.baniyas.ae
Regional Sports
Various Locations 050 610 4466 regionalsports www.regionalsports.ae
Soccer at The Club
Hiltonia Health Club
Al Khubeirah 02 693 5997 www.watercooleddubai.com
كرة القدم
قوارب ي نFootball �التن Abu Dhabi Country Club
Dragon Boating
Haddins Mini Football & Youth Sports Academy
Miranda Davidson Studios
Al Bateen Marina Resort 050 614 6931 www.fishabudhabi.ae
02 644 1696
www.galoresport.com 02 583 3540
Masdar City Zayed Sports City www.haddins.com
The Space Khalifa Park 056 920 8938 www.mirandadavidsonstudios.com
04 369 7817
Galore Sport Club Academy
Al Nahyan 056 596 5982 www.gleeclubperformingarts.com
Arabian Divers & Sport Fishing Charters
Al Zahiyah www.rotana.com
Various locations www.esportsuae.com
Glee Club
Beach Rotana – Ocean Dive Centre
Zayed Sports City New York University Emirates Palace www.cityfootballschools.com
Abu Dhabi 050 111 8125 www.divemahara.com
Al Bateen Marina Resort 050 614 6931 www.fishabudhabi.ae
City Football Schools
Al Mushrif 02 657 7765 www.adcountryclub.com
Advantage Sports Football Academy
Abu Dhabi Golf Club 055 807 2482 www.advantagesportsuae.com
Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com
Tarfeeh Football & Basketball Academy
Marina Mall 02 681 1185 Emirates.Bowling.Village.EBV
Thistle Football Club
Yas Kicks
Yas Island yaskicks
056 494 5043
!خاص باألطفال
New Season City Football School Abu Dhabi
Book through our new online booking system and use promotion code CityYALLA for a special discount. Visit cityfootballschools.com New Season Starting August 28th 2016 Built on the philosophy and training program of the Manchester City Academy, City Football Schools in Abu Dhabi offers boys and girls – aged between 3 and 16 years – an opportunity to improve their football skills, stay healthy, make friends and have lots of fun in a positive and friendly learning environment, under the guidance and supervision of fully qualified City Football coaches.
City Football Schools
Zayed Sports City
Emirates Palace
Sunday to Thursday
New York University Abu Dhabi
• Sessions available for boys and girls • Saturday play sessions will be held at Zayed Sports City
Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على visit cityfootballschools.com To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
or follow us on
@cityfootballschoolsuae or
2016 خـ ــر يـ ـ ــف
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
We Are Now Open! Ground Floor Al Wahda Mall Extension
00971 2 667 44 11
Orange Wheels is the newest PLAY brand in the rapidly growing children’s entertainment and education market of the UAE. The center brings the world’s best play concepts delivered in a never before experienced quality. Through its state-of-the-art facilities, latest technologies and world-class team of highly motivated, children-loving individuals, Orange Wheels is set to ‘wow’ kids and parents alike.
SALON & SPA Hair and nails treatment and services for boys, girls and children of all ages, including your baby’s first cut!
The center includes 2 play structures (Mega & Junior), 10 climbing walls, a gym, the O-Town (mini-village), salon & spa for children, teens and mothers, an arts & crafts section, retail and a café area offering a wide F&B selection.
Hey Parents, we’ve got something for you too! Famished but the kids are screaming for some fun? Café-O is the answer! Let the little ones have an awesome good time at one of our extensive-range of edutainment centers whilst you relax and have a sumptuous meal at our café situated in the heart of Orange Wheels. Café-O is committed to serving high quality, delicious food with fresh ingredients for health-conscious parents to consider and enjoy. Parents do not have to feel guilty by letting their children choose their own meals. AUTUMN 2016
Play is serious learning & we take LEARNing very seriously too! Orange Wheels introduces a wide variety of highly structured programmes and classes ranging from arts & crafts, dance, music and personal lifestyle.
PLAY Explore a playful universe that keeps the kiddos active all day. Also comes in pint sizes for babies and toddlers.
!خاص باألطفال
ARTS & CRAFTS Little Picasso’s are welcome to explore the world of creativity and imagination.
O-TOWN For those big on role-playing, we have an entire make-believe mini-town mimicking a whole range of grown-up activities.
CLIMBING WALLS Towering over 19 feet of height awaits those who dare. Brave our walls to your limits!
THE GYM The Gym is our children’s development station focusing on motor, physical, intellectual and social skills.
P L A Y F U L celebrations! Specialist children’s party venue, organisers and entertainers for children of all ages, suitable from 1st birthday onwards…with something that everyone will enjoy!
Orange Wheels partnered with the go-to brand for stylish, quality children’s products of toys, gifts, activity kits and party supplies designed to help fuel young imaginations and open new paths to discovery. Young users are invited to use their own initiative at every stage of the activity - from the materials they'll use to the ways they'll play with it. Once they start, there's no end to the possibilities young minds can come up with. Seedling also uses recycled and recyclable components to reduce our environmental footprint - an important value we keep in mind at Orange Wheels. Apart from Seedling, our mini-SHOP is packed with loads of bespoke product range from back-to-school essentials, toys, stationeries, apparels and others for mums, mums-to-be, babies and children of all ages.
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
2016 خـ ــر يـ ـ ــف
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
The fastest growing club in the U.A.E.
Inspire Sports Management
Abu Dhabi Ice Rink
JSA Gymnastics Academy
Emirates Skating Club
Al Bateen 050 157 5508 www.inspiresports.ae Zayed Sports City www.jumpsports.ae
02 449 4621
Zayed Sports City www.zsc.ae
Zayed Sports City 050 444 5009 www.emiratesskating.com
Jump Sports Academies Various locations www.jumpsports.ae Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. Tel: + 971 2 563 3830 info@mandaraclub.com www.mandaraclub.com
الدراجات المائية
02 449 4621
Little Stars Gymnastics Club
Al Nahda National School for Girls Senior School Al Mushrif 050 781 0635 www.littlestarsabudhabi.com
My First Gym
Al Nahyan 02 444 3560 www.myfirstgymuae.com
Orange Wheels
Al Wahda Mall 02 667 4411 www.orangewheels.com
Jet Skiing
Abu Dhabi International Marine Sports Club Al Ras Al Akhdar www.adimsc.ae
Horse Racing
Mina Port 055 664 5566 www.alrayaadventure.com
Halla Walla
Al Bandar www.hallawalla.ae
سباق الخيلKayaking
إرشاد الفتيات
Brownies and Guides
abudhabirainbows@gmail.com www.girlguiding.org.uk
سباقات سيارات الكارتينج
Go Karting
Al Forsan International Sports Resort Khalifa City 02 556 8555 www.alforsan.com
Yas Marina Kart Zone
Yas Island 02 659 9800 www.yasmarinacircuit.com
Al Mushrif www.adcitygolf.com
Abu Dhabi Golf Club Sas Al Nakhl www.adgolfclub.com
Zayed Sports City 050 103 0234 www.performancegolfuae.com
Saadiyat Beach Golf Club
Yas Island www.yaslinks.com
02 445 9600
02 557 8000
02 810 7710
Abu Dhabi Country Club Sports Club Al Mushrif 02 657 7765 www.adcountryclub.com Various Locations 055 807 2482 www.advantagesportsuae.com
Esports 02 558 8990
Various locations www.esportsuae.com
Horse Riding
02 562 9050
04 369 7817
Al Mushrif www.adec-web.com
Various Locations www.divemahara.com
02 445 5500
02 556 8555
Dhabian Equestrian Club
Various Locations www.noukhada.ae
02 558 1889
تز ال�لج ش ال�اعي عىل الماء
Various Locations www.kitepro.ae
Mandara Equestrian Club
Al Bahia 02 563 3830 www.mandaraclub.com
هوك الجليد ت ز وال�لج ي
Ice Hockey & Skating Abu Dhabi Ice Sports Club
02 444 5552
050 544 1494
Kitesurfing UAE
Various locations 050 562 6383 www.kitesurfinguae.com
UAE Kitesurfing
Various Locations www.uaekiters.net
Al Rahba 056 331 3066 www.dhabianequi.com
Zayed Sports City www.adisc.ae
02 643 7377
Noukhada Adventure Company
Abu Dhabi Kite Pro
Al Forsan International Sports Resort Khalifa City www.alforsan.com
قوارب الكاياك
ركوب الخيلKite Surfing
Abu Dhabi Equestrian Club
Advantage Sports UAE
Abu Dhabi City Golf Club
Ghantoot www.grpc.ae
Performance Golf UAE
Yas Links Golf Club
Al Forsan Go Karts
Nr Abu Dhabi International Airport www.alghazalgolf.ae 02 575 8185
Saadiyat Island www.sbgolfclub.ae
02 445 5500
Ghantoot Racing & Polo Club
Al Ghazal Golf Club
056 991 3800
Al Mahara Diving Centre
Abu Dhabi Equestrian Club Al Mushrif www.adec.web.com
02 681 5566
Al Raya
+ 971 056 8905776 + 971 2 564 57 70
02 403 4333
Libraries Al Bahia Library www.tcaabudhabi.ae Al Marfaa Library
Khalifa Park Library
Mazyad Mall Library
055 755 1439
المكتبات 02 657 6120 02 657 6015 02 657 6182
Mohammed Bin Zayed City www.tcaabudhabi.ae 02 651 5424
!خاص باألطفال Founded by Sheikha Fatima bint Hazza bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Fatima bint Hazza Cultural Foundation is dedicated to promoting intellectual, creative and cultural expressions and interactions that empower people, particularly the young generation. The foundation is a realization of a bigger dream that started with Sheikha Fatima bint Hazza Arab Child Prize in 1997. For the first time in the Arab world, Arabic stories for children are offered as interactive iPad applications promising an educating and fun reading experience. Beyond the traditional eBook, the Bilingual (Arabic, English) applications offer a reading experience using innovate tools, music and sound effects, games and lots more. These applications have been designed to attract the young readers and to encourage them to play games while reading the story. Narrators have been implemented in both Arabic and English reading the stories in lively and adventurous styles, fun to the young reader. The animations were planned and designed carefully following focus group sessions to different age groups to
National Library
Al Nahyan www.tcaabudhabi.ae
02 657 6034
Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque Library
02 419 1919
الفنون القتالية
Martial Arts
Various locations www.esportsuae.com
04 369 7817
Inspire Sports Management
Al Markaziyah 02 676 9658 www.abudhabimuaythai.com
Budo Juku
Various Locations www.budojuku.com
04 813 5637
Emirates Aikido Center
050 662 9533
Emirates Karate Centre
Al Zahiyah Emirates Karate Center
Our iPad applications are based on our 150 story books published by the foundation using very innovative means, bringing characters of the stories to life. Those apps give the young reader the sense of empowerment and control choosing content and games, looking up words, learning grammar lessons and interacting with music and sound effects. Download our free apps here:
http://fatimabinthazzafoundation.com/ category/our-portfolio/ipad-apps/
UAEJJF Training Center IPIC Arena Zayed Sports City www.uaejjf.com
Al Bateen 050 157 5508 www.inspiresports.ae
Karate at The Club
Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com
Oriental Karate & Kobudo Club
Abu Dhabi Muay Thai and Capoeira Club
Zayed Sports City www.zsc.ae
choose the best output that ensures a remarkable visual connection during an interesting session.
Various Locations 02 677 1611 www.orientalkarate.com
Palm Sports
Various Locations 02 811 1111 www.palmssports.com
Taekwondo at Arabesque Ballet Centre
Al Nahyan 056 371 3408 www.abudhabidance.com
UAE Wrestling and Judo Association Al Mushrif www.adcombat.com
02 333 6111
رياضة السيارات
Yas Marina Circuit
Yas Island 02 659 9800 www.yasmarinacircuit.com
والرتحال تسلق الجبال إ
Amadeus Music Institute
Hamdan Centre Al Danah 02 628 0984 www.amadeusmusicinst.com
Elite Music Institute
Al Mushrif 02 445 4909 www.elitemusicedu.com
International Music Institute Various locations www.imi-jmc.com
02 621 1949
Mountaineering & Trekking
Kindermusik with Silva & Friends Various locations 050 825 4596 www.kindermusikwithsilvia.com
Abu Dhabi Alpine Club www.adalpine.wordpress.com
Music Hub
UAE Trekkers
www.uaetrekkers.com 055 886 2327
Falcon Tower Al Hosn www.musichub.ae
02 632 7888
02 443 0022
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
2016 خـ ــر يـ ـ ــف
Kids' Corner
Hi gang! Welcome to our new feature this issue just for you! There's a lot more to do with a mobile phone than games - you can now take really stunning photographs - so kick start your budding photographer careers. Have a go at our Fun Facts Quiz and beat our Abu Dhabi-Gram puzzle.
399 5155 يرجى اإلتصال yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 صفحتك على في وسهال بك لإلعالنأهال To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae !العدد في هذا الجديدة
YALLA KIDS Y CONTEST H PHOTOGRAP g ra p h e r s P h o to Fo r B u d d i n g u've taken of Abu Dhabi, it
st image yo aper, or an Send us the be ature, a skyscr fe l ra tu na a mark, could be a land e just go for it! ages and shar artistic shot… se the best im oo ch ill w es The Yalla judg stagram... cebook and In Fa r ei th on them
ً يمكنك فعل الكثير بهاتفك الجوال الى جانب األلعاب فمثال فهل،يمكنك التقاط صور رائعة أنت مستعد إلحتراف مهنة التصوير؟ حاول اإلجابة على أسئلة اختبار الحقائق وحل .الكلمات المتقاطعة
The best image will win 500AED to spend at Back To Games, Boutik Mall, Reem Island. To enter please email us at win@yallauae.ae with your name, age and where the picture was taken. The winner’s image will be showcased on our website, www.yallaabudhabi.ae. Closing date for entries is November 15th, 2016. Please check our website for full terms and conditions.
Great Reads!
،لقد سألنا قراء ياال من األطفال
ما هو كتابكم المفضل؟ اإلمارات_تقرأ#
This month, we ask YALLA KIDS readers...
