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策展人: 杨 卫




ARTISTS 艺术家 陈文令 陈卓+黄可一 冯峰 何汶玦 刘虹 潘德海 王川 武明中 于凡 岳敏君 Chen Wenling Chen Zhuo + Huang Keyi Feng Feng He Wenjue Liu Hong Pan Dehai Wang Chuan Wu Mingzhong Yu Fan Yue Minjun

目 录 CONTENTS P.10 P.12



陈文令 Chen Wenling 陈卓+黄可一 Chen Zhuo + Huang Keyi 冯峰 Feng Feng 何汶玦 He Wenjue 刘虹 Liu Hong 潘德海 Pan Dehai 王川 Wang Chuan 武明中 Wu Mingzhong 于凡 Yu Fan 岳敏君 Yue Minjun

P.29 P.39 P.49 P.65 P.75 P.85 P.95 P.105 P.117


A Gathering of Heroes Yang Wei


――序《光芒十射》中国当代艺术展 杨卫

我用“光芒十射”来命名这个展览,是取了光芒四射的谐音。光芒四射的原意是指强烈的光线射向四面八 方,我改四射而十射,是因为参加这个展览的艺术家恰好为十(有一组为两人合作)。中国人喜欢说十全 十美,十射便是寄托了十全十美的祝愿。同时,十射的另一层意思是表明了这个展览的多元状态,参加此 展的十位(组)艺术家有十种不同的表达方式,可谓“一人一世界,一花一天堂”。通常情况下,就主题 性展览而言,大都是寻找艺术家之间的相似性,以此来构成一个共时性话题。而这个展览却恰恰相反,是 以各不相同组成群展的格局,尽最大可能来展现艺术家的个人成就与创作地位。这种水果拼盘式的安排, 当然与杨艺术中心的掌门人杨小姐不拘一格的开放思维有关。即作为中国当代艺术的推广者,杨小姐极希 望能够向世人展示中国当代艺术的丰富性。事实上,中国当代艺术在近几年已发生了一些明显变化,首先 是意识形态的削弱,中国当代艺术不再是以表达某种不同的意识形态来取悦于西方了,而是回到自身的 文化语境,成了一种日常性的人文叙事。正是因为日常生活的丰富性,构成了今天中国当代艺术的多元生 态,使其呈现出了“横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同”的千态万姿。此展即是为了呈现这种远近高低各 不同的丰富性,尽管参展的艺术家不多,但他们都颇具代表性,组合在一起几乎可以涵盖近三十年中国当 代艺术的发展历史。岳敏君是中国当代艺术的标志性人物,其创作的笑脸符号早已响誉艺坛,为大家所熟 知。此次展览岳敏君没有继续他的笑脸形象,只是取其戏谑的语言方式,开始尝试一种新的现成品装置。 他从市面上找来无数马桶刷,将其组合成形,取名《亲近杜尚》,在解构艺术史神话的同时,也将艺术还 原到了人的日常生活之中;王川是中国当代艺术界的老布尔斯维克,早年曾介入“乡土绘画”,为中国新 艺术的肇始者之一。“85新潮”之后,王川彻底走出具象绘画的束缚,开始尝试抽象艺术,并由此获得了 现代性的启迪。此次展览展出了王川的最新成果,从中我们可以看到一个艺术家对现实超越的心路历程;


刘虹是王川的同学,也是中国女性艺术的代表人物,早年的作品倾向于自我身体,带有强烈的自证意识。 后期作品开始转向外部世界,但仍以女性的生存命运为主,透着深刻的文化自省;潘德海为“85新潮”的 主将之一,曾以《掰开的苞米》系列闻名于世,后将其语言方式从《掰开的苞米》系列中提取出来,转入 现实社会,由抽象而具象,演绎出了一种新的人类景观;陈文令是中国当代艺术界将现代雕塑推向当代雕 塑的关键人物之一,其作品涉及到人的各种生存处境,通过夸张手法的运用,将荒诞不经的内涵带入我们 的生存现实,也使我们感受到了存在的忐忑与困境;何汶诀为“70后”艺术家的代表,过去的作品以水中 游泳的人物为主,表现了人在当今物质条件下沉浮不定的焦虑,后来的作品转入记忆的发现,通过对老电 影的挖掘,不仅将自己的艺术语言引向了历史深处,也使整整一代人找到了自我成长的证据;武明中是中 国当代艺术界近年来杀出的一匹黑马,其独特性就在于他创造了一种带有玻璃质感的语言方式,通过这种 语言方式对今天这个存在世界的投射,使我们深深地感觉到了易碎的危机;于凡是中国当代艺术界的独行 侠,长期一个人默默地探索物态的变化,尤其是将中国古老的旧式家具加以新材料的改装,不仅激活了传 统的审美内涵,也给当代人的视觉心理植入了一种优雅的古韵;陈卓和黄可一为一个艺术组合,近年来他 们共同合作,创作了不少大型的观念摄影,其气势之宏伟,物象之丰富,都能够让我们感觉到陈卓和黄可 一的创造雄心与文化气魄;冯峰是中国当代艺术界的“守旧派”,其作品深深扎根于中国的历史文脉,带 有强烈的“中式意识”可以看出,这十位(组)艺术家的作品,均代表了中国当代艺术的不同类型。我以 “光芒十射”来命名这个展览,不仅是因为他们的类型不同,更重要的还是他们的代表性。正是基于他们 在中国当代艺术界的代表性,我喻之以光芒,应该说并不为过。 是为序。 2011.6.1于通州 11

A Gathering of Heroes: A preface to ‘Splendor’, an exhibition featuring ten of the most established Chinese Contemporary Artists. Yang Wei

I have selected ‘Splendiferous’ as title of this exhibition; the word shows the interplay between its original meaning and as well as its figurative significance. From the origin of the word we find it signifies ‘containing or carrying dazzling brightness’ and gradually it becomes to mean full of splendor, this is definitely not a word you may often encounter in everyday life, yet I find it most precisely describes the spirit of our exhibition. We exhibit works of ten artists; as ten in Chinese is a number standing for comprehensiveness we hope the audience will find this comprehensive character as our ten artists convey their splendor to you. The other significance of Splendiferous is the brilliance ‘contained’ in each artist; each of the ten artists show their unique styles through their work, and just like the poem says ‘one man, the world he lives in, one flower, the heaven it blossoms’. Usually, exhibitions have a subject matter that helps to emphasize similarities among artists so that one can find the subject matter from works of those several similar artists; however this exhibition is quite the opposite, the subject matter is constituted by differences among those several artists, so that each individual artist shows his or her own style and creativity. This hodgepodge layout certainly bears on the open mind of the chief of Yang Gallery. As a passionate promoter of Chinese Contemporary Art, Susanna Yang endeavours at showing the multitude and the resourcefulness of the genre. In fact, Chinese contemporary art has in recent years changed drastically, mainly, on slimming down of form of consciousness; Chinese Contemporary Art no longs flatters the


West by expressing a different kind of form of consciousness, but instead it is going back to its proper cultural context and becoming a kind of humanistic narrative of everyday life. The abundant possibilities of everyday life cultivate the richness of Chinese Contemporary Art and the latter displays the complex characteristics that are constantly changing under the different perspectives of the audience. This exhibition tries to show such diversity even though there are only ten artists partaking in the exhibition, they are all exemplars, and combined together they cover almost all of the thirty years of the history of Chinese Contemporary Art. Yue Min Jun is an icon of Chinese Contemporary Art, the celebrated symbol smile that he created has long been held in esteem. This time Yue is not continuing his trademark smile but instead chose to adopt its burlesque approach to show a new ready-made instrument. He bought innumerable toilet scrubbing brushes and arranged them into a form, entitling this work “Making Acquaintance With Marcel Duchamp”; as well as deconstructing a legend in art history his piece also restores art to the everyday life of the people. Wang Chuang is the good old Bolsheviks of Chinese Contemporary Art, he engaged in ‘soiled in country painting’ in his early days and became the pioneer of Chinese new art. After the ‘85 New Mode’ Wang ceased painting the concrete and started to draw the abstract and was inspired by this experience of modernity. Wang shows his newest works in this exhibition and we can follow the steps the artist took in his life-experience of transcending the realism.

Liu Hong was classmate of Wang Chuan in college as well as being a representative of Chinese female art, her early works tend to show the body in first person perspective and was strongly swayed by the will to affirm the self. Her newer works turn to the outside world but still take as the subject the fate of women, with profound cultural self-examination. Pan De Hai, a key person in ‘85 New Mode’, had set his fame with his “Corns Pulled Apart” series. Later he extracted his visual language style from this series and applied it to the society, from concept to the concrete, and developed a new vista of human beings. Chen Wen Ling is one of key people who helped bring Chinese artists from modern sculpture to contemporary sculpture. His works refer to all situations a man faces, and by employing exaggeration he brings back the ridiculous to the world we live in and force us to confront embarrassments and angst of our existences. He Wen Jue is the representative of the ‘born after the seventies’ artists, he started out by drawing people swimming, expressing anxieties that people experience under contingencies of material conditions, and more recently he has turned to the discovery of remembrance, through depicting scenes relevant to old films, he not only leads his art language to the hidden history but also found witnesses of coming of age for the whole generation that he is a member. Wu MingZhong is a serendipity that Chinese Contemporary Art world has just received recently. His singularity consists in his creating an art expressive method fabricated of glass, through this means he is able to project, in his glacial world, our world and remind us of the

fragility of our situations. Yu Fan is a Don Quixote among Chinese Contemporary artists. Over the years he has concentrated on the mutations of the mode of things, and this is most eminent in his refashioning of ancient Chinese furniture by employing new fabrications. These not only stimulate traditional aesthetic values, but endow also to the modern, with a touch of the gentleness of the classical age. Chen Zhuo and Huang Ke Yi are a team of artists. In the last several years they have cooperated to create several large scale concept photographs, the grandeur of their force and abundance of details within their images have both moved us to appreciate the team’s ambition of creativity and bold cultural vision. Feng Feng is a ‘conservative’ among Chinese artists, his works root deeply in the historical context of China, carrying itself with ‘Chinese spirit’. It can be seen that the elements featured in the works of the ten artists all stand for different types areas of Chinese Contemporary Art. I entitle the exhibition ‘Splendiferous’ not only for the difference of their styles, but more importantly based on the fact that each is exemplary. It is not inappropriate, based on their being representatives of Chinese Contemporary Art, that I call their collective, Splendor. At Tong Zhou June 1st, 2011.



陈文令 Chen Wenling


陈文令是中国当代艺术家的代表之一。陈文令的艺术与其说是生动而形象地再现了任何动物之间的复杂博弈关系,倒不如说是分析和揭示了视觉表征背后令人沉思的道德危 机、信誉危机和信仰危机。这才是陈文令艺术观念的真正本质。他用清晰而生动的视觉语言向观众提供了一种新的观看方式和一种独特的理解方式。 Chen Wen Ling is representative of Chinese contemporary artists. His art, besides presenting vividly and in concreto the complex relationship among animals living according to the law of jungle, is provocatively bringing to light crisis behind these pungent scenes, of morality, credibility and faith among men. This is indeed the nature of Chen’s artistic conception. He employs fresh and vivid visual language to provide the audience a new way of seeing and understanding.




1969年生于中国福建泉州 先后毕业于厦门工艺美术学院和中央美术学院 现居中国北京,职业艺术家

2010 “悬案”——陈文令2010新作展


北京 中国

2010 “你看到的是真实的”陈文令个展 ODETOART画廊 新加坡 2009 “紧急出口”——陈文令2009新作展


北京 中国


“物神”——陈文令2008新作展 亚洲艺术中心 北京 中国


“蜕变”——陈文令个展 井画廊 东京 日本


“幸福生活”——陈文令个展 上海多伦现代美术馆 上海 中国


“幸福生活”——陈文令个展 厦门大学中国欧洲艺术中心 厦门 中国


“红色记忆”——陈文令雕塑展示行动 珍珠湾海滩 厦门 中国


陈文令木雕艺术展 厦门工艺美术学院 厦门 中国

重要群展: 2011 2011

丹麦海岸国际雕塑展 《静·界》


奥尔胡斯 北京

丹麦 中国

2011 “自拍——近代的外表”--昌原亚洲艺术节 Sungsan艺术馆 2011 《无法缺席》——文轩当代艺术展






2010 “生存的进化” ——釜山双年展




釜山文化中心 釜山 韩国

2010 “The TAO of Now” 白兔美术馆 悉尼 澳大利亚 2010 2010

“调节器”——今日文献展 今日美术馆 北京 中国 2010世博静安国际雕塑展 静安雕塑公园 上海 中国


“改造历史”——国家会议中心 北京 中国


“书写”——南京国际当代艺术双年展 南京 中国


“对话芝加哥”——中国当代雕塑艺术 芝加哥 美国


第三届塞维利亚国际当代艺术双年展 CAAC 塞韦利亚 西班牙

2008 2008 2007 2007 2006

第三届南京三年展——亚洲方位 南京博物院 南京 中国 “消费”——釜山双年展 釜山现代艺术博物馆 釜山 韩国 “中国”——面对现实 维也纳国立当代艺术博物馆 维也纳 奥地利 “聚热”——今日亚洲 休斯敦美术馆 休斯敦 美国 “超设计”——上海双年展 上海美术馆 上海 中国


“第二届中国艺术三年展”——南京艺术博物院 南京 中国


“中国比利时当代雕塑展”——安特卫普 比利时


“北京国际美术双年展中国雕塑展”——北京王府井大街 中国


“首届中国艺术三年展” 广州博物院 中国


“上海青年美术大展雕塑邀请展” 上海师范大学 中国



Chen Wenling

[Solo Exhibitions]

1969 Born in Quanzhou, Fujian

2010 “The Suspense”-Sculptures By Chen Wenling 2010, Today’s Art Museum, Beijing, China

Province, China Graduated from

2010 “What You See Is Real”-Chen Wenling Solo-Exhibition, Odetoart, Singapore

Xiamen Academy of Art and Design

2009 “Emergency Exit” - Sculptures By Chen Wenling 2009,JoyArt, Beijing, China

Completed Study in Sculpture Dept

2008 “God of Materialism” - Sculptures By Chen Wenling 2008,Asia Art Center, Beijing, China

and then Central Academy of Fine

2007 Metamorphose Chen Wenling Exhibition, Makii Masaru Fine Arts, Japan

Arts, Beijing, China

2006 Chen Wenling’s Sculpture Solo Exhibition, Duolun Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai, China

Now Works and Lives in Beijing, a

2004 “Happy Life”-Chinese European Art Center, Xiamen, China

Professional Artist, China

1991 Chen WenLing Woodcarving Show, Xiamen Academy of Art and Design, China [Group Exhibitions] 2011 “Sculpture by the Sea”, Aarhus,Denmark 2011 “The Realm” JINGYI Art Space, Beijing, China 2011 "Self Camera —— Exterior of the Modern"- Changwon Asia Art Festival, Sungsan Art Hall, Changwon, Korea 2011 “Unable Absence”- Winshare contemporary art display, Chengdu, China 2011 7th of the Sculpture by the Sea, Perth, Australia 2010 Pusan Biennale -Living in Evolution,Pusan Cultural Center,Busan, Korea 2010 “THE TAO OF NOW“- The White Rabbit Gallery, Sydney, Australia 2010 “Negotiations”- Today’s Document Exhibition, Today’s Museum, Beijing, China 2010 Expo 2010 Jing’An International Sculpture Exhibitiom, Jing An Park of Sculpture, Shanghai, China 2010 “Reshaping the History” AIPC Beijing, China. 2010 “And-Writers” –Nanjing Contemporary Double Exhibition, JiangSu Provincial Art Museum New address, Nanjing, China 2009 “A Conversation with Chicago”-Contemporary Sculpture from China, Chicago, American 2008 Third International Biennial of Contemporary Art, Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo, Seville, Spain 2008 The 3rd Nanjing Triennial - Reflective Asia, Nanjing Museum, Nanjing, China 2008 Pusan Biennale - Expenditure, Busan Museum of Modern Art, Busan, Korea 2007 “China- Facing Reality”- the Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, Vienna, Austria 2007 “Red Hot” - Asian Art Today, The Museum of Fine Art, Houston, American 2006 “Hyper Design”-Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai Art Museum,Shanghai, China 2005 Second China Art Triennial, Nanjing Art Museum, Nanjing, China 2004 China-Belgium Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition, Antwerpen, Belgium 2003 Chinese Sculpture Masterpieces Exhibition of the Beijing international Biennale, Beijing, China 2002 First China Art Triennial, Guangzhou Art Museum, Guangdong, China 2001 Sculpture Show, Shanghai Young Artists Exhibition, Normal University of Shanghai, China


你看到未必是真实的 What You See is not Necessarily True 铜 Bronze 190x294x98cm





世界之巅(The Top of the World) 综合材料 Compositive materials 190x50x50cm 2010






陈卓+黄可一 Chen Zhuo + Huang Keyi


我们关注中国当代社会最主要的视觉经验,这种经验是具象的、现实的、是独一无二的,只有在经济迅速发展而新的审美价值尚未形成的过程中才特有的视觉经验。在我们内心里,仅仅拿摄影作为这种 客观视觉经验的再现是不够的,我们能够在此基础上描绘更加激动人心的景象。这是最好的记录方式,它可以更加真实的展现这种客观;它也是延展这种视觉经验的最佳方式,为我们提供无限的可能。 陈卓+黄可一 We deal with major visual experiences emerged from modern Chinese society, these experiences are concrete, realistic and unique, they can only appear in a society when the process of rapid economic development is not accompanied by a cultivation of aesthetic value. To employ photography to represent these experiences is far from being faithful to them. The best way to document such experiences is to take them as basis to depict more exciting scenes, they present more objective validity then; this is also the best approach to broad horizons of those visual experience as it provides us infinite possibilities. Chen Zhuo +Huang Ke Yi


陈卓 1994.9~1998.7 1998.9~2003.7 2003.9~2006.7 2006.8~

就读于中央美术学院附中 就读于中央美术学院建筑学院 中央美术学院设计学院摄影与数码媒体工作室硕士研究生 留校任教于中央美术学院设计学院摄影与数码媒体工作室

黄可一 1995.9~1999.7 1999.9~2003.7 2003.9~2006.7 2006.8~

就读于中央美术学院附中 就读于中央美术学院版画系 中央美术学院版画系硕士研究生 留校任教于中央美术学院

获奖 2011 意大利拉古娜当代艺术奖——特别奖 轨迹与质变——影像艺术青年艺术家学院奖 2005 第三届全国艺术院校大学生数码媒体大赛·全场大奖 CCGF2005中国数码艺术专业委员会奖·最佳视频短片奖 2004 第十届全国美展银奖 2003 第二届全国艺术院校大学生数码媒体大赛·最佳剪辑奖 中央美术学院毕业创作奖学金 2003届中央美院“学院之光”毕业生优秀作品展艺术创新奖 2001 中国艺术博览会“艺术的未来”主题展优秀作品奖 国际建筑师协会(UIA)·未来人居与城市规划奖 2000 第二届诺基亚亚太地区(中国赛区)艺术大奖赛优秀奖

重要个展: 2011 《中国嘉年华》·Abnormals画廊·柏林 2009 《中国嘉年华》·OOIBOTOS画廊·香港 重要群展: 2011 《艺术北京主题展——“N/1 混合媒介”展》·全国农业展览馆·北京 2010 《新鲜——十种可能》·卓越艺术中心·北京798艺术区 《我是》·天安时间当代艺术中心·北京 《三维中国-中国当代艺术展》·萨洛尼卡·希腊 《2010影像档案展》·宋庄美术馆·北京 《不确定的可能性——798及周边艺术群落青年作品展》·宋庄美术馆·北京 2009 《中国青年影像艺术家实验影像作品展》·北京大学艺术学院·北京 《2009韩国国际影像艺术》·汉城会展中心·韩国 《未来索引-2009第五届宋庄艺术节青年策展人邀请展》·宋庄尚堡美术馆·北京 《叙事中国——2009第四届成都双年展》·成都世纪城新会展中心·成都 《BCA夏季艺术市集》·天安时间当代艺术中心·北京 《发现》·铸造艺术馆·北京 《转型期一代》·中国艺术新闻网·北京 《看上去很美》·表画廊·北京798艺术区 《优雅的生猛》·EM画廊·北京 2008 《超自然—中国当代摄影展》·ART GATE画廊·纽约 第二届MOCA Shanghai上海当代艺术馆文献展《梦蝶》上海MOCA·上海 第三届南京三年展·南京博物院·南京 《后场》当代艺术展·别处空间画廊·北京798艺术区 《马刚、陈卓+黄可一、于筱作品展》·798艺术场地画廊·北京798艺术区 《异像——一种城市图像心理学》当代摄影展·百年印象画廊·北京798艺术区 《DREAMS : LIU REN & CHEN ZHUO/HUANG KEYI》·OOI BOTOS画廊·香港 2007 《内结构·有机形态》中美邀请特展·T9空间画廊·北京 《别处现实》当代艺术展·别处空间画廊·北京798艺术区 第二届中国国际文化创意产业博览会北青2008传媒艺术展·国际展览中心·北京 2007平遥国际摄影展·平遥·中国山西 2006 2006艺术北京国际画廊博览会·青年艺术区影像展·北京 2005 2005平遥国际摄影展·平遥·中国山西 韩亚短片电影节·韩国 Karlsruhe Barcelona Cambridge Toronto·蓬皮杜艺术中心·巴黎·法国 阿姆斯特丹中国文化年开幕展·阿姆斯特丹·荷兰 2004 《Monde Parallele Chine》艺术展·Tri Postal展览馆·法国 第十届全国美展·北京 2002 亚洲数码媒体艺术节?东京·日本 第十六届全国版画展·北京



Chen Zhuo 1998~2003 Undergraduate student of Architecture Department in Central Academy of Fine Arts 2003~2006 Graduate student of Digital-media in Central Academy of Fine Arts. Master Degree 2006~ Instruct in the Design School Media Lab of Central Academy of Fine Arts. Huang KeYi 1999~2003 Undergraduate student of printmaking Department in Central Academy of Fine Arts 2003~2006 Graduate student of printmaking Department in Central Academy of Fine Arts. Master Degree 2006~ Instruct in the Central Academy of Fine Arts

Award: 2011 ARTE ART PRIZE LAGUNA 2010·Special Prizes "Personal Exhibitions" 2005 The Third National Competition Of Digital Media·Grand Prize China Computer Graphics Festival·China Digital Art Committee Award·The Best Film Prize 2004 The Tenth National Exhibition Of Arts·silver Prize ·China 2003 The Second National Competition Of Digital Media·“Best Edit” Prize Graduate Scholarship of China the Central Academy of Fine Arts Academy Lights·Central Academy of fine Arts·Originality Award 2001 Art of Future·China International Artistic Expo·Excellence Prize UIA -International Union of Architects·Housing and Urban Development Corporation – Prize 2000 The Second Asia-Pacific Youths’ Drawing Exhibition(Sponsored by NOKIA)·Excellence Prize

[Solo Exhibitions] 2011 Chinese Carnival -Chen Zhuo + Huang Keyi ·Abnormals Gallery·Berlin 2009 Chinese Carnival -Chen Zhuo + Huang Keyi · OOI BOTOS Gallery·Hang Kong

[Selected Exhibitions] 2011 Photo Beijing Thematic Exhibition — “N/1 Mixed Media” ·China Agricultrual Exhibition Center·Beijing 2010 The possibility of uncertainty·Songzhuang Gallery·Beijing Fresh - ten possible·ZhuoYue art center·798·Beijing I’m·Beijing Center for the Arts·Bejing 3D China·Thessaloniki·Greek 2011 Video Archives Exhibition·Songzhuang Gallery·Beijing 2009 China Youth experimental video artist video exhibition·Peking University College of the Arts·Beijing 1st PHOTO KOREA 2009·Seoul Convention and Exhibition Center·Korea Future Index-2009 Fifth songzhuang Youth Arts Festival Invitational Exhibition curator·Shangpu Gallery·Beijing The forth Chengdu Biennale·The new Convention and Exhibition Center·Chengdu The markets of BCA: summer 2009·Beijing center for the arts·Beijing Discovery·Found Museum·Beijing A Transitional Generation·www.artnews.cn·Beijing Looking pretty·PYO798·Beijing Elegance with cruelty·EM GALLERY·Beijing 2008 Supernatural-China’s Contemporory Photography·ARTGATE GALLERY·New York Shanghai MOCA Envisage II - Butterfly Dream·MOCA Shanghai Asia 3rd Nanjing Triennial·Nanjing Museum·Nanjing Waiting in the wings – Contemporary Art Exhibition. Beyond Art Space. 798 Art District. Beijing Magang Chenzhuo+Huangkeyi Yuxiao·798 Art Zone Gallery·798 Art District. Beijing Dreams : Liu Ren & Chenzhuo + Huangkeyi·OOI BOTOS Gallery·Hang Kong Hetero Imagery - Contemporary Art Exhibition. 798 Photo Gallery. 798 Art District. Beijing 2007 MECHANISM & ORGANISM –Contemporary Art Exhibition. T9 Space Gallery. Beijing Beyond Reality – Contemporary Art Exhibition. Beyond Art Space. 798 Art District. Beijing The Second China(Beijing) International Culture & Creative Industry Expo —— China International Exhibition Center·Beijing·China PingYao International Photography Festival·China 2006 Exhibition on the “Art Beijing 2006~Youth Art Zone”·China 2005 PingYao International Photography Festival·China Exhibition on the Asian International Short Film Festival·Korea Karlsruhe Barcelona Cambridge Toronto·Centre Georges Pompidou·France Chinese kunst in het hart van Amsterdam·Holland 2004 Monde Parallele Chine·Tri Postal Museum·France The Tenth National Exhibition of Arts·China Beijing 2002 Asia Digital Media Festival·Japan The Sixth Annual Exhibition Printmaking Art·China


