CAMPI DI VOLONTARIATO ALL’ESTERO PER L’ESTATE 2014 Il volontariato di tipo ambientale è sempre più diffuso ed i campi di volontariato ENVI (attività ambientali) e ANI (lavoro con gli animali) sono tra i più amati dai volontari! Le attività che si svolgono spaziano dalla pulizia dei sentieri alla salvaguardia delle tartarughe marine. Sono perfetti per gli amanti della natura e danno sempre un’enorme soddisfazione! Visita il nostro database: e scegli un campo che fa per te!
…in Georgia! ripulire la zona verde vicino al lago Kus Tba LYVG71 - TURTLE LAKE IN TBILISI Dates: 01/06/14 - 14/06/14 Type of work : ENVI Age: 18-30 Number of vols: 10 WORK: The project is organized and implemented together with municipality of Tbilisi and Turtle Lake. Turtle Lake is a direct English translation of Kus Tba, a small lake at the outskirts of Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, so named due to the perceived abundance of turtles living in these places. The Turtle Lake area is designed as a recreational zone and is frequented by the Tbilisians on weekends. It is also a place where festivals and concerts are held. It could be reached either via a road or an aerial tramway leading from Tbilisi s Vake Municipality, but it is now defunct. The participants will clean out waste and vegetal debris from the territory of Turtle Lake; the activities will be the cleaning of banks of lake paths around the lake and sport complex.
…in Islanda! Partecipare alla campagna di sensibilizzazione sulla protezione delle balene SEEDS 037 - MEET US - DON’T EAT US (1:6) Dates: 02/06/14 - 14/06/14 Type of work: ENVI / ART Age: 18+ Number of vols: 10 Extra Fee: 200.00 EUR
WORK: This is the fourth year that SEEDS volunteers will take part in a whale-awareness and protection project run in cooperation with IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare). This mainly consists of distributing information, conducting a survey, having people fill out postcards that will be taken to the government at the end of the work camp, talking to people and having fun in Reykjavík! SEEDS is looking for enthusiastic and open people for this workcamp! The aim of the project is to raise awareness in a friendly, peaceand joyful manner. Volunteers will be given the opportunity to prepare and carry out acts or actions to grab attention and entertain passers-by. We encourage people with artistic skills and talents to apply: this is your change to give vent to your joy of creation and performance. The group will take turns wearing a whale costume and walk around downtown Reykjavík. One part of our project is also to let pedestrians try on the costume and take pictures. We encourage each volunteer to come prepared with some ideas of awareness rising for this project, to discuss them with the group and try to implement them. Our goal is to raise awareness among tourists (and locals) that by tasting whale meat in Icelandic restaurants they encourage whaling. The truth is that most Icelanders have never tasted whale meat. In a survey made by Gallup in 2007, 86% of those asked had not purchased whale meat in the last 12 months; however 67% where in favour of commercial whaling. Iceland was one of the first countries in the world to ban commercial whaling. We can help Iceland to make a positive decision again, by educating the growing number of people who eat up to 40% of the whale meat consumed in the country, but at the same time say they are against whaling.
…in Serbia! Ripulire la costa del lago Ludas nella riserva naturale VSS18 - ECO CAMP LUDAS LAKE, HAJDUKOVO Dates: 22/06/14 - 06/07/14 Type of work: ENVI Age: 18 - 70 Number of vols: 13 WORK: The Special Nature Reserve Lake Ludas is an eolic lake surrounded with marsh, prairie, ponds and forest habitats and is famous as an ornithological reserve. It is one of the oldest protected areas in the world and listed as wetland of international importance (Ramsar Site from 1977). Volunteers will be included in the project of wet meadows revitalization by removing reed, tree branches and clearing other vegetation. Also they can work on converting some arable molders of the land near the lake into quilts by collecting seeds from the quilts vegetation; renovation of an old cottage, typical for this area, such as painting walls or cleaning. All the work will be carried out in co-operation with the managers of the protected area, ecologists and ornithologists. Volunteers interested in the countryside and nature conservation are welcome.
…in Vietnam! Promuovere lo stile di vita sostenibile nella comunità Lac Eco VPV11-14 - AN LAC ECOLOGICAL Dates: 30/06/14 - 12/07/14 Type of work: ENVI Age: 18 - 50 Number of vols: 15 Extra fee: 170.00 EUR WORK: An Lac Eco Community is a new ecological project to support people who live next to the rich Khe Ro Forest but still under poverty line. Their main income comes from farming but they also depend, either directly or indirectly, on the forest. Khe Ro provides local people with food, wood and nontimber products, that they need for household use or sell to make a living. The project tries to give these people a new perspective, to open up new opportunities and to ensure that the communities have sustainable livelihoods through community based ecotourism, while protecting their natural heritage as well as their culture. Volunteers help raising awareness among local people about sustainable living environment (collecting garbage in the community and along the tourist tracks); paving the tracking route in the forest and along the streams, working together with local people in the garden or forest. Sharing and learning cultural, working skill with local people. Interacting with local children and teach them English.
