Progetti SVE per 01/10/2014

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Speciale: progetti SVE alla ricerca dei volontari

Per la scadenza del 1 Ottobre 2014 i nostri partner internazionali hanno aperto le selezioni per i progetti del Servizio Volontario Europeo. In questo speciale troverete le call attive per i progetti SVE con l’inizio delle attività previsto per Febbraio-Marzo 2015 e anche la call per il progetto già approvato in Francia con la partenza a Settembre 2014.

Cos’è il Servizio Volontario Europeo? Il Servizio Volontario Europeo permette ai giovani di impegnarsi nel volontariato per un massimo di 12 mesi, in un Paese diverso da quello di residenza. L’esperienza accresce la solidarietà tra i giovani ed è un vero "servizio di apprendimento". Infatti, oltre ad operare a favore delle comunità locali, i volontari apprendono nuove capacità e nuove lingue, entrando in contatto con nuove culture. Un progetto di questo tipo si avvale dei principi e dei metodi di apprendimento non formale. Tutti i partecipanti allo SVE hanno diritto a ricevere il Certificato Youthpass, che descrive e convalida l’esperienza di apprendimento non formale e informale e i risultati acquisiti durante il progetto (risultati dell’apprendimento). Un SVE non è… •

occasionale, non strutturato, part-time

un tirocinio in azienda

un lavoro retribuito (e non deve sostituire lavori retribuiti)

un’attività ricreativa o turistica

un corso di lingua

sfruttamento di manodopera a basso costo

un periodo di studio o di formazione professionale all’estero

Chi può partecipare? •

Giovani tra i 18 ed i 30 anni (non si deve aver compiuto il 31° anno d'età al momento della domanda di finanziamento)

Legalmente residenti in uno dei Paesi dell'Unione Europea

Quanto costa? Il programma Erasmus+ finanzia: •

Contributo alla spese di viaggio di andata e ritorno dei partecipanti calcolato sulla base della distanza del viaggio (esempio per distanze tra i 100 e i 499 Km è di 180 euro)

le spese di vitto e alloggio (attraverso un contributo economico che viene dato all'associazione di accoglienza non al volontario)

le spese per il trasporto da casa a lavoro,

una copertura assicurativa sanitaria con AXA

la formazione linguistica

un Pocket Money mensile per il volontario per le proprie spese personali di circa un centinaio di euro, a seconda del paese

Dove posso cercare progetti SVE? Esiste un DATABASE ufficiale su Internet con tutti i progetti SVE disponibili in Europa:

Per maggiori informazioni sul Servizio Volontario Europeo potete contattarci: YAP Youth Action for Peace Sending, hosting and coordinating organisation for EVS email: LTV@YAP.IT Tel.: 067210120 dalle ore 10 alle ore 18 dal lunedì al venerdì

SVE già approvato a Montcombroux les Mines, Francia con SOLIDARITES JEUNESSES Auvergne / Rhône-Alpes YAP Italia cerca 1 volontario/a (18-30 anni, preferibilmente maschio, con la patente) per il Servizio Volontario Europeo di 12 mesi in Francia. La partenza è prevista per il 1 Settembre 2014

Hosting organization: SOLIDARITES JEUNESSES Auvergne / Rhône-Alpes EI Number: 2013-FR-159 For the description visit the European database Location: Montcombroux les Mines, France Activity dates: 01/09/2014 - 31/08/2015 Proposed activities: The volunteer will have an active role during his project, (s)he will participate in the project implemented by Solidarités Jeunesses but (s)he will also have time and freedom to develop a personal project according to his/her interests and in accordance with the association's values. The volunteer will participate in the renovation work around the house (buildings and garden – masonry, woodwork, gardening etc). (S)he will assist to the organisation of creative and artistic activities, at the house. (S)he will also contribute to the organisation of the reception of groups in the house (cooking, sleeping arrangements, setting a programme etc.). Mostly during the summer but in some cases also in other periods he will participate in the international workcamps which are organised by the hosting organisation. The daily life in the house is managed by the volunteers together with staff so, the volunteer will also do his share of everyday tasks such as housework, cleaning, cooking, shopping etc. Scadenza per la presentazione delle candidature: Per candidarsi è necessario inviare la Motivation Letter specifica per il progetto (in Inglese o in Francese) insieme al modulo di candidatura compilato entro il 1 Agosto 2014 a: LTV@YAP.IT

