Idee per partire da volontari: progetti sociali

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I CAMPI DI VOLONTARIATO SOCIALE 2014 “L’opera umana più bella è di essere utile al prossimo” Sofocle Ci sono tanti modi di fare volontariato ma sicuramente uno dei più arricchenti e stimolanti è quello di dare una mano a chi ne ha più bisogno: ragazzi di strada, persone con disabilità, richiedenti asilo, popolazioni a rischio di povertà. Abbiamo raccolto qui alcuni progetti di volontariato di tipo sociale in diversi paesi del mondo. Visita il nostro database: e scegli un campo che fa per te!

…in Portogallo! Sensibilizzare la popolazione locale sul tema di pari opportunità PT-PO-19-14 - Stage on the Street All Included Dates: 08/07/14 - 19/07/14 Type of work: SOCI Age: 18 - 30 Number of vols: 17 WORK: The work will include to raise awareness among the participants and the population on social inclusion, mainly concerning handicapped young people; to raise awareness also about fair trade, organic farms and environment preservation. Activities: group dynamics; presentation to the city and region; discussion on the workcamp theme (objectives, tasks division); visit to the most important places of the city; training on theatre performance and workshop on how to deal with the difference; direct contact and work with local NGO (Cercimarante) responsible for activities with local handicapped young people; organize an event (theatre performance) involving both groups (workcamp participants and local handicapped young people) to be presented to the local community (street performance – expected more than 500 persons to attend); visits to some of the main cities and spots in the North of Portugal (Guimarães, Porto, Parque Natural do Alvão). Webpage:

…in Francia! Sistemare la via storica di Brest insieme ai ragazzi con minori opportunità CBF05 - RUE DE SAINT MALO Dates: 07/07/14 - 27/07/14 Type of work: SOCI Age: 18 - 99 Number of vols: 13

WORK: Together with the association Live the Street and the team of Specialised Prevention, this international workcamp aims at continuing the renovation of Saint Malo street (the last historical street of Brest) which started a few years ago with a Quebeco-French team, and then international workcamps. You will continue cleaning the small streets, removing gravel and starting a few masonry work, and create intercultural meetings to allow the youth of Brest, sometimes in difficult personal situation, to meet people from every country and background. The work will include vegetation clearing, joints, setting out of walls, rebuilding of lintels, rebuilding of dry stone walls, traditional masonry... Many activities !This project is for open minded volunteers, mature and ready to share time all kind of people! More information of the website of Brest and on the association website:

…in Taiwan! Fare assistenza alle persone anziane nelle attività quotidiane VYA-HONDAO-05-14 – LET’S ENJOY THE WONDERFUL FOOD AND LIFE Dates: 07/07/14 - 20/07/14 Type of work: ELD Language: English / Chinese Age: 18 - 30 Number of vols: 10 The partner of this project is Hondao Senior Citizen’s Welfare Foundation (Hondao). You will be temporary grandchildren for elders who live alone in usual for two weeks to assist their daily living, such as housekeeping, meals preparation, health promotion plan, etc. We will have the opportunity to experience Taiwan’s hand-made paper producing, and learning how to planting crops. We will create a local landmark in the community with local people by painting streets and walls. You will have the opportunity to share the characteristics of your country or share the experience of how to accompany elders. And think about what you can do for your country.

…in Germania! Lavorare in un centro per i rifugiati ICJA04 - PETRUSGEMEINDE GIESSEN Dates: 19/07/14 - 02/08/14 Type of work: SOCI Age: 18 - 26

Number of vols: 15 WORK: The Asylum Centre for asylum seekers in Hessen is located in the city of Giessen. There are currently about 950 asylum- seekers in Giessen who are in Germany because of various reasons, e.g. political, ethnic, religious, persecution or poverty. Usually they stay at the facility for months until a decision has been made about their application. Sometimes they are sent to other centers or to other “safe countries” where they entered the European Union, or to their countries of origin. Most of the people living in the Asylum Centre in Giessen are from Turkey, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Eritrea and Balkan countries: Young men, women, children and older people. The asylum seekers live in simple conditions and are not allowed to work or leave the district in which they live. Their permission to stay in Germany is often limited and so is their contact with the locals living in the city. The international volunteers are invited to the Asylum centre for two weeks to take part in the daily life of the refugees. In the study part of the camp, we want to discuss the situation of refugees in Germany and Europe, as well as the current developments in the area of Asylum-policies. We want to get in contact with the residents of the Asylum Centre so that we can learn about their stories, difficulties and perspectives. Together with the refugees we want to organize common activities, where the women and children are taken into consideration. In addition, our goal is to get in contact with the young members of the local protestant church to raise greater awareness for the refugees and to break the isolation of the refugees. We will prepare contact with students of the university that are willing to take care of the medical issues of the refugees and to pursue the legal issues of the asylum law. We will also get in contact with students of the University who medicate people without legal status. We especially invite volunteers to participate, who are able to speak Turkish, Arabic or Farsi. Besides organizing common activities with the refugees we want to do some renovation work together.

