CAMPI DI VOLONTARIATO ALL’ESTERO PER L’ESTATE 2015 Il volontariato di tipo ambientale è sempre più diffuso ed i campi di volontariato ENVI (attività ambientali) e ANI (lavoro con gli animali) sono tra i più amati dai volontari! Le attività che si svolgono variano tra la pulizia dei sentieri alla salvaguardia delle tartarughe marine. Sono perfetti per gli amanti della natura e danno sempre un’enorme soddisfazione! Visita il nostro database: e scegli un campo che fa per te!
…in Francia!
impara a riparare le bici e fa’ un tour ambientalistico a due ruote U03 - BIKE TOUR Dates: 01/06/15 - 22/06/15 Type of work: ENVI / CULT Age: 18+ Total number of vols: 6 WORK: In partnership with Dynamo Association, that has a bicycles repair workshop, we created a bike itinerant workcamp with several activities. The first task will be learn to repair your own bicycle and to organise the bike trip, furthermore you’ll learn some bike welding. Entertainment of cycle routes and organisation of a photo/video exhibition of this bike trip.
…in Vietnam!
Piantare alberi (mangrovia) nel parco nazionale di Can Gio SJV1510 - CAN GIO MANGROVE BIOSPHERE RESERVE NATIONAL PARK Dates: 09/06/15 - 20/06/15 Type of work: ENVI / SOCI / CULT Age: 18+ Number of vols: 15 Extra Fee: 185 EUR WORK: Given a training session how to plant mangrove trees then put into practice during the workcamp. Volunteers also organize workshops of environmental topics to exchange with local staff of Management Board of Mangrove Forest. Common actions about environment and community with local youth are arranged as well. Volunteers will stay at the center of Manage Board of Mangrove Forest with basic and simple conditions. Meals are provided at the canteen.
…in Cambogia!
Trasformare una comunità di pescatori in un sito di eco turismo CYA101 - TRAPAING SANGKE Dates: 13/07/15 - 26/07/15 Type of work: ENVI Age: 18-28 Extra fee: 200 EUR Total number of vols: 10 WORK: At Trapaing Sangke, we are working to transform a local fishing community to become an eco-tourism site by helping them making bridges for tourist to explore the area inside mangrove forest, planting mangroves to protect the sea level rise for the villages and saving fish in the fish production season, teaching basic English for local children, and participate with local people in collecting and planting mangroves seeds. Aims of the project are to participate with local community in setting up their eco-tourism and protect their mangroves forest and fishing area; to maintain mangrove forest along the sea string to prevent future flood by the sea level rising; to exchange and learn about Cambodian culture between international, national volunteers and local people. PROJECT ACTIVITIES: Community visit and participate in traditional activities with local people - Planting mangroves with local community Participating in planning and organizing eco-tourism site with community - Building bridge and path inside the mangrove forest for tourist. - Teaching English, art to local students in the community - Join other local activities.
…in Danimarca!
Lavorare negli orti urbani insieme all’associazione di agricoltura sociale MS03 - ORGANIC GARDENING Dates: 27/06/15 - 10/07/15 Type of work: ENVI / DISA / AGRI Age: 18 - 28 Total number of vols: 12 WORK: Raad & Daad is a socio-economic gardening company that strives to activate and create meaningful living- and working conditions for people who cannot live up to the competition in the labour market. Thus, most of the people working at Raad & Daad is not well-integrated in society socially and educationally. Some are fragile or with minor disabilities. We will be working together with some of these people. They might not be good at English, but they are looking forward to meet you and welcome you. Raad & Daad is an organic gardening with surrounding fields with different crops. But it is also a second hand shop with furniture and clothes, and a farm shop. Raad & Daad also delivers the vegetables of the week to subscribed locals, and do services as lawn mowing for the locals.
You can visit Raad & Daad’s webpage: - but it is in Danish, unfortunately! You will be part of the daily work in our 6 hectare big organic outdoor gardening. In August, the primary work tasks are to exterminate weeds, harvest and bring out vegetables to our 60 subscribing customers in the area, who every friday gets fresh vegetables delivered right to the door. Furthermore, you will become an active part in building a shelter and painting some of the buildings at Raad & Daad.
…negli Stati Uniti!