What's your favourite book? #UAEreads
قصص أمي ال تنتهي،باسمة الوزان
) روفتوبيرز (دار فابر،كاثرين رانديل 10+ مناسب لسن
تواياليت روبيري،فرانسيس هاردينج 11+ (دار ماكميالن) مناسب لسن
كاندي (تشيكن،كيفن بروكس
5+ Basema Al Wazan, Qessas Omi La Tantahy (My Mum’s stories are never-ending), (Kashmash)
10+ Katherine Rundell, Rooftoppers (Faber)
11+ Frances Hardinge, Twilight Robbery (Macmillan)
13+ Kevin Brooks, Candy (Chicken House)
5+ (دار كشمش) مناسب لسن
13+ )هاوس
باألطفال! ركن خاص !FOR KIDS ال ك ل ما ت ال م ت قا ط ع ة ABU DHABIاألطفال GRAM
We thought we'd test your local knowledge and see how brainy you are on Abu Dhabi facts. Get cross-wording and see how fast you can answer the following questions. !On your marks, ready…set... GO
وانات موطن
اذكر ثالثة حي ) 1 مارات العربية كون دولة اإل كم إمارة تت ) 2من المتحدة؟ المتحدة أكبر مارات العربية صح أم خطأ إل ا ة ول د ي ف في العالم؟ ) 3هل يوجد جار نخيل التمر جد الشيخ زايد عدد من أش وعبهم مس ص الذين يست عدد األشخا ج) 40,000 ) 4ما هو ب) 20,000 ؟ أ) 5,000 الكبير ي أبو ظبي؟ قمة جبل ف المغفور له ى عل أ ي ه ربية المتحدة ) 5ما اإلمارات الع ؤسس دولة ) أين ولد م ن آل نهيان؟ 6 زايد بن سلطا الشيخ
سنرشدك لإلجابات الصحيحة!
BIG CLUES (we're so kind) ...think !…Arabic, Islam & Abu Dhabi You need to answer the questions in English.
ACROSS )1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Palace (8 )2. A bridge in Abu Dhabi (5 )3. An Islamic holiday (3 )4. The break of fast (5
os t da te ho m e to th e m 3) Th e UA E is or th e wo rld . Tr ue pa lm tree s in Fa ls e e Sh ei kh pe op le ca n th 4) Ho w m an y )it a os qu e ho ld ? Is Za ye d Gran d M 00 ,0 40 )c 00 or 5, 00 0, b) 20 ,0 ? t pe ak Dh ab i’s hi gh es 5) W ha t is Ab u e UA E Sh ei kh th e Fa th er of th 6) W he re wa s ? rn bo n Al Na hy an Za ye d Bi n Su lta ) e bo tt om de do wn at th (a ns we rs up si
التقطموها في أبو ظبي ً ارسلوا لنا أفضل َصورة ً والتي قد تكون معلما هاما ،منظر طبيعي خالب، ناطحة سحاب أو لقطة فنية! سيختار حكام ياال أفضل الصور وسيشاركونها على حسابهم على فيس بوك وانستاغرام.
اربحوا ستحصل
1 1
th e Un ite d
أفضل صورة على جائزة وقدرها 500
إلنفاقها في متجر باك تو جايمز في درهم مول في جزيرة الر يم .للمشاركة في بوتيك قة ،ابعث الصورة مع اسمك وسنك هذه المساب والمكان الذي أخذت فيه الصورة على .win@yaسيتم عرض الصورة الفائزة على llauae.ae .www.yآخر تاريخ لتلقي الصور المشاركة allauae.ae .2016برجاء مراجعة الشروط واألحكام هو 15نوفمبر على موقعنا.
)1قط الرمال ،ابن آوى الذهبي ،المها العربي ،الفهد العربي ،ثعلب بالنفورد (الثعلب األفغاني) ،الغزال الجبلي )2سبعة )3العبارة صحيحة )5 ،40,000 )4جبل حفيت )6 ،العين
QUIZ ANSWERS 1 ) Dugong, Sand Cat, Golden Jackal, Arabian Oryx, Arabian Leopard, Fin Whale, Spinner Dolphi 2) Seven 3) True 4) 40,000 5) Jebel Hafeet 6) Al Ain
ira te s m ak e up 2 ) Ho w m an y em ?Arab Em ira te s
أيها المصورون الصغار،
s to th e UA E
no us an im al Na m e 3 in di ge
مسابقة ياال للتصوير
DOWN )1. Place of worship (5 )2. Arabic name for ‘port’ (4 )3. Fruit of the palm tree (4 )4. Arabic hunting dog (6 )5. They hatch on Saadiyat Beach (7 )6. A time of fasting (7
ها اإلمارات؟
فكر في اللغة العربية ،اإلسالم وأبو ظبي! يجب أن تكون إجاباتك باللغة اإلنجليزية.
عبة الحقائق ل المرح
لقد قررنا أن نختبر معلوماتك العامة فيما يخص إمارة أبو ظبي! لنرى مهارتك وسرعتك في اإلجابة على األسئلة التالية. تأهب...استعد...انطلق!
F u n Fa c t s Quiz
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
باركور (القفز والتسلق ) والركض الحرPolo
Ghantoot Racing & Polo Club
Jump Sports Academies Various locations www.jumpsports.ae
Music and Movement classes for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers throughout Abu Dhabi, using high quality instruments. www.musicmonkeys.ae contact@musicmonkeys.ae 056 622 5664
02 449 4621
Music Monkeys
Halla Walla
Noah’s Ark Training Institute
Hydro Marine Sports
Various locations www.musicmonkeys.ae
Al Bandar www.hallawalla.ae
Dome @ Rawdhat www.abudhabimums.ae
Al Nahyan 02 641 9793 www.noahsarkjingles.com
02 616 6973
Rhythm Music Centre
Al Markaziyah 02 622 6206 www.rhythmmusiccentre.ae
Royal Institute of Music & Arts
Al Hosn 02 622 5410 www.royalinstituteofmusic.com
Young Musician Music Institute
Raha Mall www.tymmi.com
02 556 2080
التجديف عىل أ ًاللواح وقوفا
Abu Dhabi Stand Up Paddle Club www.abudhabisup.com
كرة الطالء
Al Forsan International Sports Resort Khalifa City www.alforsan.com
02 556 8555
Armed Forces Officers Club & Hotel
Khor Al Maqta’a www.afoc.mil.ae
02 497 5213
Wonderland Paintball Sports
Al Rahba 056 938 2444 www.wonderlandpaintball.com
Zayed Sports City
Khalidiya Village Compound FunWithMum
Happynest Playhouse
Al Raha Gardens 02 676 0605 Khalifa City www.happynestplayhouse.ae
My First Gym
كرة الشبكةPaintballing
Abu Dhabi Netball League Zayed Sports City 056 474 8963 www.abudhabinetballleague.com
Abu Dhabi Saracens www.abudhabisaracens.com
Hiltonia Beach Club Al Khubeirah 02 639 5997 www.watercooleddubai.com
02 403 4555
Abu Dhabi Harlequins Zayed Sports City www.abudhabiquins.com
Children’s House Montessori
Kidz Venture
02 558 1889
�الرغ بي
Abu Dhabi Harlequins Try Rugby
Noukhada Adventure Company Yas Beach www.noukhada.ae
02 681 5566
Crafty Kids Playgroup Al Mushrif 056 643 4419 www.caterpillarnursery.com
Fun With Mum playgroup
Eastern Mangroves Promenade Al Rayhan 050 243 7382 www.hydromarinesports.com
Al Marina www.adimsc.ae
Mummy and Me Group Khalifa City 02 444 1150 www.thechildrenshousemontessori.com 056 991 3800
Sports Club
Abu Dhabi Mums
Caterpillar Nursery
www.gleeclubperformingarts.com info@gleeclubperformingarts.com 056 596 5982
02 562 9050
الزوارق المائية الرسيعة
Play Groups & Toddler Clubs
The Galleria Mall www.caboodle.ae
Performing Arts classes for ages 4 - 16 years
Ghantoot www.grpc.ae
مجموعات اللعب وأنديةPower Boating أ الطفال الصغار Abu Dhabi International Marine
Mangrove Village www.kidzventure.ae
055 959 6600
Al Nahyan 02 444 3560 www.myfirstgymuae.com
St Andrews Playgroup
Al Mushrif 02 446 1631 www.standrewauh.org
Starfish Lane
Starfish Cove Playgroup Khalifa City 056 463 5187 www.starfishlanekids.com
Story Time
The Club (members only) Al Mina 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com
The Club’s Soft Play Coffee Morning
Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com
Zayed Sports City 050 266 0194 abudhabiharlequinstryrugby
UAE Touch
!خاص باألطفال الجري
Abu Dhabi Island Hash House Harriers
Abu Dhabi Striders
Snooker Snooker Room
The Club Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com
Abu Dhabi Triathlon Club
البحار إ
Abu Dhabi Sailing & Yacht Club Al Marina www.adsyc.ae
02 658 3333
Abu Dhabi Sailing Club at The Club
Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com
Noukhada Adventure Company Yas Beach www.noukhada.ae
02 558 1889
Various locations www.ismsports.org
050 519 3899
Little Stars Swimming Club Al Mushrif 050 781 0635 www.littlestarsabudhabi.com Neptunes Swim Academy Al Yasmina School www.neptunes.com
Swimming at The Club
Al Mushrif 02 657 7777 www.adcountryclub.com
Abu Dhabi Golf Club Sas Al Nakhl www.adgolfclub.com
Le Meridien Hotel
Al Zahiyah www.lemeridien.com
02 558 8990
Tennis Abu Dhabi Country Club
02 644 6666
Al Mushrif 02 657 7765 www.adcountryclub.com
Squash at The Club
Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com
Al Raha Beach Hotel Marina 054 429 8925 www.sailing.ae
Zayed Sports City www.zsc.ae
Al Mushrif 02 657 7765 www.adcountryclub.com
Yas Marina Sailing Academy Yas Marina www.yasmarina.ae
02 406 2000
Advantage Sports Swimming Academy
Various Locations 055 807 2482 www.advantagesportsuae.com
Aqua Baby Classes
نوادي الرماية
Shooting Clubs
Caracal Shooting Club Al Maqta www.caracalsc.ae
02 441 6404
دروس الغناء
Singing Lessons Rhythm Music Centre
Al Markaziyah 02 622 6206 www.rhythmmusiccentre.ae
Young Musician Music Institute
02 556 2080
Various locations
050 414 5903
Arabian Swim Academy
Various Locations 050 883 8091 www.arabianswimacademy.com
Armed Forces Officers Club & Hotel
Khor Al Maqta’a www.afoc.mil.ae
02 497 5213
02 403 4222
02 697 9302
Hamilton Aquatics
Various Locations 050 504 2705 www.hamiltonaquatics.ae
H2O Swim Club
Various Locations 052 849 1010 www.h2oswimclub.com
Inspire Sports Management
Al Bateen 050 157 5508 www.inspiresports.ae
ركوب أ المواج ُ
Noukhada Adventure Company
Various Locations 055 807 2482 www.advantagesportsuae.com Various locations 04 282 4540 www.cftennisacademy.com
Various Locations www.noukhada.ae
02 558 1889
Hiltonia Beach Club Al Khubeirah 02 639 5997 www.watercooleddubai.com
Lead Right Tennis
Rotana Hotels & St Regis Hotels Leadright sports
050 660 8800
Padel Tennis
Zayed Sports City www.zsc.ae
02 403 4222
Professional Sport Services Zayed Sports City www.zsc.ae
050 149 4862
Tennis at The Club
Al Mina (members only) 02 573 1111 www.the-club.com
تز ال�لج عىل الماء
Beach Rotana Health Club Al Zahiyah www.rotana.com
Hiltonia Beach Club Al Khubeirah 02 639 5997 www.watercooleddubai.com
...so much more than just a directory!