…in Kenya! Preparare le campagne di sensibilizzazione su HIV/AIDS CIVS/STV-07:01/2014 COMMUNITY HEALTH VOLUNTEERS (CHV) Dates: 03/07/14 - 21/07/14 Type of work: SOCI Age: 18 - 99 Number of vols: 15 EXTRA FEE: 265 EUR WORK: Community Health Volunteers (CHV) was established to create awareness to the residents on HIV/AIDS, as well as on issues of sexual and reproductive health. CHV is also actively involved in jigger eradication campaigns in the community. In addition, CHV educates the local community about the conservation of Kakamega Rainforest and its fragile ecosystem. The forest is the home to many unique and rare animal and plant species but the increasing high human population has exerted negative pressures to the forest, e.g. illegal logging,

charcoal burning, cattle grazing, harvest of medicinal plants and general clearing of the forest for agriculture. CHV involves the community in its preservation, ensuring the forest is cherished as a healthy, unique and diverse ecosystem for the future generations. The work includes Door-to-door jigger eradication campaign, HIV/AIDS home-based care program, School outreach programs, Awareness creation in the community on sexual and reproductive health. The volunteers will also participate in rehabilitation and conservation of Kakamega Forest through the establishment of tree nurseries. Kiswahili classes.

…in Polonia! Organizzare le attività ricreative per i ragazzi diversamente abili FIYE 408 - PRZEDWIOSNIE 1 Dates: 13/07/14 - 26/07/14 Type of work: DISA Age: 18 - 30 Number of vols: 10 WORK: The workcamp is organised by the Miedzylesie Social Care Centre, which was established in 1970 to care for intellectually disabled people. At the moment the Centre cares for 163 patients. Volunteers will help in organizing games, craft activities and excursions for the patients as well as assist the Centre`s staff in caring for them(e.g. feeding, walks). The presence of volunteers greatly helps in breaking the wall of social isolation that our patients experience. This social exclusion negatively influences both their physical and mental states, but thanks to our international volunteers, the patients have the opportunity to interact with different cultures, traditions and languages. Volunteers must be ready to work with intellectually disabled people and should have a strong motivation to do so. Previous experience in working with such children would be an asset.

…in Gran Bretagna! Dare una mano all’organizzazione di un campo estivo per le persone con disabilità CONCUK06-14 - OXFORD MENCAP 1 Dates: 11/07/14 - 26/07/14 Type of work: DISA Age: 20-99 Number of vols: 4 EXTRA FEE: 30 EUR WORK: Oxford Mencap’s Hill End summer holidays rely on a wonderful team of volunteers. They organise holidays for adults and young people with learning disabilities. International volunteers will work alongside UK staff and volunteers supporting those on the holidays. Each volunteer will be paired with one camper for the week, and if you volunteer, you will be responsible for accompanying the campers on lots of outings to theme parks, swimming, special events, pub trips or the cinema.

Joining in with activities on camp such as playing football, going swimming or just relaxing with some colouring books and a jigsaw. Helping your camper with meals, bedtimes and personal care as needed. Enjoying a chat around the campfire in the evenings. Having a great fun time with your camper. Volunteers also help run other aspects of camp such as cooking, and cleaning as many of the guests attending will not need full time support. Every evening there is an opportunity to talk about experiences in the day and prepare for the next day. Many of the guests at this project have been enjoying these holidays for several years and are likely to show the volunteers what to do. 11th-19th July is older adults week, this is pretty chilled-out. Many of the campers have been coming to adults week for years and are happy to show their volunteers how things work. This week is all about having a fun and interesting holiday. 19th - 26th July is young adults week for slightly younger people - 18-25 yrs and is very much the same as above, but you’ll need a bit more energy. The weeks are about the campers becoming more independent. They appreciate hanging out with friends their own age, going on trips, playing sports, having a go at new activities and getting ready for that all-important disco. The majority of the guests on this holiday are reasonably independent and they are all great fun to be around. This project is ideal for someone who is interested in working with people with learning disabilities and has a genuine interest in helping someone to get the most of a holiday. It can involve long hours and a great deal of energy - and sometimes a lot of patience. There is a huge emphasis on teamwork as everyone must share in creating a memorable holiday for the guests. Previous experience is not necessary but a willingness to learn is.

…in Vietnam! Organizzare i workshop sull’espressione e creatività per i ragazzi diversamente abili VPVS11-14 - RICE PAINTING Dates: 16/06/14 - 28/06/14 Type of work: SOCI Age: 18 - 99 Number of vols: 15 EXTRA FEE: 160 EUR WORK: As a social organization, SDRC has been in operation since 2010, with the aim to provide a new project and a new chance for disadvantaged people by employing these people and providing them a job in making art handicraft – rice painting. This job gives the young people with disabilities some professional skills and a purpose in life. The project was founded during a two year community project in the same city and build on the results and knowledge that this project generated. We have a clear social goal – Training and employing disabled people to improve their quality of life. With a job these young people get independent lives and a possibility to support their family. Furthermore they achieve an unknown selfconfidence and learn social skills.

These disabled people now stand before the problem of selling the art products. We therefore seek new ways of promoting and selling the products. Volunteers are welcomed to organize workshops to call for supports from organizations and individuals; volunteers are also trained how to make these products and help the disadvantaged people promote and sell them. Project location is too far from the city centre, not many people know their products, so volunteers are also welcomed to write proposals and help these people find some places that they can introduce their rice paintings to more people.

…in Turchia! Organizzare i corsi di lingua inglese e i giochi all’aperto per le persone diversamente abili GEN-21 - HELP THEM TO SPEAK-1 Dates: 14/07/14 - 24/07/14 Type of work: SOCI Age: 20 - 99 Number of vols: 10 WORK: Sekader is a local NGO aiming to socialize disabled people of the area through water sports. They hired a camping site where they teach swimming, kanoing and diving to disabled people. To raise a fund to cover the costs of the camping site they run a camp to practise English. Good English speakers are invited to spend 10 days with a group of international youngsters who wish to improve their English in such a camp. The work will include practicing English through daily activities, games and manual work. Organizing and running daily activities with local and international youngsters to practice English. Thus creative volunteers with some experience on teaching, outdoor or table games, music, drama, sport will be preferred.

…in India! Svolgere le attività educative con le donne nelle baraccopoli di Baddi RC-28/14 - WOMEN POWER Dates: 01/09/14 - 14/09/14 Type of work: SOCI Age: 18-99 Number of vols: 10 EXTRA FEE: 200 EUR WORK: Rural Centre for Human Interests (RUCHI) is a community development organization with ever increasing focus on youth development and intercultural learning through voluntary service. RUCHI got registered in 1983, under Indian Societies Registration Act as a non-political, non-profit making voluntary organization. RUCHI was established keeping in mind the problems and restrictions that

a remote community faces on day to day basis. These could be due to poverty, lack of knowledge, poor infrastructure or at times difficult terrain. As a result RUCHI has always implemented its project with people centered approach and gave priority to community development. With 29 years in this field, RUCHI has accumulated extensive knowledge in community development with project area ranging from semi-urban background to extremely remote communities requiring two days of walk certain time of the year. Volunteers will work in slums or adjacent villages near Baddi, industrial town of Solan district located at a distance of 35 km from Chandigarh city. Educating women on health, hygiene, sanitation, environment and micro-credit will be the prime focus of the work. Volunteer will get orientation before starting project. Additional activities will include learning of various developmental issues and solutions. They will visit various humanitarian projects and interact with the villagers.

…in Messico! Aiutare a fare arteterapia per i bambini malati di cancro VIVE18 - ART THERAPY FOR CHILDREN WITH CANCER Dates: 28/09/14 - 13/10/14 Type of work: SOCI / ART Age: 18 - 99 Number of vols: 15 EXTRA FEE: 180 EUR WORK: Cancer patients suffer not only physical conditions, but also different mental disorders: depression and anxiety. In Mexico, cancer is the second largest cause of death each year and an estimated of 7000 new cases of cancer occur in people under 20 years. However, these disorders are deeply connected to the reactions of the immune system, which is weak in ill and recovery patients. Viewed as a condition, patients are strengthened emotionally, which have a positive impact on their treatment. "Transcripciones Musicalográficas Móvil" will lead workshops where art therapy through music and visual art seeks to express various stages of conscious of the patients through different art techniques benefiting reflection, expression and relaxation. This activity is a process of self-expression, which helps people to organize their inner reactions to face events in their lives. These art therapy workshops leaded by artists and psychologists who work on a voluntary basis, will be a means to channel what the patient think, learn and wants to express. They guide the patients through a sensitive technique and artistic. Volunteers will participate in artistic workshops of in AMANC (a Mexican NGO working with children with cancer). They will spend time with the kids organizing art activities and support the artists and psychologists preparing the materials for activities.


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