Networking Times Nov/Dec Issue Sneak Peak

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A Teacher at Heart Exclusive interview with

Eric Worre

Welcome to China! Biggest Direct Selling Market in the World

How High Will You Fly? by John C. Maxwell November/December 2014



PERSPECTIVES 5 LEADOFF Trick or Teach Dr. Josephine Gross If you understand the importance of teaching and how it relates to duplication and residual income, you will love this issue.



WORDS OF WISDOM On Teaching and Learning Memorable quotes by Galileo Galilei, Paulo Coelho, the Dalai Lama, and others.


SPECIAL SECTION The Association of Network Marketing Professionals Are you a network marketing professional?




OUR TIMES – PART 1 How do you become an effective teacher? • Ryan Chamberlin, Teachers Earn More • Nikita Sirohi, A Life-Transforming Education • Chris Widener, Three Things I Learned from Zig Ziglar and Jim Rohn • Hilde Saele, Practice What You Preach • Don Karn, Learn Success, Then Duplicate


20 PROFESSIONALISM How High Will You Fly? John C. Maxwell If you can eliminate these four things, you give yourself a much better chance of achieving your goals.

20 November/December 2014




LEAD INTERVIEW A Teacher at Heart Eric Worre is the founder of, a training site with a community of over 300,000 visitors in 137 countries around the world. Eric’s annual Recruiting Mastery event has become the largest generic training event in network marketing history. Eric’s bestselling book Go Pro: 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional has sold over 500,000 copies so far. Today Eric is working on a documentary that tells the story of network marketing as it has never been told before.


MASTER NETWORKER The Power of One Conversation Shawn and Carmen Gray were featured in Networking Times when they were just launching their business in China. Five years later we had another conversation where they shared some important updates about what it’s like to build in the most populated country in the world, where multilevel marketing is officially illegal. While Shawn believes networkers should focus first on building a strong home team, he also encourages them to open their minds to international expansion, especially into the BRIC countries.


MASTER NETWORKER Best Way to Raise a Family! Dennis and Patty Nun are top leaders in the direct sales company they joined over 40 years ago. Based in Lincoln, Nebraska, they grew up as farm kids and raised six children. While still in college, Dennis started direct selling agricultural products for local farmers. When they saw his business grow, some joined him and gradually Dennis assembled a small team. Today Dennis spends most of his time coaching and mentoring his leaders, organizing events, and creating prospecting and training tools.


MASTER NETWORKER A Winning System Based in Florida, Steve and Gina Merritt are top achievers in an established network marketing company. Their team includes over a million members worldwide, of whom 150,000 are actively building the business. Gina was a flight attendant for 24 years and Steve was a World Champion barefoot water-skier. When Gina’s salary got cut after 9-11 and Steve was too old to compete, they needed to find a new income for their family with four children.

Networking Times




OUR TIMES – PART 2 How do you become an effective teacher? (Continued) • Mark Fournier, “I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing…” • Alexis Romano, From Textbooks to Systems • Mikko Jarrah, Attract a Great Teacher, Then Become One Yourself • Marie Benoit, Act as the Leader You Aspire to Be • Brian Carruthers, Tell, Show, Try, Do


PEOPLE BUISNESS Happy Thanksgiving! John Mason What would your life and business look like if you spent the next thirty days, the next year, or twenty years being genuinely, deeply grateful?


COUNTRY OVERVIEW China: Mainland and Overseas Shawn Gray The most populous nation in the world has already shown a large influence on direct selling and represents amazing opportunities for growth.





JUST FOR FUN Word Puzzle


LIFETIME MEMBERS Description of Lifetime Loyalty Leaders program and members list.


THE CLOSE Master Your Craft Glenn Head In our profession, your ability to educate and train others will lead you to become the master of your own destiny.