陈卓+黄可一Chinese Carnival no. 10 C-Print 彩色相片输出 Photography 120 x 63cm



陈卓+黄可一Chinese Carnival no. 6 C-Print 彩色相片输出Photography 120 x 180cm




冯 峰 Feng Feng


冯峰的作品,直接取材于自己的生活。作品方式象传统文人画,因为采用文人画借物咏怀的方式。或者说更象文人诗,因为多采用比、兴手法。 冯峰作品的语言方式还有着散文式的画面结构,打破时间和空间的现实逻辑。 冯峰的画面笔触,同样充满书写的随意性。虽不是大刀阔斧,气概如虹,却温馨自然,细腻精致。点划运笔,酷似传统文人画的笔墨趣味,多以 逸气趣味见长。 栗宪庭一 Feng’s artwork is directly influenced by his life. These artworks are like the paintings of traditional scholars. Moreover, they may be taken as literary poems. The communication arrangement of these artworks has a prose like picture plane structure. It disrupts the absolute logic of time and space. Feng Feng’s brush strokes are also full of the accent of randomness in calligraphy. Even though it is not with gigantic force, it is filled with natural passion and delicacy. Feng’s brushstrokes have the interesting sense of traditional Chinese calligraphy and the sense of great interest perceptibly. Li Xian Ting 40

冯 峰 1958 1981 2003 2006

出生于中国沈阳 毕业于天津大学 中央美术学院绘画材料语言硕士研究生(肆业) 建立北京宋庄工作室

重要个展: 2010 2009

2008 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

1999 1998 1997 1996 1995

冯峰个人展 ,奥 画廊,香港 DR画廊 英国 伦敦 上海益昌艺术机构 上海 《一页历史》 JAS CHINA ART英国 伦敦 《“两度半” 空间》冯峰个展 798艺术区 第五元素画廊,北京 冯峰个人展,艺术景,上海 冯峰个展 巴黎诗人俱乐部,法国 《如梦令》,冯峰个人展,艺术景,上海 《三国演义》冯峰个人展,艺术景,上海 冯峰个人展,艺术景,上海 冯峰个人展,秦昊画廊,北京 冯峰个人展,秦昊画廊,北京 冯峰个人展,马德里国际画廊,西班牙 冯峰个人展,加略画廊,新加坡 冯峰个人展,日内瓦中央画廊,瑞士 冯峰个人展,中环画廊,香港 冯峰个人展,可创艺苑,北京 冯峰个人展,盛行画廊,三番市,美国 冯峰个人展,盛行画廊,香港 冯峰个人展,中国美术馆,北京 冯峰个人展,蓝色画廊,北京 冯峰个人展,滚石俱乐部,天津

主要公共收藏: 英国路透社,中国国际信托投资公司,瑞士投资 银行,日本电器公司,荷兰中国投资咨询公司, 德国利勃海尔公司,瑞典Cai时装公司,澳大利 亚大使馆,加拿大建筑设计公司,约旦王国制药 公司,美国斯坦利融资公司,瑞士国际和平组 织,德国波恩公司,西班牙波尔设计公司,上海 金茂大厦,巴西中国领事馆,希腊中国领事馆, 法国欧莱雅公司,法国兴业银行,雪铁龙汽车 公司,羽西传媒,英国WPP传媒公司,法国律师 协会等. 中国美术馆, 今日美术馆, 澳门美术 馆, 香港国际会展中心, 纽约电影学院, 休斯顿 镜湖艺术中心, 泰达会所, 光大银行

重要群展: 2010 2009








2001 1998 1997

巴塞尔(迈阿密)艺术博览会 美国 江南系列展,上海 《正午.北京》6人联展 时代美术馆, 北京 《东方之光》 中韩交流展,北京, 首尔 《东方语境再造》9人联展,环铁时代美术馆 ,北京 科隆艺术博览会, 德国 四人联展 Andersen 画廊, 瑞士苏黎士 《易》李津、庆庆、蔡志松、冯峰四人展, 798艺术区DR画廊,北京 冯峰和陈建辉双人展 艺术景画廊,上海 《原创》宋庄原创艺术中心, 北京 生活在宋庄, 北京宋庄美术馆 科隆艺术博览会, 德国科隆 纽约艺术博览会,美国纽约 拉斯维加斯艺术博览会,美国拉斯维加斯 英,美WPP公司2006年年鉴 中式意识--审美营造的当代复兴, 今日美术馆 ,北京 北京第三届中国画廊博览会,北京。 冯峰和庆庆双人展,艺术景,上海 中国现代艺术展,Reed Savage画廊,迈阿密,美国 “情劫十人展”798艺术区“仁”画廊,北京 第二届北京双年展,798艺术区,北京 第二届中国画廊博览会,北京 冯峰和蔡志松双人展,艺术景,上海、、 凝聚,艺术景中心,上海 Kunstbunker,慕尼黑,德国 第一届中国画廊博览会,北京 冯峰、博和张进三人展,798艺术区“仁”画廊,北京 冯峰和李津二人展,艺术景中心,上海 多元视点,景画廊,上海 加哥艺术展,芝加哥海军码头,伊里诺斯 形式里的精神,艺术景画廊,上海 当代中国艺术七人展,休斯顿威廉能量大厦,德克萨斯 空间迁徒,九人联展,红门画廊,北京 中国当代艺术展,澳门美术馆,澳门 中国现代艺术七人联展,休斯顿净湖艺术中心,美国 墨尔本美术馆双人展,澳大利亚 国际艺苑美术馆双人展,北京 41


Solo Exhibition (Partially)

Born in 1958 Shenyang, China,


Solo,New Gallery on Old Bailey, HongKong

1 9 8 1 G r a d u a t e d f r o m Ti a n J i n g


shanghai yichang art organization shanghai


DR gallery

2003 Graduated in Masters, Painting


“ A Page of History” JAS CHINA ART, London, UK

Material Language in Central


“Two and half Space” Fengfeng Solo Exhibit, 798 Art District, NO. 5 Element Gallery, Beijing

Academy of Fine Arts


Solo, Art Scene, Shanghai

2006 Established the studio in


Solo,Parisian Poet Club, France

Songzhuang Main Collection in Public: U.K Reuters, China Citic Group, Swiss Investment Bank, NEC Electronics Corporation, Netherlands China Investment Consulting Inc., German Liebherr, Sweden Cai Fashion, Australia Embassy, Canadian Architecture Design Co. Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Pharmaceutical, U.S Santley Investment Co. Switzerland International Peace Org, Germany Boeing Co, Spanish Boer Design, Shanghai Jinmao, China Consulate in Brazil, China Consulate in Greece, Loreal-paris,France Societegenerale Bank, Citroen, Yuxi Media, WPP Media, French Law Association, National Gallery China, Today Museum, Macao Museum, Hongkong Exhibition Center, New York Film School, Huston Clear Lake Art Center, TEDA Club, CebBank

Solo, “Dreamlike Order”, Shanghai 2004

Solo, “Romance of Three Kingdoms”, Art Scene, Shanghai


Solo, Art Scene, Shanghai


Solo, QingWu Gallery, Beijing


Solo, QingWu Gallery, Beijing


Solo, Madrid International Gallery, Spain Solo, Jialue Gallery, Singapore Solo, Geneva Central Gallery, Switzerland


Solo, Central Gallery, Hongkong Solo, Kechuang Gallery, Beijing


Solo, Shengxing Gallery, San Francisco, U.S Solo, Shengxing Gallery, Hongkong


Solo, National Museum China, Beijing


Solo, Blue Gallery, Beijing


Solo, Rock & Roll Club, Tianjing

Group Exhibition 2010 Expo 2010 Shanghai,Jiangnan Series Exhibition, shanghai 2009 “Noon, Beijing” 6 Artists, Times Gallery, Beijing “The Light From the East” China, Korea Exhibit, Beijing, Seoul “Oriental Language recomposition” 9 Artists Group Exhibit,HuanTie Times Gallery, Beijing. 2008

Cologne Art Fair, Germany 4 Artists Group Exhibit, Andersen Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland “Yi” Lijing, Qingqing, Caizhisong, Fengfeng, 798 Art District, DR Gallery, Beijing Fengfeng, Chen JianHui Duet Exhibit, Art Scene Gallery, Shanghai


2007 “Original” Songzhuang Original Art Center, Beijing Living in Songzhuang, Beijing Songzhuang Gallery Cologne Art Fair, Germany New York Art Fair, New York, U.S Las Vegas Art Fair, Las Vegas, U.S 2006

England, U.S WPP 2006 Art Year Book “Chinese way of consciousness—aesthetics create the modern revival” Today Museum, Beijing The Third Gallery Art Fair Beijing, Beijing Fengfeng Qingqing Duet Exhibit, Art Scene, Shanghai China Modern Art Exhibit, Reed Savage, Miami, U.S


“Emotional Robbery” 798 Art District “Ren” Gallery, Beijing Biennial 2’nd Beijing, 798 Art District, Beijing The 2nd China Gallery Art Fair, Beijing Fengfeng and Caizhisong Duet Exhibition, Art Scene Gallery, Shanghai


“Focal Point”, Art Scene, Shanghai


Kunstbunker, Munich, Germany


The 1st China Gallery Art Fair, Beijing Fengfeng,Yanbo,Zhangjing, Exhibition, 798 Art District, Ren Gallery, Beijing Fengfeng Lijing Duet Exhibition, Art Scene Gallery, Shanghai


Diversified Focal Point, Jing Gallery, Shanghai Chicago Art Exhibit, Chicago Marine Harbor, Illinois The Spirit in Forms, Art Scene, Shanghai


Contemporary Art 7 Artists Exhibition, Huston William Energy Building, Texas Space Transit, 9 Artists Group Exhibition, Red Gate Gallery, Beijing Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition, Macau Museum, Macau


China Modern Art 7 Artists Group Exhisition, Huston Lake Art Center,U.S


Melbourne Museum Duet Exhibition, Australia


International Art Museum Duet, Beijing


爱河-1 Love river-1 布面油画 Oil on Canvas 150x300cm 2009



2009年故事 The story in 2009 布面油画 Oil on Canvas 150x300cm 2009




何汶玦 He Wenjue


中国当代很多绘画作品,尽管其中所画姿态万千,却经常可以称作艺术家的自画像。何汶玦先生的作品在这其中特殊之处在于,他不仅在他的画作中试图重建他所成长的那个年代的回忆,而且通过将人所 熟知那个年代的电影中的画面加工将他个人的回忆与感受普遍化,从而不仅传达了他个人的成长经历和他青春时的情感冲动,而且展示出整个中国社会在它的青春期——改革开放中的朦胧的时代精神。 Feng’s artwork is directly influenced by his life. These artworks are like the paintings of traditional scholars. Moreover, they may be taken as literary poems. The communication arrangement of these Many Contemporary Chinese art works, no matter what seems to be their themes, are created as portraits of the artists. The attention that works of Mr.He easily attracts is due to their dual nature: he tries to reconstruct his memory in them of the time that he was an adolescent, but he approaches the reconstruction through the approach of extracting and transforming images from films that are familiar to every Chinese of his generation. Such a peculiar character of his works, esp. the cinema drawings series, enables his audience to experience not only his personal feeling and attitude with respect to that time and society, but also shows intimately the Zeitgeist of Chinese society at its budding age of reformation, an adolescence that the generation of He shares with this nation.




1970出生于中国湖南 1989深圳大学现代艺术学士 1994-1997 中央美院研修班 2003吉林艺术学院绘画硕士 目前生活工作在北京 中国美术家协会会员 中国油画学会会员




何汶玦·看电影2008 别处空间 (中国·北京)

何汶玦个人作品展 Frank Schlag画廊 (德国·埃森)


何汶玦个人作品展 多伦美术馆 (中国·上海)


水·波光流影 唐人当代艺术中心 (泰国·曼谷)

水·发现 圣东方艺术画廊 (中国·北京)

何汶玦作品展 杨画廊 (新加坡·新加坡)


水·瞬间的波光 世纪翰墨画廊 (中国·北京)


阳光·绿水 三合艺术中心 (中国·北京)


何汶玦油画作品展 湖南画院 (中国·长沙)


何汶玦作品展 虹桥电脑城 (中国·上海)

跨界中心 (中国·北京)

部分联展和获奖: 作品公共收藏




Vanhaerent美术馆收藏展 中国美术馆 (中国·北京) 中国华侨博物馆 (中国·北京) 刘海粟美术馆 (中国·上海) 浙江博物馆 (中国·杭州) 德国西门子公司 (德国·柏林) 马德里国家游泳馆 (西班牙·马德里) 美仑美术馆 (中国·长沙) 谭国斌当代艺术博物馆 (中国·长沙) 湖南省画院美术馆 (中国·长沙) 今日美术馆 (中国·北京) 上海多伦美术馆 (中国·上海) 比利时Vanhaerent美术馆 (比利时·布鲁塞尔) 德国奥布莱特美术馆 (德国·柏林) 中国国际奥林匹克委员会美术馆 (中国·北京) 广州美术学院美术馆 (中国·广州) 余德耀美术馆 (印尼·雅加达) 印尼CP基金会 (印尼·雅加达) 成都现代艺术馆 (中国·成都) 广东美术馆 (中国·广州) 中国驻美大使馆 (美国·华盛顿) 瑞士P | B | K (瑞士·苏黎世) 上海喜玛拉雅美术馆 (中国·上海)






文轩美术馆 (中国·成都)

中国欢迎您——当代艺术展 生命之欲 死亡之舞




无法缺席——文轩当代艺术展 2010



KREMS美术馆 (奥地利)

当代修辞 ——当代艺术展 山领画廊(中国·重庆) 温州首届当代艺术周


北京时间金宝汇艺术嘉年华 北京金宝汇艺术馆(中国·北京) 改造历史——1999-2009 中国当代艺术展 今日美术馆 (中国·北京) 《时装》男士—“现代性的十副面孔”艺术展 798 D-PARK (中国·北京) 归去来兮—艺术让生活更美好 当代绘画艺术展 2009

喜马拉雅美术馆 (中国·上海)

亚洲.@亚洲—第24届亚洲国际美术展 吉隆坡国家美术馆(马来西亚. 吉隆坡) 走过——当代艺术家联展

圣之空间 (中国·北京)

中国银行私人银行部(武汉)中国当代艺术展 中国银行私人银行(武汉) 正午时分六人展 北京时代美术馆(中国·北京) 第四届成都双年展

成都国展中心 (中国·成都)

两湖潮流——湖南湖北当代艺术展 都市中——中国当代艺术选展 2008

广东美术馆 (中国·广东)

子午线国际中心馆 (美国·华盛顿)

2008中国当代艺术展 韩国国家美术馆 (韩国·首尔)

加拿大皇家银行香港分行 (中国.香港)




上海美术馆 (中国·上海)

变脸——中国当代艺术中的后现代方式 2008


华·美术馆 (中国·深圳)

国际展览中心 (中国·北京)


个性·魅力艺术展 三合艺术中心 (中国·北京) 美国威蒙特艺术家工作室交流展 第十一届年度亚洲艺术家奖

九重天86阶 别处空间(中国·北京) 从古奥林匹亚到北京

威蒙特艺术中心 (美国)

希腊之家 (中国·北京)


上海国际展览中心 (中国·上海)

奥沙艺术空间 (中国·香港)


今日美术馆 (中国·北京)


吉林省青年美术大展 远东艺术馆 (中国·长春)

08黑桥当代艺术展 黑桥美术馆 (中国·北京)





无忌·当代艺术展 圣东方艺术画廊 (中国·上海)


十五位中国当代艺术家瑞士季节首展 (瑞士·苏黎世)

远去·当代艺术展 湖南画院美术馆 (中国·长沙)


中国当代艺术邀请展 艺·凯旋艺术空间 (中国·北京)










中国当代艺术文献展 世纪坛美术馆 (中国·北京)



今日中国美术大展 中国美术馆 (中国·北京)



重构——十人当代艺术展 北京画院美术馆 (中国·北京)


中国当代艺术展 歌剧画廊 (巴黎、伦敦)


立场 当代艺术展 九立方画廊 (中国·北京)

中国美术馆 (中国·北京、成都)

出湖入湘 当代艺术展 锐锝画廊 (中国·长沙)


上海春季艺术沙龙 国际展览中心 (中国·上海)







阁 当代艺术展 宋庄鸭场 (中国·北京)










湖南省展区获“银奖” (中国·长沙)

别处空间 (中国·北京)

韩国国家美术馆 (韩国·首尔)

琢璞艺术中心 (台湾·高雄)




3818库画廊 (中国·北京)

中国美术馆 (中国·北京) 获“银奖”,

并被收藏,刘海粟美术馆 (中国·上海) 道谱艺术中心 (中国·北京)

中国军事博物馆 (中国·北京)

获“银奖",并被收藏,杭州展览馆 (中国·杭州) 作品《女人体》被湖南美协收藏

上海美术馆 (中国·上海) 中国美术馆 (中国·北京)

中国美术馆 (中国·北京)

中国美术馆 (中国·北京)

时态空间 (中国·北京)

世纪坛美术馆 (中国·北京)


道谱艺术中心 (中国·北京)




中国美术馆 (中国·北京)



当代美术馆 (中国·北京)

中央美术学院美术馆 (中国·北京)

吉林美术馆 (中国·长春) 国贸展览中心 (中国·北京) 刘海粟美术馆 (中国·上海) 获奖 明圆文化艺术中心 (中国·上海)

吉艺美术馆 (中国·长春)

(中国·广州) 春天翰墨画廊 (中国·上海、北京)

广东美术馆 (中国·广州)


Chen Wenling

Solo Exhibitions

1970 Born in Hunan China 1989 BA in Modern Art, Shenzhen University 1994-1997Post Graduate Diploma in Painting, Center Academy of Fine Arts 2003 MA in Painting, Jilin Academy of Fine Arts Present Working and living in Beijing Member of Chinese Art Association Member of Chinese Painting Association

2011 Crssover Report.Personal exhibition CROSSOVERCENTER(Beijing , China) 2008 He Wenjue·Watch Movie 2008, Beyond Art Space (Beijing 798, China) He Wenjue Solo Exhibition, Frank Schlag Gallery (Essen, Germen) 2007 He Wenjue Solo Exhibition, Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art (Shanghai, China) 2006 Senses of Sparkle, Tang Gallery (Bangkok, Thailand) Discovery, Holy Oriental Art Gallery (Beijing, China) He Wenjue Solo Exhibition Yang Gallery (Singapore, Singapore) 2005 Sun·Light, Hanmo Gallery (Beijing, China) 2002 Sun·Green Waters, Sanhe Art Museum (Beijing, China) 2000 Exhibition of He Wenjue’s Oil Paintings, Hunan Art Academy Museum (Changsha, China) 1999 He Wenjue Solo Exhibition, Hongqiao Computer City (Shanghai, China)

Selected Group Exhibitions & Awards 2011






Vanhaerents Museum Collection VanhaerentsArtCollection (Brussel Belgium) OUR HOME ITC Century Fortune Centre (Beijing, China) THE REALM JingYi Art Space (Beijing, China) Unable Absence _Winshare contemporary art display (chengdu China ) China welcomes you,Oldenburger Stadtmuseum (Germany) Lebenslust&Totentanz ,Kunsthalle Krems (Austria) Contemporary rhetoric ,Celling Gallery Co.ltd (Chongqing,China) “Ways of Seeing” Contemporary Art Exhibition, Ridge Gallery(Chongqing, China) Contemporary Art week (Wenzhou,China) “Beijing Time” La Celeste Art Carnival, Beijing La Celeste Gallery, (Beijing, China) Change of the History—1999-2009 Contemporary Chinese Art, Today Art Museum (Beijing, China) Vogue(man)—“Ten Aspects of Modernism” Art Exhibition 798 D-PARK (Beijing, China) Come and Go—Art Makes Life More Beautiful Contemporary Art Exhibition Himalayas Art Museum (Shanghai, China) “Asia.@Asia” The 24th Asian International Art Exhibition, Kuala Lumpur National Art Museum, ( Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) Passing By—Group Exhibition of Contemporary Artists, Shengzhi Art Center (Beijing, China) The bank of China private home (wuhan) Chinese contemporary art ,The bank of China private home (Wuhan, China) The light from the east,korea exhibit, (Beijing, China) The 24th Asian Contemporary Art Exhibition Malaysia NationalMuseum(Kuala lumpur, Malaysia) The 4th Chengdu Biennial, Chengdu International Exhibition Center (Chengdu, China) Trends in Hunan and Hubei—Chinese Contemporary Art in Hunan and Hubei, Guangdong Art Museum, (Guangdong, China) In a Cosmopolitan City—Group Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Art, Meridian International Center (Washington, U.S.A.) Chinese Contemporary Art 2008. Today, Korea National Museum (Seoul, Korea) The 7 th Shanghai International Biennial, Shanghai Art Museum (Shanghai, China) Face-Off, Post Modernism in Chinese Contemporary Art, Shenzhen HUA Art Museum (Shenzhen, China) Olympic Fine Arts Game 2008, China International Exhibition Center (Beijing, China) 86 Steps to nine layers heaven,beyond art space,(Beijing, China) From Ancient Olympia to Beijing, Hellenic Home (Beijing, China) China Sound·Power Contemporary Art Exhibition, Ausa Art Space (Hong Kong, China) Heiqiao Contemporary Art Exhibition, Heiqiao Art Museum 08 (Beijing, China) Beyond Reality-Chinese Contemporary Art Group Show, Beyond Art Space (Beijing, China) Without Fears·Contemporary Art Exhibition, Holy Oriental Art Gallery (Shanghai, China) 15 Contemporary Chinese Artists, Art Season (Lake Zurich, Switzerland)

Works in Collections China National Art Museum (Beijing China) Overseas Chinese Museum (Shenzhen China) Liu Haishu Art museum (Shanghai China) Zhejiang Museum (Hangzhou China) Siemens Ltd (Berlin Germany) Madrid National Swimming Center (Madrid Spin) Meilun Art Museum (Changsha China) Tan Guobin Contemporary Art Museum (Changsha China) Hunan Art Academy Museum (Changsha, China) Shanghai Duolun Art Museum (Shanghai China) Vanhaerents Art Museum (Brussel Belgium) Thomas Olbricht Museum (Berlin Germany) China Olympic Committee Art Musum (Beijing China) Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art Museum (Guangzhou China) Yu Deyao Art Museum (Djakarta Indonicia) Indonicia CP Foundation (Djakarta Indonicia) Today Art Museum (Beijing China) Chengdu Contemporary Art Museum (Chengdu China) Guangdong Art Museum (Guangzhou China) Chinese Embassy in the United State of America (Washington, U.S.A) Swiss POLEDNA|BOSS|KURER (Zurich,Swiss) Himalayas art museum in Shanghai (Shanghai,China) Royal Bank of Canada,Hong Kong Branch (HongKong, China)





2002 2001 2000 1999 1997


Far Off·Chinese Contemporary, Hunan Art Institution Art Museum (Changsha, China) Contemporary Chinese Art Invitation Exhibition, Triumph Art Space (Beijing, China) Floating-Contemporary Chinese Art, Korea National Art Museum (Seoul, Korea) Contemporary Chinese Art, Zhuopu Art Center (Gaoxiong, Taiwan) Contemporary Chinese Art Documenta, Millennium Museum (Beijing, China) Today Art Exhibition, China National Art Museum (Beijing, China) Reconstruction—Contemporary Art Exhibition of 10 Artists, Beijing Art Institution Art Museum (Beijing, China) Contemporary Chinese Art, Opera Gallery Paris (Paris, London) Standpoint-Chinese Contemporary Art, Cube Gallery (Beijing, China) Leave or Enter Hunan-Contemporary Chinese Art, Rui De Gallery (Changsha, China) Shanghai Spring Salon of Art Exhibition, Shanghai International Exhibition Center (Shanghai, China) Moving Socialism--the Contemporary Chinese Art, 798 Space (Beijing China) The 1st Contemporary Chinese Art Yearbook Exhibition, Millennium Museum (Beijing, China) About Life—Contemporary Art ¬Exhibition, 3818 Cool Gallery (Beijing, China) 21st Century China and Korea Young Artists Invitation Exhibition, Central Academy of Fine Arts Museum (Beijing, China) Limited Space-Contemporary Art Exhibition, Tongzhou (Beijing, China) Image • Coke Cola--Contemporary Art Exhibition, Jilin Art Museum (Jilin, China) China International Gallery Art Exposition, China World Trade Center (Beijing, China) Visually Beautiful-Shanghai Young Artists Exhibition, Liu Haishu Art Museum (Shanghai, China) won the prize Art and Integrity-China Gallery Shanghai Invitation Exhibition, Yuanming Culture & Art Center (Shanghai, China) Paper • Feel-Contemporary Art Exhibition, Jilin Art Museum (Jilin, China) Guangzhou International Art Fair (Guangzhou, China) Vanity Fair-New Power of The Oil Painting, Spring-Hanmo Art Museum (Shanghai & Beijing, China) Shanghai Spring Salon of Art Exhibition, Shanghai International Exhibition Center (Shanghai, China) Character • Charm-Exhibition of Art, Sanhe Art Museum (Beijing, China) Exhibition of Nominated Excellent Young Artists,Today Art Museum (Beijing, China) The 11th Annual Asian Artists Fellowships at the Vermont Studio Center, 2003 (Johnson,Vermont, U.S.A) awarded the Fellowship The 10th National Annual Fine Arts Exhibition, Guangdong Museum, won the Silver Prize (Changsha, China) Jilin Young Artists Exhibition, Far East Art Museum (Changchun, China), won the Copper Prize Series Invitation Exhibition—Still Life Art Exhibition, Daopu Center of Artists (Beijing, China) 3rd Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition, China National Art Museum (Beijing, China) Our Vision—Shanghai Young Artists Exhibition, Liu Haisuo Art Museum, won the Silver Prize, the work was collected by the museum The 1st Daopu Art Center Invitation Exhibition, Daopu Art Center (Beijing, China) The 10th National Military Fine Arts Exhibition, Chinese Military Museum (Beijing, China) Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition, Hangzhou Museum (Hangzhou, China), won the Silver Prize; work collected by the museum Selected as one of the Ten Outstanding Hunan Young Artists, Hunan Art Association, Woman Body was collected The 9th National Annual Fine Arts Exhibition, Shanghai Art Museum (Shanghai, China) Graduation Works Exhibition-Master of Painting, Center Academy of Fine Arts (Beijing, China) International Chinese Painting Exhibition, China National Art Museum (Beijing, China) Striding towards the New Century-Chinese Young Painters’ Exhibition, China National Art Museum (Beijing, China), won the The 9th Military Fine Arts Exhibition, China National Art Museum (Beijing, China), Deng Xiaopin was collected by the Overseas Chinese Museum. The 2nd Still Life Fine Arts Exhibition, China National Art museum (Beijing, China) International Young Artists Work Communication Exhibition 95, Contemporary Art museum (Beijing, China)


