Yalla Magazine Autumn 2017

Page 1

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mu !‫دليل‬ ch ‫د‬ mo ‫مجر‬ re ‫من‬ th an ‫بكثير‬ a d ‫كثر‬ i re ‫أ‬ cto ry!






‫الدليل الكامل لألسرة في أبوظبي‬

The Know It All Family Guide

‫مقابلة حصرية مع أنابيل كارميل‬

Exclusive Q&A with Annabel Karmel!

‫العودة إلى المدرسة‬ Back to school !‫وصفات صحية ومزارع عضوية‬ Healthy recipes & organic farms!

‫اربحو‬ ‫ا‬ ! ! ‫ارب‬

Fa m i l y ® U B A I WIN! A OLAND D ARK! G for LE D® WATERP OLAN & LEG

Jane on +971 (0)56 399 5155 EMAIL yalla@yallauae.ae Yalla Abu Dhabi yallaabudhabi CONTACT

!‫ نسخة في التوزيع وتزيد‬80,000 80,000 Circulation & Growing!

‫سجلوا للحصول على آخر أخبارنا‬

Sign up for our newsletter

!‫اختيارات ياال المفضلة‬ ‫أجندة فعاليات رائعة داخل العدد‬ ‫ أفضل نوادي ما بعد اليوم المدرسي‬2017 ‫كل الفعاليات العائلية على موقعنا‬

Our top Yalla Loves! Amazing Events Calendar inside The Best After School Clubs inside Every family event on our website


‫والن‬ ‫و ليجوالند د دبي‬ ‫و‬ o Pa s s ‫وتر بارك‬ Comb

‫خ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــريف‬

IN‫حإلوا! تذكرة دخول‬ W ‫ا‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫ى ليج‬ ‫ع لية‬

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Hi! Welcome to The Know It All Family Guide

ً !‫مرحبا بكم في ياال‬

‫الدليل الكامل لألسرة في أبوظبي‬

The Know It All Family Guide for Abu Dhabi PUBLISHED BY Phoenix Media & Publications FZ LLC BL 425 Twofour54, P.O Box 769386 Building 5 Abu Dhabi, UAE

EDITOR Alison Rennie alison@yallauae.ae +971 (0) 55 334 6836

Managing Director Jane Barraclough jane@yallauae.ae +971 (0)56 399 5155 For all advertising queries please contact - Michelle Munk michelle@yallauae.ae +971 (0)55 800 5793 www.yallaabudhabi.ae Yalla Abu Dhabi Yallabudhabi Please note that all distribution outlets and Yalla accept no liability for errors, omissions or damage resulting from the use of this directory or any of the advertisements in it. Publication of an entry does not imply any endorsement by our distributing outlets or us. Readers must make their own enquiries to establish the credentials of each entry. Information is correct at the time of going to press. PRINTED BY Origin Printing & Advertising FZE +971 50 654 6510 DESIGN BY Katharine Cameron-Clarke ARABIC TRANSLATION BY Place Communications FZ LLC ARTWORK BY French Vision Advertising & Mkg. All content and images may not be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form without prior consent. © Phoenix Media & Publications FZ LLC 2017

‫الدليل الكامل لألسرة في أبوظبي‬ ً !‫مرحبا بكم‬

Welcome back!

ً ‫نأمل أن تكونوا جميعا قد استمتعتم بأجازة الصيف الطويلة وكانت لديكم‬ We hope you all enjoyed the long summer break and you had the chance to escape to see family, or jetted off to ‫ أو تكونوا قد قمتم بإستكشاف بعض‬،‫فرصة السفر لرؤية األسرة‬ explore some lovely new holiday destinations. Whatever ‫ وبغض النظر عن أجازات فصل‬.‫الوجهات الجديدة وقضيتم عطلة جميلة‬ you got up to during the summer, we’re sure you’ll agree it’s ‫ فنحن على يقين من أنكم ستتفقون معنا على أن العودة‬،‫الصيف‬ good to be back in Abu Dhabi. For some of you, your little ‫ فإن أطفالكم سيبدأون‬،‫لبعض منكم‬ ‫ بالنسبة‬.‫إلى أبوظبي شيء رائع‬ ُ ٍ ones might be starting school or nursery this month, which ‫ مما قد يحدث بعض اإلثارة والتخوف‬،‫المدرسة أو الحضانة هذا الشهر‬ will bring varying levels of excitement and some natural ‫يومهم األول على ما يرام! أو قد يعني هذا‬ ً ‫ نأمل أن يمر‬.‫الطبيعي‬ apprehension. We hope their first day goes well! Or this ‫كلتا‬ ‫وفي‬ .‫أبوظبي‬ ‫في‬ ‫هنا‬ ‫والعيش‬ ‫باإلنتقال‬ ‫قرارا‬ ‫الصيف أنك قد اتخذت‬ summer might have meant you’ve recently taken the leap ‫ يسرنا أن نطلعكم على عدد ياال الخاص بالعودة إلى المدرسة‬،‫الحالتين‬ and relocated here. Either way, we’re excited to share with ‫في الداخل لدينا مقابلة حصرية مع الرائعة أنابيل كارميل والتي نأمل في‬ you our Back to School edition. ‫ الصحية واللذيذة كما‬،‫يوم ما أن نتمكن من تحضير وصفاتها السريعة‬ Inside we’ve got an exclusive interview with the one and ، ‫ وإذا كان أطفالكم يملون من األكل و يصعب إرضائهم‬.‫تفعل هي‬ only Annabel Karmel – we hope one day we will be able to ‫ باإلضافة إلى‬.‫ فأنابيل لديها بعض النصائح التي قد تساعدكم‬،‫اطمئنوا‬ master this woman’s quick, healthy and delicious recipes .‫عدد من الحلول السريعة لملء صندوق وجبة الغذاء الخاص بهم‬ like she does. If you’ve got a fussy eater on your hands, ‫العودة أو بدء المدرسة أو الحضانة هو أيضا الوقت المثالي للتسجيل في‬ rest assure, Annabel has some top tips that might just ‫ قمنا بتجميع كل‬،‫ لذلك‬.‫بعض النوادي أو الصفوف بعد اليوم المدرسي‬ help. Plus, there’s a few quick solutions for filling your kid’s .‫المعلومات الخاصة بأفضل النوادي التي سوف يحبها صغاركم‬ lunchboxes. Returning, or starting school or nursery is also the perfect time to sign up for some after-school clubs and ‫ فلديكم فرصة الفوز بتذكرة دخول عائلية‬،‫ال تفوتوا مطالعة ركن األطفال‬ classes. So, we’ve rounded up a bunch of cool clubs that ‫ باإلضافة إلى صور عائلية مع‬،‫إلى ليجوالند دبي و ليجوالند ووتر بارك‬ your youngsters will love. Make sure you check out our fun ‫ أو قسائم لشراء الفواكه والخضروات‬، ‫المصور الموهوب جوليان جون‬ Kids' Corner where you could win a family combo pass for LEGOLAND® DUBAI and LEGOLAND® WATERPARK, a family ‫ ومن الجدير بالذكر أنه منذ إصدارنا‬.‫الطازجة من رايب للمنتجات العضوية‬ photoshoot with the incredibly-talented Julian John, or ‫ كما إنضم‬.‫ نسخة في العام‬80,000 ‫ تمكنا من زيادة توزيعنا إلى‬،‫األخير‬ vouchers to spend on fresh fruit and vegetables from Ripe ‫الى فريق ياال عضو جديد هي ميشيل مونك والتي يتركز دورها على‬ Organic. ‫ تعتبر ياال ًالدليل األشمل لكل ما‬.‫بناء شراكات إعالنية وتسويقية جديدة‬ ‫يهم األسرة في أبوظبي ونحن متحمسون دائما لتقاسم المعلومات‬ Since our last edition, we’ve managed to increase our ‫ كما أن نشرتنا المطبوعة تعتبر الدليل‬.‫التي تهمكم وكذلك تهم عائالتكم‬ distribution to 80,000 copies per year and have welcomed a new member to the Yalla team, Michelle Munk. Michelle ‫ فإن موقعنا االلكتروني هو المنصة الرقمية‬،‫الكامل لألسرة في أبوظبي‬ ‫ انه ببساطة الدليل الوحيد‬.‫ والمسابقات‬،‫ األخبار‬،‫التي تجمع كل الفعاليات‬ will be assisting Yalla by exploring new advertising and ‫في المدينة لكل شيء قد تحتاجونه من األلف الى الياء! هذا ليس‬ marketing partnerships. Yalla is the Know It All Family ‫ كما يوجد على موقعنا االلكتروني كل المعلومات الخاصة‬،‫كل شيء‬ Guide for Abu Dhabi and we remain passionate about sharing the information that you and your family need ‫ كذلك يمكنكم مشاهدة‬،‫ وخريطتنا الخاصة بأبوظبي‬،‫بالفعاليات العائلية‬ to know. As our printed publication is The Know It All ،‫بث الفيديو المباشر على موقعنا باإلضافة إلى محتوى مسلي وجذاب‬ Family Guide for Abu Dhabi, our website is your must-see, ‫وكذلك اكتشاف كل المعلومات الخاصة بنوادي األطفال ومخيمات فترة‬ must-go-to digital platform for all the latest events, news, .‫األجازات‬ features, competitions and the city’s only A-Z directory! That’s not all, our website also features every family‫كما يمكنكم الحصول على ملخص الفعاليات الشهري عبر البريد االلكتروني‬ friendly event, our very own Yalla Map of Abu Dhabi, live ‫ وكذلك تستطيعون اإلشتراك في ياالغرام من خالل موقعنا‬.‫الخاص بكم‬ video streaming where you can watch entertaining and .subscribe@yallauae.ae ‫أو مراسلتنا على البريد االلكتروني‬ engaging content, as well as discover where all the fun holiday camps and toddler classes take place. ً ‫وأخيرا نود أن نتقدم بجزيل الشكر لكل الجهات التي توزع ياال وتجعل هذا‬ You can now also have our monthly ‘What’s On’ newsletter ‫الجدد ونود‬ ‫الموزعين‬ ‫الدليل في متناول األسر في أبوظبي بما في ذلك‬ ً ً ً emailed to you. Simply subscribe to Yallagram online or ‫أيضا أن نشكر المعلنين والمؤيدين الذين يجعلون من ياال واقعا ممكنا‬ email subscribe@yallauae.ae. ‫وبطبيعة الحال نشكر كل قرائنا ونتمنى ان تشاركونا آرائكم التي تساعدنا‬ ‫ يمكنكم مراسلتنا عبر‬.‫على تحسين كل نسخة من ياال‬ A huge thank you goes to all organisations and .yalla@yallauae.ae establishments that distribute Yalla. As new distributors come on board, each issue of Yalla becomes more .‫نتمنى لكم فصل خريف رائع وأن ينال هذا العدد الجديد إعجابكم‬ accessible to families in Abu Dhabi. We also thank our advertisers, community businesses and supporters who make Yalla possible. And of course, we are grateful to you our readers and for your feedback, which helps us improve each issue. Please keep telling us what you think at yalla@yallauae.ae.

‫جاين وأليسون‬

We wish you all a lovely Autumn! Enjoy the new edition.

Jane & Alison

P.S. Visit www.yallaabudhabi.ae to see our latest features and online competitions!

‫ طالعوا موقعنا اإللكتروني‬:‫مالحظة‬ ‫ للحصول على آخر األخبار‬www.yallaabudhabi.ae !‫واإلشتراك في المسابقات‬


‫خـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــريف‬


‫أجند الفعاليات‬


34 dates you can’t miss! OCTOBER



School term begins

Harry Potter in Concert at du Forum



Hijri Day


Compagnia TPO — Farfalle at NYUAD

Nitrocircus at du Forum



Oktoberfest on Yas Island

1-6 & 7


Cartoon Network Live at du Forum

Yas Island Cycle Race at Yas Gateway Park

ADCB ZSC Pink 5&10K Run by Daman Activelife




Yas Marina Boat Festival

Compagnia TPO — Farfalle at NYUAD

Festival of Lights at Ferrari World Abu Dhabi

27 NeoRun at Zayed Sports City


Abu Dhabi Junior Aquathlon Race 1


Queen Between22 at NYUAD


Troon Golf AD PGA Pro – AM at Saadiyat Beach Golf Club

31 Five star Aquathlon at Emirates Palace




Fatima Bint Mubarak Ladies Open at Saadiyat Golf Club

The Mini Dash at Umm Al Emarat Park


Toshi Reagon & BIGLovely at NYUAD


Abu Dhabi Striders Half Marathon & 10K on Yas Island

Le Meridien Abu Dhabi Open Water Swimming Festival


2017 Formula 1

Abu Dhabi Grand Prix at Yas Marina Circuit


Taste of Abu Dhabi 2017 at du Arena


Walk 2017 at Yas Marina Circuit


Abu Dhabi Junior Aquathlon Race 2


National Day


Last day of school term


Winterland Carnival at du Forum




Swiss Christmas Market at the Beach Rotana


Let It Snow at Yas Marina


Mubadala World Tennis Championship at ZSC


FIFA World Cup


Christmas Day


New Year’s Day




‫‪ 2‬أجندة الفعاليات‬ ‫‪ 10‬ركن األطفال من ياال‬ ‫‪ 18‬نوادي ما بعد اليوم المدرسي‬ ‫‪ 30‬خريطة أبوظبي من ياال‬ ‫‪ 3 4‬أسئلة وأجوبة مع أنابيل كارميل‬


‫‪ 4 20 FOR YOU‬خاص باألطفال‬

‫‪ 20‬لكم‬

‫‪ 20‬التعليم‬ ‫‪ 40‬اللياقة البدنية‪ ،‬الجمال‪ ،‬والعافية‬ ‫‪ 41‬المجتمع والمنظمات الخيرية‬ ‫‪41 COMMUNITY, CHARITY & CLUBS‬‬ ‫والنوادي‬ ‫‪43 FAMILY SHOPPING‬‬ ‫‪ 43‬التسوق العائلي‬ ‫‪20 EDUCATION‬‬


‫‪ 53‬لمعلوماتكم‬

‫‪ 3‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫‪ 3‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫‪ 53‬‬ ‫‪ 53‬‬ ‫‪ 56‬‬ ‫‪ 56‬‬ ‫‪ 58‬‬

‫‪6‬‬ ‫‪ 0‬‬


‫‪ 4‬‬

‫‪ 16‬‬

‫‪ 46 53 FOR INFO‬للجميع‬

‫معلومات مفيدة‬ ‫المصورين‬ ‫‪53 PHOTOGRAPHERS‬‬ ‫العقارات‬ ‫‪53 REAL ESTATE‬‬ ‫التصليح‬ ‫خدمات‬ ‫‪53 REPAIRERS‬‬ ‫األطباء البيطريون والحيوانات األليفة‬ ‫‪56 VETS AND PETS‬‬ ‫الصحة العائلية‬ ‫‪56 FAMILY HEALTHCARE‬‬ ‫المنزل‬ ‫‪58 HOME‬‬ ‫بالطوارئ‬ ‫الخاصة‬ ‫المعلومات‬ ‫‪60 EMERGENCY INFORMATION‬‬ ‫‪53 USEFUL INFORMATION‬‬

‫‪ 6‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬ ‫‪ 0‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫‪ 0‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫‪ 50‬‬ ‫‪ 50‬‬ ‫‪ 51‬‬ ‫‪ 51‬‬

‫‪ 51‬‬

‫‪ 51‬‬ ‫‪ 51‬‬


‫خـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــريف ‪2017‬‬

‫أنشطة عائلية من األلف الى الياء‬ ‫الحفالت‬

‫تناول الطعام في الخارج وفي المنزل‬ ‫وقت العائلة‬ ‫المغامرات في أنحاء أبوظبي‬ ‫المرح مع الحيوانات‬ ‫دور السينما‬ ‫المعارض‬ ‫التجارب والرحالت‬ ‫التراث والثقافة‬ ‫أيام عائلية خارجية في العين‬ ‫أيام عائلية خارجية في دبي‬

‫‪4 FOR KIDS‬‬


‫ ‪4‬‬

‫‪16 PARTIES‬‬

‫‪46 FOR ALL‬‬ ‫‪46 EATING OUT‬‬




‫ ‪51‬‬


‫ ‪51‬‬


‫ ‪51‬‬

‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على ‪ 056 399 5155‬أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني ‪yalla@yallauae.ae‬‬ ‫‪To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae‬‬


yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155 ‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae Fabyland

‫أنشطة عائلية من‬ ‫األلف الى الياء‬

Deerfields Mall fabyland.ae/uae

Fun City


City Mall, Madinat Zayed 02 887 0689 Abu Dhabi Mall 02 644 2588 Dalma Mall 02 550 7407 www.funcity.ae

‫مراكز أ‬ ‫النشطة‬

Fun Works

Yas Mall www.funworks.ae

Activity Centres Action Zone


Capital Mall, MBZ 02 672 0303 Boutik Mall, Reem Island 02 666 5758 www.actionzoneuae.com

Al Marina www.hallabolou.com


Marina Mall www.bounce.ae


02 622 2285

Gardens Plaza Al Raha 02 676 0605 www.happynestplayhouse.ae

02 445 6995 02 565 0872


Abu Dhabi Mall Deerfields Mall Dalma Mall www.kidoos-uae.com

04 321 1400

The Galleria Al Maryah Island www.caboodle.ae

02 565 1639

Happynest Play House

Adventure HQ – Adventure Zone Dalma Mall Yas Mall www.adventurehq.ae

02 666 9772

02 616 6974

02 645 9070 02 563 9070 02 551 9070

Kidz Factory

Inside Wanasa Land 02 671 1269 Al Wahda Mall www.kidzfactory-uae.com

Kidz Venture

Mangrove Village www.kidzventure.ae

02 550 0255

Kool Kidz

World Trade Center Mall 02 677 0954 www.koolkidz.ae

Little World Discovery Center

Nation Galleria - Corniche 02 681 8824 www.littleworlduae.com

My First Gym

Al Nahyan 02 444 3560 www.myfirstgymuae.com

Orange Spin

Al Wahda Mall www.orange-spin.com

02 306 7111

Al Wahda Mall 02 667 4411 www.orangewheels.com Marina Mall Sparky’s

Al Zahiyah

02 641 7450

‫التمارين الرياضية واللياقة‬ ‫البدنية‬ Aerobics & Fitness Advantage Sports UAE

Various Locations www.advantagesportsuae.com/ abu-dhabi


Various locations www.esportsuae.com

04 369 7817

Haddins (Adults & Kids)

Orange Wheels

Play & Learn

Whiz Kidz Skill Development

02 681 5990

Zayed Sports City www.haddins.com

Hiltonia Health Club Hilton Abu Dhabi, Al Khubeirah

Stay Fit

Wanasa Land

Al Wahda Mall 02 443 7654 Bawabat Al Sharq Mall 02 584 4335 Madinat Zayed Shopping center www.wanasaland.com

02 403 4233

Abu Dhabi www.stayfitme.com

02 692 4324 02 666 1022

The Club

Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com

Enrolments now open for the September–December 2017 kids dance term. Call or email the studio to book a space for your child.