…in Messico! Salvaguardare le tartarughe marine A-VIMEX14/04 - TURTLES IXTAPA-ZIHUATANEJO Dates: 16/07/14 - 30/07/14 Type of work: ENVI / EDU Number of vols: 10 Extra fee: 170.00 EUR WORK: VIMEX and Ayotlcalli organization, have the aim to contribute in the recovery and conservation of 3 species of sea turtle on the verge of extinction that visit Ixtapa - Zihuatanejo Gro., which are Golfina Turtle (olive Lepidochelys), Blackish Turtle (Chelonia agassizi), Lute Turtle (Dermochelys coracea). The Activities will be: 1. Will Learn on the biology, ecology and conservation of the marine turtles, as well as the problematics of its conservation in the community. 2. There will be realized activities of
monitoring, collection of nests and babies’ liberation of marine turtles. 3. Beach cleanliness 4. Environmental Education to children and young women of the community on conservation of the marine turtles, recycling and organic agriculture. 5. Reforestation of plants, trees and practices of organic agriculture. 6. Elaboration of handycrafts of marine turtles for collection of funds. 7. Support to community events 8. Improvement in the facilities of the camp.
…in Svizzera! Lavorare in una fattoria biologica WS14TEUF - POWER OF NATURE Dates: 19/07/14 - 02/08/14 Type of work: ENVI Number of vols: 10 WORK: The Volunteers will live and work on the biological farm Buehlmatt in Teuffenthal. The farm is run by Edith von Allmen, who lives there with her children and some employees. Buehlmatt is also the home and working place of some adults with mental health problems. The project offers those people professional care, work on the farm and a home. There are about five people and a lot of animals (cows, chickens etc.) living on the farm. The people on the farm are looking forward to the Workcamp and the cultural exchange. On the biofarm Buehlmatt there is always a lot of work. The volunteer tasks consist of maintenance around the forest. They will for example help to cut and prepare firewood for the winter months, to clean the forest or to fix fences around the chicken house and the playground, depending on the needs of the farm and the weather.
…in Finlandia! Ripulire l’area verde di Loppi dalle piante invasive ALLI13 - FRIENDS OF NATURE Dates: 20/07/14 - 02/08/14 Type of work: ENVI Number of vols: 12 WORK: Friends of Nature in Loppi is a member of Finnish Association of Nature Conservation (FANC). One of the FANC’s aims is to get rid or reduce the occurrence of non-native, invasive plants in Finland, one of the worst being impatiens glandulifera (better known in English as “Himalayan Balsam”). The plant is non-toxic, annual and it is very easy to tug up, but when left alone, it spreads quickly and suffocates other plants in the area. The aim of this summer camp is to clear as many of the plant’s growing areas in Loppi as possible.
…in Spagna! Preservare la laguna naturale di Padul, Andalusia e raccogliere i dati sugli uccelli SVIAN012 - PADUL Dates: 01/08/14 - 15/08/14 Type of work: ENVI Age: 18 - 30 Number of vols: 10 WORK: Identification and census of birds passing through the Padul Wetland. Fitting out the work space: preparing the bird ringing tools. Scientific ringing of birds. Computerised data recording. Restoration of the Padul Wetland. Fitting out the public-use facilities. Environmental dissemination and awareness-raising tasks
…in Repubblica Ceca! Lavorare in un parco nazionale di Palava SDA 403 - PRESERVE THE UNIQUE LANDSCAPE OF PALAVA Dates: 02/08/14 - 16/08/14 Type of work: ENVI Number of vols: 12 WORK: The workcamp takes place in the Nature Protection Area of Palava in Southern Moravia close to the Austrian border. The project is dedicated to the preservation of the unique landscape of Palava and will run in close cooperation with the local „Centre of Ecological Education“. Volunteers will work at different places of the Nature Protection Area Palava, mostly in those parts, which are particularly protected as nature reserves and which have the character of steppe. The aim is to maintain and clean the area thus contributing to practical nature protection. The work will be manual: raking and removing invasive plants, maintenance of some public areas (such as weeding and collection of garbage). Furthermore, volunteers will help several days with the maintenance of a local historical Jewish cemetery (one of the most-interesting and oldest in the country), this work will consist mainly of raking and liquidation of plants and collecting of stones
…in Russia! Aiutare un centro di riabilitazione per gli animali selvaggi GDC7 - WILD ANIMALS NEED YOUR HELP! Dates: 03/08/14 - 16/08/14 Type of work: ANI
Number of vols: 4 WORK: The Russian wild animal quarantine center «VELES» performs a full complex of works concerned with import of wild, ornamental, zoo animals to Russia and also their export abroad; their maintenance, treatment, quarantine, rehabilitation. Together with the Leningrad zoo The Quarantine Center «Veles» carries out programs on rescue of wild animals in St.-Petersburg and Leningrad region. «Veles» is the only one such organization in Russia. More information in English can be found here: Volunteers will prepare food for animals, clean cages, feed some animals (not dangerous), help workers is some manual work in the center, such as gardering, painting, etc. Work starts at 9 am and finishes at 4 pm with 1 hour break for lunch and short breaks for tea/coffee. Among the most interesting animals bears, bobcats, seals, alpacas (kind of Lamas), small horses and foxes are living in the centre.
…in Olanda! Lavorare insieme alla guardia forestale SIW 14-02 - STATE FORESTRY – ‘OUDEMOLEN’ Dates: 16/08/14 - 30/08/14 Type of work: ENVI Age: 18+ Number of vols: 20 WORK: The area ‘Drentsche Aa’ offers a various landscape of woods, heath land and meadows together with old villages. It is a perfect area to walk around and see the various landscapes. There is also a lot of water in the north of Drenthe. The partner is the Dutch State Forestry, commissioned by the Dutch government to manage a large part of the nature reserves in the Netherlands. The participants will do different activities like cutting, dredging, pilling up the paths and haymaking. The cooperation with the local partner has been taking place since several years and they are always very supportive and explain the importance of the work in great detail. PER MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI SU QUESTI E TANTI ALTRI PROGETTI VI INVITIAMO A CONSULTARE IL NOSTRO SITO: OPPURE SCRIVERCI SU: