Idee per partire da volontari 4 | 2015

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CAMPI DI VOLONTARIATO … IN FRANCESE! Di solito la lingua comune nei campi di volontariato è l’inglese però ci sono i progetti in lingua francese organizzati dai nostri partner che sono molto emozionanti e gratificanti! Ci sono i campi di diversi tipi (ambientale, manuale, festival ecc.) che combinano l’esperienza divertente di lavoro in gruppo con la possibilità di praticare e migliorare le proprie conoscenze della lingua francese. Sono perfetti per chi studia la lingua francese e danno sempre un’enorme soddisfazione! Visita il nostro database: e scegli un campo che fa per te! …organizzare un festival di musica jazz JR15/210 CREST JAZZ FESTIVAL Dates: 26/07/15 - 12/08/15 Type of work: MANU / FEST Age: 18+ Total no of vols: 13 Extra Fee: 50 EUR Work: Guided by the volunteers of the association Crest Jazz Vocal, volunteers will participate in the dressing rooms installation, in the decoration of the festival area, in the cleaning after each performance (scene, outside space, toilets…). Volunteers will have to participate in the waste management by using the recycling bin (glass/paper/...etc). On some mornings, you will also participate in the implementation of a survey with the local community; participants have therefore to be able to communicate in French, at least at a basic level. Organizers of the festival rely on your motivation to help them before, during, and also after the festival. The volunteers are expected to be dynamic, enthusiastic and of course, fond of music! Volunteers will have a free access pass for the whole festival duration and be able to attend most of the concerts. … lavorare nella comunità EMMAUS JR15/02 EMMAUS 1 Dates: 06/07/15-25/07/15 Type of work: SOCI / STUDY Age: 20-30 Total no of vols: 8 Work: Emmaüs is an association that welcomes marginalised and homeless people, mostly men to their The Neuilly Plaisance communit (59 companions) with a place where they can live and work. The volunteers will help the community with everyday tasks such as: sorting out 2 nd hand cloths, furniture, materials or books; helping collect 2nd hand things in the people house; selling the books/clothes/furniture to the public; tidying up the different little “shops” in the community and finally any mission useful for the well-being of the community. Volunteers should be mature, and aware of the difficulty of establishing

communication with the companions and of gaining their confidence, as most of them have lived through hard experiences. … aiutare la comunità locale a preparare il festival cinematografico JR15/103 ONE COUNTRY ONE FILM Dates: 13/07/15 – 29707/2015 Type of work: MANU / FEST Age: 18-30 Total no of vols: 6 Extra Fee: 50 EUR Work: The organization “Un monde meilleur” (“A better world”) will organize during this summer, the sixth edition of an international film festival called “ONE Country ONE Film”. The main goal of the festival is cultural exchange between countries. This film festival is located in Apchat, a beautiful rural area. The festival also aims to gather the local population around a common cultural event. The films are short or features. Movie directors and professionnals will participate. The organization “Un monde meilleur” wants to associate international young volunteers to this event. The volunteers will be part of the local organization volunteer team. Your work will be divided in three sections: before, during and after the festival. Before: preparation of the posters, inventory, big equipment installation (tents, chairs, frames...), cleaning of the site and of accommodation area, decoration (signs, plants...), wood work. During: technical equipment settings, bar area to take care of, cleaning of the site every morning and evening. After: dismantling of the installation, cleaning of the site. The rhythm of the work can vary from one day to another but it will be intensive. Volunteers should be prepared for long hours of work and short hours of sleep during the festival, flexibility and commitment is required! …rinnovare gli spazi comuni di Clermont Ferrand insieme ai giovani locali JR15/109 GRAFF IN CLERMONT Dates: 19/07/15-01/08/15 Type of work: RENO / SOCI / EDU / CULT Age: 18-30 Total no of vols: 6 Work: The group Job’Agglo is an intermediary association active in the town of Clermont Ferrand, which aims to accompany people facing difficulties in social and professional integration. In the summer Job’Agglo runs an activity for local young people struggling to get a job. Volunteers will work alongside the local youth, the work will mainly consist of painting and cleaning common areas of public housing. Volunteers will be divided into small groups to allow a mix between them and the local youth, in order to create an open international environment allowing all involved to see a different vision of the world!

…dare una mano al festival letterario del thriller FIRN CONCF-242 FRONTIGNAN Dates: 10/06/15-30/06/15 Type of work: FEST / ART Age: 18+ Total no of vols: 22 Work: The FIRN (International Festival of Thriller Novel) every year welcomes great authors of the genre, from writers to cartoonists who come each year to exchange around a specific theme. The project consists of helping with the creation of the décor alongside local young adults who will also be involved. Volunteers will be able to express their creative side while working on the set design of the festival, from the start to its final set up in the city. Volunteers will also be helping with the public reception and communication around the cultural event. …partecipare alle attività della coopertiva di agricoltura sociale JR15/105 BIAU JARDIN – ORGANIC FARM Dates: 07/07/15-25/07/15 Type of work: ENVI / SOCI / EDU Age: 20-30 Total no of vols: 6 Work: BIAU JARDIN is a cooperative engaged in social inclusion and organic farming, it produces organic vegetables with employees who previously were unemployed and are helping them to regain their confidence in life. This year for the first time the cooperative will host a work camp! Volunteers will take part in various activities: essentially gardening, plant maintenance, wedding, fruit and vegetable picking. Volunteers will work with those around them on social inclusion, which will help make the project an enriching experience! … svolgere attività manuali per sistemare le rive del fiume Garonne e organizzare una festa locale CONCF-001 LE TOURNE AEURO TRAMASSET Dates: 08/07/15-29/07/15 Type of work: ENVI / FEST Age: 18+ Total no of vols: 13 Work: The Tramasset Shipyards are located on the shores of the Garonne River, in the municipality of Le Tourne. During the workcamp volunteers will take part in the renovation of two docks and in the consolidation of the riverbanks, using innovative and environmentally friendly techniques. Meanwhile, volunteers will also be able to interact with the local population and help with the organisation of the Tramasset Festival.

ANCHE PER UNDER 18! … sistemare l’area del castello Cloître insieme ai volontari francesi CONCF-155 - CHEMILLE Dates: 20/07/15 - 31/07/15 Type of work: RENO Language: French / French Age: 15 - 17 Total no of vols: 6 Extra fee: 165 EUR Work: This workcamp is the result of the cooperation between the town of Chemillé-Melay, the social center of Chemillé and Concordia. For the past few years, the city has developed opportunities for locals around the park of the Cloître castle. Several camps have been organized over the past 3 years and about 15 young volunteers have been actively involved every year in order to enhance the park and the social center. This year, this camp will be open to 6 international volunteers who will work with 12 young locals. The work will consist in the redesign of a pound in the classified park of the beautiful Cloître castle, in the middle of the town, next to the social center. You will be doing various works: sandpapering, painting and rebuilding of a wood pontoon in order to access to the island in the middle of the pound. You will be doing some masonry around the pound. … rinnovare la sala teatro comunale utilizzando le tecniche tradizionali di massoneria CONCF-152 - SAINT GEORGES DES GARDES Dates: 06/07/15 - 17/07/15 Type of work: RENO Language: French / French Age: 15 - 17 Total no of vols: 6 Extra fee: 165 EUR Work: This workcamp is the result of the cooperation between the town hall of Chemillé-Melay, the Chemillois social center and Concordia. The inhabitants have a collective project of valorization of the “Gardes area” located at the highest point of the department of Maine et Loire. Several camps have been organized over the past 3 years and about 15 young volunteers have been actively involved every year in order to enhance the park and the social center. This year, this workcamp will be open to 6 international volunteers who will work with 12 young locals. More information about the project on: You will be building a stone bridge and doing traditional masonry work in a place called “La planche Grelet”, linked with the organization “The friends of la planche Grelet”. You will be rehabilitating the theatre room of the town (little masonry, painting, lightening, sign-board) with the theatre organization that uses the building.

*** COME PARTECIPARE? *** Sul nostro database a partire da Marzo 2015 sono disponibili più di 2000 progetti in 60 paesi del mondo. Nei campi di volontariato non c’è una data di scadenza per presentare la candidatura però è sempre consigliato di muoversi in anticipo perché la disponibilità dei posti può cambiare nel giro di pochi giorni. Una volta scelto il progetto, iscriversi ad un campo di lavoro è molto semplice, basta inviarci: 1) la scheda di iscrizione (VEF) disponibile sul nostro sito; 2) la ricevuta del versamento della quota socio annuale (30 euro) e della quota campo (80 euro). La quota campo nel caso in cui la propria candidatura non venga accettata e/o non ci siano progetti alternativi a cui si è interessati viene integralmente rimborsata. I costi a carico del volontario sono: quota associativa (30 Euro), quota d’iscrizione al progetto (80 Euro). Il vitto e l’alloggio sono garantiti dall’associazione di accoglienza per tutta la durata del progetto, le spese di viaggio sono a carico del volontario. Prima della partenza si riceve un foglio di viaggio chiamato infosheet con tutte le informazioni utili su come arrivare, il punto di incontro con gli altri volontari, contatti di riferimento e di emergenza, cosa portare con se, etc.


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