Bodytree is a community space that cultivates mindfulness and positive change Yoga [ Pilates [ Dance [ Kids [ Nectar Juice Bar [ Teens [ Spinning [ Teacher Training [ Workshops [ Pop Up Classes [ Nutritional Consultancy facebook.com/Bodytree




Al Rowdah Studio [ Saadiyat Beach Club 02 443 4448 info@bodytreestudio.com

‫خاص باألطفال!‬


‫خـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــريف‬


‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على ‪ 056 399 5155‬أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني ‪yalla@yallauae.ae‬‬ ‫‪To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae‬‬

FOR KIDS! ‫الرماية بالقوس والسهم‬

yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155 ‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae

‫علم الفلك‬



Al Forsan International Sports Resort

Abu Dhabi Astronomy Club

Khalifa City www.alforsan.com

02 556 8555

Ada’ Archery Range

Al Ghazal Golf Club 050 721 3230 www.abudhabiarchery.com


‫ألعاب القوى‬

Abu Dhabi Striders


Al Rammai Archery Tag Yas Beach


056 760 2179

‫الفنون والحرف اليدوية‬ ‫وصناعة الفخار‬

Arts, Crafts & Pottery Abu Dhabi Pottery

Al Khalidiyah 02 666 7079 www.abudhabipottery.com

Art Beat UAE

Al Mushrif www.artbeatad.com

Art Central

Boutik Mall www.artcentral.ae


Al Rayhan www.craftopia.ae

02 679 6795

02 621 1949

02 447 4545

Al Wahda Mall 02 671 1269 www.kidzfactory-uae.com Foutouh Al Khair Mall www.latelierarts.com


Zayed Sports City www.haddins.com

‫كرة الريشة‬

‫كرة السلة‬

02 639 7104

Little World Discovery Centre

Nation Galleria 02 681 8824 www.littleworlduae.com

Maestro Music & Arts Centre

Al Wahdah 02 443 3455 www.maestromusicartuae.com

Orange Wheels

Al Wahda Mall 02 667 4411 www.orangewheels.com

The Bulb Fine Arts Center

Al Rayyana Community Center thebulbuae 02 551 1898

Al Mushrif 02 657 7777 www.adcountryclub.com 04 369 7817

Jump Sports Academies Various locations www.jumpsports.ae

02 449 4621

Tarfeeh Football & Basketball Academy Marina Mall

02 681 1185

‫الشواطئ والنوادي الشاطئية‬ Beaches & Beach Clubs Bake

Al Bateen Corniche Saadiyat Island www.bakeuae.com

Beach Rotana

Al Zahiyah 02 697 9302 www.rotana.com/beachrotana



Al Zeina www.yascycles.com

Al Ras Al Akhdar www.kempinski.com

�‫وتأج‬ ‫جوالت القوارب‬ ‫ي‬ ‫اليخوت‬

02 690 9000

Fairmont Health & Beach Club Bab Al Bahr www.fairmont.com

02 654 3333

02 634 1084

Yas Island 02 659 9800 www.yasmarinacircuit.com

Emirates Palace Beach Club

Boat Tours & Yacht Charters Abu Dhabi Pearl Journey

Al Khubeirah www.hilton.com

02 692 4205

Al Ras Al Akhdar www.rotana.com

Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com

Various locations www.esportsuae.com

Al Zahiyah 02 644 6666 www.lemeridienabudhabi.com

Khalidiyah Palace Rayhaan Rotana

The Club


Yas Marina Circuit

02 403 4233

New York University 050 225 7024 www.ultimateathleticsuae.com


Eden Spa & Beach, Le Meridien Hotel

Hiltonia Beach Club

Ultimate Athletics


Yas Cycles

Al Raha Beach Hotel 02 508 0555 www.alrahabeachhotel-abudhabi.com

050 383 3564

Abu Dhabi Country Club

Kidz Factory

L’Atelier Des Arts

Zayed Sport City www.eisport.ae

02 444 5135

Art at International Music Institute Al Khalidiyah www.imi-jmc.com

Extra International Sports

Body & Soul Health Club & Spa

02 657 0182

The Ritz-Carlton

Khor Al Maqta 02 818 8888 www.ritzcarlton.com/abudhabi

Saadiyat Beach Club

Saadiyat Island 02 656 3500 www.saadiyatbeachclub.ae


050 221 1055 www.adpearljourney.com

Al Dhafra and Sunshine Tours

02 444 9914

Belevari Marine www.belevari.com

02 643 1494

Captain Tony’s www.captaintonys.ae 02 650 7175 Eden Yachting

04 328 2930 www.edenyachting.com/abu-dhabi



600 575756

Qaryat Al Beri 02 509 8888 www.shangri-la.com/abudhabi

Lulu Boats


050 642 9777

Sheraton Hotel & Resort

Sea Cruisers www.seacruiser.ae

050 800 9495

The Club Dhow www.the-club.com

02 673 1111

Al Zahiyah 02 677 3333 www.sheratonabudhabihotel.com

St Regis Nation Riveria Beach Club

Al Khubeirah 02 694 4780 www.nationriveriabeachclub.com

Walidia Yachts

St Regis

Yellow Boats

Saadiyat Island 02 498 8888 www.stregissaadiyatisland.com

www.walidiayachts.com 056 191 8283 www.theyellowboats.com

The Club

Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com

Yas Beach

Yas Island www.yasbeach.ae

056 242 0435

‫ركوب الدراجات‬

Bikes & Cycling Abu Dhabi Tri Club

Al Raha Beach www.bikeshare.ae

Action Zone

Capital Mall, MBZ 02 672 0303 Boutik Mall, Reem Island 02 666 5758 www.facebook.com/actionzoneuae

Bowling City

Various Locations www.bowling-city.com

Zayed Sports City www.zsc.ae 800 29 2253

Funridesports – Bike Hire FunRideSports


Khalifa International Bowling Centre


ADCB Bikeshare


800 892

02 403 4200

!‫خاص باألطفال‬










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n ra yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155 ‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ @o To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae

411 674 6 2-






e or Ext Flo all nd a M u d o Gr Wah Al

‫خـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــريف‬


FOR KIDS! ‫الشطرنج‬


Abu Dhabi Chess and Culture Club Al Bateen www.abudhabichess.com

yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155 ‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae Advantage Sports UAE

Golf Gardens 055 807 2482 www.advantagesportsuae.com

Emirates Divers Centre Abu Dhabi 052 611 9060 www.emiratesdivers.com

‫قوارب ي ن‬ �‫التن‬

Arabesque Ballet Center

Al Nahyan & Sas Al Nakhl Khalifa City 050 845 2314 www.abudhabidance.com

Dragon Boating

‫الكمبيوتر ودورات تكنولوجيا‬ ‫المعلومات‬

Ballet at International Music Institute

Yas Beach www.noukhada.ae

Computer Explorers UAE

Barefoot UAE

Al Danah 02 677 0611 www.barefootuae.com


Creative Robotics

Bodytree Studio

Al Mina www.the-club.com

Computer & IT Courses

Nation Galleria 02 681 8824 www.computerexplorers.com/uae Marina Mall 02 681 0109 creativeroboticsuae

Nadia Training Institute

Al Danah 02 677 4031 www.nadia-training.com

Time Training Center Al Zahiyah www.timetraining.ae

02 671 3828

‫دروس الطبخ‬

Cooking Classes Jones The Grocer

Various locations www.jonesthegrocer.com

Lana’s Partiperfect

Al Marina www.partiperfect.ae

02 621 1949

Al Karamah 02 443 4448 www.bodytreestudio.com

02 681 0090

Various locations www.esportsuae.com

04 369 7817

‫الرقص والباليه‬

Dance & Ballet

Active Dance and Fitness The Room Zayed Sports City www.theroom.ae

02 444 4945


02 673 1111

Cobra Gym Al Bandar www.fusionarts.ae

050 669 7913

Drama Scene

Al Hilal 02 493 0115 www.expressions-dance.net

Miranda Davidson Studios

Maestro Music & Arts Centre

Al Wahdah 02 443 3455 www.maestromusicartuae.com

The Space Khalifa Park 056 920 8938 www.mirandadavidsonstudios.com

Motion Studios of Performing Arts

Motion Studios of Performing Arts

My First Gym

Music Hub

800 6772

Al Nahyan 02 444 3560 www.myfirstgymuae.com

Turning Pointe

Various Locations www.turningpointe.ae

800 32623


Diving Al Mina www.the-club.com

02 673 1111

Al Mahara Diving Centre

Abu Dhabi 050 111 8125 www.divemahara.com

Arabian Divers & Sport Fishing Charters

Al Zeina www.mspa.co

Falcon Tower Al Hosn www.musichub.ae

800 6772

02 632 7888

The Fame Club

Khalifa City 055 306 6146 TheFameClubSchool

‫صيد أ‬ ‫السماك‬

Arabian Divers & Sport Fishing

Al Bateen Marina Resort 050 614 6931 www.fishabudhabi.ae

Beach Rotana – Ocean Dive Centre

Hiltonia Health Club

Abu Dhabi Golf Club 055 807 2482 www.advantagesportsuae.com

City Football Schools

Zayed Sports City New York University Emirates Palace www.cityfootballschools.com

Various locations www.esportsuae.com

04 369 7817

Galore Sport Club Academy

055 982 2738 Galore-Sport-Academy

Haddins Mini Football & Youth Sports Academy Masdar City Zayed Sports City www.haddins.com

ISM Sports

Various locations www.ismsports.org

02 403 4233

050 519 3899

Various locations www.jumpsports.ae

02 449 4621

The Dome @Rawdhat Al Rowdhat 055 434 3457 Meehal FA

PASS Abu Dhabi The Dome @Rawdhat BSAK 056 613 0262 www.passabudhabi.com Real Madrid Foundation Football Academy


Abu Dhabi www.captaintonys.ae

Advantage Sports Football Academy

Meehal Football Academy

Khalidiya Village 050 158 5653 Sas Al Nakhl Village 056 466 3143 www.kidstheatreworks.com

Al Bateen Marina Resort 050 614 6931 www.fishabudhabi.ae

Al Mushrif 02 657 7765 www.adcountryclub.com

Jump Sports Academies

Theatre Works

Captain Tony’s

Abu Dhabi Country Club


Fusion Arts Dance School

Al Zahiyah 02 644 1696 www.oceandivecenter.ae


Abu Dhabi Dramatic Society

Expressions of Dance & Drama

Abu Dhabi Sub Aqua Club (ADSAC)



Al Hilal 02 493 0115 www.expressions-dance.net

Expressions of Dance & Drama

Abu Dhabi Cricket Club

Sheikh Zayed Cricket Stadium Sas Al Nakhl/Khalifa City www.adcricketclub.ae 02 558 8331

02 558 1889

Al Rayyana Community Centre The Bulb Fine Arts Center www.dramascene.com 055 310 0984

Al Zeina www.mspa.co



Al Khalidiyah www.imi-jmc.com

Noukhada Adventure Company


‫كرة القدم‬

02 650 7175

Al Khubeirah 02 693 5997 www.watercooleddubai.com

Armed Forces Officers Club & Hotel Khor Al Maqta’a 02 582 7755 www.rmfa.baniyas.ae

Regional Sports

Al Yasmina Academy Gate City Dome HCT, Al Bahia Towers 050 610 4466 regionalsports www.regionalsports.ae

Soccer at The Club

Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com

!‫خاص باألطفال‬

‫ﻛﺮة اﻟﻘﺪم | اﻟﺘﺰﻟﺞ ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﺠﻠﻴﺪ | اﻟﺘﻨﺲ‬

Thistle Football Club


Yas Kicks

Yas Island yaskicks


056 494 5043

‫إرشاد الفتيات‬

Abu Dhabi Girl Guides

‫سباقات سيارات الكارتينج‬

Go Karting

Al Forsan Go Karts

Al Forsan International Sports Resort Khalifa City 02 556 8555 www.alforsan.com

Yas Marina Kart Zone

Yas Island 02 659 9800 www.yasmarinacircuit.com


Abu Dhabi City Golf Club

Al Mushrif www.adcitygolf.com

Sas Al Nakhl www.adgolfclub.com

02 885 3555

Al Ghazal Golf Club

Nr Abu Dhabi International Airport www.alghazalgolf.ae 02 505 3314

Performance Golf UAE

Zayed Sports City www.performancegolfuae.com

Saadiyat Beach Golf Club



Abu Dhabi Golf Club

02 445 9600

Saadiyat Island www.sbgolfclub.ae

Yas Links Golf Club Yas Island www.yaslinks.com


02 499 8100

02 810 7710


Abu Dhabi Country Club Sports Club

Inspire Sports Management

Al Bateen 050 157 5508 www.inspiresports.ae

Horse Riding

Zayed Sports City www.jumpsports.ae

Al Mushrif www.adec-web.com

JSA Gymnastics Academy

Abu Dhabi Equestrian Club

Jump Sports Academies

Al Forsan International Sports Resort

Various locations www.jumpsports.ae

Various Locations 055 807 2482 www.advantagesportsuae.com


Various locations www.esportsuae.com

04 369 7817

02 449 4621

02 449 4621

Little Stars Gymnastics Club

Al Nahda National School for Girls Senior School Al Mushrif 050 781 0635 www.littlestarsabudhabi.com

My First Gym

Al Nahyan 02 444 3560 www.myfirstgymuae.com

Orange Wheels

Al Wahda Mall 02 667 4411 www.orangewheels.com

Al Mushrif 02 657 7765 www.adcountryclub.com

Advantage Sports UAE

‫ركوب الخيل‬

Horse Racing

‫سباق الخيل‬

Abu Dhabi Equestrian Club Al Mushrif www.adec.web.com

02 445 5500

Ghantoot Racing & Polo Club Ghantoot www.grpc.ae

02 562 9050

yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155 ‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae

Khalifa City www.alforsan.com

02 445 5500

02 556 8555

Dhabian Equestrian Club

Al Rahba 050 134 7141 www.dhabianequi.com

Mandara Equestrian Club

Al Bahia 02 563 3830 www.mandaraclub.com

‫هوك الجليد ت ز‬ ‫وال�لج‬ ‫ي‬

Ice Hockey & Skating Abu Dhabi Ice Sports Club Zayed Sports City www.adisc.ae

Abu Dhabi Ice Rink Zayed Sports City www.zsc.ae

02 444 5552

02 403 4333

Emirates Skating Club

Zayed Sports City 050 444 5009 www.emiratesskating.com


‫خـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــريف‬




Kids' Corner

Tell us what you've been up to! We want to hear about your adventures in & around Abu Dhabi!

Send us an email yalla@yallauae.ae

Hi everyone!

Our Kids’ Corner is back for Autumn and we’ve got lots of exciting prizes to give away! Are you a Lego fan? If so, make sure you enter our competition where you could win a family combo pass for LEGOLAND®

DUBAI and LEGOLAND® Waterpark! We’ve also listed our Top Reads and 10 fun ways you can help protect the environment and wildlife around you, as well as a fun Pet competition where we’re on the hunt to find your paawfect pets! Enjoy!

WIN! A Family combo pass for LEGOLAND® DUBAI & LEGOLAND® Water park!

® Come and explore a world where the LEGO ® brick comes to life at LEGOLAND Dubai and LEGOLAND® Water Park – with 2 parks and 2 days of fun! It’s the ultimate destination for families with kids aged 2-12. Set your imagination racing with over 60 themed rides,

slides, shows and building experiences. Conquer the Dragon rollercoaster, test your skills in Driving School, take on the Joker ® Soaker, build your own LEGO raft and a ® whole lot more. LEGOLAND Dubai and ® LEGOLAND Water Park is where awesome awaits! If you’d like to spend a fun-filled

day out with your family at LEGOLAND® Dubai and LEGOLAND® Water Park, then simply answer the following question:

Solve this anagram.


Email your answers to win@yallauae.ae by October 20th. *Terms and conditions apply. See below and visit www.yallaabudhabi.ae

Top 5 Reads! Credit: www.ala.org

What’s your favourite book? Fabulous Frogs By Martin Jenkins

As Brave As You By Jason Reynolds

The Secret Keepers By Trenton Lee Stewart

‫علبة حالوة‬

‫إىل أين أذهب حني أغضب؟‬

The Candy Box By Suhail Kewan

What Do I Do When I Get Mad? By Malak Farooge -Abu Raiya

LEGOLAND® *This prize is strictly non-transferable to another person and cannot be redeemed for monetary value • Vouchers are valid for LEGOLAND® Dubai and



LEGOLAND® Water Park only and does not include admission to any other Dubai Parks and Resorts Park • Only one entry per person. * Other terms and conditions will apply upon receipt of prize vouchers •The promoter’s decision is final (See www.yallaabudhabi.ae for full T&Cs). Julian John *Prize cannot be redeemed for cash • Only one entry per person • The promoter’s decision is final • Winner will be contacted via email • Prize includes a family portrait shoot in Abu Dhabi. (See www.yallaabudhabi.ae for full T&Cs)

‫ركن األطفال من ياال‬ WIN! A beautiful family portrait shoot with Julian John Photography! The secret is now out that Abu Dhabi is one of the best cities in the world to live in, with beautiful beaches, stunning architecture and a rich cultural heritage. It is a photographer's dream, from the stunning Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque to the Dhows down by the Old Fish Market - there is so much to see and stunning desert landscapes are close by. So in celebration of our beautiful city, Julian John Photography is offering one family the chance to win a beautiful family portrait.


a YYalla Pets

If you’d like to win this family portrait shoot, then simply answer the following question: How many letters are in the word below?

photograph Email your answers to win@yallauae.ae by October 30th, 2017. Terms and conditions apply* (see bottom of left page & our website for details)


Let’s protect our planet!

otect to pr p l t& e H nmen nviro rying e e h t t ife by ps wildl y ste s a e e s e h t -WWF by EWS

10 ways you can make a difference!

1. Choose the best transport option. Of course, travel can't always be avoided. Consider your options and choose the most environmentally friendly form of transport you can. Try to drive less. Could you walk or cycle instead of driving, or use public transport?

2. Pull the plug. One very easy thing you can do is to turn off TVs, computers, and other electronics when they're not in use. TVs, DVD players, stereos and computers still use 10-60% of power even when on ‘stand by’. 3. Switch your lighting. Did you know lighting accounts for up to 15% of your electricity bill? You can reduce the amount of energy to light your home and office by installing energy-efficient light bulbs and switching lights off when you’re not using them. 4. Switch to "green" electricity. Power companies in many countries now offer electricity generated from renewable energy sources. Contact your electricity retailer to make the switch to cleaner power. Be sure to look for accredited "green energy" labels to be sure your electricity supply really is clean. 5. Save forests and wildlife by choosing good wood. One of the main causes of forest loss is illegal logging. This wood then ends up in our shops and ultimately our homes. If you stop buying timber that comes from forests that are badly managed, or even perhaps that has been illegally produced, then the suppliers of this timber will have no choice but to change as well. 6. Use less. How much perfectly good water do you waste down the drain? Turn off the tap. Don't let the water run while shaving, brushing teeth or washing vegetables. A tap dripping 45 times per minute wastes around 1,000 litres of water a month, the equivalent of 10 baths per year.

7. Choose recycled tissue. Most tissue products bought by household consumers contain very little recycled paper. The recycling rate in the tissue sector is, in general, significantly lower than in the paper sector. The softness, strength and appearance of tissues are used as key reasons to justify the use of virgin forest wood fibres. And once used, tissue paper products are not recoverable or recyclable. Choose a product with high recycled content, preferably 100%. 8. Don’t choose the whitest product. The chemicals used to bleach tissue products can be harmful to animal health – and our own bodies too. Look for tissue products which are not so bright. The whiter the product, the more likely it contains a high level of fibres or that it was heavily bleached. 9. Be a good guest. Choose "green" hotels, tour operators and suppliers that support sustainable development when booking your next trip. Avoid sports which have a significant harmful impact on the environment, or choose more progressive establishments (e.g. golf courses which recycle water). 10.Buy efficient appliances and electronics If you plan on buying a new washing machine, printer, mobile phone, or other electrical item, choose the most energy-efficient model you can afford.

Send us a photo or funny video of your pet for your chance to win a full spa package at the German Vet Clinic, worth up to AED 1,400!