CF Tennis Academy
Abu Dhabi Country Club
Abu Dhabi International Tennis Complex
Advantage Sports UAE
Hiltonia Beach Club Al Khubeirah 02 639 5997 www.watercooleddubai.com
056 725 3163
Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com
Abu Dhabi Country Club
Pelican Marine
Raha Mall www.tymmi.com
ISM Sports
Wakeboarding and Waterskiing Al Forsan International Sports Resort Khalifa City www.alforsan.com
02 556 8555
Al Zahiyah www.rotana.com
02 697 9302
Beach Rotana
Halla Walla
Al Bandar Marina www.hallawalla.ae
like us Yalla Abu Dhabi
056 991 3800
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
2016 خـ ــر يـ ـ ــف
FOR KIDS! اليوغا ورياضة البيالتس
Yoga & Pilates
Advantage Sports UAE
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
Various Locations www.advantagesportsuae.com
Barefoot UAE
Al Danah 02 677 0611 www.barefootuae.com
Bodytree Studio
Al Karamah 02 443 4448 www.bodytreestudio.com
Inspire Sports Management
Al Bateen 050 157 5508 www.inspiresports.ae
Jump Sports Academies Various locations www.jumpsports.ae
02 449 4621
Let’s Go Yoga
Various Locations 050 349 2336 www.letsgoyogame.com
The Room
Zayed Sports City www.theroom.ae
056 331 0310
مأكوالت الحفالت
Party Food
Arlequin Caterers
Al Hosn 02 666 6855 www.arlequincaterers.com
Bonnie Bakes
Khalifa City bonniebakesuae
056 752 6648
Al Markaziyah West cakewalkuae
Gardens Plaza Al Raha 02 676 0605 www.happynestplayhouse.ae
Kylie’s Kitchen
056 144 3112
Party Organisers Advantage Sports UAE
055 807 2482 www.advantagesportsuae.com
Big Moo 04 341 9935 www.thebigmoouae.com Big Party Box
02 552 6608 www.lacuisinedemanou.ae Al Marina www.partiperfect.ae
Cake Walk
056 601 2542
Happynest Play House
Lana’s Partiperfect
منظمي الحفالت
055 544 8893
La Cuisine De Manou
Cake Away
Fe Fe Cups
02 681 0090
Living Room Café
Al Khalidiyah 02 639 6654 www.thelivingroomcafeabudhabi.com
050 257 5010 www.bigpartybox.com
Cheeky Little Events 04 388 6114 www.cheekylittleevents.com Happynest Play House
Gardens Plaza Al Raha 02 676 0605 www.happynestplayhouse.ae
Kidz Factory
Cupcake Couture
Mama’s CupCakes
Al Nahyan 02 445 2244 www.mamascupcakery.com
Inside Wanasa Land 02 671 1269 Al Wahda Mall www.kidzfactory-uae.com
Edible Arrangements
Sweet Celebrations 056 268 2057
Merry Makers Parties
Khalifa City 056 733 7324 CupcakeCoutureAbuDhabi Khalidiyah Mall 02 658 1116 www.ediblearrangements.ae
MerryMakersUAE 056 306 1536
PIEST P A ROM H F BIR T H D A Y Y You’ll have the happiest birthday party at Zayed Sports City, where customisable packages offer something for C everyone. From tots to teens and all ages in between, you’ll enjoy a fantastic event filled with fun activities. With party options including bowling, ice skating, Wet ‘N Wild, bouncy castles and more, Zayed Sports City has everything you need to guarantee a very special day. Book your party today! birthdays@zsc.ae 02 403 4222
!خاص باألطفال Music Monkeys
Happynest Play House
Gardens Plaza Al Raha 02 676 0605 www.happynestplayhouse.ae
Various locations www.musicmonkeys.ae
Splash ‘n’ Bounce
04 813 5785 www.splashnbounce.com
The Events Atelier
050 814 5763
Tiny Bean Events 055 843 6574 www.tinybeanevents.com
مستلزمات الحفالت
Party Supplies ABC Balloon
Kidz Factory
Inside Wanasa Land 02 671 1269 Al Wahda Mall www.kidzfactory-uae.com
Kidz Venture
Mangrove Village www.kidzventure.ae
055 959 6600
Kool Kidz
World Trade Center Mall 02 677 0954 www.koolkidz.ae
Lana’s Partiperfect, Cooking 02 627 7090
Al Marina www.partiperfect.ae
02 681 0090
Little World Discovery Center Bubbles www.bubblesuae.com 02 621 1101
Party Centre
Al Raha Mall 02 556 5563 Al Wahda Mall 02 445 9595 www.mypartycentre.com
Party Souq
أماكن إقامة الحفالت
Party Venues
Al Mushrif www.artbeatad.com
Adventure HQ
Living Room Café
Al Khalidiyah 02 639 6654 www.thelivingroomcafeabudhabi.com
Murjan Splash Park
Khalifa Park 050 878 1000 www.murjansplashpark.weebly.com
Art Beat UAE
Nation Galleria Corniche 02 681 8824 www.littleworlduae.com
055 269 8011
My First Gym
Al Nahyan 02 444 3560 www.myfirstgymuae.com
Wonderland Paintball Sports
Al Rahba 056 938 2444 www.wonderlandpaintball.com
Zayed Sports City www.zsc.ae
Dalma Mall Yas Mall www.adventurehq.ae
02 445 8903 02 565 0996
Khalifa City www.alforsan.com
02 556 8555
Al Khalidiyah www.artnmove.com
02 626 2020
Al Whada Mall Yas Mall www.buildabear.ae
02 641 1190 02 565 1672
02 403 4648
Al Forsan International Sports Resort Art ‘N’ Move
Build A Bear Birthday Parties
The Galleria Al Maryah Island www.caboodle.ae
02 616 6973
Emirates Park Zoo and Resort
Al Bahia 02 501 0000 www.emiratesparkzoo.com
Al Marina www.hallabolou.com
02 622 2285
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
2016 خـ ــر يـ ـ ــف
Abu Dhabi Harlequins are the capital’s premier rugby team. With squads for all ages including juniors starting at 4 years old, a dedicated ladies' structure, a vets' team & 3 senior mens' sides there is something for everything.
نوادى ما بعد اليوم المدرسي
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
Abu Dhabi Saracens are a family orientated rugby club based at Al Ghazal Golf Course. With strong ties to the UK Saracens, our family club provides playing opportunities for children from 4 years up to senior mens and womens rugby. Come join the Saracens Family!
Location Zayed Sports City
Email membership@abudhabiquins.com
Website www.abudhabiquins.com
Al Ghazal Golf Course 056 242 2231 stephen@adsjuniors.com
Advantage Sports sporting activities are for children aged 3 and up. Classes include dance, gymnastics, football, tennis, swimming, fit club and yoga. We teach at a variety of locations including Abu Dhabi Golf Club, Mafraq Hotel, The Westin and Abu Dhabi City Golf Club. Various Locations
055 807 2482 Email info@advantagesportsuae.com Website www.advantagesportsuae.com Tel
Young hands love exploring the texture and feel of fabrics, felts, clay and other materials. Art Beat offers themed after school clubs for children ages 4+ with a variety of activities including decoupage, clay modelling, glass painting, drawing & acrylic painting, mixed media, and much more! Location
Corner of Muroor and Dhafra St. Tel 02 444 5135 Email ArtBeatUAE@gmail.com Website ArtBeatAD.com
!خاص باألطفال
After School Clubs REGIONAL SPORTS
The Future Falcons Golf Program is to develop a lifelong love for the game in future generations of golfers. The main aim is to learn the game in a friendly environment and the program concludes with a fun competition! Open for Juniors between 5 and 13 years of age - groups will be divided based on age and ability.
Regional Sports is a professional football academy training players from 3-18yrs on the physical, psychological, tactical and technical aspects of the beautiful game. We train for fun, development and competitive games throughout the academy, praising those who demonstrate teamwork, passion and positivity as well as talent and skill.
Location Saadiyat Beach Golf Club
Various locations in Abu Dhabi
02 557 8000 Email info@sbgolfclub.ae Website www.sbgolfclub.ae Tel
Website www.regionalsports.ae
Turning Pointe offers Royal Academy of dance ballet, hip hop, street jazz, tap & modern dance to children from the age of 3yrs. We offer annual RAD Examinations to our ballet students with ALL students working towards an annual show. Turning Pointe teachers are full-time professionals from the UK and we have over 40 studios across the UAE.
Pelican Marine offer a one stop shop for buying, renting or learning to sail, kayak, windsurf, SUP and powerboat. We use the latest equipment from LaserPerformance and NeilPryde with staff who are RYA qualified. All levels, abilities and corporate activities are catered for and we are soon to become an RYA centre.
Various locations in Abu Dhabi
800 DANCE (800 32623) Email info@turningpointe.ae Website www.turningpointe.ae
050 610 4466
Email info@regionalsports.ae
Al Raha Beach Hotel Marina 054 429 8925 Email aidan@sailing.ae Website www.sailing.ae
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
2016 خـ ــر يـ ـ ــف
FOR YOU! التعليم EDUCATION Language Tuition Al Bateen www.afabudhabi.org
02 612 2900
Al Khalidiyah www.berlitz.ae
02 667 2287
Al Khalidiyah 600 529 995 www.britishcouncil.ae
English Plus Language Al Zahiyah www.englishplus.ae
02 676 8008
050 757 0613
Goethe Institute Al Zahiyah www.goethe.de
02 672 7920
Virginie Souvy
French, Spanish, English 050 109 4952
الحضانات ورياض أ الطفال
Nurseries & Pre-schools
Eton Institute
American Language Center Al Markaziyah
British Council
تدريس اللغات
Alliance Française
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
Khalifa Park 02 449 9649 www.etoninstitute.com
*Suitable for Babies Al Rowdah
East Corniche
02 443 4430
*Blooming Buds Nursery
Al Bateen 02 491 8068 www.bloomingbudsnursery.com
*Bright Beginnings Nursery
Al Mushrif 02 449 2840 Al Mehairba 02 445 5339 Saadiyat 02 628 4816 www.brightbeginnings.ae
*British Orchard Nursery
Al Nahyan 02 443 9892 Al Bateen 02 622 2903 www.britishorchardnursery.com
Busy Bees Nursery
Muroor Road 02 621 9492 www.busybees-nursery.com
*Children’s House Montessori Nursery Khalifa City chmnursery
056 471 2900
Falcon British Nursery
Nr Zayed Sports City 02 444 8814 www.falconbritishnursery.com
Humpty Dumpty Nursery
Al Bateen 02 666 3277 Khalifa City 02 556 1068 www.humptynursery.org
Kidz Venture
Mangrove Village www.kidzventure.ae
055 959 6600
British National curriculum Native English speaking teachers Qualified, experienced staff Small classes and huge outdoor area Educationally challenging, age-appropriate resources Caring for children from 12 months to 4 years of age New sensory and literacy area
Advert_Final_quarter page_NOV15.pdf 2 11/18/2015 12:28:05 PM
The first piece of your child’s education
Email: jigsawnursery@hotmail.com or jigsawnurserymbz@hotmail.com
*Jigsaw Nursery & Crèche
Mohammed Bin Zayed City 02 648 9749 Al Karamah 02 445 5222 www.jigsawnurseryad.com
Kids Academy
Al Bateen Al Mushrif www.kids-academy.ae
*Kipina Kids Nursery Al Bateen Al Mushrif www.kipinakids.com
02 446 6484 02 441 1991
02 667 2445 02 658 9529
Ladybird Nursery
Al Bateen 02 667 3881 www.lady-bird-nursery.com
Learning Spaces
Khalifa City 02 556 6135 www.learningspacesnurseries.com
Les FanFans Nursery Al Zafranah www.lesfanfans.com
02 639 0390
Little Haven Nursery
Al Karamah 02 447 9688 www.littlehavennursery.com
Little Smarties Nursery
Khalifa City 02 556 5500 www.littlesmartiesnursery.com
Mosaic Nursery
Al Reem Island 02 677 8797 www.mosaicnursery.com
Odyssey Nursery
Khalifa City 056 484 5510 www.odysseynursery.com
Redwood Nursery
Khalifa City 02 556 4611 Saadiyat Island 056 156 6278 www.theredwoodnursery.com
Karama close to Al Khubairat school
Mohammed Bin Zayed city
Website: www.jigsawnurseryad.com
For Details call: 02 445 5222 (Karama) 050 648 9749 (MBZ) Extra activity programme available Managed by:
!لكم Second Home Nursery
Treehouse Nursery
Sesame Street Private Nursery
*Windsor Early Years Nursery
Smart Learning Nursery
*Yellow Submarine Nursery
Mohammed Bin Zayed City 02 553 6565 www.secondhomenursery.com Al Nahyan 02 448 8424 www.sesamestreetprivatenursery.com Al Reef 02 582 2277 www.smart-learning.ae
*Starfish Lane Kids
Khalifa City 056 463 5187 www.starfishlanekids.com
Stepping Stones Nursery Al Bateen Between the Bridges East Corniche Khalifa City www.steppingstones.ae
02 681 5583 02 558 8318 02 443 4430 02 556 5991
Sunny Meadows Montessori Nursery
Khalifa City 02 566 0806 Al Rayyana 056 508 6939 www.sunny-meadows.com
*Teddy Bear American Nursery
Khalifa City 02 556 8566 Al Bateen 056 723 1167 www.teddybearnursery.net
Khalifa City 02 556 0556 www.treehousenursery.ae Khalifa City 02 557 9295 www.windsor-nursery.com Al Muneera 02 673 1009 Al Zeina 02 553 1179 www.yellowsubmarine.ae
البتدائية والثانوية المدارس إ
Primary & Secondary Schools Aldar Academies Al Bateen Academy Al Rowdah www.albateen.sch.ae
02 813 2000
Aldar Academies Al Mamoura Academy opening September 2016 www.aldaracademies.com
Our age groups are: Brilliant Branches: 1-2 years old Brave Buds: 2-3 years old Brainy Blooms: 3-4 years old
Our ethos at Blooming Buds is that every child is a unique little individual, progressing and learning at their own rate through activities embedded in purposeful play.
“ Exceptionally vast outdoor area with 7 areas of learning” “We follow the EYFS framework, the British Curriculum for Early Years Education” Phone: 02-4918068 Fax: 02-491 8069 email:
blooms68@eim.ae Opening Hours: 7:30 am - 3:00 pm
www.blooming budsnursery.com
“Impeccable high standards in Health and Safety”
“HAAD licensed Clinic and Nurse”
“Highly qualified and experienced staff”
Aldar Academies Al Muna Academy
Al Danah 02 501 4777 www.almunaprimary.sch.ae
www.facebook.com/ Bloomingbudsnursery/
Registration Open Baby Monty’s
45 days to 18 months
Infant Community
18 months to 2.6 years
Little Montessorians 2.6 years to 5 years
We are committed to delivering exceptional standards of Montessori principles with an approach to uncompromising quality.
Belonging ... Inspiring ... Evolving yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
Located in Khalifa City For more information call 02 444 1150 or 056 471 2900
2016 خـ ــر يـ ـ ــف
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
!لكم British School Al Khubairat
Lycee Louis Massignon
Canadian International School
Raha International School
Cranleigh Abu Dhabi
Repton School Abu Dhabi
Al Mushrif 02 446 2280 www.britishschool.sch.ae Khalifa City 02 556 4206 www.cisabudhabi.com
Come and join us at Khalifa City A's first classic Montessoris (est.2012)!
Saadiyat Island www.cranleigh.ae
02 497 0000
GEMS American Academy
100% Montessori curriculum Native English, Arabic and French speaking teachers FREE Minifit physical education program Huge garden and water play area Environmentally friendly mobile app feedback NEW branch in Al Rayyana Complex!
Freedom to learn, grow and explore
Open all year, 7am - 5pm, Ages: 2 months - 4 yrs
www.sunny-meadows.com 02 556 0806 KCA: 3rd st, by Al Raha school, Al Rayyana: Next to Al Forsan
Khalifa City 02 557 4880 www.gemsaa-abudhabi.com
GEMS Cambridge International School
Bawabat Al Sharq Bani Yas City 02 510 4343 www.gemscambridgeinternationalschoolabudhabi.com
Gems United Indian School
Baniyas West 02 205 9777 www.gemsunitedindianschoolabudhabi.com
GEMS Winchester School
Al Dhafrah 02 403 5499 www.gemswinchesterschoolabudhabi.com
GEMS World Academy Al Yasat Private School
Al Shamkha 02 641 2300 www.alyasat-school.com
Aldar Academies Al Yasmina Academy
Khalifa City 02 501 4888 www.alyasmina.sch.ae
American Community School of Abu Dhabi Al Bateen www.acs.sch.ae
02 681 5115
American International School of Abu Dhabi Al Rayhan www.aisa.sch.ae
02 444 4333
Amity International School
Al Bahya 02 503 9000 www.amityabudhabi.com
Brighton College Abu Dhabi
Near Khalifa Park 02 815 6500 www.brightoncollege.ae
Al Dhafrah 02 641 6333 www.gemsworldacademy-abudhabi. com
German International School Al Karamah www.gisad.ae
02 666 8668
Global Indian International School
Al Rayhan www.llm.ae Khalifa City www.ris.ae
02 444 8085
02 556 1567
Al Reem Island Shams Area 02 507 4800 www.reptonabudhabi.org
The British International School Abu Dhabi
Mohammed Bin Zayed City 02 510 0100 www.nordangliaeducation.com
Aldar Academies The Pearl Academy
Al Dhafrah 02 641 8887 www.pearlprimary.sch.ae
The Sheikh Zayed Private Academy For Boys
Al Bateen 02 203 3333 www.zayedacademy.ae
The Sheikh Zayed Private Academy For Girls Al Musalla www.szpag.com
02 619 5555
Virginia International Private School Khalifa City www.virginiaschool.ae
02 555 4385
Aldar Academies West Yas Academy opening September 2016 www.aldaracademies.com
Baniyas East 02 218 1585 www.globalindianschool.org
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
2016 خـ ــر يـ ـ ــف
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
We understand that their future starts today.
