Registration No:130213817
SOCIAL STRATEGY Vision for Hillsborough site The Hillsborough site is a large area within college, national grid and cemetery. The vision is build the connection between the site and people by the improvement of ecology, social and vegetation
AIM The total aim is let more people come here and as a community point The entrance of the Hillsborough site will be an open space for people and let the visitors feel welcoming for this area The Nursery & outdoor space will be an early year’s education place for the children, and can take them to back area for the outdoor education.
Hillsborough College car-park is a large open area, The College Courtyard will be a hot spot for the students and teachers, it provide teaching, learning and recreation space for them, so the green infrastructure will be designed in this area. National grid area will provide a place for outdoor education, recreation and visiting. The River Don area will provide a path along the river , it can attract people come and spend leisure time. The cemetery area will provide several trail around the cemetery for jogging, walking and cycle. Strategic objectives 1 The new entrance area can be a ○ good start for the whole site and have perfect impression for visitors
2 The main routes and other cycle trails for ○ social use
3 Cultivated pictorial meadows and seating ○ area on the triangle area, it can provide space for resting , and contribute to the whole site for it attraction with human and
4 The car park provide parking space ○ for the visitors, and it will be a connection point for surrounding people .
8 The courtyard area is an important area ○ and it provide extra area for recreation and learning. So add more seating space and exercise facilities is useful for students and teachers. Plant small trees with fruiting and flowering have more potential activities. And the vegetation around the yard can 5 The vegetation area on the car park ○ is a good scenery line , give the visitors physical impact with the linear
9 The Nursery & outdoor space is useful for ○ early education, arrange some children’s slide and other facilities in the outdoor space can improve children’s outdoor ability. In addition, outdoor education is important, the teacher can take children to the brownfield or cemetery site for field trip, it can help children know more outdoor knowledge, so the safety is important for the field trip.
6 The open area in front of the college is ○ used by the teachers and students, provide shelter for smoking and other activities.
7 Design a green roof for the college’s ○ building with greenhouse an education space, it can provide special outdoor education for college student even for local school student. The green roof garden is connected to the whole site for the adjust of temperature and more attractive
11 The area along the river Don is regenerat○
ed , because it is an closed area by the existing higher vegetation, so the plan is change this area to a open area, and it can various activities such as fishing, so arrange a fishing platform is necessary, put some exercise facilities and seating area is useful for people. Encourage natural play and recreation with safe and welcoming river side areas, and increase access to the river
The precedent study The PERREUX RIVER BANKS, it is located in Perreux -sur-Marne / France and designed by BASE . 10 The brownfield site will be recreated for ○
a new habitat, and it will area for walking and resting, in addition, it can be a outdoor classroom(laboratory) for local school, not even just for the college students, it can let student know the principle of the new habitat.
The project aims at bringing back both the people and other species of plants and animals to the banks of the river Marne, by softening the water and urban edges , so it is recreated and accepted by people . This project is similar to the River Don area, according to increase the vegetation and ecology for the river side, people are irrationally attracted by water and start changing their way of life, and
The swale offer some water features for visitors and increase like the stream
Registration No:130213817
VEGETATION STRATEGY Vision for Hillsborough site The Hillsborough site is a large area within college, national grid and cemetery. The vision is build the connection between the site and people by the improvement of ecology, social and vegetation
AIM Trees, mix woodland, meadow, lawn and aquatic vegetation. The entrance will be an open area and use the tree to form a special visual
The linear area around the Livesey Street will be planted street trees on the both side, and the triangle area will be cultivated with pictorial meadows, it will give the visitors a strong physical impact for the Livesey Street . The vegetation in the car park area will have strong physical impact . The green roof garden is an functional micro habitat for the college The courtyard’s vegetation will be an rain garden . The brownfield site will be regenerated with different vegetation The vegetation on the river side should create an open space for visitors. The cemetery site should be improved because the young woodland is lower biodiversity.
Strategic objectives 1.Replant the entrance with tree groups ,shrubs and lawn. Hide the casino when visitor sit in front of the entrance and attracted by the angled the sight. The character for the tree groups should be medium trees and evergreen, it can be a green framework, welcome people come here through tree planting and lawn.
2. Planting linear street trees from the livesey street to the nursery , because of the linear sight, it can let spectator get physical impact, and it can lead people’s eye sight from the entrance to the college, and in the end of the livesey street, there are existing linear trees , it can be a good line that link the whole livesey street
5. The green roof garden should plant small herbaceous and deciduous vegetation, and it can adjust the ecology with the change of season. 6. Design a rain garden in the courtyard area, collect the extra rainwater for the roof garden and use for the ground vegetation., and plant some small individual trees include fruiting and flowering
The grass swale can lead the runoff water and whole livesey street, and the vegetation can help purify the water , and the water can let vegetation more naturalistic planting style
9. Increase more sycamore trees but not the same species , and it can enhance the biodiversity for the young woodland.
Precedent KLYDE WARREN PARK The office of James Burnett
7. The main species of vegetation for the new habitat of brownfield site should be reeds except the existing birch woodland, Cynosurus and other medium vegetation, it can Added new linear street trees
The existing one side street trees
3. The pictorial meadows should be planted with several parts, because it can provide
4. The vegetation in on the car park should be structured from lower density to higher density, or from lower height herbaceous to higher height herbaceous, it can form a clear scenery line and attract more people come the car park.
create limited space and attract people go through whole area.
8.The left side of path should be annual or perennial meadows, and the right side should be reeds, in addition, build a fishing platform on the deep area.
Use structured trees to decorate the whole park, and use trees as purpose to link the park with human activities.
Registration No:130213817
VEGETATION STRATEGY Vision for Hillsborough site The Hillsborough site is a large area within college, national grid and cemetery. The vision is build the connection between the site and people by the improvement of ecology, social and vegetation
AIM National Grid Land will be regenerated because of the saline and alkaline soils; the aim of the regenerate is treat urban rainwater through natural processes integrating biologically diverse ecosystems and their regenerative capabilities. Design a functional water management system with rain garden, ponds, swales and reed bed. Build a swale on the Livesey Street, this swale provide a system to capture and filter urban rain water to the river Don and river Loxley, so it can reduce flooding risk.
Build water recycle system around the college building as a rain garden in the courtyard area. Strategic objectives 1. The swale across the vegetation area to river Loxley, form a recycle system and
4.The river side water management According to use aquatic vegetation , it can help alleviate flooding, and can encourage locals and visitors more closer to the river
2.&3 The green roof garden collect the rain water and recycle it to courtyard’s vegetation,
It provide a aesthetic path for people and provide place for insects, bees to enhance the bildiversity
Precedent study TIANJIN QIAOYUAN Landscape architecture: Turenscape (Beijng Turen Design Institute) Location: Tianjin City, China
4. Regenerate the Brownfield area by digging cavities with various depths to create diverse environmental conditions, and these cavities can adjust the water and soil PH values, it might be have huge influence for the whole site, because it adjust the soil type and create a new habitat, it could be a attractive point for the visitors
Through Regenerative Design and by changing landforms, the natural process of plant adaptation and community evolution is introduced to transform a former deserted shooting range used as a garbage dump, into a low maintenance urban park; providing diverse nature’s services for the city including containing and purifying storm water; improving the saline-alkali soil, providing opportunities for environmental education and creating a cherished aesthetic experi-
5.Improve the wildlife habitat for the cemetery area by planting more the sycamore species trees.