Yalla Pets COMPETITION! We are excited to announce our fantastic new competition which involves your pawwww-fect pets! We've teamed up with the German Vet Clinic to give two lucky winners a full pet spa package, worth up to AED1,400. PLUS each winner will receive a goody bag packed full of treats for their pet! Head over to our website now for more details on how to enter www.yallaabudhabi.ae There's more, if you're a pet lover make sure you subscribe to Yallagram, our email newsletter, to receive exclusive offers and discounts throughout September

2017 ‫خـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــريف‬



yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155 ‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae

‫الفنون القتالية‬

Martial Arts

Abu Dhabi Muay Thai and Capoeira Club Movers, Shakers & Music Makers

nurseries parties

classes events



Budo Juku

Hamdan Centre Al Danah 02 628 0984 www.amadeusmusicinst.com

Various Locations www.budojuku.com

04 813 5637

Elite Music Institute

Emirates Karate Centre

International Music Institute

Zayed Sports City www.zsc.ae

050 662 9533


Various locations www.esportsuae.com

04 369 7817

Al Bateen 050 157 5508 www.inspiresports.ae

Karate at The Club

Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com

Oriental Karate & Kobudo Club

Various Locations 02 677 1611 www.orientalkarate.com

‫الدراجات المائية‬

Jet Skiing

Abu Dhabi International Marine Sports Club Al Ras Al Akhdar www.adimsc.ae

02 681 5566

Kitesurfing UAE

Various locations 050 562 6383 www.kitesurfinguae.com

UAE Kitesurfing

Various Locations www.uaekiters.net

Al Raya

Mina Port 055 664 5566 www.alrayaadventure.com


Halla Walla

Al Bahia Library www.tcaabudhabi.ae

Al Bandar www.hallawalla.ae

056 991 3800

Al Marfaa Library

‫قوارب الكاياك‬


Al Mahara Diving Centre Various Locations www.divemahara.com

02 643 7377

Noukhada Adventure Company Various Locations www.noukhada.ae

02 558 1889

‫تز‬ ‫ال�لج ش‬ ‫ال�اعي عىل الماء‬

Kite Surfing

Abu Dhabi Kite Pro Various Locations www.kitepro.ae



Khalifa Park Library


055 755 1439

02 657 6120 02 657 6015 02 657 6182

Mazyad Mall Library

Mohammed Bin Zayed City www.tcaabudhabi.ae 02 657 6422

National Library

Al Nahyan www.tcaabudhabi.ae

02 657 6034

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque Library


Palm Sports

Various Locations 02 811 1111 www.palmssports.com

Taekwondo at Arabesque Ballet Centre

Al Nahyan 056 371 3408 www.abudhabidance.com


02 419 1919

UAE Wrestling and Judo Association Al Mushrif www.uaewjkf.com


02 443 0022

UAEJJF Training Center IPIC Arena Zayed Sports City www.uaejjf.com

02 333 6111

‫رياضة السيارات‬

Al Mushrif 02 445 4909 www.elitemusicedu.com Various locations www.imi-jmc.com

02 621 1949

Kindermusik with Silva & Friends Various locations 050 825 4596 www.kindermusikwithsilvia. kindermusik.com/ Maestro Music & Arts Centre

Al Wahdah 02 443 3455 www.maestromusicartuae.com

Music Hub

Falcon Tower Al Hosn www.musichub.ae

02 632 7888

Music Monkeys

Various locations 055 800 7339 www.musicmonkeys.ae

Noah’s Ark Training Institute

Al Nahyan 02 641 9793 www.noahsarkjingles.com

Rhythm Music Centre

Al Markaziyah 02 622 6206 RhythmMusicCentreUAE

Royal Institute of Music & Arts

Al Hosn 02 622 5410 www.royalinstituteofmusic.com

Young Musician Music Institute

Raha Mall www.tymmi.com

02 556 2080

‫كرة الشبكة‬



Yas Marina Circuit

Abu Dhabi Netball League Zayed Sports City www.abudhabinetballleague.com

Yas Island 02 659 9800 www.yasmarinacircuit.com

‫والرتحال‬ ‫تسلق الجبال إ‬

Mountaineering & Trekking Abu Dhabi Alpine Club

050 544 1494

Amadeus Music Institute

Emirates Aikido Center

Inspire Sports Management



Al Markaziyah 02 676 9658 www.abudhabimuaythai.com

Al Zahiyah 050 235 7103 Emirates Karate Center ‘Music Monkeys offers an interactive music and movement programme for little ones from 3 months to 4 years in various locations around Abu Dhabi’

UAE Trekkers www.uaetrekkers.com 055 886 2327


‫التجديف عىل أ‬ ً‫اللواح وقوفا‬


Abu Dhabi Stand Up Paddle Club www.abudhabisup.com

‫خاص باألطفال!‬


‫خـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــريف‬


‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على ‪ 056 399 5155‬أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني ‪yalla@yallauae.ae‬‬ ‫‪To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae‬‬

FOR KIDS! Hydro Marine Sports

Eastern Mangroves Promenade Al Rayhan 050 243 7382 www.hydromarinesports.com

Noukhada Adventure Company Yas Beach www.noukhada.ae

02 558 1889


Hiltonia Beach Club Al Khubeirah 02 639 5997 www.watercooleddubai.com


‫كرة الطالء‬

Al Forsan International Sports Resort Khalifa City www.alforsan.com

02 556 8555

02 497 3071

Wonderland Paintball Sports

Al Rahba 056 938 2444 www.wonderlandpaintball.com

Zayed Sports City


02 403 4555

‫باركور (القفز والتسلق‬ )‫والركض الحر‬

Khalidiya Village Compound FunWithMum


Happynest Playhouse

Al Raha Gardens 02 676 0605 Khalifa City www.happynestplayhouse.ae

Kidz Venture

Mangrove Village www.kidzventure.ae


Abu Dhabi Striders Abu Dhabi Triathlon Club

Al Nahyan 02 444 3560 www.myfirstgymuae.com

St Andrews Playgroup

Al Mushrif 02 446 1631 www.standrewauh.org Starfish Cove Playgroup Khalifa City 056 463 5187 www.starfishlanekids.com

Story Time

The Club (members only) Al Mina 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com

The Club’s Soft Play Coffee Morning

Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com


Jump Sports Academies

Ghantoot Racing & Polo Club Ghantoot www.grpc.ae

02 562 9050

‫البحار‬ ‫إ‬


Abu Dhabi Mums

Dome @ Rawdhat www.abudhabimums.ae


The Galleria Mall www.caboodle.ae

02 616 6974

Caterpillar Nursery

Crafty Kids Playgroup Al Mushrif 056 643 4419 www.caterpillarnursery.com

Children’s House Montessori

Mummy and Me Group Khalifa City 02 444 1150 www.thechildrenshousemontessori.com



Abu Dhabi International Marine Sports Club Al Marina www.adimsc.ae

The Club Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com

050 404 7688 www.yasmarina.ae/discover/wateractivities/abu-dhabi-sailing-academy

Abu Dhabi Sailing & Yacht Club Al Marina www.adsyc.ae

02 658 3333

Abu Dhabi Sailing Club at The Club

Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com

Noukhada Adventure Company Yas Beach www.noukhada.ae

02 558 1889

02 681 5566

Rugby Abu Dhabi Harlequins

Zayed Sports City www.abudhabiquins.com

Abu Dhabi Harlequins Try Rugby Zayed Sports City abudhabiharlequinstryrugby

Abu Dhabi Saracens www.abudhabisaracens.com

Zayed Sports City abudhabisoftball


Al Mushrif 02 657 7777 www.adcountryclub.com

Abu Dhabi Golf Club Sas Al Nakhl www.adgolfclub.com

Le Meridien Hotel

Al Zahiyah www.lemeridien.com

02 885 3555

02 644 6666

Squash at The Club

Pelican Marine

Al Raha Beach Hotel Marina Al Raha Beach 054 429 8925 www.sailing.ae


Hiltonia Beach Club Al Khubeirah 02 639 5997 www.watercooleddubai.com

Caracal Shooting Club Al Maqta www.caracalsc.ae

02 441 6404

Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com

Singing Lessons Rhythm Music Centre

Al Markaziyah 02 622 6206 RhythmMusicCentreUAE

Young Musician Music Institute

02 556 2080


Swimming Abu Dhabi Country Club

Al Mushrif 02 657 7765 www.adcountryclub.com

Advantage Sports Swimming Academy

Various Locations 055 807 2482 www.advantagesportsuae.com

Aqua Baby Classes

‫دروس الغناء‬

Raha Mall www.tymmi.com


Abu Dhabi Country Club

Various locations

�‫الرغ‬ ‫بي‬

‫الكرة اللينة‬

Abu Dhabi Softball League

Abu Dhabi Sailing Academy

‫مجموعات اللعب وأندية‬ ‫الزوارق المائية الرسيعة‬ ‫نوادي الرماية‬ ‫أ‬ ‫الطفال الصغار‬ Power Boating Shooting Clubs

Play Groups & Toddler Clubs

Snooker Room



My First Gym


02 449 4621

Abu Dhabi Island Hash House Harriers




02 550 0255


Various locations www.jumpsports.ae


Fun With Mum playgroup

Starfish Lane

Armed Forces Officers Club & Hotel

Khor Al Maqta’a www.afoc.mil.ae

yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155 ‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae

050 414 5903

Arabian Swim Academy

Various Locations 050 883 8091 www.arabianswimacademy.com

Armed Forces Officers Club & Hotel

Khor Al Maqta’a www.afoc.mil.ae

02 497 5213

Beach Rotana Health Club Al Zahiyah www.rotana.com

Hamilton Aquatics

02 697 9302

Various Locations 050 504 2705 www.hamiltonaquatics.ae

There is so much to do as a family here in Abu Dhabi, but we’ve found a few companies, places and things to do that you might not know about…


When it comes to finding a good tailor, look no further than Scallywags & Rogues Tailors downtown. The staff can assist with bespoke tailoring, alteration, and, if you’ve no time to drop off your items, the company offers a come-toyou service! Telephone: 02 448 0535 Website: www.srtailors.com


Café 302 is an urban friendly café and restaurant tucked away in the heart of the city. It offers a variety of delicious food and beverages, created using the finest olive oils, organic fruits and vegetables. The café is located in the Al Maha Arjaan by Rotana. Telephone: 02 610 6666 Website: www.rotana.com


Flowers can be the perfect gift for any occasion. So, make sure you check out the beautiful arrangements available at Mashmom. This flower boutique located in Madinat Zayed offers everything from exotic flowers and creative arrangements, as well as pretty gift wrapping. Telephone: 050 616 3113 Instagram: @mashmom_uae



Delecto, Royal Catering’s boutique retail and dining destination, is the place to visit if you love sweet treats! Not only can you enjoy a delicious selection of gourmet delicacies, purchase a gift hamper or have food delivered, but you can also observe the skilled chefs and chocolatiers crafting the magnificent handmade creations. Telephone: 02 496 3444 Website: www.delecto.ae


If you love jewellery, you may want to browse the collection by Jacqueline Wood – Antique & Vintage & Silver Jewellery. You can pick up a beautiful piece that you can treasure forever. Jacqueline can be found at pop-up markets around the city. Telephone: 050 498 1159 Facebook: @AntiqueandVintageJewellery


Tried a camel burger? You can taste a variety of delicacies and Nutella-inspired desserts at Switch Restaurant and Lounge. This vibrant and lively restaurant is located at Al Bateen marina. Telephone: 02 556 5556 Website: www.meswitch.com

You can walk, jog, run or cycle around the Yas Marina Circuit every Tuesday evening for free. That’s right. All ages are welcome at the famous F1 track from 6pm until 9pm. This is a great activity to keep fit and also when visitors are in town! If you’d like to hire a bike, you can do so on arrival. Telephone: 800 - YAS (927) Website: www.yasmarinacircuit.com


There are many places that sell flowers, but if you’d like to find a beautiful bouquet for a special occasion or special someone, you should head straight to Espoir Flower Boutique at the Rosewood Hotel, on Al Maryah Island. Telephone: 02 449 4133 Instagram: @espoirflowers

If you drop your phone and break the screen, or find you need to back-up any of your devices, head to HiPhone Telecom in Mushrif Mall and ask for the technician Akram. This helpful technician will be able to fix your screen, back-up your phone, laptop or iPad for a reasonable price and quickly. We can definitely recommend him! Telephone: 055 343 4039 Website: www.hiphonetelecom.com/ae


‫خـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــريف‬



yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155 ‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae ZSC Sports Academy Zayed Sports City www.zsc.ae

02 403 4222

Tennis at The Club

Al Mina (members only) 02 573 1111 www.the-club.com

‫تز‬ ‫ال�لج عىل الماء‬

Wakeboarding and Waterskiing Al Forsan International Sports Resort 10th September to 7th December 13 Weeks Day






4:00 pm 4:45 pm

3 – 6 yrs. 6 yrs. +


Jui Jitsu

4:00 pm 4:45 pm

3 – 6 yrs. 6 yrs. +



4:00 pm 4:45 pm

3 – 6 yrs. 6 yrs. +


Fun Dance Fitness

4:00 pm 4:45 pm

3 – 6 yrs. 6 yrs. +

Rhythmic Gymnastics

4:00 pm 4:45 pm

3 – 6 yrs. 6 yrs. +




We offer a 10% siblings discount for families more Please callwith us on than one child enrolled in our +971 2 885 3555 ext. 5 program or 10% discount for or contact our Health the second full package and Fitness team at purchased

healthclub@adgolfclub.a e


• One Class Per Week, All fees paid are not refundable and nontransferable unless agreed with management in writing. • All attendance must be claimed before the 7th December 2017. • Terms and conditions apply.


Inspire Sports Management

Abu Dhabi Country Club

ISM Sports

Abu Dhabi International Tennis Complex

Al Bateen 050 157 5508 www.inspiresports.ae Various locations www.ismsports.org

050 519 3899

Little Stars Swimming Club Al Mushrif 050 781 0635 www.littlestarsabudhabi.com Neptunes Swim Academy

Al Yasmina School 056 725 3163 www.neptuneswim.com

Swimming at The Club

Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com

Al Mushrif 02 657 7765 www.adcountryclub.com

Zayed Sports City www.zsc.ae

Various Locations 055 807 2482 www.advantagesportsuae.com

CF Tennis Academy

Various locations 800 TENNIS www.cftennisacademy.com

Lead Right Tennis

Rotana Hotels & St Regis Hotels Leadright sports

Zayed Sports City www.zsc.ae


050 660 8800

02 403 4222

Al Seef Village Al Dhabi compound www.yogaone.ae

055 716 4845


02 697 9302

Party Food

‫مأكوالت الحفالت‬

Arlequin Caterers

Halla Walla

Yas Links Golf Club www.hallawalla.ae

056 991 3800

Hiltonia Beach Club Al Khubeirah 02 639 5997 www.watercooleddubai.com

‫ركوب أ‬ ‫المواج‬ ُ 02 558 1889


Hiltonia Beach Club Al Khubeirah 02 639 5997 www.watercooleddubai.com

‫اليوغا ورياضة البيالتس‬

Yoga & Pilates

Khalifa City bonniebakesuae

056 752 6648

Cake Away


Cupcake Couture

Khalifa City 056 733 7324 CupcakeCoutureAbuDhabi

Edible Arrangements

Khalidiyah Mall 02 658 1116 www.ediblearrangements.ae

Fresh Bakes Cafe

Al Raha Mall freshbakescafe



02 556 3011

056 601 2542

La Cuisine De Manou

Advantage Sports UAE

Various Locations www.advantagesportsuae.com Al Danah 02 677 0611 www.barefootuae.com

Bodytree Studio

Al Karamah 02 443 4448 www.bodytreestudio.com

Inspire Sports Management

Al Bateen 050 157 5508 www.inspiresports.ae

Jump Sports Academies Various locations www.jumpsports.ae

Al Hosn 02 666 6855 www.arlequincaterers.com

Bonnie Bakes

Barefoot UAE

Advantage Sports UAE

Padel Tennis


02 403 4222

02 444 4945

YogaOne UAE

Al Zahiyah www.rotana.com

Beach Rotana

Various Locations www.noukhada.ae Various Locations 052 849 1010 www.h2oswimclub.com

Zayed Sports City www.theroom.ae


Noukhada Adventure Company


The Room

02 556 8555


H2O Swim Club

Various Locations 050 349 2336 www.letsgoyogame.com

Khalifa City www.alforsan.com

Watercooled Please call us on +971 2 885 3555 ext. 5 or contact our Health and Fitness team at healthclub@adgolfclub.ae

Let’s Go Yoga

02 449 4621

02 552 6608 www.lacuisinedemanou.ae

Lana’s Partiperfect

Al Marina www.partiperfect.ae

02 681 0090

Living Room Café

Al Khalidiyah 02 639 6654 www.thelivingroomcafeabudhabi.com

Magnolia Bakery The Galleria Mall

02 674 9380

Mama’s CupCakes

Al Nahyan 02 445 2244 www.mamascupcakery.com

Sweet Celebrations 056 553 7654 www.sweetcelebrations.ae

!‫خاص باألطفال‬ ‫منظمي الحفالت‬

Party Organisers Advantage Sports UAE

055 807 2482 www.advantagesportsuae.com

Big Party Box

www.bigpartybox.com 050 257 5010

Cheeky Little Events

04 388 6114 www.cheekylittleevents.com

Happynest Play House

Gardens Plaza Al Raha 02 676 0605 www.happynestplayhouse.ae

Kidz Factory

Al Wahda Mall 02 671 1269 www.kidzfactory-uae.com

Adventure HQ

Dalma Mall Yas Mall www.adventurehq.ae

02 445 6995 02 565 0872

Khalifa City www.alforsan.com

02 556 8555

Al Forsan International Sports Resort


Marina Mall www.bounce.ae

04 321 1400

Build A Bear Birthday Parties Al Whada Mall Yas Mall www.buildabear.ae


The Galleria Al Maryah Island www.caboodle.ae

02 641 1190 02 565 1672

02 616 6974


Emirates Park Zoo and Resort

Khalifa City 056 335 3729 www.kidzunpluggedmena.com

Al Bahia 02 501 0000 www.emiratesparkzooandresort.com

Music Monkeys

Fun Works

Various locations 056 622 5664 www.musicmonkeys.ae

Splash ‘n’ Bounce

04 813 5785 www.splashnbounce.com

The Events Atelier


050 814 5763

Tiny Bean Events 055 843 6574 www.tinybeanevents.com

‫مستلزمات الحفالت‬

Party Supplies ABC Balloon


02 627 7090

02 621 1101

Yas Mall www.funworks.ae


Al Marina www.hallabolou.com

02 565 1639

02 622 2285

Happynest Play House

Gardens Plaza Al Raha 02 676 0605 www.happynestplayhouse.ae

Kool Kidz

World Trade Center Mall 02 677 0954 www.koolkidz.ae

Lana’s Partiperfect, Cooking Al Marina www.partiperfect.ae

02 681 0090

Little World Discovery Center Nation Galleria Corniche 02 681 8824 Bubbles Murjan Splash Park

Party Centre

Al Raha Mall 02 556 5563 Al Wahda Mall 02 445 9595 www.mypartycentre.com

Party Souq


Party Venues Action Zone

Capital Mall, MBZ 02 672 0303 Boutik Mall, Reem Island 02 666 5758 www.facebook.com/actionzoneuae Al Mushrif www.artbeatad.com

Khalifa Park 052 408 5232 www.murjansplashpark.weebly.com

My First Gym

Al Nahyan 02 444 3560 www.myfirstgymuae.com

Orange Spin

‫أماكن إقامة الحفالت‬

Art Beat UAE


055 269 8011

Al Wahda Mall www.orange-spin.com 02 306 7111

Orange Wheels

Al Wahda Mall 02 667 4411 www.orangewheels.com

Wonderland Paintball Sports

Al Rahba 056 938 2444 www.wonderlandpaintball.com

Zayed Sports City www.zsc.ae

02 403 4648

yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155 ‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae


‫خـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــريف‬



yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae

AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS MY FIRST GYM My First Gym is a family fitness club as well as a leading provider of health and fitness in Abu Dhabi. The Gym offers fun and innovative programs for children, between the ages of


Advantage Sports Services is one of the most respected and well-known sports training companies in the UAE. Classes available include, tennis, swimming, football, ballet, karate, Jiu Jitsu, yoga, dance, functional training

6 weeks to 13 years; that build self-esteem and stronger bodies. The

classes and personal training.

Club’s mission is to empower the youth of today and tomorrow, by

Location: Various Tel: 055 807 2482 Email: programs@advantagesportsuae.com Website: www.advantagesportsuae.com

teaching them the life-long benefits of staying fit, eating right and living a healthy lifestyle from an early age. Location: Delma Street Tel: 02 444 3560 Email: contact@myfirstgymuae.com Website: www.myfirstgym.com


The Abu Dhabi Golf Club Future Falcons Golf Program is for kids of all ages and abilities. The coaching is perfect for new and experienced golfers! Open for Juniors aged between 5 and 15 years of age. Location: Abu Dhabi Golf Club Tel: 02 885 3555 Email: cork@adgolfclub.ae Website: www.adgolfclub.com


Art Central follows international standards to become a one-stop destination that’s every artist’s dream come true. From premium art supplies, to top-class art services such as fine artworks of different types, photo printing and framing, as well as art workshops. The venue provides artists with both tools and inspiration to fuel their passion and creativity for art - no matter their age. A variety of classes available. Location: Boutik Mall, Al Reem Island Tel: 056 201 7970 / 02 679 6795 Email: info@artcentral.ae Website: www.artcentral.ae


Abu Dhabi Saracens is a family-orientated rugby club based in Abu Dhabi. The Club has Junior, Senior Men’s and Women’s teams competing across the UAE. The Junior squad welcomes children, aged 3 to 11 years. Various training sessions held each week. Location: Al Ghazal Golf Club Tel: 056 242 2231 Email: info.saracens@gmail.com Website: www.saracensabudhabi.com




Abu Dhabi Harlequins offers rugby coaching to all ages. The Club has a strong Juniors section, with squads from Under 4 all the way up to Under 19. Location : Zayed Sports City Email: dor@abudhabiquins.com Website: www.abudhabiquins.com


‫نوادي ما بعد اليوم المدرسي‬ ULTIMATE ATHLETICS


Academy for aspiring athletes of all ages

kids. The revolutionary concept aims at the overall development of kids

and abilities. The Club’s coaches are ex

through series of activities like physical play, music, dance, arts

National and International athletes, highly

and craft.

qualified, motivated and passionate. There are session options and long distance, long jump, triple jump, high jump, hurdles, shot,

Location: Al Wahda Mall, ground floor extension Tel : 02 667 4411 Email: knockknock@orangewheels.com

discus, javelin and strength and conditioning.

Website: www.orangewheels.com

Ultimate Athletics is a Track and Field

three days a week and coaches for each discipline, sprints, middle

Location: New York University. Saadiyat Island Tel: 04 382 7813 Email: info@ultimateathleticsuae.com Website: www.ultimateathleticsuae.com


Regional Sports Academy has established itself as one of the leading academies in Abu Dhabi. All academy players have the opportunity to compete in local leagues, play in tournaments and experience football international tours. Location: Khalifa City, Muroor Road and Reem Island Tel: 02 562 7777 / 050 610 4466 Email: info@regionalsports.ae Website: www.regionalsports.ae


Orange Wheels is a fun-filled, one-stop indoor edutainment venue for


The Music Hub provides piano, guitar, drum, flute, clarinet, saxophone, violin, vocal and music theory lessons to students of all ages and levels, either at the Music Hub or in their own home. Saturday Glee Club gives students the chance to sing and perform some of their favourite songs at an end of term show, while KiddyKeys classes are a fun way to introduce younger children, from 18 months to five years old, to the basics of music. Call to book a free instrumental or vocal trial lesson. Location : 202, Falcon Tower, Al Nasr Street Tel: 02 632 7888 Email: contact@musichub.ae Website: www.musichub.ae

ZSC Academy at Zayed Sports City provides high-quality coaching for people of all ages and skill levels. Registration is now open in the disciplines of football, tennis and ice skating. Location: Zayed Sports City & Emirates Palace Tel: 02 403 4200 Email: academy@zsc.ae Website: zscacademy.ae


Motion Studios of Performing Arts is a powerhouse for leading


Young golf fans can also sign up for coaching at the Saadiyat Beach Golf Club Future Falcons Golf Program. Coaching is suitable for kids of all ages and abilities. Location: Saadiyat Beach Golf Club Tel: 050 831 0048 Email: jstander@sbgolfclub.ae Website: www.sbgolfclub.ae

the way in performing arts in one of Abu Dhabi’s most exciting, innovative performing arts studios. Training is available in ballet, jazz, contemporary, tap, street, music, drama, musical theatre, martial arts, fitness and more. Location: Al Zeina Tel: 800 6772 Email: info@mspa.ae Website: www.mspa.ae

yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae

2017 2017

‫خـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــريف‬



‫تدريس اللغات‬

Language Tuition Alliance Française

Al Bateen www.afabudhabi.org

02 612 2900

American Language Center Al Markaziyah

050 757 0613


Al Khalidiyah www.berlitz.ae

02 667 2287

yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae Goethe Institute Al Zahiyah www.goethe.de

02 672 7920

‫الحضانات ورياض أ‬ ‫الطفال‬

Nurseries & Pre-schools *Suitable for Babies Bedayati Nursery

Al Najda Street 02 444 4490 Delma Street 055 642 4000 www.bedayatinursery.ae

*Blooming Buds Nursery

Al Bateen 02 491 8068 www.bloomingbudsnursery.com

*Bright Beginnings Nursery

British Council

Al Khalidiyah 600 529 995 www.britishcouncil.ae

English Plus Language Al Zahiyah www.englishplus.ae

02 676 8008

Eton Institute

Khalifa Park 02 449 9649 www.etoninstitute.com

Al Mushrif 02 449 2840 Al Mehairba 02 445 5339 Saadiyat 02 628 4816 www.brightbeginnings.ae

*British Orchard Nursery

Al Nahyan 02 443 9892 Al Bateen 02 622 2903 www.britishorchardnursery.com

Busy Bees Nursery

Muroor Road 02 621 9492 www.busybees-nursery.com

*Children’s House Montessori Nursery Khalifa City chmnursery

02 444 1150

Falcon British Nursery

Nr Zayed Sports City 02 444 8814 www.falconbritishnursery.com

Greenopia Nursery

Al Rowdah 056 293 9344 www.greenopia-nursery.com

Humpty Dumpty Nursery

Al Bateen 02 666 3277 Khalifa City 02 556 1068 www.humptynursery.org

Kidz Venture

Mangrove Village www.kidzventure.ae

02 550 0255


*Jigsaw Nursery & Crèche

Mohammed Bin Zayed City 02 648 9749 Al Karamah 02 445 5222 www.jigsawnursery.ae

Kids Academy

Al Bateen Al Mushrif www.kids-academy.ae

*Kipina Kids Nursery Al Bateen Al Mushrif www.kipinakids.com

02 446 6484 02 441 1991

02 667 2445 02 658 9529

Ladybird Nursery

The only UK Accredited nursery in Abu Dhabi

AGE GROUPS 6 weeks - 5 years HOURS 6:45am - 6pm

Al Bateen 02 667 3881 www.lady-bird-nursery.com

Learning Spaces Nursery

Khalifa City 02 556 6135 www.learningspacesnurseries.com

Les FanFans Nursery Al Zafranah www.lesfanfans.com

02 639 0390

Little Haven Nursery

Al Karamah 02 447 9688 www.littlehavennursery.com

Little Smarties Nursery

Khalifa City 02 556 5500 www.littlesmartiesnursery.com

MindChamps Nursery Bloom Gardens www.mindchamps.ae

02 8156 540

Mosaic Nursery

Al Reem Island 02 677 8797 www.mosaicnursery.com

Odyssey Nursery

Khalifa City 056 484 5510 www.odysseynursery.com



+971 2 444 8814 www.falconbritishnursery.com info@falconbritishnursery.com

Redwood Nursery

Khalifa City 02 556 4611 Saadiyat Island 056 156 6278 www.theredwoodnursery.com

Second Home Nursery

Mohammed Bin Zayed City 02 553 6565 www.secondhomenursery.com

Sesame Street Private Nursery

Al Nahyan 02 448 8424 www.sesamestreetprivatenursery.com

Smart Learning Nursery

Al Reef 02 582 2277 Smart-Learning-Nursery

*Starfish Lane Kids

Khalifa City 056 463 5187 www.starfishlanekids.com



provides inspiring education to children aged 45 days to 5 years old in a nurturing and encouraging setting. We endeavour to create a happy, friendly, safe and welcoming Montessori environment while inspiring young minds and setting the foundations for lifelong learning. Belonging ... Inspiring ... Evolving

Registration Open

yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ ToKhalifa AdvertiseCity, call 056 399 Dhabi 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae info@thechildrenshousemontessori.com 2017 Abu

Tel: 02 444 1150 or 056 471 2900

‫خـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــريف‬






yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae


Are you ready for an EDUVENTURE? Be prepared for a year filled with fun, creative learning, unique programs and exciting activities!



Al Bateen 02 622 2903 Al Nahyan 02 443 9892

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awards, branches, ‫ الكتروني‬than ‫على بريد‬25 ‫مراسلتنا‬ ‫ أو‬056 39916 5155 ‫يرجى اإلتصال على‬and ‫لإلعالن‬tens yalla@yallauae.aeMore happy children this decade To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email:of yalla@yallauae.ae

of thousands 2017 ‫خـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــريف‬


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yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae


‫‪ 25‬خـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــريف‬


‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‪ 056 399 5155‬أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني ‪yalla@yallauae.ae‬‬ ‫‪To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae‬‬


yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae

Stepping Stones Nursery www.bloomingbudsnursery.com

Our ethos is that each child is an individual, progressing and learning at their own rate through activities embedded in purposeful play. OUR AGE GROUPS ARE Brilliant Branches: 1-2 years old Brave Buds: 2-3 years old Brainy Blooms: 3-4 years old

Exceptionally vast outdoor area with 7 areas of learning

02 681 5583 02 558 8318 02 443 4430 02 556 5991

Sunny Meadows Montessori Nursery

Khalifa City 02 566 0806 Al Rayyana 056 508 6939 www.sunny-meadows.com

*Teddy Bear American Nursery

Khalifa City 02 556 8566 Al Bateen 056 723 1167 www.teddybearnursery.net

Treehouse Nursery Impeccable high standards in Health and Safety

Highly qualified and experienced staff HAAD licensed Clinic and Nurse We follow the EYFS framework, the British Curriculum for Early Years Education


Al Bateen Between the Bridges East Corniche Khalifa City www.steppingstones.ae


Hours of Opening 7:30 am-3:00 pm 02-4918068 02-491 8069 blooms68@eim.ae www.facebook.com/Bloomingbudsnursery/

Khalifa City 02 556 0556 www.treehousenursery.ae

*Windsor Early Years Nursery

‫البتدائية والثانوية‬ ‫المدارس إ‬

Primary & Secondary Schools Aldar Academies Al Bateen Academy

Al Rowdah 02 813 2000 www.aldaracademies.com

Aldar Academies Al Mamoura Academy

Abu Dhabi City 02 885 7001 www.aldaracademies.com

Aldar Academies Al Muna Academy

Al Danah 02 501 4777 www.aldaracademies.com

Aldar Academies Al Yasmina Academy

Khalifa City 02 557 9295 www.windsor-nursery.com

Khalifa City 02 501 4888 www.aldaracademies.com

*Yellow Submarine Nursery

Aldar Academies The Pearl Academy

Al Muneera 02 673 1009 Al Zeina 02 553 1179 www.yellowsubmarine.ae

Al Dhafrah 02 641 8887 www.pearlprimary.sch.ae

Aldar Academies West Yas Academy Yas Island www.aldaracademies.com

Advertisement Feature

!‫لكم‬ What makes a motivated and eager learner? “Learning skills are outstanding for almost all students because they are motivated and eager learners.” ADEC Inspection Report, 2016-17 Academic Year

School life works best when it’s experiential, collaborative and fun.

Our mantra at Cranleigh centres on the bene�its of a pupil-led, holistic education. We believe that a strong academic programme needs to be accompanied by an equally strong co-curricular offering and innovative teaching approaches that ensure children ‘learn how to learn’. In particular, as educators of the whole child, we deliver an engaging and enriching timetable that is underpinned by solid moral and ethical values.

When children are happy and engaged, they learn.

It stands to reason therefore, that �inding ways to actively involve pupils in their learning – giving them some responsibility for it – is one of our highest priorities. We like to think of it as a bit of a role reversal. Rather than considering a child’s mind as an empty vessel waiting to be �illed with facts and �igures, our teachers encourage children to talk, read and research for themselves so they are full of ideas, questions and understanding in the classroom. There are all kinds of ways to bring learning alive: individual and group projects, team challenges, �ilm making, role plays, performances, debates – the list is endless. Technology is also a key facilitator. Critically, bringing the real world into the classroom and the classroom out into the real world plays a huge role.

Co-curricular opportunities on and off campus should not be a nice-to-have; they should be built into the timetable.

Trips and excursions open the door to a plethora of personal and team challenges that develop con�idence and resilience. Whether it’s a week adventuring and working with a school in Nepal, a trip to take part in the World Scholar’s Cup or a day out learning about ecosystems while kayaking in the Mangroves here in Abu Dhabi, taking children out of their comfort zones builds character.

The opportunity to foster life skills exists in abundance within the routine school day as well. When children go from Maths to Dance, something magical happens. Their energy and creativity levels rise and stay high. By integrating sport, art, design, drama, dance and music into the weekly timetable – and offering challenging academic extension opportunities for able pupils – a school can and should provide opportunities for all children to �ind their niche, as well as take an interest in and show respect for, each other’s diversity.

The responsibility we carry as a school is significant. It is our duty to raise up global citizens of the future, each with unique skills built upon the foundations of tolerance, mutual respect and common decency.

We are privileged to have been chosen as a pilot school for the UAE’s powerful new Moral Education Programme (MEP), an initiative based on the directions of His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. The MEP �its neatly with and adds value to our existing curriculum. Its four pillars of Character & Morality, The Individual & The Community, Civic Studies, and Cultural Studies, further enhance the journey that pupils travel with us as they develop into global citizens.

For more information on a Cranleigh education please

‫لإلعالن‬ yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155‫اإلتصال على‬ email‫يرجى‬ admissions@cranleigh.ae or call 02 497 0000 To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae 2017

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FOR YOU! Al Yasat Private School

Al Shamkha 02 641 2300 www.alyasat-school.com

American Community School of Abu Dhabi Al Bateen www.acs.sch.ae

02 681 5115

American International School of Abu Dhabi

yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae Cranleigh Abu Dhabi Saadiyat Island www.cranleigh.ae

02 497 0000

GEMS American Academy

Khalifa City 02 557 4880 www.gemsaa-abudhabi.com

GEMS Cambridge International School

Amity International School

Bawabat Al Sharq Bani Yas City 02 510 4343 www.gemscambridgeinternationalschoolabudhabi.com

Aspen Heights British School

Baniyas West 02 205 9777 www.gemsunitedindianschoolabudhabi.com

Al Rayhan www.aisa.sch.ae

02 444 4333

Al Bahya 02 503 9000 www.amityabudhabi.com Al Bahya www.ahbs.ae

056 635 5705

Brighton College Abu Dhabi

Near Khalifa Park 02 815 6500 www.brightoncollege.ae

British School Al Khubairat

Al Mushrif 02 446 2280 www.britishschool.sch.ae

Canadian International School

Khalifa City 02 556 4206 www.cisabudhabi.com

Gems United Indian School

GEMS Winchester School

Al Dhafrah 02 403 5499 www.gemswinchesterschoolabudhabi.com

GEMS World Academy

Al Dhafrah 02 641 6333 www.gemsworldacademy-abudhabi. com

German International School Al Karamah www.gisad.ae

02 666 8668


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Global Indian International School

Baniyas East 02 218 1585 www.globalindianschool.org

Lycee Louis Massignon Al Rayhan www.llm.ae

02 444 8085

Raha International School Khalifa City www.ris.ae

02 556 1567

Reach British School

Baniyas East 02 582 2030 www.reachbritishschool.com

Repton School Abu Dhabi

Al Reem Island Shams Area 02 507 4800 www.reptonabudhabi.org

The British International School Abu Dhabi

Mohammed Bin Zayed City 02 510 0100 www.nordangliaeducation.com

The Sheikh Zayed Private Academy For Boys

Al Bateen 02 203 3333 www.zayedacademy.ae

The Sheikh Zayed Private Academy For Girls Al Musalla www.szpag.com

02 619 5555

Virginia International Private School Khalifa City www.virginiaschool.ae

02 555 4385

‫التعليم المتخصص‬

Specialist Education British Institute for Learning Development Khalifa City

02 556 6078

Dots & Links

Das Tower Al Khalidiyah www.dotsandlinks.ae

02 666 0948

Future Centre for Special Needs

Mohammed Bin Zayed City 02 553 3506 www.future-centre.org

Kids First Medical Center Khalifa City www.kidsfirstmc.com

02 555 1437


‫‪ 29‬خـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــريف‬


‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‪ 056 399 5155‬أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني ‪yalla@yallauae.ae‬‬ ‫‪To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae‬‬


yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae Guggenheim Abu Dhabi iyat Zayed Port

Saad Island

Louvre Abu Dhabi Zayed National Museum

Al Mina



Cranleigh Abu Dhabi Sheikh Khalifa Bridge

Lulu Island

Dhow Harbour Al Zahiyah


Repton School Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi Mall

Al Danah

0 E1

Al Muna Academy

Al Reem Island Sh

Al Hosn

Al Maryah Island


Madinat Zayed

hZ ay

Mangrov National P


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Al Khalidiyah


The Pearl Academy



Al Musalla

American Community School of Abu Dhabi

Emirates Palace




Al Marina









Al Dhafrah

Al Manhal

Al Mamoura Academy Al Nahyan








t R Al Etihad d)

Umm Al Emarat Park Al Bateen Academy British School Al Rowdah Al Khubairat Al Kh ale ej Ar Royal Stables ab iS Al Mushrif t( 30 th )

Al Khubeirah

Al Ras Al Akhdar

Al Zafranah

yhan Al Ra Brighton College

Al Rehaan American International School of Abu Dhabi

Al Bateen Coconut Island

Al Bateen Boat Yard Al Hudayriat Island



This map is not to scale & is intended as a representation of Abu Dhabi only.

© Phoenix Media & Publications FZ LLC, 2017


adiyat Golf Club Al Shahma

Ramhan Island


Aspen Heights British School


Yas Waterworld

Al Jubail Island



bi -


ai R

Amity International School Al Bahya

Yas Island

Emirates Park Zoo


Zeera Island

West Yas Academy Ferrari World Abu Dhabi

Umm Yifenah Island

Yas Marina Circuit

ve Park Samaliyah Island

Abu Dhabi International Airport

Sas Al Nakhl

Khalifa Park Sheikh Zayed Bridge

Al Muntazah Zayed Sports City

Khor Al Maqta’a

Al Yasmina Academy Khalifa City

Al Maqta Bridge

Umm Al Nar

Masdar City

Al Ain Zoo

Sheikh Zayed Cricket Stadium

Al Maqta Zayed University Zayed City

ffah Bri


Mohammad Bin Zayed City

The British International School Abu Dhabi Al Mafraq

Al Shawamekh 1

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque Al M usa




Al Raha International School

Reach British School


Bawabat Al Sharq

yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae


‫ـريف‬ ‫ خـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ‬31 Yalla Schools Distributing




yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae


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‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‪ 056 399 5155‬أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني ‪yalla@yallauae.ae‬‬ ‫‪To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae‬‬

Yalla Exclusive


Annabel Karmel

Annabel Karmel spoke to Yalla about the importance of eating a healthy diet and shared some top tips for what to put in your child’s lunchbox!

you don’t give them new foods, the fussier they’ll get. It’s a good idea to plan ahead and make more than one meal, for instance I’ll make a batch of chicken burgers or lasagne or several fish pies in individual ramekins and then just whip them out when I really need them, rather than cooking every night.