Costruire un sentiero da trekking nelle foreste di Vermont VFP02-15B WILDERNESS TRAIL BUILDING IN VERMONT Dates: 16/07/15 - 29/07/15 Type of work: ENVI Age: 18+ Number of vols: 6 WORK: GREEN MOUNTAIN CLUB (GMC), DANBY, VERMONT was established to build and maintain Vermont’s Long Trail, America’s first long-distance hiking trail. Join with local volunteers to build a piece of the Appalachian Trail, a wilderness footpath that runs through the mountains of the eastern U.S. You will be doing trail work in the woods for five days at a time. The work is physically demanding, but very fun. The crew camps out in the woods all week and on the last day of the week the crew packs out of the woods in the afternoon and returns to the base camp for the weekend.
…in Belgio!
Dare una mano al centro ambientale situato nella riserva Jalna JAVVA15/05 - JALNA NATURAL RESERVE Dates: 20/07/15 - 31/07/15 Type of work: ENVI Age: 18+ Number of vols: 10 WORK: The Belgian Royal League for Bird Protection is an organisation founded in 1922 that works to promote conservation and protection of birds and the wider environment. Since 1997, The League has a “Nature Centre” in Namur Province. The centre hosts families, groups of youngsters and adults, organisations or schools willing to organise nature holidays, family holidays, study weekends, or any other activity related to nature and in a pleasant and relaxing environment. This beautiful domain of 15 ha is a natural reserve that
counts not less than 559 plant species, 953 kinds of mushrooms, 203 spider species, 223 kinds of night butterflies, 50 kinds of day butterflies et 99 bird species. The centre propose different activities : guided tours of the natural reserve, theme activities (birds, animal footprints, plants, biodiversity, beavers, beehives,...), farm village tour, natural cooking (dandelion jam, nettle soup,...). The fares of the stay are very democratic and all the incomes are entirely dedicated to nature conservation. More information (FR) on The aim of this workcamp is to preserve the natural reserve area surrounding the “Nature Centre”. More concretely, the work will be mainly dedicated to parks and gardens maintenance: removing the over-grown grass, weeding some parts of the grasslands and the edge of the woods, maintaining footpaths,... Volunteers will also take part in the cleanup of some areas of the reserve where building waste has been found and they will fill in containers with it. The work will be quite physical!
…in Germania!
Lavorare in un orto della comunità locale IJGD 75114 - GARDENING IN GAHLEN! Dates: 10/08/15 - 30/08/15 Type of work: ENVI Age: 18 - 26 Number of vols: 12 WORK: The integrative organization “Umweltbildung Interforum e.V.”, located in Gahlen’s “Alte Ziegelei”, is a meeting place and event space for various groups. As participants of this international workcamp, your group will be involved in the following projects: ecological planting of vegetables and herbs in a permaculture, composting organic waste such as foliage, cut trees, harvesting, securing seeds for planting later, as well as offering harvested products at the meetings and other projects.
…in Spagna!
Ripulire le rive del fiume Algar ESDA-0815 - RIO ALGAR III Dates: 18/07/15 - 01/08/15 Type of work: ENVI Age: 18 - 40 Number of vols: 9
Extra fee: 50 EUR WORK: Work will have environmental character. In Altea there is a river called "ALGAR", which is a natural habitat and where protected pieces of plants are situated. At the same time there are some invasive plants. The task of volunteers will be to differentiate those plants clean the river from the invasive plants. So, be prepared for a lot of weeding! :-) Please, bring also your working gloves. Volunteers will work in special rubber suits if they want.
…in Messico!
Recuperare le aree verdi di Morelia VIVE11.15 - SUSTAINABLE SCHOOL Dates: 05/08/15 - 18/08/15 Type of work: ENVI Age: 18 - 28 Number of vols: 10 Extra fee: 80 EUR WORK: Nowadays, the urban development has generated an important problem that caters especially the communities surrounding major cities and it is in these communities where food shortages, disorganized suburban development and lack of sustainable culture among the population has generated a social and economic conflict. It is very important for educational institutions that are located at the border of both parts (urban and suburban) such as the Technological Institute of the Valley of Morelia to work on possible solutions for the communities which they belong to. This project aims to raise international cooperation and community development in the region of “Valle de Morelia-Queréndaro”, through the implementation of a handful of activities that promote environmental awareness and sustainable development. As an introduction to the Workcamp, the international volunteers will receive basic training on the following topics: Home gardens, Management and use of organic waste (composting, manure solids and liquids), Ecological pots among other eco-techniques. Then, the volunteers will carry out campaigns in the communities surrounding the institution (Tarímbaro, Álvaro Obregón, Cuitzillo, among others) in which is ecological awareness will be promoted along with community members with the tools designed by international volunteers and through activities as well like : Creating community gardens, Preparation of compost, Management and Waste separation, Recovery and beautification of public spaces, Reforestation, and more. It will be a goal to create impact within the institution as part of the activities undertaken within the Workcamp, so the volunteers will
do some activities for the benefit of the institution including: Maintenance of green areas, Classification and marking of the flora of the institution, Rehabilitation of common areas.