For nearly fifty years, the British School Al Khubairat (BSAK), founded under the patronage of the Father of the UAE, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, has been trusted with shaping the future of generations. We are Abu Dhabi’s leading British, not-for-profit, independent and co-educational school. From Nursery to A level (3-18), our unique local heritage and dynamic school culture offer students an enriching educational experience. We enable them to excel academically, exceed expectations and embrace the world as highly motivated and successful individuals. We have one of the longest and most successful track records of academic achievement, sports and arts excellence in Abu Dhabi and the UAE. With alumni studying at the most prestigious universities around the world, we are proud that the majority of our students achieve their first choice of further education in their chosen field.
BUILDING FOR FUTURE SUCCESS STARTS TODAY – THIS IS OUR EXPERTISE. For more information about the BSAK experience, please visit our website www.britishschool.sch.ae For enquiries about admissions, please email Registrar@britishschool.sch.ae Part of HMC, IAPS, COBIS and BSME.
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
2016 خـ ــر يـ ـ ــف
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
By Adrian Frost, Deputy Head Master, Brighton College, Abu Dhabi. This summer, Brighton College Abu Dhabi sees its first graduates leave to embark on new challenges. 75% have offers from British Russell Group universities with 25% from University College London, Imperial College, or Oxbridge. Inspired by their first graduates’ achievements, Brighton College Abu Dhabi now launches its new Athena Scholarship Programme in September 2016, a provision that promises intensified focus on its more able pupils with accessibility to all pupils throughout a wide range of the city’s population through financially-assisted places.
The Brighton College brand is synonymous with scholastic and cocurricular achievement. Brighton College UK achieved the best results ever achieved by a co-ed school in England last year. Brighton College Al Ain was recently judged to be ‘Outstanding’ in every category; the highest ranking available for schools in the United Arab Emirates and an accolade shared with only three other schools in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Under its new leadership in 2015, Brighton College Abu Dhabi saw uplifts in its GCSE attainment from 39% to 54% A*/A marking it out as the highest achieving British School in the Emirate and it is expected to have
further uplifts in this year’s GCSE and A level results. Looking to build on this enviable success and in recognition of the focus on education in the National Agenda, UAE Vision 2021, the governors of Brighton College Abu Dhabi have made the philanthropic reolution to offer thirty bursarial scholarships for entry at Year 9 and Year 12, each offering up to 50% of school fees. The new scholarship programme is launched in conjunction with an assisted places scheme in the hope that pupils from across the city will benefit from the wealth of opportunities available at Brighton College, particularly the galvanised focus on provision for more
academically able pupils. In what is now regarded as one of the premier schools in the Emirate, it is the hope that a greater diversity of backgrounds will now benefit from the provision available as part of this new scholarship programme. Scholarships will be awarded from September to those pupils who will model for others their industry, discipline, alacrity and willingness to seek personal growth in knowledge and understanding. By identifying pupils in this manner, the College will reward and celebrate high levels of application and a genuine love of learning for its own sake. A high standard of achievement alongside an active and enthusiastic
ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE participation in the co-curricular life of the College such as its societies, clubs and debates will set an example to all. The Scholars will be leaders within their respective year groups and encourage others to partake in the wide breadth of opportunities available to them. This renewed focus on provision for the more able comes at a time when British schools have been under pressure in the last three years to cater better for this group. Schools have been reticent and at worst complacent in their approach to tackling this issue and as a result it has been an area highlighted for improvement by the UK inspection teams in recent years. Many schools regard their provision for more able pupils as a bolt-on rather than an integral part of school life. For several reasons, not least amongst them is the fact that academic excellence and scholarship in all fields becomes equated with elitism. This approach can be harmful not just to those pupils who are supposed to be the beneficiaries but the school as a whole. At Brighton College, there is a drive towards enquiry-based education, incorporating open-ended tasks and challenge, with an emphasis on independent learning. Such provision not
only allows the most able to flourish and excel. Teaching to the top in this manner causes a ‘rising tide’ effect in the attainment of all pupils. Whilst the very able are equipped and encouraged to seize every opportunity to excel, a culture of inclusion ensures that all pupils benefit from the heightened aspirations and ambitions associated with high achievers. Supporting the curriculum, the Athena Programme (named after the famed Ancient Greek champion of reason, arts, and literature) is offered to all pupils. Tutors and teachers ensure pupils are encouraged to experiment and trial the parts that suit them best and that reflect their talents. By recognising and celebrating scholastic achievement, endeavour and ambition in all its forms, whether it is academic, physical or creative, a mutual respect of the talents of others is established. Pupils are purposely challenged but they feel safe and supported in their participation. Through the provision both within and outside the classroom together with support from our outstanding teachers, tutors and parents, Brighton College ensures that all pupils have opportunity to be the best that they can be.
Are you the brightest in your class? Brightonالكتروني College is مراسلتنا now offering of لإلعالن up to 50% for the على بريد أو056 399 scholarships 5155يرجى اإلتصال على yalla@yallauae.ae entering Year 9 and Sixth Form2016 To Advertise call 056 399 5155candidates or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
خـ ــر يـ ـ ــف
www.brightoncollege.ae | scholarships@brightoncollege.ae | +971 (0)2 815 6504
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
Advertisement Feature
Sixth Form Reinvented
There is a groundswell of opinion that traditional A Level teaching methods need an overhaul. This is not coming from the regulatory bodies and government departments that oversee these quali�ications – although there will always be ongoing debate in those quarters. Rather it’s coming from universities and employers whose concerns relate to how well the A Level years prepare students for their educational and professional careers. Indeed, for life. This argument is therefore less about A Levels per se, and more about the best way for Sixth Form students to learn and develop. At the root of it lies the enduring challenge of ticking the exam box while helping students think outside of it. While helping them actually think. A Levels have been accused of being more a test of exam technique than of intellectual capacity. However, there is no doubt that they remain widely respected as the Sixth Form quali�ication of choice when it comes to signi�icant subject specialism.
So the challenge is, how can you retain the depth and rigour that A Levels deliver while avoiding the passive, rote learning trap which schools can fall into through the teacher-centred classroom? The answer lies in the phrase, ‘teacher-centred classroom’. As long as schools continue to use a command and control style teaching model, there will always be some pupils who are too shy to participate. Who sit at the back. Rest on their laurels. Become invisible. With minimal engagement comes minimal achievement. And, more importantly, a lack of self-worth and the erosion of con�idence and ambition.
As a new school, Cranleigh Abu Dhabi has been considering its approach to sixth form carefully. Its �irst sixth formers will start their two year A Level courses in 2017. True to its vision of keeping young people’s development at the heart of its pedagogy, Cranleigh will be evolving and deepening the focus it already places on learner-centric teaching, drawing even more on the principles of Socratic dialogue and problem based learning (PBL). Using the Harkness method as further inspiration, Cranleigh Abu Dhabi’s new Sixth Form Centre will place discussion-based learning at its core. It will empower A Level students to own their
learning process, enhancing their critical thinking and debating skills. Ultimately it will ready them for the kind of social and intellectual scenarios that lie ahead.
Harkness learning was �irst adopted in the United States by Phillips Exeter Academy in the early 1930s. Its development was inspired and funded by wealthy businessman and philanthropist Edward Harkness, whose own schooling had left him so uninspired that he made it his mission to bring about educational reform. Harkness is used in many of the top US schools and also at several British schools, notably Wellington College who adopted it in 2008. In much the same way as PBL helps students hone university-style research skills, Harkness places the onus on the student to prepare for the lesson and come to class ready to discuss topics in a collaborative, tutorial style that encourages and develops listening skills and interaction with other minds. The process ensures every voice is heard and valued and this helps to overcome the fear of being wrong. It is the students rather than the teacher who run the show. Teachers become facilitators, coaches and indeed, learning partners. Classes are small, typically groups of about 12 students, and are held at an oval table allowing eye contact with everyone. No-one sits at the back in this scenario.
Cranleigh Abu Dhabi’s Sixth Form will be launched on 26th September 2016. Sign-up to the event at: rsvp.cranleigh.ae
For more information or to schedule a meeting to discuss Sixth Form entry, email vbutcher@cranleigh.ae
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
2016 خـ ــر يـ ـ ــف
Advertorial FOR YOU!
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
Educating in a ‘STEAM’-powered economy To prepare our children for the world’s new economic future, we need to get them excited about ‘STEAM’ subjects from an earlier age, writes Peter Carpenter, Director of Education at Aldar Academies. Economies of the Middle East and the wider world are evolving at a great pace, shaped by changing energy demands, new technology, and a need for innovation. While these changes signal a bright future here in Abu Dhabi, they’ve also brought about the challenge of a skills shortage. Last year, Cisco warned the UAE needed over 100,000 more IT professionals to plug a skills gap. Meanwhile, 50 percent of the world’s oil industry engineers are expected to retire within the next decade, causing a shortfall in the sector. As a result, the STEAM skills of science, technology, engineering, art (which incorporates creative design), and maths are highly sought after among new graduates. These topics have become crucial to modern society, especially in Abu Dhabi where the government’s Economic Vision 2030 mandate demands more engineers, scientists, and innovators. It’s therefore up to Aldar Academies and others to excite and educate the next generations about STEAM subjects, so they can make a meaningful contribution to society.
What’s more, by recognizing the importance of STEAM subjects early, we were able to create structured curriculum plans and employ specialist staff to deliver these subjects in the most exciting way. For example, the complexity of the STEAM skills we teach across Foundation stages and primary years get progressively more complex based on the pupil’s previous knowledge. Meanwhile, pupils can participate in highly specialised extra-curricular activities focused on coding, gaming, ICT, and engineering, to increase their level of interest and ability. To develop creative thinking, we also teach innovation and design skills through specific projects. One project sees our primary-aged pupils invent new tools for a policeman or doctor to use, which encourages them to think critically and imaginatively when solving problems. But today, how we teach is just as important as what we teach. We’ve incorporated state-of-the-art 3D technology including 3D projectors and green screens into the curriculum to help students better understand abstract ideas. Using the technology, they can visualize, inspect, and decipher study materials right in front of them, which is a far more effective way to retain knowledge than transcribing a lecture. The potential for educational technology such as this is massive, and today, we use it to assess students and apply teaching methodologies in a creative way across the curricula. In fact, our dedicated Director of Innovation and Special Projects, Michelle Forbes, spearheads the use of innovation and technology to enhance our students’ educational experience. Ultimately, we see leading-edge teaching methods and a forwardlooking curriculum as fundamental to our student’s success, and our results suggest the same.
However, while all of Aldar Academies’ Foundation Stage and primary students are taught science, technology, art and maths, many others at the same stages aren’t. If all children are to help shape the future, this needs to change.
When ADEC last inspected our English National Curriculum and International Baccalaureate Diploma Program, three of our academies Al Muna, Al Bateen and Al Mushrif - were rated ‘Outstanding’. This was largely because our curriculum met the needs of our diverse group of international students, and had evolved to remain relevant in a changing society.
The challenge for Aldar Academies has been to constantly evolve our curriculum over the past eight years to keep up with a changing world, and we’ve met this challenge by developing brilliant teachers. How? Through carefully prepared teacher-training programmes, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) schemes, and the sharing of best practice, which make sure our teachers never stop learning.
This highly relevant curriculum, coupled with innovative teaching methods, enables Aldar Academies to educate beyond expectations, so our pupils can achieve the very highest standards. With the ability to think big and turn this ambition into reality, every student is well prepared for the future that lies ahead, whether it involves STEAM skills or others.
خـ ــر يـ ـ ــف 2016
لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على 056 399 5155أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني yalla@yallauae.ae To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
التعليم المتخصص
Specialist Education Al Noor Speech, Hearing & Development Center
Be Smarter Think Faster Remember Better
02 449 3844
British Institute for Learning Development Khalifa City
02 556 6078
in as little as 14 weeks!
Dots & Links
Das Tower Al Khalidiyah www.dotsandlinks.ae
02 666 0948
Future Centre for Special Needs
Mohammed Bin Zayed City 02 553 3506 www.future-centre.org
Private tuition in Abu Dhabi and Dubai
02 555 1437
Expert advice on university admission and school entry
Kip Mcgrath Education Centre Al Raha Mall 02 558 8505
Intensive spring revision courses
Know How For Management Consulting
02 401 2594 or 04 438 5276
Kids First Medical Center Khalifa City www.kidsfirstmc.com
www.knowhowtrg.com 02 671 2220 www.playattention.ae
Dots&Links for Skills Development Center uses intense mental exercises to improve the way your child’s brain thinks, learns, reads, concentrates and remembers. Results of our clinically proven program are dramatic and permanent.
If your child is struggling with learning, memory, homework or even attention, we can find the cause and fix it.
Contact us today to learn more!
