SVE per la scadenza del 1 Ottobre 2015

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Speciale: progetti SVE alla ricerca dei volontari Per la scadenza del 1 Ottobre 2015 del programma Erasmus Plus i nostri partner internazionali hanno aperto le selezioni per i progetti del Servizio Volontario Europeo. In questo speciale troverete le call attive per i progetti SVE con l’inizio delle attività previsto per Febbraio-Marzo 2016 e alcune call per i progetti già approvati con la partenza a breve.

Cos’è il Servizio Volontario Europeo? Il Servizio Volontario Europeo permette ai giovani di impegnarsi nel volontariato per un massimo di 12 mesi, in un Paese diverso da quello di residenza. L’esperienza accresce la solidarietà tra i giovani ed è un vero "servizio di apprendimento". Infatti, oltre ad operare a favore delle comunità locali, i volontari apprendono nuove capacità e nuove lingue, entrando in contatto con nuove culture. Un progetto di questo tipo si avvale dei principi e dei metodi di apprendimento non formale. Tutti i partecipanti allo SVE hanno diritto a ricevere il Certificato Youthpass, che descrive e convalida l’esperienza di apprendimento non formale e informale e i risultati acquisiti durante il progetto (risultati dell’apprendimento). Un SVE non è… • • • • • • •

occasionale, non strutturato, part-time un tirocinio in azienda un lavoro retribuito (e non deve sostituire lavori retribuiti) un’attività ricreativa o turistica un corso di lingua sfruttamento di manodopera a basso costo un periodo di studio o di formazione professionale all’estero

Chi può partecipare? • •

Giovani tra i 18 ed i 30 anni (non si deve aver compiuto il 31° anno d'età al momento della domanda di finanziamento) Legalmente residenti in uno dei Paesi dell'Unione Europea

Quanto costa? Il programma Erasmus+ finanzia: •

• • • • •

Contributo alla spese di viaggio di andata e ritorno dei partecipanti calcolato sulla base della distanza del viaggio (esempio per distanze tra i 100 e i 499 Km è di 180 euro) le spese di vitto e alloggio (attraverso un contributo economico che viene dato all'associazione di accoglienza non al volontario) le spese per il trasporto da casa a lavoro, una copertura assicurativa sanitaria con AXA la formazione linguistica un Pocket Money mensile per il volontario per le proprie spese personali di circa un centinaio di euro, a seconda del paese

Dove posso cercare progetti SVE? Esiste un DATABASE ufficiale su Internet con tutti i progetti SVE disponibili in Europa:

Per maggiori informazioni sul Servizio Volontario Europeo potete contattarci: YAP Youth Action for Peace Sending, hosting and coordinating organisation for EVS email: LTV@YAP.IT Tel.: 067210120 dalle ore 10 alle ore 18 dal lunedì al venerdì

SVE già approvato a Logstor, Danimarca con il centro di educazione per i ragazzi disabili Limfjordsskolen YAP Italia cerca 1 volontario/a per un progetto del Servizio Volontario Europeo già approvato in Danimarca che partirà il Settembre 2015 e durerà fino al 01 Luglio 2015. La scadenza per presentare le candidature è il 25 Luglio 2015. Project title: Intercultural Learning - Limfjordsskolen Location: Logstor, Denmark Activity dates: 01/09/2015 - 01/07/2016 Description of the project: Limfjordsskolen is a residential school for young disabled people between 17 and 20 years of age. The school offers a specially designed education based on the students individual competences and challenges and this education is given to all young people who cannot complete a normal youth education even with extra assistance and adapted curriculum. At Limfjordsskolen we have 42 students, 11 teachers and 25 social workers and each student has a room of their own and lives in family groups of up till 13 other students. The young people who all have severe learning difficulties stays at the school for up till 3 years and come from all over the Northern part of Denmark. The main purpose of the school is to equip and strengthen the students in becoming as independent and active in their own life as possible, and in spite of their handicap be an active citizen in the local community. Limfjordsskolen is located in the town of Logstor which is beautifully situated at the banks of Limfjorden. The environment is very influenced by the fjord and the town is an old fishing town. Today the fishing trade has declined and it is now smaller industries and companies doing different kinds of services but in the summertime, Logstor is full of tourists, many sailboats and visitors are coming due to the lovely seaside. Per candidarsi: è necessario compilare l'application form in inglese ed inviarla insieme al CV all'indirizzo email: LTV@YAP.IT ENTRO MEZZOGIORNO (ore 12) DEL 25 LUGLIO 2015.

Per maggiori informazioni scrivere a: LTV@YAP.IT oppure chiamare il numero: 067210120

SVE già approvato a Ferté-sous-Jouarre, 60 km da Parigi, Francia, con una delle delegazioni regionali di Solidarités Jeunesses YAP Italia cerca 1 volontario/a SVE per il progetto già approvato di 12 mesi in Francia a partire del 1 SETTEMBRE 2015. Scadenza per presentare la propria candidatura è il 01/08/2015. Project Title: VIR' VOLT - Solidarités Jeunesses Ile de France Project duration: 1st September 2015 - 31st August 2016 (12 months) Project location: La Ferte-sous-Jouarre (Seine et Marne), 60 km east of Paris HOST ORGANISATION: The organization of Vir'volt, Solidarités Jeunesses Ile de France is the local branch of a national movement: Solidarités Jeunesses. It has the same values as the national movement. Beside the aims of peace that are expressed by our international and national movement, there is a strong will to commit ourselves to local development. To reach its aims, the association uses the following tools: (1) The organisation of international workcamps (short and long term), organising projects of general interest in or around the hosting centre. (2) The organisations hosts different groups, (schools, social centres, but also free leisure time groups...) . (3) The organisation of trainings, seminars and different activities which support the learning process of the participants. (4) We send volunteers abroad, on international workcamps, medium and long term voluntary service, or trainings and seminars. (5) The development of cultural projects for young people with local partners (6) The organisation and participation in activities regarding social, economical and professional inclusion. (7) The organization of activities for young people with fewer opportunities, including preparations and sending volunteering in France and abroad. PROJECT: Through their commitment into the local project of Vir'Volt, we give to the volunteers a sense of responsibility and we offer them an experience which will make them think of their citizenship and the role they can play back in their own community. We are convinced that responsibilities volunteers can take on our projects are giving them a useful experience and encourage them for being more responsible. It also provides them a rich experience for their future social and professional life. In short-term as in long-term volunteering projects, we organise a weekly evaluation with the group of volunteers aimed to assess collective life and the feelings of volunteers concerning the project. There is also concrete time for training, discussions, analysis of their motivation, of the objectives of the activities and the results. Individual evaluations are organised when volunteers need it (at least once a month). For long-term EVS :

Working hours are around 30 hours per week. We give informations to the volunteers regarding the nature of the activities they will work on and local projects: theater projects, international workcamps, sport activities, travelling in other delegations or Solidarites Jeunesses, ... Week-ends are free and often focused on discovering local heritage and french culture. Volunteers can also participate to the activities of Vir'Volt-Solidarites Jeunesses that are sometimes organised during the week-end. The wide range of activities offered to the volunteers make their learning process really diverse. Volunteers can get involved in : - the organisation and the leading of workcamps (workcamps can be painting, gardening, masonery, etc.) - participate to meetings and promote European and international volunteering. - Help the team running the daily life of the association (activities for local youth, meetings and events between volunteers, etc.). - Participate and organise cultural events with local young volunteers and local partners (and then try to get young people involved in the association). - Organise workshops in the schools of La FertÊ-sous-Jouarre - take part in the life of the place by helping with the hosting of groups, trainings, etc. Each volunteer will get involved in these activities after having discussed with permanent workers of the association and other volunteers. Coordinators will organise meetings with the volunteers to prepare the activities, regulate and meet their needs. They will have to share the tasks together. It will also be possible for each volunteer to suggest a personal project which will enrich the place and benefit for the different projects of Vir'Volt. On a general manner, projects we are running are a great opportunity for discovering collective life and live with other people that they may never has known in an other context. That is how we aim to learn democracy, tolerance and decision-making process. The main motivation for us to host international volunteers is that it gives an intercultural dimension that improves our actions. Intercultural exchanges through concrete work and collective life enhances our projects and encourage a reciprocity in the learning process of all participants in the organisation. Volunteers brings their own ideas, culture and values with their motivation and initiatives. In each activity, volunteers experiment their sense of responsibility and autonomy. Their initiatives are welcome and will be strongly supported by permanent members. In case of any difficulty, the volunteer will be accompanied till he will be able to find his place in the project. Per candidarsi: è necessario compilare l'application form in inglese ed inviarla insieme al CV all'indirizzo email: LTV@YAP.IT ENTRO MEZZOGIORNO (ore 12) DEL 1 AGOSTO 2015.

Per maggiori informazioni scrivere a: LTV@YAP.IT oppure chiamare il numero: 067210120

SVE a Barcellona, Spagna con COCAT Il nostro partner COCAT apre le selezioni per 2 posti per il Servizio Volontario Europeo (1830 anni, programma Erasmus+) nel proprio ufficio a Barcellona a partire da Febbraio 2016. Candidature entro il 23/08/2015

Per la scadenza del 1 Ottobre COCAT presenterà un progetto del Servizio Volontario Europeo a Barcellona con l'inizio attività a Febbraio 2016. Activity dates: February 2016 – December 2016 (10 months) Number of volunteers: 2 Hosting organisation: COCAT Background: COCAT is a platform organisation of international workcamps organisations in Catalunya. It gathers Catalan organisations that implement activities in the socialeducational field. Our main goal is to promote international volunteering, understood as a tool for personal and community development and social transformation. We promote international volunteering mainly in 2 ways: - Sending Catalan volunteers to the world to do workcamps, mid and long term projects (also EVS), trainings, youth exchanges, etc… - Hosting international volunteers in the workcamp projects that our member organisations organize. We are really concerned about inequalities and environmental issues, that’s why: - We support youngsters with fewer opportunities so that they can also participate in this kind of experiences - We promote sustainable practices both in the projects in Catalunya and in the travels our volunteers do to their projects. EVS IN COCAT The role of the volunteers who will participate in our EVS project will be to support the incoming and outgoing volunteering areas. It means one of the volunteers will be supporting the work that is done to host volunteers (incoming) and the other one will be supporting the work that is done to send volunteers (outgoing). Here you’ll find a summary of the tasks that each volunteer will carry on during the EVS project: · Incoming (1 position) PREPARATION OF DOCUMENTS TO START THE WORKCAMPS SEASON:

Workcamps programme The first step to start the workcamps season is to prepare a detailed programme with all the information from the local partners (member organisations) to provide to the international partners in the Technical Meeting we annually do with Alliance, our international network.

Best practices report This report is prepared from the evaluations of the previous season workcamps.

Infosheets Detailed informative document to send to the volunteers that will participate in Catalan workcamps (it includes some general info about cocat and catalunya and detailed information about the project, how to get to the meeting point, contact person, ...) REGISTRATION: Once all these documents are ready, the registration process starts. It’s time to keep in touch with international organisations to see the volunteers they send and contact with local organisations to see what volunteers they can host. The incoming EVS volunteer will have to deal with motivation letters, visa invitation letters and other documents. SUPPORT TOOLS FOR WORKCAMP LEADERS: The member organisations look for their own workcamp leaders and COCAT gives the necessary support in order to provide the international perspective when preparing the workcamp leaders to be able to manage and lead the camps. TRAINING FOR CATALAN VOLUNTEERS IN COCAT INTERNATIONAL WORKCAMPS: Together with the training for outgoing volunteers, COCAT organise a training for the Catalan volunteers staying in Catalunya for their workcamp. VISITING AND PARTICIPATING IN WORKCAMPS: The volunteer will have the opportunity to participate in a workcamp if he/she wants to. Anyway, he/she will visit the Catalan workcamps during the summer season with the rest of the team. EVALUATIONS: At the end of the workcamps season is the time for evaluations. The incoming EVS volunteer will go through the evaluation forms and also will participate in the evaluations meetings to understand and better get to know the experiences of the Catalan volunteers in COCAT’s workcamps. ANNUAL REPORT: Out of the evaluations from volunteers and from our member organisations, we produce an annual report that represents what has happened in our workcamps during the whole year and a best practices report that highlights the most positive aspects and examples we can promote among our international partners. SUPPORT TO LONG TERM VOLUNTEERING: The volunteer will help the long term volunteering coordinator to spread LTV and EVS vacancies among Catalan volunteers willing to participate in a long term project abroad. He/she will also participate in the informative speeches about EVS and the pre-departure trainings for Catalan volunteers starting the EVS experience. PERSONAL PROJECT: In the second part of his/her project, the volunteer will have the opportunity to develop his/her own personal project in collaboration with the other EVS volunteer. It should be related to the promotion of international voluntary service: - producing informative material - participating in informative talks - updating the web and the social networks - publishing articles and posts in our blog

Outgoing (1 position) INFORMATION: The first step for a volunteer that wants to go abroad on a workcamp is to be well informed, so the first thing the outgoing EVS volunteer will do is going to be related to this (picking-up the phone and answer e-mails giving information to volunteers, informative talks…) REGISTRATION: The next step is the registration process. The outgoing EVS volunteer will support theregistration process by using our database and contacting international organisations. TRAININGS: Volunteers that participate in workcamps have to attend a training before leaving. The outgoing EVS volunteer will support COCAT’s team in the preparation and implementation of the training. VISITING AND PARTICIPATING IN WORKCAMPS: The volunteer will be given the opportunity to participate in a workcamp if he/she wants to. Anyway, he/she will be visiting the Catalan workcamps during the summer season with the rest of the team. EVALUATIONS: At the end of the workcamps season is the time for evaluations. The outgoing EVS volunteer will go through the evaluation forms and also will participate in the evaluations meetings to understand and get to know better the experiences of the volunteer sent by COCAT. VOLUNTEERS MEETING: In autumn COCAT prepares a meeting, on a Saturday, to have an informal meeting with our volunteer. It’s time to prepare future projects for them... and for our EVS volunteers! PERSONAL PROJECT: In the second part of his/her project, the volunteer will have the opportunity to develop his/her own personal project in collaboration with the other EVS volunteer. It should be related to the promotion of international voluntary service: - producing informative material - participating in informative talks - updating the web and the social networks - publishing articles and posts in our blog Common parts of the project · Possibility to participate in a workcamp/training or to support a volunteer with fewer opportunities. · Participation in talks about workcamps and/or long term projects to promote volunteering. · According to the initial language level of the volunteer, he/she will receive a basic course of Catalan and/or Spanish. · Information service to volunteers (phone calls and e-mails management). · Personal project: related to communication and promotion of international voluntary service opportunities for young people.

Requirements for EVS volunteers - Strong motivation for youth voluntary projects. - Experience in volunteering. - Good English level and basic Spanish level. - Consciousness that the project will have a big administrative part (although in the summer the project gets more dynamic). Will be positively valued Having participated in a workcamp or in other international youth projects (youth exchanges, trainings, ...). Will to learn Catalan and ability for foreign languages. How to apply? 1. Take your time to fill in this on-line questionnaire. You can answer it in Catalan/Spanish if you feel like you are able to. We will automatically receive your questionnaire so you don't need to send it by e-mail. IMPORTANT! The part regarding "Sending Organisation contact" should be filled with YAP Italia contact information: YAP (Youth Action for Peace) Italia EI number: 2013-IT-177 PIC number: 947888851 E-mail: LTV@YAP.IT Contact person: Stefano VARLESE 2. Send your CV to and to LTV@YAP.IT in Copy Mail subject should be: "EVS COCAT 2016� Deadline for candidatures is 23rd of August

Per maggiori informazioni scrivere a: LTV@YAP.IT oppure chiamare il numero: 067210120

SVE a Kasterlee, provincia di Anversa, Belgio con De Hoge Rielen-ADJ vzw YAP Italia cerca 1 volontario/a SVE per l'associazione belga De Hoge Rielen. Il progetto avrà una durata di 9 mesi dal 1 Marzo al 30 Novermbre 2016 e verrà presentato per la prossima scadenza del programma ERASMUS+ (1 Ottobre 2015). Il/la volontario/a selezionato/a si occuperà della gestione della centro giovanile che ospita numerosi gruppi dei giovani e organizza varie attività sportive e culturali. Scadenza per candidarsi è il 25 Agosto 2015. Project: De Hoge Rielen-ADJ vzw Period: 1/3/2016 – 30/11/2016 (9 months) Location: Kasterlee, province of Antwerp, Belgium Project environment: De Hoge Rielen is – in origin – an old military domain. The many sheds served as ammunition depot. The late 1970s these sheds have been converted into sleeping accomodation. De Hoge Rielen is now a youth residence, under administration of the Flemish government (General Service for Youth Tourism), targetting youth groups by offering them accomodation and special activities. There are 17 buildings and 12 camping grounds. It’s 2000 nights - on average - in a week or 285 people a day. This domain is one of the largest children’s forests of Flanders. It measures 230 ha; these are 345 football fields. It’s a delightful destination for people with a youthful spirit. Each group has its own spot on the domain/ in the wood. Youth groups come to the Hoge Rielen for a multiday group activity, a youth camp, forest classes, welcome days, a training etc. The domain offers many possibilities such as: a beautiful nature, residence pavilions, camping facilities and camp fires, a theatre, a sporthall and sports fields, a pond, a bar and a restaurant. It’s also possible for guests to order food and drink. Location: De Hoge Rielen is located in the municipality of Kasterlee, in the province of Antwerp. Kasterlee is situated in Flandres, the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium. Dutch will also be the main language used during the service. The municipality is at about 85 km (1 hour on the train) from Brussels (the capital of Belgium). It’s at about 50 km (45 minutes on the train) from Antwerp (the capital of the province of Antwerp). Turnhout (12 km), Herentals (12 km) and Geel (15 km) are smaller towns nearly. Nearby de Hoge Rielen there is a bus stop. The nearest railway station of Tielen is located at 20 minutes walking distance. There’s a bike available for the volunteer: it’s easy to go for one place to another. Project activities: The EVS-volunteers come from March untill November: 9 months. This is a very busy period. Many groups come and go; there’s a lot of activities at the domain. It’s the most interesting period to come: there are nice and different tasks to do. Role of EVS volunteers: • to increase the interculturality in the organization

• to be himself but in to other values and norms • to give new impulses and ideas • to support the daily activities of the different services Role of EVS volunteers (specific): In the first phase, the volunteer participates in different services. So he/she gets to know the organisation and the way we work. This participation can become more active, when the volunteer gets to know the way of working better and better. In the second phase the volunteer can have a more or less personal project (for example to guide groups in activities, to prepare activities for ‘café animé’). This will depend on the personal interests of the volunteer. The volunteer will have the opportunity (and the space) to hone his skills or to learn new skills, according to his/her wishes. The volunteer is active in maximum two services. So he/she can build a strong bond with his colleagues and the other employees. The volunteer will be involved in inside and outside activities, in group or on his own, with a lot of variety. When the language is of great importance, the volunteer always will be assisted. We have 2 profiles of volunteers. One profile is mainly focused on service. The other profile includes more support and guidance activities. A combination of the 2 profiles is possible after consultation. Profile 1: focused on service Activities on the service (reception & information) • to introduce groups on the domain • to give information to guests • to visit (welcome ) guests on arrival/leaving in their pavilions • to supervise the skate accomodation and the campfires • to open and close the domain gates and to control the domain … • to help prepare and serve meals in the restaurant • to retrieve and to deliver orders at the pavillions and camping facilities • to be the bartender Profile 2: focused on suppport and guidance activities Activities on the service (nature & adventure): • to guide activities • to make a new activity or workshop • to prepare activities for café animé (to be animator) (technics & cleaning): • to follow up the lending material (lending service) • to be responsible for the transport at the domain • to repair bicycles Profile of volunteer Attitudes and skills marked with * are very important. - sense of responsibilaty * - like to work with youth groups * - flexible attitude * - open minded - enthousiasm - great independence* (to be on himself/herself)

- willing to learn* - willing to learn Dutch* - having right hand to the work - like to be in the nature and outdoors - able to work independently * - able to take initiative * - social committed * - good communication skills - eventual experience with youth groups Per candidarsi: è necessario compilare l'application form in inglese ed inviarla insieme al CV all'indirizzo email: LTV@YAP.IT ENTRO MEZZOGIORNO (ore 12) DEL 25 AGOSTO 2015.

Per maggiori informazioni scrivere a: LTV@YAP.IT oppure chiamare il numero: 067210120

SVE a Berlino, Germania con VJF YAP Italia cerca 1 volontario/a SVE per l'associazione tedesca VJF, il nostro partner tedesco che organizza le attività di volontariato internazionale. Il progetto avrà una durata di 6 mesi dal 1 Aprile 2016 al 01 Settembre 2016 e verrà presentato per la prossima scadenza del programma ERASMUS+ (1 Ottobre 2015). E' richiesta la conoscenza del tedesco! Scadenza per candidarsi è il 10 Agosto 2015. Project: VJF Berlin Period: 1/04/2016 – 31/09/2016 (6 months) Location: Berlin + different locations in Eastern Germany About the programme: The volunteers will work as camp leaders for most of VJF’s work and language camps. That includes staying in different locations in Germany with changing international groups for about 2 – 3 weeks for each camp. Later on during the EVS, the volunteers will be able to consolidate their skills and competences during the teamer’s training in the summer and then continue leading different work camps for VJF all over eastern Germany. That will include the preparation of free time activities, the guidance of the camp participants regarding working and organisational issues as well as the communication with project partners, mediation and the financial responsibility of the work camps. Accommodation & Food: The two volunteers will live together in a house in Berlin Grünau (outskirts of Berlin) at VJF’s seminar and meeting place. He/ She will have his/ her own room, but share a bath room and a kitchen. The place is remote in a forestal area on the shores of a lake and the volunteers will need to bring a torch as it can be quite dark. The train ride to the city centre takes about 1 hour each way. Money for food will be provided on a monthly basis. Pocket money: will be provided on a monthly basis (110 Euro per month). Local transport: The volunteers will be given a monthly pass for the public transport in Berlin. Mentors: The volunteers will have 2 mentors in the VJF office (Steffi and Dorit). Volunteer profile and recruitment process: As a volunteer at VJF, it is an advantage to have a good knowledge of German and good skills in written and spoken English. Working at VJF requires a teamwork spirit as well as the ability to work independently. Experiences in (intercultural) work camps are highly appreciated. VJF welcomes motivated, flexible, friendly, curious and self-confident volunteers with good communication skills and a sense of humour. Gender, nationality, religion and political and sexual orientation are not considered in the selection process, the volunteers are chosen regarding their abilities, experiences, interests and motivation. Finally he/she should be willing to work a lot with young people and preferably have an interest in environmental education. The willingness to travel a lot in eastern Germany is important and the volunteers should be fine with living in a rather remote area. Per candidarsi: è necessario compilare l'application form in inglese ed inviarla insieme al CV e alla lettera di motivazione in tedesco all'indirizzo email: LTV@YAP.IT ENTRO MEZZOGIORNO (ore 12) DEL 10 AGOSTO 2015.

Per maggiori informazioni scrivere a: LTV@YAP.IT oppure chiamare il numero: 067210120

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