A History Walk in Yangjiang City

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ARC1015 History Walk

Jacaranda Zeng 210512715

1.Map and Short Description of Walk and Theme

In previous Yangjiang City Centre, a 1 kmlong Nan’en Road, where education has evolved over the centuries, is waiting for you to explore.

A- Your wonderful journey will start at Yangjiang Academy, a 15thcentury-built courtyard for training examination candidates.

C-Travelling 5 minutes to northeast through a block ,you will see educator Deng Lin’s Residence in 19th century.

D-Finally, a secondary school called Nan’en School built in 20th century will appear 5-minute away from Deng’s.

B-After 3 minute to a quiet community, a propaganda hall for displaying historical political events built in 17th century called Wenchang Palace will appear.

2.Sites Descriptions

A-Yangjiang Academy(1485)

B-Wenchang Palace (1835)

Your wonderful education walk will start at Yangjiang Academy, currently inside Yangjiang No.1 Elementary School. It is an ancient courtyard built in 1485 for training national examination candidates and spreading Confucian culture. Since Song Dynasty, the Yangjiang Academy has created many outstanding political talents and intelligent scholars.

Your second stop will be Wenchang Palace, built in 1835 as a brick and wood temple-style building, but after reconstruction, it is now a two-storey concrete building. When walking inside, you will find the interior displays introductory plaques about the revolutionary movements of peasant and working class.

This palace-like building group is brick and wood structure and each unit was arranged in a central axis to keep balanced and symmetrical. Turquoise glazed tiles of roofs and high vermilion walls are particularly worth seeing. It uses a very complex combination of wooden structures to embody the exquisite magnificence of ancient architecture in Lingnan Region of China.

The glorious deeds of Yangjiang's revolutionary ancestors did not fade with passage of time but preserved their precious brilliance by being cherished by the people. Such a historical memorial full of the brilliance of the Red Revolution is sandwiched between residential buildings, which is close to people, allowing them to have historical inheritance.

D-Nan’en School (1961) 2.Sites Descriptions

C-Deng Lin’s Former Residence (19 century)

Deng Lin’s Residence will be your third stop. Deng Lin was a respectable teacher from Yangjiang who has made great contributions to education. He was born in 1829 and passed away in 1893 during Qing Dynasty.

There is an old gate, a room and some walls of his former house and rest parts has been converted into modern residential buildings for his future generations. You can stop at the entrance of his house, carefully admire the hard hilltop, flat ridge, green brick wall, hemp stone door and wooden beams carved with anchovy pattern. His residence is of great archaeological significance.

Your destination will be Nan’en School. It used to be called No.2 Secondary School when it was built in 1961. Although it has developed over decades, its iconic white main building has not changed, like a book spread out beautifully, symbolizing that this is a place of rich knowledge. It’s a school that carries memories of countless Yangjiang people from their good old days.

As you wander calmly outside the campus gates, you will see the towering iron gate of the school, hordes of happy students coming and going, and elegant campus interior. And this is the beauty of education.


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