…in Repubblica Ceca!
Fare le attività ambientali con i bambini del campo estivo SDA 106 - GET INVOLVED IN ODOLENA VODA Dates: 08/08/15 - 22/08/15 Type of work: ENVI / KIDS Age: 18+ Number of vols: 13 WORK: The project takes place in a small town of Odolena Voda in cooperation with the local municipal authority. The municipality aims at creating good conditions for living, working, spending free time and enjoying the environment for its inhabitants. The main focus of the municipality is on landscape regeneration and leisure time activities, such as social and cultural events or sports facilities. The aim of the workcamp is to help with the regeneration of the green vegetation around the town and with the activities for children during a children summer camp. The work will manual (in woods, forest park or in a bushy earthwork) and with children (at a children summer camp). Both types of work will be intertwined (summer camp is held during both weeks of the workcamp). The tasks can include levelling of the forest paths, raking leaves, laying pebbles, instalation of benches – digging, making foundations from concrete, cutting logs, creating simple playground object from wood. Moreover, there will be a forest cleaning organized together with children. You will also prepare and run 2-3 blocks of activities for children aged 6-11 depending on your creativity. Please, bring games, pictures, songs, poems you like and that can be used for the activities. As a lot of work will be done outside, please bring solid shoes. Some work tasks will be physically demanding.
…in Costa Rica!
Lavorare in una riserva naturale ACIWC03-15 - BIOLOGICAL RESERVE OF FUDEBIOL Dates: 17/07/15 - 01/08/15 Type of work: ENVI / CONS Age: 18+ Number of vols: 10 Extra fee: 150 EUR WORK: El Centro Biológico Las Quebradas FUDEBIOL - and its Biological Reserve, are protecting the water source, plus the flora and fauna of the place. During more than
10 years, ACI Costa Rica has cooperated with this placement, by sending international volunteers, young people who have shared with the locals and supported the Biological Centre and Natural Reserve of FEDEBIOL. The Reserve is located 3 km away from the centre of Quebradas (between 1000 y 2500 meters above the sea level). FUDEBIOL, a non-profit organization, created the reserve (on May 13th, 1989), as a real answer to the problems of deforestation in the area. The reserve has an environmental education centre, plus a lodge where the visitors (tourists, biologists and volunteers can stay). The main objectives of the Reserve are: -Conservation of the River Quebradas and the source of the water. -Development of an Environmental Education (Conscience). -Creation of several ways of Sustainable Development, giving economical options to the community. -Finally, to be completely auto supported (financially), by eco tourist. The reserve is very proud of the great biodiversity of birds and butterflies that you can see. The experts said that FUDEBIOL has more than 200 different species of birds. The main tasks for Volunteers: 1-Infra structure project (to be confirmed a month before the starting date for the workcamp). It can be: a-Painting of different areas. b-Building sidewalks and/or trails. 2-Maintenance of green areas and different facilities when it is needed.
***COME PARTECIPARE?*** Sul nostro database a partire da Marzo 2015 sono disponibili più di 2000 progetti in 60 paesi del mondo. Nei campi di volontariato non c’è una data di scadenza per presentare la candidatura però è sempre consigliato di muoversi in anticipo perché la disponibilità dei posti può cambiare nel giro di pochi giorni. Una volta scelto il progetto, iscriversi ad un campo di lavoro è molto semplice, basta inviarci: 1) la scheda di iscrizione (VEF) disponibile sul nostro sito; 2) la ricevuta del versamento della quota socio annuale (30 euro) e della quota campo (80 euro). La quota campo nel caso in cui la propria candidatura non venga accettata e/o non ci siano progetti alternativi a cui si è interessati viene integralmente rimborsata. I costi a carico del volontario sono: quota associativa (30 Euro), quota d’iscrizione al progetto (80 Euro). Il vitto e l’alloggio sono garantiti dall’associazione di accoglienza per tutta la durata del progetto, le spese di viaggio sono a carico del volontario. Prima della partenza si riceve un foglio di viaggio chiamato infosheet con tutte le informazioni utili su come arrivare, il punto di incontro con gli altri volontari, contatti di riferimento e di emergenza, cosa portare con se, etc. PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI SU QUESTI E TANTI ALTRI PROGETTI VI INVITIAMO A CONSULTARE IL NOSTRO SITO: OPPURE SCRIVERCI SU: