Percy Street-NOV 2021

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1.Morphological study and Nolli plan of the street

buildings from Eldon Garden to Teahouse

roads of site map

Car Park & Eldon Garden
Oxfam & Dry Cleaners
King’s Gate
Mark Toney & Subway & Union Barber Shop
INTO Building
Grand Hotel
Teahouse (west side)

Location of Civic Centre

Civic Centre (on east side of the street)

West side of the street

East side of the street

Time Back


(This poem is a gift for 2021 first snow in Newcastle) Percy street,

Perfect street in the hearts of Geodians , Palette-likeblock,

Pulsating the enthusiasm ofcitizens, Poverty remained widespread in the last century,

Prosperity has become the pronoun at thepresent,


Peace and love spreading around each corner,

People with hard work putting energies indevelopment,

Possible city transformation has taken place,

Perhaps the good old days’ gone forever though,

Pub tradition stillremains,(laugh)


Put your eyes on the passing beauty of the old street.

Eldongarden, Eldonsquare, Enriched Newcastlecity life even in the 1970s

Either Civic Centre or St Thomas Church

Experienced years of wind and frost

Endless memories for Grand Hotel andHaymarketStation, Everlastingrespect for old times . Even Haymarket pub was built on the land where the into building is located!


Reading really interesting related history,

Realizing thechange abovetime, Respecting heroic Newcastle former citizens from 10th century fighting for our new life, please do Rest inpeace

Street withwarmth, Street withhope, Street withrhythm, Street withright vibe

Sinceyou’ve travelledthrough thetime,

Shall you bring back these lovely glitteringqualities toyour real life .

Yeah it istrue, Yesterdaywas perfect to some degree, Yet we still havelongway ago. You shouldsing, You shoulddance, You should smile on life,

Y’all have the hope of overcoming all the difficulties inlife,

Younger vitality will always be filled on the street

WhetherPercy Streetwas in 1971 , Rich in Britishelegance, Dragging the shadow of oldBritain, Or in 2021 , Withstanding the test of theepidemic, it shows more vitality, Or in 2071 , Maybe it will becomecyberpunk or not, Or no longerexists,

From industrial wasteland to culturalcity, She hasalready witnessed a lot ofhistory, And will bereadyto embracea brand new future .

Percy Street

unforgettablestory of “Dead Rose”

Model development:

2071 will be a year of violence and romance. I’ve chosen a space near civic centre , which will still remain in 2071, to create a new structure. I just came back from 2071 and here comes the story. Alien creatures invaded the earth, especially the Great Britain, and human beings on the earth launched a fierce struggle against it. Aliens brutally devoured many of the Newcastle people who fought with them. Although human beings made some sacrifices, in the end, human beings won an all-round victory, and all the invading aliens were wiped out. Newcastle citizens gathered and burned the bodies of aliens near the war memorial sculpture at the civic centre as a tribute in memory of the dead human beings. Some people say that the burning appearance of alien corpses is disgusting, while others think it is very beautiful, just as amazing as Britain's national flower –rose. The body burned like a blooming rose for a reason: although the aliens devoured the bodies of the Newcastle people, the souls of the Newcastle people left in the burning process of the alien bodies suddenly emitted a dazzling and beautiful light, which made the audience burst into tears. My granddaughter, a foreign overseas student studying architecture, watched the grand occasion. She proposed to build a structure near the civic centre to commemorate the great victory of mankind. The rose symbolizes the already sacrificed brave British people. Their heroic appearance of dying together with the enemy makes people sigh and admire. Roses are the national flower of Britain . But from my point of view , the brave British people who sacrificed for the sake of national peace , are the real roses of the British Empire.

Theme pic of “Dead Rose”
Human: 1.7m height
Human: 1.7m height
of “Dead Rose” Shape design of “Dead Rose”

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