看电影·花样年华 Watch Movie·In the Mood for Love 布面油画 Oil on Canvas 200cmx300cm 2009



看电影·杀死比儿Watch Movie·Kill Bill 布面油画 Oil on Canvas 90cmx160cm 2010



看电影·好事多磨 Watch Movie·Sweet Sorrow 布面油画 Oil on Canvas 200cmx300cm 2009



看电影·红楼梦 Watch Movie· The Dream of Red Mansions 布面油画 Oil on Canvas 200cmx300cm 2009




刘 虹 Liu Hong


一个用女人来体验人生悲欢的油画家,这就是我所知道的刘虹...... 一种单纯的色调,单纯的令人凄楚。她把自己对色彩的处理限制在很小的尺度中,变化微弱但不是失精确,用色纯净而不失其丰富。这种色彩的弱化和女人的轻雅柔弱有一种微妙的契合,从 而传达出自怜、哀戚和落寞...... 王林 A oil painter who use females to test the bitter sweetness of life,this is what I know about Liu Hong. Female bodies painted by Liu Hong are always like quite, emotional poems. They are pretty and calm, reserved and sad. They seem to be singing very very soundlessly. No matter they are set up in a background of black and white combination or in a background of emptiness, those realistic human bodies will provide you with some sort of indicative feeling… Wang Lin


“乡土现代性到都市乌托邦——四川画派学术回顾展 ”(北京)

刘 虹

“传承与超越:四川画派三十年” (北京) 1982年毕业于四川美术学院绘画系油画专业 1986年研究生毕业于四川美术学院绘画系油画专业,同年留校任教 1993年于德国卡塞尔大学艺术学院学习, 1994年于德国布伦瑞克艺术学院学习 2000年调川音成都美术学院任教 2009年调中国艺术研究院艺术创作中心

“艺术家眼中的自己” (成都) “融合与创造——中国油画名家学术邀请展” (北京) “何多苓刘虹当代艺术题名展” (北京) “数像时代的绘画与雕塑” (成都) 2006 “首届中国当代艺术年鉴展” (北京) “时代.符号”当代艺术展

展览 2011 “无法缺席”文轩当代艺术邀请展


“艺术家眼中的当代中国—中国油画艺术展” (深圳) 2010 “改造历史”2000年—2010年以来的中国新艺术(北京) “中国艺术节” (广州 )



2005 “观念艺术—中国当代绘画作品展” (澳门) “身体的权利”当代艺术展


2004 “龙族之梦” 中国当代艺术展


“居住在成都”中国当代油画邀请展 (深圳)

“中国女性艺术大展” (北京) “自我画像—女性艺术在中国(1920—2010)艺术展”(北京) (新加坡)

“我们如何认识这个世界” 中国当代艺术展


“中国新视觉II” (布鲁塞尔) “惊艳.经验”中国当代艺术展


“女性艺术的自我镜像” (北京) “展望东方” 中国当代艺术展

“北京之行”中当代艺术展 (阿姆斯特丹) 2003 “中国第三届油画展” (北京) 2002 “东+西”中国当代艺术展

“中国当代艺术” (福罗里达)


“黄桷枰艺术节” (重庆) “中国当代艺术展” (新加坡) “女性艺术三人展” (北京) 2008 “深度呼吸—中国当代艺术的十九个样本” (上海) “亲潮.两岸架上绘画新流向” (台北) “图象的精神”当代艺术邀请展 (上海) (高雄)

“人民.历史——20世纪中国美术研究展” (北京) 2007 “新南当代绘画作品展” (成都)


“再看77、78”艺术作品邀请展 (四川美院) 1998 “世纪.女性”艺术展,获中国女性文化艺术学社奖(北京) 1997 “中国油画肖像百年展” (北京) “在社会与自我之间——中国当代女性艺术展”(美国芝加哥) 1996 “首届中国油画学会展” (北京) 1995 “中国当代艺术中的女性方式展” (北京) 1992 “中国广州首届油画艺术双年展”,获优秀作品奖


1991 “首届中国油画年展” (北京) 1989 “四川油画优秀作品展” (台湾) “四川精英油画” (香港) 1987 “中国艺术节” ( 加拿大多伦多) “中国油画秀作展” (日本广岛)

“裂像.刘虹艺术展” (上海) “汇聚与自持” 当代艺术展


“中国当代艺术文献展” (北京)

“中国艺术进行时” (比利时,布鲁塞尔)

2009 “丽色唇语”刘虹个展



“中国油画艺术展” (美国芝加哥) 1984






“从西南出发-西南当代艺术展” (广州) “第三届贵阳艺术双年展” (贵阳)






BLA,Graduated from Painting

Dept.of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts 1986

MFA, Graduated from Oil Painting

“Unable Abcence” Contmeporary Art Exhibition of China. (Chengdu) "New Art China Now" Contmeporary Art Exhibition (Brussels. ,Belgium)


hapinghistory Chinart from 2000 to 2009 (Beijing)

Dept.of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts

The 9’China Art Festival Chinese Style & Contempoary Ethos;Nayional Exhibition of Oustading works

1986-2000 Lecturer Sichuan Academy of

of Art (Guangzhou)

Fine Arts

Women’s Contmeporary Art Exhibition of China. (Beijing)

1993-94 Traveled to Germany and


Chinese Contemporary Artists Exhibition (Florida.USA)

studied in Kassel University as part of an

“How do I know about the world? By what is wthin me?” (Amsterdam,Holland)

exchange programme

New Vvision of Chainese Art (Brussels,Belgium)

2000-Present: Professor Dean of Oil

Experience\Gorgeous—Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition (Beijing)

Painting Dept. Chendu Academy of Fine

Beauty—Lips-Language— Liuhong art Exhibition (Singapore)


Enantiomorphous Art Famale (Beijing)

2009-Chainese National Academy of Arts


Looking East ( kansas ,USA) 2008

Deep Breath__19 Samples of Chinese Contemporary Female Artists (Shanghai) The Spirit of Image_ Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition (Shanghai) Taiwan Kuangdu Museum of Fine Art (Taiwan, Taibei,) Liuhong art Exhibition (Shanghai) Painting & Sculpture In Digital & Photographic Time (Chengdu) Convergence and Self-Restraint:Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Arts (Taiwan, kaoxiong,) People&History—20 Century Chinese Art Research Exhibition (Beijing)


N.S.W Art Exhibition (Chengdu) Starting from the Southwest- Exhibition of Contemporary Art in Southwest China (Guangzhou) Guiyang Art Biennale Exhibit 3th 2007-Word of Mouth from the Four Corners (Guiyang) from Vernacular Morderity to Urban Utopia-A Retropective Exhibition on the Sichuan School of Oil Painting (Taibei ) Continuation and Transcendence 30 Years of the Sichuan Schooi of Oil Painting (Beijing)


Time & Signs Grand Opening Exhibition (Jakarta) The First Chinese Contemporary Art Yearbook Exhibition (Beijing) 1th Annals Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Art (Beijing) Common Link Crand Opening Exhibition (Beijing) High Wireact (Chengdu) A Ticket to Beijing (Amsterdam, Holland) Chinese Contemporary Art Document Exhibition (Beijing)


2005 Conceptual Art –Exhibit of Contemporary Paintings from China (Macau) 2004 “Dream of Dragon” China Contemporary Art Exhibition (Vienna) 2003

The 3rd China Oil Painting Exhibition (Beijing)


“East +West” China Contemporary Art Exhibition (Ireland) Review 77 and 78 -- Arts Gallery Academic Invitational Show.(Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts)


Century Women’s Art Exhibition. Won Prize of Female Society Awarded.(Beijing)


Exhibition of China’s Huhdred-year Oil Painting Portaits.( Beijing) China’s Art Exhibition.( Beijing) Between society and self-- Women’s Art Exhibition of China. (Chicago.U.S.A.)


Women’s Approach To Chinese Contmeporary Art.( Beijing)


The First 1990’s Biennial Art Fair Guangzhou. China. Won Outstanding Prize. Guangzhou China (Guangzhou.)


First China Annual Painting Exhibition. Beijing Mainland Nude Art Exhibition.Taiwan


China first Outstanding Oil Painting Contest. Beijing


China Outstanding Oil Painting Exhibition. Hir oshima.Japan Art Exhibition.Chicago.U.S.A


China Art group Modern Art Exhibition.Chengdu. China


Sichuan Fine Art Institut Touring Exhibition. U.S.A


The Sixth National Art Exhibition. Beijing Won Outstanding Prize. Beijing Collected by National Gallery of China


National Countryside Subjects Exhibition. Beijing


Nationanl Younth Art Exhibition. Beijing


丽色唇语 No.3 Lip Language- Sensuosity" 布面油彩 Oil on Canva 180x150cm 2010



丽色唇语Lip Language- Sensuosity" 布面油彩 Oil on Canva 180x150cm 2010




潘德海 Pan Deha


生活本身的锁事与细节很重要,细心的体验它给我们内心带来的某种变化,这种变化感受的 过程会带来思想与情感在时空遂道中的碰撞,也会激活内在潜质,回到艺术的出发点回到生 活的原点,把你的思想与情感放入某种单纯的形式里去表述,我觉得更有意思,而不是一味 注重空洞符号与观念。 Our everyday life is comprised mainly of petty things and trifling details, however, to ‘fuss over’ them is not without sense. To observe them carefully can bring some kind of change to ourselves, to experience this change will bring our thoughts and feelings confront visà-vis in the stream of our past and present as well as stimulate our potential talents, to allow us to go back to the provenance of art and the departure of life. I think it is highly interesting to express one’s thoughts and feelings into a kind of unsophisticated form, more valuable than fuss over lifeless symbols or concepts. 76

潘德海 1956 1982

生于吉林省四平市 毕业于东北师范大学艺术系美术专业

重要个展: 2009 “都市系列2008-2009新作展”艺凯旋艺术空间 北京 2008 “弥漫的幻觉”潘德海首尔个展WATECATECALLERY首尔韩国 2008 “火红的年代.潘德海个展”台湾寒舍空间 2007 “潘德海个人画展”北京保利博物馆 2001 “头发越米越少一潘德海个人画展”香港少励画廊 1994 “潘德海个展”北京歌德学院

重要群展: 2011 “未来通行证”—威尼斯双年展并行展,威尼斯 2010 “改造历史”国家会议中心 北京 2010 “当代艺术三十年”民生美术馆 上海 2008 “当代艺术家邀请展~II”艺凯旋艺术空间 “个案——艺术史和艺术批评中的艺术家”北京圣之空间艺术中心 “北京一雅典来自中国的当代艺术展”希腊雅典Technopolis国家当代艺术中心 2007 “‘85新潮’中国第一次当代艺术运动艺术展”尤伦斯当代艺术中心 “艺术与收藏”北京保利博物馆 “凯旋——中国当代艺术邀请展” 艺凯旋艺术空间北京 “从新具像到新绘画”北京唐人艺术中心 “从西南出发”广东美术馆 “远眺”上海望东艺集 2006 “共享之土一云南当代艺术联展”南京四方美术馆 “共同连线”北京华艺沙艺术中心 “云南创造”昆明翠湖会 “国际艺术博览会”北京 2005 “温暖一精英艺术家联展”上海虹桥画廊 “缘分的天空”深圳美术馆 “闻香识女人”北京、上海、香港 “激醒一中法艺术的碰撞与融合”北京中国美术馆 2004 “贵州双年展”贵州师大美术馆 “激醒一中法艺术的碰撞与融合”上海城市规划展览馆 2003 “少励画廊邀请展”北京少励画廊 2002-2004 “中国当代艺术展”德国杜依欺斯堡美术馆、意大利罗马的“当代艺术博物馆” 2001 “男孩女孩”新加坡斯民艺苑 2000 “亚洲当代艺术展”伦敦亚洲当代艺术画廊 1999 “2000年当代艺术展”法国克迪亚 1996 “现在,今天和明天”北京国际艺苑美术馆 1993 “后89新艺术展”香港艺术中心 “毛,走向‘波普’展”澳大利亚美术馆及墨尔本美术馆 1992 “油画年展”北京历史博物馆 1991 “中国现代文献资料展”北京中国画院 1989 “中国现代艺术展”北京中国美术馆 “第七届全国美展”北京中国美术馆作品获铜牌奖 1988 “现代艺术展”成都美术馆 “黄山艺术研讨会”安徽屯溪 1986 “新具像巡回展”昆明图书馆、重庆四川美术学院 “西南艺术研究群体成立”昆明 1985 “新具像画展”上海静安寺文化馆、南京卫生教育馆、重庆 77


Pan Dehai

Solo Exhibitions

1956 Born in Siping City, Jilin Province


1 9 8 2 G r a d u a t e d f r o m t h e F i n e A r t

“Pan Dehai- Chubby Series” Schoeni Art Gallery, Hong Kong

Department of Northeast University,


Changchun, Jilin Province

“Pan Dehai’s Solo Exhibition” Goethe Institute, Beijing

Selected Group Exhibitions 2005 “Awakening: La France Mandarine- The French Influence on Chinese Art”, National Museum of Art, Beijing, China 2004 “Awakening: La France Mandarine- The French Influence on Chinese Art”, Urban Planning Exhibition Centre, Shanghai, China 2003 “Guiyang Oil Painting Biennale”, Guiyao, China Schoeni Art Gallery Anniversary Exhibition, Schoeni Art Gallery, Hong Kong 2002 “Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition”, Germany 2001 “Girls and Boys”, Soobin Art Gallery, Beijing, China 2000 “Asian Contemporary Art Exhibition”, Contemporary Art Gallery, London 1996 “Reality, Today and Tomorrow”, International Art Gallery, Beijing 1993 “From Mao to Pop Art”, Australian Art Museum, Melbourne Art Museum, Melbourne, Australia “Post ’89 New Art”, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong 1991 “Annual Exhibition of Oil Painting”, Chinese History and Military Museum, Beijing, China 1986 Organised and participated in Southwest Art Research Group 1985 “New Image Art Exhibition”, Shanghai and Nanjing


《1956-1976》-2 布面油画 Oil on Canva 170x200cm 2011



《1956-1976》-1 布面油画 Oil on Canva 170x200cm 2011




王 川 Wang Chuan


绘画是非常个人的东西,我画抽象画已经二十二个年头了,纯粹是一种兴趣。其间,大病一场,我走到死亡的边缘,生命置于绘画,绘画之于生命,用什么材质做画是次要的,抽象艺术是不可 确定的。因为超越文字、超越思想、超越概念、超越表达,这是抽象艺术最神秘的、自由的、难以言说,只可意会的。因而,抽象艺术是很困难的。说玄了,一切形色无非是初始净性的示现, 一切声音都是空性的回响,起心动念皆与智慧交织,美无所不在,盈满不变。“身在黄金岛,何须寻凡石”。 王林 I have been doing abstract painting for twenty-two years, mostly in traditional Chinese water ink. It interests me and becomes a purely personal indulgence. In the middle of it, I was gravely ill for five years and walked to the verge of death. After the recovery, I felt my renewed life is so closely intertwined with abstract painting that they both transcend the limitation of material medium. Medium is temporal thus limitation. Abstract art is indeterminate by nature. It cannot be defined or depicted by any languages. It's beyond thinking and thoughts. It is against representation in the ultimate sense. That is also why it is very difficulty to understand abstract art. It is the most mysterious, free, indefinable, and yet simple. It is about beauty and love in the end.



王 川 1953年生于四川成都 1982年毕业于四川美术学院中国画系 现工作、生活于北京


2005 重要个展: 2010 2010 2007 2006 2006 2001 2000 1999 1999 1998 1990 1990 1990 1988

王川纸上水墨作品,Babu画廊,深圳 遥与边缘—王川个展,偏锋新艺术空间,北京 我的山水,四合苑画廊,北京 涂画的觉醒—王川油画近作,OCT当代艺术中心,深圳 中国抽象油彩—王川油画作品,朱屺瞻艺术馆,上海 生命的痕迹—王川艺术回顾展,何香凝美术馆,深圳 精神生活的手稿—王川水墨作品,汉雅轩画廊,香港 王川水墨个展,艺倡画廊,香港 王川水墨个展,深圳画院,深圳 王川水墨个展,纽约·苏荷·456画廊,纽约,美国 王川水墨个展,汉雅轩画廊,纽约,美国 生命的指标,汉雅轩画廊,香港 生命的指标,汉雅轩画廊,台北 墨点—王川个展,深圳市博物馆,深圳 王川水墨个展,中国美术馆,北京

重要群展: 2011 中艺博国际画廊博览会 北京 2011 不可缺席,成都文轩美术馆 成都 2010 重构—中国当代抽象艺术TOP展, 北京今日美术馆,杭州美术馆 日内瓦国际艺术博览会,日内瓦,瑞士 开显与时变—当代创新水墨展,台北市立美术馆,台北 无物之阵—2010年当代抽象艺术学术邀请展,湖北省艺术馆,湖北 中国当代艺术三十年历程1979-2009,民生现代美术馆展,上海 2009 中国抽象艺术展—重返现代,杭州美术馆,杭州 空间感受,昌阿特画廊,北京 “在”—展览在抽象画诞生一百年之际,偏锋新艺术空间,北京 意派·世纪思维,今日美术馆,北京 2008 气韵—中国抽象艺术国际巡回展,中国广场艺术空间,纽约,美国 走向后抽象,偏锋新艺术空间,北京 个案—艺术史和艺术批评中的艺术家,圣之空间,北京 意派·中国抽象艺术三十年,La Caixa Form美术馆, 西班牙帕尔马/巴塞罗那/马德里

2004 2002 2001 2000

1999 1998 1997 1996 1994 1993

1992 1991 1990 1989 1988

1986 1983

1981 1980

从西南出发—西南艺术当代展,广东美术馆,广东 线—中国当代抽象艺术展,苏河艺术中心,上海 墨分五色,偏锋艺术空间,北京 气韵—中国抽象艺术国际巡展,OCT当代艺术中心/ 现在画廊/汉雅轩画廊,深圳/北京/香港 中国水墨文献展,南京博物馆,江苏 王川、严善 双人展,汉雅轩画廊,香港 创造历史,中国20世纪80年代现代艺术纪念展深圳OCT当代艺术中 实验水墨回顾展 1985-2000,深 画院,深 韩中当代水墨展,韩国首尔市立美术馆,韩国 献给香港的礼物,香港艺术馆,香港 第四届深圳国际水墨艺术双年展—笔墨在当代,深圳关山月美术馆,深圳 七七、七八级四川美院回顾展,四川美术馆、重庆川美美术馆,四川 城市俚语,何香凝美术馆,深圳 新中国画大展,江苏省美术馆、上海刘海粟美术馆,江苏/上海 第二届深圳国际水墨艺术双年展,关山月美术馆,深 中国水墨实验二十年,广东美术馆,广东 墨易,德国Herrenhof Mussbach美术馆,德国 双人展,纽约Goldstrom画廊,美国 看东方—三人展,纽约Goldstrom画廊,美国 第一届深圳国际水墨双年展,关山月美术馆,深圳 Chinese Abstraction and Beyond,香港艺倡画廊、香港艺术中心,香港 中国艺术大展—水墨展,上海图书馆,上海 重返家园,美国旧金山瑞曼画廊、世界日报画廊,美国 共赏抽象之美,香港艺倡画廊、上海博物馆,香港/上海 共赏抽象之美,香港艺倡画廊,香港 后八九年中国新艺术,汉雅轩画廊、香港艺术中心,香港 九十年代的中国美术—中国经验,四川省美术馆,四川 中国新抽象,汉雅轩画廊,香港 九十年代首届中国艺术双年展,广州 中国89’后当代艺术研究文献展,北京 蜕变—现代中国水墨画,香港艺术中心,香港 新加坡90’国家展示会,新加坡 中国现代艺术展,北京中国美术馆,北京 当代中国绘画选粹,意大利法拉拉现代美术博物馆·米兰国际艺术节,以及意大利 各地巡回展,意大利 字世界,汉雅轩画廊,香港/台北 墨玄,汉雅轩画廊,香港/台北 全国85’美术新潮幻灯作品研讨会,珠海 北京全国职工美展油画作品展获一等奖,中国美术馆,北京 全国铁路美展获优秀奖,北京 四川油画展,香港艺术中心,香港 四川美院赴京油画展,中国美术馆,北京 布面油彩《再见吧!小路》获文化部优秀作品奖·获四川省两项优秀文艺奖,北京 第二届全国青年美展,中国美术馆,北京



Wang Chuan

Solo Exhibitions

Born in Chengdu in 1953 Bachelor degree and graduated from the Tranditional Chinese Painting of Sichuan Fine Art Institute in 1982 Now Living and Working in Beijing, China

2010 Aloof from the Struggle & Aside from the Hubbub—Wang Chuan's Solo Exhibition, PIFO New Art Gallery, Beijing, China Ink On Paper By WangChuan ,Babu Gallery,ShenZhen,China 2007 My Landscape, the Courtyard Gallery, Beijing, China 2006 Waking of Graffiti—Wang Chuan’s New Oil Painting, OCT Contemporary Art Terminal, Shenzhen, China Chinese Abstract (Oil Painting), Zhu Qizhan Museum of Art, Shanghai, China 2001 Trace of Life—A Retrospective Exhibition of Art Paintings by Wang Chuan, He XiangNing Museum of Art, Shenzhen, China 2000 Diary of a Reflective Life—Wang Chuan’s Ink Paintings, Hanart T Z Gallery, Hongkong, China 1999 Wang Chuan’s Ink Paintings, Alisan Fine Arts Gallery, Hongkong, China Wang Chuan’s Ink Paintings, Shenzhen Fine Art Institute, Shenzhen, China 1998 Wang Chuan’s Ink Paintings, Gallery 456, Soho, New York, USA 1990 Wang Chuan’s Ink Paintings, Hanart T Z Gallery, New York, USA The Life Index, Hanart T Z Gallery, Hongkong, China The Life Index, Hanart T Z Gallery, Taiwan, China Blackness—Wang Chuan’s Solo Exhibition, Shenzhen Museum, China 1988 Wang Chuan’s Ink Paintings, China Museum of Art, Beijing, China

Group Exhibitions: 2011 China International Gallery Exposition 2011 BeiJing Not Absence From Attendance ChengDu WenXuan Art Museum, ChengDu 2010 Reconstruction—The top exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Abstract Art ,Today Art Museum,BeiJing,Hangzhou Museum of Arts Geneva International Art Fair, Geneva, Switzerland Open Flexibility: Innovative Contemporary Ink Art, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei Array with No Objects—Academic Inviting Exhibition of Contemporary Abstract Art in 2010, Hubei Museum of art ,Wuhan, China Thirty Years of Chinese Contemporary Art (1979-2009), MinSheng Art Museum, Shanghai, China 2009 Exhibition of Chinese Abstract Art—Return to the Modern, Hangzhou Museum of Arts, Hangzhou, China Space for Perspective, Chang Art, Beijing, China Where the Spirit Lives:Exhibition on Occasion of 100 th Anniversary of Abstract, PIFO New Art Gallery, Beijing, China Yi Pai—Century Thinking, Today Art Museum,Beijing,China 2008 Qi Yun—International Exhibition of Chinese Abstract Art, China Square, New York, USA Towards the Post-abstract, PIFO New Art Gallery, Beijing, China Case Studies of Artists in Art History and Art Criticism, SZ Art Center, Beijing, China Yi School·30 Years of Chinese Abstract Art, LaCaixa Form Art Museum Madrid, Spain 2007 From Southwest: Contemporary Art from Southwest of China, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China Lines: Chinese Abstract Art, Greek Art Center, Shanghai, China Ink had Five Colors, PIFO New Art Gallery, Beijing, China


QI YUN: International Travelling Exhibition of Chinese Abstract Art, Shenzhen/Beijing, Hongkong/New York, China/USA 2006 The Exhibition of Chinese Painting Documentaries, Nanjing Visual Art Museum, Nanjing, China Wang Chuan & Yan Shanchun, Hanart T Z Gallery, HongKong, China Create History: Commemoration Exhibition of Chinese Modern Art in 1980s, OCT Contemporary Art Terminal, Shenzhen, China 2005 Retrospection of Experimental Ink & Wash 1985—2000, Shenzhen Fine Art Institute, Shenzhen, China Korean—Chinese Contemporary Ink Painting, Seoul Museum of Art, Korea The Art of Giving—A Selection of Donations to the Hongkong Museum of Art, Hongkong Museum of Art, Hongkong, China 2004 The 4th International Ink Painting Biennial of Shenzhen, Guan ShanYue Museum of Art, Shenzhen, China 2002 Review Today's Works of 77', 78', Art Museum of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, ChongQing, China 2001 Urban Slang—Chinese Contemporary Art of Zhujiang Delta, He Xiangning Art Museum, Shenzhen, China 2000 Grand Exhibition of New Chinese Painting, Liu Haisu Art Gallery/Jiangsu Art Museum, Shanghai/Nanjing, China The 2nd International Ink Painting Biennial of Shenzhen, Guan ShanYue Museum of Art, Shenzhen, China China: 20 Years of Ink Experiment, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangdong, China 1999 The Gusto of Ink & Wash, German Herrenhof Mussbach Art Museum, Germany Exhibition of the Two Artists, Goldstrom Gallery, New York, USA 1998 Looking Eastern—Three Artists, Goldstrom Gallery, New York, USA The 1st International Ink Painting Biennial of Shenzhen, Guan ShanYue Museum of Art, Shenzhen, China 1997 Chinese Abstraction and Beyond, Alisan Fine ArtsGallery/Hongkong Arts Center, Hongkong, China Modern Ink Painting in China, Shanghai Library, Shanghai, China 1996 Returning to Homeland, Gallery on the RIM, San Francisco, USA Abstract Paintings, Alison Fine Arts Gallery/Shanghai Museum of Art, Hongkong/Shanghai,China 1994 Abstract Paintings, Alisan Fine Arts Gallery, Hongkong, China 1993 New Art from China: Post-1989, Hongkong Arts Center, Hongkong, China Chinese Fine Arts in the 1990s: Experiences of China, Sichuan Museum of Art, ChengDu, China China Newly Abstract, Hanart T Z Gallery, Hongkong, China 1992 The First 1990’s Biennial Art Fair, Guangzhou, China 1991 Exhibition of Research Literature and Works of Post-1989 Art, Beijing, China 1990 Metamorphosis—Contemporary Chinese Paintings, Hongkong Arts Center, Hongkong, China Singapore Art Fair '90, Singapore 1989 China Avant—garde, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China 1988 Aspetti Della Pittura Chinese Contemporanea, Ferrara Arts Museum, Italy Words, Words, Words, Hanart T Z Gallery, Hongkong/Taipei, China Ink of Myth, Hanart Gallery, Hongkong/Taipei, China 1986 The 1985 New Wave in Art Seminar, Zhuhai, China 1983 National Worker's Art Exhibition, Beijing, China National Rail Art Exhibition, Beijing, China Sichuan Oil Paintings Exhibition, Hongkong Arts Center, Hongkong, China 1981 SiChuan Fine Arts Academy Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China 1980 Farewell, Village Road (oil painting) for Youth Artists Exhibition of SiChuan Province and the Whole Nation; Winner of Prizes of the Two Exhibitions of SiChuan Best Art Work Prizes, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China


