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Know It All Family Guide
New Year, New Content, New Look!
شتا ء
الدليل الكامل لألسرة يف أبوظيب
SPECIALIZED CHILDCARE, EVERY STEP OF THE WAY At Danat Al Emarat, we ensure you have access to comprehensive care for your child, from birth to adolescence. Our state-of-the-art Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Level III caters to ill and premature newborns in need of breathing and nutrition support using specialized equipment, such as function monitoring and body cooling machines. Our care continues in the Pediatrics Center, providing the comprehensive care your child needs, including: Pediatric Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Pediatric Intensive Care (PICU) Neonatal Intensive Care (NICU) Pediatric Ophthalmology and more.
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YALLA Phoenix Media & Publications FZ LLC Twofour54, P.O Box 769386 Building 5, 6th Floor Abu Dhabi, UAE BL 425 +971 (0)2 491 9760 MANAGING DIRECTOR Jane Barraclough jane@yallauae.ae EDITOR Alison Rennie alison@yallauae.ae ADVERTISING MANAGER Michelle Munk michelle@yallauae.ae For further information contact yalla@yallauae.ae PRINTED BY Origin Printing & Advertising FZE ART DIRECTORS Monica Nucera Modesign FZE Katharine Cameron-Clarke DIGITAL MARKETING Charlotte Hope
@yallaabudhabi www.yallaabudhabi.ae All content and images may not be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form without prior consent. Please note that Yalla accepts no liability for errors, omissions or damage resulting from the use of this guide or any of the advertisements in it. Readers must make their own enquiries to establish each entry. Information is correct at the time of going to press. © 2018 Phoenix Media & Publications FZ LLC. All rights reserved.
FIND OUT MORE ONLINE 8www.yallaabudhabi.ae www.yallaabudhabi.ae
Hello 2018 We wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2018, and for those of you who have been away, perhaps on a festive break, welcome back to Abu Dhabi. To kick off 2018, Yalla is very excited to share with you its brand new look! We have redesigned the magazine to give Yalla a fresh new feel and bring you the best information about all things family-related. Our Winter edition is packed with exciting features, events, competitions and, of course, your complete A-Z directory for schools, nurseries, gyms, sports clubs, party venues, dining outlets, medical centres, hospitals, community groups, pet stores and more! Inside, we've also teamed up with Gabbitas Education, an education consultancy advising on all aspects of British education worldwide, to provide useful information on those key educational decisions for your children, such as, why choose a Montessori nursery? and, the A Level Vs IB curriculum debate - which is best for your child? Turn to pages 8 & 16. With it being a new year, many of you may be looking to improve your fitness and diet to lead a healthier lifestyle, so we've highlighted a few easy ways you can start 2018 as you mean to go on. Enritsch, experts in wellness and well-being, have come onboard to provide some useful information. We've also highlighted some fun yoga poses for kids before bedtime thanks to Lets Go Yoga and a delicious healthy smoothie recipe from Simple Café. See page 53. 2017 was a big year for the Yalla team as we launched Yalla See It All Tourist Guide ™ for Abu Dhabi. See page 4 to read all about it! Enjoy our new edition - we hope you like our new look! Best wishes for the year ahead!
The Yalla Team
، ﻋﺎﻣﺎً ﺳﻌﻴﺪا ً وﻣﺰدﻫﺮا ً ﻟﻠﺠﻤﻴﻊ2018 ﻧﺘﻤﻨﻰ أن ﻳﻜﻮن رمبﺎ ﰲ ﻋﻄﻠﺔ،وﺑﺎﻟﻨﺴﺒﺔ ﻷوﻟﺌﻚ اﻟﺬﻳﻦ ﻛﺎﻧﻮا ﻣﺴﺎﻓﺮﻳﻦ .ً ﻧﺮﺣﺐ ﺑﻜﻢ ﰲ أﺑﻮﻇﺒﻲ ﻣﺠﺪدا،اﺣﺘﻔﺎﻟﻴﺔ ﻳﻄﻴﺐ ﻟﻨﺎ أن ﻧﺸﺎرﻛﻜﻢ ﻣﺠﻠﺔ، ﺑﺤامس2018 ﻟﺒﺪء ﻋﺎم "ﻳﺎﻻ" ﺑﺤﻠﺘﻬﺎ اﻟﺠﺪﻳﺪة متﺎﻣﺎً! ﻓﻘﺪ ﻗﻤﻨﺎ ﺑﺈﻋﺎدة ،ً ﺗﺼﻤﻴﻢ اﳌﺠﻠﺔ ﻹﻋﻄﺎء "ﻳﺎﻻ" ﺷﻜﻼً ﺟﺪﻳﺪا ً أﻛرث متﻴﺰا ﺑﺎﻹﺿﺎﻓﺔ إﱃ ﺗﻀﻤﻨﻬﺎ أﻓﻀﻞ اﳌﻌﻠﻮﻣﺎت ﺣﻮل ﺟﻤﻴﻊ . اﻷﺷﻴﺎء اﻟﺘﻲ ﺗﻬﻢ اﻷﴎة ، ﻓﻌﺎﻟﻴﺎت،إن ﻧﺴﺨﺔ اﻟﺸﺘﺎء ﻣﻠﻴﺌﺔ مبﻤﻴﺰات ﻋﺪﻳﺪة ﻣﺴﺎﺑﻘﺎت وﺑﺎﻟﻄﺒﻊ اﻟﺪﻟﻴﻞ اﻟﻜﺎﻣﻞ ﻣﻦ اﻷﻟﻒ اﱃ اﻷﻧﺪﻳﺔ، اﻟﺠﻤﻨﺎزﻳﻮم، اﻟﺤﻀﺎﻧﺎت،اﻟﻴﺎء ﻟﻠﻤﺪارس اﳌﺮاﻛﺰ، اﳌﻄﺎﻋﻢ، أﻣﺎﻛﻦ إﻗﺎﻣﺔ اﻟﺤﻔﻼت،اﻟﺮﻳﺎﺿﻴﺔ ﻣﺤﻼت، اﳌﺠﻤﻮﻋﺎت اﳌﺠﺘﻤﻌﻴﺔ، اﳌﺴﺘﺸﻔﻴﺎت،اﻟﻄﺒﻴﺔ !اﻟﺤﻴﻮاﻧﺎت اﻷﻟﻴﻔﺔ واﳌﺰﻳﺪ ﺗﻌﺎوﻧﻨﺎ ﻣﻊ "ﺟﺎﺑﻴﺘﺎس،ﻛام ﺗﺠﺪون ﰲ ﻫﺬا اﻟﻌﺪد ﻟﻺﺳﺘﺸﺎرات اﻟﺨﺎﺻﺔ ﺑﻜﻞ ﺟﻮاﻧﺐ اﻟﺘﻌﻠﻴﻢ،"اﻟﺘﻌﻠﻴﻤﻴﺔ وذﻟﻚ ﻟﺘﺰوﻳﺪﻛﻢ ﺑﺎﳌﻌﻠﻮﻣﺎت،اﻟﱪﻳﻄﺎين ﰲ اﻟﻌﺎمل اﻟﺘﻲ ﺗﻔﻴﺪﻛﻢ ﰲ إﺗﺨﺎذ اﻟﻘﺮارات اﻟﺘﻌﻠﻴﻤﻴﺔ اﻟﺨﺎﺻﺔ ﻣﺜﻞ ﳌﺎذا ﺗﺨﺘﺎرون ﺣﻀﺎﻧﺔ ﺗﺘﺒﻊ ﻧﻈﺎم،ﺑﺄﻃﻔﺎﻟﻜﻢ اﳌﻮﻧﺘﻴﺴﻮري؟ وإﺧﺘﻴﺎر ﻣﺎ ﺑني ﻧﻈﺎﻣﻲ اﻟﺘﻌﻠﻴﻢ اﻟﱪﻳﻄﺎين أو اﻟﺪوﱄ – أﻳﻬام أﻓﻀﻞ ﻟﻄﻔﻠﻜﻢ؟ ﻃﺎﻟﻌﻮا .16 و8 ﺻﻔﺤﺔ ﻗﺪ ﻳﺒﺤﺚ اﻟﻌﺪﻳﺪ ﻣﻨﺎ ﻋﻦ،ﻣﻊ ﺑﺪاﻳﺔ اﻟﻌﺎم اﻟﺠﺪﻳﺪ ﺳﺒﻞ ﻟﺘﺤﺴني ﻟﻴﺎﻗﺘﻬﻢ اﻟﺒﺪﻧﻴﺔ واﻟﻨﻈﺎم اﻟﻐﺬايئ ﻣﻦ وﻟﻬﺬا اﻟﺴﺒﺐ ﻗﻤﻨﺎ،أﺟﻞ ﺧﻮض منﻂ ﺣﻴﺎة ﺻﺤﻲ 2018 ﺑﺘﺴﻠﻴﻂ اﻟﻀﻮء ﻋﲆ ﺑﻌﺾ اﻟﻄﺮق اﻟﺴﻬﻠﺔ ﻟﺒﺪء ﺧﱪاء،" وﻗﺪ ﻗﻤﻨﺎ ﺑﺎﻟﺘﻌﺎون ﻣﻊ "إﻧﺮﻳﺘﺶ.ﺑﺼﺤﺔ أﻛرث . ﻟﺘﻮﻓري ﺑﻌﺾ اﳌﻌﻠﻮﻣﺎت اﳌﻔﻴﺪة،اﻟﺼﺤﺔ واﻟﻠﻴﺎﻗﺔ ﻛام ﻗﻤﻨﺎ ﺑﺈﻟﻘﺎء اﻟﻀﻮء ﻋﲆ ﺑﻌﺾ ﺗﺪرﻳﺒﺎت اﻟﻴﻮﻏﺎ اﳌﺮﺣﺔ ﻟﻸﻃﻔﺎل ﻗﺒﻞ اﻟﻨﻮم ﺑﺎﻟﺘﻌﺎون ﻣﻊ "ﻟﻴﺘﺲ ﺟﻮ ﺑﺎﻹﺿﺎﻓﺔ اﱃ وﺻﻔﺔ اﻟﺴﻤﻮذي اﻟﺼﺤﻲ اﻟﻠﺬﻳﺬة،"ﻳﻮﻏﺎ .53 ﻃﺎﻟﻌﻮا ﺻﻔﺤﺔ."اﳌﻘﺪﻣﺔ ﻣﻦ "ﺳﻴﻤﺒﻞ ﻛﺎﻓﻴﻪ وﻗﺪ ﻋﺎد رﻛﻦ اﻷﻃﻔﺎل ﻣﻦ "ﻳﺎﻻ" ﻣﺮة أﺧﺮى وﻫﻮ أﻓﻀﻞ إﺻﺪارات اﻟﻜﺘﺐ،ﻣﲇء ﺑﺎﻟﺤﻘﺎﺋﻖ اﳌﻤﺘﻌﺔ !واﳌﺴﺎﺑﻘﺎت اﻟﺘﻲ ﻻ ﻳﺠﺐ أن ﺗﻔﻮﺗﻜﻢ ﻋﺎﻣﺎً اﺳﺘﺜﻨﺎﺋﻴﺎً ﺑﺎﻟﻨﺴﺒﺔ ﻟﻔﺮﻳﻖ ﻳﺎﻻ2017 ﻟﻘﺪ ﻛﺎن ﻋﺎم ﻃَﺎﻟﻌﻮا،" دﻟﻴﻞ أﺑﻮﻇﺒﻲ اﻟﺴﻴﺎﺣﻲ-ﺣﻴﺚ أﻃﻠﻘﻨﺎ "ﻳﺎﻻ ! ﳌﻌﺮﻓﺔ ﻛﺎﻓﺔ اﻟﺘﻔﺎﺻﻴﻞ4 ﺻﻔﺤﺔ ﻧﺘﻤﻨﻰ ان ﻳﺤﻮز ﻫﺬا اﻟﻌﺪد ﺑﺸﻜﻠﻪ اﻟﺠﺪﻳﺪ ﻋﲆ !اﻋﺠﺎﺑﻜﻢ ﻣﻊ أﻃﻴﺐ متﻨﻴﺎﺗﻨﺎ ﻟﻠﻌﺎم اﻟﺠﺪﻳﺪ
،،، ﻣﻊ ﺧﺎﻟﺺ ﺗﺤﻴﺎﺗﻨﺎ ﻓﺮﻳﻖ ﻳﺎﻻ WINTER 2018
في هذا العدد
Featured in this issue
41 dining
تناول الطعام
مطاعم عائلية
Family-friendly eateries
Nurseries, Schools, Universities, Specialist Education, Language Tuition, Tutors, Computer & IT Courses. Gabittas Education Features.
Aerobics & Fitness, Archery, Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Bikes & Cycling, Bowling, Cricket, Dance & Ballet, Diving, Dragon Boating, Fishing, Football, Go Karting, Golf, Gymnastics, Horse Racing, Horse Riding, Ice Hockey & Skating, Jet Skiing, Kayaking, Martial Arts, Motorsports, Mountaineering & Trekking, Netball, Paddleboarding, Paintballing, Parkour, Polo, Power Boating, Rugby, Running, Sailing, Shooting Clubs, Snooker, Softball, Squash, Swimming, Tennis, Wakeboarding & Waterskiing, Windsurfing. Zayed Sports City Feature.
Art, Crafts & Pottery, Art Suppliers, Galleries, Drama, Music, Music & Singing Groups, Singing Lessons
51 fitness
مراكز اللياقة البدنية
تدريبات لجميع أفراد الأسرة Workouts for the whole family
Party Food, Party Organisers, Party Suppliers, Party Venues
Action & Adventure, Activity Centres, Animal Fun, Beaches & Beach Clubs, Cinemas, Experiences & Tours, Heritage & Culture, Entertainment In Al Ain, Entertainment in Dubai
Cafés & Coffee Shops, Family Brunches, Afternoon Tea, Family Restaurants, Ice Cream & Frozen Yoghurt Shops
Dental Clinics, Eye Clinics, First Aid Training, Health Clinics, Healthcare at Home, Hospitals with Accident & Emergency, Infant Massage, Maternity Hospitals, Maternity Pre and Post Natal Classes, Midwifery, Opticians, Physiotherapists, Private Hospitals, Public Hospitals, Specialist Healthcare
Hairdressing, Health Spas, Fitness Centres, Nail & Beauty salons, Yoga & Pilates. Well-being & Wellness Features.
31 party venues
أماكن إقامة الحفالت
أفضل أماكن الحفالت في أبوظبي
The best party venues in town
Baby Equipment & Clothes, Banks, Children's Books, Children's Furniture, Children's Shoes, Malls, Musical Instruments, Souks & Markets, Sport Shops, Supermarkets, Toys & Games
Business Groups, Children's Charities, Clubs & Societies, Embassies & Consulates, Environmental, Fundraising & Volunteering, Libraries, Public Service Numbers, Support Groups, Telecoms
Cleaning & Maintenance Services, Courier Companies, Electricity & Water, Gas Suppliers, Health Insurance, House Insurance, Removal Companies, Real Estate, Repairers, Engravers, Shoe & Handbag Repair, Tailors
64 PETS Vets & Pets
Airport Services, Boat Tours and Yacht Charters, Bus Services, Taxis & Chauffered Services, Travel Agencies
Emergency Numbers, Hospitals with Accident & Emergency, Say it like an Emirati
Year of Zayed The year 2018 has been declared as the ‘Year of Zayed’. His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates, made the announcement that 2018 marks 100 years since the birth of the late founding father, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan. Throughout the year, the local, regional and international achievements of the late leader will be recognised, as well as the steps he took to establish the UAE Federation. The Year of Zayed will signify the late Sheikh Zayed’s key values and principles, as well as his inspirational wisdom, vision and patience - which made him one of the world’s greatest leaders. It is also an opportunity to portray Sheikh Zayed’s legacy in upcoming UAE projects and initiatives which express his vision and key values.
The late Sheikh Zayed set the foundations of modern development across all sectors in the UAE with his strong vision, wisdom and goodness. His generosity is experienced everyday not only in the UAE and the Gulf region, but also across the Arab world and internationally, with contributions and initiatives, displaying his unerring skill as a leader. The Year of Zayed will emphasise the great level of respect which so many people around the world hold for him.
Photography by Department of Cullture & Tourism
It was reported on www.uaecabinet.ae, President Sheikh Khalifa said; "The Year of Zayed is a great national occasion when we will proudly share memories of the life of the founding father, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, and his gift to us of deeply-rooted values, principles and traditions that have become part of our Emirati identity."
New “edition” to the Yalla Family!
At the end of last year we welcomed a new “edition” to the Yalla family and launched our fantastic tourist guide, Yalla See It All ™, with action-packed itineraries, unique experiences, exciting entertainment events, and the best places to eat in Abu Dhabi. Plus, you’ll find some of our age-old Yalla favourites, including the Yalla Map of Abu Dhabi and a new map of Al Ain. Yalla See It All ™ is so much more than you might expect from a normal tourist guide. We teamed up with local experts and ubertalented photographers to bring you on-the-ground information about the Emirate of Abu Dhabi,
exposing its hidden gems and showcasing the wealth of culture and heritage in the Capital. You can pick up a free copy of Yalla See It All ™ from Abu Dhabi International Airport, Abu Dhabi Mall, and many major hotels. Alternatively, we recommend that you download the free app from the Apple or Google Play app stores to take the guide with you on the go, and take advantage of exclusive offers and discounts on our favourite experiences and leading dining spots.
Download the free app to use Yalla See It All™ on the go and take advantage of exclusive offers and discounts on our favourite experiences and leading dining spots
The next edition of Yalla See It All ™ will hit the shelves in April!
Event Calendar
Winter 2018
February January
Sultan Bin Zayed Heritage Festival 2018 February 1 – 3
Yas Movies in the Park February 15 – 24
New Year’s Day January 1
Red Bull Air Race UAE February 2
Celebrate Chinese New Year at Ferrari World February 16 - 26
School term begins January 7
Al Ain Cycle Race February 2
Liwa Cycle Race January 12
ADSC Al Ain Zoo Run February 3
Abu Dhabi Invitational 2018 January 12 - 13
Seong-Jin Cho - Solo Piano Recital 1 February 7
Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week January 13 – 20
Abu Dhabi Junior Aquathlon – Race 3 February 10
Abu Dhabi Cycling Tour February 21 – 25 UK Boarding School Exhibition February 23-24 Anderson Education UK Boarding School Exhibition February 23 & 24
Abu Dhabi HSBC Championship January 18 The Festival at Masdar City January 19 – 20
Reem Weekend January 19 – 20
Emirates Literature Festival 2018 March 1 - 10
Ripe Market at Umm Al Emarat Park January 20
Cycle For Health UAE March 1 - 31
Frozen Princess Day at Orange Wheels January 25
Truckers Beats March 2
Sheikh Zayed Heritage Festival Until January 27
ITU World Triathlon Series March 2 - 3
Yas Family Fitness Festival January 26 - 27
Imagine Science – Film Festival March 7 – 10
Laughter on the Links January 29
Abu Dhabi Festival 2018 March 8 – 30 Ataya organised by the Red Crescent March 11 – 15 School term ends March 25 Yas Island Cycle Race March 30
April Abu Dhabi Classics April 1 – 31 School terms begins April 8 Abu Dhabi Pet Festival 2018 April 13 Paw Patrol Live! April 13 - 14 Travel through Traditions at Al Ain Museum Until April 14 Donetsk Opera and Ballet Theatre at Emirates Palace April 20 Splash at Yas Marina April 20 - 21
Al Ain Oasis Events Until March 31 Harlem Globetrotters March 30 - 31
Kids' Corner
Kids' Corner
From fun facts to top reads and a cool competition, our Kids' Corner is back for Winter! You and your family can also make a difference this year by helping to reduce the level of waste in our oceans with our handy tips from the EWS-WWF! With fun facts, top reads and cool competitions - where you can win exciting family prizes - and educational content, our Kids’ Corner is a page dedicated to you! For our Winter edition, make sure you enter our fantastic competitions below! We’ve teamed up with Anantara and have a wonderful 2-night family stay to give away at the Desert Islands Resort & Spa on Sir Bani Yas Island. Or, perhaps you fancy winning a kids’ party with LUSH Cosmetics? Your little one could celebrate his/her birthday in style this year with a fun-filled afternoon playing games and experimenting with exciting LUSH products. As the temperature is still perfect for family days on the beach, we also thought it would be a great idea to share some useful tips on how you can help reduce the level of waste in our oceans. Check out the top tips from environment experts the EWS – WWF on the opposite page. We also recommend you plan a family road trip to the Al Wathba Wetlands Reserve one weekend! If you have young bookworms under your roof, take a look at our Top Reads for 2018, and let your kids enjoy learning about Turtles with our fun facts!
It's competition time! WIN! A 2-NIGHT FAMILY STAY AT THE DESERT ISLANDS RESORT & SPA BY ANANTARA! At Desert Islands Resort & Spa by Anantara, guests can experience unique service inspired by the Middle East’s local traditions of hospitality and culture. Situated along the resplendent coastline of Sir Bani Yas Island, the resort offers 64 luxuriously designed rooms, suites and villas where guests can wake up to the alluring melodies of a thousand bird songs, the spectacular view of tropical gardens and the turquoise sea beyond.
WIN! A KIDS' PARTY WITH LUSH! Beauty retailer LUSH Fresh Handmade Cosmetics is the ultimate beauty delicatessen and creators of pioneering beauty products, such as the shower jellies, solid shampoo bars and solid toothpaste. LUSH places emphasis on fresh ingredients like organic fruits and vegetables and the highest quality herbs, flowers and essential oils. LUSH also offers fun party packages for kids!
The Fun & Games party!
The Fun & Games party allows kids to take part in a series of highenergy activities involving lots of fun products! Games can be tailormade so that those new to LUSH
If you’d like to win this fantastic 2-night stay at the Desert Islands Resort & Spa by Anantara on Sir Bani Yas Island for two adults and one child, including breakfast, plus a Wildlife Drive experience, then simply answer the following question: How many letters are in the word DESERT? Email your answers to win@yallauae.ae by March 31st, 2018. Terms and conditions: • Prize is for a 2-night stay at Desert Islands Resort & Spa by Anantara on Sir Bani Yas Island for two adults and one child in a Deluxe Sea View Room • Including breakfast for two adults and one child • Including a Nature and Wildlife Drive for two adults and one child • Valid until 31.07.2018 • Subject to availability and black-out dates • Cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions or converted into cash
will discover and learn about the amazing product ranges through play, and the more seasoned LUSH fans can show off their knowledge in treasure hunts and quizzes. If you’d like to win a party for you child, simply answer the following question: The name of the LUSH party you will be winning is called ______? Email your answer to win@yallauae.ae by March 10th, 2018 Terms & Conditions: • Party of 8 children to be redeemed at LUSH, Abu Dhabi Mall branch • Pre-schedule date and time of the party by emailing haya@lushmena.com • For full T&Cs visit www.yallaabudhabi.ae • Retail value: AED 230 per person including a AED 50 voucher to spend in the shop • Full party prize cannot be redeemed for cash
Kids' Corner
The importance of reducing plastic waste in the ocean BY EWS-WWF The impacts of plastic in the marine environment are far reaching, and more complex than we currently understand. Plastic that ends up in our oceans can break down into many tiny pieces, called micro plastics, making it hard for us to understand how much is actually there, and hard for it to be removed.
Plastic pollution is not only impacting our waters and marine life, but also the human food chain and our overall health. When marine life and ecosystems are being impacted, this could have an effect on the precious resources that the human population gets from the ocean, like food and medicine.
5 top tips for you to try... 1. When going to the beach take rubbish bags with you in case there are no garbage bins around.
2. Use plastic bags more than once, use your own cutlery when getting food delivered (ask them to not bring disposable cutlery) and ditch the straws in your drinks.
microbeads; these small particles are actually small pieces of plastic, which can harm marine life. Once down our drains, they could end up in our oceans.
5. Reduce your use of plastic bottles by installing water filters at home.
Top 5 Reads
What's your favourite book? Here's 5 children's books we recommend you read this year!
3. Wash your used glass jars, and reuse them
Dog Man
for storage at home. This will reduce the need for plastic boxes and containers.
by Dav Pilkey
4. Avoid the use of cosmetic products with
Plastic in the marine environment causes injury and fatalities to the animals which call the ocean their home. A study by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration shows that 100,000 marine mammals, such as seals and whales, die every year from plastic pollution. Even above the water’s surface, species like reptiles and seabirds are impacted by plastic debris and micro plastics. Sea birds, for example, frequently grab food wherever they can find it, which leads to many of the birds ingesting - and dying from plastic. This rubbish is also fed to their young, causing death at the very early stages of the chick’s life.
Al Wathba Wetland Reserve Enjoy a family road trip to explore the Al Wathba Wetland Reserve. Nestled between Baniyas City and the Abu Dhabi Al Ain Truck Road, the reserve covers an area of five square kilometres and comprises both natural and manmade wetlands. More than 250 species of birds have been spotted here, along with a rich existence of aquatic life, as well as 37 plant species. There is a resident population of flamingos that you can see all year around.
Photography by EWS-WWF. Facts by Arabella Willing.
les ow that turt Did you kn e et m ly g in never know s? their parent Did you know th at turtle eggs look like so ft ping-pong balls ? le’s at a turt know th e, fl at id Did you w f o ade shell is m in plates made d re e v o c imilar to ribs stance s b u s from a il erna s? your fing
by Rebecca Colby
Thelma the Unicorn by Aaron Blabey
Did you know? at turtles Did you know th cting the te de by e at navig the rocks of ll magnetic pu ed? under the seab
Motor Goose: Rhymes That Go
Two Heroic Leaders
القائدان البطالن
Did you know that turtles nest on 17 di fferent beac hes in the Abu D habi emirate ? at turtles Did you know th can swim as fast as 24km/hr? at baby Did you know th irping ch a e ak turtles m tch from ha ey th en wh noise mmunicate their shell to co hers and ot br eir th th wi
By HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Fanteer the Fluffy Flamingo
الفالمينغو المنفوش:فنتير By Noura Al-Khoori
FIND OUT MORE ONLINE 8www.yallaabudhabi.ae WINTER 2018
Why choose a Montessori Nursery? Montessori education is a popular choice for many parents across the UAE, Sophie Oakes of Gabbitas Education explores why it might be a good fit for your child. The Montessori Method, developed by Dr Maria Montessori over 100 years ago, is renowned for its child led approach to learning, giving children the freedom to explore the environment and develop their innate and undiscovered potential. The emphasis is placed on creating appropriate surroundings which allow as much freedom of choice, movement and self-expression as possible.
Experience in the classroom Walking into a Montessori classroom feels very unlike your usual classroom; classrooms are set up in advance based on the teacher’s observations of each individual child’s needs and once the pupils arrive they are encouraged to choose from a prescribed range of options. The teaching ‘equipment’ will be different too. Much of the special Montessori equipment will be made of wood or other natural materials, it will be aesthetically pleasing and very tactile. Wooden number beads and rods and sandpaper letters help the children to learn these basic skills not just conceptually but also visually and sensorially. These multiple ‘perceptions’ and ‘experiences’ are embedded in the Montessori philosophy. People are often amazed at how quiet and calm the atmosphere is in a Montessori nursery. The children are given freedom of movement within the classroom and there is no sense of rush, all of them are encouraged to learn independently and at their own pace rather than working to an imposed timetable. Interruptions are avoided wherever possible so each child can work on the lessons for as long as they wish. Another noticeable difference is the mixed age classrooms, this gives the older children an opportunity to reinforce their own learning by acting as ‘teachers’ for younger children and the younger children the chance to learn from the older ones. The Montessori priority is to create a happy and positive experience in the classroom and to develop self-disciplined and self-motivated learners. This style of teaching encourages a hands-on experience, with a strong emphasis on ‘real world’ and practical ways of learning
Role of the teacher The role of the teacher is to act less as a leader and more as a guide. They work with children, often on a 1-1 basis, to assist and encourage each child on their own learning path. The curricula revolves around the teacher identifying what the children need and then gently directing them towards it. Rewards, punishments and competition as a way of motivating learning or behavior in their classrooms is not part of the Montessori method. They believe that a child’s self-esteem stems from an internal sense of pride in their own accomplishments and that this comes through developing their independence and self-worth.
Does it have to be an all or nothing approach? There are many adaptations of the Montessori approach with nurseries adopting some of its basic principles but blending these with other practices; some may have a ‘Montessori room’ or a ‘Montessori time’ during the day. This means that areas such as computing and IT or dressing up and role play, areas that are not traditionally part of the Montessori way can coexist side by side. There is nothing wrong with a more liberal Montessori approach versus the more rigid interpretation, there are strong arguments for both. It is not surprising that Montessori, in all its forms, has such a strong support base across the world, it is a delightful, creative and inquisitive curriculum that will bring out the very best in most children. For further reading the following website is useful: www.montessori.org
where children discover information for themselves. The focus on a child-led approach to lessons and activities means that the learning is often much more spontaneous rather than pre planned as a ‘lesson outcome’.
Gabbitas Education are experts in helping you find the right nursery or school for your child. For impartial professional advice contact us on consultant@gabbitas.ae or 04 451 6933.
*Blooming Buds Nursery Al Bateen 02 491 8068 www.bloomingbudsnursery.com
IN THE SPOTLIGHT Teddy Bear American Nursery Teddy Bear Nursery takes the lead in providing exceptional early childhood education. The nursery has a carefully assembled team of caring, qualified and experienced early childhood educators. It offers state-of-the-art classrooms, supported by indoor and outdoor activity centres. Teddy Bear Nursery provides a unique early year’s curriculum, supported by Montessori, Music, Arabic and French Second Language Programs. www.teddybearnursery.net info@teddybearnursery.net Khalifa City A 02 5568566 Al Bateen - 02 6333350 Sun – Thu, 8am to 5pm (Early drop off available from 7am)
*Bright Beginnings Nursery Al Mushrif 02 449 2840 Al Mehairba 02 445 5339 Saadiyat 02 628 4816 www.brightbeginnings.ae *British Orchard Nursery Al Nahyan 02 443 9892 Al Bateen 02 622 2903 www.britishorchardnursery.com Busy Bees Nursery Muroor Road 02 621 9492 www.busybees-nursery.com *Children’s House Montessori Nursery Khalifa City 02 444 1150 chmnursery
“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow„ Anthony J. D'Angelo
Humpty Dumpty Nursery Al Bateen 02 666 3277 Khalifa City 02 556 1068 www.humptynursery.org *Jigsaw Nursery & Crèche Mohammed Bin Zayed City 02 648 9749 Al Karamah 02 445 5222 www.jigsawnursery.ae Kidz Venture Mangrove Village www.kidzventure.ae
02 550 0255
Kids Academy Al Bateen 02 446 6484 Al Mushrif 02 441 1991 www.kids-academy.ae *Kipina Kids Nursery Al Bateen 02 667 2445 Al Mushrif 02 658 9529 www.kipinakids.com Ladybird Nursery Al Bateen 02 667 3881 www.lady-bird-nursery.com Learning Spaces Nursery Khalifa City 02 556 6135 www.learningspacesnurseries.com
Falcon British Nursery Near Zayed Sports City 02 444 8814 www.falconbritishnursery.com Greenopia Nursery Al Rowdah 056 293 9344 www.greenopia-nursery.com
Les FanFans Nursery Al Zafranah 02 639 0390 www.lesfanfans.com Little Haven Nursery Al Karamah 02 447 9688 www.littlehavennursery.com
Little Smarties Nursery Khalifa City 02 556 5500 www.littlesmartiesnursery.com MindChamps Nursery Bloom Gardens 02 8156 540 www.mindchamps.ae Mosaic Nursery Al Reem Island 02 677 8797 www.mosaicnursery.com Odyssey Nursery Khalifa City 056 484 5510 www.odysseynursery.com Redwood Nursery Khalifa City 02 556 4611 Saadiyat Island 056 156 6278 www.theredwoodnursery.com Second Home Nursery Mohammed Bin Zayed City 02 553 6565 www.secondhomenursery.com
Sesame Street Private Nursery Al Nahyan 02 448 8424 www.sesamestreetprivatenursery.com
احلضاانت ورايض األطفال Nurseries & Pre-schools *Suitable for Babies Bedayati Nursery Al Najda Street 02 444 4490 Delma Street 055 642 4000 www.bedayatinursery.ae
Education Smart Learning Nursery Al Reef 02 582 2277 Smart-Learning-Nursery *Starfish Lane Kids Khalifa City 056 463 5187 www.starfishlanekids.com Stepping Stones Nursery Al Bateen 02 681 5583 Between the Bridges 02 558 8318 East Corniche 02 443 4430 Khalifa City 02 556 5991 www.steppingstones.ae
Aldar Academies Al Yasmina Academy Khalifa City 02 501 4888 www.aldaracademies.com Aldar Academies The Pearl Academy Al Dhafrah 02 641 8887 www.pearlprimary.sch.ae Aldar Academies West Yas Academy Yas Island www.aldaracademies.com Al Yasat Private School Al Shamkha 02 641 2300 www.alyasat-school.com
Sunny Meadows Montessori Nursery Khalifa City 02 566 0806 Al Rayyana 056 508 6939 www.sunny-meadows.com *Teddy Bear American Nursery Khalifa City 02 556 8566 Al Bateen 056 723 1167 www.teddybearnursery.net *The Montessori Children's Garden Al Bateen Street 02 555 3316 www.themontessoricg.ae Treehouse Nursery Khalifa City 02 556 0556 www.treehousenursery.ae *Windsor Early Years Nursery Khalifa City 02 557 9295 www.windsor-nursery.com *Yellow Submarine Nursery Al Muneera 02 673 1009 Al Zeina 02 553 1179 www.yellowsubmarine.ae
املدارس اإلبتدائية والثانوية Primary & Secondary Schools Aldar Academies Al Bateen Academy Al Rowdah 02 813 2000 www.aldaracademies.com Aldar Academies Al Mamoura Academy Abu Dhabi City 02 885 7001 www.aldaracademies.com Aldar Academies Al Muna Academy Al Danah 02 501 4777 www.aldaracademies.com
American Community School of Abu Dhabi Al Bateen 02 681 5115 www.acs.sch.ae American International School of Abu Dhabi Al Rayhan 02 444 4333 www.aisa.sch.ae Amity International School Al Bahya 02 503 9000 www.amityabudhabi.com Aspen Heights British School Al Bahya 056 635 5705 www.ahbs.ae
Innovative, Montessori inspired, EYFS/British curriculum nursery. For children aged 6 months - 4 years (Including FS1)
Brighton College Abu Dhabi Near Khalifa Park 02 815 6500 www.brightoncollege.ae British School Al Khubairat Al Mushrif 02 446 2280 www.britishschool.sch.ae Canadian International School Khalifa City 02 556 4206 www.cisabudhabi.com Cranleigh Abu Dhabi Saadiyat Island 02 497 0000 www.cranleigh.ae GEMS American Academy Khalifa City 02 557 4880 www.gemsaa-abudhabi.com GEMS Cambridge International School Bawabat Al Sharq Bani Yas City 02 510 4343 www.gemscambrindgeinternationalsc hool-abudhabi.com GEMS United Indian School Baniyas West 02 205 9777 www.gemsunitedindianschoolabudhabi.com
Baby Arabia Arabic & French Classes, Music Monkeys, Yoga, Daily Feedback App, Sports, Soft Play, Sensorial Activities, Arts & Crafts, Messy Play, Customised Birthday Parties, Holiday Camps and much more!
Mangrove Village, Al Maqta, Abu Dhabi (near Danat Al Emarat Hospital) www.kidzventure.ae | nursery@kidzventure.ae | +971 2 550 0255
Education GEMS Winchester School Al Dhafrah 02 403 5499 www.gemswinchesterschoolabudhabi.com GEMS World Academy Al Dhafrah 02 641 6333 www.gemsworldacademyabudhabi.com German International School Al Karamah 02 666 8668 www.gisad.ae Global Indian International School Baniyas East 02 218 1585 www.globalindianschool.org Lycee Louis Massignon Al Rayhan 02 444 8085 www.llm.ae Raha International School Khalifa City 02 556 1567 www.ris.ae
اجلامعات Universities New York University Abu Dhabi Saadiyat Island 02 628 4000 www.nyuad.nyu.edu/en
التعليم املتخصص Specialist Education British Institute for Learning Development Khalifa City 02 556 6078 Dots & Links Das Tower Al Khalidiyah 02 666 0948 www.dotsandlinks.ae Future Centre for Special Needs Mohammed Bin Zayed City 02 553 3506 www.future-centre.org Kids First Medical Center Khalifa City 02 555 1437 www.kidsfirstmc.com Kip McGrath Education Centre Al Raha Mall 02 558 8505 www.kipmcgrath.ae
Reach British School Baniyas East 02 582 2030 www.reachbritishschool.com Repton School Abu Dhabi Al Reem Island Shams Area 02 507 4800 www.reptonabudhabi.org The British International School Abu Dhabi Mohammed Bin Zayed City 02 510 0100 www.nordangliaeducation.com The Sheikh Zayed Private Academy For Boys Al Bateen 02 203 3333 www.zayedacademy.ae The Sheikh Zayed Private Academy For Girls Al Musalla 02 619 5555 www.szpag.com Virginia International Private School Khalifa City 02 555 4385 www.virginiaschool.ae
Know How For Management Consulting 02 671 2220 www.knowhowtrg.com Mathnasium The Math Learning Center Mathnasium is your neighbourhood math-only learning centre that teaches kids math the way that makes sense to them. Khalifa City 02 555 8785 Al Reem 02 491 0122 Al Muroor 056 611 4212 www.mathnasium.ae New England Center for Children Al Mussafah 02 691 8888 www.neccabudhabi.org Speech Therapy Abu Dhabi Khalifa City 02 556 5500 Stars for Special Abilities Al Zafranah 02 446 2048 www.starzuae.com Sylvan Learning Mohammed Bin Zayed City 02 650 8505 www.sylvanme.com
Education Taleem Training and Skills Development Centre Al Nahyan 02 444 1100 www.taleemcentre.com
تدريس اللغات Language Tuition Alliance Française Al Bateen www.afabudhabi.org
02 612 2900
American Language Center Al Markaziyah 050 757 0613 Berlitz Al Khalidiyah www.berlitz.ae
02 667 2287
British Council Al Khalidiyah 600 529 995 www.britishcouncil.ae English Plus Language Al Zahiyah 02 676 8008 www.englishplus.ae Eton Institute Khalifa Park 02 449 9649 www.etoninstitute.com Goethe Institute Al Zahiyah www.goethe.de
02 672 7920
مدرسون Tutors
Carfax Education 02 401 2594 www.carfax-education.ae Dots & Links Das Tower Al Khalidiyah 02 666 0948 www.dotsandlinks.ae Kip McGrath Education Centre Al Raha Mall 02 558 8505 www.kipmcgrath.ae
Our ethos is that each child is an individual, progressing and learning at their own rate through activities embedded in purposeful play. OUR AGE GROUPS ARE Brilliant Branches: 1-2 years old Brave Buds: 2-3 years old Brainy Blooms: 3-4 years old
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THE MATHS AND ENGLISH REVOLUTION Why English and Maths are so important to your future - By Kip McGrath Education Centre Throughout generations there has always been varying emphasis placed on the importance of English and Maths in education and the working world. In the past ten years, however, there has been a huge shift in opinion by employers, universities, professional bodies and training providers who recognise the need for good grades and attainment in the two core subjects of English and Maths; particularly when setting entry requirements and criteria for higher education, professional qualifications and job opportunities. This was identified several years ago by Simon Hetherington, owner of Kip McGrath Al Raha Mall. “I realised the recent huge emphasis higher education and the international employment world were placing on gaining strong grades in both English and Maths and this, combined with my extensive experience in education, sparked the idea for our proven and successful tuition centre." So why are these subjects so important? English, whilst not the top language spoken in the world, is widely considered to be the most important in the business world, and is spoken in over 100 countries. Learning this language properly at an early age may well be one of the best ways to improve our lives. Maths, as we know, is an integral part of daily life, be it in the workplace, education or functional skills and is more crucial than ever to gain a strong knowledge in this subject. Erika, Assistant Manager at Kip McGrath explained. “We cannot learn without human interaction, so the approach to both English and Maths must be holistic, blending formal education with human relationships. When a young child takes his or her school work seriously, growing accustomed to success but also learning from failure, it becomes easier to work towards high standards later on.” To encapsulate the above ideas and integrate them into children’s everyday life is ensuring we have influenced the next generation to have the best possible platform to succeed in whatever path they choose.
To arrange a free consultation with your child, visit www.kipmcgrath.ae
Education جمموعات اللعب وأندية األطفال الصغار
Play Groups & Toddler Clubs Abu Dhabi Mums Dome @ Rawdhat www.abudhabimums.ae Caboodle The Galleria Mall www.caboodle.ae
02 616 6973
My First Gym Al Nahyan 02 444 3560 www.myfirstgymuae.com
Starfish Lane Starfish Cove Playgroup Khalifa City 056 463 5187 www.starfishlanekids.com Story Time The Club (members only) Al Mina 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com
Children’s House Montessori Mummy and Me Group Khalifa City 02 444 1150
The Club’s Soft Play Coffee Morning Al Mina 02 673 1111 (members only) www.the-club.com
Fun With Mum playgroup Khalidiya Village Compound FunWithMum Happynest Playhouse Al Raha Gardens 02 676 0605 Khalifa City www.happynestplayhouse.ae Kidz Venture Mangrove Village 055 959 6600 www.kidzventure.ae
St Andrews Playgroup Al Mushrif 02 446 1631 www.standrewauh.org
Caterpillar Nursery Crafty Kids Playgroup Al Mushrif 056 643 4419 www.caterpillarnursery.com
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Brain Performance Before and After BrainRx 26
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Visual Processing Visual Processing
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The A Level vs IB Debate The UAE is fortunate to have many curriculums to choose from but as you approach the final two years of a child’s school career, which curriculum is going to equip your child best for the ‘post school’ world? Fiona McKenzie of Gabbitas Education looks at the pros and cons of two of the most popular choices - the tried and tested British A’ Level curriculum and the recent but rapidly growing IB programme.
Attracted to A’ Levels? A’ Levels are traditionally regarded as the gold standard in school leaving qualifications. They are globally recognised for University entry and top grades will even give you credits for the US University system. The recent A Level reforms have reinforced their academic rigour; for the last 20 years students have studied for an AS Level at the end of Year 12 and an A Level at the end of Year 13, this has now reverted back to being a fully linear exam with all the modules being examined at the end of the two year course. Each student will be encouraged to choose three or four subjects selected from the broad range on offer. They can combine subjects in different ways, some may choose the specialist route with
Sciences or Languages, whilst others will have a more pick and mix approach, combining subjects from different disciplines from across the Arts, Humanities and Sciences. It is vital to make sure you understand what Universities are looking for, so that you can ensure you select an appropriate range of subject choices to keep your options open. Two years of study allows each student to develop a sound knowledge of their subject and it is a great preparation for the subject specific degree courses on offer in the UK. The exams are graded from A* to E, with the highly prized A* rewarding top academic excellence. The average Russell Group University offer at A Level is currently AAB.
Interested in IB? The IB Diploma, established in 1968, is increasingly popular in International schools. The broad based curriculum requires students to study six different subjects with three at Higher Level and three at Standard Level. The subject choices are prescriptive as every student must take Maths, their native language, a foreign language, a humanity, a science and the option of a creative subject. In addition there is the IB core with an extended research essay, a Theory of Knowledge course and a Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) element which gives students a chance for civic engagement. IB is a great preparation for university as learners are encouraged to think for themselves, be open minded and reflective, and to think across subject boundaries. American Universities view the IB as a great preparation for their liberal arts programmes but some British Universities have reservations particularly Science or Maths areas, as a candidate is only allowed to study two sciences at the Higher Level and unable to study further mathematics. The IBDP is graded on a point system, with seven points being allocated to each subject and three additional ones for the core giving a potential of 45 points to be awarded. Fewer than 100 a year achieve full marks. The Russell Group average at IB is 34 points plus. For the undecided student, the IB keep many options open. It allows them to maintain breadth across a range of academic disciplines, but for some 16 year olds it is a relief to take the A’ Level route and to finally be allowed to focus exclusively on the subjects they really enjoy and are good at.
Gabbitas Education are experts in helping you and your child find their pathway to success. For more information on our student profiling and university preparation packages contact us on consultant@gabbitas.ae or 04 451 6933.
What is service?
By Lucy Watson and Raihanah Azman, Year 12 IB Students at The British International School Abu Dhabi Is it the giant leap in which we tire ourselves relentlessly for others…or, can it be as simple as holding the door open for the next person? Well, Service can be many things; it is considering how our actions may have a positive influence on other people, and it can mean placing others’ needs before our own. At The British International School Abu Dhabi, we practice Service as a principle of learning: the action of acknowledging and giving back. Service action is the embodiment of our school values of kindness, respect, and honesty - the three foundations that we at BIS Abu Dhabi follow in our daily interactions with each other. Service agenda is not just about fulfilling CAS requirements for our IB Diploma, but is part of the school’s ethos and commitment to developing students beyond academic attainment, into future leaders who care about others and take responsibility for global concerns In Secondary, we have begun many acts of Service since the year has started, in our actions towards each other, but also in our efforts to fundraise to support our project work in Tanzania.
The UN's Global Goals focus on Goal 11; Sustainable Cities and Communities & Goal 12; Responsible Consumption and Production are two areas of consideration. When relating the Global Goals with our efforts in school, this helps everyone become more interested. As Service Leaders, our main goal is to make a change in the school's environment and help all students know how to get involved in supporting others. We started by collecting ideas in our form groups and thought of ways we could provide service for the following goals: our School, our Community, and Globally. All these ideas were gathered together and in our teams we selected the best ideas from all the classes in Secondary. The workshop was amazing, the cooperation between the youngest year 7s and the eldest year 13s brought an eye-opening experience to what working as one group with a shared goal could really feel like. Our next step is to bring these ideas into action. Although there were many good ideas, there are only so many that we can execute as a whole school to make them really successful, so we need to prioritise.
We now have a plan and ideas of what we can do next, starting in school, in our community and how we can make an impact globally. Some ideas included having Meatless Mondays in school to raise awareness of ecological and ethical impacts of meat production, recycling books and toys to support fundraising and giving our time to support and mentor other students in school. Service is of course not limited to those of us who are called Service Leaders, without the title anybody can, and should, do service to help other people. We hope that by having our Service Leaders workshops and making a plan, we will inspire those who don't particularly understand Service, to have a go, and think about how they can help others. The British International School Abu Dhabi offers the English National Curriculum from EYFS to Year 11 and the IB Diploma Programme in Years 12 and 13. Admissions for the 2018-19 academic year are now open. www.bisabudhabi.com
Last year, 100% of our graduates earned places in Higher Education institutions, with almost half of them moving on to one of the world’s top 100 universities. We are extremely proud of the high quality learning opportunities we offer that extend far beyond the classroom for students aged 3-18. Contact us for a personal tour
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Advertisement Feature
Cultivating Skills – a Focus for Sixth Form “Tell me, and I will forget. Show me, and I may remember. Involve me, and I will understand.” Confucius, 450BC
According to the World Economic Forum, the top three skills for the workplace in 2020 are: Complex Problem Solving, Critical Thinking and Creativity. “Skill is the uni�ied force of experience, intellect and passion in their operation.” John Ruskin Ruskin was the prominent Victorian painter, social commentator, writer, critic and philanthropist. He investigated subjects as diverse as geology, architecture, ornithology and political science. He embodied intellectual curiosity and his success across such a varied set of disciplines lay in his transferable skills. Skills are at the heart of learning. Without them, young people can struggle when they take the leap into university life and ultimately, into their chosen career. If schools can help students develop a love of learning and the transferable skills required to take that learning and apply it �lexibly, then they will have ful�illed their role. A �irst step is to understand that education is much, much more than pure preparation for examinations. Teaching to the test is simply not enough. Indeed, schools that focus exclusively on grades do their students (and society as a whole) a great disservice. Schools have to work beyond the core curriculum and foster the kinds of skills sets the World Economic Forum highlights. At Cranleigh Abu Dhabi, the Sixth Form experience places a strong emphasis on skills development and in particular, on the areas highlighted by the World Economic Forum. It does this through a broad and creative programme of careers development and work experience as well as an innovative approach to teaching and learning.
Creativity Each Sixth Former is unique and so their educational experience needs to be tailored to highlight and deepen their strengths. In order to build the kind of research and analytical skills so critical for university and workplace life, all Cranleigh Sixth Formers complete the Extended Project Quali�ication (EPQ). The Extended Project is a substantial piece of work that can focus on any subject area and takes the form of either a dissertation, an investigation, a performance or an artefact. It allows pupils to stretch and develop beyond the curriculum, broadening their knowledge and complementing their A Level choices. The Extended Project is equivalent to half an A Level and can play a signi�icant and positive role as part of a university application.
Critical Thinking and Complex Problem Solving Cranleigh Sixth Form embraces Harkness, the innovative discussion-based teaching and learning method. Harkness places the onus on students to prepare for lessons and come to class ready to discuss topics in a collaborative, tutorial style that encourages and develops listening skills and interaction with other minds. Teachers are facilitators, pupils are the leaders. Pupils are presented with problems, prompts, dilemmas and queries. They share their �indings and analyse the work of their peers. The process ensures every voice is heard and valued. Classes are small and held at an oval table. Extraordinary results emerge when independence, resilience and mindfulness is nurtured. Most importantly, Harkness develops and hones mature, university-style thinking and learning abilities.
For more information on a Cranleigh education please email admissions@cranleigh.ae or call 02 497 0000 SPRING 2018
How Much is Too Much? By: Christine Hecht
When it comes to sports, parents often question the best formula for scheduling. As the school year begins, many parents enrol their children in sports as a way to keep them active and healthy. Local clubs and academies serve an important role in providing activities, but parents are key in ensuring that schedules are balanced.
The scheduling guideline includes all after-school activities, and experts agree this means more than one sport for young children. “We recommend that children under 12 years of age try out a variety of sports before specialising in a particular one, as this helps develop different parts of their bodies. Trying different sports also develops their skill sets and prepares them for specialization at a later stage when the risk of injury due to repetition of a sport is reduced” says Dr. Fadhel Al Ateeqi, Head of the Department of Paediatrics at Healthpoint. Agreeing with Dr. Al Ateeq, Meeuws cited the example of Tudor Zecheru, a top talent in ZSC Academy. “Earlier this year, when he was 7, Tudor became the youngest player that Wilson has ever sponsored,” he noted. “Tudor has tremendous talent in tennis but he’s still too young to specialise. We develop him by focusing his time on tennis, but he also plays on a football squad. And that is great because we can see the football training is actually benefitting him on the tennis court.”
“Keeping kids active with sports activities is incredibly important, but it is also essential to ensure they are not overscheduled or improperly scheduled,” says Sigi Meeuws, Director of ZSC Academy at Zayed Sports City. “Kids need to be able to enjoy and develop in an age-appropriate way to establish lifelong exercise habits.” Meeuws explained that sports should not start before the child displays readiness, which means that their motor skills development matches the activity chosen. This generally begins to appear between ages 3-5. “In their first sport lessons, kids should be using training aids, smaller equipment or a smaller field of play,” he said. “A properly certified coach will also understand developmental milestones and structure lessons so that they are safe and fun.” Internationally renowned Sports Performance Specialist Allistair McCaw recommends that having fun, learning and socialising be the top goals of participation. He advised that a child not be scheduled for more hours than his age, noting that the actual time depends on factors including the child’s motivation and talent. “It should be the kid who determines how often and what level they like to play,” he stressed.
For more information visit, www.zsc.ae
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ألعاب القوى Athletics Abu Dhabi Striders groups/abudhabistriders
Haddins Zayed Sports City www.haddins.com
02 403 4233
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الرماية ابلقوس والسهم Archery Al Forsan International Sports Resort Khalifa City 02 556 8555 www.alforsan.com Ada’ Archery Range Al Ghazal Golf Club 050 721 3230 www.abudhabiarchery.com Al Rammai Archery Tag Yas Beach 056 760 2179
Abu Dhabi Tri Club AbuDhabiTriClub ADCB Bikeshare Al Raha Beach www.bikeshare.ae
كرة الريشة Badminton The Club Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com
كرة السلة Basketball Abu Dhabi Country Club Al Mushrif 02 657 7777 www.adcountryclub.com Esports Various locations 04 369 7817 www.esportsuae.com
800 29 2253
Funridesports – Bike Hire FunRideSports Yas Cycles Al Zeina www.yascycles.com
02 634 1084
Active Dance and Fitness The Room Zayed Sports City 02 444 4945 www.theroom.ae Arabesque Ballet Center Al Nahyan & Sas Al Nakhl Khalifa City 050 845 2314 www.abudhabidance.com Ballet at International Music Institute Al Khalidiyah 02 621 1949 www.imi-jmc.com Barefoot UAE Al Danah 02 677 0611 www.barefootuae.com Bodytree Studio Al Karamah 02 443 4448 www.bodytreestudio.com
Yas Marina Circuit Yas Island 02 659 9800 www.yasmarinacircuit.com
Extra International Sports Zayed Sport City 050 383 3564 www.eisport.ae
Ultimate Athletics New York University 050 225 7024 www.ultimateathleticsuae.com
02 666 1022
ركوب الدراجات Bikes & Cycling
الرقص والباليه Dance & Ballet
البولينج Bowling Action Zone Capital Mall, MBZ Reem Island actionzoneuae
02 672 0303 02 666 5758
Bowling City Various Locations www.bowling-city.com Khalifa International Bowling Centre Zayed Sports City 02 403 4200 www.zsc.ae
الكريكيت Cricket
IN THE SPOTLIGHT Zayed Cricket Academy Register for Spring Term training at Zayed Cricket Academy. Come and join the UAE’s premier cricket coaching programme for children, aged 4 - 19 years old. This term Zayed Cricket Academy will be offering Junior, Intermediate and Senior Academy programmes.Prices start from AED 400 per term.
Near Khalifa City A 02 558 8331 www.abudhabicricket.ae/ academy booking@abudhabicricket.ae
Abu Dhabi Cricket Club Sheikh Zayed Cricket Stadium Sas Al Nakhl/Khalifa City www.adcricketclub.ae 02 558 8331 Esports Various locations 04 369 7817 www.esportsuae.com
Sport Expressions of Dance & Drama Al Hilal 02 493 0115 www.expressions-dance.net
Hiltonia Health Club Al Khubeirah 02 693 5997 www.watercooleddubai.com
Fusion Arts Dance School Cobra Gym Al Bandar 050 669 7913 www.fusionarts.ae Maestro Music & Arts Centre Al Wahdah 02 443 3455 www.maestromusicartuae.com Motion Studios of Performing Arts Al Zeina 800 6772 www.mspa.co My First Gym Al Nahyan 02 444 3560 www.myfirstgymuae.com Turning Pointe Various Locations www.turningpointe.ae
800 32623
الغوص Diving Abu Dhabi Sub Aqua Club (ADSAC) Al Mina 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com Al Mahara Diving Centre Abu Dhabi 050 111 8125 www.divemahara.com Arabian Divers & Sport Fishing Charters Al Bateen Marina Resorts 050 6146 931 www.fishabudhabi.ae Beach Rotana – Ocean Dive Centre Al Zahiyah 02 644 1696 www.oceandivecenter.ae Emirates Divers Centre Abu Dhabi 052 611 9060 www.emiratesdivers.com
قوارب التنني Dragon Boating Noukhada Adventure Company Yas Beach 02 558 1889 www.noukhada.ae
صيد األمساك Fishing Arabian Divers & Sport Fishing Al Bateen Marina Resort 050 614 6931 www.fishabudhabi.ae Captain Tony’s Abu Dhabi www.captaintonys.ae
كرة القدم Football Abu Dhabi Country Club Al Mushrif 02 657 7765 www.adcountryclub.com Advantage Sports Football Academy Abu Dhabi Golf Club 02 679 2156 Hilton Beach Club 055 807 2482 www.advantagesportsuae.com City Football Schools Zayed Sports City New York University Emirates Palace www.cityfootballschools.com
Soccer at The Club Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com
Al Ghazal Golf Club Nr Abu Dhabi International Airport www.alghazalgolf.ae 02 505 3314
Thistle Football Club www.abudhabithistlefc.com
Performance Golf UAE Zayed Sports City www.performancegolfuae.com
Yas Kicks Yas Island yaskicks
056 494 5043
سباقات سيارات الكارتينج Go Karting Al Forsan Go Karts Al Forsan International Sports Resort Khalifa City 02 556 8555 www.alforsan.com Yas Marina Kart Zone Yas Island 02 659 9800 www.yasmarinacircuit.com
الغولف Golf
Esports Various locations 04 369 7817 www.esportsuae.com Galore Sport Club Academy 055 982 2738 Galore-Sport-Academy
Abu Dhabi City Golf Club Al Mushrif 02 445 9600 www.adcitygolf.com
Haddins Mini Football & Youth Sports Academy Masdar City Zayed Sports City 02 403 4233 www.haddins.com
Abu Dhabi Golf Club Sas Al Nakhl www.adgolfclub.com
ISM Sports Various location www.ismsports.org
02 885 3555
Saadiyat Beach Golf Club Saadiyat Island 02 499 8100 www.sbgolfclub.ae Yas Links Golf Club Yas Island www.yaslinks.com
02 810 7704
اجلمباز Gymnastics Abu Dhabi Country Club Sports Club Al Mushrif 02 657 7765 www.adcountryclub.com Esports Various locations 04 369 7817 www.esportsuae.com Inspire Sports Management C Al Bateen 050 157 5508 www.inspiresports.ae M Y JSA Gymnastics Academy Zayed Sports City 02 449 4621CM www.jumpsports.ae MY
050 519 3899
Jump Sports Academies Various location 02 449 4621 www.jumpsports.ae
Meehal Football Academy The Dome @Rawdhat Al Rowdhat 055 434 3457 Meehal FA PASS Abu Dhabi The Dome @Rawdhat BSAK 056 613 0262 www.passabudhabi.com Real Madrid Foundation Football Academy Armed Forces Officers Club & Hotel Khor Al Maqta’a 02 582 7755 www.rmfa.baniyas.ae Regional Sports Al Yasmina Academy Gate City Dome HCT, Al Bahia Towers 050 610 4466 regionalsports www.regionalsports.ae
02 650 7175
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Jump Sports Academies Various locations 02 449 4621 www.jumpsports.ae Little Stars Gymnastics Club Al Nahda National School for Girls Senior School Al Mushrif 050 781 0635 www.littlestarsabudhabi.com My First Gym Al Nahyan 02 444 3560 www.myfirstgymuae.com Orange Wheels Al Wahda Mall 02 667 4411 www.orangewheels.com
سباق اخليل Horse Racing Abu Dhabi Equestrian Club Al Mushrif 02 445 5500 www.adec.web.com Ghantoot Racing & Polo Club Ghantoot 02 562 9050 www.grpc.ae
# ZayedSportsCity
ركوب اخليل Horse Riding
Emirates Skating Club Zayed Sports City 050 444 5009 www.emiratesskating.com
Abu Dhabi Equestrian Club Al Mushrif 02 445 5500 www.adec-web.com
الدراجات املائية Jet Skiing
التزجل الشراعي على املاء Kite Surfing Abu Dhabi Kite Pro Various Locations www.kitepro.ae
050 544 1494
Al Forsan International Sports Resort Khalifa City 02 556 8555 www.alforsan.com
Abu Dhabi International Marine Sports Club Al Ras Al Akhdar 02 681 5566 www.adimsc.ae
Kitesurfing UAE Various locations 050 562 6383 www.kitesurfinguae.com
Dhabian Equestrian Club Al Rahba 050 134 7141 www.dhabianequi.com
Al Raya Mina Port 055 664 5566 www.alrayaadventure.com
055 755 1439
Mandara Equestrian Club Al Bahia 02 563 3830 www.mandaraclub.com
هوكي اجلليد والتزجل Ice Hockey & Skating
Halla Walla Various locations www.hallawalla.ae
056 991 3800
قوارب الكاايك Kayaking
UAE Kitesurfing Various Locations www.uaekiters.net
الفنون القتالية Martial Arts Abu Dhabi Muay Thai & Capoeira Club Al Markaziyah 02 676 9658 www.abudhabimuaythai.com
Abu Dhabi Ice Sports Club Zayed Sports City 02 444 5552 www.adisc.ae
Al Mahara Diving Centre Various Locations 02 643 7377 www.divemahara.com
Budo Juku Various Locations www.budojuku.com
Abu Dhabi Ice Rink Zayed Sports City www.zsc.ae
Noukhada Adventure Company Various Locations 02 558 1889 www.noukhada.ae
Emirates Aikido Center Zayed Sports City 050 662 9533 www.zsc.ae
02 403 4333
04 813 5637
Sport Emirates Karate Centre Al Zahiyah 050 235 7103 Emirates Karate Center
UAE Wrestling & Judo Association Al Mushrif 02 443 0022 www.uaewjkf.com
Esports Various locations 04 369 7817 www.esportsuae.com
UAEJJF Training Center IPIC Arena Zayed Sports City 02 333 6111 www.uaejjf.com
Inspire Sports Management Al Bateen 050 157 5508 www.inspiresports.ae Karate at The Club Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com Oriental Karate & Kobudo Club Various Locations 02 677 1611 www.orientalkarate.com Palm Sports Various Locations www.palmssports.com
02 811 1111
Taekwondo at Arabesque Ballet Centre Al Nahyan 056 371 3408 www.abudhabidance.com
IN THE SPOTLIGHT My First Gym My First Gym is a Fitness Club for children, aged 6 weeks to teenagers. The Fitness Centre offers a variety of fun, innovative and developmental classes such as Mommy and Me, Karate, Gymnastics, Dance and Fitness. My First Gym's mission is to take care of the Mind, Body and Soul of the youth across the Middle East. The various child specific programs are designed to help children develop a positive self-esteem, self-confidence and perseverance. All instructors are trained by My First Gym, certified in their area of expertise and love what they do.
Delma Street 02 444 3560 www.myfirstgym.com Daily, 8.30am – 9pm, until 7pm (Fri & Sat) MyFirstGymUAE
رايضة السيارات Motorsports
Zayed Sports City www.zsc.ae
02 403 4555
ابركور (القفز والتسلق )والركض احلر Parkour Jump Sports Academies Various locations 02 449 4621 www.jumpsports.ae
بولو Polo
Yas Marina Circuit Yas Island 02 659 9800 www.yasmarinacircuit.com
تسلق اجلبال و اإلرحتال Mountaineering & Trekking Abu Dhabi Alpine Club www.adalpine.wordpress.com UAE Trekkers www.uaetrekkers.com 055 886 2327
Ghantoot Racing & Polo Club Ghantoot 02 562 9050 www.grpc.ae
الزوارق املائية السريعة Power Boating Abu Dhabi International Marine Sports Club Al Marina 02 681 5566 www.adimsc.ae
الرغيب Rugby
كرة الشبكة Netball Abu Dhabi Netball League Zayed Sports City www.abudhabinetballleague.com
ًالتجديف على األلواح وقوفا Paddleboarding Abu Dhabi Stand Up Paddle Club www.abudhabisup.com Hydro Marine Sports Eastern Mangroves Promenade Al Rayhan 050 243 7382 www.hydromarinesports.com Noukhada Adventure Company Yas Beach 02 558 1889 www.noukhada.ae
كرة الطالء Paintballing Al Forsan International Sports Resort Khalifa City 02 556 8555 www.alforsan.com
Abu Dhabi Harlequins Zayed Sports City www.abudhabiquins.com Abu Dhabi Harlequins Try Rugby Zayed Sports City abudhabiharlequinstryrugby
Abu Dhabi Sailing Club at The Club Al Mina 02 673 1111 (members only) www.the-club.com Noukhada Adventure Company Yas Beach 02 558 1889 www.noukhada.ae Pelican Marine Al Raha Beach Hotel Marina Al Raha Beach 054 429 8925 www.sailing.ae
نوادي الرماية Shooting Clubs Caracal Shooting Club Al Maqta 02 441 6404 www.caracalsc.ae
السنوكر Snooker Snooker Room The Club Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com
الكرة اللينة Softball Abu Dhabi Softball League Zayed Sports City abudhabisoftball
االسكواش Squash
Abu Dhabi Saracens www.abudhabisaracens.com
اجلري Running Abu Dhabi Island Hash House Harriers www.auh4org.wordpress.com
Abu Dhabi Country Club Al Mushrif 02 657 7777 www.adcountryclub.com Abu Dhabi Golf Club Sas Al Nakhl www.adgolfclub.com
02 885 3555
Le Meridien Hotel Al Zahiyah 02 644 6666 www.lemeridien.com
Abu Dhabi Striders abudhabistriders Abu Dhabi Triathlon Club AbuDhabiTriClub
اإلحبار Sailing
Armed Forces Officers Club & Hotel Khor Al Maqta’a 02 497 3071 www.afoc.mil.ae
Abu Dhabi Sailing Academy 050 404 7688
Wonderland Paintball Sports Al Rahba 056 938 2444 www.wonderlandpaintball.com
Abu Dhabi Sailing & Yacht Club Al Marina 02 658 3333 www.adsyc.ae
Squash at The Club Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com
Sport السباحة Swimming
Hamilton Aquatics Various Locations 050 504 2705 www.hamiltonaquatics.ae
Abu Dhabi Country Club Al Mushrif 02 657 7765 www.adcountryclub.com
H2O Swim Club Various Locations 052 849 1010 www.h2oswimclub.com
Advantage Sports
Inspire Sports Management Al Bateen 050 157 5508 www.inspiresports.ae
Swimming Academy Advantage Sports Services is proud to have some of the most qualified and experienced sports professionals in the UAE. Advantage Sports offers Tennis, Swimming, Football, Yoga and Personal Training. C2 Tower, Office 47, Al Bateen 02 679 2156 or 055 807 2482 www.advantagesportsuae.com
ISM Sports Various locations www.ismsports.org
050 519 3899
Little Stars Swimming Club Al Mushrif 050 781 0635 www.littlestarsabudhabi.com
Aqua Baby Classes Various locations 050 414 5903
Neptunes Swim Academy Al Yasmina School 056 725 3163 www.neptuneswim.com
Arabian Swim Academy Various Locations 050 883 8091 www.arabianswimacademy.com
Swimming at The Club Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com
Armed Forces Officers Club & Hotel Khor Al Maqta’a 02 497 3071 www.afoc.mil.ae
4th Lane Swim Academy (4LSA) Armed Forces Officers Club Hotel (AFOCH), NYU Abu Dhabi, Al Muna Primary School 02 508 9118 www.4lsacademy.com
Beach Rotana Health Club Al Zahiyah 02 697 9302 www.rotana.com
التنس Tennis Abu Dhabi Country Club Al Mushrif 02 657 7765 www.adcountryclub.com Abu Dhabi International Tennis Complex Zayed Sports City 02 403 4222 www.zsc.ae Advantage Sports UAE Various Locations 02 679 2156 www.advantagesportsuae.com CF Tennis Academy Various locations 800 TENNIS www.cftennisacademy.com Lead Right Tennis Rotana Hotels & St Regis Hotels Leadright sports
050 660 8800
Padel Tennis Zayed Sports City www.zsc.ae
02 403 4222
ZSC Sports Academy Zayed Sports City www.zsc.ae
02 403 4222
Tennis at The Club Al Mina (members only) www.the-club.com
02 573 1111
التزجل على املاء Wakeboarding & Waterskiing Al Forsan International Sports Resort Khalifa City 02 556 8555 www.alforsan.com Beach Rotana Al Zahiyah www.rotana.com
02 697 9302
Halla Walla www.hallawalla.ae
056 991 3800
ُركوب األمواج Windsurfing Noukhada Adventure Company Various Locations 02 558 1889 www.noukhada.ae
FIND OUT MORE ONLINE 8www.yallaabudhabi.ae
الدراما واملوسيقى،الفنون
Arts, Drama & Music IN THE SPOTLIGHT Art Central Locally owned, Art Central follows international standards to become a one-stop destination that’s every artist’s dream come true. From premium art supplies to top-class art services, such as fine artworks of different types, photo printing and framing as well as art workshops. Art Central provides artists with both tools and inspiration to fuel their passion and creativity for art.
Craft Corner Al Danah 02 622 2563 www.craftcornerabudhabi.com
Craftopia Al Rayhan www.craftopia.ae
Green Branch Madinat Zayed
02 447 4545
Jarir Bookstore Dalma Mall 02 552 7555 Nation Galleria 02 673 3999 www.jarirbookstore.com
L’Atelier Des Arts Foutouh Al Khair Mall 02 639 7104 www.latelierarts.com
L’Atelier des Arts Foutouh Al Khair Center Al Markaziyah 02 639 7104
Little World Discovery Centre Nation Galleria 02 681 8824 www.littleworlduae.com Maestro Music & Arts Centre Al Wahdah 02 443 3455 www.maestromusicartuae.com
All Prints Al Hosn www.allprints.ae
02 633 6999
Abu Dhabi Pottery Al Khalidiyah 02 666 7079 www.abudhabipottery.com
Art Central Boutik Mall artcentral
Art Beat UAE Al Mushrif www.artbeatad.com
Borders & Paperchase Abu Dhabi Mall 02 671 8980 Al Wahda Mall 02 658 4181 Khalidiya Mall 02 639 5058 Yas Mall 800 927 6255
02 679 6795
املعارض Galleries Abu Dhabi Art Hub Al Mussafah www.adah.ae
02 551 5005
Folklore Gallery Al Khalidiyah 02 666 0361 www.folkloregallery.net
موردي املستلزمات الفنية Art Suppliers
02 621 1607
Warehouse 421 Mina Port www.warehouse421.ae
الدراما Drama
Etihad Modern Arts Gallery Al Bateen 02 666 0175 www.etihadmodernart.com
The Bulb Fine Arts Center Al Rayyana Community Center thebulbuae 02 551 1898
Art Central Boutik Mall www.artcentral.ae
02 621 4507
Kidz Factory Al Wahda Mall 02 671 1269 www.kidzfactory-uae.com
Orange Wheels Al Wahda Mall 02 667 4411 www.orangewheels.com
02 444 5135
Julie Garwood
Art at International Music Institute Al Khalidiyah 02 621 1949 www.imi-jmc.com
Boutik Mall, Al Reem Island & Manarat Al Saadiyat 02 679 6795 Reem 054 797 8887 Saadiyat www.artcentral.ae
الفنون واحلرف اليدوية وصناعة الفخار Arts, Crafts & Pottery
“Education isn't just about feeding the brain. Art and music feed the heart and soul„
Ghaf Art Gallery Al Khalidiyah 02 665 5332 www.ghafgallery.blogspot.ae Manarat Al Saadiyat Saadiyat Island 02 657 5800 www.saadiyatculturaldistrict.ae N2N Gallery Nation Towers & Al Khalidiyah www.n2n-gallery.com 02 665 9858 NYU Arts Center Saadiyat Island www.nyuad.nyu.edu
02 628 4000
Salwa Zeidan Gallery Saadiyat Island 02 666 9656 www.salwazeidangallery.com
Abu Dhabi Dramatic Society Al Mina 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com Drama Scene Al Rayyana Community Centre The Bulb Fine Arts Center www.dramascene.com 055 310 0984 Expressions of Dance & Drama Al Hilal 02 493 0115 www.expressions-dance.net Miranda Davidson Studios The Space Khalifa Park 056 920 8938 www.mirandadavidsonstudios.com Motion Studios of Performing Arts Al Zeina 800 6772 www.mspa.co Music Hub Falcon Tower Al Hosn www.musichub.ae
02 632 7888
Theatre Works Khalidiya Village 050 158 5653 Sas Al Nakhl Village 056 466 3143 www.kidstheatreworks.com The Fame Club Khalifa City 055 306 6146 TheFameClubSchool
The Space Twofour54 Park Rotana Building www.thespacead.tumblr.com
Arts, Drama & Music املوسيقى Music Amadeus Music Institute Hamdan Centre Al Danah 02 628 0984 www.amadeusmusicinst.com Elite Music Institute Al Mushrif 02 445 4909 www.elitemusicedu.com
International Music Institute Various locations 02 621 1949 www.imi-jmc.com Kindermusik with Silva & Friends Various locations 050 825 4596 www.kindermusikwithsilvia. kindermusik.com/ Maestro Music & Arts Centre Al Wahdah 02 443 3455 www.maestromusicartuae.com Music Hub Falcon Tower Al Hosn www.musichub.ae
جمموعات املوسيقى والغناء Music & Singing Groups Abu Dhabi Big Band British School Al Khubairat Al Mushrif www.abudhabibigband.com Abu Dhabi Choral Group NYU Campus Saadiyat Island www.abudhabichoralgroup.com
02 632 7888
Music Monkeys Music Monkeys offers fun music and movement classes across Abu Dhabi, suitable for kids aged from 3 months to 4 years. Various locations 056 838 3427 www.musicmonkeys.ae MusicMonkeysuae Noah’s Ark Training Institute Al Nahyan 02 641 9793 www.noahsarkjingles.com Rhythm Music Centre Al Markaziyah 02 622 6206 RhythmMusicCentreUAE Royal Institute of Music & Arts Al Hosn 02 622 5410 www.royalinstituteofmusic.com
Abu Dhabi Music & Arts Foundation Al Zahiyah www.admaf.org 02 333 6400 National Symphony Orchestra TwoFour54 Media Zone www.nsouae.org Voices of Harmony Abu Dhabi www.voicesofharmony.weebly.com
دروس الغناء Singing Lessons Rhythm Music Centre Al Markaziyah 02 622 6206 RhythmMusicCentreUAE Young Musician Music Institute Raha Mall 02 556 2080 www.tymmi.com
Young Musician Music Institute Raha Mall 02 556 2080 www.tymmi.com
FIND OUT MORE ONLINE 8www.yallaabudhabi.ae www.yallaabudhabi.ae
“Spring is nature's way of saying, Let's get this party started„ Robin Williams
مأكوالت احلفالت Party Food Arlequin Caterers Al Hosn 02 666 6855 www.arlequincaterers.com Bonnie Bakes Khalifa City bonniebakesuae
IN THE SPOTLIGHT Art Beat Whether you are looking for a special party or a workshop at your house, business or school, Art Beat can help make it special, creative and memorable. Let us know how we can add ART, FUN and FLAIR to your next
056 752 6648
Cake Away sallycakeaway
Fresh Bakes Cafe Al Raha Mall freshbakescafe
Cupcake Couture Khalifa City 056 733 7324 CupcakeCoutureAbuDhabi
Gourmelicious Gourmelicious
Edible Arrangements Khalidiyah Mall 02 658 1116 www.ediblearrangements.ae
La Cuisine De Manou
056 601 2542
02 552 6608 www.lacuisinedemanou.ae Lana’s Partiperfect Al Marina www.partiperfect.ae
special event! Each Party includes: An ARTrageous teacher Age-appropriate art activities All materials and LOTS of FUN! An in-house or mobile party
02 556 3011
02 681 0090
Living Room Café Al Khalidiyah 02 639 6654 www.thelivingroomcafeabudhabi. com
Corner of Muroor Road & 25 street www.artbeatad.com artbeatuae@gmail.com 02 444 5135
Magnolia Bakery The Galleria Mall
02 674 9380
PIEST P A ROM H F BIR T H D A Y Y You’ll have the happiest birthday party at Zayed Sports C City ere c sto is ep c es o er so et i or e eryo e. ro tots to tee s d es i et ee yo e oy t stic e e t ed it cti ities. it p rty optio s i c di o i ice s ti et id o cy c st es d ore Z yed Sports City s e eryt i yo eed to r tee ery speci d y. Book your party today! irt d ys zsc. e 02 403 4222
Parties Build A Bear Birthday Parties Al Whada Mall 02 641 1190 Yas Mall 02 565 1672 www.buildabear.ae
Mama’s CupCakes Al Nahyan 02 445 2244 www.mamascupcakery.com Sweet Celebrations 056 553 7654 www.sweetcelebrations.ae
منظمي احلفالت Party Organisers Advantage Sports UAE 055 807 2482 www.advantagesportsuae.com Big Party Box www.bigpartybox.com 050 257 5010
Caboodle The Galleria Al Maryah Island www.caboodle.ae Tiny Bean Events 055 843 6574 www.tinybeanevents.com
مستلزمات الحفالت اParty Supplies ABC Balloon www.abcballoon.com 02 627 7090 Bubbles
02 621 1101
Party Centre Al Raha Mall 02 556 5563 Al Wahda Mall 02 445 9595 www.mypartycentre.com
Kidz Factory Al Wahda Mall 02 671 1269 www.kidzfactory-uae.com
Fun Works Yas Mall www.funworks.ae Hallabolou Al Marina www.hallabolou.com
02 565 1639
02 622 2285
Happynest Play House Gardens Plaza Al Raha 02 676 0605 www.happynestplayhouse.ae Kool Kidz World Trade Center Mall 02 677 0954 www.koolkidz.ae
Party Souq www.partysouq.com
Happynest Play House Gardens Plaza Al Raha 02 676 0605 www.happynestplayhouse.ae
Emirates Park Zoo and Resort Al Bahia 02 501 0000 www.emiratesparkzooandresort.com
Cheeky Little Events 04 388 6114 www.cheekylittleevents.com
02 616 6974
أماكن إقامة احلفالت Party Venues Action Zone Capital Mall, MBZ 02 672 0303 Boutik Mall, Reem Island 02 666 5758 actionzoneuae
KidzUnplugged Khalifa City 056 335 3729 www.kidzunpluggedmena.com
Lana’s Partiperfect, Cooking Al Marina 02 681 0090 www.partiperfect.ae
Orange Wheels Al Wahda Mall 02 667 4411 www.orangewheels.com Wonderland Paintball Sports Al Rahba 056 938 2444 www.wonderlandpaintball.com Zayed Sports City Zayed Sports City is an iconic landmark and a vibrant sports and entertainment hub in Abu Dhabi. The venue offers a range of sporting activities including Tennis, Football, Cycling, Ice Skating and Fitness for all ages. Airport Road 02 403 4200 info@zsc.ae www.zsc.ae
FIND OUT MORE ONLINE 8www.yallaabudhabi.ae
Little World Discovery Center Nation Galleria Corniche 02 681 8824 www.littleworlduae.com Living Room Café Al Khalidiyah
02 639 6654
Music Monkeys Various locations 056 622 5664 www.musicmonkeys.ae Splash ‘n’ Bounce 04 813 5785 www.splashnbounce.com The Events Atelier TheEventsAtelier
050 814 5763
Art Beat UAE Al Mushrif www.artbeatad.com
055 269 8011
Adventure HQ Dalma Mall 02 445 8903 Yas Mall 02 565 0872 www.adventurehq.ae Al Forsan International Sports Resort Khalifa City 02 556 8555 www.alforsan.com BOUNCE Marina Mall www.bounce.ae
04 321 1400
Murjan Splash Park Khalifa Park 050 878 1000 www.murjansplashpark.weebly.com
My First Gym Al Nahyan 02 444 3560 www.myfirstgymuae.com Orange Spin Al Wahda Mall www.orange-spin.com
02 306 7111
Saadiyat Beach Golf Club Louvre Abu Dhabi
Zayed Port
Al Mina
Saadiyat Island
Cranleigh Abu Dhabi Sheikh Khalifa Bridge
Lulu Island
Dhow Harbour
Al Jubail Island
Al Zahiyah
0 E1
Al Muna Academy
Al Reem Island
Umm Yife Island
Sh eik
Madinat Zayed
hZ ay
Mangrove National Park
ge illa eV ag rit He
American Community School of Abu Dhabi Jumeriah at Etihad Towers Al Khubeirah
Al Ras Al Akhdar
The Pearl Academy
Al Musalla
Al Khalidiyah
Al Dhafrah
Al Manhal
Al Marina
Al Mamoura Academy Al Nahyan
t R Al Etihad d)
Al Bateen Boat Yard Al Hudayriat Island
Anantara Sir Bani Yas Island Resorts
This map is not to scale & is intended as a representation of Abu Dhabi only. © Phoenix Media & Publications FZ LLC, 2018
Al Zahraa Al Zafranah Al Rayhan Brighton
Umm Al Emarat Park Al Bateen Academy British School Al Rowdah Al Khubairat Al Kh ale ej Ar Royal Stables ab iS Al Mushrif t( 30 th )
Al Bateen Coconut Island
Repton School Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi Mall
Al Danah
Al Hosn
Al Maryah Island
Khalifa Park Al Rehaan Al American International Muntazah School of Abu Dhabi
Zayed Sports City
Education Dubai
Ramhan Island
Al Shahma Aspen Heights British School
bi -
ai R
Amity International School Al Bahya
Yas Island
Yas Mall
Emirates Park Zoo
Zeera Island
West Yas Academy
Yas Links Golf Club
enah d
Yas Marina Circuit
Samaliyah Island
Abu Dhabi International Airport
Sas Al Nakhl
Sheikh Zayed Bridge
Al Raha International School
Al Yasmina Academy Khalifa City
Khor Al Maqta’a
Masdar City
Abu Dhabi Golf Club Al Maqta Bridge
Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque
Umm Al Nar
Zayed University
Souk Qaryat Al Beri
Zayed City
h Bridge
Mohammad Bin Zayed City
The British International School Abu Dhabi Al Mafraq
Al Shawamekh E1 1
Al Maqta
Al Ain
Sheikh Zayed Cricket Stadium
Reach British School Bawabat Al Sharq
Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort by Anantara
Schools Distributing Yalla 35 SPRING 2018
Entertainment Caboodle The Galleria Al Maryah Island www.caboodle.ae
02 616 3796
Challenge Chambers Al Wahda Mall 02 445 2522 www.challengechambers.com
IN THE SPOTLIGHT Adventure Zone A dedicated safe indoor adventure facility that can be enjoyed throughout the year offering a wide range of fun activities such as caving, trampolining, and climbing walls. Supervised by certified instructors, it's suitable for all fitness levels making it the ideal adventure park for individuals, families, parties and events. Yas Mall 02 565 0996 Dalma Mall 02 445 8903 www.adventurezone.ae
Desert Safari/Wadi Bashing Abu Dhabi Adventure Tours 055 484 2001 www.abudhabiadventure.com Drive Yas Marina Circuit Yas Island 02 659 9800 www.yasmarinacircuit.com Ferrari World Yas Island 02 496 8000 www.ferrariworldabudhabi.com Fun Works Yas Mall www.funworks.ae Jalboot www.jalboot.ae
“The world is a stage, the stage is a world of entertainment„ Howard Dietz
Fabyland Deerfields Mall fabyland.ae/uae
02 666 9772
Fun City City Mall, Madinat Zayed 02 887 0689 Abu Dhabi Mall 02 644 2588 Dalma Mall 02 550 7407 www.funcity.ae Fun Works Yas Mall www.funworks.ae
02 565 1639
Hallabolou Al Marina www.hallabolou.com
02 622 2285
Happynest Play House Gardens Plaza Al Raha 02 676 0605 www.happynestplayhouse.ae
050 104 3978
Adventure HQ Dalma Mall Yas Mall www.adventurehq.ae
02 445 6995 02 565 0872
Air – Spacewalk Al Mushrif 02 657 7777 www.adcountryclub.com Bounce Marina Mall Al Ras Al Akhdar www.bounce.ae
04 3211 400
Play & Learn Marina Mall Sparky’s
02 681 5990
Wanasa Land Al Wahda Mall 02 443 7654 Bawabat Al Sharq Mall 02 584 4335 Madinat Zayed Shopping center www.wanasaland.com Whiz Kidz Skill Development Al Zahiyah 02 641 7450
02 666 9772
Abu Dhabi Wildlife Centre Mussafah Abu-Dhabi-Wildlife-centre
Kidoos Abu Dhabi Mall 02 645 9070 Deerfields Mall 02 563 9070 Dalma Mall 02 551 9070 www.kidoos-uae.com
Action Zone Capital Mall, MBZ 02 672 0303 Reem Island 02 666 5758 www.actionzoneuae.com
Kidz Factory Inside Wanasa Land 02 671 1269 Al Wahda Mall www.kidzfactory-uae.com
Adventure HQ Dalma Mall Yas Mall www.adventurehq.ae
Kidz Venture Mangrove Village www.kidzventure.ae
Caboodle The Galleria Al Maryah Island www.caboodle.ae
Orange Wheels Al Wahda Mall 02 667 4411 www.orangewheels.com
املرح مع احليواانت Animal Fun
02 555 5307
مراكز األنشطة Activity Centres
Bounce Marina Mall www.bounce.ae
02 306 7111
600 575 756
Yas Waterworld Yas Island 02 414 2000 www.yaswaterworld.com
مراكز األنشطة املغامرات يف أحناء أبوظيب Action & Adventure
Orange Spin Al Wahda Mall www.orange-spin.com
Xtreme Zone Deerfields Mall
Mother of the Nation Park Al Mushrif www.mushrifcentralpark.ae Tee and Putt Dalma Mall www.teeandputt.com
My First Gym Al Nahyan 02 444 3560 www.myfirstgymuae.com
02 445 6995 02 565 0872
04 321 1400
02 616 6974
02 550 0255
Kool Kidz World Trade Center Mall 0954 www.koolkidz.ae
Al Wathba Wetlands Reserve Al Mafraq www.ead.ae Camel Racing Al Wathba Camel Racing 02 583 9200 Emirates Park Zoo and Resort Al Rahba 02 501 0000 www.emiratesparkzoo.com Saluki Centre Abu Dhabi www.arabiansaluki.ae
02 575 5330
02 677
Little World Discovery Center Nation Galleria - Corniche 02 681 8824 www.littleworlduae.com
Entertainment Saadiyat Beach Club Saadiyat Island 02 656 3500 www.saadiyatbeachclub.ae Shangri-La Qaryat Al Beri 02 509 8888 www.shangri-la.com/abudhabi
الشواطئ والنوادي الشاطئية Beaches & Beach Clubs Bake Al Bateen Corniche Saadiyat Island www.bakeuae.com
Body & Soul Health Club & Spa Al Raha Beach Hotel 02 508 0555 www.alrahabeachhotel-abudhabi.com
Eden Spa & Beach, Le Meridien Hotel Al Zahiyah 02 644 6666 www.lemeridienabudhabi.com Emirates Palace Beach Club Al Ras Al Akhdar 02 690 9000 www.kempinski.com Fairmont Health & Beach Club Bab Al Bahr 02 654 3333 www.fairmont.com Hiltonia Beach Club Al Khubeirah www.hilton.com
02 692 4205
Khalidiyah Palace Rayhaan Rotana Al Ras Al Akhdar 02 657 0182 www.rotana.com The Ritz-Carlton Khor Al Maqta 02 818 8888 www.ritzcarlton.com/abudhabi
02 643 1494
Big Bus Tours www.bigbustours.com 800 244 287 Cyclone Travel & Tours www.cyclonetours.com 050 622 5385
Heritage Village Al Marina www.torath.ae
02 681 8821
Manarat Al Saadiyat Saadiyat Island 02 657 5800 www.saadiyatculturaldistrict.ae Qasr Al Hosn Centre
02 697 6472
Sheraton Hotel & Resort Al Zahiyah 02 677 3333 www.sheratonabudhabihotel.com
Desert Adventures 04 450 4450 www.desertadventures.com
Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque www.szgmc.ae 02 419 1919
St Regis Nation Riveria Beach Club Al Khubeirah 02 694 4780 www.nationriveriabeachclub.com
Desert Rose 050 177 7458 www.desertrosetourism.com
Women’s Handicraft Centre Women’s Association Complex Al Mushrif 02 447 6645
Emirates Tours & Safaris www.eatours.ae 050 532 6837
Zayed Centre Al Bateen
St Regis Saadiyat Island 02 498 8888 www.stregissaadiyatisland.com The Club Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com
Beach Rotana Enjoy the private beach club, complete with swimming pool, squash and tennis courts, watersports, kid’s club, and extensive gym. Rejuvenate with bespoke treatments in Zen the spa, including the signature Rasul mud treatments and spa baths. extensive gym. Rejuvenate with bespoke treatments in Zen the spa, including the signature Rasul mud treatments and spa baths. Al Zahiya Area 02 697 9000 www.rotana.com
Belevari Marine www.belevari.com
Yas Beach Yas Island www.yasbeach.ae
Helicopter Tours www.abudhabihelicoptertour.com Jalboot www.jalboot.ae
دور السينما Cinemas
Net Tours Al Danah www.nettoursuae.ae
02 679 4656
Cine Royal Dalma Mall Deerfields Mall Khalidiyah Mall www.cineroyal.ae
02 550 2525 02 563 3990 02 681 9444
Heritage Park Off Al Firdous Street Khalifa Park Khalifa Park
Noukhada Adventure Company www.noukhada.ae 02 558 1889 Observation Deck at 300 Jumeriah at Etihad Towers www.jumeirah.com 02 811 5666
Novo Cinemas Abu Dhabi Mall 02 645 8988 WTC Mall 02 634 3003 Bawabat Al Sharq Mall 02 586 4877 www.novocinemas.com
Orient Tours www.orient-tours-uae.com 02 667 5609 Rayna Tours www.raynatours.com
02 639 3938
VOX Cinemas Marina Mall Nations Towers Yas Mall uae.voxcinemas.com
Seawings www.seawings.ae
04 807 0708
600 599 905 600 599 905 600 599 905
التجارب والرحالت Experiences & Tours Abu Dhabi Adventure 055 484 2001 www.abudhabiadventure.com Arabian Adventures 04 303 4888 www.arabian-adventures.com
Capital gardens Muroor Road Corniche Parks Off Corniche Road west
Al Mariah Cinema Al Mariah Mall 02 678 5000 www.cinemaalmariah.com Al Wahda Cinema Al Wahda Mall 02 443 3244 www.alwahda-mall.com
احلدائق العامة Parks
600 575 756
056 242 0435
02 665 9555
Tour The Pits Yas Marina Circuit 02 659 9800 www.yasmarinacircuit.com X-Ventures www.x-ventures.ae
055 540 4500
الرتاث والثقافة Heritage & Culture
Masdar Park Masdar City Umm Al Emarat Park Mushrif Yas gateway Park Yas Island
أايم عائلية خارجية يف العني Entertainment in Al Ain Action Zone Al Ain Mall 03 751 0660 www.facebook.com/actionzoneuae Al Ain National Museum Showcase of the city’s heritage and tradition Al Ain Oasis 02 657 6171 www.abudhabi.ae Al Ain Zoo Animal and conservation experience www.alainzoo.ae 03 799 2000
Archaeological Site on Sir Bani Yas Island Bani Yas Island 800 8342 www.sirbaniyasisland.com
Entertainment Al Jahili Fort Restored fort and Thesinger exhibition Al Mutawaa 03 784 3996 www.visitabudhabi.com Al Qattara Arts Centre and Souq Insight into traditional arts and crafts 03 761 8080 www.visitabudhabi.com Green Mubazzarah Hot spring lake and swimming pools Jebel Hafeet 03 783 9555
Bollywood Parks Dubai Dubai Parks and Resorts 800 2629464 www.bollywoodparksdubai.com Bounce Trampolining Al Quoz www.bounce.ae Burj Khalifa Observation deck Downtown Dubai www.burjkhalifa.ae
04 321 1400
IMG Worlds of Adventure Dubai 600 500962 www.imgworlds.com
800 BURJ
Jumeriah Mosque The most photographed mosque in Dubai Jumeirah 04 353 6666 www.cultures.ae
Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo Downtown Dubai 04 448 5200 www.thedubaiaquarium.com Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve Various tour operators 04 809 8710 www.ddcr.org
Heritage Village Al Ain Sportplex 03 768 8888 www.alainsportplex.ae Hili Archaeological Park Remains of settlements and tombs Al Ain Oasis 02 666 4442 www.abudhabi.ae Hili Fun City Theme park with rides and adventures Hili Area 03 784 4481 www.hilifuncity.ae Qasr Al Muwaiji Fort www.qasralmuwaiji.com
800 555
Sheikh Zayed Desert Learning Centre Al Ain sheikhzayeddesertlearningcentre.com
Sheikh Zayed Palace Museum Restored former home of Sheikh Zayed Al Ain Street 03 751 7755 www.visitabudhabi.com Wadi Adventure Surf, raft, Kayak, climb and board Jebel Hafeet 03 781 8422 www.wadiadventure.ae
أايم عائلية خارجية يف ديب Entertainment in Dubai Aquaventure Water park Aquarium and Zip line Atlantis The Palm 04 426 2000 www.atlantisthepalm.com
Dubai Dophinarium Meet, swim and play with dophins Creek Park 04 336 9773 www.dubaidolphinarium.ae Dubai Fountain The world’s most choreographed fountain Burj Khalifa, Downtown Dubai www.thedubaimall.com Dubai Ice Rink Olympic size rink The Dubai Mall 04 448 5111 www.dubaiicerink.com Dubai Miracle Garden Nr Dubai Autodrome 04 422 8902 www.dubaimiraclegarden.com Dubai Museum A look into Emirate life in the Al Fahidi Fort Bur Dubai 04 353 1862 www.dubaiculture.gov.ae Dubai Safari Al Warqa www.dubaisafari.ae Fairytales Indoor play park Jumeirah www.fairytales.ae Flip Out Al Quoz 3 www.flipout.ae
Global Village Fantasy Island Shows and cultural events China Village 04 362 4114 www.globalvillage.ae
Kidzania Indoor edutainment centre Dubai Mall 04 448 5222 www.kidzania.ae
Wonderland Dubai Theme park and splash land Creek Park 04 324 3222 www.wonderlanduae.com Xline Downtown Dubai www.xdubai.com
Legoland Dubai Dubai Parks and Resorts 04 820 0000 www.legoland.com/dubai Legoland Water Park Dubai Parks and Resorts 04 820 0000 www.legoland.com/dubai Madinat Jumeirah Souq style shopping and eating Jumeirah 04 366 8888 www.jumeirah.com Motiongate Dubai Dubai Parks and Resorts 800 2629464 www.motiongatedubai.com Playnation Ifly indoor sky diving & Soccer Circus Midrif City Centre 04 231 6292 www.majidalfuttaim.com Riverland Dubai Dubai Parks and Resorts www.riverlanddubai.com SEGA republic Attractions and amusement arcade The Dubai Mall 04 448 8484 www.segarepublic.com
800 900 Ski Dubai Indoor skiing and tobogganing Mall of the Emirates 800 386 www.skidbx.skischoolshop.com
FIND OUT MORE ONLINE 8www.yallaabudhabi.ae
IN THE SPOTLIGHT LEGOLAND® Dubai LEGOLAND® Dubai is the ultimate theme park for children aged 2 - 12 years and their families in the Middle East. Enjoy LEGO® themed adventures through interactive rides, water slides, models and building experiences. Sheikh Zayed Road 04 820 3123 www.legoland.com/ar/ legoland-dubai-resort
04 344 5030
600 567568
The Journey Outdoor play park Umm Suqeim 055 527 8931 www.thejourneydubai.com
VOX Cinemas and IMAX Mall of the Emirates 600 599 905 uae.voxcinemas.com Wild Wadi Waterpark Jumeirah 04 348 4444 www.jumeirah.com
تناول الطعام
"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well„ Virginia Woolf
Café Columbia Al Zahiyah
02 697 9011
Café de la Paix Marina Mall 02 681 5955 Nation Towers Galleria 02 667 2121 www.cafedelapaixabudhabi.com
IN THE SPOTLIGHT Pool Bar One of the most prominent spots in the capital, Pool Bar at Jumeirah at Etihad Towers offers a glimpse of the Arabian Gulf coastline and stunning Abu Dhabi sunsets. Jumeirah at Etihad Towers Corniche 02 811 5666 www.jumeirah.com/en/ hotels-resorts/abu-dhabi
Chapter’s Café World Trade Center Mall Souk 02 639 8849 Cinnabon Various locations www.cinnabon.com Circle Café Al Raha Gardens Plaza 02 556 1550 Mangrove Village 02 666 0828 www.circle-cafe.com Delecto Al Khalidiya www.delecto.ae
Lana’s Partiperfect Al Marina www.partiperfect.ae
02 681 0090
Soulfull Restaurant & Café Al Mamoura 02 643 3669 www.soulfull.ae
Le Boulanger Marina Café Al Marina 02 441 8000 Le-Boulanger-French-Bakery-andResto-Cafe
Tashas Al Bateen www.tashascafe.com
Leopold’s of London Boutik Mall 02 677 0071 Nation Towers Galleria 02 665 4776 The Galleria 02 665 5214 La Maison Sucre Al Khalidiyah 02 639 6622 www.maisonsucreuae.com
02 496 3444
املقاهي وحمالت القهوة Cafes & Coffee Shops Art House Café Al Bateen 02 666 0175 www.etihadmodernart.com Beach House Park Hyatt Hotel Saadiyat Island 02 407 1138 www.abudhabi.park.hyatt.com Bee’s Knees Baking Company Nation Galleria 02 447 9102 beeskneesuae BiteRite Murror Road www.biterite.ae Café Arabia Al Mushrif CafeArabia
Firin Bakery Al Rowdhat www.firin.co Hiccup Foutouh Al Khair Mall
02 557 9500 02 644 1516
02 631 5111
Pascal Tepper French Bakery Muroor Road 02 444 4762 www.pascaltepperfrenchbakery.com
Jim’s Kitchen Table Masdar City www.jims.kitchen
02 491 9401
Park Station Café Mushrif Central Park 056 549 3841 www.parkstationuae.com
Jones The Grocer Various locations www.jonesthegrocer.com
02 641 1660
02 643 9699
Nolu’s Café Al Bandar The Galleria
Organic Foods & Café Nation Towers Galleria www.organicfoodsandcafe.com
02 556 8264
La Pouse Gourmande Cafe Sultan Bin Zayed The First Street 02 444 4065 www.lapousegourmande.ae
The Living Room Café Al Khalidiyah 02 639 6654 www.thelivingroomcafeabudhabi.com
The Third Place Al Khalidiyah 02 681 1877 www.thethirdplaceuae.com whEAT The Royal Meridian Hotel Al Danah 02 695 0450
Aqua Rosewood Hotel Al Maryah Island 02 813 5550 www.rose woodhotels.com
02 447 1711
Hippy Chic Etihad Plaza amsgroup.ae
02 445 0890
وجبة الغداء املبكر للعائالت Family Brunches
Fanr Saadiyat Island 02 657 5888 www.fanrrestaurant.ae
02 667 2690
02 583 3612
La Brioche Café Various Locations 02 556 7076 www.labriocheuae.com
Divine Design Café Al Wahda Mall 050 668 4696 DivineDesignCafe
Fauchon Le Café Etihad Towers www.fauchon.com
Simple Café Zayed Sports City www.simplecafe.ae
Planet Café Al Zahiyah
02 676 7962
Cafe' Palmier The Royal Meridian Hotel Al Danah 02 674 2020 www.cafepalmierabudhabi.com Café Mandarina Al Bahia 02 564 5770 www.cafemandarina.com Choices Rotana Hotel Yas Island www.rotana.com CuiScene Fairmont Bab Al Bahr Khor Al Maqta www.fairmont.com
02 656 4000
02 654 3238
Shabby Chic Al Mamoura 02 643 7497 www.shabbychic-uae.com Shakespeare & Co Various locations www.shakespeareandco.ae
Dining Olea The St Regis Hotel Saadiyat Island 02 498 8443 www.oleaabudhabi.com Rangoli Rotana Hotel Yas Island www.rotana.com Emirates Palace Corniche 02 690 7999 www.emiratespalace.ae Essence Beach Rotana Hotel Al Zahiyah 02 697 9011 www.rotanatimes.com Flavours Sheraton Hotel Corniche 02 677 3333 www.flavours-abudhabi.com Giornotte The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Abu Dhabi Khor Al Maqta’a 02 818 8282 www.ritzcarlton.com Ingredients Eastern Mangrove Hotel Al Rayhan 02 656 1000 www.abu-dhabi.anantara.com Intercontinental Hotel Al Bateen 02 666 6888 www.dining-intercontinental-ad.ae Jazz@Pizza Express World Trade Center Mall 02 444 7752 www.pizzaexpress.ae Jing Asia Crowne Plaza Hotel Yas Island 02 656 3053 www.ihg.com/crowneplaza Jumeirah at Etihad Towers Corniche 02 811 5666 www.jumeirah.com Krunch! Saadiyat Beach Golf Club Saadiyat Island 02 557 8000 www.sbgc.ae Le Meridien Hotel Al Zahiyah 02 697 4354 www.lemeridien.com/abudhabi Market Kitchen The Royal Meridian Hotel Al Danah 800 101 101 www.marketkitchenabudhabi.com Marriott Hotel Al Forsan Al Forsan 02 201 4000 Munch at The Café Park Hyatt Saadiyat Island 02 407 1138 www.abudhabi.park.hyatt.com
02 656 4000
Bentley Bistro and Bar The Galleria Mall 02 626 2131 www.bentleybistro.com Bloomsbury’s Al Whada Mall 02 643 8610 Mushrif Mall 02 491 4537 Y Tower 02 445 4156 www.ilovebloomsburys.com
Safina Saadiyat Beach Club Saadiyat Island 02 656 3500 www.saadiyatbeachclub.ae
Crystal Lounge St. Regis Abu Dhabi 02 694 4553 www.stregisabudhabi.com
Silk Route Café Holiday Inn Al Zahraa www.ihg.com
Filaments Café Southern Sun Hotel www.tsogosun.com
02 818 4888
Le Café Emirates Palace www.kempinski.com
02 690 9000
Sofra Bid Shangri-La Hotel Qaryat Al Beri www.shangri-la.com Spaccanapoli Crowne Plaza Hotel Al Danah
02 657 4858
02 509 8555
02 616 6261
Leopold’s of London Nation Towers 02 665 4776 Boutik Mall 600 560602 The Galleria Mall 02 665 5214 www.leopoldsoflondon.com
The Club Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com
Lips The Café Marina Mall www.lipsthecafe.com
The Garden Crowne Plaza Hotel Al Danah
Majlis Lobby Lounge Rosewood Abu Dhabi's grand living room, Majlis, is the perfect gathering place to greet old friends and make new ones. The airy lounge features floor-toceiling windows that overlook the water, making it an ideal location for early breakfast, a quick business lunch or an evening cup of tea whilst listening to the live pianist performance. Serving delicious snacks, Italian coffees, sandwiches and the finest afternoon tea, it is one of the best spots to take in the stunning panoramic views of Abu Dhabi. Zayed the First Street 02 813 55 50 www.rosewoodhotels.com
02 616 6838
The Westin Abu Dhabi Golf Resort & Spa Sas Al Nakhl 02 616 9999 www.westinabudhabigolfresort.com Urban Kitchen Dusit Thani Hotel Al Etihad 02 698 8137 www.dusit.com/dusitthani Villa Toscana St. Regis Abu Dhabi 02 694 4553 www.villatoscana-abudhabi.com
شاي ما بعد الظهرية Afternoon Tea Alba Ritz Carlton Hotel Khor Al Maqta’a www.ritzcarlton.com
02 818 8282
02 681 8191
Munch at The Café Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Saadiyat 02 407 1138 www.abudhabi.park.hyatt.com Observation Deck at 300 Jumeriah at Etihad Towers www.jumeirah.com 02 811 5666 Safina Saadiyat Beach Club Saadiyat Island 02 656 3500 www.saadiyatbeachclub.ae Stratos Le Royal Meridien Hotel
800 101 101 www.stratosabudhabi.com
TWG Tea Yas Mall www.twgtea.com
02 565 0360
املطاعم العائلية Family Restaurants Andiamo Al Zeina www.andiamo.ae
02 556 5775
Bricco Pizza & Pasta Various Locations www.bricco.ae Burger Joint New York Nation Towers, Corniche 02 222 2456 www.burgerjointny.com Café Arabia Al Mushrif CafeArabia
02 643 9699
Carluccio’s Eastern Mangrove Promenade 02 641 2231 The Galleria 02 677 1261 Yas Mall 02 565 1004 www.carluccios.com Cheesecake Factory Yas Mall 02 492 6636 www.thecheesecakefactory.com Divine Design Café Al Wahda Mall 050 668 4696 DivineDesignCafe Fanr Saadiyat Island 02 657 5888 www.fanrrestaurant.ae Flavours Sheraton Hotel Corniche 02 677 3333 www.flavours-abudhabi.com Frankies Fairmont Hotel Bab Al Bahr www.fairmont.com Fuddrucker’s Marina Mall Al Wahda Mall Giraffe Restaurant Yas Mall www.giraffe.net
02 654 3238
02 681 8160 02 443 7538 02 565 0711
Dining Shakespeare & Co Various Locations www.shakespeare-and-co.com Spaccanapoli Crowne Plaza Hotel Al Danah Stars ‘n’ Bars Yas Marina www.starsnbars.ae
02 642 6499
Hawksbill Saadiyat Beach Golf Club www.sbgolfclub.ae 02 551 8000 Johnny Rockets Various Locations www.johnnyrocketsuae.com Jones The Grocer Various locations www.jonesthegrocer.com Living Room Café Al Khalidiyah
02 639 6654
Little Mexico Saadiyat Island Melius Masdar City Melius Restaurant
02 676 1954 02 558 3000
Nahaam Jumeriah at Etihad Towers 02 811 5666 www.jumeirah.com Noodle House Al Wahda Mall 02 443 7391 Souk Qaryat Al Beri 02 558 1699 www.thenoodlehouse.com Noodle Bowl Zayed Sports City www.zsc.ae
02 447 2405
Nolu's Cafe Nolu’s is an all-day dining destination that specialises in healthy Californian cuisine with an Afghani twist and manages to serve food that is both wholesome and moreish. The extensive menu caters for every palate, with a fantastic range of salads, sandwiches and super-food smoothies. The Galleria Mall 02 644 1516 Al Bandar 02 557 9500 www.nolusrestaurants.com
02 565 0101
The Club Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com The Sportsman’s Arms Zayed Sports City 02 403 4235
حمالت اآليس كرمي والزابدي اجملمد
Ice Cream & Frozen Yoghurt Shops Amorino Yas Mall www.amorino.com
"Food is essential to life, therefore make it good„ S. Truett Cathy
Baskin Robbins Various Locations www.baskinrobbinsmea.com Coldstone Creamery Various Locations www.coldstone.ae Emack & Bolio’s Dalma Mall EmackArabia
02 551 6069
Gelato Divino Al Wahda Mall Abu Dhabi Mall www.gelatodivino.com London Dairy Various Locations
02 681 8300
Pinkberry Various Locations www.pinkberry.com Summer Breeze Frozen Yoghurt Zayed Sports City 02 642 6166 www.summerbreeze.ae Vasa Vasa Al Munera
02 555 6484
Yogoday Various Locations www.yogoday.com
Photography by Tommaso Ciancio
Grand Central Muroor www.grandcentral.ae
02 616 6261
Pizza Di Rocco Al Dhafrah 02 641 8300 www.pizzadirocco.com Pizza Express World Trade Center Mall 02 444 7752 www.pizzaexpressuae.com
FIND OUT MORE ONLINE 8www.yallaabudhabi.ae www.yallaabudhabi.ae
الرعاية الصحية
Jim Rohn
02 222 2616
التدريب على اإلسعافات األولية First Aid Training
King’s College Hospital Clinic Al Khalidiyah 02 501 4000 www.kchclinics.com
Dental Experts Center Al Khalidiyah 02 681 0060 www.dentexp.com
King’s College Hospital Clinic Al Khalidiyah 02 501 4000 www.kchclinics.com
Dr Firas Dental & Orthodontic Center Al Marina 02 222 2600 www.firasdoc.com
National Ambulance
Mediclinic Al Noor Family Care Center Various Locations 800 26422 www.alnoorhospital.com
Dubai Smile Abu Dhabi Dalma Street 02 665 0555 www.dubaismile.com/branches/ abu-dhabi/
02 557 5220 www.numerouno-me.com
Davinci Dental Clinic Al Marina www.davincidental.ae
IN THE SPOTLIGHT Danat Al Emarat Hospital Danat Al Emarat is a worldclass specialty women and children’s hospital. The fivestorey hospital covers an area of 45,000 square metres, with 150 beds, offering a comprehensive range of inpatient and outpatient medical services including Neonatology & Pediatrics, Obstetrics & Gynecology, General & Pediatric Surgery, Women’s Diagnostics & Breast Imaging, Minimally Access Surgery and more. Abu Dhabi Gate City Abu Dhabi Gate City 02 614 9999 www.danatalemarat.ae
Eastmans Dental Centre Al Khalidiyah 02 621 2828 Eastmans-Smile-Solutions-DentalClinic Elyzee Medical Center City Centre 02 566 4222 www.elyzeemc.com International Center For Dental Excellence Capital Centre 02 447 7752 www.icdexcell.com Jeiroudi Orthodontic Center Al Khalidiyah 02 665 4990 Smile Art Dental Clinic Al Nahyan 02 665 0555 www.dubaismile.com Smile Clinic Al Hosn 02 621 8700 www.lucsmileclinic.com Smilerite Khalifa City A Smilerite
عيادات األسنان Dental Clinics Advanced American Dental Clinic Al Bateen 02 681 2921 www.americandentalclinic.com Boston Dental Clinic Al Khalidiyah 02 666 7070 www.bostondentaluae.com British Dental Clinic Al Danah 02 677 3308 www.britishdentalclinic.ae
“Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live in„
02 555 9595
The Doctors Medical Center Al Khalidiyah 02 666 3378 Masdar City 02 666 3378 www.TheDoctorsMedicalCenter.com
عيادات العيون Eye Clinics
02 596 8600 www.nationalambulance.ae
Swedish Medical Center Al Khalidiyah 02 681 1122
Numero Uno
The Doctors Medical Center Al Khalidiyah 02 666 3378 Masdar City 02 666 3378 www.TheDoctorsMedicalCenter. com
The Doctor’s Medical Center Al Khalidiya 02 666 3378 www.thedoctorsmedicalcenter.ae
عيادات الصحة Health Clinics
Via Medical International Healthcare Liwa Tower 02 444 6500 www.viamedica-international.com
Abu Dhabi Telemedicine Centre Phone based service 800 4959 www.telemed.ae
Women’s Health Center Corniche Maternity Hospital Al Danah 02 672 4900 www.seha.ae
Advanced Cure Diagnostic Center Al Bateen 02 667 5050 www.cure.ae
الرعاية الصحية يف املنزل Healthcare at Home
Burjeel Medical Centre Deerfields Mall 02 508 5500 www.burjeelmedicalcentre.com Canadian Medical Center Al Nahyan 02 555 9999 www.canadiancmc.com Harley Street Medical Centre Al Marina 02 613 3999 www.hsmc.ae HealthPlus Family Health Center Al Bandar, Al Raha Beach 02 557 1818 www.hplus.ae HealthPlus Children’s Specialty Center Al Bateen 02 658 2221 www.hplus.ae
Be Well Home Care Abu Dhabi City 02 679 7533 www.bewellhomecare.ae Manzil Healthcare Services www.manzilhealth.ae 800 626 945 Via Medical International Healthcare Liwa Tower 02 444 6500 www.viamedica-international.com
مستشفيات تستقبل احلوادث واحلاالت الطارئة Hospitals with Accident & Emergency Al Rahba Hospital Al Rahba www.alrahba.ae
02 506 4444
Eye Institute at Cleveland Clinic Al Maryah Island 800 8 2223
HealthPlus Women’s Health Center Al Karamah 02 643 3494 www.hplus.ae
Corniche Maternity Hospital Al Danah 02 811 7777 www.cornichehospital.ae
Moorfields Eye Hospital Centre Al Marina 02 635 6161 www.moorfields.ae
Intercare Health Center Marina Village 02 639 0080 www.intercare-health.com
Mafraq Hospital Mafraq 02 501 1111 www.mafraqhospital.ae
www.instagram.com/makeawish_uae/ Make A Wish UAE
T: +971 2 666 51 44
Healthcare Mediclinic Al Noor Hospital Al Danah 02 626 5265 www.alnoorhospital.com Sheikh Khalifa Medical City Al Wahda 02 610 2000 www.skmc.gov.ae