80 November/December 2014



Annual International ANMP Convention Dallas, Texas, USA May 14–17, 2015

Are You a Network Marketing Professional? The ANMP Is Your Professional Association By Garrett and Sylvia McGrath


op leaders, companies, trainers, organizations… the entire network marketing community is coming together around one core belief: Strength Comes from UnityTM. Today the Association of Network Marketing Professionals (ANMP) unites network marketing professionals worldwide—distributors, company owners and executives, as well as other strategic partners and service providers—to raise standards of professionalism by providing resources and education, and improve the public’s perception of the network marketing and direct selling business model. The ANMP is a true grassroots organization. From its original founding in 2004 to the expanded ANMP of 2014, the Association has been led by some of the most vocal and passionate advocates for the network marketing profession of our time. Consistent with a rapidly changing global economy, the ANMP Board of Directors has set an attractive, bold, and contemporary new vision. Today, more than ever before, we are poised for unprecedented international growth. In addition to our current Board of Directors, prominent network marketing advocates from around the world are stepping forward to support the ANMP and drive our continued growth. As Paul Zane Pilzer explained in Networking Times (Sep/Oct 2014): “What our economy is missing is education for new methods and better ways to do business. Who’s fill-

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ing the gap? Only network marketing is stepping up to the plate to face this challenge, which is the need to retool people who don’t have the skills, knowledge, contacts or whatever they need to succeed in today’s economy. “Network marketing holds the key to resolving one of our biggest global issues, which is retraining the unemployed, because it is the only model that succeeds economically by teaching individuals new skills that will help them succeed in a changing world.”

Dr. Vijay Eswaran, an internationally recognized economist and businessman, declared in Networking Times (Nov/Dec 2011): “With six billion people on this planet, taking even one third of that number as being of the employable age, there’s absolutely no way that any industry out there—mining, manufacturing, what have you—can fulfill two billion jobs. As we get more technologically advanced, we’re also moving away from a labor economy.... “There is no way traditional businesses can breach this gap. As more and more people become educated and employable, there are fewer and fewer jobs. In another ten years, we’re going to have at least four billion people looking for employment. And there is absolutely nothing out there that can fill the gap—except network marketing.”

2015 Is Our 11th Annual International ANMP Convention Your presence at this historic event will create unprecedented opportunities for personal and

NetworkingTimes Times Networking


A Teacher at Heart

A Conversation with

Eric Worre By Dr. Josephine Gross


Networking Times


ver 25 years ago at a network marketing company convention, Eric Worre had an aha moment that changed his life forever. At that event he made the decision to “go pro” and become a network marketing expert. Since that time, he has focused his mind on developing the skills to do just that, and poured his heart into teaching others how to do the same. Eric has been a top field producer, building sales organizations totaling over 500,000 distributors in over 60 countries; the president of a $200 million dollar network marketing company; a cofounder and president of his own network marketing company; and a top-level consultant to network marketing leaders and companies. In 2009, Eric founded NetworkMarketingPro. com, a training site with a community of over 300,000 visitors in 137 countries around the world. Eric’s annual Go Pro Recruiting Mastery event has become the largest generic training event in network marketing history. Eric is the author of the bestselling book Go Pro: 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional, which so far has sold over 500,000 copies and has become a “must read” in many companies and organizations. Today Eric is working on a documentary that tells the story of network marketing as it has never been told before. His goal is to educate and raise the public’s perception of a business model that’s often been misunderstood, so it can truly take its proper place in the global economy as “a better way.”-J.G.

November/December 2014

How did you first get involved in network marketing? I was 22 years old, broke, and desperately looking for an infusion of cash into my life. When my father and his partner John Joyce told me they had found a way we could make some extra money, I was interested. I ended up getting involved in my first company in 1988. I struggled for the first three years, rebuilding my organization seven times from scratch. I’d build it up and it’d fall apart. I worked hard, but I wasn’t working very smart. I never saw the duplication I was looking for, until that moment (which I talk about in my book Go Pro) when I decided to focus solely on the skills and let everything else go: I stopped worrying about the income and started focusing on what I could do to become better. Within a short time I was able to turn my career around and start earning. Over the past 27 years in the profession, I’ve earned a good income—millions of dollars—and seen things from a lot of different perspectives. I have an understanding of how to run companies on the corporate side. I’ve started and sold my own network marketing company. I’ve been a consultant to companies, and I’ve been a distributor with companies around the world. I’ve gained a pretty broad understanding for what it takes to be successful in network marketing. Over the years I’ve had an opportunity to get to know a lot of top leaders in personal development and network marketing. If I’m anything, I’m a collector of good ideas. I’ve tried to bottle a little bit of Jim Rohn and the fact that he was able to take complicated concepts and make



The Power of One Conversation Shawn and Carmen Gray: Success Takes Time, Effort, and Sacrifice 34 34

By Dr. Josephine Gross

Networking Networking Times Times


hawn and Carmen Gray were featured in Networking Times in 2010 when they were just launching their business in China. Almost five years later we had another conversation where they shared some important updates about what it’s like to build in the most populated country in the world, where multilevel marketing continues to be officially illegal. Despite monumental changes in the world economy, here’s an excerpt from the 2010 article that still holds true: “While Shawn believes networkers should focus first on building a strong home team, he also encourages them to open their minds to international expansion, especially into the BRIC countries— Brazil, Russia, India and China. His goal is for everyone in his organization to have a downline report in a language they can’t understand.” What has changed is our world has become even more connected, and people everywhere are eager to change their lives in an even bigger way. “If we focus not on our own paycheck but on helping others accomplish their dreams, this business rewards us a thousand fold,” says Carmen, and she is not just referring to the unlimited income potential. “It hasn’t come without challenges,” Shawn adds. “Everybody wants the gold medal, but not everyone is prepared to run the marathon. You’ve got to push yourself emotionally and physically. When you find out what your limits are, you expand them—which is the fun part.” Respectively from Minnesota and North Dakota, Shawn and Carmen met in college and never got jobs after graduation. Instead, they joined network marketing, became students of the profession, worked hard, and eventually reached a good level of success. When their first company went belly up, their determination to build a lasting, global business only grew stronger. They held on to their vision, built a massive team in China, and are about to do it again in India—and it all started with one conversation.—J.G.

How did you stumble upon network Thankfully my closed-mindedness was overcome marketing? by her arm-twisting. Soon we will be celebrating Carmen: We were in college and dating. Both of us were working part time at a Mexican restaurant. One of our coworkers approached us about a telecommunications business. Shawn was too busy, but I took a look at it and got excited. I saw a way to make a few extra hundred dollars while helping others save a little on their phone bill. “Do me a favor and check it out,” I asked Shawn. Shawn: I give Carmen all the credit. She got us started in the profession in November 1995, while I had other plans. I was going to be a commercial airline pilot. I attended one of the best aviation schools in the U.S. and borrowed $100,000 to get my degree. I was planning to get a job like everyone else I knew. I had 20 credits, was president of my fraternity, trying to work a couple of jobs.

November/December 2014

our 19th anniversary in network marketing.

Did you have any previous experience in the business? Shawn: Growing up I saw my parents build a company part time with limited success, but I had great respect for that because it taught them how to think differently, which influenced my thinking. Soon after Carmen and I joined our first company, we went to a big training and discovered the lifestyle. We saw people who had time, money, and freedom to travel. It really opened our eyes and we decided we wanted to be entrepreneurs. We spent the first few years trying to figure out the business and experienced a lot of failures, but we stuck to it, worked on ourselves, signed up a few


Best Way to Raise a Family! Dennis and Patty Nun: Four Decades in the Business— and Counting‌ By Dr. Josephine Gross 44

Networking Times


ennis and Patty Nun are top leaders in the direct sales company they joined over 40 years ago. Based in Lincoln, Nebraska, they grew up as farm kids and raised six children who are currently between the ages of 32 and 21. While still in college, Dennis started direct selling agricultural products to help farmers make the most of their crops. When they saw his business take off, some joined him and gradually Dennis assembled a small team. Dennis was earning his Masters degree in agricultural economics and Patty worked as a legal secretary to pay the bills. After Dennis completed his degree he never took a job, because being an entrepreneur turned out to be a far more lucrative prospect. As their business expanded, Patty quit her job to support Dennis and be a stay-at-home mom. After all six children were born, she went back to school to earn her B.S. and M.S. degree. “None of this would have been possible,” says Dennis, “if it hadn’t been for the teachers and mentors in our lives who offered us the opportunity, and then assisted us in building a successful organization.” Today Dennis spends most of his time coaching and mentoring his team, organizing events, and creating educational and promotional tools for his team and company. Patty has a private practice as a Licensed Mental Health Professional who focuses on women’s interests and family dynamics, as well as speaking, writing, and leading study groups. Dennis and Patty enjoy spending time with their children and grandchildren and being cheerleaders to their team which today spans all 50 states.—J.G.

What led you from the farm into networking? Dennis: Patty and I have lived in Lincoln since we were married in 1973, but we both grew up on farms in southeast Nebraska. I graduated from high school in 1970, Patty in 1972. We got married in 1973 as I was finishing up my senior year of college at the University of Nebraska in agriculture. I carried a double major in animal science and economics. I’m not sure exactly why we planned it this way, but we celebrated four major events in our lives packed into four consecutive days! Patty’s 19th birthday came first, followed by our wedding the next day. Day three was Patty’s college graduation, and finally, we took off for a twoday honeymoon before returning to Lincoln, where I was taking 21 credit hours at the University. As most young people, we thought we were ten foot tall and bulletproof. Patty started working at the University of Nebraska while I was going to school full time, working a couple of part-time

November/December 2014

jobs. Not knowing what I was going to do when I graduated, I was considering going back to the farm. We had a fairly sizeable operation, livestock as well as crops. I was also considering going into the agricultural job market, including working as an extension educator for the University in the field of agriculture. In those days, this position required a Masters degree. The University had already offered me an assistantship to attend a graduate program in agricultural economics. Unsure of my future, I’d also gotten a phone call from Ben Welch who introduced me to a company that sold products for the agricultural marketplace—including lubricants and other products used in crop production. Ben had made a cold call on my father, who had started to use a couple of his products and was impressed. When Ben asked my dad to become a local distributor for his company, dad told him he was too busy, but that I was in college and might be interested.


A Winning System Steve and Gina Merritt: Power of Duplication

By Dr. Josephine Gross 54

Networking Times


ased in Florida, Steve and Gina Merritt are top achievers in a ten-year-old international network marketing company. Their organization includes over a million members worldwide, of whom about 150,000 are actively building the business. Over the past eight years, the Merritts have earned more than 50 million dollars and helped 158 leaders on their team become millionaires. Before their success in network marketing, Gina was a flight attendant and Steve a World Champion barefoot water-skier. Together they started a successful international water-ski company and training center and always enjoyed working as a team. When Gina’s pay got cut in half and Steve retired from competitive skiing they needed to find a new income for their family of four children. Ever since his first encounter with network marketing, Steve saw it as an option to pursue for leveraging his time. Naturally outgoing, Gina had honed her people skills working for the airline. When the couple got involved in their first network marketing company, they plugged into a system, became students of the profession, achieved top positions, but didn’t see the financial returns they expected. They took a break, went back to their careers, and when they joined their current company in 2007, they hit the ground running. They reached the rank of Black Diamond (million-dollar earners) in just 125 days after making their first call while both remained employed full-time. Today Steve and Gina’s system teaches their team how to build a successful network marketing business alongside their jobs or existing businesses, allowing for quick duplication through simple processes. The Merritts are releasing a generic version of their training system which they believe will produce results in any company. In 2015 they will be sharing it with the world as part of their mission to help network marketing professionals succeed across companies and continents.

November/December 2014


November/December 2014



Networking Times

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