色身之五 color body---No.5 布面丙烯 acrylic on canvas 200x200cm 2010


陨落之四Fall down—No.4 200x250cm 2010年 布面丙烯 acrylic on canvas




武明中 Wu Mingzhong


武明中是近年来颇受关注的重要艺术家之一。他的艺术创作源于从自我脆弱的情 感体验中偶然发现的作为表现媒介的玻璃与人的心理反应之间的关系,是由观念 转换而成的一种新的个人化的艺术语言——脆弱性和透明性。这正是武明中绘画 语言的美学核心,既折射出对人的脆弱心理学的分析,又表现出透明社会学的指 涉意义。如果说前者更多产生的是个人化的视知觉感受,那么后者则更多强调的 是对社会系统的剖析。 黄笃 Wu Mingzhong is one of most important and influential artist in recent years. From his fragile emotional experience, He has stumbled upon the glass as a medium to reflect the psychological connection of man, with the conversion of concept he has transformed it into a new artistic language - the fragility and transparency. The language became the aesthetic core of Wu Mingzhong’ s painting, it not only reflects the analysis of people’s fragile psychology, but also presents the implication of transparent sociology. If we say that the former evokes more personalized feeling on visual perception, then the latter is more emphasis on the analysis of social system. Huang Du


武明中 1963年生于河北诼鹿,硕士,首都师范大学美术学院副 教授,硕士生导师。曾在俄罗斯列宾美术学院和美国纽 约州立大学布法罗学院做访问学者

重要个展: 2009








重要群展: 2010








北京-哈瓦那 ——新中国当代艺术革命















北京—雅典,来自中国的当代艺术 向上—中国当代艺术展 2007




新加坡美术馆 抱川














中国美术馆 北京


中华世纪坛艺术馆 北京



首尔 韩国

首尔艺术中心 韩国



Wu Mingzhong

[Solo Exhibitions]

1963 Born in Hebei province,China.

2009 Fake Authenticity – Wu Mingzhong Solo Exhibition Today Art Museum Beijing ,China

Currently work and live in

2007 Hey, Be careful —Wu Mingzhong Solo Exhibition Xin Dong Cheng Space for Contemporary Art, Beijing,China

Beijing,China [Group Exhibitions] 2010 Negociation—The Second Today’s Documents Today Art Museum


Reshaping History-Chinart from 2000 to 2009 China National Convention Centre, China Beijing-Havana The Revolution of Art

The National Museum of Fine Art, Cuba

2009 Historical Image – China’s Contemporary Art Invitation Exhibition Shengzhen Art Museum, China. Speak·Describe – 2009 Cross-Strait Contemporary Art , Taiwan Art

Museum Taiwan,

The National Museum of Fine Art, Beijing. 2008 Shanghai Biennale 2008 Shanghai Art Museum , Shanghai, China YOUniverse- Biennale of Seville Monastery de Ntra. Sra. De las Cuevas. Spain Beijing-Athens: Contemporary Art from China Greek Athens National Contemporary Art Center, Athens, Greek Accelerate: Chinese Contemporary Art, Singapore Art Museum, Singapore 2007 Chinese Contemporary SOCART, The State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia. Pocheon Asia Biennale 2007, Pocheon, Korea. The Thermocline – New Asian Waves,

ZKM Museum, Karlsruhe, Germany. 2007

Floating—New Generation Art in China, Korea National Museum of Modern Art, Korea. Grounding Reality——New Chinese Contemporary Art, Seoul Art Center, Seoul, Korea 2003 Embracing the New Century Third China National Exhibition of Oil Paintings, National Museum of Fine Art, BeijingChina. Chinese Art Today, The Art Museum of China Millennium Monument, Beijing,China.


《祈祷》 Give Prayer 布上丙烯 acrylic on canvas 300x600cm 2009-2010



《嗨,小心!2008-3》Hi,Be careful 布上丙烯 acrylic on canvas 200x300cm 2008




于 凡 Yu Fan


在自己的当代“造人”中,于凡相信雕塑如果不指向现实,则一定应该走向宗教的相似性。 他实际上在尝试使中国传统的“自然人”和现代的主体人得到一个统一,即泛灵的爱和现代 牺牲在一个“新人”身上重新合成。 这当然不仅是一个语言改造的企图,在同一个形象的重 新合成或对灵的构形时,精神和形式的再造就是同一个“体”,所谓语言就是这个“体”自 身的形象,这个形象既是主体,也是形体。 摘自<<形象之灵:于凡雕塑中的人及其形式>> 文/朱其 In his modern ambition to ‘construct human beings’, Yu Fanbelieves that if sculptures do not refer to actuality then it has to advance on the way of symbol-spirituality. He is, in effect, attempting to unify Chinese traditional “man of Nature’ with the modern subject, namely to combine into this man the compassion for all living beings with the modern notion of sacrifice. This is certainly not merely an attempt to reinvigorate language, to reinstate the same form or fashion the spirit, the reconstruction of spirit and form is of the same ‘principle’ (body), language is the shape of the proper principle while this shape is both subject and shape. Extracted from the spirit of shape: man and its form in Yu’s sculpture written by Zhu Qi


《 惑与迷乱-----中国新艺术》 琴山画廊

于凡 1966年生于中国青岛

首尔, 韩国

《红 热-----亚洲当代艺术》 休斯顿美术馆, 美国



《金蝉脱壳-----语言的自我拯救》 四方当代美术馆 南京, 中国



《中国当代雕塑十人展 》 亚洲艺术中心北京,



《中国制造》 路易斯安那现代美术馆, 丹麦 《新中国》 新画廊


《中国细语》 奥沙画廊 2006


《雷达之下——中国当代艺术》 罗宾辰画廊,美国 《超验·中国》

阿拉里奥画廊, 北京

《写实再发现》 索卡当代空间, 2005



中国美术馆, 北京

《进与出,或之间 空间位移的N种方式》 索卡当代空间 重要个展: 2010

《于凡个展》 林大艺术中心







《于凡作品展》 琴山画廊



《过去与现实之间 中国新摄影与影像》国际摄影中心 亚洲协会博物馆,纽约




《光——于凡、刘鼎作品展》艺术文件仓库, 北京




《首届广州当代艺术三年展》 广东美术馆


《第一届成都双年展》 成都现代艺术馆 《首届精文艺术大展》上海精文艺术中心 《中国神话》上海易典画廊

重要群展: 2010



《时差》 北京




《中庸的视觉试验》 东廊艺术 《暗伤》 向上空间



北京 中国

《移花接木-----中国当代艺术中的后现代方式》华.美术馆 深 新加坡国家美术馆 新加坡

《逻辑的有限性》 根尚国际艺术空间 北京 中国

《与摩尔对话—中国当代雕塑邀请展》 广东美术馆 上海美术馆

《世纪之门》 成都现代艺术馆 1999

《上海双年展》 上海美术馆 上海 中国 《向上-----中国当代艺术展》

《中国当代雕塑的若干标准像》 上海深圳青岛重庆北京


中国 中国

成都 上海


《当代雕塑邀请展》 青岛雕塑博物馆



《中国现代水墨画和雕塑展》奥地利丹麦英国 2000

《空间的多米诺计划》陈凌惠当代艺术空间 2008



《其他的因素》 其他画廊


《新生代与后革命》炎黄艺术馆, 北京

新加坡 东京




青岛 上海


《46—中国现代艺术》墨尔本艺术无国界美术馆 上海-墨尔本-台北 《第二届当代雕塑艺术年度展》 何香凝美术馆


《1999—2000大陆、香港、台湾三地袖珍雕塑邀请展》台湾香港广州 《形与体—新加坡雕塑艺术节》新加坡

《对话中国》艾林 伊格尔—史密斯画廊 旧金山 美国 《面向东方》 罗宾辰画廊,美国 2007



《斗山艺术中心开幕》 斗山艺术中心,首耳,韩国 《掀起红布》10 乔瑟琳 莱恩




Yu fan 1966 Born in Qingdao city, China 1988 Graduated from Fine Art Dept. of Shandong Art Institute 1992 Graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Art Works at the same school as a professor in Beijing, China

[Solo Exhibitions] 2010 2010 2009 2008 2000

yu fan’s sculpture Linda Gallery indonesia yu fan’s sculpture Linda Gallery Singapore Spirtual:1999-2009yufan works Eastlink Gallery Shaihai yu fan’s sculpture Keumsan Tokyo Japan I Live at 2208, Where Do You Live? Passage Gallery, CAFA, Beijing

[Group Exhibitions] 2010 Reshaping History ——Chinart from2000-2009 China national Convention Center 2009 Time lag Linda Gallery BeiJing China Other Factors Other Gallery BeiJing China Domino plan in the space Chen linghui Cotemporary space BeiJing China Visual experiment of zhong yong Eastlink Gallery Beijing China 2008 Internal Injury Up Gallery BeiJing China 7th Shanghai Biennale Shanghai Museum Shanghai China Hpallage OCT art& design gallery shenzhen .China Up-Chinese contemporary art Art Musem . Singapore Limitation of the logic Genssun International Art Space Beijing China Dialog China Elins Eagle---smith Gallery SanFrancisco.USA Face East Robischon Gallery .USA 2007 The power of the Universe ---An exhibition of the frontier of contemporary Chinese Art” Asia Art Center, Beijing A Truth Beyond the Rea Asia Art center & Doosan Art Center, Seoul, Korea Unveil The Red Curtain 10 Chancery Lane gallery, Hong Kong Chinese New art Exhibition Keumsan Gallery, Korea Hot. Dot Huston Museum, USA Escape by crafty schemeSquare Gallery of Contemporary, Nanjing , China Top 10 Chinese Contemporary sculpture Exhibition Asia Art Center, Beijing



2004 2003

2002 2001



Made in China Louisiana Museum, Denmark New China New Gallery, Huston, USA Chinese Whisper Ossage Gallery, Hong Kong Under the Radar----Chinese Contemporary art Robischon Gallery, USA Re—excavates the contemporary realism Soka contemporary, Beijing Beyond experience new china Arario Gallery, Beijing Second Beijing International Art Biennale National Museum, Beijing In and Out or In between Soka Contemporary, Beijing Between past and future Asia society and Museum, NY, USA Beijing International Art Biennale National Museum, Beijing New Generation and post-revolution China blue Gallery.BeiJing Lustie-YuFan&LiuDing CAAW .BeiJing The 1st Guangzhou Triennial Guangzhou Museum of Art Chengdu Biennale Chengdu.Sichuan.China The 1 st Jing Wen Art Show Jing Wen Art Center .ShangHai Standardized Photos of Chinese Contemporary Sculpture Shanghai.Shenzhen.Tsingtao.Chongqing.Beijing Chinese Modern Water and Ink Painting ang Sculpture Austria Denmark .UK Dialogue With HenrySculpture Guangdong Museum of Art Exhibition of Invitation of Contemporary Sculpture Tsingtao Sculpture Museum Exhibition of Invitation of Chinese Sculpture Shanghai Art Gallery The Door of The Century Chengdu Modern Art Museum 46—Chinese Modern Art No Border Gallery of Melbourne, AustraliaShanghai- Melbourne - Taipei The Second Contemporary Sculpture Annual He Xiang Ning Art Gallery Shenzhen Exhibition of Invitation of Mini Sculpture in Continent Hong Kong ,Tai Wan Hong Kong Guangzhou Volume& Form Sculpture Festival of Singapore Singapore


杜尚与小鸟 Marcel Duchamp With Birds 铜喷漆 Bronze 153x70x70cm 2009



白马与水兵之三 Sailer on horse No.3 铜喷漆 Bronze 80X80X28cm 2009



鹤 Crane 铜喷漆 Bronze 121x81x292cm 2010




岳敏君 Yue Minjun


“大部分的绘画都认为最重要的是要像一幅画,要像艺术。这已经是一种固 定的模式,这是有害的。而我这样画,就是要练胆。” ——岳敏君 "Most of the paintings are considered the most important thing is to be like a picture, to be like art. this is a fixed pattern, which is harmful. and I like painting, is to practice guts. " ——Yue Minjun


岳敏君 2008 1985 1962

就读于河北师范大学美术系 生于黑龙江省大庆市 2007

2006 重要个展: 2011 《公元3009年考古发现》 ARos Aarhus 美术馆 奥胡斯 丹麦 2010 《历史中的精神场景——岳敏君“无人的风景系列”油画展》 外滩三号沪申画廊上海 中国 2009 《公元3009年考古发现》 今日美术馆 北京 中国 《微笑主义》 阿拉里奥画廊 纽约 美国 2007 《岳敏君:标志性笑容》 昆斯美术馆 纽约 美国 《岳敏君:寻找艺术》 北京公社 北京 中国 《岳敏君:我爱大笑》 亚洲协会美术馆 纽约 美国 2006 《岳敏君:处理系列》 恩里科·纳瓦拉画廊 巴黎 法国 《复制的偶像:岳敏君作品2004-2006》 何香凝美术馆 深圳 中国 《寻找恐怖主义分子》 北京公社 北京 中国 2005 《后奥若蒂克式自画像——岳敏君》 CP基金会 雅加达 印度尼西亚 2004 《岳敏君:雕塑及油画作品展》 少励画廊 香港 中国 2003 《岳敏君作品展》 麦勒画廊 瑞士 《岳敏君:北京之反讽》 Prüss & Ochs画廊 柏林 德国 2002 《沐浴在傻笑中》 斯民艺苑 新加坡 《岳敏君作品展——处理》 世方艺术中心 北京 中国 2000 《红色的海洋-岳敏君作品展》 伦敦中国当代艺术画廊 英国 重要群展: 2011 溪山清远-中国新绘画 旧金山,旧金山亚洲艺术博物馆,旧金山,美国 2010 《改造历史:2000-2009年的中国新艺术》,国家会议中心,北京,中国 “溪山清远-中国新绘画”, 路易斯布鲁恩基金会,伦敦 ,英国 《Made in Pop land》 韩国国家当代美术馆,果川,韩国 2009 《北京-哈瓦那:新中国当代艺术革命》古巴国家美术馆 哈瓦那 古巴 《给马可波罗的礼物:第53届威尼斯国际艺术双年展特别机构邀请展》 威尼斯国际大学 威尼斯 意大利 《转换中的艺术:温哥华双年展2009-2011》莫顿公园 温哥华 加拿大





2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1992 1991 1987

《09艺术长沙之<岳敏君·场景>》 湖南省博物馆 中国 《2008上海双年展》 上海美术馆 上海 中国 《我们的未来——尤伦斯基金会收藏展》尤伦斯当代艺术中心 北京 中国 《面对现实——当代艺术选展》 中国美术馆 北京 中国 《中国-面对现实》 路德维希基金会当代美术馆 维也纳 奥地利 《后解严与后八九——两岸当代美术对照展》 国立台湾美术馆; 宋庄美术馆 北京中国 《我们主导未来:第二届莫斯科双年展特别项目展》 艺术家中心 莫斯科 俄罗斯 《能量—精神、身体、物质:2007首届今日文献展》今日美术馆 北京中国 《雷达——洛根收藏展》 丹佛美术馆 美国 《中国当代艺术中的书籍再创》 华美协进社中国美术馆 纽约 美国 《麻将:希克中国当代艺术收藏展》 汉堡当代艺术馆 德国 《先锋!——中国前卫雕塑》 海滨雕塑博物馆(贝尔登博物馆) 海牙 荷兰 《开放2005——国际雕塑装置展》 利多岛 威尼斯 意大利 《明日,不回眸——中国当代艺术》 国立台北艺术大学关渡美术馆 《人物/雕塑——埃索收藏展》 埃索美术馆 维也纳 奥地利 《2004上海双年展》 上海美术馆 中国 《沙丘雕塑——法国/中国》恩里科.纳瓦拉画廊/庞 洛讷海滩 拉马度埃尔 法国 《光州双年展2004》 光州 韩国 《2003印尼开放双年展》 印度尼西亚国家美术馆 雅加达 印度尼西亚 《向前走》 新加坡国立大学博物馆 新加坡 《新的艺术展厅曼海姆》 曼海姆艺术展厅 德国 《中国当代艺术》 雷克雅未克艺术博物馆 冰岛 《重新解读:中国实验艺术十年——首届广州当代艺术三年展》广东美术馆 中国 《“红色大陆,中华”——中国现代美术展》 光州市立美术馆 韩国 《——中国现代艺术大展》 艺术家中心 奥斯陆 挪威 《装饰与抽象》 贝耶勒基金会博物馆 巴塞尔 瑞士 《当代中国肖像》 法朗索瓦·密特朗文化中心 佩里格市 法国 《我们的朋友》 包豪斯大学美术馆 魏玛 德国 《开放的边界:第48届威尼斯双年展》 威尼斯 意大利 《5000+10:中国当代艺术》 西班牙 《红与灰——来自中国的8位前卫艺术家》 斯民艺苑 新加坡 《中国!》 波恩艺术博物馆 德国 《华丽的二重奏——岳敏君与杨少斌近作展》 少励画廊 香港 《中国当代油画—从现实主义到后现代主义》特奥莱梅美术馆 布鲁塞尔 比利时 《竹帘后的脸》 少励画廊 香港 《圆明园画家作品展》 圆明园 北京 中国 《新时期现代绘画展》 北京友谊宾馆 北京 中国 《S造型艺术展》 河北省展览馆 石家庄 中国




[Solo Exhibitions]

1985 Studied in the Oil Painting Department of


The Archeological Discovery in AD3009 ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum Aarhus Denmark

Hebei Normal University, China.


The Spirit Scenes from Time Past - Yue Minjun Solo Exhibition of Paintings Series “Landscapes with No One” Shanghai Gallery of Art , Shanghai, China

1962 Born in the town of Daqing in the province of Hei Long Jiang, China.

2009 200

The Archeological Discovery in AD3009, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China. 7Yue Minjun and the Symbolic Smile, Queens Museum, New York, U.S.A. Yue Minjun: Looking for Art, Beijing Commune, Beijing, China. Yue Minjun: I Love Laughing, Asia Society, New York, U.S.A.


Yue Minjun: Manipulation Series, Enrico Navarra Gallery, Paris, France The Reproduction of Idols: Yue Minjun 2004-2006, He Xiang Ning Art Museum, Shenzhen, China. Looking for Terrorists, Beijing Commune, Beijing, China.


Post Auratic Self Portrayal of Yue Min Jun, CP Foundation, Jakarta, Indonesia.


Yue Min Jun: Sculptures & Paintings, Schoeni Art Gallery, Hong Kong.


Yue Min Jun: Beijing Ironicals, Prüss & Ochs Gallery, Berlin, Germany. YueMinJun, Meile Gallery , Switzerland.


Soaking In Silly Laughter: one of Art Singapore 2002, Soobin Art Gallery, Singapore. Yue Min Jun: Manipulation, One World Art Center, Beijing, China.


Red Ocean-Yue Min Jun, Chinese Contemporary, London. England.

[Art Experiences] 2011

Pure Views - New Painting from China Asian art museum of San Francisco, San Francisco,USA


Reshaping History Chinart from 2000 to 2009, China National Convention Center, Beijing, China Pure Views - New Painting from China Louise Blouin Foundation London, UK Made in Pop land National museum of Contemporary art Korea , Gwacheon, Korea.


Beijing-Hawana: New Contemporary Chinese Art Revolution, Nacional de Bellas Artes de Cuba, Hawana, Cuba A Gift to Marco Polo: A Collateral Event for the 53rd Biennale di Venezia, Venice International University, Island of San Servolo, Venice, Italy COLOSSAL: Art, Fact, Fiction -2000 years Varus Battle, Varus Battle in Osnabrücker Land - Archeological Museum and Park in Bramsche-Kalkriese, Germany Yue Minjun·scene in 2009 Art Changsha, Hunan Museum. China


7th Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai, China Mahjong - Contemporary Chinese Art from the Sigg Collection, Museo de la Fundacion Joan Miro, Barcelona, Spain; Berkeley Art Museum & the Pacific Film Archives, San Francisco, California, USA Our Future: Collection of UCCA, UCCA, Beijing, China 121

Half-life of a Dream: Contemporary Chinese Art from the Logan Collection, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, USA Facing Reality-Selection of Chinese Contemporary Art, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China. 2007

China-Facing Reality, Museum of Modern Art Ludwig Foundation, Vienna, Austria. Red Hot: Asian Art Today from the Chaney Family Collection, The Museum of Fine Arts, Huston, USA. Post Martial Laws vs. Post “89: the Contemporary Art in Taiwan and China, Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Tai Wan, China.


Radar—Selections from the Collection of Vicky and Kent Logan, Denver Art Museum, USA Shu: Reinventing Book in Contemporary Chinese Art, China Institute Gallery, New York, USA China Now Sammlung Essl Privatstiftung, Klosterneuburg Austria Mahjong - Contemporary Chinese Art from the Sigg Collection, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Germany.


Beautiful Cynicism, Arario Beijing, China Sky of Fate-Invited Exhibition of Chinese Paintings 2005, Shenzhen Art Museum, China Plato and his seven spirits BJ Century Overseas Chinese City, Shenzhen OCT Contemporary Art Terminal of He Xiangning Art Museum, China Open 2005—International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations, Lido, Venice, Italy. XIANFENG--Chinese Avant-garde Sculpture, Museum Beelden Aan Zee, Hague/Scheveningen, The Netherlands Mahjong: Sigg Collection of Modern Chinese Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Bern, Switzerland. Dress Up in Art Theme Exhibition on Traditional Chinese Operas, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China No U-Turn: China Contemporary Art , TNUR Guando Museum of Art, aiwan, China. Conceptual Art——Exhibit of Contemporary Paintings from China, Shenzhen Art Museum, Guangdong, China.


Dreaming of the Dragon’s Nation: Contemporary Art Exhibition from China, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, Ireland. Shanghai Biennale 2004: Techniques of the Visible,China. Guangju Biennale 2004: A Grain of Dust, A Drop of Water,Korea. Art on the Beach: Sculptures, Enrico Navarra Gallery, Ramatuelle, France. 20 Years of Hanart TZ Gallery,Hong Kong Art Center. China, the Body Everywhere?,Maseille Museum of Contemporary Art, France.


From China with Art, Indonesia National Gallery, Jakarta, Indonesia.he Rest of the World, Neuffer Am Park, Pirmasens, Germany. Newe Kunsthalle Mannheim 2, Kunsthalle Mannheim, Germany. CP Open Biennale 2003, Indonesia National Gallery, Jakarta, Indonesia. People and People: Chinese Modern and Contemporary Art Collections ofGDMA, Guangdong Museum of Art(GDMA), Guangzhou, China.


Living Conditions: Selections from the GDMA Collection of Contemporary Chinese Art, GDMA, Guangzhou, China. 2002

Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition: Red Land, China, Gwangju Art Museum, Korea. Korea and Chinese Painting-2002 New Expression, Seoul Culture & Art Center, Korea. Chinese Contemporary Art, Rekjavik Art Museum, Iceland. A Point in Time-Changsha, Beauty Art Museum, Changsha, China The First Guangzhou Triennial, Guangdong Museum of Art, China. Inaugural Exhibition: Contemporary Terracotta Warriors, The Esplanade, Singapore. Golden Harvest-Chinese Contemporary Exhibition, Croatia National Art Museum, Croatia.


Ornament and Abstraction, Foundation Beyeler, Switzerland. Hotpot: Chinese Contemporary Art, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, Norway Towards a New lmage-Twenty Years of Contemporary Chinese Painting, National Art Museum, Beijing; Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai; Sichuan Art Museum , Chendu; Guangdong Art Museum, Guangzhou, China. Song Zhuang, Stadtische Galerie im Buntentor Bremen & Kunstverein Ludwigshafen, Germany.


Between..., Chengdu Upriver Residence, Kunming Upriver Club, China. Portraits of Chinese Contemporaries, The Culture Centre of Francois Mitterrand, France. Our Friends, Bauhaus University Art Gallery, Weimar, Germany.


Open Boundary: the 48th Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy. Transparence, opacité?-14 Chinese Contemporary Artists, France, Italy. Open Channels The First Collecting Exhibition of Dongyu Museum of Fine Arts, Dongyu Museum, Shenyang, China. New Modernism for a New Millennium: Works by Contemporary Asian Artists from the Logan Collection, Linn Gallery, San Francisco, USA


The Grand Tour, Chinese Contemporary, London, England. The First Exhibition of Upriver Gallery Collection, He Xiangning Art Gallery, Shenzhen, China. It's Me!-A Profile of Chinese Contemporary Art in the 90s, Forbidden City & Tai Miao, Beijing, China. Beijing Prediction: Contemporary Art of China, Beijing, China.


”Quotation Marks”: Chinese Contemporary Paintings, Singapore Art Museum, Singapore.


China!, Bonn Art Museum, Germany; Kuenstlerhaus, Wien, Austria.

China Now, Tokyo, Japan; Basel, Switzerland. Art to Swatch, take part in the Design of "The 1996 Artist Collection” of Swatch. 1995

Vision of China: Contemporary Chinese Painting by Chinese Masters, Pacific


Faces Behind the Bamboo Curtain: Works of Yue Min Jun and Yang Shao Bin, Schoeni Art Gallery, Hong Kong.


Yuan Ming Yuan Artists Exhibition, Yuan Ming Yuan, Beijing, China.


Contemporary Modern Art Exhibition, Beijing Friendship Guest House,China.


"S" Art Exhibition, Hebei Museum, China.


公元3009 AD3009 布上油画 Oil on Canvas 400x300cm 2008





北京 • 杨艺术中心


Beijing yang gallery Add:3rd Taoci Street,798 Art District,No.4 Jiuxianqiao Road,Chaoyang District,Beijing.100015 Tel: 0086-10-57623020 Web:http://www.yanggallery.com.sg E-mail: beijing@yanggallery.info

新加坡 • 杨艺术中心

Singapore yang gallery 19 Tanglin Road,Tanglin Shopping Centre,#02-41,Singapore(247909) Web:http://www.yanggallery.com.sg Tel: 0065 67218888 E-mail: spore@yanggallery.com.sg 128

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