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yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
2016 خـ ــر يـ ـ ــف
ACTVET 2012/181
Al Dhafrah
FOR YOU! Mathnasium The Math Learning Center Khalifa City Al Reem www.mathnasium.ae
02 555 8785 02 555 8785
Al Mussafah 02 691 8888 www.neccabudhabi.org www.noukhada.ae
02 558 1889
Speech Therapy Abu Dhabi
Khalifa City 02 556 5500 www.speechtherapyabudhabi.com
Stars for Special Abilities Al Zafranah www.starzuae.com
Nutrition Keep It Simple
Keep It Simple
New England Center for Children
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
02 446 2048
Sylvan Learning
Mohammed Bin Zayed City 02 650 8505 www.locations.sylvanlearning.com
Taleem Training and Skills Development Centre
Al Nahyan 02 444 1100 www.taleemcentre.com
050 418 8378 02 667 3999
02 401 2594 www.carfax-education.ae
Dots & Links
Das Tower Al Khalidiyah www.dotsandlinks.ae
02 666 0948
Kip Mcgrath Education Centre Al Raha Mall 02 558 8505 www.kipmcgrath.ae
Sylvan Learning
Mohammed Bin Zayed City 055 255 2075 www.locations.sylvanlearning.com
The Mathscene
،اللياقة البدنية والعافية،الجمال FITNESS, BEAUTY & WELLBEING
تصفيف الشعر
*suitable for children Anahata Spa
Khalifa City A www.anahataspa.ae
02 557 7722
*City Cut Salon (walk-in)
Advantage Sports UAE
Dalma Mall city-cut-salon
Crowne Plaza Abu Dhabi 055 807 2482 www.advantagesportsuae.com
Cosmopolitan Salon
Abu Dhabi Country Club
Al Zahiyah 02 677 7014 www.cosmopolitansalon.me
Al Mushrif 02 657 7777 www.adcountryclub.com
Bodytree Studio 02 558 7558
Glamour Hair Salon
Al Zeina 02 555 9902 Al Khalidiyah 055 515 2112 www.glamoursalonuae.com Abu Dhabi Country Club Al Mushrif 02 443 2883 www.adcountryclub.com
Hairwaves by Charbel
Khalidiya Palace Rayhan Rotana Al Khalidiyah 02 681 9579 www.hairwavesbycharbel.com
*Hairwaves Barber Shop Sheraton Hotel
Al Khubeirah
Al Karamah 02 443 4448 www.bodytreestudio.com
Al Bandar 02 449 6524 www.cobrafitnessuae.com
CrossFit Abu Dhabi
02 676 7118
Al Mushrif www.crossfitabudhabi.com
Eden Health Club Le Meridien Hotel Al Zahiyah
02 697 4354
Mangrove One Al Muntazah www.fitstudio.ae
02 444 3012
Fit & Flex 02 681 6678
Al Zeina 02 555 9902 www.glamoursalonuae.com
*Kool Kidz
World Trade Center Mall 02 677 0954 www.koolkidz.ae
Abu Dhabi Golf Club Sas Al Nakhl www.fitnflex.com
055 146 6123
Fitness First
Various Locations 02 674 6991 www.fitnessfirstme.com
Haddins Gym
Zayed Sports City www.haddins.com
02 403 4233
Eastern Mangroves Promenade Al Rayhan 02 449 4044 www.marquee.ae
Hiltonia Health Club & Spa
Sisters Beauty Salon
Hot Yoga Studio
Al Bateen 02 222 2502 St. Regis Nation Towers 02 621 0044 www.sistersbeautylounge.com
ST Beauty
Dusit Thani Hotel Al Nahyan 02 444 6876 Artistic-Hair-Salon-Dusit-ThaniHotel-Abu-Dhabi
Beauty Spot Salon
Toni and Guy
Eastern Mangroves Hotel & Spa Al Rayhan 02 656 1149 www.beautyspot.me
Fitness Centres
Emirates Palace Al Ras Al Akdhar 02 690 8970 Jumeirah@Etihad Towers 02 665 5459 The Westin Hotel Golf Club Resort 02 558 0344 www.stbeautysalon.com
Artistic Hair Salon
Various locations 600 560 037 www.bedashingbeauty.com
Sas al Nakhl
Carfax Education
مراكز اللياقة البدنية
Al Bandar 02 584 8399 www.toniandguyuae.com
Al Khubeirah www.hilton.com
02 692 4205
Al Zeina www.thethothouseuae.com
Let’s Go Yoga
Various Locations www.letsgoyogame.com
Sheraton Fitness
Sheraton Abu Dhabi Hotel Corniche 02 697 0272
The Club
Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com
The Leisure Club
Intercontinental Hotel Al Bateen
02 693 5285
!لكم The Room
Zayed Sports City www.theroom.ae
056 331 0310
VivaFit (Women only) Al Khalidiyah www.vivafit.ae
02 626 0848
تدليك الرضع
Burjeel Hospital
Al Dhafrah www.burjeel.com
Bodytree Studio
Al Karamah 02 443 4448 www.bodytreestudio.com
Corniche Maternity Hospital Ante Natal Class
Infant Massage
Al Danah www.seha.ae
La Leche League
Yas Marina www.bounceback.ae
02 565 1212
Infant Massage
Al Khuberiah 050 414 5903 www.infantmassagecourse.com
مستشفيات الوالدة
02 508 5555
Various locations www.llli.org
02 672 4900
055 542 2081
Let’s Go Yoga
Various Locations 050 349 2336 www.letsgoyogame.com
Maternity Hospitals
Al Noor Hospital
BAYTI Home Healthcare LLC
Various locations 800 26422 www.alnoorhospital.com
Brightpoint Royal Women’s Hospital Al Mushrif www.brightpoint.ae
Burjeel Hospital
800 7676
BHC Midwifery
02 628 0888
056 450 1253
Karen Wilmot The Virtual Midwife www.thevirtualmidwife.com
Al Dhafrah www.burjeel.com
02 508 5555
Al Danah www.seha.ae
02 672 4900
Corniche Maternity Hospital
Nail Lounge
Al Nahyan Marina Mall www.naillounge.ae
02 658 4341 02 681 6333
Various Locations www.nstyleintl.com
800 678953
Al Musalla 02 445 2053 www.polishsalonuae.com
Susan Young Beauty Clinic
Tips & Toes
Maternity Pre & Post Natal Classes Abu Dhabi Mums Group The Dome @ Rawdhat www.abudhabimums.ae
Various Locations 055 807 2482 www.advantagesportsuae.com www.manzilhealth.ae
Boutik Mall Reem Island www.bbl.ae
Al Karamah www.mosaicspa.ae
Nail It Spa 800 626 945
Al Khubeirah www.nailitspa.com
02 674 4428
المجتمع والمنظمات الخيرية والنوادي
Abu Dhabi Business Women Council
02 631 3604 www.amchamabudhabi.org
American Business Council
04 379 1414
Australian Business Group www.ausbg.net
050 264 1134
BeNeLux Business Council 02 445 9660
050 329 06 04 www.portal.beneluxbc.com
British Business Group 02 650 5560
04 332 4300
Lebanese Business Council www.lbcuae.ae
Boudoir Beauty Lounge
Mosaic Nails & Spa
Advantage Sports UAE
Baby At Home
Al Nahyan 02 658 4100 www.bellacurenails.com
02 626 6204
Pakistan Business Council
Various Locations www.tipsandtoes.com
02 617 7526 www.adbusinesswomen.ae
Bellacure Nails
www.getsetuae.com 056 913 9015
Irish Business Network
BeDashing Beauty Salon
فصول ما قبل وبعد الوالدة
Get Set
Al Wahda Mall 600 544 001 Eastern Mangroves Promenade 600 544 001 World Trade Center Mall 600 544 001
The Nail Spa
LLH Hospital
Various Locations 600 560 0037 www.bedashingbeauty.com
02 645 5200
Indian Business & Professional Council
Abu Dhabi Gate City 02 614 9999 www.danatalemarat.ae 02 633 5522
Al Bateen 02 222 2032 www.susanyoungbeautyclinic.com
Business Groups
Madinat Zayed www.llhhospital.com
02 674 1137 www.fbgabudhabi.com
German Business Council
صالونات التجميل والعنايةCOMMUNITY, CHARITY أ & CLUBS بالظافر Nail & Beauty Salons مجموعات أ العمال Beauty Spot
02 446 7223 www.cbcabudhabi.com
French Business Group
NStyle Nail Lounge
Anantara Eastern Mangroves Hotel & Spa 02 656 1149 www.beautyspot.me
Danat Al Emarat Hospital
Canadian Business Council
02 445 7234 www.britishbusiness.org
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
02 641 9955
South African Business Council www.sabco-uae.org
056 710 3909
Spanish Business Council
04 427 0379 www.spanishbusinesscouncil.ae
Swedish Business Council www.sbcuae.se
04 429 8600
Swiss Business Council
www.swissbcuae.com 050 824 2931
The International Business Women’s Group
www.ibwgdubai.com 050 657 8445
Turkish Business Council www.tbcdubai.org
04 369 9015
الجمعيات الخ�ية أ للطفال ي
Children’s Charities
Future Centre for Special Needs
www.future-centre.org 02 553 3506 Gulf 4 Good www.gulf4good.org 04 368 0222
Human Appeal International www.hai.ae
Make A Wish Foundation www.makeawish.ae
02 666 5144
Operation Smile
02 658 4790 www.arabemirates.operationsmile.org
2016 خـ ــر يـ ـ ــف
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
النوادي والجمعيات
SmallWorld UAE
Volunteer in UAE
Special Care Centre
Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Abu Dhabi Arts Collective Foundation
www.smallworlduae.net 02 658 3387
02 641 8418
The Citizens’ Foundation www.tcf.org.pk
www.khalifafoundation.ae 02 499 4999
مجموعات الدعم
شئون البيئةSupport Groups
Abu Dhabi Harlequins Try Rugby
Abu Dhabi Marine Conservation Group www.admcg.ae
Al Wathba Wetlands Reserve Al Mafraq www.ead.ae
Emirates Environmental Group
04 344 8622
Emirates Natural History Group www.enhg.net
Emirates Wildlife Society
02 634 7117
800 825 2863
الت�عات والعمل جمع ب التطوعي Fundraising & Volunteering
Make A Wish Foundation
02 666 5144
Medecins Sans Frontieres
800 733
The Box Appeal
United Nations Development Programme
Abu Dhabi Ladies
Abu Dhabi Mall Walkers Abu Dhabi Mall www.abudhabi-mall.com www.abudhabimums.ae www.abudhabipaddy.com
Abu Dhabi Speaks ADspeaks
Chatterbox – The speech and hearing network
Abu Dhabi Women’s Group
Ewa’s – Shelters for Women and Children
American Women’s Network
chatterboxnetwork 055 642 5060
02 558 4812
Goals UAE – Providing sports for special needs
050 462 5700
050 926 3201
Just Special Abu Dhabi – For families with special needs children JUSTSPECIAL - Abu Dhabi
050 132 8062 www.abudhabiwomensgroup.com
Expats in Abu Dhabi www.internations.org
Aussies Abroad
Circolo Italiano Culturale E Ricreativo
German Ladies of Abu Dhabi www.gladies.de
Irish Society Abu Dhabi
Meet Ups
02 697 9999 www.americancenteruae.com
Moms Guide Abu Dhabi
Out Of The Blues - For Post Natal Illness Support
Real Housewives of Abu Dhabi
Out of the Blues
Abu Dhabi Paddy
050 668 7815 www.bosombuddiesad.org
Parent ADHD Support Group
02 697 9999 www.americancenteruae.com
Special Families Support Group
SFS - Special Families Support Group
مجموعات الموسيقى والغناء
Music & Singing Groups
Abu Dhabi Business Women’s Abu Dhabi Big Band Council (ADBWC) British School Al Khubairat
Bosom Buddies - Breast cancer support
OCD Support Group
Abu Dhabi Mums
Autism Support - Abu Dhabi
Feel Great Helping
Abu Dhabi Book Club
Autism Support Network
Inspire – For parents with special needs children
050 880 9228 www.all4downsyndrome.com
Red Crescent Society
All 4 Down Syndrome
Footprints in the Sand For neo-natal death support
Abu Dhabi Cause Connect
Zayed Sports City 050 266 0194 abudhabiharlequinstryrugby
Clubs & Societies
St David’s Society, Abu Dhabi
www.stdavidssocietyabudhabi. blogspot.co.il
Royal Society of St George www.rssgauh.com
Scottish St Andrew’s Society of Abu Dhabi www.adscots.com
Al Mushrif www.abudhabibigband.com
Abu Dhabi Choral Group
NYU Campus, Saadiyat Island www.abudhabichoralgroup.com
Abu Dhabi Music & Arts Foundation Al Zahiyah www.admaf.org
02 333 6400
National Symphony Orchestra Twofour54 Media Zone www.nsouae.org
Voices of Harmony Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Dubai Showroom Abu Dhabi Showroom Hacker Building, Sheikh Zayed Road, Hacker Building, Corner of 4th Street & 11th أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399Al5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على yalla@yallauae.ae Barsha 1, Dubai, Street, nr Al Wahda Mall, Abu Dhabi, +971 (0) 4399 0425 Tel +971 (0)call 264056 11 466 To Advertise 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
Innerspace Furniture Trading LLC hacker.ae 2016info@innerspaceme.com
خـ ــر يـ ـ ــف39
FOR YOU! التسوق العائلي
موردي المستلزمات الفنية
Art Suppliers All Prints
Al Hosn www.allprints.ae Boutik Mall artcentral
02 621 1607
Borders & Paperchase
Dalma Mall 02 552 7555 Nation Galleria 02 673 3999 www.jarirbookstore.com
L’Atelier des Arts
Foutouh Al Khair Center Al Markaziyah 02 639 7104 www.latelierarts.com
معدات ومالبس أ الطفال الرضع
Baby Equipment & Clothes 6am
02 671 8980 02 658 4181 02 639 5058 800 927 6255
Craft Corner
Al Danah 02 622 2563 www.craftcornerabudhabi.com
Green Branch Madinat Zayed
Jarir Bookstore
02 633 6999
Art Central
Abu Dhabi Mall Al Wahda Mall Khalidiya Mall Yas Mall
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
02 621 4507
Baby Souk
Various locations www.me.boots.com
Chateau Des Enfants
Thrift Books
Marina Mall 02 681 0844 www.chateaudesenfants.com
Early Learning Centre Various locations www.elc.com
Yas Island www.ikea.com
Just Kidding
Various locations www.landmarkshops.com/babyshop
02 493 5888
Al Forsan Mall www.justkidding-me.com
800 5878
Mamas & Papas
Al Wahda Mall 02 443 7273 www.mamasandpapas.com Al Seef mamisuae
02 666 1481
Marks & Spencer
Dalma Mall Fotouh Al Khair Mall Marina Mall Yas Mall www.marksandspencerme.com
Various locations www.mothercarestores.com/stores
www.mumzworld.com 04 433 9455
Abu Dhabi Mall www.nestforkids.ae 02 644 9919
كتب أ الطفال
Children’s Books Book Corner Marina Mall
Borders & Paperchase
Children’s Furniture Al Wahda Mall www.lauraashley.ae
Mamis (Maternity and Baby Carriers)
أثاث أ الطفال
Laura Ashley Home Furniture
Abu Dhabi Mall Al Wahda Mall Khalidiya Mall Yas Mall
055 224 3980
Abu Dhabi Mall 02 644 7882 Al Wahda Mall 02 445 3327 Yas Mall 02 565 1319 www.virginmegastore.me
Baby Boutique
Hamdan Street
Virgin Megastore
Little Majlis
World Trade Center Mall 02 621 1799 Al Wadha Mall 02 443 7172 NYU Abu Dhabi 02 628 5566 Zayed University 02 557 4616 www.magrudy.com/our-stores/
Dalma Mall www.toysrusuae.com 056 263 8393 www.thebabyboutique.com
04 3214 328
02 681 7662 02 671 8980 02 658 4181 02 639 5058 800 927 6255
Ikea Kids Furniture Yas Island www.ikea.com/ae
02 443 8939
02 493 5888
Grand Royal Kids Furniture
Electra Street 02 639 5565 www.grandroyalarabian.com
Home Centre
Marina Mall 02 681 4050 Dalma Mall 02 550 2415 Liwa Centre 02 639 1918 Yas Mall 02 565 1723 www.homecentrestores.com/ae/en
Just Kidding
Al Forsan Mall www.justkidding-me.com
800 5878
PAN Emirates Furniture
Madinat Zayed 02 621 1030 www.uae.panemirates.com
Pottery Barn Kids
Al Wahda Mall Dalma Mall Yas Mall www.potterybarnkids.me
Royal Furniture
Al Mina www.royalfurniture.ae
800 803 800 803 800 803
02 673 1500
All the best baby brands
under one roof! Premium, international baby brands!
We host regular parenting seminars and coffee mornings!
OPENING SOON AT AL FORSAN Fashion • Strollers • Furniture • Accessories • Car Seats yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على MALL! 2016 خـ ــر يـ ـ ــف To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae 41 JustKiddingMe
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
Dolphin Fact File 11
Dolphins are born with a few hairs on their rostrum (beak) that they lose shortly after birth.
At least 11 different species of whales and dolphins reported to have been seen in the Gulf.
As dolphins get older their fins become slightly damaged and scarred, these unique patterns are like fingerprints and allow us to recognise individuals.
أحذية أ الطفال
Animal Fact file - Yalla.indd 3
Children’s Shoes Clarks
Al Wahda Mall Marina Mall Mushrif Mall Yas Mall www.clarks.ae
02 491 8710 02 681 0520 02 673 7994 02 565 0079
Boutik Mall Al Reem
Dalma Mall
Dolphins don’t drink; they get all the water they need from their food.
02 674 7850 02 550 9555
Deerfields Mall www.deerfieldsmall.com 02 501 0826 Fotouh Al Khair Mall
The Galleria www.geox.com
02 412 4060
Abu Dhabi Mall Yas Mall www.pablosky.com
02 644 3007 02 565 0284
02 622 2241 www.fotouhalkhairmall.com Khalidiyah Mall www.khalidiyahmall.com 02 635 4000
Madinat Zayed Shopping Centre & Gold Centre
02 633 3311 www.madinatzayed-mall.com
مراكز التسوق
Marina Mall
02 681 2310
Abu Dhabi Mall
Mazyad Mall
www.abudhabi-mall.com 02 645 4858
www.mazyadmall.com 02 553 2200
Al Raha Mall
Mushrif Mall
Al Wahda Mall
02 556 2229
www.alwahda-mall.com 02 443 7000
Humpback Dolphin Sousa chinensis
Dolphins and whales are mammals which means that they breathe air, this is why we see them at the surface.
St Regis Hotel
The Collection www.thecollection.ae
The Galleria
02 406 1462
02 616 6999
World Trade Center Mall Al Markaziyah www.wtcad.ae
Yas Mall
02 508 2400
800 927 6255
آ الالت الموسيقية
أ السواق
6/23/16 9:25 AM
Souqs & Markets Carpet Souk Fish Souk Fruit & Vegetable Souk Iranian Souk Plant Souk Mina Street Nr Port Zayed
Gold Souk
Madinat Zayed
Souk Qaryat Al Beri
Musical Instruments
Bain Al Jessrain 02 558 1670 www.soukqaryatalberi.com
AKM Music Centre
The Little Birdie PoP uP mArket
Muroor Electra www.akm-music.com
02 658 4954 02 621 9929
Dandana Musical Instruments Al Danah
Thomsun Electronics
02 674 4974
Al Zahiyah www.mushrifmall.com 02 690 4422 www.thomsunmusiconline.com Nation Galleria www.nationtowers.ae 02 681 8824
Arabella Willing is the resident marine biologist at the Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Hotel and Villas.
Various locations The Little Birdie Pop uP mArket
The Market
Mushrif Mall www.mushrifmall.com/the-market
The Ripe Food & Craft Market Mushrif Central Park www.ripeme.com
The Collection
Saadiyat Island www.ripeme.com
There’s a host of new stores now open at
Visit Abu Dhabi Mall, and discover more of your favourite brands! So far we've welcomed: Adrianna Papell - Beverly Hills Polo Club Cath Kidston - Denny’s - Famous Dave’s - I am - Reserved - Tavola. Stay tuned, as more exciting announcements will be made in the near future. أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على yalla@yallauae.ae www.abudhabi-mall.com / 02 6454858 - Ext. 4 To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
2016 خـ ــر يـ ـ ــف
FOR YOU! ALL! Tiny Bean Events
Tiny-Bean Events
055 843 6574
World Trade Center Souk Al Markaziyah www.wtcad.ae
The Organics Foods & Café
Nation Towers Galleria Masdar City www.organicfoodsandcafe.com
المحالت الرياضية
Sports Shops BeSport Bike Shop Mushrif Mall
Go Sport Yas Mall
02 445 5838 02 565 0812
Mega Sports
Abu Dhabi Mall
02 645 6166
Ride (Bike Shop)
Al Seef Mall 02 633 7172 www.ridebikeshop.com
Stadium Sports Yas Mall
04 385 7775
Studio R
Marina Mall
02 681 7676
Sun & Sand Sports Various Locations
Yas Cycles
Al Zeina www.yascycles.com
02 681 8330 050 480 0825
محالت السوبر ماركت
Supermarkets Abela
Etihad Plaza Al Khalidiyah www.abelaandco.com
Abu Dhabi Cooperative Society Various locations www.abudhabicoop.com
Various locations www.carrefouruae.com
Various locations www.geant-uae.com
Various locations www.luluhypermarket.com
Various locations www.spinneys-dubai.com
056399 3995155 5155لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
Eastern Mangroves Etihad Towers Al Reem Al Zeina
02 556 2044 02 447 1987 02 674 0210 02 556 4122
الطفال أ لعب أ واللعاب
Toys & Games Babyshop
Various locations www.landmarkshops.com/babyshop
Back to Games
Boutik Mall 050 333 4967 www.backtogames.com
Abu Dhabi Mall Al Wahda Mall Khalidiyah Mall Yas Mall
02 671 8980 02 658 4181 02 639 5058 800 9276255
Build A Bear Workshop Al Wahda Mall Yas Mall www.buildabear.ae
02 641 1190 02 565 1672
Early Learning Centre Various locations www.elc.com
www.echoesdolls.com 050 775 7311
Journey Toys
Al Mushrif www.journeytoys.ae
02 441 1208
Dalma Mall 02 550 4541 www.kidswaygroup.com
Various locations www.mothercarestores.com/stores
Abu Dhabi Mall www.nestforkids.ae
Toy Store
Abu Dhabi Mall Yas Mall www.thetoystore.com
Toys ‘r’ us
Mina Port Dalma Mall www.toysrusuae.com
02 644 9919
02 674 2360 02 565 0576
02 673 2332 02 551 6717
تناول الطعام في الخارج وفي المنزل EATING OUT & IN
المقاهي ومحالت القهوة
Chapter’s Café
World Trade Center Mall Souk 02 639 8849
Jim’s Kitchen Table Masdar City www.jims.kitchen
02 491 9401
Jones The Grocer
Various locations www.cinnabon.com
Various locations www.jonesthegrocer.com
Circle Café
Organic Foods & Café
Nation Towers Galleria Masdar City www.organicfoodsandcafe.com
Park Station Café
Mushrif Central Park 056 549 3841 www.parkstationuae.com
Al Raha Gardens Plaza 02 556 1550 Mangrove Village 02 666 0828 www.circle-cafe.com
Lana’s Partiperfect
Art House Café
Divine Design Café
La Brioche Café
Shabby Chic
Beach House
Le Boulanger Marina Café
Shakespeare & Co
Cafes & Coffee Shops
Al Bateen 02 666 0175 www.etihadmodernart.com
Al Wahda Mall DivineDesignCafe
050 668 4696
Park Hyatt Hotel Saadiyat Island 02 407 1138 www.abudhabi.park.hyatt.com
Saadiyat Island 02 657 5888 www.fanrrestaurant.ae
Bee’s Knees Baking Company
Etihad Towers www.fauchon.com
Nation Galleria beeskneesuae
Café Arabia
Al Mushrif CafeArabia
Café Columbia Al Zahiyah
Café de la Paix
02 447 9102
Fauchon Le Café
Firin Bakery 02 643 9699
Al Rowdhat www.firin.co
Foutouh Al Khair Mall 02 697 9011
Marina Mall 02 681 5955 Nation Towers Galleria 02 667 2121 www.cafedelapaixabudhabi.com
Hippy Chic
Etihad Plaza amsgroup.ae
02 667 2690
02 447 1711
02 631 5111 02 556 8264
Al Marina www.partiperfect.ae
02 681 0090
Various Locations 02 556 7076 www.labriocheuae.com Al Marina 02 441 8000 Le-Boulanger-French-Bakery-andResto-Cafe
Leopold’s of London
Boutik Mall 02 677 0071 Nation Towers Galleria 02 665 4776 The Galleria 02 665 5214
La Maison Sucre
Al Khalidiyah 02 639 6622 www.maisonsucreuae.com
Nolu’s Café
Al Bandar The Galleria
02 557 9500 02 644 1516
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
Planet Café Al Zahiyah
02 676 7962
Al Mamoura 02 643 7497 www.shabbychic-uae.com Various locations www.shakespeareandco.ae
Soulfull Restaurant & Café Al Mamoura www.soulfull.ae
02 643 3669
The Living Room Café
Al Khalidiyah 02 639 6654 www.thelivingroomcafeabudhabi.com
The One
Al Khalidiyah www.theone.com
600 541007
The Third Place
Al Khalidiyah 02 681 1877 www.thethirdplaceuae.com
2016 خـ ــر يـ ـ ــف
The Royal Meridian Hotel Al Danah 02 695 0450
وجبة الغداء المبكر للعائالت
Family Brunches Aqua
Rosewood Hotel Al Maryah Island 02 813 5550 www.rose woodhotels.com
Cafe Palmier
The Royal Meridian Hotel Al Danah 02 674 2020 www.cafepalmierabudhabi.com
Rotana Hotel Yas Island www.rotana.com
02 656 4000
02 654 3238
Beach Rotana Hotel Al Zahiyah 02 697 9011 www.rotanatimes.com
Sheraton Hotel Corniche 02 677 3333 www.flavours-abudhabi.com
Ritz Carlton Hotel Khor Al Maqta’a www.ritzcarlton.com
Market Kitchen
The Royal Meridian Hotel Al Danah 800 101 101 www.marketkitchenabudhabi.com
Park Hyatt Saadiyat Island 02 407 1138 www.abudhabi.park.hyatt.com
The St Regis Hotel Saadiyat Island 02 498 8443 www.oleaabudhabi.com
Rotana Hotel Yas Island www.rotana.com
02 818 8282
Eastern Mangrove Hotel Al Rayhan 02 656 1000 www.abu-dhabi.anantara.com
Intercontinental Hotel
Al Bateen 02 666 6888 www.dining-intercontinental-ad.ae
Jazz@Pizza Express
World Trade Center Mall 02 444 7752 www.pizzaexpress.ae
Jing Asia
Saadiyat Beach Golf Club Saadiyat Island 02 557 8000 www.sbgc.ae
Le Meridien Hotel
Al Zahiyah 02 697 4354 www.lemeridien.com/abudhabi
02 656 4000
Al Whada Mall 02 643 8610 Mushrif Mall 02 491 4537 Y Tower 02 445 4156 www.ilovebloomsburys.com
Crystal Lounge
St. Regis Abu Dhabi 02 694 4553 www.stregisabudhabi.com
Filaments Café
Southern Sun Hotel www.tsogosun.com Emirates Palace www.kempinski.com
Saadiyat Beach Club Saadiyat Island 02 656 3500 www.saadiyatbeachclub.ae Holiday Inn Al Zahraa www.ihg.com
02 509 8555
Crowne Plaza Hotel Al Danah
02 616 6261
The Club
Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com Crowne Plaza Hotel Al Danah
02 616 6838
The Westin Abu Dhabi Golf Resort & Spa
Sas Al Nakhl 02 616 9999 www.westinabudhabigolfresort.com
Urban Kitchen
Dusit Thani Hotel Al Etihad 02 698 8137 www.dusit.com/dusitthani
Villa Toscana
St. Regis Abu Dhabi 02 694 4553 www.villatoscana-abudhabi.com
الظه�ة شاي ما بعد ي
Rosewood Hotel 02 813 5550 www.rosewoodhotels.com Jumeriah at Etihad Towers www.jumeirah.com 02 811 5666
Saadiyat Beach Club Saadiyat Island 02 656 3500 www.saadiyatbeachclub.ae Le Royal Meridien Hotel 800 101 101 www.stratosabudhabi.com
The Chocolate Gallery Fairmont Bab Al Bahr Khor Al Maqta www.fairmont.com
Al Khubeirah www.theone.com
Bentley Bistro and Bar
02 818 8282
The Galleria Mall 02 626 2131 www.bentleybistro.com
02 654 3238
600 541007
The Library
Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Saadiyat 02 407 1138 www.abudhabi.park.hyatt.com Yas Mall www.twgtea.com
02 565 0360
المطاعم العائلية
Family Restaurants Andiamol
02 643 9699
Al Bahia 02 564 5770 www.cafemandarina.com Eastern Mangrove Promenade 02 641 2231 The Galleria 02 677 1261 Yas Mall 02 565 1004 www.carluccios.com
Cheesecake Factory
Yas Mall 02 492 6636 www.thecheesecakefactory.com
Divine Design Café
Al Wahda Mall 050 668 4696 DivineDesignCafe
Saadiyat Island 02 657 5888 www.fanrrestaurant.ae
Sheraton Hotel Corniche 02 677 3333 www.flavours-abudhabi.com
Fairmont Hotel Bab Al Bahr www.fairmont.com
Marina Mall Al Wahda Mall
Giraffe Restaurant Yas Mall www.giraffe.net
02 654 3238
02 681 8160 02 443 7538 02 565 0711
Grand Central Muroor www.grandcentral.ae
02 642 6499
Saadiyat Beach Golf Club www.sbgolfclub.ae 02 551 8000
Johnny Rockets
Afternoon Tea Ritz Carlton Hotel Khor Al Maqta’a www.ritzcarlton.com
02 681 8191
The Garden
Al Mushrif CafeArabia
Observation Deck at 300
Café Arabia
02 690 9000
Majlis Lobby Lounge
Sofra Bid
Shangri-La Hotel Qaryat Al Beri www.shangri-la.com
Marina Mall www.lipsthecafe.com
Various Locations www.bricco.ae Burger Joint New York Nation Towers, Corniche 02 222 2456 www.burgerjointny.com
Café Mandarina
Nation Towers 02 665 4776 Boutik Mall 600 560602 The Galleria Mall 02 665 5214 www.leopoldsoflondon.com
Lips The Café 02 657 4858
Bricco Pizza & Pasta
02 818 4888
Leopold’s of London
Crowne Plaza Hotel Yas Island 02 656 3053 www.ihg.com/crowneplaza
Le Café
Silk Route Café
Fairmont Bab Al Bahr Khor Al Maqta www.fairmont.com
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
Al Zeina www.andiamo.ae
02 556 5775
Various Locations www.johnnyrocketsuae.com
Jones The Grocer
Various locations www.jonesthegrocer.com
Living Room Café
Al Khalidiyah 02 639 6654 www.thelivingroomcafeabudhabi.com
Masdar City Melius Restaurant
02 558 3000
THE CAFE FROM 12:30 PM TO 4:00 PM September 23 onwards
AED 310++ for soft package
AED 450++
for standard package
AED 550 ++
for premium package
For reservations, please call 02 407 1138.
الكتروني على بريدATمراسلتنا 056 399| 5155 اإلتصال لإلعالن yalla@yallauae.ae A WEEKEND BREAKFAST BEACHأوHOUSE PARKعلى HYATT ABUيرجى DHABI To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae Please call 02 407 1138 for bookings and enquiries.
2016 خـ ــر يـ ـ ــف
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
Gelato Divino
Noodle House
London Dairy
Jumeriah at Etihad Towers 02 811 5666 www.jumeirah.com Al Wahda Mall 02 443 7391 Souk Qaryat Al Beri 02 558 1699 www.thenoodlehouse.com
Noodle Bowl
Zayed Sports City www.zsc.ae
Nolu’s Café
Al Bandar The Galleria
02 447 2405
02 557 9500 02 644 1516
Various Locations
Al Dhafrah 02 641 8300 www.pizzadirocco.com
Pizza Express
Yas Mall 02 565 0888 www.rollercoasterrestaurant.com
Shakespeare & Co
Various Locations www.shakespeare-and-co.com
Crowne Plaza Hotel Al Danah
Stars ‘n’ Bars
Yas Marina www.starsnbars.ae
02 616 6261 02 565 0101
The Club
Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com
The Sportsman’s Arms Zayed Sports City
02 403 4235
محالت آ اليس كريم والزبادي المجمد
Ice Cream & Frozen Yoghurt Shops Amorino
Yas Mall www.amorino.com Various Locations www.baskinrobbinsmea.com
Zayed Sports City 02 642 6166 www.summerbreeze.ae 02 555 6484
Various Locations www.yogoday.com
Various Locations www.coldstone.ae
وقت العائلة FAMILY TIME
Al Wathba Wetlands Reserve Al Mafraq www.ead.ae
Around Abu Dhabi Action & Adventure Adventure HQ
Dalma Mall Yas Mall www.adventurehq.ae
02 445 6995 02 565 0996
Al Mushrif 02 657 7777 www.adcountryclub.com
Marina Mall Al Ras Al Akhdar www.bounce.ae
04 3211 400
Challenge Chambers
Al Wahda Mall 02 445 2522 www.challengechambers.com
Desert Safari/Wadi Bashing
Abu Dhabi Adventure Tours 055 484 2001 www.abudhabiadventure.com Yas Island 02 659 9800 www.yasmarinacircuit.com
Ferrari World
Mother of the Nation Park 02 551 6069
Al Mushrif www.mushrifcentralpark.ae
Tee and Putt
02 555 5307
Al Khalidiyah 02 665 5332 www.ghafgallery.blogspot.ae
Manarat Al Saadiyat
Saadiyat Island 02 657 5800 www.saadiyatculturaldistrict.ae
N2N Gallery
Nation Towers & Al Khalidiyah www.n2n-gallery.com 02 665 9858
NYU Arts Center
Saadiyat Island www.nyuad.nyu.edu
02 628 4000
Al Wathba Camel Racing 02 583 9200
Saadiyat Island 02 666 9656 www.salwazeidangallery.com
Emirates Park Zoo and Resort
The Space
Saluki Centre
Abu Dhabi www.arabiansaluki.ae
02 575 5330
دور السينما
Al Mariah Cinema
Al Mariah Mall 02 678 5000 www.cinemaalmariah.com
Al Wahda Cinema
Al Wahda Mall 02 443 3244 www.alwahda-mall.com
Cine Royal
Air – Spacewalk
Ghaf Art Gallery
Salwa Zeidan Gallery
Camel Racing
�أبوظ المغامرات ف ي� أنحاءCinemas بي
Dalma Mall www.teeandputt.com
Mussafah Abu-Dhabi-Wildlife-centre
Al Rahba 02 501 0000 www.emiratesparkzoo.com
Yas Island 02 496 8000 www.ferrariworldabudhabi.com
Coldstone Creamery
Dalma Mall EmackArabia
Animal Fun
Abu Dhabi Wildlife Centre
Summer Breeze Frozen Yoghurt
Vasa Vasa
المرح مع الحيوانات
Dalma Mall Deerfields Mall Khalidiyah Mall www.cineroyal.ae
02 550 2525 02 563 3990 02 681 9444
Marina Mall Nations Towers Yas Mall uae.voxcinemas.com
Galleries Abu Dhabi Art Hub Al Mussafah www.adah.ae
600 599 905 600 599 905 600 599 905
Mina Port www.warehouse421.ae
التجارب والرحالت
Experiences & Tours Abu Dhabi Adventure
055 484 2001 www.abudhabiadventure.com
Arabian Adventures
04 303 4888 www.arabian-adventures.com
Belevari Marine www.belevari.com
02 643 1494
Cyclone Travel & Tours www.cyclonetours.com 050 622 5385
Desert Adventures
04 450 4450 www.desertadventures.com
Desert Rose
050 177 7458 www.desertrosetourism.com
Emirates Tours & Safaris www.eatours.ae
050 532 6837
Helicopter Tours
www.abudhabihelicoptertour.com 02 551 5005
Etihad Modern Arts Gallery
Al Bateen 02 666 0175 www.etihadmodernart.com
Folklore Gallery
Warehouse 421
www.bigbustours.com 800 244 287
Abu Dhabi Mall 02 645 8988 World Trade Center Mall 02 634 3003 Bawabat Al Sharq Mall 02 586 4877 www.novocinemas.com
VOX Cinemas
Twofour54 Park Rotana Building www.thespacead.tumblr.com
Big Bus Tours
Novo Cinemas
Drive Yas Marina Circuit
Baskin Robbins
Emack & Bolio’s
02 681 8300
Various Locations www.pinkberry.com
World Trade Center Mall 02 444 7752 www.pizzaexpressuae.com
Rogo’s Roller Coaster Restaurant
Yas Island 02 414 2000 www.yaswaterworld.com
Al Munera
Pizza Di Rocco
Yas Waterworld
Al Wahda Mall Abu Dhabi Mall www.gelatodivino.com
Al Khalidiyah 02 666 0361 www.folkloregallery.net
Net Tours
Al Danah www.nettoursuae.ae
600 575756 02 679 4656
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على 2016 To AdvertiseAUTUMN call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
2016 خـ ــر يـ ـ ــف
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
FOR ALL! Noukhada Adventure Company www.noukhada.ae
Al Jahili Fort
Restored fort and Thesinger exhibition Al Mutawaa 03 784 3996 www.visitabudhabi.com
02 558 1889
Observation Deck at 300
Jumeriah at Etihad Towers www.jumeirah.com 02 811 5666
Al Qattara Arts Centre and Souq
Orient Tours
www.orient-tours-uae.com 02 667 5609
Rayna Tours
Yas Marina Circuit 02 659 9800 www.yasmarinacircuit.com
Green Mubazzarah
Dubai Fountain
Al Ain Sportplex 03 768 8888 www.alainsportplex.ae
Tour The Pits
Hili Archaeological Park
Remains of settlements and tombs Al Ain Oasis 02 666 4442 www.abudhabi.ae
055 540 4500
Hili Fun City
ت ال�اث والثقافة
Theme park with rides and adventures Hili Area 03 784 4481 www.hilifuncity.ae
Heritage & Culture
Qasr Al Muwaiji Fort
Archaeological Site on Sir Bani Yas Island
800 555
Bani Yas Island 800 8342 www.sirbaniyasisland.com
Sheikh Zayed Desert Learning Centre
Heritage Village
www.sheikhzayeddesertlearningcentre. com
Al Marina www.torath.ae
Al Ain
02 681 8821
Sheikh Zayed Palace Museum
Restored former home of Sheikh Zayed Al Ain Street 03 751 7755 www.visitabudhabi.com
Manarat Al Saadiyat
Saadiyat Island 02 657 5800 www.saadiyatculturaldistrict.ae
Surf, raft, Kayak, climb and board Jebel Hafeet 03 781 8422 www.wadiadventure.ae
Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque www.szgmc.ae
02 419 1919
Women’s Handicraft Centre
ف �د أيام عائلية خارجية ي� ب ي
Women’s Association Complex Al Mushrif 02 447 6645
Zayed Centre Al Bateen
Family Time in Dubai
02 665 9555
Water park Aquarium and Zip line Atlantis The Palm 04 426 2000 www.atlantisthepalm.com
أيام عائلية خارجية ف� ي ن �الع ي
Family Time in Al Ain Al Ain National Museum
Showcase of the city’s heritage and tradition Al Ain Oasis 02 657 6171 www.abudhabi.ae
Wadi Adventure
Qasr Al Hosn Centre 02 697 6472
Dubai Dophinarium
Meet, swim and play with dophins Creek Park 04 336 9773 www.dubaidolphinarium.ae
Heritage Village
04 807 0708
Various tour operators 04 809 8710 www.ddcr.org
Insight into traditional arts and crafts www.visitabudhabi.com 03 761 8080 Hot spring lake and swimming pools Jebel Hafeet 03 783 9555
02 639 3938
Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve
Al Quoz 04 321 1400 #yallaloves www.bounce.ae Trampolining
The world’s most choreographed fountain Burj Khalifa, Downtown Dubai www.thedubaimall.com
Dubai Ice Rink
Al Ain Zoo
Animal and conservation experience www.alainzoo.ae 03 799 2000
Observation deck Downtown Dubai www.burjkhalifa.ae
800 BURG
Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo
Downtown Dubai 04 448 5200 www.thedubaiaquarium.com
Attractions and amusement arcade The Dubai Mall 04 448 8484 www.segarepublic.com
Ski Dubai
Indoor skiing and tobogganing Mall of the Emirates 800 386 www.skidbx.skischoolshop.com
The Journey
Outdoor play park Umm Suqeim 055 527 8931 www.thejourneydubai.com
Olympic size rink The Dubai Mall 04 448 5111 www.dubaiicerink.com
VOX Cinemas and IMAX
Dubai Miracle Garden
Wild Wadi
Nr Dubai Autodrome 04 4228902 www.dubaimiraclegarden.com
Dubai Museum
A look into Emirate life in the Al Fahidi Fort Bur Dubai 04 353 1862 www.dubaiculture.gov.ae
Indoor play park Jumeirah www.fairytales.ae
Flip Out
Al Quoz 3 www.flipout.ae
04 344 5030
Mall of the Emirates uae.voxcinemas.com Water Park Jumeirah www.jumeirah.com
600 599 905
04 348 4444
Wonderland Dubai
Theme park and splash land Creek Park 04 324 3222 www.wonderlanduae.com
Downtown Dubai www.xdubai.com
600 567568
Global Village
Fantasy Island Shows and cultural events China Village 04 362 4114 www.globalvillage.ae
Jumeriah Mosque
The most photographed mosque in Dubai Jumeirah 04 353 666 www.cultures.ae
follow us
Indoor edutainment centre Dubai Mall 04 448 5222 www.kidzania.ae
Legoland Dubai (Opening October) Dubai Parks and Resorts www.legoland.com/dubai
Madinat Jumeirah
Souq style shopping and eating Jumeirah 04 366 8888 www.jumeirah.com
...so much more than just a directory! Burj Khalifa
SEGA republic
Ifly indoor sky diving and Soccer Circus Midrif City Centre 04 231 6292 www.majidalfuttaim.com
02 696 2222
Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank www.adib.ae
Chinese Embassy
Al Mushrif ae.china-embassy.org
Danish Embassy Maqta’a fae.um.dk/en
Egyptian Embassy Embassies District
Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank www.adcb.com
02 610 0600
02 443 4276
02 441 0104
02 444 5566
French Embassy
Etihad Towers 02 813 1000 www.ambafrance-eau.org
German Embassy
www.emiratesnbd.com 600 540 000
Towers at the Trade Center Al Zahiyah 02 596 7700 www.abu-dhabi.diplo.de
Greek Embassy
Emirates NBD
600 554 722
National Bank of Abu Dhabi www.nbad.com
800 22 11
Standard Chartered
Al Muroor www.mfa.gr
Embassies District 02 449 2700 www.indembassyuae.org
Iraqi Embassy
ال�يد الرسيع ش�كات ب
Irish Embassy
Courier Companies Aramex
02 555 1911 800 4004 800 33339
Italian Embassy
Al Rowdah 02 443 5622 www.ambabudhabi.esteri.it
Australian Embassy
Oman Embassy
Canadian Embassy
02 610 1100
Towers at the Trade Center Al Zahiyah 02 694 0300 www.uae.gc.ca
ADNEC/Exhibition Centre Area 02 627 4636 www.eda.admin.ch
US Embassy
Embassies District 02 414 2200 www.abudhabi.usembassy.gov
أرقام الخدمات العامة
Al Mushrif
Philippine Embassy
Al Qubaisat www.philembassy.ae
Russian Embassy Al Danah www.uae.mid.ru
02 441 1222
02 446 3333 02 639 0006
02 672 1797
Saudi Arabian Embassy
Embassies District 02 444 5700 embassies.mofa.gov.sa
055 865 9653
Victoria Akbik Photography
050 617 0782 www.victoriaakbikphotography.com
العقارات Real Estate Aldar Properties www.aldar.com
Better Homes
Abu Dhabi International Airport
Flight Enquiry
www.abudhabiairport.ae 02 575 7500
Weather Forecast
02 666 7776
التصاالت إ 155 800 155
600 52 2233
02 447 3100 www.chestertons-mena.com
02 441 1225
Crompton Partners
Zayed Sports City 056 445 8197 www.cpestateagents.com
Henry Wiltshire Khidmah
LLJ Property
For Etisalat callers For Non-Etisalat callers www.etisalat.ae
101 800 101
المصورين PHOTOGRAPHERS www.gabyhr.com
02 626 0068
Gaby HR
800 25327
Aswaq Management & Services www.aswaqms.ae 02 645 7733
Public Service Numbers
Embassies District 02 449 2100 www.lebembassyuae.com Al Karamah www.nzembassy.com
Al Hosn www.gov.uk
Swiss Embassy
Jordanian Embassy
New Zealand Embassy
racha hallak el kawa
Madinat Zayed 02 417 8800 www.swedenabroad.com
Lebanese Embassy
Swedish Embassy
Al Rowdah 02 443 5696 www.uae.emb-japan.go.jp
800 4774
Al Khalidiyah 02 401 7500 www.uae.embassy.gov.au
Al Danah 02 626 9544 www.exteriores.gob.es
For Du callers For Non-Du callers www.du.ae
800 4333
Racha Hallak El Kawa
Spanish Embassy
Japanese Embassy
Embassies & Consulates
British Embassy
02 495 8200
Embassies District 02 509 9000 www.jordanembassy.ae
السفارات والقنصليات
02 447 3446
www.abudhabiairport.ae 02 505 5555
Embassies District 02 441 8022 www.mofamission.gov.iq Al Bateen (emergency only) www.dfa.ie
Al Mushrif www.dirco.gov.za
02 449 2550
Indian Embassy
600 522 288 www.standardchartered.ae
South African Embassy
056 690 0824 www.jilliangreenhillphotography.com
Kirsty Larmour Photography
www.kirstylarmour.com 055 814 0079
800 544 3624 02 495 0500
Tourism Development & Investment Company www.tdic.ae
800 8342
خدمات التصليح REPAIRERS
056 222 8303
Jillian Greenhill Photography
800 43679
Al Shamookh Sports & Gifts
Al Danah (Near Spinney’s) 02 674 3558
Melissa Crown Photography
050 692 0264 www.melissacrownphotography.com
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
2016 خـ ــر يـ ـ ــف
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
إصالح آ الالت الموسيقية
Musical Instrument Repair Music Doctor
Manu Furtado
056 724 8868
إصالح أ الحذية والحقائب
األطباء البيطريون والحيوانات األليفة Vets & Pets Abu Dhabi Falcon Hospital
Al Falah 02 575 5155 www.falconhospital.com
Shoe and hand bag repair Clogs
Al Bahya Sanctuary
Surprise Bags
American Veterinary Clinic
First Floor Hamdan Centre
The Cobbler
Galleria Mall www.cobbler.ae
Al Khalidiyah Khalifa City Emergency www.britvet.com
02 665 0085 02 550 4111 050 823 0780
Cloud 9 Pet Hotel & Care
ADFH Animal Shelter
Behind Al Noor Khalifa St. 02 626 2750
British Veterinary Centre
02 575 5155 www.abudhabianimalshelter.com BahyaSanctuary
02 634 3041
Al Khalidiyah Emergency www.americanvet.ae
02 665 5044 050 615 1711
02 621 0109
Animal Action Abu Dhabi
Khalifa City 02 556 2990 Emergency 050 660 6189 www.australianvet.com
عيادات أ السنان
Khalifa City 02 556 4111 www.cloud9pethotel.com
Dental Clinics
Feline Friends
Advanced American Dental Clinic
Khalifa City 050 823 1569 www.ffabudhabi.com
Al Bateen 02 681 2921 www.americandentalclinic.com
German Veterinary Clinic
Boston Dental Clinic
K9 Friends
British Dental Clinic
Khalifa City Emergency www.germanvet.ae
02 556 2024 050 615 1711
04 887 8739
National Veterinary Hospital
Al Etihad 02 446 1628 www.nationalvet.com AnimalActionUAE
Australian Veterinary Hospital
الصحة العائلية
Pet’s Delight
Khalifa City www.pets-delight.com
Sandy Paws
02 557 4580
Al Khalidiyah 02 666 7070 www.bostondentaluae.com Al Danah 02 677 3308 www.britishdentalclinic.ae
Davinci Dental Clinic Al Marina www.davincidental.ae
Dental Experts Center Al Khalidiyah www.dentexp.com
02 681 0060
Dr Firas Dental & Orthodontic Center Al Marina www.firasdoc.com
02 222 2616
02 222 2600
!لمعلوماتكم Eastmans Dental Centre
Al Khalidiyah 02 621 2828 Eastmans-Smile-SolutionsDental-Clinic
International Center For Dental Excellence Capital Centre www.icdexcell.com
02 447 7752
02 665 4990
Smile Art Dental Clinic Al Nahyan www.dubaismile.com
Public Hospitals
Burjeel Medical Centre
Abu Dhabi Knee and Sports Medicine Centre
Al Mafraq Hospital
Corniche Hospital
Deerfields Mall 02 508 5500 www.burjeelmedicalcentre.com Al Nahyan 02 555 9999 www.canadiancmc.com Al Marina www.hsmc.ae
02 613 3999
HealthPlus Family Health Center
Smile Clinic
Al Hosn 02 621 8700 www.lucsmileclinic.com
Al Bandar, Al Raha Beach 02 557 1818 www.hplus.ae
The Doctors Medical Center
HealthPlus Children’s Specialty Center
Al Khalidiyah 02 666 3378 Masdar City 02 666 3378 www.TheDoctorsMedicalCenter.com
Eye Clinics
عيادات العيون
Al Bateen www.hplus.ae
02 658 2221
HealthPlus Women’s Health Center Al Karamah www.hplus.ae
02 643 3494
King’s College Hospital Clinic
Eye Institute at Cleveland Clinic
Al Khalidiyah www.kchclinics.com
Moorfields Eye Hospital Centre
Swedish Medical Center
Al Maryah Island
800 8 2223
Al Marina www.moorfields.ae
02 635 6161
First Aid Training
National Ambulance 02 596 8600 www.nationalambulance.ae
Numero Uno
02 557 5220 www.numerouno-me.com
عيادات الصحة
Health Clinics
Abu Dhabi Telemedicine Centre
Phone based service www.telemed.ae
800 4959
Advanced Cure Diagnostic Center Al Bateen www.cure.ae
Al Khalidiyah
02 501 4000
02 681 1122
The Doctors Medical Center
التدريب عىل السعافات أ الولية إ
02 667 5050
المستشفيات العامة
Harley Street Medical Centre 02 665 0555
العالج الطبيعي
Various Locations 800 26422 www.alnoorhospital.com
Canadian Medical Center
Jeiroudi Orthodontic Center Al Khalidiyah
Al Noor Hospital Family Care Center
Al Khalidiyah 02 666 3378 Masdar City 02 666 3378 www.TheDoctorsMedicalCenter.com
Women’s Health Center
Corniche Maternity Hospital Al Danah 02 672 4900 www.seha.ae
الرعاية الصحية ف� ن ز الم�ل ي
Healthcare at Home Manzil Healthcare Services www.manzilhealth.ae
800 626 945
أخصائ� البرصيات يي
Al Jaber Optical
Various locations www.aljaberoptical.com
Yateem Opticians
Various Locations www.yateemgroup.com
Zayed Sports City www.healthpoint.ae
02 492 9000
Yas Marina www.bounceback.ae
02 565 1212
02 626 5722
International Knee and Joint Centre David Baston Al Dhafra www.knee.ae
02 444 6600
المستشفيات الخاصة
Private Hospitals Ahalia Hospital
Hamdan 02 626 2666 Mussafah 800 66666 www.ahaliagroup.com
Al Noor Hospital
Various locations 800 26422 www.alnoorhospital.com
Brightpoint Royal Women’s Hospital Al Mushrif www.brightpoint.ae
Burjeel Hospital
Al Dhafrah www.burjeel.com
Al Danah 02 672 4900 www.cornichehospital.ae
Sheikh Khalifa Medical City
Franco Emirian Patrick Milton Al Danah
Al Mafraq 02 501 1111 www.mafraqhospital.ae
800 7676
02 508 5555
Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi
Al Maryah Island 800 8 2223 www.clevelandclinicabudhabi.ae
Danat Al Emarat Hospital for Women and Children
Al Wahda www.skmc.ae
02 819 0000
الرعاية الصحية المتخصصة
Specialist Healthcare Abu Dhabi Knee and Sports Medicine Centre Zayed Sports City www.healthpoint.ae
02 492 9000
Acupuncture Gulf Chinese Medical Centre
Al Markaziyah West 02 634 3538 www.gulfchinesemedical.net
American Center for Psychiatry and Neurology
Al Rowdah 02 697 9999 www.americancenteruae.com
American Center for Special Abilities (ACSA) Al Rowdah www.acsa.ae
02 666 5545
Bodyworx Medical Centre Al Dhafrah www.bodyworx.ae
Corpofino Dermatology Al Danah www.corpofino.ae
02 641 9961
02 639 6991
Abu Dhabi Gate City 02 614 9999 www.danatalemarat.ae
Khalifa City 02 557 2220 Al Rowdah 02 446 6648 www.cosmesurge.com
Al Bateen 02 417 7222 www.gdc-hospital.com
Exeter Medical Center Bone & Joint Health
Gulf Diagnostic Center Hospital
Healthpoint Hospital Zayed Sports City www.healthpoint.ae
02 492 9000
Madinat Zayed www.llhhospital.com
02 633 5522
Lifeline Hospital
NMC Speciality Hospital Madinat Zayed www.nmc.ae
02 633 2255
Universal Hospital
Al Rowdah 02 599 9555 www.universalhospitals.com
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
Al Bateen 02 635 4321 www.exetermedicalcenter.com
Gulf Diagnostic Center
Al Bateen 02 417 7222 www.gdc-hospital.com
HealthPlus Diabetes & Endocrinology Center Al Bateen www.hplus.ae
02 666 0363
HealthPlus Fertility Center Al Karamah www.hplus.ae
2016 خـ ــر يـ ـ ــف
02 643 3494
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
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yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على EmiratesParkZoo EmiratesParkZoo 2016 To Advertise call 056 399 5155 EmiratesPark or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
خـ ــر يـ ـ ــف55
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae National Taxi Abu Dhabi www.nationaltaxi.ae
Transad Taxis
02 554 2231 600 535 353
المعلومات الخاصةبالطوارئ EMERGENCY INFORMATION
أرقام الطوارئ
Emergency Numbers
Ambulance 998 Civil Defense/Fire
International Chiropractic Specialty Center
الكهرباء والماء
Al Markaziyah 02 634 5162 www.chiropracticUAE.com
Electricity & Water
Lisa Laws Hypnotherapy 055 771 2857
Abu Dhabi Water and Electric Company (ADWEC)
Lotus Holistic Center Khalifa City www.lotusholistic.ae
02 694 3333
02 557 9801
Silkor Laser Hair Removal Al Khalidiyah Etihad Plaza www.silkor.com
02 681 6070 02 557 7700
موردي الغاز
Tarish Ateeq Al Qubisi Gas www.tarishgas.com
02 559 9477 02 679 2205
ين التأم� الصحي
02 554 7337
800 4845 02 614 9555
ين التأم� عىل ن ز الم�ل
ش�كات النقل والشحن
www.delightmovers.com 02 690 2900
Municipality 993 Water and Electricity
800 2332 800 555
مستشفيات تستقبل الحوادث والحاالت الطارئة
E Movers
www.euromovers-ae.com 02 659 4243
Hospitals with Accident & Emergency
GAC International
Al Noor Hospital
www.moving.gac.com 02 673 0500
سيارات أ الجرة وخدمات السيارة مع سائق
Taxis & Chauffeured Services Al Ghazal Taxi
www.alghazaltransport.ae 02 635 6060
Abu Dhabi National Insurance Company
Emirates Taxi
800 8040
02 673 3076
Delight International Movers
House Insurance www.adnic.ae
02 632 6543
Coastguard 996
Abu Dhabi Municipality 02 678 8888
Mr Fixit
Zurich House Insurance
Water 991
Crown Relocations
Abu Dhabi Maids
02 557 1542 www.exilesmaidservice.ae
www.insurancehouse.ae 02 493 4444
Al Ruwais Industrial Gases
Health Insurance
Exiles Maid Service
Insurance House
Electricity 991
Abu Dhabi Government
Cleaning & Maintenance Services
050 926 4074 www.abudhabi-maids.com
800 4845
Removal Companies
Zubair Gas Distribution Co
خدمات التنظيف والصيانة
Gas Suppliers
02 555 3809 www.eigco.com/contact/contact.htm
Police 999
Axa Insurance
04 440 5222
Al Danah 02 626 5265 www.alnoorhospital.com
Al Rahba Hospital Al Rahba www.alrahba.ae
02 506 4444
Corniche Maternity Hospital
Al Danah 02 672 4900 www.cornichehospital.ae
Mafraq Hospital
Mafraq 02 501 1111 www.mafraqhospital.ae
Sheikh Khalifa Medical City 02 550 9511
Al Wahda www.skmc.gov.ae
02 610 2000
خـ ــر يـ ـ ــف 2016
لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على 056 399 5155أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني yalla@yallauae.ae To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae
yalla@yallauae.ae أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني056 399 5155 لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae