Networking Times Jan/Feb 2015 Preview

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PERSPECTIVES 5 LEADOFF Win-Win-Win… Garrett McGrath Everything rises and falls with leadership, and our profession is at the forefront of a “leader-shift” where we lead by serving others. 6

FROM THE PUBLISHER Update Your Paradigm Bob Proctor All things being equal—a good product and a good company— network marketing is the most moral form of compensation in business today.


WORDS OF WISDOM On Servant Leadership Memorable quotes by Lao-Tze, R. Buckminster Fuller, Mother Teresa, and others.


OUR TIMES – PART 1 How do you practice servant leadership? • Dr. Vijay Eswaran, The Five Qualities of a Servant Leader • Mariela Elorduy Blackaller, A Win-Win Formula • Scott Myrick, The Golden Rule • Joseph T. Bismark, Are You the Leader You Want to Follow? • Ron Forrester and Leslie Hocker, Love Serving Others


January/February 2015

LEAD INTERVIEW Live Happy and Thrive Most of us know Jeff Olson as the bestselling author of The Slight Edge, a book and program that has transformed countless businesses and lives. Jeff got started as a network marketing distributor thirty years ago. He has since built several multimillion-dollar sales and marketing organizations, hosted seminars in every major U.S. city as well as around the world, and produced more than 900 television programs centered on personal growth. Today Jeff heads up one of the fastest growing network marketing companies in the world, as well as Live Happy magazine.




MASTER NETWORKER Start Local, Think Global Masa Cemazar and Miguel Montero run a global network marketing business from their home in Brisbane, Australia. Both are European— she is from Slovenia, he is from Spain—and moved to Australia a little over ten years ago. When they were first introduced to the business, Masa was a medical researcher and Miguel was doing odd jobs because, trained as an airline pilot, he wasn’t allowed to practice his profession as a new immigrant. Ten years later, after many learning experiences, Masa and Miguel built a substantial team spanning forty countries and five continents.


MASTER NETWORKER Giving People Hope Johnnie Green is a young network marketing professional who leads organizations of several hundred thousand members on six continents. He joined the business as a college student and saw network marketing as an alternative from the tedious jobs he found himself in. He got started offering the opportunity to fellow students and also reached out to low-income families he grew up with. He quickly built a domestic team, but his business really took off the day he was approached by a networker in Malaysia looking to join a U.S.-based company.


MASTER NETWORKER A Business of Personal Growth Based in New Jersey, Bob Quintana is a top earner in a network marketing company that provides affordable green energy in a growing number of U.S states. He leads a team of almost 9,000 associates who serve over 100,000 customers with electricity, natural gas, and solar products. Bob was a traditional entrepreneur for almost twenty years before he joined the network marketing profession. Being a management consultant and real estate investor allowed him to earn a high income, but not to leverage his time, which Bob found to be a significant gap in his entrepreneurial pursuits.


RISING STAR Finding Freedom Colleen Filicetti is a dynamic network marketing leader who successfully balances business and family. Before venturing into network marketing, Colleen owned a graphic arts business with four graphic artists working for her. When her family grew to four children, she made the decision to sell the business and be a stay-at-home mom. As her children grew up, she began having more free time and started looking for something she could build around her family’s needs and schedule. Networking Times



RISING STAR A Family-Friendly Business Jason Buckner lives in North Carolina with his wife and two young children. First introduced to network marketing in 1992 at age twenty-two, he started working it part time. In 1995 he began looking at the business as a career and ended up building a full-time income over the next ten years. When Jason and his wife had their first child, Jason became a stay-at-home dad. Five years later he was ready for one more run and became a twenty-year “overnight success.”


RISING STAR Treat People Right Kim Moehring is fulfilling her lifelong dream of building a business from home with her husband and adult children. She joined her current network marketing company in 2011 while working full time as a dental assistant. She had tried building a team with a nutritional company before, but gave up after six months. What made the difference the second time was a simple system, loving and caring mentors, and understanding the need to make a few short-time sacrifices to create long-term success.




OUR TIMES – PART 2 How do you practice servant leadership? (Continued) • Donna Valdes, You Deserve—If You First Serve • Bo Short, Character Rules • Ian Davies, Share Your Life with Others • Cherian Mathew, A Business Based on Service


THE CLOSE The Happy Hero’s Journey Michelle Gielan Just like no hero is born without conflict or challenge, no hero is able to sustain happiness without ultimately tipping the balance in favor of others once he returns home.

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Update Your Paradigm Be Eager to Help Others Succeed By Bob Proctor


hen you decide to live the life you really want, you will most likely not be in the habit of doing the things that will attract what you want. Instead, you will be in the habit of doing the things that will keep bringing you more of what you’ve already got. You’ve heard this before, but you may not know what’s stopping you from climbing to the highest ranks in your organization: It’s your paradigm. All things being equal—a good product and a good company—network marketing is the most moral form of compensation in business today. There is no nepotism or games or favorites, you earn exactly what you are worth to your organization. It’s brilliant and extremely rare. So what’s stopping you from living the life you love? Your paradigm is your problem. When you change your paradigm, you change your results. In order to live the life you love, you’ve got to change the paradigm that keeps you in the habit of doing things that bring more of the results you’ve got. Your paradigm is your only problem. Your paradigm is a multitude of habits and beliefs buried deep within your subconscious mind. You might not even recognize your own paradigms about working a non-traditional job. Consider this: When you are introduced to someone and they say they are self-employed, do you wonder if they really mean unemployed and less than motivated to work? How early in a conversation do you ask someone what he or she does for work? Unless you are feeling really good about your company and your product, you can’t possibly expect to succeed! You’ve got to change your paradigm! 1. A good place to start changing your paradigm is to notice the habits of the people you admire and start to emulate them. The wealthy people of the world did not become wealthy by listening to the masses. If the masses knew how to become wealthy, they’d be wealthy. Wealthy people listen to their heart and mind. You must decide to stop asking your neighbor or relatives for financial advice when they are likely achieving the very results you want to change in your life. If you must follow somebody, follow somebody worth following. Find a good mentor or coach and do exactly what they tell you. Unsuccessful people do not often form this lifelong habit of studying personal development that most successful people swear by. 2. The second habit you must form is the habit of acting on opportunity. You must form the habit of reaching decisions quickly and changing them slowly, if at all. Your paradigm will challenge you on this one, you’ll hear voices of doubt telling you “You’re not quite ready to do this!” or “What are people going to say?” but you must be ready to act when a great opportunity presents itself. Wealthy people of the world are always on the lookout for a new and lucrative opportunity. They understand that wealth is an ongoing process, it is not a


Networking Times Times Networking


Live Happy and


A Conversation with

Jeff Olson By Dr. Josephine Gross


Networking Times

Tell us a little about your background.


ost of us know Jeff Olson as the bestselling author of The Slight Edge, which has transformed countless businesses and lives. What you may not know is that 30 years ago Jeff got started as a network marketing distributor just like you. He has since built several multimillion-dollar sales and marketing organizations, hosted seminars in major markets domestically and around the globe, and produced more than 900 television programs centered on personal growth. Jeff has worked with legendary experts like Les Brown, Jim Rohn, and Brian Tracy. A perpetual student of personal development, Jeff’s passion is to help individuals and teams achieve higher levels of financial freedom, personal excellence, and overall happiness. Today Jeff is founder and CEO of an innovative skincare company setting records in the network marketing and direct selling space. He also heads up Live Happy Media, a leader in the happiness movement and the publisher of Live Happy magazine. Ten years after the first edition of The Slight Edge, Jeff remains committed to his life’s mission of “making people better,” one small habit, one lucrative opportunity, and one empowering thought at a time.—J.G.

I’m a classically trained businessperson with an undergraduate degree in business administration. While in graduate school, I was hired by a Fortune 100 company and ended up becoming a manager of its intelligence systems division. From there, I built several significant companies, including an award-winning solar energy company. I discovered network marketing the same way most people do: someone shared a video with me and kept asking if I had watched it. About four months later, I was trying to check some things off my to-do list and finally watched the video. I was intrigued. I owned two companies and was doing some consulting work, so I didn’t have much time, but I joined anyway. I went from not knowing anything about the business to becoming one of the company’s top earners in a year and a half, even though the company had been around for 24 years. The unusual part is that I did this without any network marketing experience and without any experienced networkers on my team. I became known in direct sales for bringing tools and systems to the marketplace. From my traditional business perspective, network marketers seemed divided. Within each company and even within organizations there were multiple tribes. I didn’t see how anyone could create any kind of true growth that way, so I studied the business, trying to figure out what made it “work” and how to develop a pragmatic approach to succeed in it.

What are some of the things you learned? Most people in direct sales don’t have a solid business background. They have a job, a family, and other endeavors. They’re coming in with a high level of anxiety, a low level of knowledge, and a lot of resistance from people around them. Trainers were talking network marketing language to new

January/February 2015



Start Local, Think Global By Dr. Josephine Gross


asa Cemazar and Miguel Montero are a powerful network marketing couple who run a global business from their home in Brisbane, Australia. Both European—Masa is from Slovenia, Miguel is from Spain—they moved to Australia a little over ten years ago. When they were first introduced to network marketing, Masa was a medical researcher and Miguel was doing odd jobs because, trained as an airline pilot, he wasn’t allowed to practice his profession as a new immigrant. Looking for more free time and money, Masa and Miguel jumped on the opportunity. Ten years later, after many learning experiences, they built a substantial team spanning 40 countries and five continents. Yet they started out holding home meetings six nights a week to launch a local team, and it’s still what they teach their new team members to do today. “First, build your income in your city,” says Miguel. “The fastest way to create momentum is to invite people you know to a house meeting, because you can train them the fastest. Make sure you have a stable $10,000 monthly income before you venture out internationally.” “Network marketing is about finding a company you align with and building a long-term residual income,” Masa adds. “This doesn’t happen in six months and requires a long-term vision and commitment. Once you are making money, invest it wisely so you can build true and lasting financial freedom.”—J.G.

Who introduced you to the business, and build strong relationships before telling people what made you say yes? about your opportunity!) MASA: In 2004 I moved to Australia to do medical research for one year—or so I thought. On the way over, I met Miguel on the plane. We stayed in touch and nine months later he came to live with me in Australia. A year after we had been here together, we were introduced to network marketing by a 17-year-old girl we met at a dinner in Brisbane. I went there only to fill in for a friend who could not be there to accept a science award and asked me to receive it for her. This 17-year-old girl was sitting next to me with her father when we started chatting. She didn’t tell me anything about network marketing, but she developed a good relationship. (Always


A few months later she contacted me to tell us about a business she had started where she helped others build businesses. She came to our house with her mother, who was a Diamond in the company we ended up joining. I had never heard about network marketing, but it sounded good and I got excited. It was a health company, so it worked well with my background in medical research. Miguel and I joined on the spot. MIGUEL: I was a little more skeptical. I had never heard about network marketing either and wondered what we were getting into. When I see Masa excited, I always think there must be something good about that, so I asked myself, “What

Networking Networking Times Times

Masa Cemazar and Miguel Montero:

You Only Need a Few, Who Teach a Few…

Hello, I’m Joey!

January/February 2015 2015 January/February

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Giving People Hope

Johnnie Green: Think Outside the Box By Dr. Josephine Gross 36

Networking Times


ased in Jamaica and Houston, Texas, Johnnie Green is a young network marketing professional who leads organizations of several hundred thousand members on six continents. He joined the business as a college student, when the possibility of making an extra thousand dollars a month sounded very exciting. Thinking outside the box, Johnnie saw network marketing as a vehicle to create a different life from the tedious jobs he found himself in and got started by offering the opportunity to fellow students. Originally from Beattyville, Kentucky, he also reached out to low-income families he grew up with, using the Enjoying Negril, Jamaica. tagline, “Invest $200 and let me show you how to make $1,000.” Johnnie quickly grew a domestic team, but his business really took off when one day he was approached by a networker in Malaysia looking to join a U.S.-based company. Thanks to this one connection, he built a huge team in Asia in 2010 even though he didn’t travel there till 2012. Johnnie learned so much from this Asian experience that he became a consultant who now helps companies launch new markets around the world. One key to his success he says is being able to relate to people from all walks of life. He remembers when his team was 100 percent African American, one of his mentors told him to go out and “recruit five people who don’t look like you.” Johnnie took his advice to heart and focused on creating different success stories, constantly helping his leaders move forward, build their brand, break records, and receive edification. Not a big fan of being in the public eye, Johnnie is passionate about sharing these stories and giving people hope wherever he goes.

Selling Memberships Johnnie was introduced to network marketing in 2003 by his friend Jonathan he used to play basketball tournaments with. “I was working three jobs while also playing three sports,” says Johnnie. “I was a double major in biology and chemistry with a minor in marketing. Like most students, I wanted more money, but I knew getting another job just meant paying more taxes and having even less free time.” Johnnie had been working at Walgreens for a year when one day his manager pulled him aside to congratulate him, hand him his one-year pin, and give him a pay raise of $0.50. He quickly calculated what the next five years of his life would look like if he continued to climb the ladder at Walgreens all the way to becoming a pharmacist, which was his dream job at the time. Even though Jonathan was only a little older than Johnnie, they had vastly different lifestyles.

January/February 2015

Jonathan had just walked away from his job as a software engineer making six figures a year when he asked Johnnie to join his team and sell legal services through network marketing. “It was $149 to get started, and I only had $150 to my name,” says Johnnie. “It doesn’t matter what your situation is right now,” Jonathan said. “If you have $1 and a lot of desire, I can show you how to make thousands.” Skeptical at first, Johnnie attended a meeting and stayed till 1 AM to ask questions. Finally Jonathan asked, “How long do you think it will take you to enroll two new members?” Johnnie said, “I think I can do it in the next 24 hours.” Jonathan said, “Then 24 hours is all it will take you to break even.” Johnnie sold his first two memberships in the next eight hours, and from then on he felt confident he could do the business. Sharing the service and the opportunity with college students came easy,



A Business of Personal Growth

photo credit: Joe Epstein

Bob Quintana: Achieving Dreams, Overcoming Adversity By Dr. Josephine Gross 44

Networking Times


ased in New Jersey, Bob Quintana is a top earner in a five and a half year old network marketing company that provides affordable green energy in a growing number of U.S. states. He leads a team of almost 9,000 associates who serve over 100,000 customers with electricity, natural gas, and solar products. Bob was a traditional entrepreneur for almost twenty years before he joined the network marketing profession. Being a management consultant and real estate investor allowed him to earn a high income, but not to leverage his time, which Bob found to be a significant gap in his entrepreneurial pursuits. Bob also has a background in personal development. After becoming a student of Tony Robbins in 1991 and seeing a major impact in his business, he attended every seminar Robbins offered that year. Seeing huge improvements in every aspect of his life, Bob committed to mastering Tony’s materiel by teaching it and became Tony’s most successful franchise affiliate. In 2006 Bob closed down his traditional business to become a network marketing professional. The transition didn’t go without multiple challenges, but eight years later he says his new career has made many of his goals and dreams come true—and he believes he and his team are just getting started. “No one succeeds in network marketing alone,” says Bob. “I owe tremendous appreciation and gratitude to my amazing wife Pennie for all her love and support, especially through all the challenges we faced; and to the extraordinary leaders and team members in our organization. I could never be here without them. They are not only my valued business partners, they are my extended family!”

Time-for-Money to Residual Income Bob had owned traditional businesses since 1989 and worked with big companies like JP Morgan, AT&T, Blue Cross, and Ford Motor Company in the management consulting field, specializing in Sales Force Development. “I really enjoyed it and we were doing almost two million dollars a year in revenue,” he says. “The idea behind becoming an entrepreneur was that I planned on duplicating myself by hiring people and teaching them how to do what I did, so I could ultimately free myself up from the dayto-day operations and have the lifestyle I desired.” What he found was that when he would bring people in and teach them the consulting business, once they got good enough to identify consulting agreements, close them, and fulfill them, they would thank Bob and leave to start their own business—rather than having to split whatever profits they brought into the company with Bob for the rest of their lives. “After seeing this happen for a long time,” says Bob, “I realized this small business model was

January/February 2015

flawed, and would never help me achieve what I was looking for. I knew I had to find another way, which is why ultimately in 2006 I made the decision to make a serious commitment to network marketing.” About five years prior, in 2001, a good friend of Bob’s had asked him to try a nutritional product line. Bob had been an athlete in high school and college and used to be a competitive body builder, so he had an appreciation for fitness and health. “My friend had just gotten involved in network marketing,” says Bob. “I was always a fan of the business, but never thought it was for me. Not because I looked down upon it in any way, but simply because I didn’t fully understand it; plus, my traditional business was going well.” Bob tried the products a bit reluctantly as a favor to his friend, only to discover they were phenomenal. Feeling great, he performed better in his workouts and was seeing unexpected changes in his body. When he asked his friend for more information, he put Bob on the phone with some of the top leaders in the company. Knowing Bob was an entrepreneur and pretty well connected,



Finding Freedom Colleen Filicetti: Choose the Life You Want By Dr. Josephine Gross


olleen Filicetti is a dynamic network marketing leader who successfully balances taking care of business and family. Before venturing into network marketing, Colleen owned a graphic arts business with four graphic artists working for her. “I had been raised with the belief that I should be spending my days doing what I love,” she says. “As my family grew to four kids, though I loved my career, I enjoyed being a mom more. So I made the decision, with my husband’s support, to sell the business and be a stay-at-home mom.” Colleen temporarily gave up her career to be with her children during their formative years. As her children grew up and became more independent, she began having more free time. She wanted to get back to work and started looking for something she could build around her family’s needs and schedule. She had been introduced to network marketing almost twenty years prior, but the timing was not right. She also didn’t resonate with it and was quite skeptical.

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A Family-Friendly Business Jason Buckner: Leaving the World a Better Place By Dr. Josephine Gross


orn and raised in North Carolina, Jason Buckner lives in Gastonia, NC with his wife Nekoe and their children Ava (eight) and Maddox (three). Jason was first introduced to network marketing in 1992 at age twenty-two. “I started working it part time,” he says, “but the concept of leverage and residual income never left my mind.” Jason began looking at the business as a career path in 1995 and embarked on a relentless journey to make it work. He ended up building a full-time income over the next ten years, got married, and when he and his wife had their first child, Jason decided to step away from the business to be a stay-at-home dad. “In 2010, after experiencing a taste of the freedom this business model can provide, I was ready for one more run,” he says. “That’s when I got the call about our current company I’ve been with for the past three years. In ten months I was able to hit one of the top positions and one could say I was a twenty-year overnight success.” Today Jason leads a growing team spanning all fifty U.S. states, as well as Canada and Mexico. He is excited to continue expanding globally in the coming years and to have the opportunity to travel the world with “some of the coolest people in the world.”


Networking Times Networking Times


Treat People


Kim Moehring: Creating Long-Term Success By Dr. Josephine Gross


ased in Georgetown, Texas Kim Moehring is fulfilling her lifelong dream of building a business from home with her husband Mark and her adult children. Kim was working full time as a Registered Dental Assistant at a local dental practice when she joined her current network marketing company in 2011. She had first been introduced to the business in 1999 by a girlfriend she used to work with. Kim tried building a team with a nutritional company for about six months, but gave up when she felt she had “burned through her warm market” of family and friends. “I didn’t have great support in my first company,” she says. “I was happy to earn a backpack and a coat! I was a single mom at the time with minimal child support. My dental assistant job barely paid the bills and I was open to any opportunity that might enable me to give my children

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more than I had growing up.” Today Kim is happily married to Mark, whom she met in 2006. In 2010 she joined her second network marketing company after meeting a woman in a restaurant, who introduced her to a gentleman, who introduced her to network marketing leaders Ron Forrester and Leslie Hocker. They became close friends and introduced Kim to Renee Olson, Dennis Windsor, and Jeff Olson. In 2011, when Jeff was launching a skincare company, Kim decided to join. “I initially just wanted to get rid of my crow’s feet and hopefully make an extra $500 to $1,000 a month,” she says. “Most importantly, I trusted Ron and Leslie personally and professionally. I knew that to be successful I would need to make a few short-time sacrifices in order to create longterm success and a lifestyle I had always wanted.”

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