تدليك الرضع Infant Massage BounceBack Yas Marina www.bounceback.ae
Corniche Maternity Hospital Ante Natal Class Al Danah 02 811 7777 www.seha.ae
Let’s Go Yoga Various Locations 050 349 2336 www.letsgoyogame.com
القبالة Midwifery
02 565 1212
مستشفيات الوالدة Maternity Hospitals
BAYTI Home Healthcare LLC www.baytihhc.com 02 628 0888 Karen Wilmot The Virtual Midwife www.thevirtualmidwife.com
Al Noor Hospital Various locations 800 2000 www.alnoorhospital.com Brightpoint Royal Women’s Hospital Al Mushrif 800 7676 www.brightpoint.ae Burjeel Hospital Al Dhafrah www.burjeel.com
02 508 5555
أخصائيي البصرايت Opticians Al Jaber Optical Various locations www.aljaberoptical.com Yateem Opticians Various Locations www.yateemgroup.com
Danat Al Emarat Hospital Abu Dhabi Gate City 02 614 9999 www.danatalemarat.ae
Abu Dhabi Knee and Sports Medicine Centre Zayed Sports City 02 492 9000 www.healthpoint.ae
LLH Hospital Madinat Zayed www.llhhospital.com
BounceBack Yas Marina www.bounceback.ae
فصول ما قبل وبعد الوالدة Maternity Pre & Post Natal Classes
02 565 1212
02 626 5722
Abu Dhabi Mums Group The Dome @ Rawdhat www.abudhabimums.ae
International Knee and Joint Centre David Baston Al Dhafra 02 444 6600 www.knee.ae
Advantage Sports UAE Various locations 02 679 2156 www.advantagesportsuae.com
The Doctor’s Medical Center Al Khalidiya 02 666 3378 www.thedoctorsmedicalcenter.ae
Baby At Home www.manzilhealth.ae 800 626 945
املستشفيات اخلاصة Private Hospitals
Burjeel Hospital Al Dhafrah www.burjeel.com
02 508 5555
Bodytree Studio Al Karamah 02 443 4448 www.bodytreestudio.com
Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi Al Maryah Island 800 8 2223 www.clevelandclinicabudhabi.ae Danat Al Emarat Hospital for Women and Children Abu Dhabi Gate City 02 614 9999 www.danatalemarat.ae Gulf Diagnostic Center Hospital Al Bateen 02 417 7222 www.gdc-hospital.com Healthpoint Hospital Zayed Sports City 02 492 9000 www.healthpoint.ae Lifeline Hospital Madinat Zayed www.llhhospital.com
02 633 5522
NMC Speciality Hospital Madinat Zayed 02 633 2255 www.nmc.ae
العالج الطبيعي Physiotherapists
Franco Emirian Patrick Milton Al Danah
02 508 5555
Mediclinic Al Noor Hospital Various locations 800 26422 www.alnoorhospital.com
Corniche Maternity Hospital Al Danah 02 672 4900 www.seha.ae
02 633 5522
Burjeel Hospital Al Dhafrah www.burjeel.com
Ahalia Hospital Hamdan 02 626 2666 Mussafah 800 66666 www.ahaliagroup.com Brightpoint Royal Women’s Hospital Al Mushrif 800 7676 www.brightpoint.ae
Universal Hospital Al Rowdah 02 599 9555 www.universalhospitals.com
املستشفيات العامة Public Hospitals Al Mafraq Hospital Al Mafraq 02 501 1111 www.mafraqhospital.ae
American Center for Special Abilities (ACSA) Al Rowdah 02 666 5545 www.acsa.ae Bodyworx Medical Centre Al Dhafrah 02 641 9961 www.bodyworx.ae Corpofino Dermatology Al Danah 02 639 6991 www.corpofino.ae CosmeSurge Khalifa City 02 557 2220 Al Rowdah 02 446 6648 www.cosmesurge.com Elyzee Medical Center City Centre 02 566 4222 www.elyzeemc.com Exeter Medical Center Bone & Joint Health Al Bateen 02 635 4321 www.exetermedicalcenter.com Gulf Diagnostic Center Al Bateen 02 417 7222 www.gdc-hospital.com HealthPlus Diabetes & Endocrinology Center Al Bateen 02 666 0363 www.hplus.ae HealthPlus Fertility Center Al Karamah 02 643 3494 www.hplus.ae Intercare Health Center Marina Village 02 639 0080 www.intercare-health.com
Corniche Hospital Al Danah 02 672 4900 www.cornichehospital.ae
International Chiropractic Specialty Center Al Markaziyah 02 634 5162 www.chiropracticUAE.com
Sheikh Khalifa Medical City Al Wahda 02 819 0000 www.skmc.ae
King’s College Hospital Clinic Al Khalidiyah 02 501 4000 www.kchclinics.com
الرعاية الصحية املتخصصة Specialist Healthcare
Lisa Laws Hypnotherapy 055 771 2857 www.lisalawscoaching.com
Abu Dhabi Knee and Sports Medicine Centre Zayed Sports City 02 492 9000 www.healthpoint.ae
Lotus Holistic Center Khalifa City 02 557 9801 www.lotusholistic.ae
Acupuncture Gulf Chinese Medical Centre Al Markaziyah West 02 634 3538 www.gulfchinesemedical.net American Center for Psychiatry and Neurology Al Rowdah 02 697 9999 www.americancenteruae.com
Silkor Laser Hair Removal Al Khalidiyah 02 681 6070 Etihad Plaza 02 557 7700 www.silkor.com
FIND OUT MORE ONLINE 8www.yallaabudhabi.ae www.yallaabudhabi.ae
What is cervical cancer?
What is cervical cancer? Cancer is a disease in which cells become abnormal and form more cells in an uncontrolled way. With cervical cancer, the cancer begins in cells that make up the cervix.
How common is it?
Worldwide, cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women and the third leading cause of death. In the United Arab Emirates, it is the second common cancer in women and some cases of cervical cancer are not detected until they are in the late stages, when it is difficult to treat.
• Abnormal discharge • Pain in the pelvis or lower back
How is cervical cancer detected?
Cervical cancer is detected with a test called the Pap test. The Pap test looks for precancers, cell changes on the cervix that might become cervical cancer if they are not treated appropriately. During the Pap test, the doctor takes a small sample of cells from cervix and sends them to the laboratory, where they are checked for abnormal changes. All women between 25 and 65 years of age should have a Pap test, as per the recommendations below: • Aged 25- 49: Screening every three years
What causes cervical cancer?
• Aged 50-65: Screening every five years
Cervical cancer is caused by genital infection with Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). For most women, HPV goes away on its own without causing any problems. However, for some women, HPV infection persists and can cause cervical cancer.
Women who are immune-compromised due to disease or medication must have annual screening
What is HPV and how do you get it?
There is a vaccine that prevents the infection with HPV. Two types of vaccines are available and both are approved to be used by Ministry of Health.
HPV is a group of more than 100 different viruses. HPV affects different parts of the body such as the skin and genital areas. Infection with HPV type 16 and 18 are responsible for 70% of cervical cancer cases. HPV is transmitted from an infected partner.
Is there a vaccine to prevent HPV infection?
For more information, please visit www.danatalemarat.ae
What are the symptoms of cervical cancer?
Early on, cervical cancer may not cause signs and symptoms. However, at late stages, symptoms can be: • Bleeding or spotting between regular menstrual periods • Menstrual periods that last longer and are heavier than before • Bleeding after menopause
احليوية والعافية
“Wellness is the complete integration of body, mind, and spirit - the realisation that everything we do, think, feel, and believe has an effect on our state of well-being„ Jim Rohn
Bedashing Various locations 600 560 037 www.bedashingbeauty.com Caboodle The Galleria Al Maryah Island www.caboodle.ae
IN THE SPOTLIGHT Talise Spa Step into the Talise Spa inside Jumeirah at Etihad Towers, an oasis of calm and tranquility just moments from the hubbub of the city and begin your journey of self-discovery.
Jumeirah at Etihad Towers Corniche 02 811 5858 JADspa@jumeirah.com www.jumeirah.com/en/ hotels-resorts/abu-dhabi
02 616 6974
*City Cut Salon (walk-in) Dalma Mall city-cut-salon Cosmopolitan Salon Al Zahiyah 02 677 7014 www.cosmopolitansalon.me *Emad Sas al Nakhl 02 558 7558 Glamour Hair Salon Al Zeina 02 555 9902 Al Khalidiyah 02 626 3003 www.glamoursalonuae.com Freestyle Abu Dhabi Country Club Al Mushrif 02 443 2883 www.adcountryclub.com Hairwaves by Charbel Khalidiya Palace Rayhan Rotana Al Khalidiyah 02 681 9579 www.hairwavesbycharbel.com *Hairwaves Barber Shop Sheraton Hotel 02 676 7118
تصفيف الشعر Hairdressing *suitable for children Anahata Spa Khalifa City A www.anahataspa.ae
02 557 7722
Artistic Hair Salon Dusit Thani Hotel Al Nahyan 02 444 6876 Artistic-Hair-Salon-Dusit-ThaniHotel-Abu-Dhabi Beauty Spot Salon Eastern Mangroves Hotel & Spa Al Rayhan 02 656 1149 www.beautyspot.me
Hairworks Al Khubeirah
02 681 6678
*Kool Kidz World Trade Center Mall 02 677 0954 www.koolkidz.ae Marquee Eastern Mangroves Promenade Al Rayhan 02 449 4044 www.marquee.ae Rossano Ferretti Al Karamah Street 02 645 3313 www.rfhairspa.com Sisters Beauty Salon Al Bateen 02 222 2501 St. Regis Nation Towers 02 621 0044 www.sistersbeautylounge.com
ST Beauty Emirates Palace Al Ras Al Akdhar 02 690 8970 Jumeirah@Etihad Towers02 665 5459 The Westin Hotel Golf Club Resort 02 558 0344
مراكز اللياقة البدنية Fitness Centres Adrenagy Khalifa Park www.adrenagy.com
02 444 1121
Tara Rose Hair and Beauty Salon Khalifa City A 02 583 2065 Al Bateen 02 449 5001 www.tararosesalon.com
Advantage Sports UAE Various Locations 02 679 2156 www.advantagesportsuae.com
Toni and Guy Al Bandar 02 584 8399 www.toniandguyuae.com
Abu Dhabi Country Club Al Mushrif 02 657 7777 www.adcountryclub.com
النوادي الصحية Health spas
Arena Al Zeina 02 552 9002 www.crossfitabudhabi.com
Anantara Spa Eastern Mangroves Hotel 02 656 1146 www.abu-dhabi.anantara.com/sparetreats/ Ayana Spa Bab Al Qasr 02 205 3000 www.babalqasr.com ESPA The Ritz-Carlton Abu Dhabi, Grand Canal Ritz Carlton 02 818 8051 www.ritzcarlton.com/en/hotels/ uae/abu-dhabi/spa ESPA Yas Viceroy 0 2 656 0862 www.viceroyhotelsandresorts.com/ en/abudhabi/spa_and_wellness Sense, A Rosewood Spa Rosewood Abu Dhabi 02 813 5537 www.rosewoodhotels.com/en/abudhabi/wellness/spa The Talise Spa Jumeirah at Etihad Towers 02 811 5858 www.jumeirah.com/en/hotelsresorts/abu-dhabi/jumeirahetihad-towers/spa/talise-spa/ Zen the Spa Beach Rotana www.rotana.com
02 697 9333
Bodytree Studio Al Karamah 02 443 4448 www.bodytreestudio.com Cobra Al Bandar 02 449 6524 www.cobrafitnessuae.com CrossFit Abu Dhabi Al Mushrif www.crossfitabudhabi.com Eden Health Club Le Meridien Hotel Al Zahiyah
02 697 4354
Fit Mangrove One Al Muntazah
02 444 3012
Fit & Flex Abu Dhabi Golf Club Sas Al Nakhl www.fitnflex.com
055 146 6123
Fitness First Various Locations 02 674 6991 www.uae.fitnessfirstme.com Float UAE Khalidiya Palace Rayhaan by Rotana floatuae1 Haddins Gym Zayed Sports City www.haddins.com
02 403 4233
Hiltonia Health Club & Spa Al Khubeirah 02 692 4205 www.hilton.com
Get healthy, get happy! R
aising a family brings an overwhelming amount of love and fulfilment for parents. And as a parent, one main priority we all have is to make sure we have a happy and healthy family under your roof. Yet, we know life can get busy and certain goals can fall to the wayside. But fear not - this year Yalla is here to help! To get your year off to a great start we’ve teamed up with some of the top health, well–being and fitness experts to get you on your way to ensuring everyone has a happy and healthy 2018!
ox b m r Fa
st, esh e h e f r d u ce s t g rin ro elive nic p pany s at d iest Orga The com y im a o s tl box a lt h m e. Farm st and he ies at ho rganic m ic n il O ie a t m fa org tas 00% tly to anges: 1 of local c e g ir r d ix x, ve ram s two it s bo the u offer urope o al. r f E na ing n from onventio betwee as select even e l c s l a o e d c u n ho an ilk. sw c an c ox, a . Plus, yo rganic m You r a mix b e o ’d lik ross oon box o f box you gs, and s ilable ac a o g v e a e e re siz nic ries a box.a orga add ly delive ww.farm k Wee E. Visit w A the U
Shop online with fulfilme.com! Fulfilme.com is your one stop online supermarket for all your grocery needs, available at your fingertips, 24/7. No more worring about parking, carrying heavy bags and remembering what you need. With the companys easy reorder feature, home delivery and wide range of products, Fulfilme.com takes your grocery shopping experience to the 21st century. Fulfilme.com is available on your desktop and as a mobilefriendly site. It has a wide range of fresh fruits, vegetables, kitchen essentials, personal care and household items – however the company prides itself on its organic range (fruits and vegetables and more), as well as its Mum and Baby range. The company operates as a small team, with big ambitions and hence take customer service very seriously. If you don’t like what you get, just get in touch and the company will either replace the product or refund it. In this day and age, grocery shopping should be a 5 minute process and that’s what Fulfilme.com intend to do for you. Save both time and money, to spend on your loved ones or hobbies when you allow Fulfilme.com to fulfil your household shopping needs. The company offers free delivery for orders above AED 100 and same day delivery for orders placed before 12pm. To start your shopping today visit, www.fulfilme.com
Ripe Org a
Ripe O r organic ganic offers th organic fruit and veg e best quality g local fa produce is h ies in town. T ar veste h rm s a n within d from e d c an b 4 huge v 8 hours! The e on your pla c te a cucum riety of organ ompany has a b waterm er and kale toic produce fro fresh o elon and date sweet potato m r organic ganic items, y s. As well as t es, h other d dair y, eggs, c ou can also b e uy aily ess hicken Home , and m entials d . any week. V eliver y is ava ilable 7 isit ww w.ripem d e.com ays a
Top Healthy Eating Tips for Families Get together as a family to eat when you can! It helps kids to think of mealtimes as an enjoyable occasion and food as something to be appreciated. Aim to minimise distractions. That means no TV - screen time at meal times leads to poor digestion, over eating and/or under appreciating food, as well as hindering social developmental milestones. Instead, put on some music quietly in the background. Let the children choose the music so it helps them feel involved. As children’s tummies are smaller than adults’, why not try serving “family” style? Put the dishes in the centre of the table and allow your children to serve each family member the right amount. If you are worried they are not getting a balanced diet because they are picky eaters, come up with dinner options for the week, and let your child choose what the family will eat each night. That way you are in control overall, but the kids will feel more responsible and engaged with their food. Something else to try for picky eaters is putting out a few new or often refused items in the middle of the table and allowing your child to choose a small piece of one of the items to try – this will help them feel in control. Consistency is key, so keep doing this! Lastly, try not to use food as a reward. It may build an unhealthy relationship with food, particularly treat food, into adulthood. Use non food or non screen time rewards instead, such as choosing the weekend activity or stickers systems etc.
by Simple Cafe'
Good Night Dance
From our standing mountain pose you and your child raise your arms above your head and repeat goodnight sun as you lower your arms to your toes and bend to the floor. Come back up to stand with arms reaching above the head and repeat the same move by saying goodnight moon and again repeat with saying good night Abu Dhabi or any other place/ person you wish to include.
Lullaby Rock
Come to sit down with your legs wide and your back tall. Your child will sit with their legs wide as well but since they are shorter than you their feet will tuck to your inner legs. Both of you have straighter or slightly bent knees. Reach forward
and connect your hands together. Sit up tall. Inhale prepare and exhale start to rock back and forth slightly. Only rock as far back as you can keep your spine tall. You can add your favorite lullaby as you rock, such as row row your boat (note here instead of don’t forget to scream say don’t forget to breathe), or twinkle twinkle little star. Complete your song while rocking back and forth. Take a deep breath and release hands.
Pitter Patter Rain
Have your child take the child’s pose as they curl their body up into a small ball/seed with arms relaxed by their side. Slide your fingertips to the top of their shoulders and run your
Smoothies are a fun, simple way to get children involved in what they put in their mouths, and ensuring they get lots of nutrients in one go. The UK government advise children to have one fruit juice (no added sugar) or one smoothie per day. The size should be: 150mls of pure fruit juice or if it is a smoothie with milk or water in it, it can be 250mls up to 12 years and 330mls after that.
The Green Machine (makes 4 x 230ml servings)
1 packed cup spinach leaves 1 avocado, chopped 1 large ripe pear, sliced 1 frozen banana, chopped 1 1/4 cup ice 1 1/4 cup (300mls) coconut, oat or rice milk, no added sugar, try to get one with added calcium.
Yoga poses for kids before bedtime!
by Lets Go Yoga
Bedtime for kids can be a tough one. In fact, many parents feel if their child is really hyper they may not be ready for bed. However, hyperactivity at bedtime is a sign that the child is actually over stimulated and over tired. These ancient yoga practices which have been tried and tested can help create a holistic and soothing environment for your child and prepare their young minds for bedtime. Did you know? Yoga soothes the central nervous system, calms the mind, helps us disengage from the daily activity by becoming aware of our own bodies, our breathe and how we feel. finger tips down the length of their spine. Making the sound of rain is optional. Ask them if they feel the rain drops on their back. Continue from top of shoulders to lower back repeating this soothing sensation.
to feel you breathing. Take a deep breathe and than have them do the same thing. Try 3-5 deep breaths together.
Another option is to crack an egg at the top of the head and trickle your fingertips down the spine as the yolk melts.
Optional: you can add a magic carpet visualization (your floating up to the sky on a magic carpet) guide your child to see the clouds, the trees, the moon, ect).
Optional to play the sound of rain as you do this. Optional to curl up yourself and have your child make the rain drops on your spine.
Back-to-Back Breathing
Take a seated position on the floor. Connect your back to your child’s back (your lower backs should be touching) to encourage a tall back.
Maybe challenge your child to try to see if you can breathe together in and together out.
Get creative and keep the journey short and relaxed. Slowly guide your carpet back down and take a deep breath and open the eyes. • Tip: Recommend eyes closed to stimulate mindfulness and imagination.
With your child ask them to start
Start your wellness journey! When a new year begins, it can make you feel like it’s time to kick-start a new fitness regime, or improve what your family are eating at mealtimes. Whatever your 2018 goals may be, here’s a few helpful tips on how to take those first steps to start your wellness journey today.
caught up with Enritsch.com, the W eexperts in all things wellness and
well-being, to find out how residents across the UAE behave and how they feel about their overall quality of life. Enritsch.com carried out a survey across the UAE asking a variety of health and wellness questions. The survey revealed 98% of respondents from the UAE are committed to well-being and spending more time on maintaining health and wellness. More than three quarters of those surveyed stated that they were generally happy and satisfied with their current life. Interestingly, the overall results of the survey suggest that the people in the UAE – in most areas of life – seem to be well ahead of the rest of the world when it comes to wellness.
Wellness is not just the absence of disease. Dr. Ross, an Enritsch expert, explained the results outlined 5 key areas which families need to focus on to improve their health and lifestyle...
Energy Many people surveyed stated they felt tired during the day and there is no doubt that following healthy lifestyle principles may improve fatigue. Having said that, many people have medical reasons as to why they are fatigued including: endogenous depression; sleep apnoea; hormonal changes such as menopause and andropause; and a variety of medical illnesses including anaemia, iron deficiency and thyroid disorders. If lifestyle changes are not improving your energy levels, see your doctor.
The 5 Keys to Well-being Absence of disease I have worked in the field of prevention for over 20 years and have been a cardiologist for over 35 years. My experience shows clearly that over 90% of modern diseases are completely preventable. In my opinion, prevention of disease is best obtained through: following the key essentials to being healthy; taking appropriate supplements; and using pharmaceutical drugs, when necessary.
See the results here 68% female 32% male
Respondents age
44% 30-39 33% 40-49 12% 21-29 11% 55 or +
sleep between 7-9 hours
48% have no children 42% 1 or 2 kids 10% three or more
undertake annual health checks
Only 13% of respondents are regular smokers.
People who eat chips, nuts, pretzels as snacks are twice as likely to be fatigued during the day
People who do not eat breakfast are almost twice as likely to be fatigued compared to those who do.
People who eat fruit & vegetable regularly are half as likely to be fatigued.
People who eat breakfast, lunch and dinner are less likely to be fatigued during the day
98% 15% More than 80% of respondents are interested in Wellness getaways, Spa & Wellness Programs and Wellness Dining Options (e.g. clean eating concepts) and indicate that they expenditure on these products/ services will increase in 2018 by 15%. 55% plan their staycation in the coastal areas
are satisfied/ extremely satisfied with their: interpersonal relationships (83%) Standard of living (80%) Safety (81%).
63% exercise twice or less a week
More than one third of respondents feel fatigued during the day
Believe to live a health and stress free live. Direct relationship between health / low stress levels and happiness.
More than 91% of respondents who live a healthy / low stress level life are either satisfied or very satisfied with their life.
sleep between 5-6 hours.
60% married 22% single 12% in relationship 6% divorced
20% of respondents are unsatisfied with their health and more than a quarter are concerned about their financial security.
30% plan their staycation in the mountains.
Smokers are twice as likely to be fatigued during the day. 83% of smokers wish to stop and are more likely to be unsatisfied with their health. In addition, smokers are twice as likely to be stressed compared to non-smokers.
People who do not exercise are twice as likely to be unsatisfied with what they are achieving in life
People who exercise once or less a week are twice as likely to get up later (after 8am)
More than 85% of people who exercise at least twice a week are satisfied or extremely satisfied with their life.
People who do not exercise at least three times experience higher levels of fatigue throughout the day.
31% Walking 18% Running
Residents of the UAE are committed to wellbeing with 98% confirming that they will take part in more wellness & wellbeing initiatives in 2018.
More than 2/3 of residents plan a wellness holiday / staycation in the UAE in 2018 with the majority going with their partner/spouse. 55% opt to stay in Luxury hotels
40% seek an authentic, in-nature experience.
15% Gym 13% Yoga Classes
77% of respondents are satisfied / extremely satisfied with life as a whole.
Well-being Body wellness Exercise is a huge contributor to body wellness, but 63% of respondents reported exercising two or less times a week – less than the recommended average. Achieving ideal body weight through healthy eating and exercise, along with maintaining bone and muscle strength as you age are vital. But, the health of your sensory organs such as maintaining healthy vision and hearing is also important to body wellness. Finally, there are a number of wellness services that can help maintain your looks and vitality of your skin as you age. Mind health This is where the “use it or lose it” principle it Is vitally important. Keeping your brain engaged with a variety of activities including active participation in your profession will keep your mind sharp for many years to come.
Let’s Go Yoga Various Locations www.letsgoyogame.com Sweat Andalus Hotel, Al Seef Mall & Resort 02 444 5543 www.sweatuae.com Sheraton Fitness Sheraton Abu Dhabi Hotel Corniche 02 697 0272
Emotional health Feeling happy and contented with your life is no doubt the most important drug on the planet. Recently, Harvard University in the US released the results of a 75-year study suggesting the major key to health and happiness is having another person in your life who loves and cares for you, who you also love and care for. However, the most important relationship in your life is your relationship with yourself. If you don’t love, respect and care for yourself how can you expect anyone else to do the same. Having wellness and well-being is not just good luck, but rather lifelong good management.
Beauty Spot Anantara Eastern Mangroves Hotel & Spa 02 656 1149 www.beautyspot.me BeDashing Beauty Salon Various Locations 600 560 0037 www.bedashingbeauty.com
The Club Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com
Boudoir Beauty Lounge Boutik Mall Reem Island 02 674 4428 www.bbl.ae
The Leisure Club Intercontinental Hotel Al Bateen
Mosaic Nails & Spa Al Karamah 02 445 9660 www.mosaicspa.weebly.com
The Room Zayed Sports City www.theroom.ae
02 693 5285
056 331 0310
Nail Lounge Al Nahyan Marina Mall
02 658 4341 02 681 6333
Ultimate Fitness Building 5, TwoFour54 02 553 9493 www.ultimatefitness.ae
NStyle Nail Lounge Various Locations www.nstyleintl.com
Vogue Fitness Yas Marina, Yas Island 02 583 2380 www.vfuae.com
Polish Al Musalla 02 445 2053 www.polishsalonuae.com
Yas Links Golf Club Yas Island www.yaslinks.com
Susan Young Beauty Clinic Al Bateen 02 222 2032 www.susanyoungbeautyclinic.com
02 810 7710
VivaFit (Women only) Al Khalidiyah 02 626 0848 www.vivafit.ae
800 678953
The Nail Spa Al Wahda Mall 600 544 001 Eastern Mangroves Promenade 600 544 001
Quitting all addictions. 80% of drug related deaths in any society are due to cigarette smoking. Getting good quality sleep. It is comforting to see that over 50% of people living in the UAE sleep somewhere between 7 to 9 hours per day which is the suggested dose. Eating less and eat more naturally. Undertaking 3-5 hours of exercise per week with two thirds cardio and a third resistance training. Happiness, peace & contentment.
If you’d like further advice, get in touch via www.enritsch.com.
صالوانت التجميل والعناية ابألظافر Nail & Beauty Salons
The 5 key essentials to being healthy
Tara Rose Hair and Beauty Salon Khalifa City A 02 583 2065 Al Bateen 02 449 5001 www.tararosesalon.com Tips & Toes Various Locations www.tipsandtoes.com
اليوغا ورايضة البيالتس Yoga & Pilates Advantage Sports UAE Various Locations 02 679 2156 www.advantagesportsuae.com Barefoot UAE Al Danah 02 677 0611 www.barefootuae.com Bodytree Studio Al Karamah 02 443 4448 www.bodytreestudio.com Inspire Sports Management Al Bateen 050 157 5508 www.inspiresports.ae Jump Sports Academies Various locations 02 449 4621 www.jumpsports.ae
YogaOne UAE Al Seef Village Al Dhabi compound www.yogaone.ae
055 716 4845
IN THE SPOTLIGHT The Room THE ROOM Fitness & Lifestyle Clubs offer luxurious spacious Rooms, where meeting alike minded people, having a great time, learning more about body, mind and soul during group classes, personal training and workshops are central. It all starts when you walk into THE LIVE-IN ROOM, where #anextraordinaryroad to wellness and holistic health starts. From there each person discovers his or her road together with a truly unique Care Team.
Zayed Sports City 02 4444 945 info@theroom.ae www.theroom.ae
Let’s Go Yoga Anantara Eastern Mangroves Hotel 050 349 2336 www.letsgoyogame.com The Hot House Al Zeina The Room Zayed Sports City www.theroom.ae
02 583 7753
02 444 4945
Do you want to know what’s going on in Abu Dhabi?
From crunch carrot rich markets, to festivals & the latest art & sport events….. VISIT OUR SPARKLING EVENTS DIARY ONLINE TODAY!
EVENTS yallaabudhabi.ae/events-diary
Baby Souk www.babysouk.com
"The odds of going to the store for a loaf of bread and coming out with only a loaf of bread are three billion to one„ Erna Bombeck
Boots Various locations www.me.boots.com
IN THE SPOTLIGHT Abu Dhabi Mall Nestled in the heart of the city, Abu Dhabi Mall is a modernday shopping destination complimented by elegant Arabic features and a warm welcoming charm. The mall features more than 200 luxury and high street stores, two entertainment venues and an array of local and international food and beverage offerings. City centre 02 645 4858 www.abudhabi-mall.com
Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank www.adcb.com 02 696 2222
Chateau Des Enfants Marina Mall 02 681 0844 www.chateaudesenfants.com DBbabies www.dbbabies.com
Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank www.adib.ae 02 610 0600 Emirates NBD www.emiratesnbd.com 000
HSBC www.hsbc.ae 02 493 5888
Little Majlis www.littlemajlis.com Just Kidding Al Forsan Village Mall 02 556 9935 www.justkidding-me.com Mamas & Papas Al Wahda Mall 02 443 7273 www.mamasandpapas.com
600 554 722
Standard Chartered 600 522 288 www.standardchartered.ae
كتب األطفال Children’s Books Book Corner Marina Mall
02 681 7662
Mamis (Maternity and Baby Carriers) Al Seef 02 666 1481 mamisuae
معدات ومالبس األطفال الرضع Baby Equipment & Clothes
Marks & Spencer Dalma Mall Fotouh Al Khair Mall Marina Mall Yas Mall www.marksandspencerme.com Mothercare Various locations www.mothercarestores.com/stores
6am www.6ambabies.com
Mumzworld www.mumzworld.com 04 433 9455
Babiesrus Dalma Mall www.toysrusuae.com
Nest Nest for Kids offers an exquisite shopping experience from outstanding brands. The company focus on trendy, high quality products that create a sense of comfort for you, your baby and your home. Abu Dhabi Mall 02 644 9919 Bawadi Mall 03 784 8897 NestforKids
Baby Boutique 056 263 8393 www.thebabyboutique.com Babyshop Various locations www.landmarkshops.com/babyshop
Borders & Paperchase Abu Dhabi Mall 02 671 8980 Al Wahda Mall 02 658 4181 Khalidiya Mall 02 639 5058 Yas Mall 800 927 6255 Jarir Bookstore Dalma Mall Nation Galleria
أاثث األطفال Children’s Furniture Laura Ashley Home Furniture Al Wahda Mall 02 443 8939 www.lauraashley.ae Ikea Kids Furniture Yas Island www.ikea.com/ae
02 493 5888
600 540
First Abu Dhabi Bank www.bankfortheuae.com 800 22 11
Early Learning Centre Various locations www.elc.com Ikea Yas Island www.ikea.com
البنوك Banks
04 3214 328
02 552 7555 02 673 3999
Grand Royal Kids Furniture Electra Street 02 639 5565 www.grandroyalarabian.com Home Centre Marina Mall 02 681 4050 Dalma Mall 02 550 2415 Liwa Centre 02 639 1918 Yas Mall 02 565 1723 www.homecentrestores.com/ae/en Just Kidding Al Forsan Village Mall 02 556 9935 Yas Mall 800 5878 www.justkidding-me.com PAN Emirates Furniture Madinat Zayed 02 621 1030 www.uae.panemirates.com Pottery Barn Kids Al Wahda Mall 800 803 Dalma Mall 800 803 Yas Mall 800 803 www.potterybarnkids.me Royal Furniture Al Mina 02 673 1500 www.royalfurniture.ae
أحذية األطفال Children’s Shoes
Magrudy’s WTC Mall 02 621 1799 Al Wadha Mall 02 443 7172 NYU Abu Dhabi 02 628 5566 Zayed University 02 557 4616 www.magrudy.com/our-stores/
Clarks Al Wahda Mall Marina Mall Mushrif Mall Yas Mall www.clarks.ae
02 491 8710 02 681 0520 02 673 7994 02 565 0079
Thrift Books Hamdan Street
Geox The Galleria www.geox.com
02 412 4060
Pablosky Abu Dhabi Mall Yas Mall www.pablosky.com
02 644 3007 02 565 0284
055 224 3980
Virgin Megastore Abu Dhabi Mall 02 644 7882 Al Wahda Mall 02 445 3327 Yas Mall 02 565 1319 www.virginmegastore.me
Shopping مراكز التسوق Malls Abu Dhabi Mall City Centre 02 645 4858 www.abudhabi-mall.com Al Raha Mall Al Raha Beach 02 556 2229 www.al-rahamall.com
Yas Mall Yas Island www.yasmall.ae
800 927 6255
اآلالت املوسيقية Musical Instruments AKM Music Centre Muroor 02 658 4954 Electra 02 621 9929 www.akm-music.com Dandana Musical Instruments Al Danah 02 674 4974 Thomsun Electronics Al Zahiyah www.thomsunmusiconline.com
Al Wahda Mall Hazza Bin Zayed St 02 443 7000 www.alwahda-mall.com Boutik Mall Al Reem Island boutikmall Dalma Mall Mussafah www.dalmamall.ae
02 674 7850
02 550 9555
األسواق Souks & Markets Carpet Souk Fish Souk Fruit & Vegetable Souk Iranian Souk Plant Souk Mina Street Nr Port Zayed Gold Souk, Madinat Zayed
Souk Qaryat Al Beri Bain Al Jessrain 02 558 1670 www.soukqaryatalberi.com
Khalidiyah Mall Khalidiyah 02 635 4000 www.khalidiyahmall.com
The Little Birdie PoP uP mArket Various locations The Little Birdie Pop uP mArket
Madinat Zayed Shopping Centre & Gold Centre Muroor Road 02 633 3311 www.madinatzayed-mall.com
The Market Mushrif Mall www.mushrifmall.com/the-market
02 681 2310
Mushrif Mall Mushrif 02 690 4422 www.mushrifmall.com Nation Galleria Corniche www.nationtowers.ae
02 681 8824
The Collection, St Regis Hotel Saadiyat Island 02 406 1462 www.thecollection.ae The Galleria Al Maryah Island www.thegalleria.ae
02 616 6999
World Trade Center Mall Al Markaziyah 02 508 2400 www.wtcad.ae
Ride (Bike Shop) Al Seef Mall 02 633 7172 www.ridebikeshop.com Stadium Sports Yas Mall
04 385 7775
Studio R Marina Mall
02 681 7676
Sun & Sand Sports Various Locations
02 681 8330
Yas Cycles Al Zeina www.yascycles.com
The Ripe Food & Craft Market Umm Al Emarat Park www.ripeme.com Tiny Bean Events Tiny-Bean Events
055 843 6574
World Trade Center Souk Al Markaziyah www.wtcad.ae
احملالت الرايضية Sports Shops Adventure HQ – Adventure Zone Dalma Mall 02 445 6995 Yas Mall 02 565 0872 www.adventurehq.ae BeSport Bike Shop Mushrif Mall
02 445 5838
Go Sport Yas Mall
02 565 0812
لعب األطفال واأللعاب Toys & Games
02 645 6166
050 480 0825
حمالت السوبر ماركت Supermarkets
Babyshop Various locations www.landmarkshops.com/ babyshop Back to Games Boutik Mall 050 333 4967 www.backtogames.com Borders Abu Dhabi Mall Al Wahda Mall Khalidiyah Mall Yas Mall
02 671 8980 02 658 4181 02 639 5058 800 9276255
Build A Bear Workshop Al Wahda Mall 02 641 1190 Yas Mall 02 565 1672 www.buildabear.ae Early Learning Centre Various locations www.elc.com
Abela Etihad Plaza Al Khalidiyah www.abelaandco.com
Echoes www.echoesdolls.com 050 775 7311
La Loupe Pop Up Market Various locations laloupeauh
Deerfields Mall Al Bahia 02 501 0826 www.deerfieldsmall.com
Marina Mall Corniche www.marinamall.ae
Mega Sports Abu Dhabi Mall
Journey Toys Al Mushrif www.journeytoys.ae
Abu Dhabi Cooperative Society Various locations www.abudhabicoop.com Carrefour Various locations www.carrefouruae.com Choithrams Corniche Road 02 681 6930 www.choithrams.com
02 441 1208
Kidsway Dalma Mall 02 550 4541 www.kidswaygroup.com Mothercare Various locations www.mothercarestores.com/stores Nest Abu Dhabi Mall www.nestforkids.ae
02 644 9919
Geant Various locations www.geant-uae.com
Toy Store Abu Dhabi Mall 02 674 2360 Yas Mall 02 565 0576 www.thetoystore.com
Lulu Various locations www.luluhypermarket.com
Toys ‘r’ us Mina Port Dalma Mall
02 673 2332 02 551 6717
Spinneys Various locations www.spinneys-dubai.com The Organics Foods & Café Nation Towers Galleria www.organicfoodsandcafe.com Waitrose Eastern Mangroves Etihad Towers Al Reem Al Zeina
02 556 2044 02 447 1987 02 674 0210 02 556 4122
FIND OUT MORE ONLINE 8www.yallaabudhabi.ae www.yallaabudhabi.ae
"Sometimes you gotta create what you want to be a part of„ Geri Weitzman
British Business Group 02 445 7234 www.britishbusiness.org
IN THE SPOTLIGHT Emirates-Wildlife Society Emirates-Wildlife Society, in association with WWF (EWS-WWF) is the leading Arabian Gulf-based NGO, which is committed to helping our society to redefine its relationship with our planet so that people can live in harmony with nature.