What would your initial advice be for a family looking to shake-up what they eat?

Which fruits and vegetables should families be stocking up on?

When routines are busy, it’s easy to fall back on your bank of go-to dishes because you know everyone will devour them, but it’s so important to introduce a variety of flavours into your child’s diet from an early age to ensure a healthy relationship with food. They say variety is the spice of life so it’s good to have a few different dishes up your sleeve that you can surprise your family with.

Do you think it’s easy for families to get stuck in a rut when it comes to mealtimes? Absolutely. As parents we try to do our best, but sometimes hectic schedules and busy weeks get in the way of us being able to wear that ‘super parent’ cape every day, dutifully serving-up a healthy home cooked meal for the whole family. The problem is, it’s all too easy to get stuck in a rut and you end up giving your kids four or five things you know they like, and don’t try them on anything else. The more


COLOURFUL QUINOA SALAD Prep time: 10 minutes (excluding chill time) Cook time: 15 minutes Makes: 6 child portions Dairy Free


The main thing is to try and include as many colourful fruits and veggies in your family’s diet as possible. Here are some of my top superfoods that will help ensure your families are fully stocked up on lots of nutritious goodness. Avocados. They’re rich in monounsaturated fat (the ‘good type’ of fat) as well as vitamin E which boosts our immune system. Kale. This culinary superhero is filled with essential nutrients and vitamins including iron and vitamin K. Broccoli. These mini trees are a powerful source of vitamin C and also contain betacarotene, folic acid, iron, potassium, and anticancer phytonutrients.

A, sweet potatoes are packed full of goodness and are really versatile – why not try roasting in the oven with a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese and sage as a healthy alternative to chips.

What would be a healthy meal option for breakfast, lunch & dinner? Breakfast A bowl of porridge makes a great start to the day, and will give you & your family long-lasting reserves of energy thanks to the slow release of complex carbs. Top with fresh berries or banana to add extra sweetness (and to kick-start the day with 1 of your 5-a-day). Lunch A quick and easy frittata is a lunch-time essential in my household. Eggs are such a good source of protein, iron and zinc. Pack yours with lots of colourful veggies. My children, who are now all grown up, used to love this (and still do!)

5 a day

Blueberries. They are jam-packed with vitamin C & can help you fight off colds, so it’s an essential ingredient for your family throughout the year. Sweet Potato. An excellent source of Vitamin

Dinner Sometimes all kids want is their favourite spaghetti bolognese! So why not tempt your tots with a delicious healthier homemade version of this kids’ favourite. My hidden veggie bolognese is always a hit. A tomatobased sauce with 5 vegetables blended in - so tasty you won’t hear a peep! What kids can’t see they can’t pick out!

Ingredients 250g /9oz cooked red and white quinoa (or 150 g/5 oz dried quinoa) 198g / 7oz tin sweetcorn, drained ½ sweet red pepper, deseeded and diced 4 spring onions, finely sliced 4 tablespoons chopped cashew nuts (optional) 30g / 1oz sultanas or raisins Freshly chopped parsley, to garnish

Dressing 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar ½ garlic clove, crushed A pinch of sugar 6 tablespoons light olive oil

Ripe Organic offers the best quality organic fruit and veggies in town. The organic produce is harvested from local farms and can be on your plate within 48 hours! The company has a huge variety of organic produce from cucumber and kale to sweet potatoes, watermelon and dates. As well as the fresh organic items,

you can also buy organic dairy, eggs, chicken, and many other daily essentials. Home delivery is available 7 days a week.www.ripeme.com


Method 1. If using dried quinoa, rinse it in a sieve under cold running water before following the instructions on the packet. Once it is cooked and all the water has been absorbed, remove from the heat and leave uncovered for about 5

AED 100



minutes, then fluff up the quinoa with a fork. 2. Add the remaining ingredients to the quinoa and season with salt and pepper (if using). 3. Mix all of the dressing ingredients together in a bowl; pour it over the salad and mix to combine. 4. Chill for 30 minutes then garnish with parsley to serve.

We have 5 x AED 100 vouchers to give away to 5 lucky winners! If you’d like to win, simply answer the following question: What is yellow and needs to be peeled? A) A banana RIPE B) A pear RIPE C) An orange

Email your answer to win@yallauae.ae by November 1st, 2017. *Terms and conditions apply. Visit www.yallaabudhabi.ae

Yalla Exclusive

‫أسئلة وأجوبة مع أنابيل كارميل‬ Which 5 items would you put into a child’s lunchbox? The humble sarnie still has its place but consider white bread alternatives like wholemeal pitta pockets, wraps or bagels and be creative with your fillings; tuna, chopped egg, griddled chicken, shredded lettuce etc. You can even get your little ones to help you with the prep! Veggie batons and dips are really popular. You can wrap sugar snap peas, carrot, pepper or cucumber sticks in damp kitchen paper to stop them drying out, and spoon hummus or guacamole into a pot. Salads are great ways of topping up vitamin consumption and there are endless flavours and combinations to play with. Snacks needn’t be public enemy number one. A delicious homemade savoury muffin makes for a delicious snack and will help top up your children’s energy levels mid-afternoon. Mini bites such as falafels, little veggie or chicken balls are the perfect protein packed finger food and are a fantastic way to pack in veggies. They are also ideal for batch-cooking and freezing, in readiness for those busy days.

Should we make more of an effort to make sure we’ve had our 5-a-day? We should all be aiming to hit our 5-a-day – children and adults alike. It can be a tricky one but it’s important to introduce as many veggies as possible at an early age. I think the

VEGGIE BITES Prep time: 30 minutes Cook time: 15 minutes Makes: 15 veggie balls Freezable

best thing is to be a up front about fruit and vegetables, tell them where they come from and why they are so good for you. Giving them facts could make them more interested about what they are eating. Ensure you have at least one portion of fruit or vegetables in each main meal and then use healthy snacks to make up the rest of their daily quota. Sometimes the simplest ideas are the most effective in tempting little ones to eat well. Threading colourful bite-sized pieces of fruit or veggies onto a straw or skewer not only makes it fun for children, it offers them a wide variety of nutritious foods, too.

Describe the perfect snack for in-between mealtimes. Pieces of fruit or batons of cucumber and carrot, perhaps with a protein packed homemade hummus are great options. My mini energy balls from my latest cookbook are also perfect for healthy snacking. Free of refined sugar and packed with oats, seeds, nuts and dates, these delicious healthy snacks will give your child (along with the rest of the family) a mid-morning or afternoon energy boost.

What’s the best piece of advice you’d give a parent when dealing with a fussy eater?

If you had to choose one, what would be your favourite dish? My one-pot roast chicken from my Busy Mum’s Cookbook – it’s a delicious, easy, all-in-one meal that feeds the whole family.

You’ve built up an incredible business – one families around the world love. What are your plans for the rest of 2017? We are heavily investing in our digital channels as we currently attract 4.3 million users annually so we will be developing even more content and helpful advice for parents. We also want to work on making our products available for even more parents in even more territories.

Fussiness is a big issue for lots of parents; it’s often easier to give in to a child’s demands than battle a whopper of a toddler tantrum. My advice is to try and introduce tasty, healthy alternatives early on. For example, it’s no

Ingredients 1 large white potato (about 440 g/15 oz) 40g / 1½oz dried or Panko breadcrumbs 50g / 2oz carrot, grated 4 spring onions, chopped 50g / 2oz brown mushrooms, chopped 40g / 1½oz grated Parmesan cheese 1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil 1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme 2 teaspoons soy sauce 1 teaspoon sweet chilli sauce 1–2 tablespoons plain flour 2 tablespoons sunflower oil


secret that children love chips so why not try baking sweet potato wedges with a sprinkling of Parmesan instead? They are naturally sweet and baking them in the oven caramelises the natural flavour – kids will love them. Also, don’t be too hard on yourself. Believe me, I went through it with my extremely fussy son and came out the other side! Remember that your child may need to try a new food 10 to 15 times before they are willing to eat it, so persevere!

Method 1. Prick the potato and bake it in the microwave for 7–10 minutes until soft. Leave to cool, then cut it in half and scoop out the flesh – you will need 250 g/9 oz potato. 2. Put the cool potato and remaining ingredients (except the flour and the oil) in the bowl of a food processor and blitz until chopped. Transfer the mixture to a bowl, season lightly with salt and pepper (if using) and shape it into 15 equal-sized balls.

Farmbox aims at delivering the freshest, tastiest and healthiest Organic produces directly to families at home. The company offers two ranges: 100% Organic mostly from Europe or a mix of local organic and conventional. You can choose between a fruits box, veg box or a mix box, as well as selecting the

3. Place the flour in a bowl and lightly coat the balls in flour. Transfer them to plate and chill for 15 minutes. 4. Heat the oil in a frying pan until hot. Fry the balls for about 2 minutes until golden all over and heated through. Serve with cucumber sticks and halved cherry tomatoes, or a mayonnaise dip with sweet chilli sauce.

size of box you’d like. Plus, you can even add organic eggs, and soon organic milk. Weekly deliveries are available across the UAE. Enjoy 30% off your first order. Go to the Farmbox website www.farmbox.ae and enter the YALLA discount code at checkout!


‫خـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــريف‬



yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae

Al Bahya, Abu Dhabi


Aspen Heights British School (AHBS) is a new British-Curriculum School located in Al Bahya, Abu Dhabi opening in September 2017. In its inaugural year the school will cater for children from FS1 to Year 6 (age 3-11), growing year-on-year to year 13 (age 18). Children at AHBS benefit from our outstanding, purpose-built academic and sporting facilities and will be inspired by our exciting and creative curriculum, interwoven with opportunities to explore our incredible locality through environmental themes. Aspen Heights British School provides a supportive, engaging and international environment, enabling children to flourish and mature into highly skilled, resilient and caring global citizens.


Join the Principal and team at Aspen Heights and learn about all aspects of day-to-day school life in our busy community focused school.

Register to attend the Open Day at Aspen Heights British School on 28th September 2017 at


 admissions@ahbs.ae  056 635 57 05



14,000 Students

2,000 Staff

17 Schools

5 Countries

4 Curricula

1 Global Family



‫خـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــريف‬


‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‪ 056 399 5155‬أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني ‪yalla@yallauae.ae‬‬ ‫‪To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae‬‬

FOR YOU! Math Help

yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae

Math Enrichment

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Our goal is to enhance your child’s math skills, understanding of math concepts, and overall school performance, and there is no better time than now. Gear up and commit to supporting your Child. Start your school MATH right note.

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Kip McGrath Education Centre Al Raha Mall 02 558 8505

8/2/17 1:43 PM www.kipmcgrath.ae

Know How For Management Consulting

www.knowhowtrg.com 02 671 2220

Mathnasium The Math Learning Center Al Muroor Road Khalifa City Al Reem www.mathnasium.ae

056 611 4212 02 555 8785 02 491 0122

Al Mussafah 02 691 8888 www.neccabudhabi.org

Speech Therapy Abu Dhabi

02 556 5500

Stars for Special Abilities Al Zafranah www.starzuae.com

Sylvan Learning

02 446 2048

Mohammed Bin Zayed City 02 650 8505 www.sylvanme.com



Al Nahyan 02 444 1100 www.taleemcentre.com



Carfax Education

02 401 2594 www.carfax-education.ae

Dots & Links

New England Center for Children

Khalifa City

Taleem Training and Skills Development Centre

Das Tower Al Khalidiyah www.dotsandlinks.ae

02 666 0948

Kip McGrath Education Centre Al Raha Mall 02 558 8505 www.kipmcgrath.ae


Native English speaking teachers British curriculum international school Purpose built with modern facilities

Seats still available

REGISTER NOW FS1 TO YEAR 10 AGES 3 TO 15 ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399| 5155 ‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ yalla@yallauae.ae admissions@reachbritishschool.com +971(0)25822030 | www.reachbritishschool.com To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae 2017

‫ خـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــريف‬39

FOR YOU! ،‫اللياقة البدنية‬ ‫ والعافية‬،‫الجمال‬ FITNESS, BEAUTY & WELLBEING

‫تصفيف الشعر‬


Khalifa City A www.anahataspa.ae

*Kool Kidz

Fitness First


Haddins Gym

World Trade Center Mall 02 677 0954 www.koolkidz.ae Eastern Mangroves Promenade Al Rayhan 02 449 4044 www.marquee.ae

02 557 7722

Artistic Hair Salon

Dusit Thani Hotel Al Nahyan 02 444 6876 Artistic-Hair-Salon-Dusit-ThaniHotel-Abu-Dhabi

Beauty Spot Salon

Eastern Mangroves Hotel & Spa Al Rayhan 02 656 1149 www.beautyspot.me


Various locations 600 560 037 www.bedashingbeauty.com

Al Bateen 02 222 2501 St. Regis Nation Towers 02 621 0044 www.sistersbeautylounge.com Emirates Palace Al Ras Al Akdhar 02 690 8970 Jumeirah@Etihad Towers 02 665 5459 The Westin Hotel Golf Club Resort 02 558 0344

Tara Rose Hair and Beauty Salon

The Galleria Al Maryah Island www.caboodle.ae

02 616 6974

*City Cut Salon (walk-in)

‫مراكز اللياقة البدنية‬

Fitness Centres

Crowne Plaza Abu Dhabi 055 807 2482 www.advantagesportsuae.com

Abu Dhabi Country Club

Bodytree Studio

Al Zahiyah 02 677 7014 www.cosmopolitansalon.me

Al Karamah 02 443 4448 www.bodytreestudio.com



Al Bandar 02 449 6524 www.cobrafitnessuae.com

Al Zeina 02 555 9902 Al Khalidiyah 02 626 3003 www.glamoursalonuae.com

CrossFit Abu Dhabi


Eden Health Club

Abu Dhabi Country Club Al Mushrif 02 443 2883 www.adcountryclub.com

Hairwaves by Charbel

Khalidiya Palace Rayhan Rotana Al Khalidiyah 02 681 9579 www.hairwavesbycharbel.com

*Hairwaves Barber Shop Sheraton Hotel


Al Khubeirah


02 676 7118 02 681 6678


02 692 4205

The Hot House

Al Zeina 02 583 7753 www.thehothouseuae.com

Let’s Go Yoga

Various Locations www.letsgoyogame.com

Al Mushrif www.crossfitabudhabi.com Le Meridien Hotel Al Zahiyah

02 697 4354

Zayed Sports City www.theroom.ae

02 693 5285 056 331 0310

VivaFit (Women only) Al Khalidiyah www.vivafit.ae

02 444 3012

055 146 6123

02 626 0848

‫تدليك الرضع‬

LLH Hospital

Madinat Zayed www.llhhospital.com

02 633 5522

‫فصول ما قبل وبعد الوالدة‬

Maternity Pre & Post Natal Classes Abu Dhabi Mums Group The Dome @ Rawdhat www.abudhabimums.ae

Burjeel Hospital

Al Dhafrah www.burjeel.com

800 626 945 02 508 5555

Bodytree Studio

Al Karamah 02 443 4448 www.bodytreestudio.com

Corniche Maternity Hospital Ante Natal Class Al Danah www.seha.ae

La Leche League Various locations www.llli.org

02 811 7777

055 542 2081

Let’s Go Yoga

Various Locations 050 349 2336 www.letsgoyogame.com


Infant Massage BounceBack

Yas Marina www.bounceback.ae

02 565 1212

Maternity Hospitals Al Noor Hospital

800 2000

Brightpoint Royal Women’s Hospital

Burjeel Hospital


BAYTI Home Healthcare LLC www.baytihhc.com

‫مستشفيات الوالدة‬

Al Mushrif www.brightpoint.ae

Fit & Flex

Abu Dhabi Golf Club Sas Al Nakhl www.fitnflex.com

The Leisure Club

Various locations www.alnoorhospital.com


Mangrove One Al Muntazah

The Club

The Room

Abu Dhabi Gate City 02 614 9999 www.danatalemarat.ae


Sheraton Fitness

Intercontinental Hotel Al Bateen

Danat Al Emarat Hospital

Baby At Home

Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com

Al Bandar 02 584 8399 www.toniandguyuae.com

Cosmopolitan Salon

Glamour Hair Salon

Al Khubeirah www.hilton.com

Toni and Guy

Al Mushrif 02 657 7777 www.adcountryclub.com

02 558 7558

02 403 4233

Sheraton Abu Dhabi Hotel Corniche 02 697 0272

Dalma Mall city-cut-salon

Sas al Nakhl

Zayed Sports City www.haddins.com

Khalifa City A 02 583 2065 Al Bateen 02 449 5001 www.tararosesalon.com

Advantage Sports UAE


Various Locations 02 674 6991 www.uae.fitnessfirstme.com

Hiltonia Health Club & Spa

Sisters Beauty Salon

ST Beauty

*suitable for children Anahata Spa

yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae

800 7676

Al Dhafrah www.burjeel.com

02 508 5555

Al Danah www.seha.ae

02 672 4900

02 628 0888

Karen Wilmot The Virtual Midwife www.thevirtualmidwife.com

‫صالونات التجميل والعناية‬ ‫أ‬ ‫بالظافر‬

Nail & Beauty Salons Beauty Spot

Anantara Eastern Mangroves Hotel & Spa 02 656 1149 www.beautyspot.me

BeDashing Beauty Salon

Corniche Maternity Hospital

Various Locations 600 560 0037 www.bedashingbeauty.com

!‫لكم‬ Bellacure Nails

Al Nahyan 02 658 4100 www.bellacurenails.com

Boudoir Beauty Lounge Boutik Mall Reem Island www.bbl.ae

02 674 4428

Mosaic Nails & Spa

‫المجتمع والمنظمات‬ ‫الخيرية والنوادي‬ COMMUNITY, CHARITY & CLUBS

‫مجموعات أ‬ ‫العمال‬

Al Karamah 02 445 9660 www.mosaicspa.weebly.com

Nail It Spa

Al Khubeirah

Nail Lounge

Business Groups 02 650 5560

Al Nahyan Marina Mall

02 658 4341 02 681 6333

Various Locations www.nstyleintl.com

800 678953

NStyle Nail Lounge

Abu Dhabi Business Women Council

02 617 7526 www.adbusinesswomen.ae



Al Musalla 02 445 2053 www.polishsalonuae.com

Susan Young Beauty Clinic

02 631 3604 www.amchamabudhabi.org

American Business Council www.abcdubai.com

04 379 1414

Australian Business Group www.ausbg.net

050 264 1134

Spanish Business Council

04 427 0379 www.spanishbusinesscouncil.ae

Swedish Business Council www.sbcuae.se

04 429 8600

Swiss Business Council

The International Business Women’s Group


04 369 9015

‫الجمعيات الخ�ية أ‬ ‫للطفال‬ ‫ي‬

Children’s Charities

Future Centre for Special Needs

www.future-centre.org 02 553 3506 Gulf 4 Good www.gulf4good.org 04 368 0222

Human Appeal International www.hai.ae

British Business Group

Operation Smile

Various Locations www.tipsandtoes.com

02 641 8418

The Citizens’ Foundation www.tcf.org.pk

‫شئون البيئة‬

Abu Dhabi Marine Conservation Group

Al Wahda Mall 600 544 001 Eastern Mangroves Promenade 600 544 001 World Trade Center Mall 600 544 001

Tips & Toes


Turkish Business Council

Make A Wish Foundation

Khalifa City A 02 583 2065 Al Bateen 02 449 5001 www.tararosesalon.com


050 329 06 04 www.portal.beneluxbc.com

Tara Rose Hair and Beauty Salon

Special Care Centre

www.ibwgdubai.com 050 657 8445

BeNeLux Business Council

02 445 7234 www.britishbusiness.org

www.smallworlduae.net 02 658 3387

www.swissbcuae.com 050 824 2931

Al Bateen 02 222 2032 www.susanyoungbeautyclinic.com

The Nail Spa

SmallWorld UAE


02 666 5144


Al Wathba Wetlands Reserve Al Mafraq www.ead.ae

Emirates Environmental Group


04 344 8622

Emirates Natural History Group www.enhg.net

Emirates Wildlife Society




02 634 7117

800 825 2863

02 658 4790 www.arabemirates.operationsmile.org

Canadian Business Council

02 446 7223 www.cbcabudhabi.com

French Business Group

02 674 1137 www.fbgabudhabi.com

German Business Council www.vae.ahk.de

02 645 5200

Get Set

www.getsetuae.com 056 913 9015

Indian Business & Professional Council www.ibpcdubai.com

04 332 4300

Irish Business Network


Lebanese Business Council www.lbcuae.ae

02 626 6204

Pakistan Business Council www.pbcuae.org

02 641 9955

South African Business Council www.sabco-uae.org

056 710 3909

yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae


‫خـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــريف‬



yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae

‫الت�عات والعمل‬ ‫جمع ب‬ ‫التطوعي‬ Fundraising & Volunteering

United Nations Development Programme

Goals UAE – Providing sports for special needs

Volunteer in UAE

Footprints in the Sand For neo-natal death support



Abu Dhabi Cause Connect

‫مجموعات الدعم‬



Support Groups

Feel Great Helping

Zayed Sports City 050 266 0194 abudhabiharlequinstryrugby


www.khalifafoundation.ae 02 499 4999


Make A Wish Foundation

Autism Support Network

02 666 5144

Medecins Sans Frontieres


Autism Support - Abu Dhabi

Bosom Buddies - Breast cancer support


Red Crescent Society

Inspire – For parents with special needs children

050 926 3201

Just Special Abu Dhabi – For families with special needs children JUSTSPECIAL - Abu Dhabi

Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan All 4 Down Syndrome Foundation 050 880 9228


050 462 5700



Abu Dhabi Harlequins Try Rugby



800 733

050 668 7815 www.bosombuddiesad.org

Chatterbox – The speech and hearing network



chatterboxnetwork 055 642 5060

The Box Appeal


Ewa’s – Shelters for Women and Children www.shwc.ae

02 558 4812

‫النوادي والجمعيات‬

Clubs & Societies

Abu Dhabi Arts Collective ADArtsCollective

Abu Dhabi Book Club


Abu Dhabi Business Women’s Council (ADBWC) www.adbusinesswomen.ae

Abu Dhabi Ladies


OCD Support Group

Abu Dhabi Mall Walkers

Out Of The Blues - For Post Natal Illness Support

Abu Dhabi Mums

02 697 9999 www.americancenteruae.com

Out of the Blues

Abu Dhabi Mall www.abudhabi-mall.com www.abudhabimums.ae

Abu Dhabi Paddy

Parent ADHD Support Group


02 697 9999 www.americancenteruae.com

Abu Dhabi Speaks


Abu Dhabi Women’s Group

Sedra UAE www.sedra.org

02 666 0522

Special Families Support Group

SFS - Special Families Support Group


050 132 8062 www.abudhabiwomensgroup.com

American Women’s Network www.awnabudhabi.com

Yalla talks to Jacqueline Wood about her antique jewellery company and setting up the popular Abu Dhabi Women’s Group... What do you like most about living in Abu Dhabi? I arrived in Abu Dhabi in 2008, following 14 years of living on Lantau Island in Hong Kong. I love the multicultural society we live in, as it allows us to meet and interact with so many people from different backgrounds, nationalities, political and religious viewpoints. Tell us about ADWG? Abu Dhabi Women’s Group started as a small weekly coffee morning that was open to everyone back in 2008, and gradually evolved into an online Facebook page. We have thousands of ladies, a few gentlemen and a large number of Mums in the group. We are a ladies Question and Answer page. The only stupid question is the one you never got around to asking! Why did you decide to set up the group? I needed answers to the five main questions we all have when moving to a new country - the how,



what, why, when and who? Questions such as; Where do I get a gas bottle from? Can someone recommend a good Vet? Where can I get my passport photos taken? In due course, I attended my first ever ladies’ coffee morning in the hope of finding help and ultimately ended up setting up ADWG. We know you run your own jewellery company. Can you please tell us about it? I set up Antique and Vintage Jewellery in 2013. This was a major step forward for me and I have been delighted with the progress it has made since then. I love Art Deco as a period; the design and craftsmanship of the era is amazing. Being able to see the look of delight on a client’s face when he or she finds an exquisite piece makes it worth it. I also buy gemstones, both precious and semi-precious stones, which enables me to sit with a client

and design a bespoke piece of jewellery. What is your favourite thing to do in Abu Dhabi? A fabulous weekend would be one spent in my pyjamas, a traditional British fry up for breakfast and a day spent reading a good book or watching a movie.

!‫لكم‬ ‫التسوق العائلي‬

Expats in Abu Dhabi www.internations.org

Aussies Abroad


Circolo Italiano Culturale E Ricreativo


‫موردي المستلزمات الفنية‬


Art Suppliers

German Ladies of Abu Dhabi

All Prints


Irish Society Abu Dhabi


Meet Ups


Moms Guide Abu Dhabi www.momsguideadcom

Real Housewives of Abu Dhabi www.realhousewivesofad.com

Royal Society of St George

Al Hosn www.allprints.ae

Art Central

Boutik Mall artcentral

Borders & Paperchase Abu Dhabi Mall Al Wahda Mall Khalidiya Mall Yas Mall

02 633 6999

02 621 1607

02 671 8980 02 658 4181 02 639 5058 800 927 6255

Craft Corner

Scottish St Andrew’s Society of Abu Dhabi

Green Branch Madinat Zayed

www.stdavidssocietyabudhabi. blogspot.co.il

‫مجموعات الموسيقى‬ ‫والغناء‬

Dalma Mall 02 552 7555 Nation Galleria 02 673 3999 www.jarirbookstore.com

L’Atelier des Arts

Foutouh Al Khair Center Al Markaziyah 02 639 7104 www.latelierarts.com

‫معدات ومالبس‬ ‫أ‬ ‫الطفال الرضع‬

Baby Equipment & Clothes

NYU Campus, Saadiyat Island www.abudhabichoralgroup.com


Abu Dhabi Music & Arts Foundation


Al Zahiyah www.admaf.org

02 333 6400

National Symphony Orchestra Twofour54 Media Zone www.nsouae.org

Voices of Harmony Abu Dhabi




Early Learning Centre

Thrift Books

Hamdan Street

Yas Island www.ikea.com

02 493 5888

Little Majlis

‫أثاث أ‬ ‫الطفال‬

Just Kidding

Al Forsan Village Mall 02 556 9935 www.justkidding-me.com

Mamas & Papas

Al Wahda Mall 02 443 7273 www.mamasandpapas.com

Mamis (Maternity and Baby Carriers) Al Seef mamisuae

02 666 1481

056 263 8393 www.thebabyboutique.com

Marks & Spencer

Dalma Mall Fotouh Al Khair Mall Marina Mall Yas Mall www.marksandspencerme.com

Various locations www.landmarkshops.com/babyshop

Baby Souk


Various locations www.mothercarestores.com/stores

04 3214 328

Laura Ashley Home Furniture Al Wahda Mall www.lauraashley.ae

Ikea Kids Furniture Yas Island www.ikea.com/ae

02 443 8939

02 493 5888

Electra Street 02 639 5565 www.grandroyalarabian.com

Home Centre

Marina Mall 02 681 4050 Dalma Mall 02 550 2415 Liwa Centre 02 639 1918 Yas Mall 02 565 1723 www.homecentrestores.com/ae/en

Just Kidding


www.mumzworld.com 04 433 9455

Al Forsan Village Mall 02 556 9935 Yas Mall 800 5878 www.justkidding-me.com


PAN Emirates Furniture

Book Corner Marina Mall

Borders & Paperchase


Children’s Furniture

Grand Royal Kids Furniture

Children’s Books

Baby Boutique

Abu Dhabi Mall 02 644 7882 Al Wahda Mall 02 445 3327 Yas Mall 02 565 1319 www.virginmegastore.me


‫كتب أ‬ ‫الطفال‬

Dalma Mall www.toysrusuae.com

055 224 3980

Virgin Megastore


Abu Dhabi Mall www.nestforkids.ae 02 644 9919


02 552 7555 02 673 3999

World Trade Center Mall 02 621 1799 Al Wadha Mall 02 443 7172 NYU Abu Dhabi 02 628 5566 Zayed University 02 557 4616 www.magrudy.com/our-stores/

Marina Mall 02 681 0844 www.chateaudesenfants.com


Abu Dhabi Big Band

Abu Dhabi Choral Group

02 621 4507

Jarir Bookstore

Music & Singing Groups British School Al Khubairat Al Mushrif www.abudhabibigband.com

Chateau Des Enfants

Dalma Mall Nation Galleria

Various locations www.elc.com


St David’s Society, Abu Dhabi

Jarir Bookstore

Various locations www.me.boots.com


Al Danah 02 622 2563 www.craftcornerabudhabi.com



Abu Dhabi Mall Al Wahda Mall Khalidiya Mall Yas Mall

02 681 7662 02 671 8980 02 658 4181 02 639 5058 800 927 6255

yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae

Madinat Zayed 02 621 1030 www.uae.panemirates.com

Pottery Barn Kids

Al Wahda Mall Dalma Mall Yas Mall www.potterybarnkids.me

Royal Furniture

Al Mina www.royalfurniture.ae


800 803 800 803 800 803

02 673 1500

‫ خـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــريف‬43

FOR YOU! ‫أحذية أ‬ ‫الطفال‬

Children’s Shoes Clarks

Al Wahda Mall Marina Mall Mushrif Mall Yas Mall www.clarks.ae

02 491 8710 02 681 0520 02 673 7994 02 565 0079


The Galleria www.geox.com

02 412 4060

yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae The Galleria


02 616 6999

World Trade Center Mall Al Markaziyah www.wtcad.ae

Yas Mall


Abu Dhabi Mall Yas Mall www.pablosky.com

02 644 3007 02 565 0284

‫مراكز التسوق‬


800 927 6255

‫آ‬ ‫الالت الموسيقية‬

Musical Instruments Muroor Electra www.akm-music.com

02 658 4954 02 621 9929


02 556 2229

Al Wahda Mall

www.alwahda-mall.com 02 443 7000

Boutik Mall

Al Reem

02 674 7850

Dalma Mall


02 550 9555

Deerfields Mall www.deerfieldsmall.com 02 501 0826 02 622 2241 www.fotouhalkhairmall.com Khalidiyah Mall www.khalidiyahmall.com 02 635 4000

Madinat Zayed Shopping Centre & Gold Centre

02 633 3311 www.madinatzayed-mall.com

Marina Mall www.marinamall.ae Mazyad Mall

www.mazyadmall.com 02 553 2200

Mushrif Mall

Souks & Markets

‫أ‬ ‫السواق‬

Carpet Souk Fish Souk Fruit & Vegetable Souk Iranian Souk Plant Souk Mina Street Nr Port Zayed


02 406 1462


Mushrif Mall

Go Sport Yas Mall

Abu Dhabi Mall

Various locations laloupeauh

Souk Qaryat Al Beri

Bain Al Jessrain 02 558 1670 www.soukqaryatalberi.com

The Little Birdie PoP uP mArket

Various locations The Little Birdie Pop uP mArket Mushrif Mall www.mushrifmall.com/the-market

The Ripe Food & Craft Market Mushrif Central Park www.ripeme.com

Tiny-Bean Events

02 445 6995 02 565 0872

Various locations www.spinneys-dubai.com

The Organics Foods & Café

Nation Towers Galleria www.organicfoodsandcafe.com


Eastern Mangroves Etihad Towers Al Reem Al Zeina

02 565 0812 02 645 6166

02 556 2044 02 447 1987 02 674 0210 02 556 4122

‫الطفال أ‬ ‫لعب أ‬ ‫واللعاب‬

02 445 5838

Toys & Games Babyshop

Various locations www.landmarkshops.com/babyshop

Back to Games

Boutik Mall 050 333 4967 www.backtogames.com

Stadium Sports


Yas Mall

Studio R

Marina Mall

04 385 7775 02 681 7676

Various Locations

Yas Cycles

Al Zeina www.yascycles.com

Abu Dhabi Mall Al Wahda Mall Khalidiyah Mall Yas Mall

02 681 8330 050 480 0825

‫محالت السوبر ماركت‬


Al Wahda Mall Yas Mall www.buildabear.ae Various locations www.elc.com


www.echoesdolls.com 050 775 7311

Journey Toys

Abu Dhabi Cooperative Society


Etihad Plaza Al Khalidiyah www.abelaandco.com

Al Mushrif www.journeytoys.ae

Various locations www.abudhabicoop.com


Dalma Mall 02 550 4541 www.kidswaygroup.com


Nest 02 681 6930

Various locations www.geant-uae.com


02 441 1208

Various locations www.mothercarestores.com/stores

Various locations www.carrefouruae.com Corniche Road www.choithrams.com

02 641 1190 02 565 1672

Early Learning Centre



02 671 8980 02 658 4181 02 639 5058 800 9276255

Build A Bear Workshop

Sun & Sand Sports


055 843 6574


Al Seef Mall 02 633 7172 www.ridebikeshop.com

Madinat Zayed

Tiny Bean Events

The Collection www.thecollection.ae

BeSport Bike Shop

Gold Souk

www.mushrifmall.com 02 690 4422 The Collection Saadiyat Island Nation Galleria www.ripeme.com www.nationtowers.ae 02 681 8824

St Regis Hotel

Dalma Mall Yas Mall www.adventurehq.ae

Ride (Bike Shop)

The Market 02 681 2310

Adventure HQ – Adventure Zone

Thomsun Electronics

02 674 4974

La Loupe Pop Up Market

Fotouh Al Khair Mall

Sports Shops

Mega Sports

Al Danah

www.abudhabi-mall.com 02 645 4858

Al Raha Mall

‫المحالت الرياضية‬

Dandana Musical Instruments

Al Zahiyah www.thomsunmusiconline.com

Abu Dhabi Mall

Al Markaziyah www.wtcad.ae

02 508 2400

AKM Music Centre


World Trade Center Souk

Various locations www.luluhypermarket.com

Abu Dhabi Mall www.nestforkids.ae

Toy Store

Abu Dhabi Mall Yas Mall www.thetoystore.com

Toys ‘r’ us

Mina Port Dalma Mall www.toysrusuae.com

02 644 9919

02 674 2360 02 565 0576

02 673 2332 02 551 6717



Brand New


AED 1,749* P.M

AED 2,549* P.M

AED 2,649* P.M

AED 3,849* P.M

Peugeot 3008

Renault Koleos

Jeep Grand Cherokee

Get started in 3 simple steps: ENTERTAINER APP KEY WITH EVERY LEASE

• Copy of Passport, visa & driving license • 2 months down payment • Credit card

1 month, 3 months, 6 months rental and long term lease options available. 056 399 5155‫على‬ ‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال‬ yalla@yallauae.ae ‫على بريد الكتروني‬ 800‫مراسلتنا‬ HERTZ ‫أو‬ (43789) reservations@hertz.ae To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae



*Terms and Conditions: The above rate is applicable for 4 months mini lease

‫ خـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــريف‬45

FOR ALL! ‫تناول الطعام في‬ ‫الخارج وفي المنزل‬ EATING OUT & IN

‫المقاهي ومحالت القهوة‬

Cafes & Coffee Shops Art House Café

Al Bateen 02 666 0175 www.etihadmodernart.com

Beach House

Park Hyatt Hotel Saadiyat Island 02 407 1138 www.abudhabi.park.hyatt.com

Bee’s Knees Baking Company Nation Galleria beeskneesuae


Murror Road www.biterite.ae

02 447 9102

02 641 1660

Café Arabia

Al Mushrif CafeArabia

02 643 9699

yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155 ‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae Firin Bakery Al Rowdhat www.firin.co


Foutouh Al Khair Mall

Hippy Chic

Etihad Plaza amsgroup.ae

Jim’s Kitchen Table Masdar City www.jims.kitchen

02 447 1711

02 631 5111 02 556 8264

The Living Room Café

Al Khalidiyah 02 639 6654 www.thelivingroomcafeabudhabi.com

The Third Place

Al Khalidiyah 02 681 1877 www.thethirdplaceuae.com


The Royal Meridian Hotel Al Danah 02 695 0450

02 491 9401

Jones The Grocer

‫وجبة الغداء المبكر‬ ‫للعائالت‬

Various Locations 02 556 7076 www.labriocheuae.com

Le Boulanger Marina Café

Al Marina 02 441 8000 Le-Boulanger-French-Bakery-andResto-Cafe

Café Mandarina

Boutik Mall 02 677 0071 Nation Towers Galleria 02 665 4776 The Galleria 02 665 5214

Rotana Hotel Yas Island www.rotana.com

Al Bandar The Galleria

Park Station Café

Mushrif Central Park 056 549 3841 www.parkstationuae.com

Planet Café


Al Khalidiya www.delecto.ae

02 557 9500 02 644 1516

Nation Towers Galleria www.organicfoodsandcafe.com

Al Raha Gardens Plaza 02 556 1550 Mangrove Village 02 666 0828 www.circle-cafe.com 02 496 3444

Al Zahiyah

02 676 7962

Shabby Chic

Divine Design Café

Al Wahda Mall DivineDesignCafe

050 668 4696

Saadiyat Island 02 657 5888 www.fanrrestaurant.ae

Fauchon Le Café

Etihad Towers www.fauchon.com

Al Mamoura 02 643 7497 www.shabbychic-uae.com

Shakespeare & Co



Al Khalidiyah 02 639 6622 www.maisonsucreuae.com

Organic Foods & Café

Circle Café

02 667 2690


The Royal Meridian Hotel Al Danah 800 101 101 www.marketkitchenabudhabi.com

Park Hyatt Saadiyat Island 02 407 1138 www.abudhabi.park.hyatt.com

The Royal Meridian Hotel Al Danah 02 674 2020 www.cafepalmierabudhabi.com Al Bahia 02 564 5770 www.cafemandarina.com

Nolu’s Café

Various locations www.cinnabon.com

Market Kitchen

Cafe' Palmier

La Brioche Café

Chapter’s Café


Al Zahiyah 02 697 4354 www.lemeridien.com/abudhabi

Marriott Hotel Al Forsan

02 681 0090

La Maison Sucre

World Trade Center Mall Souk 02 639 8849

Le Meridien Hotel

Rosewood Hotel Al Maryah Island 02 813 5550 www.rose woodhotels.com

Al Marina www.partiperfect.ae


Marina Mall 02 681 5955 Nation Towers Galleria 02 667 2121 www.cafedelapaixabudhabi.com

Café de la Paix

Saadiyat Beach Golf Club Saadiyat Island 02 557 8000 www.sbgc.ae

Lana’s Partiperfect


02 697 9011


Family Brunches

Leopold’s of London

Al Zahiyah

Crowne Plaza Hotel Yas Island 02 656 3053 www.ihg.com/crowneplaza

Various locations www.jonesthegrocer.com


Café Columbia

Jing Asia

Various locations www.shakespeareandco.ae

Soulfull Restaurant & Café Al Mamoura www.soulfull.ae

02 643 3669

Fairmont Bab Al Bahr Khor Al Maqta www.fairmont.com

02 656 4000

02 201 4000

Munch at The Café


The St Regis Hotel Saadiyat Island 02 498 8443 www.oleaabudhabi.com


Rotana Hotel Yas Island www.rotana.com

02 656 4000

Safina 02 654 3238


Beach Rotana Hotel Al Zahiyah 02 697 9011 www.rotanatimes.com


Sheraton Hotel Corniche 02 677 3333 www.flavours-abudhabi.com


The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Abu Dhabi Khor Al Maqta’a 02 818 8282 www.ritzcarlton.com


Eastern Mangrove Hotel Al Rayhan 02 656 1000 www.abu-dhabi.anantara.com

Intercontinental Hotel

Al Bateen 02 666 6888 www.dining-intercontinental-ad.ae

Jazz@Pizza Express

Al Forsan

World Trade Center Mall 02 444 7752 www.pizzaexpress.ae

Saadiyat Beach Club Saadiyat Island 02 656 3500 www.saadiyatbeachclub.ae

Silk Route Café Holiday Inn Al Zahraa www.ihg.com

02 657 4858

Sofra Bid

Shangri-La Hotel Qaryat Al Beri www.shangri-la.com

02 509 8555


Crowne Plaza Hotel Al Danah

02 616 6261

The Club

Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com

The Garden

Crowne Plaza Hotel Al Danah

02 616 6838

The Westin Abu Dhabi Golf Resort & Spa

Sas Al Nakhl 02 616 9999 www.westinabudhabigolfresort.com

Urban Kitchen

Dusit Thani Hotel Al Etihad 02 698 8137 www.dusit.com/dusitthani



‫خـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــريف‬


‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على ‪ 056 399 5155‬أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني ‪yalla@yallauae.ae‬‬ ‫‪To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae‬‬


Villa Toscana

St. Regis Abu Dhabi 02 694 4553 www.villatoscana-abudhabi.com

‫الظه�ة‬ ‫شاي ما بعد‬ ‫ي‬

Afternoon Tea

Leopold’s of London

Nation Towers 02 665 4776 Boutik Mall 600 560602 The Galleria Mall 02 665 5214 www.leopoldsoflondon.com

Lips The Café

Marina Mall www.lipsthecafe.com


Ritz Carlton Hotel Khor Al Maqta’a www.ritzcarlton.com

yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155 ‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae

02 818 8282

Bentley Bistro and Bar

The Galleria Mall 02 626 2131 www.bentleybistro.com


02 681 8191

Majlis Lobby Lounge

Rosewood Hotel 02 813 5550 www.rosewoodhotels.com

Munch at The Café

Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Saadiyat 02 407 1138 www.abudhabi.park.hyatt.com

Al Whada Mall 02 643 8610 Mushrif Mall 02 491 4537 Y Tower 02 445 4156 www.ilovebloomsburys.com

Observation Deck at 300

Crystal Lounge

Saadiyat Beach Club Saadiyat Island 02 656 3500 www.saadiyatbeachclub.ae

St. Regis Abu Dhabi 02 694 4553 www.stregisabudhabi.com Southern Sun Hotel www.tsogosun.com Emirates Palace www.kempinski.com




Filaments Café

Le Café

Jumeriah at Etihad Towers www.jumeirah.com 02 811 5666

02 818 4888

Le Royal Meridien Hotel 800 101 101 www.stratosabudhabi.com

TWG Tea 02 690 9000


Yas Mall www.twgtea.com

02 565 0360


‫‪ 49‬خـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــريف‬


‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على ‪ 056 399 5155‬أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني ‪yalla@yallauae.ae‬‬ ‫‪To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae‬‬

FOR ALL! ‫المطاعم العائلية‬

Family Restaurants Andiamo

Al Zeina www.andiamo.ae

02 556 5775

Various Locations www.bricco.ae Burger Joint New York Nation Towers, Corniche 02 222 2456 www.burgerjointny.com Al Mushrif CafeArabia

02 643 9699


Eastern Mangrove Promenade 02 641 2231 The Galleria 02 677 1261 Yas Mall 02 565 1004 www.carluccios.com

Cheesecake Factory

Yas Mall 02 492 6636 www.thecheesecakefactory.com

Divine Design Café

Al Wahda Mall 050 668 4696 DivineDesignCafe


Saadiyat Island 02 657 5888 www.fanrrestaurant.ae


Sheraton Hotel Corniche 02 677 3333 www.flavours-abudhabi.com


Fairmont Hotel Bab Al Bahr www.fairmont.com


Marina Mall Al Wahda Mall

02 654 3238

02 681 8160 02 443 7538

Giraffe Restaurant Yas Mall www.giraffe.net

Living Room Café

Al Khalidiyah 02 639 6654 www.thelivingroomcafeabudhabi.com

Little Mexico

Saadiyat Island


Bricco Pizza & Pasta

Café Arabia

yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155 ‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae

02 565 0711

Masdar City Melius Restaurant

02 558 3000


Jumeriah at Etihad Towers 02 811 5666 www.jumeirah.com

Noodle House

Al Wahda Mall 02 443 7391 Souk Qaryat Al Beri 02 558 1699 www.thenoodlehouse.com

Noodle Bowl

Zayed Sports City www.zsc.ae

Nolu’s Café

Al Bandar The Galleria

02 447 2405

02 557 9500 02 644 1516

Al Dhafrah 02 641 8300 www.pizzadirocco.com

Shakespeare & Co

Various Locations www.shakespeare-and-co.com


Crowne Plaza Hotel Al Danah

Stars ‘n’ Bars

Yas Marina www.starsnbars.ae

02 616 6261 02 565 0101

The Club

Al Mina (members only) 02 673 1111 www.the-club.com

The Sportsman’s Arms Zayed Sports City

02 403 4235

‫محالت آ‬ ‫اليس كريم‬ ‫والزبادي المجمد‬

02 642 6499


Saadiyat Beach Golf Club www.sbgolfclub.ae 02 551 8000

Ice Cream & Frozen Yoghurt Shops

Johnny Rockets


Jones The Grocer

Baskin Robbins

Various Locations www.johnnyrocketsuae.com Various locations www.jonesthegrocer.com



Emack & Bolio’s Dalma Mall EmackArabia

Yas Mall www.amorino.com Various Locations www.baskinrobbinsmea.com

Yas Island 02 659 9800 www.yasmarinacircuit.com 02 551 6069

Ferrari World

Yas Island 02 496 8000 www.ferrariworldabudhabi.com

Fun Works

Gelato Divino

Al Wahda Mall Abu Dhabi Mall www.gelatodivino.com

Yas Mall www.funworks.ae

London Dairy


Various Locations

02 681 8300

Zayed Sports City 02 642 6166 www.summerbreeze.ae 02 555 6484


Dalma Mall www.teeandputt.com

02 555 5307

Yas Waterworld

Yas Island 02 414 2000 www.yaswaterworld.com

‫المرح مع الحيوانات‬

Various Locations www.yogoday.com

Animal Fun

‫وقت العائلة‬ FAMILY TIME

Abu Dhabi Wildlife Centre

Mussafah Abu-Dhabi-Wildlife-centre

Al Wathba Wetlands Reserve

�‫أبوظ‬ ‫المغامرات ف ي� أنحاء‬ ‫بي‬

Around Abu Dhabi Action & Adventure Dalma Mall Yas Mall www.adventurehq.ae

Mother of the Nation Park

Tee and Putt

Summer Breeze Frozen Yoghurt

Adventure HQ

600 575 756

Al Mushrif www.mushrifcentralpark.ae

Various Locations www.pinkberry.com

Al Munera

050 104 3978



Pizza Express

World Trade Center Mall 02 444 7752 www.pizzaexpressuae.com

Drive Yas Marina Circuit

Various Locations www.coldstone.ae

Vasa Vasa

Pizza Di Rocco

Grand Central Muroor www.grandcentral.ae

02 676 1954

Coldstone Creamery

02 445 6995 02 565 0872

Al Mafraq www.ead.ae

Camel Racing

Al Wathba Camel Racing 02 583 9200

Emirates Park Zoo and Resort

Al Rahba 02 501 0000 www.emiratesparkzoo.com

Saluki Centre

Abu Dhabi www.arabiansaluki.ae

02 575 5330

Air – Spacewalk

Al Mushrif 02 657 7777 www.adcountryclub.com


Marina Mall Al Ras Al Akhdar www.bounce.ae


The Galleria Al Maryah Island www.caboodle.ae

04 3211 400


‫دور السينما‬

Al Mariah Cinema

Al Mariah Mall 02 678 5000 www.cinemaalmariah.com 02 616 3796

Challenge Chambers

Al Wahda Mall 02 445 2522 www.challengechambers.com

Desert Safari/Wadi Bashing

Abu Dhabi Adventure Tours 055 484 2001 www.abudhabiadventure.com

Al Wahda Cinema

Al Wahda Mall 02 443 3244 www.alwahda-mall.com

Cine Royal

Dalma Mall Deerfields Mall Khalidiyah Mall www.cineroyal.ae

02 550 2525 02 563 3990 02 681 9444

!‫للجميع‬ Novo Cinemas

Abu Dhabi Mall 02 645 8988 World Trade Center Mall 02 634 3003 Bawabat Al Sharq Mall 02 586 4877 www.novocinemas.com

VOX Cinemas

Marina Mall Nations Towers Yas Mall uae.voxcinemas.com

Galleries Abu Dhabi Art Hub Al Mussafah www.adah.ae

600 599 905 600 599 905 600 599 905


Belevari Marine www.belevari.com

02 643 1494

Big Bus Tours

www.bigbustours.com 800 244 287

Cyclone Travel & Tours www.cyclonetours.com 050 622 5385

Etihad Modern Arts Gallery

050 177 7458 www.desertrosetourism.com www.eatours.ae

050 532 6837

Helicopter Tours


Net Tours

www.jalboot.ae Al Danah www.nettoursuae.ae

Manarat Al Saadiyat

02 628 4000

Salwa Zeidan Gallery

Saadiyat Island 02 666 9656 www.salwazeidangallery.com Twofour54 Park Rotana Building www.thespacead.tumblr.com

Warehouse 421

Mina Port www.warehouse421.ae

‫التجارب والرحالت‬

Experiences & Tours Abu Dhabi Adventure

055 484 2001 www.abudhabiadventure.com

Arabian Adventures

04 303 4888 www.arabian-adventures.com

02 558 1889

Observation Deck at 300

Al Ain National Museum

Al Qattara Arts Centre and Souq

02 639 3938

Hot spring lake and swimming pools Jebel Hafeet 03 783 9555

04 807 0708

Heritage Village

Tour The Pits

Yas Marina Circuit 02 659 9800 www.yasmarinacircuit.com www.x-ventures.ae

055 540 4500

‫ت‬ ‫ال�اث والثقافة‬

Heritage & Culture

Archaeological Site on Sir Bani Yas Island

Al Ain Sportplex 03 768 8888 www.alainsportplex.ae

Hili Archaeological Park

Remains of settlements and tombs Al Ain Oasis 02 666 4442 www.abudhabi.ae

Hili Fun City

Theme park with rides and adventures Hili Area 03 784 4481 www.hilifuncity.ae

Qasr Al Muwaiji Fort


800 555

Bani Yas Island 800 8342 www.sirbaniyasisland.com

Sheikh Zayed Desert Learning Centre

Heritage Village

www.sheikhzayeddesertlearningcentre. com

Al Marina www.torath.ae

Manarat Al Saadiyat

02 681 8821

Saadiyat Island 02 657 5800 www.saadiyatculturaldistrict.ae

Dubai Parks and Resorts 800 2629464 www.bollywoodparksdubai.com


Trampolining Al Quoz www.bounce.ae

04 321 1400

Burj Khalifa

Observation deck Downtown Dubai www.burjkhalifa.ae

800 BURJ

Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo

Downtown Dubai 04 448 5200 www.thedubaiaquarium.com

Dubai Dophinarium

Green Mubazzarah


Bollywood Parks Dubai

Restored fort and Thesinger exhibition Al Mutawaa 03 784 3996 www.visitabudhabi.com

Al Jahili Fort

Rayna Tours Seawings

Water park Aquarium and Zip line Atlantis The Palm 04 426 2000 www.atlantisthepalm.com

Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve

Insight into traditional arts and crafts www.visitabudhabi.com 03 761 8080


Family Time in Dubai

Animal and conservation experience www.alainzoo.ae 03 799 2000

www.orient-tours-uae.com 02 667 5609

Orient Tours


The Space

Al Ain Mall 03 751 0660 www.facebook.com/actionzoneuae

Al Ain Zoo

Jumeriah at Etihad Towers www.jumeirah.com 02 811 5666

Saadiyat Island www.nyuad.nyu.edu

Action Zone

02 679 4656


NYU Arts Center

Family Time in Al Ain

600 575 756

Al Khalidiyah 02 665 5332 www.ghafgallery.blogspot.ae

Nation Towers & Al Khalidiyah www.n2n-gallery.com 02 665 9858

02 665 9555

Showcase of the city’s heritage and tradition Al Ain Oasis 02 657 6171 www.abudhabi.ae

Noukhada Adventure Company

N2N Gallery

Women’s Association Complex Al Mushrif 02 447 6645 Al Bateen

‫ف‬ �‫د‬ ‫أيام عائلية خارجية ي� ب ي‬


Women’s Handicraft Centre

Desert Rose

Folklore Gallery

Saadiyat Island 02 657 5800 www.saadiyatculturaldistrict.ae

02 419 1919

‫أيام عائلية خارجية ف� ي ن‬ �‫الع‬ ‫ي‬


Ghaf Art Gallery


Zayed Centre

04 450 4450 www.desertadventures.com

Al Bateen 02 666 0175 www.etihadmodernart.com Al Khalidiyah 02 666 0361 www.folkloregallery.net

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque

Desert Adventures

Emirates Tours & Safaris 02 551 5005

Qasr Al Hosn Centre 02 697 6472

Al Ain

Sheikh Zayed Palace Museum

Various tour operators 04 809 8710 www.ddcr.org Meet, swim and play with dophins Creek Park 04 336 9773 www.dubaidolphinarium.ae

Dubai Fountain

The world’s most choreographed fountain Burj Khalifa, Downtown Dubai www.thedubaimall.com

Dubai Ice Rink

Olympic size rink The Dubai Mall 04 448 5111 www.dubaiicerink.com

Dubai Miracle Garden

Nr Dubai Autodrome 04 422 8902 www.dubaimiraclegarden.com

Dubai Museum

A look into Emirate life in the Al Fahidi Fort Bur Dubai 04 353 1862 www.dubaiculture.gov.ae


Indoor play park Jumeirah www.fairytales.ae

Flip Out

Al Quoz 3 www.flipout.ae

04 344 5030

600 567568

Global Village

Restored former home of Sheikh Zayed Al Ain Street 03 751 7755 www.visitabudhabi.com

Fantasy Island Shows and cultural events China Village 04 362 4114 www.globalvillage.ae

Wadi Adventure

IMG Worlds of Adventure

Surf, raft, Kayak, climb and board Jebel Hafeet 03 781 8422 www.wadiadventure.ae

yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155 ‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae

Dubai www.imgworlds.com


‫خـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــريف‬

600 500962



yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155 ‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae

Jumeriah Mosque

The most photographed mosque in Dubai Jumeirah 04 353 6666 www.cultures.ae


Capital gardens


Indoor edutainment centre Dubai Mall 04 448 5222 www.kidzania.ae

Legoland Dubai

Muroor Road

Corniche Parks

Off Corniche Road west

Dubai Parks and Resorts 04 820 0000 www.legoland.com/dubai

Heritage Park

Legoland Water Park

Khalifa Park

Off Al Firdous Street

Dubai Parks and Resorts 04 820 0000 www.legoland.com/dubai

Khalifa Park

Madinat Jumeirah


Souq style shopping and eating Jumeirah 04 366 8888 www.jumeirah.com

Motiongate Dubai

Dubai Parks and Resorts 800 2629464 www.motiongatedubai.com


Ifly indoor sky diving and Soccer Circus Midrif City Centre 04 231 6292 www.majidalfuttaim.com

Riverland Dubai

Dubai Parks and Resorts www.riverlanddubai.com

SEGA republic

Attractions and amusement arcade The Dubai Mall 04 448 8484 www.segarepublic.com

Ski Dubai

Indoor skiing and tobogganing Mall of the Emirates 800 386 www.skidbx.skischoolshop.com

The Journey

Outdoor play park Umm Suqeim 055 527 8931 www.thejourneydubai.com

VOX Cinemas and IMAX Mall of the Emirates uae.voxcinemas.com

Wild Wadi Waterpark Jumeirah www.jumeirah.com

600 599 905

04 348 4444

Wonderland Dubai

Theme park and splash land Creek Park 04 324 3222 www.wonderlanduae.com


Downtown Dubai www.xdubai.com


‫الحدائق العامة‬


Umm Al Emarat Park Yas gateway Park Yas Island




02 696 2222

Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank www.adib.ae

Chinese Embassy

Al Mushrif ae.china-embassy.org

Danish Embassy Maqta’a fae.um.dk/en

Egyptian Embassy Embassies District

Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank www.adcb.com


02 610 0600

02 443 4276

02 441 0104

02 444 5566

French Embassy

Etihad Towers 02 813 1000 www.ambafrance-eau.org

German Embassy

Emirates NBD

www.emiratesnbd.com 600 540 000

Towers at the Trade Center Al Zahiyah 02 596 7700 www.abu-dhabi.diplo.de

First Abu Dhabi Bank

Greek Embassy

www.bankfortheuae.com 800 22 11



600 554 722

Standard Chartered

Al Muroor www.mfa.gr

Embassies District 02 449 2700 www.indembassyuae.org

Iraqi Embassy

‫ال�يد الرسيع‬ ‫ش�كات ب‬

Irish Embassy

Courier Companies Aramex










02 555 1911 800 4004 800 33339

Italian Embassy

Al Rowdah 02 443 5622 www.ambabudhabi.esteri.it

800 4774

New Zealand Embassy

Oman Embassy

Towers at the Trade Center Al Zahiyah 02 694 0300 www.uae.gc.ca

Al Mushrif

Philippine Embassy

Al Qubaisat www.philembassy.ae

Russian Embassy Al Danah www.uae.mid.ru

02 441 1222

02 446 3333 02 639 0006

02 672 1797

Saudi Arabian Embassy

Embassies District 02 444 5700 embassies.mofa.gov.sa

Melissa Crown Photography

050 692 0264 www.melissacrownphotography.com

Racha Hallak El Kawa

racha hallak el kawa

055 865 9653

Victoria Akbik Photography

050 617 0782 www.victoriaakbikphotography.com

Swiss Embassy

ADNEC/Exhibition Centre Area 02 627 4636 www.eda.admin.ch

US Embassy

Embassies District 02 414 2200 www.abudhabi.usembassy.gov

‫أرقام الخدمات العامة‬

Public Service Numbers Abu Dhabi International Airport Flight Enquiry

www.abudhabiairport.ae 02 575 7500

Weather Forecast


02 666 7776

‫التصاالت‬ ‫إ‬ 155 800 155

For Etisalat callers For Non-Etisalat callers www.etisalat.ae

101 800 101

‫المصورين‬ PHOTOGRAPHERS Gaby HR


‫العقارات‬ Real Estate Aldar Properties www.aldar.com

800 25327

Aswaq Management & Services www.aswaqms.ae 02 645 7733 Asteco


Better Homes


02 626 0068 600 522 233


02 447 3100 www.chestertons-mena.com



02 441 1225

Crompton Partners


Embassies District 02 449 2100 www.lebembassyuae.com

Australian Embassy

Canadian Embassy

Madinat Zayed 02 417 8800 www.swedenabroad.com


Lebanese Embassy

02 610 1100

Swedish Embassy

Jordanian Embassy

Embassies & Consulates

Al Hosn www.gov.uk

Al Danah 02 626 9544 www.exteriores.gob.es

For Du callers For Non-Du callers www.du.ae

Embassies District 02 509 9000 www.jordanembassy.ae

Al Khalidiyah 02 401 7500 www.uae.embassy.gov.au

Spanish Embassy

Al Rowdah 02 443 5696 www.uae.emb-japan.go.jp

Japanese Embassy

Al Karamah www.nzembassy.com

British Embassy

02 495 8200

800 4333

‫السفارات والقنصليات‬

02 447 3446

www.abudhabiairport.ae 02 505 5555

Embassies District 02 441 8022 www.mofamission.gov.iq Al Bateen (emergency only) www.dfa.ie

Al Mushrif www.dirco.gov.za

02 449 2550

Indian Embassy

600 522 288 www.standardchartered.ae

South African Embassy

056 222 8303

Jillian Greenhill Photography

Zayed Sports City 056 445 8197 www.cpestateagents.com

Henry Wiltshire




LLJ Property


Saadiyat Island 056 752 1095 www.julianjohnphotography.com

Kirsty Larmour Photography

www.kirstylarmour.com 055 814 0079

yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155 ‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae

800 544 3624 02 495 0500

Tourism Development & Investment Company www.tdic.ae

800 8342

‫خدمات التصليح‬ REPAIRERS

056 690 0824 www.jilliangreenhillphotography.com

Julian John Photography

800 43679



Al Shamookh Sports & Gifts

Al Danah (Near Spinney’s) 02 674 3558


‫ خـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــريف‬53

British Healthcare in Abu Dhabi Our priority is patient care, we offer the same high-quality healthcare at our new clinic in Abu Dhabi as we provide at our internationally renowned King’s College Hospital London in the UK.

Clinic Services • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

All our medical staff are of UK quality and standards

Dermatology ENT Family Medicine Fetal Medicine Gastroenterology Gynaecology Obstetrics Paediatrics Paediatric Hepatology Paediatric Neurodevelopment and Neurodisability General & Colorectal Surgery Vascular Surgery Urology Pharmacy

King’s DNA through everything we do.

Courses provided:

Basic Life Support Training for Health Care Providers

Heartsaver First Aid CPR AED Training for Non-Health Care Providers

Paediatric First Aid CPR AED for Non-Health Care Providers

Antenatal Classes

For appointments please call 02 501 4000 or request online www.kch.ae


Open: Sat - Thurs 8AM - 8PM

King’s College Hospital London Medical and Surgical Centre

We are located in Podium 2 in the modern and impressive Shining Towers, in the heart of the Khalidiyah district.

MOH No: CP09201

Yalla Exclusive !‫لمعلوماتكم‬

An interview with Neil Buckley, CEO, Kings College Hospital London. How long have you been in the healthcare industry?

I started off my training as a Pharmacist, graduating from the University of London with a BPharm. I then went on to get my Masters in Clinical Pharmacy and began specialising in Oncology. I’ve been employed in the sector for over 20 years now, both in public and private healthcare. I started off in the NHS and ended up running two large hospitals - The Harley Street Clinic and The Wellington Hospital. You could certainly say that healthcare is a large part of who I am.

What sets you aside as a healthcare provider? We like to think that we’re making a valuable contribution to society and the economy of the UAE. The British healthcare system was voted the best system out of 11 systems in developed countries recently, and we want to bring that level of quality clinical healthcare to the residents of the UAE. Our approach is very simple, and we feel it sets us apart from our competitors. To us, a human being is exactly that. We don’t see our patients as line items on balance sheets. We have basic differences that allow us to make this contribution to the healthcare sector: • We practise evidence-based healthcare. • We follow strict Government guidelines, working closely with King’s College Hospital in the UK. • We have a totally integrated approach to King’s College Hospital London and a network of the world’s best Londonbased clinicians – including the likes of The Royal Marsden Hospital, The Royal Brompton Hospital, The Harley Street

Clinic and The Royal Free Hospital. • Around 30% of our staff have practised or trained in the UK, so our standards of clinical excellence are of the highest possible level. • We run a unique programme called The London Faculty, which is a large group of UK doctors who will be in the UAE every four to six weeks. During the intervening period, their day-to-day involvement is maintained through telemedicine. Over the next 4 months, we have three experts bringing their specialties to Abu Dhabi: • Dr. Marco Silini, a world leader in peripheral neurology; • Prof. Nigel Heaton, another world leader in the field of kidney transplantation • Dr. Bu Hayee, who has pioneered a new endoscopic technique to reverse some forms of diabetes. These services are much needed for this region. We also have access to MultiDisciplinary Case Review Boards (MCRB), which are panels of up to 20 leading clinicians, providing bespoke expert treatment plans for individual cases in Cancer, Cardiology and Neurology - where cutting-edge healthcare is required.

What services do you currently offer at the clinic and what are the services you plan to offer?

With our newly upgraded facilities, we will be able to offer general surgery, vascular surgery, gastroenterology, urology and some plastic surgery procedures.

What are you hoping to achieve in the next 10 years? First and foremost, we deliver care and this is something that will never change. You can ask me this question again in 10 years’ time and the answer will be the same. Our patient experience resulting in satisfied patients is of paramount importance to us. Some milestones along the way could include more patients being treated here through our integrated network of facilities and clinicians in the UAE, rather than having the discomfort of going overseas for complex procedures.

For more information or to book an appointment visit www.kch.ae.

We have also invested significantly into developing the Abu Dhabi Medical Centre to offer day surgeries. Previously, we were able to offer services in the field of paediatrics, obstetrics, gynaecology, endoscopy and ENT.

yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155 ‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae


‫ خـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــريف‬5555

FOR INFO! ‫إصالح آ‬ ‫الالت الموسيقية‬

Musical Instrument Repair Music Doctor

Manu Furtado

056 724 8868

‫إصالح أ‬ ‫الحذية والحقائب‬

yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155 ‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae British Veterinary Centre Al Khalidiyah Khalifa City Emergency www.britvet.com

02 665 0085 02 550 4111 050 823 0780

Cloud 9 Pet Hotel & Care

Khalifa City 02 556 4111 www.cloud9pethotel.com

Feline Friends

Shoe and hand bag repair

Khalifa City 050 823 1569 www.ffabudhabi.com


Khalifa City Emergency www.germanvet.ae

Behind Al Noor Khalifa St. 02 626 2750

Surprise Bags

First Floor Hamdan Centre

02 634 3041

The Cobbler

Galleria Mall www.cobbler.ae

02 621 0109

‫ين‬ �‫الخياط‬


Scallywags and Rogues tailors Al Damouj Street www.srtailors.com

055 601 5487

German Veterinary Clinic

K9 Friends

02 556 2024 050 615 1711


04 887 8739

Al Etihad www.nationalvet.com

02 446 1628

National Veterinary Hospital

Pet’s Delight

Khalifa City www.pets-delight.com SandyPaws

Capital Centre www.icdexcell.com

Al Falah 02 575 5155 www.falconhospital.com

ADFH Animal Shelter

02 575 5155 www.abudhabianimalshelter.com

Al Bahya Sanctuary BahyaSanctuary

Advanced American Dental Clinic

Al Bateen 02 681 2921 www.americandentalclinic.com

02 665 5044 050 615 1711

Al Khalidiyah 02 666 7070 www.bostondentaluae.com

Animal Action Abu Dhabi

Al Danah 02 677 3308 www.britishdentalclinic.ae

Davinci Dental Clinic Al Marina www.davincidental.ae

02 222 2616

AnimalActionUAE Dental Experts Center Al Khalidiyah 02 681 0060 Australian Veterinary Hospital www.dentexp.com Khalifa City 02 556 2990 Emergency 050 660 6189 www.australianvet.com


Dr Firas Dental & Orthodontic Center Al Marina www.firasdoc.com

02 447 7752

02 665 4990

Smile Art Dental Clinic Al Nahyan www.dubaismile.com

02 665 0555

Al Hosn 02 621 8700 www.lucsmileclinic.com Al Khalidiyah 02 666 3378 Masdar City 02 666 3378 www.TheDoctorsMedicalCenter.com

‫عيادات العيون‬

Eye Institute at Cleveland Clinic Al Maryah Island

800 8 2223

Moorfields Eye Hospital Centre Al Marina www.moorfields.ae

02 635 6161

First Aid Training

02 222 2600

02 501 4000

National Ambulance 02 596 8600 www.nationalambulance.ae

Numero Uno

02 557 5220 www.numerouno-me.com

The Doctor’s Medical Center

Al Khalidiya 02 666 3378 www.thedoctorsmedicalcenter.ae

800 4959

Advanced Cure Diagnostic Center Al Bateen www.cure.ae

02 667 5050

Burjeel Medical Centre

Deerfields Mall 02 508 5500 www.burjeelmedicalcentre.com

Canadian Medical Center

Al Nahyan 02 555 9999 www.canadiancmc.com Al Marina www.hsmc.ae

02 613 3999

HealthPlus Family Health Center

Al Bandar, Al Raha Beach 02 557 1818 www.hplus.ae

HealthPlus Children’s Specialty Center Al Bateen www.hplus.ae

02 658 2221

HealthPlus Women’s Health Center Al Karamah www.hplus.ae

02 643 3494

Intercare Health Center

Marina Village 02 639 0080 www.intercare-health.com

King’s College Hospital Clinic

‫التدريب عىل‬ ‫السعافات أ‬ ‫الولية‬ ‫إ‬

Al Khalidiyah www.kchclinics.com

Phone based service www.telemed.ae

Harley Street Medical Centre

Smile Clinic

King’s College Hospital Clinic

Boston Dental Clinic

British Dental Clinic

American Veterinary Clinic

02 566 4222

Jeiroudi Orthodontic Center Al Khalidiyah

Health Clinics

Abu Dhabi Telemedicine Centre

International Center For Dental Excellence

Dental Clinics

Abu Dhabi Falcon Hospital


City Centre www.elyzeemc.com

Eye Clinics

‫ األطباء البيطريون‬FAMILY HEALTHCARE ‫والحيوانات األليفة‬ ‫عيادات أ‬ ‫السنان‬

Al Khalidiyah Emergency www.americanvet.ae

Elyzee Medical Center

Sandy Paws

‫الصحة العائلية‬

Vets & Pets

Al Khalidiyah 02 621 2828 Eastmans-Smile-SolutionsDental-Clinic

The Doctors Medical Center 02 557 4580

‫عيادات الصحة‬

Eastmans Dental Centre

Al Khalidiyah www.kchclinics.com

02 501 4000

Mediclinic Al Noor Family Care Center

Various Locations 800 26422 www.alnoorhospital.com

Swedish Medical Center Al Khalidiyah

02 681 1122

The Doctors Medical Center

Al Khalidiyah 02 666 3378 Masdar City 02 666 3378 www.TheDoctorsMedicalCenter.com

Via Medical International Healthcare

Liwa Tower 02 444 6500 www.viamedica-international.com

Women’s Health Center

Corniche Maternity Hospital Al Danah 02 672 4900 www.seha.ae



Delivering a wide spectrum of services from simple eye tests to complex eye surgery Part of Moorfields London, the oldest eye hospital in the world, Moorfields Eye Hospital Abu Dhabi delivers the same exceptional standard of diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases. Highly experienced eye consultants in their respective fields carry out all procedures including: • • • • •

Cataracts Corneal Glaucoma LASIK Lazy eye

• • • •

Oculoplastics – Cosmetic & Therapeutic Paediatric Ophthalmology Retinal eye diseases associated with diabetes Squints

If you or any of your family have any concerns, please contact us today as early detection and treatment can prevent serious and lasting consequences. To request an appointment call +971 2 635 6161 or visit www.moorfields.ae/abudhabi today. yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155 ‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae






‫خـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــريف‬


FOR INFO! ‫الرعاية الصحية ف� ن ز‬ ‫الم�ل‬ ‫ي‬

Healthcare at Home Be Well Home Care

Abu Dhabi City 02 679 7533 www.bewellhomecare.ae

Manzil Healthcare Services www.manzilhealth.ae

800 626 945

Via Medical International Healthcare

Liwa Tower 02 444 6500 www.viamedica-international.com

‫أخصائ� البرصيات‬ ‫يي‬


yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155 ‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae Brightpoint Royal Women’s Hospital

Acupuncture Gulf Chinese Medical Centre

Burjeel Hospital

American Center for Psychiatry and Neurology

Al Mushrif www.brightpoint.ae Al Dhafrah www.burjeel.com

Various locations www.aljaberoptical.com

Al Maryah Island 800 8 2223 www.clevelandclinicabudhabi.ae

Danat Al Emarat Hospital for Women and Children

Various Locations www.yateemgroup.com

‫العالج الطبيعي‬


Abu Dhabi Knee and Sports Medicine Centre Zayed Sports City www.healthpoint.ae


Yas Marina www.bounceback.ae

02 492 9000

02 565 1212

Franco Emirian Patrick Milton Al Danah

02 626 5722

International Knee and Joint Centre David Baston Al Dhafra www.knee.ae

02 444 6600

The Doctor’s Medical Center

Al Khalidiya 02 666 3378 www.thedoctorsmedicalcenter.ae

Al Markaziyah West 02 634 3538 www.gulfchinesemedical.net Al Rowdah 02 697 9999 www.americancenteruae.com

American Center for Special Abilities (ACSA) Al Rowdah www.acsa.ae

Bodyworx Medical Centre

Al Bateen 02 417 7222 www.gdc-hospital.com

Corpofino Dermatology

Gulf Diagnostic Center Hospital

Zayed Sports City www.healthpoint.ae

02 492 9000

Madinat Zayed www.llhhospital.com

02 633 5522

Al Dhafrah www.bodyworx.ae Al Danah www.corpofino.ae

02 641 9961

02 639 6991

Khalifa City 02 557 2220 Al Rowdah 02 446 6648 www.cosmesurge.com

NMC Speciality Hospital

Exeter Medical Center Bone & Joint Health

02 633 2255

Universal Hospital

Al Rowdah 02 599 9555 www.universalhospitals.com

‫المستشفيات العامة‬

Al Bateen 02 417 7222 www.gdc-hospital.com

Public Hospitals

Al Bateen www.hplus.ae

Al Mafraq Hospital

HealthPlus Fertility Center Al Karamah www.hplus.ae

Corniche Hospital

Intercare Health Center

Al Danah 02 672 4900 www.cornichehospital.ae

Sheikh Khalifa Medical City Al Wahda www.skmc.ae

02 819 0000

02 643 3494

Electricity & Water

Abu Dhabi Water and Electric Company (ADWEC)

02 694 3333

Abu Dhabi Distribution Company www.addc.ae

800 2332

‫موردي الغاز‬

Gas Suppliers

Al Ruwais Industrial Gases

Zubair Gas Distribution Co

Al Markaziyah 02 634 5162 www.chiropracticUAE.com

Ahalia Hospital

Abu Dhabi Knee and Sports Medicine Centre

Lisa Laws Hypnotherapy 055 771 2857

02 501 4000


Lotus Holistic Center Khalifa City www.lotusholistic.ae


‫الكهرباء والماء‬

International Chiropractic Specialty Center

Private Hospitals


02 554 7337

Tarish Ateeq Al Qubisi Gas

Al Khalidiyah www.kchclinics.com

02 492 9000

Mr Fixit

Marina Village 02 639 0080 www.intercare-health.com

Specialist Healthcare Zayed Sports City www.healthpoint.ae

02 557 1542 www.exilesmaidservice.ae

02 555 3809 www.eigco.com/contact/contact.htm

King’s College Hospital Clinic

Hamdan 02 626 2666 Mussafah 800 66666 www.ahaliagroup.com

050 926 4074 www.abudhabi-maids.com

02 666 0363

‫الرعاية الصحية المتخصصة‬

‫المستشفيات الخاصة‬

Cleaning & Maintenance Services


Gulf Diagnostic Center

Al Mafraq 02 501 1111 www.mafraqhospital.ae

‫خدمات التنظيف والصيانة‬

02 566 4222

Al Bateen 02 635 4321 www.exetermedicalcenter.com

HealthPlus Diabetes & Endocrinology Center



City Centre www.elyzeemc.com

Madinat Zayed www.nmc.ae


Exiles Maid Service

Mediclinic Al Noor Hospital

Various locations 800 26422 www.alnoorhospital.com

02 681 6070 02 557 7700

Abu Dhabi Maids


Elyzee Medical Center

Al Khalidiyah Etihad Plaza www.silkor.com

02 666 5545

Abu Dhabi Gate City 02 614 9999 www.danatalemarat.ae

Lifeline Hospital

Yateem Opticians

02 508 5555

Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi

Healthpoint Hospital

Al Jaber Optical

800 7676

Silkor Laser Hair Removal


02 679 2205

‫ين‬ ‫التأم� الصحي‬

Health Insurance Axa


Daman 02 557 9801

02 559 9477


800 4845 02 614 9555


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VISIT: ‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال‬ yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155 ‫على‬ Reem Office - First Floor, Boutik Mall, Sun and Sky Towers, Al Reem, Abu Dhabi (next to Khidmah office) To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae 2017 City Office - International Tennis Centre, Zayed Sports City, Abu Dhabi

‫ خـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــريف‬59

FOR INFO! ‫ين‬ ‫التأم� عىل ن ز‬ ‫الم�ل‬

House Insurance

yalla@yallauae.ae ‫ أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني‬056 399 5155 ‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على‬ To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae

‫المعلومات‬ ‫الخاصةبالطوارئ‬

E Movers

www.euromovers-ae.com 02 659 4243

GAC International

Abu Dhabi National Insurance Company

www.moving.gac.com 02 673 0500

‫مستشفيات تستقبل‬ ‫الحوادث والحاالت الطارئة‬

Hospitals with Accident & Emergency

Insurance House

‫ سيارات أ‬EMERGENCY ‫الجرة وخدمات‬ INFORMATION ‫السيارة مع سائق‬ ‫أرقام الطوارئ‬ Taxis & Chauffeured

www.insurancehouse.ae 02 493 4444


Emergency Numbers

Zurich House Insurance

Al Ghazal Taxi



Civil Defense/Fire










Al Danah 02 626 5265 www.alnoorhospital.com



Sheikh Khalifa Medical City


800 8040

Axa Insurance



800 4845

02 632 6543

‫ش�كات النقل والشحن‬

Removal Companies Crown Relocations


02 673 3076

Delight International Movers

www.delightmovers.com 02 690 2900

www.alghazaltransport.ae 02 635 6060



Emirates Taxi

04 440 5222


02 550 9511


02 554 2231

National Taxi Abu Dhabi Transad Taxis


Water and Electricity 600 535 353

Abu Dhabi Government

800 2332 800 555

Abu Dhabi Municipality 02 678 8888




Al Rahba Hospital Al Rahba www.alrahba.ae

02 506 4444

Corniche Maternity Hospital

Al Danah 02 811 7777 www.cornichehospital.ae

Mafraq Hospital

Mafraq 02 501 1111 www.mafraqhospital.ae

Mediclinic Al Noor Hospital

Al Wahda www.skmc.gov.ae

02 610 2000



‫خـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــريف‬


‫لإلعالن يرجى اإلتصال على ‪ 056 399 5155‬أو مراسلتنا على بريد الكتروني ‪yalla@yallauae.ae‬‬ ‫‪To Advertise call 056 399 5155 or email: yalla@yallauae.ae‬‬

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