Per maggiori informazioni scrivere a: LTV@YAP.IT oppure chiamare il numero: 067210120

SVE a Barcellona, Spagna con COCAT e IWITH.ORG Il nostro partner COCAT apre le selezioni per 4 posti nei progetti del Servizio Volontario Europeo a Barcellona con la partenza prevista per il 15 febbraio 2015. Candidature entro il 24/08/2014. Framework of the EVS projects: ¡ In COCAT (2 volunteers) EI number: 2013-ES-130 For the description visit the European database Activity dates: 15/2/2015 – 15/12/2015 Number of volunteers: 2 Project background: The project we invite European volunteers to take part in is about promotion, enhancement and development of local and international volunteering. COCAT understands international volunteering as a way to promote personal and community development through participation in projects organized by and from the civil society. The international dimension of volunteering involves contact between cultures, mutual understanding




The volunteer will contribute to the work of the organization on two levels: contributing to the development of activities and events (training, informal events ...) that the organization prepares for the benefit of voluntary projects as well as contributing to the personal process of the volunteers. The results of the project will be the participation of young people in community development projects, in Europe and in other continents. The activities in which the volunteer will participate are: - Preparation of documents for the workcamp campaign - Contact with our international partners to manage placement in workcamps - Training for project coordinators and volunteers willing to participate in a project - Visits and possible participation in an international workcamp in Catalonia - Evaluation and writing the final good practice report - Organization of the final meeting with volunteers and an exhibition with pictures taken by volunteers

- According to the personal interests of the volunteer, he/she will have the opportunity to develop a personal project related to our social inclusion and sustainability campaigns. How to apply? 1. Take your time to fill in this on-line questionnaire. You can answer it in Catalan/Spanish if you feel like you are able to. We will automatically receive your questionnaire so you don't need to send it by e-mail. IMPORTANT! The part regarding "Sending Organisation contact" should be filled with YAP Italia contact information: YAP (Youth Action for Peace) Italia EI number: 2013-IT-177 PIC number: 947888851 E-mail: LTV@YAP.IT Contact person: Stefano VARLESE 2. Send your CV to (and to LTV@YAP.IT in Copy) Mail subject should be: "EVS COCAT-IWITH.ORG 2015" Deadline for candidatures is 24th of August ¡ In (2 volunteers) EI number: 2010-ES-144 For the description visit the European database Activity dates: 15/2/2015 – 15/12/2015 Number of volunteers: 2 Project background: is an international foundation based in Nyon (Switzerland) and Barcelona (Spain) with beneficiaries in 4 continents. The mission statement of is to promote information and communication technology as tools for solidarity and improvement in society. Our main aims are: 1. Help non profit organisation with New technologies; 2. Promote communication between organisations; 3. Approach New Technologies to Civil Society; 4. Promote New Technologies as a useful and positive tool; 5. Create a Network of experts in information technologies. Proposed activities:

Volunteers will carry out daily work in a multicultural environment, where it is not strange to share an office with people from Serbia or Poland, or contact NGOs with projects in 40 countries. The opportunities offered by the Internet to all non-profit projects are used as a common device. Volunteers can learn about the Internet resources, communication 2.0, up-dating of web projects, use of social networks or multimedia resources (video, image, presentations, specialised networks, etc.). Some of our ex-EVS volunteers still have links with as members, volunteers, beneficiaries of a project or staff in organisations of our field. Participating in our projects involves learning about the new uses of the Internet. One of the aims of this project is to effectively involve volunteers in our daily work, with activity autonomy, contributing with opinions and participating in the support process with NGOs. Volunteers play a very important role, as it is based on long-term collaborations where all parts make contributions and learn in this new and exciting environment, where the Internet and non-profit world meet. How to apply? 1. Take your time to fill in this on-line questionnaire. You can answer it in Catalan/Spanish if you feel like you are able to. We will automatically receive your questionnaire so you don't need to send it by e-mail. IMPORTANT! The part regarding "Sending Organisation contact" should be filled with YAP Italia contact information: YAP (Youth Action for Peace) Italia EI number: 2013-IT-177 PIC number: 947888851 E-mail: LTV@YAP.IT Contact person: Stefano VARLESE 2. Send your CV to (and to LTV@YAP.IT in Copy) Mail subject should be: "EVS COCAT-IWITH.ORG 2015" Deadline for candidatures is 24th of August

Per maggiori informazioni scrivere a: LTV@YAP.IT oppure chiamare il numero: 067210120

SVE a Bratislava, Slovacchia con INEX Slovakia Il nostro partner l’associazione di volontariato internazionale INEX Slovakia cerca 2 volontari per il progetto del Servizio Volontario Europeo per la scadenza del 1 Ottobre 2014. L'inizio delle attività è previsto per Febbraio 2015. INEX Slovakia - obcianske zdruzenie EI number: 2012-SK-28 For the description visit the European database Activity dates: February 2015 – December 2015 Location: The project will be realized in our office in Bratislava. The volunteer will visit also other parts of Slovakia during the project, it will depend on our activities as trainings, workcamps, and others events. Project theme: work with youth Main activities of the EVS-volunteer - Taking part on the preparation and realization of our activities which are mostly based on organizing leisure time activities for young people: We would like to involve the EVS volunteer in various activities which we organize. In the beginning we will introduce our activities to the volunteer and it will be up to him/her in which he/she will get involved. It will be chosen according to his/her abilities and skills. But we would encourage him/her to try to participate on activities on which he/she could develop and learn some new experiences and skills. The volunteer would be involved in the whole process of preparing and realizing of the activity. Of course we will help him/her; we will work in a team. We will always explain him/her our idea of how we will organize the activity and we would welcome










We would like to involve the EVS volunteer especially in these activities: - "tea meetings"- the EVS volunteer may contribute with ideas for the topics of these "tea meetings"; he/she may create an invitation for our volunteers; prepare the office according to the needs for the individual meeting; preparing the material for the "tea meeting"; also we would be very happy when he/she would present his/her own country, culture and ideas. - Trainings for our volunteers- due to her/his abilities, experiences and skills we would welcome her/his participation on our trainings which we organize for our future camp leaders; on these trainings he/she may do a study session on the topics like intercultural

activities or motivation, first aid‌; the EVS volunteer may help us as well as a support with organization of these activities like buying material, preparation of the programme‌ We would welcome creativity and initiation of the volunteer. - Becoming the co-leader on the workcamps in Slovakia Up to the interest of the volunteer, they will be able to participate at one (eventually at several) international voluntary workcamps in Slovakia. They can put all this theoretical knowledge, which they will be gaining during the project, into practical life in the direct contact with the group of young people from different cultures. - Organizing events in cooperation with our partner organizations- the volunteer may communicate with our partners and create the programme for the activities; prepare and help to realize the activity; promote the activity among our volunteers and motivate them to participate on this activity. The volunteer will contribute with organizing reasonable free-time activities for the disabled people, too. - Promotion of voluntary work and EVS; Propagation of voluntarism and concrete voluntary activities is always extremely important for organizing voluntary activities and participating of youth. That is why our EVS-volunteer will visit schools and run presentations together with discussions about voluntarism and together with a representative of INEX Slovakia, visit media such as radio and speak about their project and in this way to promote voluntarism. They will be also involved in our promotional team. - Participation on the workcamps abroad In a case of interest, the volunteer will be able to participate in an international voluntary workcamp abroad and there to spread ideas of the project. - Administrative work: We would like the EVS volunteer to help us with some administrative work like sorting documents, copying documents and others. They will help with little shopping, going to post office and work with our web-page and database. The volunteer could communicate with our volunteers, inform them about our activities. The communication will be through mails, phone calls and directly when the volunteers will visit us in the office. The activities will be flexible and will depend on the phase of the project. We will create a timetable for each individual volunteer due to his/her skills, abilities and wishes. In case we organize the project and the volunteer is involved in, she/he is welcome to join the whole project and to help to run the activities. In case the amount of working hours is higher than usually, the volunteer will get alternative holidays. The volunteer will be working in a team. For more information you can read:

EVS diary of our former EVS volunteers Scadenza per la presentazione delle candidature: Per candidarsi è necessario inviare il CV in inglese, la Motivation Letter specifica per il progetto (in Inglese) insieme al modulo di candidatura compilato in inglese entro il 7 Settembre 2014 a: LTV@YAP.IT

Per maggiori informazioni scrivere a: LTV@YAP.IT oppure chiamare il numero: 067210120

SVE a Lione, Francia con CONCORDIA Rhône-Alpes CONCORDIA France apre le selezioni per il progetto del Servizio Volontario Europeo a Lyon. Le attività riguardano la comunicazione e la promozione di volontariato internazionale. La partenza è prevista per Febbraio 2015, candidature entro l'11 Agosto 2014. CONCORDIA Rhône-Alpes Communication and support for the workcamps season EI number: 2013-FR-148 For the description visit the European database Activity dates: February 2015 – February 2016 Project background: Concordia is a French national non-governmental and non-profit making organization, founded in 1950 by English, German and French youngsters. Their aim was to enhance the values of tolerance and peace after the 2nd world war by organizing international workcamps of young volunteers. Project environment The office of Concordia Rhône-Alpes is situated in Lyon, the 3rd biggest city of France, at the East. Lyon benefits from a temperate climate and offers all kinds of services and access to leisure is well developed. It’s a city really touristic, with a strong cultural patrimony. Tasks and activities The volunteer will be asked to support Concordia staff in communication, in order to present and promote Concordia’s voluntary service activities. The aim of this project is also to help with the preparation of the workcamps season. In particular the activities deal with: 1. Communication (all-year long) · Participate in events promoting voluntary service, and Concordia’s activities; · Present the “Erasmus +” program, and particularly the part for Youths; · Meet youngsters willing to do an EVS, and talk about your own experience; · Promoting voluntary service with new tools, to be defined. For Ex: creation of a booklet with records about different voluntary experiences;

· Be in contact with local partners, to participate in the reinforcement of Concordia’s networks. This could help us to create bonds with other structures, with the implementation of new shared activities; · Support Concordia’s staff in the redaction of the presentation of our actions, and their translation in English, and other little administrative tasks related to external communication. 2. Workcamps season (generally from june to september) · To assist Concordia's staff during the workcamp season and before, for its preparation. Practical support is needed for various tasks: preparation of material for workcamps (tents, tools...), link with the local communities which hosts the workcamps.... · To co-lead an international work camp (2 or 3 weeks) after having participated to a specific training (it depends on the volunteer’s interest and capacities). The detailed activities will be defined both by the volunteer and Concordia's staff, according to the volunteer's skills and interests. Requirements - Adaptation, to be communicative and easy to approach to a different audience; - Speak good English and/or French or to be motivated to learn French; - Motivation for the themes of communication and international workcamps; - Availability for a 12 months project starting in beginning of february 2015. Scadenza per la presentazione delle candidature: Per candidarsi è necessario inviare il CV (in Inglese o in Francese), la Motivation Letter specifica per il progetto (in Inglese o in Francese) insieme al modulo di candidatura entro l'11 Agosto 2014 a: LTV@YAP.IT

Per maggiori informazioni scrivere a: LTV@YAP.IT oppure chiamare il numero: 067210120

SVE a Praga, Repubblica Ceca con INEX SDA Il nostro partner INEX SDA apre la call per 2 volontari del Servizio Volontario Europeo. Il progetto durerĂ 12 mesi a partire da metĂ Febbraio/inizio Marzo 2015. Candidature entro il 21 Agosto 2014. International Volunteering with INEX-SDA EI number: 2012-CZ-51 For the description visit the European database Activity dates: February/March 2015 - February/March 2016 Location: Prague, Czech Republic The volunteers become members of the INEX-SDA team and participate in all parts of the organisation life such as regular office meetings, public and promotion events etc. They will cooperate closely with project coordinators and other team members who will provide guidance and support in taken tasks within the project s/he will be involved in. The office is run on everyday basis. Working hours of volunteers are flexible within 9 am to 5 pm. Sometimes there can be work during weekends (training, seminars) but this will be always compensated by a time off at alternative days. The role of EVS volunteers: Volunteers will have an opportunity to get to know the broad range of INEX-SDA activities and projects and get involved in many of them according to the personal interest although their work will be mainly focused on supporting two areas of our activities: International Volunteering and Education. 1 Volunteer in International Volunteering section: Every year INEX-SDA organize over 35-40 international voluntary workcamps across the Czech Republic where a group of local and foreign volunteers support ecological, social or cultural-historical community projects. To Czech volunteers we offer voluntary projects of our partners worldwide for a period of 2 weeks up to one year. By organising international voluntary projects, educational programs and campaigns we assist to the development of a tolerant and open society and encourage an active and responsible approach to the world around us both locally and globally. We create space in which people can gain new experience, expand their skills and develop their own views of the complexity of the world around them.

We believe that volunteering is an asset, beneficial for all individuals and communities involved and we strive to promote volunteering and its perceptions as a way to tolerance, recognition and a sustainable future. Proposed volunteer’s tasks: 1.

administrative support of international voluntary exchange (getting to know the

system of exchange, administering applications of volunteers, updating the internal database of projects and volunteers); 2.

possibility to take part in the voluntary project as a camp leader and prepare, organise

and facilitate educational workshops on various topics; 3.

taking active part in trainings and seminars of INEX-SDA (trainings for camp leaders in

the Czech Republic, preparatory trainings for volunteers going abroad, meeting of the partners); 4.

getting know different Czech and international NGO's and their work and projects

(through platforms INEX-SDA is involved in); 5.

raising awareness about volunteering and voluntary projects and intercultural

exchanges among the Czech youth at different regions of Czech Republic (presentations, promo actions, meetings etc.); 6.

according to the volunteers interest involvement into one or more project groups in

Volunteers’ Club (DoK) (Volunteering in Czech Republic- leading a workcamp, support the trainings for trainers, Production..) 7.

opportunity to develop a project according to her/his interest;


opportunity to learn Czech.

1 Volunteer in Education section, mainly with project Fotbal pro rozvoj (Football for Development): The overall objective of the project is to contribute towards the enhancement of global responsibility of the Czech citizens using football as an effective tool to raise awareness about global issues. The specific objectives are: 1) to contribute towards strengthening the dialogue of the youth between the global North and global South and 2) to increase the awareness about global issues and development cooperation. The main activity of the project is a campaign: Kicking for the better world! The campaign takes place in June/July each year in few regions of the CZ. It consists of football tournaments, street shows, workshops cultural events, public screenings, debates and

exhibitions. The event is run by youth organizations, Kenyan-Czech football team and volunteers. Proposed volunteer’s tasks: 1.

assisting with the preparation and realisation of “Football for Development” project

from March to July. While taking part in organisation tasks before the campaign starts, s/he will be appointed to communicate with participants and preparing documents. While assisting with realisation of the campaign s/he will be supporting the youth during their travel around the CZ in co-organizing public events, football tournaments, youth workshops, assisting project coordinator with financial management, documenting the campaign etc. 2.

support of a programme called GLEN (Global Education Network of Young Europeans),

taking part in the global education activities organized by the volunteers of INEX-SDA, taking part in organizing assessment centre for new volunteers 3.

according to the volunteers interest involvement into one or more project groups

(Volunteering in Czech Republic- leading a workcamp, support the trainings for trainers, Production..) in Club of volunteers (DoK) 4.

raising awareness of volunteering and voluntary projects and intercultural exchanges

among the Czech youth at different regions of the Czech Republic (presentations, promo actions, meetings etc.); 5.

opportunity to develop project according to her/his interest;


opportunity to learn Czech.

THE PROFILES OF VOLUNTEERS Our project is opened to anybody with an interest in our activities and projects and a strong motivation in becoming an active member of our team. We welcome open minded and flexible people with willingness to learn and invest own energy and ideas into the common goals and eventually develop their own project. It is useful to be able to work independently as well as in a team. Volunteers should be prepared that a lot of work is of administrative character and not always in the field. Previous experiences with volunteering, involvement in the NGO sector or Global Education can be valuable but are not requested. A good knowledge of English and good communication skills are needed. Scadenza per la presentazione delle candidature: Per candidarsi è necessario inviare il CV (in Inglese), la Motivation Letter specifica per il progetto (in Inglese) insieme al modulo di candidatura entro il 21 Agosto 2014 a: LTV@YAP.IT

Per maggiori informazioni scrivere a: LTV@YAP.IT oppure chiamare il numero: 067210120

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