Corniche Street 02 634 7117 www.uae.panda.org
Canadian Business Council 02 446 7223 www.cbcabudhabi.com French Business Group www.fbgabudhabi.com German Business Council www.vae.ahk.de 02 645 5200 Get Set www.getsetuae.com 056 913 9015
02 631 3604 www.amchamabudhabi.org American Business Council www.abcdubai.com 04 379 1414 Australian Business Group www.ausbg.net 050 264 1134 BeNeLux Business Council 050 329 06 04 www.portal.beneluxbc.com
American Women’s Network www.awnabudhabi.com
Operation Smile 02 658 4790 www.arabemirates.operationsmile.org
Aussies Abroad
SmallWorld UAE 02 658 3387 www.smallworlduae.net
Circolo Italiano Culturale e Ricreativo - CICER www.cicer-abudhabi.com
Special Care Centre specialcarecentre
Expats in Abu Dhabi www.internations.org
02 641 8418
German Ladies of Abu Dhabi www.gladies.de Abu Dhabi Girl Guides www.adgirlguiding.com
Irish Business Network www.irishbusinessnetwork.me Lebanese Business Council www.lbcuae.ae 02 626 6204
Spanish Business Council 04 427 0379 www.spanishbusinesscouncil.ae
Make A Wish Foundation www.makeawish.ae 02 666 5144
Indian Business & Professional Council www.ibpcdubai.com 04 332 4300
South African Business Council www.sabco-uae.org 056 710 3909
Abu Dhabi Business Women Council 02 617 7526 www.adbusinesswomen.ae
Abu Dhabi Women’s Group 050 132 8062
02 674 1137
Pakistan Business Council www.pbcuae.org 02 641 9955
جمموعات األعمال Business Groups
Human Appeal International www.hai.ae
Swedish Business Council www.sbcuae.se 04 429 8600 Swiss Business Council www.swissbcuae.com 050 824 2931 The International Business Women’s Group www.ibwgdubai.com 050 657 8445 Turkish Business Council www.tbcdubai.org 04 369 9015
اجلمعيات اخلريية لألطفال Children’s Charities
النوادي واجلمعيات Clubs & Societies
Meet Ups www.meetup.com
Abu Dhabi Arts Collective ADArtsCollective
Moms Guide Abu Dhabi www.momsguideadcom
Abu Dhabi Book Club www.meetup.com/ADBookClub
Real Housewives of Abu Dhabi www.realhousewivesofad.com
Abu Dhabi Business Women’s Council (ADBWC) www.adbusinesswomen.ae
Royal Society of St George www.rssgauh.com
Abu Dhabi Chess & Culture Club Al Bateen www.abudhabichess.com
Scottish St Andrew’s Society of Abu Dhabi www.adscots.com
Abu Dhabi Ladies www.abudhabiladies.ae
St David’s Society, Abu Dhabi www.stdavidssocietyabudhabi. blogspot.co.il
Abu Dhabi Mall Walkers Abu Dhabi Mall www.abudhabi-mall.com
Volunteers.ae www.volunteers.ae
Abu Dhabi Mums www.abudhabimums.ae
The Citizens’ Foundation www.tcf.org.pk
Abu Dhabi Paddy www.abudhabipaddy.com
Future Centre for Special Needs www.future-centre.org 02 553 3506
Abu Dhabi Speaks ADspeaks
Gulf 4 Good www.gulf4good.org
Abu Dhabi Astronomy Club 04 368 0222
Irish Society Abu Dhabi www.irishsocietyabudhabi.com
Community السفارات والقنصليات Embassies & Consulates Australian Embassy Al Khalidiyah 02 401 7500 www.uae.embassy.gov.au British Embassy Al Hosn www.gov.uk
02 610 1100
Japanese Embassy Al Rowdah 02 443 5696 www.uae.emb-japan.go.jp Jordanian Embassy Embassies District 02 509 9000 www.jordanembassy.ae
Abu Dhabi Marine Conservation Group www.admcg.ae
Lebanese Embassy Embassies District 02 449 2100 www.lebembassyuae.com
Al Wathba Wetlands Reserve Al Mafraq www.ead.ae Emirates Environmental Group www.eeg-uae.org 04 344 8622
Canadian Embassy Towers at the Trade Center Al Zahiyah 02 694 0300 www.uae.gc.ca
Emirates Natural History Group www.enhg.net
Chinese Embassy Al Mushrif 02 443 4276 ae.china-embassy.org Danish Embassy Maqta’a fae.um.dk/en Egyptian Embassy Embassies District
French Embassy Etihad Towers 02 813 1000 www.ambafrance-eau.org German Embassy Towers at the Trade Center Al Zahiyah 02 596 7700 www.abu-dhabi.diplo.de Greek Embassy Al Muroor www.mfa.gr
02 449 2550
Indian Embassy Embassies District 02 449 2700 www.indembassyuae.org Iraqi Embassy Embassies District 02 441 8022 www.mofamission.gov.iq Irish Embassy Al Bateen (emergency only) www.dfa.ie
Emirates Wildlife Society www.panda.org 02 634 7117 Takatof www.takatof.ae
02 441 0104
02 444 5566
02 495 8200
Italian Embassy Al Rowdah 02 443 5622 www.ambabudhabi.esteri.it
New Zealand Embassy Al Karamah 02 441 1222 www.nzembassy.com Oman Embassy Al Mushrif
02 446 3333
Philippine Embassy Al Qubaisat 02 639 0006 www.philembassy.ae Russian Embassy Al Danah www.uae.mid.ru
02 672 1797
Saudi Arabian Embassy Embassies District 02 444 5700 embassies.mofa.gov.sa South African Embassy Al Mushrif 02 447 3446 www.dirco.gov.za Spanish Embassy Al Danah 02 626 9544 www.exteriores.gob.es Swedish Embassy Madinat Zayed 02 417 8800 www.swedenabroad.com Swiss Embassy ADNEC/Exhibition Centre Area 02 627 4636 www.eda.admin.ch US Embassy Embassies District 02 414 2200 www.abudhabi.usembassy.gov
شئون البيئة Environmental
Medecins Sans Frontieres www.msf-me.org Red Crescent Society www.rcuae.ae Takatof www.takatof.ae The Box Appeal TheBoxAppeal United Nations Development Programme www.ae.undp.org Volunteer in UAE www.volunteerinuae.com
املكتبات Libraries
800 825 2863
مجع التربعات والعمل التطوعي Fundraising & Volunteering Abu Dhabi Cause Connect abudhabicauseconnect Adopt-a-Camp www.adoptacamp.ae Feel Great Helping feelgreathelping Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation 02 499 4999 www.khalifafoundation.ae Make a Wish Make-A-Wish UAE is a charity organisation that grants the wishes (experiences) of children with lifethreatening medical conditions. The organisation is currently one of the most reputable charities worldwide. Khalidiya 02 666 5144 info@makeawish.ae www.makeawish.ae
800 733
Al Bahia Library www.tcaabudhabi.ae
02 657 6120
Al Marfaa Library www.tcaabudhabi.ae
02 657 6015
Khalifa Park Library www.tcaabudhabi.ae
02 657 6182
Mazyad Mall Library Mohammed Bin Zayed City www.tcaabudhabi.ae 02 657 6422 National Library Al Nahyan www.tcaabudhabi.ae
02 657 6034
Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque Library www.szgmc.ae
أرقام اخلدمات العامة Public Service Numbers Abu Dhabi International Airport www.abudhabiairport.ae 02 505 5555 Flight Enquiry www.abudhabiairport.ae 02 575 7500 Weather Forecast
02 666 7776
Community Just Special Abu Dhabi – For families with special needs children JUSTSPECIAL - Abu Dhabi OCD Support Group 02 697 9999 www.americancenteruae.com
جمموعات الدعم Support Groups
Out Of The Blues - For Post Natal Illness Support Out of the Blues
Abu Dhabi Harlequins Try Rugby Zayed Sports City 050 266 0194 abudhabiharlequinstryrugby
Parent ADHD Support Group 02 697 9999 www.americancenteruae.com
All 4 Down Syndrome 050 880 9228 www.all4downsyndrome.com
Sedra www.sedra.org Sedra UAE
Autism Support Network Autism Support - Abu Dhabi Bosom Buddies - Breast cancer support 050 668 7815 www.bosombuddiesad.org Chatterbox – The speech and hearing network chatterboxnetwork 055 642 5060 Ewa’s – Shelters for Women and Children www.shwc.ae 02 558 4812 Goals UAE – Providing sports for special needs www.goalsuae.com 050 462 5700
02 666 0522
Special Families Support Group SFS - Special Families Support Group
اإلتصاالت Telecoms Du For Du callers For Non-Du callers www.du.ae
155 800 155
Etisalat For Etisalat callers For Non-Etisalat callers www.etisalat.ae
101 800 101
Footprints in the Sand For neo-natal death support footprintsinthesandUAE Inspire – For parents with special needs children InspireUAE 050 926 3201
FIND OUT MORE ONLINE 8www.yallaabudhabi.ae
"Home is where the heart is„ Pliny the Elder
شركات الربيد السريع Courier Companies Aramex www.aramex.com DHL www.dhl.co.ae FedEx www.fedex.com
TNT www.tnt.com
Scallywags and Rogues Tailors
UPS www.ups.com
Scallywags & Rogues Tailors provide hand-made suits, jackets, trousers and shirts for all occasions from the most formal to smart casual – all cut to order for the individual and finished to his specific requirements.
02 555 1911
02 493 4444 www.insurancehouse.ae
800 4004
Zurich House Insurance www.zurich.ae 02 632 6543
800 33339
800 4333
800 4774
الكهرابء واملاء Electricity & Water Abu Dhabi Water and Electric Company (ADWEC) www.adwec.ae 02 694 3333
موردي الغاز Gas Suppliers Al Ruwais Industrial Gases 02 555 3809 www.eigco.com/contact/contact. htm
خدمات التنظيف والصيانة Cleaning & Maintenance Services Abu Dhabi Maids 050 926 4074 www.abudhabi-maids.com Exiles Maid Service 02 557 1542 www.exilesmaidservice.ae
02 554 7337
800 4845
Insurance House
شركات النقل والشحن Removal Companies Crown Relocations www.crownrelo.com
GAC International www.moving.gac.com 02 673 0500
العقارات Real Estate Aldar Properties www.aldar.com
800 25327
Aswaq Management & Services www.aswaqms.ae 02 645 7733
Tarish Ateeq Al Qubisi Gas www.tarishgas.com 02 559 9477
Asteco www.asteco.com
02 626 0068
Zubair Gas Distribution Co 02 679 2205
Better Homes www.bhomes.com
600 522 233
التأمني الصحي Health Insurance Axa www.axa-gulf.com Daman www.damanhealth.ae
800 4845
02 614 9555
التأمني على املنزل House Insurance Abu Dhabi National Insurance Company www.adnic.ae 800 8040
Chestertons 02 447 3100 www.chestertons-mena.com Cluttons www.cluttons.com
Henry Wiltshire www.henrywiltshire.ae Khidmah www.khidmah.com
800 43679
800 544 3624
LLJ Property www.lljproperty.com
02 495 0500
Tourism Development & Investment Company www.tdic.ae 800 8342
النقاشون Engravers
02 673 3076
Delight International Movers www.delightmovers.com 02 690 2900 E Movers www.euromovers-ae.com 02 659 4243
Abu Dhabi Distribution Company www.addc.ae 800 2332
Al Damouj Street 02 448 0535 info@srtailors.com www.srtailors.com
Mr Fixit www.mrfixit.ae
Axa Insurance www.axa-gulf.com
Al Shamookh Sports & Gifts Al Danah (Near Spinney’s) 02 674 3558
إصالح األحذية واحلقائب Shoe and hand bag repair Clogs Behind Al Noor Khalifa St. 02 626 2750 Surprise Bags First Floor Hamdan Centre The Cobbler Galleria Mall www.cobbler.ae
02 634 3041
02 621 0109
اخلياطني Tailors Scallywags and Rogues Tailors Al Damouj Street 02 448 0535 www.srtailors.com
02 441 1225
Crompton Partners Crompton Partners provide residential lettings and sales advice for people moving to or within Abu Dhabi. The company offers a UAE wide service with a focus on expert local knowledge. Zayed Sports City 050 691 1063 www.cpestateagents.com
FIND OUT MORE ONLINE 8www.yallaabudhabi.ae www.yallaabudhabi.ae
Looking for a New Home in Abu Dhabi? Our friendly, knowledgeable Estate Agents can find you the perfect place, from the Corniche to Al Reef, whether you’re buying or renting.
+971 (0) 50 791 1063 /
VISIT: Reem Office - First Floor, Boutik Mall, Sun and Sky Towers, Al Reem, Abu Dhabi (next to Khidmah office) City Office - International Tennis Centre, Zayed Sports City, Abu Dhabi SPRING 2018
احليواانت األليفة
"An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language„ Martin Bub
American Veterinary Clinic Al Khalidiyah 02 665 5044 Emergency 050 615 1711 www.americanvet.ae
IN THE SPOTLIGHT Quality Pet Shop Quality Pet Shop provides its customers with quality pets, accessories and first-class service all at very affordable prices. The company also stocks a wide variety of premium quality brands of pet food, as well as offers quality animal care advice.
Khalifa Street 02 627 6200 qualitypetshop@yahoo.com www.qualitypetonline.com
The Pet Shop Dalma Mall 800 738 7467 www.dubaipetfood.com info@dubaipetfood.com
Australian Veterinary Hospital Khalifa City 02 556 2990 Emergency 050 660 6189 www.australianvet.com
Quality Pet’s Shop Khalifa Street 050 678 5583 | 02 627 6200
British Veterinary Centre Al Khalidiyah 02 665 0085 Khalifa City 02 550 4111 Emergency 050 823 0780 www.britvet.com
ADFH Animal Shelter 02 575 5155 www.abudhabianimalshelter.com Al Bahya Sanctuary BahyaSanctuary
02 641 1463
Keeping Your Pet Healthy Q: How can pet owners deal with the hot summers in Abu Dhabi?
Cloud 9 Pet Hotel & Care Khalifa City 02 556 4111 www.cloud9pethotel.com
K9 Friends www.k9friends.com
Abu Dhabi Falcon Hospital Al Falah 02 575 5155 www.falconhospital.com
Excellence Pets 10th Street Excellencepets
02 582 5898
Dr Katrin from the German Veterinary Clinic explains how to keep your pets safe and healthy in Abu Dhabi!
German Veterinary Clinic Khalifa City 02 556 2024 Emergency 050 615 1711 www.germanvet.ae
Vets & Pets
The Pet Shack Al Reef Villas www.thepetshack.ae
Animal Action Abu Dhabi AnimalActionUAE
Feline Friends Khalifa City 050 823 1569 www.ffabudhabi.com
األطباء البيطريون واحليواانت األليفة
Sandy Paws SandyPaws
A: The climate in Abu Dhabi is very hot, especially in the summer. We would advise that you only walk your dog early in the morning or in the evening, to avoid the hottest part of the day. Always take plenty of water with you and never leave your dog alone in the car.
Q: Do you offer a grooming service at the German Veterinary Clinic? A: Yes! We have an amazing pet spa at the German Veterinary Clinic and have the only UK qualified dog groomer who practices restraint free, muzzle free and cage free humane dog grooming methods. We also have an amazing cat groomer.
04 887 8739
National Veterinary Hospital Al Etihad 02 446 1628 www.nationalvet.com Pet’s Delight Khalifa City 02 557 4580 www.pets-delight.com
Q: Where can you recommend for dog walking? A: There are many lovely beaches around which are perfect for dog walking, as well as dog swimming! Make sure you know which beaches allow dogs on them and please clean up any dog mess to leave the beach clean for others. It is a good idea to hose off sandy feet when you get home to reduce any irritation from the sand between their toes. There are also lots of parks but some may require dogs to be kept on leads so check in your local area.
If you have any queries about your pet’s health, you can get in touch with Dr Katrin by emailing drkatrin@germanvet.ae, or visit www.germanvet.ae.
السفر والتنقل
Travel & Transport
"Travelling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller„ Ibn Battuta
خدمات املطار Airport Services
Transad Taxis www.transad.ae
Abu Dhabi International Airport Customer Service 02 505 5000 www.abudhabiairport.ae
IN THE SPOTLIGHT Jalboot Jalboot provides sightseeing cruises along the waterways of Abu Dhabi for tourists, visitors and residents alike. Onboard a Jalboot ferry, you can experience comfort and performance in equal measure. Travel in business class style, thanks to reclining leather seats, air conditioning and a host of other on-board comforts. Jalboot offers all-day passes for exploring the city, sunset cruises to watch the sunset over the skyline, and sightseeing experiences to Abu Dhabi’s most famous locations. Daily trips to and from the Louvre Abu Dhabi, located on Saadiyat Island, are also available. Tickets can be booked online, as well as from the Jalboot showboat located on the ground floor of Abu Dhabi Mall. Abu Dhabi Mall jalboot.ae 04 870 6636
Al Ain International Airport www.adac.ae 02 505 5000
جوالت القوارب وأتجري اليخوت Boat Tours & Yacht Charters Abu Dhabi Pearl Journey 050 221 1055 www.adpearljourney.com Al Dhafra and Sunshine Tours www.sunshinetours.ae 02 444 9914 Captain Tony’s www.captaintonys.ae
سيارات األجرة وخدمات السيارة مع سائق Taxis & Chauffeured Services Al Ghazal Taxi 02 635 6060 www.alghazaltransport.ae Careem www.careem
04 440 5222
Emirates Taxi www.emiratescab.ae
02 550 9511
National Taxi Abu Dhabi www.nationaltaxi.ae 02 554 2231
600 535 353
وكاالت السفر Travel Agencies Nirvana Travel & Tourism Nirvana Travel & Tourism is a fully-fledged tour operator company in Abu Dhabi, and the UAE. With offices located in over 30 different locations throughout Abu Dhabi, Al Ain, Dubai and Ras Al Khaimah, the company offers a wide range of tours and excursions. Sultan Bin Nahyan Building, Corniche 02 627 7997 info@ntravel.ae www.ntravel.ae
02 650 7175
Eden Yachting 04 328 2930 www.edenyachting.com/abu-dhabi Jalboot www.jalboot.ae
600 575756
Lulu Boats www.luluboats.com
050 642 9777
Sea Cruisers www.seacruiser.ae
050 800 9495
The Club Dhow www.the-club.com
02 673 1111
Walidia Yachts 056 191 8283 www.walidiayachts.com Yellow Boats www.theyellowboats.com 800 892
خدمة احلافالت Bus Service Abu Dhabi Main Bus Terminal Rashid Bin Saeed Al Maktoum Street (2nd Street) www.dot.abudhabi.ae
Useful معلومات هتمكم Info
"Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information on it„ Samuel Johnson
Water and Electricity 800 2332 Abu Dhabi Government 800 555 Abu Dhabi Municipality 02 678 8888
أرقام الطوارئ
Emergency Numbers Ambulance
Civil Defense/Fire
مستشفيات تستقبل احلوادث واحلاالت الطارئة
Hospitals with Accident & Emergency Al Rahba Hospital Al Rahba www.alrahba.ae
Mafraq Hospital Mafraq 02 501 1111 www.mafraqhospital.ae Mediclinic Al Noor Hospital Al Danah 02 626 5265 www.alnoorhospital.com Sheikh Khalifa Medical City Al Wahda 02 610 2000 www.skmc.gov.ae Burjeel Hospital Al Najdah Street www.burjeel.com
02 508 5555
02 506 4444
Cleveland Clinic Al Maryah Island 02 659 0200 www.clevelandclinicabudhabi.ae Danat Al Emarat Hospital Abu Dhabi Gate City 02 614 9999 www.danatalemarat.ae Mediclinic Airport Road Al Danah 800 2000 www.alnoorhospital.com NMC Royal Hospital 16th Street, Khalifa City 800 1122 www.nmc.ae/abu-dhabi/ Sheikh Khalifa Medical City Al Wahda 02 819 0000 www.seha.ae/skmc
Corniche Maternity Hospital Al Danah 02 811 7777 www.cornichehospital.ae
Say it like an Emirati Greetings
Useful Phrases
Hello: As-salám aláykum Reply: Waláykum as-salám Good morning: Sabáh al-kháyr Reply: Sabáh an-núr Good evening: Misá al-kháyr Reply: Misá an núr Goodnight: Tisbáh al-kháyr Reply: Wa ínta min áhlu Goodbye: Máa Saláma How are you?: Káyf hálak? (to a man) Káyf hálik? (to a woman) Fine, thank you: Zayn, al-hámdu, li-la Please: Min fádlak (to a man) Min fádlik (to a woman) Thank you: Shúkran Thankfully: Al-hámdu li-llá Hopefully: Inshá allá Yes: Náam or áiwa No: La
What is your name? Shú ismak? (to a man) Shú ismik? (to a woman) My name is…: Ismi… Do you speak English?: Btíhki inglízi? I speak English: Bíhki inglízi I do not speak Arabic: Ma bíhki árabi I do not understand: Ma báfham Let’s go: Yalla Friend/ loved one: Habibi (male) Habibti (female) What time is it?: Adáysh as-sáa? Excuse me: Afwan Sorry: Asif How much does it cost?: Bikaim? Done/ enough: Khalas Forget about it: Khalli wali No problem: Ma fi mushkila
Doctor: doktor Chemist: saydaliyeh Police: shurta/boulees Passport: jawáz as-sáfar I’m unwell: Ana mareed
Getting Around Where…?: Wáyn…? How far is it to…?: Kam kiloometre ila…? Taxi: táxi Bus: bas Airport: matár Here: huna Market: souk
Shop: dukkán Restaurant: máta’am Hotel: otél/fúnduq
Eating Out Breakfast: futour Lunch: ghadaa Dinner: ashaa I don’t eat meat: Ana ma bakul laham I am a vegetarian: ána nabbáti (for a man)/nabbátiya (for a woman) The bill: al-hisáb
Emergency Embassy: safára Bank: bank Hospital: mustashfa
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Coming Soon New theme parks, attractions and hotels are set to open in the capital this year. So, before they officially open their doors, here are all the details you need to know for what's coming to Abu Dhabi. Abu Dhabi already has a lively entertainment scene. Yet, there's always room for more, correct? This year, a host of new attractions are set to open primarily on Yas Island, with a few located across the city!
Dubai Safari Park
The highly-anticipated Dubai Safari Park opened recently, after more than a decade in the planning. The wildlife park spans across an area of over 119 hectares and features various villages representing different parts of the world, plus an open safari village. Inside, visitors are able to see a variety of animals including, elephants, antelopes, lions and hippos. The park is located in Al Warqa, Dubai. beverage outlets, namely the Warehouse Tapas Bar and Dino's Bistro Italiano. It will be connected to the Centro and Arjaan by Rotana Hotels.
Al Bahar
A new beachfront community centre is due to open in Abu Dhabi this year! Stretching along 80,000-square metres, the beachfront space on the Corniche will have a variety of areas for families to enjoy, including a kids’ play park, football, volleyball and basketball courts, options for water sports, as well as floating water attractions and fitness space. There will also be concert areas and an outdoor cinema, plus more than 20 food and beverage outlets.
Warner Brothers Abu Dhabi
Adventurers get ready! With 29 state-of-the-art rides, thrillseeking attractions and live entertainment, Warner Brothers Abu Dhabi is expected to be a welcome addition to the city's entertainment industry. Located on Yas Island, the indoor park will feature six immersive lands: Metropolis and Gotham City, Cartoon Junction, Bedrock, Dynamite Gulch and a Warner Bros. Plaza. As you wander through the various zones, you will see all-time favourites Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Bugs Bunny, Scooby-Doo, as well as Tom and Jerry, and The Flintstones. Due to open this year, the theme park is expected to be a one-of-a-kind destination.
The capital is full of world-breaking records, so it's no surprise that the new attraction CLYMB, will host the world's tallest indoor climbing wall, and the widest sky-diving chamber. Housed in a giant futuristic multi-sided diagonal cube, CLYMB, will offer visitors a sky-diving flight chamber with a width of 9.75 metres and the challenge of a 43 metres climbing wall. The unique structure can be seen next to Ferrari World and is expected to be completed before summer.
Saadiyat Rotana Resort & Villas
The 5-star, Saadiyat Rotana Resort & Villas on Saadiyat Island is expected to open soon. With striking modern Arabic architecture and uninterrupted Arabian Gulf views, the luxury property will features 327 elegant rooms and suites, plus 13 beach villas - with large private plunge pools.
Pearl Rotana
The Pearl Rotana Capital Centre, a 4-star modern lifestyle hotel is set to open over the next few months. With 315 rooms and suites designed to suit the needs of modern-day business, leisure travellers and families. The hotel will be a welcome addition to the hospitality scene. Pearl Rotana will offer signature food and
Did you know? The Ras Al Khaimah zipline is set to open "longer than 28 soccer fields" and will be the world's longest! www.yallaabudhabi.ae