Toolbox t4t youth sustain abilities

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Index Introduction About the training course Partners of the project Timetable of training activities TOOLBOX Part 1: Non formal education and participative working methods Part 2: Sustainability and education for sustainability Part 3: Be the trainer, Let’s Do It! Part 4: Tools created by participants Credits


Introduction YOUTH SUSTAIN-ABILITIES – Training for Trainers on Skills and Practices to Boost Youth Role on Sustainability, financed by European Union through the Youth in Action Programme (Action 4.3), is a training course, seven days long, held in San Giorgio a Cremano (NA) Italy. 21 youth workers, peer educators, trainers and facilitators from Italy, Romania, Slovakia, Belgium, Greece, Hungary, Spain and France were involved in the implementation of the training course.

The present publication represents the result of collective work of participants and pool of trainers and was realized as one of the following up activities for other youth and social workers. The tool kit, which has to be considered a didactical package to approach the sustainable development topics, contains the presentation of the working methods used and the description of some selected activities with the detailed explanation of the type, aim, material and description on how to perform it.

The tools are divided in 4 segments: non formal education, sustainability, tools to prepare future trainers and tools created by the participants for the final event when they spent one day as trainers. Moreover, thanks to one of the participants Alžbeta Hrušovská, the activities of each day and the workshops realized by the participants as trainers are resumed in short videos linked after the description.


About the training course The main theme of the project YOUTH SUSTAIN-ABILITIES was the deepen of the education for sustainable development as a tool to promote the active citizenship at all levels of society. The idea was to create participative routes and to promote the inclusive growth, the human rights and the youth policies in the field of social inclusion. In this perspective the education for sustainable development and the educative processes that go with it, are powerful tools to raise youth awareness and to make the young people interested in taking concrete actions to further develop youth policies on this field, acting as promoters of new deep-rooted initiatives.

The project aimed at training the involved participants on social inclusion, active citizenship and sustainability, using non formal education working methods, in order to make them able to transfer their knowledge to other colleagues and less privileged beneficiaries, that take part in the activities they daily run. The structure of the training contained 2 interactive workshops: • SUSTAINABILITY AND EDUCATION ON SUSTAINABILITY on the topic of sustainable development, citizenships and youth policies in this field; • NON FORMAL EDUCATION AND PARTICIPATIVE WORKING METHODS on the non formal education methodologies that might be used to sensitise youth in interactive and participative way, on the project’ topics. Such approach permitted to work on sustainability on two different levels at the same time: conceptual and methodological. The participants have been sharing ideas and experiences on sustainability in ecological, social and cultural fields and have been experimenting different methods of non formal education.


Partners of the project

YAP (Youth Action for Peace) - Italy Comune di San Giorgio a Cremano-Centro Informagiovani - Italy Solidarités Jeunesses - France Útilapu Nemzetközi Építőtábor Hálózat - Hungary ELIX- Conservation Volunteers - Greece COCAT – Coordinadora d’Organitzadors de Camps de Treball Internacionals de Catalunya - Spain UNIVERSITUR ASSOCIATION - Romania INEX Slovakia - občianske združenie - Slovakia Jeunes Actifs dans le Volontariat et les Voyages Alternatifs asbl - Belgium


Timetable of training activities DATE 23/07/2013 Tuesday

MORNING 09:00 – 13:00 Arrival of participants

24/07/2013 Wednesday 1st Day

WORKSHOP ON TEAM BUILDING AND GETTING TO KNOW EACH OTHERS ACTIVITIES • “Welcome Ceremony – How I see the world and how I would like to see it • “Me and the animal describing me” • “The Path” • “The Laundry”: interactive laboratory to share fears, expectations and contributions. Presentation in plenary

AFTERNOON 15:00 -19:00 Arrival of participants

EVENING 20:00 - 23:00 Welcome dinner, presentation of the project and ice breaking activities

PRESENTATION OF THE AGENDA NON FORMAL EDUCATION AND PARTICIPATIVE WORKING METHODS • “Formal, informal and non-formal” • “Learning and different learning styles” • “Youth Pass”: introduction of the Youth Pass system and of it’s functioning COMMUNICATION “Gossip”: interactive workshop run in small groups to approach the communication flow and to reflect on the active listening

25/07/2013 Thursday 2nd Day

26/07/2013 Friday 3rd Day

27/07/2013 Saturday 4th Day

28/07/2013 Sunday 5th Day

29/07/2013 Monday 6th Day

30/07/2013 Tuesday 7th Day

31/07/2013 Wednesday

SUSTAINABILITY AND EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABILITY • “The survival of the countries” Debriefing in plenary • “Walking Gallery”: sustainability – general information and definition • “Snow Ball about sustainability”. Presentation of definitions and debriefing in Plenary SUSTAINABILITY AND EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABILITY • “See the Links” • “The strip Cartoons” Debriefing in plenary and group discussion


SUSTAINABILITY AND EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABILITY • Presentation of the network Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organizations: specific focus on the Sustainability Campaign and on the Access for All Campaign • “Gincana in 4 stations”: “Sustainability and daily life in the associative world” Debriefing in plenary and feed back collection

TOOLS FOR EfS • “Development of the training project proposals” • “Choose your workshop” • “Presentation of the training and of the workshop” VIDEO TOOLS FOR EfS Participants divided in groups will play the activity of the workshop they have created with other participants. Each group plays the activity as trainers and as participants

Departure of participants

DAILY EVALUATION with participants, trainers and the facilitator NON FORMAL EDUCATION AND PARTICIPATIVE WORKING METHODS • “In my sustainable ideal society”. Collection of results and briefing in plenary • “Open space to present the organizations”

“World café”: sharing good practices on sustainability and active participation

DAILY EVALUATION with participants, trainers and the facilitator NON FORMAL EDUCATION AND PARTICIPATIVE WORKING METHODS • “The super trainer” Presentation in plenary and debriefing • “We in the group”: • “One step forward” Debriefing in plenary and group discussion DAILY EVALUATION with participants, trainers and the facilitator YOUTH IN ACTION, ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Presentation in plenary of results and debriefing

Intercultural evening

Dinner in pizzeria

“The train”: Mid-Term Evaluation with participants, trainers and the facilitator NON FORMAL EDUCATION AND PARTICIPATIVE WORKING METHODS LET’S DO IT! • “Trainer-Facilitator” Presentation in plenary of results and group discussion • “Tool-Tool Kits” • “Working Methods” • “Launch of project proposals” • “Matching”. Creation of the groups. DAILY EVALUATION with participants, trainers and the facilitator TOOLS FOR EfS • “Implementation of the workshop 1" • “Passing knowledge” DAILY EVALUATION with participants, trainers and the facilitator VIDEO TOOLS FOR EfS Participants divided in groups will play the activity of the workshop they have created with other participants. Each group plays the activity as trainers and as participants

• “Implementation of the workshop 2”

Farewell Party

“The Spider Net”: FINAL EVALUATION Departure of participants


Part 1: NON FORMAL EDUCATION AND PARTICIPATIVE WORKING METHODS GETTING TO KNOW EACH OTHER Title: The Map of the world / Europe Tool type Ice breaker/Name game Tool topic/s Getting to know each other; Creation of the group Aim To remember the names and the countries of the participants and to make them interact Material needed Duration 10 minutes Description Trainer asks the participants to create an imaginary map of the world/Europe by taking positions in the room. After they settle down, ask them to say hello and to say where they are from. After they presented themselves let them travel to the new countries: explain that they need to change the position according to the country where they would like to go. Once they take a position ask them to explain where they are and why. The trainer can add other questions in order to make them change their location and tell their “ravel stories”. Title: Name ball Tool type Ice breaker/Name game Tool topic/s Getting to know each other; Creation of the group Aim To remember the names and to make participants interact Material needed One ball Duration 5 minutes Description Trainer invites participants to stand in a circle. In the first part of the game, each participant has to throw the ball to another participant saying his/her name. In the second part, each participant has to throw the ball to another participant saying the name of the person who is receiving the ball. Title: Alphabetic order Tool type Ice breaker/Name game Tool topic/s Nonverbal communication Aim To make the group practice with the names; to demonstrate that it does exist several, different types of communication and that there are also several ways to interact through nonverbal communication Material needed Adhesive tape Duration 20 minutes Description Trainer explains that a competition is starting and divides the participants in 2 groups. Each group will represent a team. Two long adhesive tape lines are stuck on the floor and participants are asked to create a line and to touch the line with their feet. The game has to be played in silent. Participants have to find “alternative ways” to communicate and when they have to move from their position, they cannot leave the strip with their feet. The first task is to create the alphabetic order of the team from A to Z. The group who is finishing first has to raise the arms. The second task is to create the age order of the team from the youngest to the oldest. The group who is finishing first has to raise the arms. Title: Welcome Ceremony - How I see the world and how I would like to see it Tool type Ice breaking and team building + first step in the social inclusion and sustainability Tool topic/s Getting to know each other Aim To break the ice, to create the proper atmosphere for the training, to introduce pax. to the training and to the training topics Material needed 21 sheets of paper; 21 Notebooks; 21 pens; markers; 21 strips of fabric (black); tempera colours; brushes; flipcharts; plastic (to cover the floor); relaxing music. Duration 60 minutes Description Setting: the plenary room, the plastic to cover the floor and the flipcharts on the plastic. 21 position, 1 sheet of paper, one note book and one pen in front of each + colours and brushes in the middle.


Before entering trainers explain that participants have to bear in mind the idea of the world they live and they would like to live in. Then people get to be blinded with strips of fabric and are welcomed in the room. NOTE: in this phase, while they are entering, it would be nice to create a sensory pathway (something they can smell, touch, hear like plants and sounds of nature). Once they entered the room, they are accompanied by each trainer in front of their position. The strips fabric will be taken off and they will be asked to take their time, to reflect about the world they see and they would like to see and to write the sentence / make a drawing on their paper. Then they are asked to put their papers on two different walls. Title: Me and the animal describing me Tool type Introduction activity Tool topic/s Getting to know each other and group creation Aim: To start getting to know each other, break the ice, remember the names and to make participants interact in a funny and stimulating way Material needed If we take the drawing option, markers and paper. If we take the balloons option, balloons and permanent markers Duration It can range from 20 minutes to more minutes, depending on the group size Description Participants introduce themselves, telling both objective and stimulating things about them. For example: my name, place of birth, organisation and the animal I feel closer to (or that I would love to be). ▫▪ Classic way: first couple, then in plenary Usually the best is that first we do it in couples; one explains to the other who they are in the terms defined. After that, the couple explains to the group who is his/her colleague. It is a good thing, because we avoid shyness, by talking in couples (and building confidence) and as well by introducing the other, not oneself. ▫▪ Individually: If we don't do it in couples, each person tells in plenary the 3 features chosen (name, place, animal). It is a little risky in this case, as people are not confident yet. Then we can combine with the sound of the animal, to break the ice, or mix it with the balloons option ▫▪ Balloons way: Don't tell it to a couple, tell it to your balloon. Fill the balloon with air, write your name on it, draw yourself there and the animal you are (you have 3 minutes). Then you explain in plenary and throw the balloon to the middle of the circle.

TEAM BUILDING Title: The path Tool type Team building game Tool topic/s Team building and an ice breaker Aim Each team has to cross the finish line on the floor Material needed Paper tape, strips of fabric (enough to tie the legs of the participants and to blind some of them) Duration 1 hour Description Preparation: Before the activity trainer creates 2 equal paths with paper tape crosses ( X ) on the floor. At the end of each path you have to put the finish line ( | ). Activity description: The trainer divides the participants in 2 groups and puts them in the line. Then s/he asks each participant to tie his/her right ankle to the left ankle of the person who is next to him/her so each team will have a human chain. The trainer also blinds one participant from each group by putting the fabric strip on his/her eyes so he/she cannot see where to step and mutes one participant from each team by putting the tape on his/her mouth so he/she cannot speak during whole activity. The game can start: one team wins when all the members cross the finish line. The 2 basic rules are: - You can’t step out of the tape cross (if one does all the group starts over); - In the middle of the game the trainer can punish any participant from the team by blinding or muting him/her. During the game trainer may need help of another trainer or facilitator to check constantly if all the participants follow the rules and do not step out of the tape crosses.


EXPECTATIONS, FEARS AND CONTRIBUTIONS Title: The Laundry Tool type Work in group about fears, expectations and contributions Tool topic/s Getting to know each other and group creation Aim To share within the group the fears and the expectations toward the Material needed Photos from newspapers, illustrations etc., a rope, clothespins Duration 60 minutes Description The group is divided in sub-groups (5 participants each). They enter in a room with the photos put on the rope like in a laundry. The task is to discuss and share among the group their fears, expectations and contributions (15 minutes) and to choose a photo for each concept to represent it visually. Then each group has to present the photos in plenary and to explain the reasons of this choice.

PRESENTATION OF THE AGENDA Tool type Frontal presentation Tool topic/s Weekly agenda presentation Aim To share within the group the weekly agenda and to explain that some activities scheduled may be modified during the process according to their needs and suggestions. For this reason they have to take it as a “draft�. The same level of flexibility will be asked both to the pool and the group. Material needed Flipchart with the weekly agenda Duration 10 minutes Description Frontal presentation of the agenda + questions NON FORMAL EDUCATION AND PARTICIPATIVE WORKING METHODS Title: Formal, informal and non-formal Tool type Work in groups + theatre Tool topic/s Formal, Non Formal and Informal Education Aim To make participants analyse their own learning style and get knowledge about learning process Material needed Questionnaire, pens, flipchart with presentation of different learning styles Duration 1 hour Description Participants are divided in 3 groups, each group receives one of three topics: formal, informal and non formal education. Each group has the following task: to discuss, share and define the advantages and the disadvantages of each type of education and to perform it in a short sketch using mime technique. Then every group presents its work in plenary and discuss about three concepts. Title: Learning and different learning styles Tool type Individual questionnaire and interactive plenary presentation Tool topic/s Individual learning styles Aim To make participants analyse and share the differences between formal, non formal and informal education. The activity is propaedeutic for the following workshops. Material needed Paper, pens, flipcharts, markers Duration 1 hour Description Participants are asked to fill individually the questionnaire about learning styles (available on: and then discuss in plenary the presentation of 4 learning styles (Activist, Reflector, Theorist, Pragmatist), their weak and strong points and learning process. During the discussion the trainer introduces as well the cross-sectorial competences and in the Youth Pass System. Title: Youthpass presentation Tool type Frontal presentation Tool topic/s Youthpass and key competences Aim To make the first steps in the cross-sectorial competences and Youthpass. Material needed Youthpass guide, Key competences presentation Duration 30 minutes Description Frontal presentation of Youthpass and key competences + questions on Youthpass


Title: In my sustainable society Tool type Work in group to present and share the situation and the needs of the different backgrounds about the topic of “sustainability” Tool topic/s Needs analysis and sustainability in the different countries Aim To set a detailed needs analysis of the different national and local backgrounds; to analyse the differences and similarities between the different countries, with a specific focus on the sustainability. What we do define “sustainability”, how it is perceived in the different backgrounds and what there is behind the definitions. Material needed Flip charts, markers, pens, post it, colours, pens, paper …. Duration 60 minutes Description Participants are divided in national groups and are asked: - to identify the needs analysis of their local backgrounds; - to make a specific focus on the concept of sustainability: what do define “sustainability”, how it is perceived in the different backgrounds and what there is behind the definitions - to organize an interactive presentation of results for the plenary. Each presentation should last, maximum 5 minutes NOTE: This activity can be also played in another way: not dividing participants in national groups, but mixing them, creating maximum 4 groups with the same tasks. In this way the presentation in plenary can be shorter. * Another way could be suing the living pictures or theatre for the presentation in plenary. NOTE FOR THE DEBRIENFING: stress the fact that there are different ways to define sustainability according to the different backgrounds and life’ experiences and it’s fundamental to check what there is behind the definitions. WORDS LABELS Title: Open space to present the organizations Tool type Itinerant, interactive presentation Tool topic/s Sustainability and social inclusion Aim To present the different projects and organizations (about sustainability and social inclusion) implemented in the different countries; to start discovering synergies between the various projects and initiatives Material needed A room with enough space to make the presentations, paper, pens, colours, markers, flipcharts, glue, post it Duration 60 minutes Description Participants, divided in national groups, have to organize the presentation (possibly in an interactive, funny and stimulating way). Then each group finds a position in the room and the fair starts. NOTE: since participants will move randomly in the room, assisting to the different presentations, it would be helpful if at least one person will stay close to the presentation of his/her sending association to explain it and share the information with those joining it. Title: World café Tool type Working group, round tables Tool topic/s Brainstorming on future actions in field of sustainability and social inclusion Aim To reflect in informal way about possible future common actions on sustainability Material needed 3 tables (same numbers of working groups), flipcharts, pens, markers Duration up to 60 minutes Description After the presentation of organizations, you can propose this informal group activity about new possible initiatives participants would like to implement. The pool puts 3 tables in the working space and on each table there is a flipchart with one of the selected topics: Sustainability, Social inclusion and Youth Participation. The participants have to choose on which theme they would prefer to work and take their sits around the chosen table. Then the discussion about future initiatives and actions on this topic begins. Each table could be followed by one of the trainers. The reflections should be written down on the flipchart and then presented to the plenary. Title: The super trainer Tool type Work in groups Tool topic/s The skills, competences and attitudes of the “good” trainer Aim To reflect on the skills, competences and attitudes we believe important in a good trainer and to identify what should be avoided


Material needed Paper, pens, flipcharts, markers, post it Duration 45 minutes Description Participants are divided in groups (possibly each group non more than 5 or 6 people). Each group has the following task: create a list of the skills, actions, competences and approaches of the “good” trainers. Include also the actions and behaviours that a “good” trainer has to completely avoid. Then every group present in plenary the result. Title: We in the group Tool type Frontal presentation Tool topic/s Group dynamics in trainings Aim To share with the participants the group dynamics in general and during the training courses Material needed Presentation Duration 15 minutes Description Frontal presentation of group dynamics and following discussion and questions Title: One step forward Title My Life on the line – One step forward Tool type Simulation Game Tool topic/s Exclusion (social inclusion, disability, intercultural learning, anti-racism and active citizenship) Aim Try to make participants “concretely” experiment the feeling of people with fewer opportunities ("to be an accessing" means to wear the shoes of someone else and to feel what they feel. This is a key starting point in the reflection on inclusion, since sometimes we risk to intervene according to what we suppose is correct to do, but without really feeling concretely what the volunteers with fewer opportunities can feel); to start the reflection on the inequalities that can exist within society Material needed Adhesive tape, a copy of the questions, a copy of the roles already cut up and space Duration 60 minutes Description Setting: creation of the proper setting, low light and soft music (also some pictures projected will be very helpful). Trainer explain to the participants that they have to walk in the workshop room (like “raft”) and then sit on the floor. Then trainers hand out a role to each participant. Each person has to carefully read the character's description and try to think and act as the person described. In the room has to be drawn a line (horizontal), participants are invited to stand on the line and close their eyes. One of the trainers explains that the people should take two steps forward for each situation that they feel their character could do easily, one if it is possible, and to stay still if it is impossible. Then the trainer reads out the following situations on the sheet: Do you have a local friend? Do you feel that people listen to you? Can you use public transportation? Do you feel safe going home alone at night? Do you feel comfortable kissing your partner in public? Do you feel welcome at your local youth club? You go into a club full of white men: do you stay? Do you feel comfortable drinking in a pub on your own? If you are competing with people of a similar standard for the same job, do you feel you have an equal chance of getting it? Do you see yourself represented on TV? Can you easily adopt a child? Do you think you receive fair treatment from the police? Do you feel comfortable moving into a shared house? Would you get a job as a nanny easily? Can you play football easily? Can you swim? Could your mother take decision within your family? Can you invite a person of your age to go out? Can you share your house with a person of different religions?


Then ask the participants to stay frozen in their position, to have a look at their own position and at the one of the others. Ask, one by one the character they were representing. Debriefing and key questions: How did you feel? Was it easy to represent your character? Why did you act this way? Do you think to be excluded from society, in some way? Why and how did you feel? ROLE CARDS - One step forward A white man from Holland, who is 23 years old A Brazilian transsexual, who is 31 years old A cleaning woman from the Philippines, 27 years old with 5 kids A white woman, from the USA, who is 35 years old A young Polish mother with no husband, who is 26 years old A German homosexual, who is 24 years old A Senegalese man, arrived in the country, since four weeks An illegal migrant from Afghanistan with no documents A political refugee from Libya with no residence permit An Albanian carpenter who is doing undeclared work An Estonian young woman who is doing irregular and not well paid jobs A street child with no family A deaf person A youth in wheel chair An adolescent with deambulation problems A business man, 27 years old from the USA working in Wall Street A Russian secretary who is looking for a job An old woman from Togo A young girl, who is 15 years old, from the United Arab Emirates An adolescent from a European suburbs An adolescent from an African slum A rich business man from Argentina, who is 35 years old A divorced woman from Turkey An unemployed man, with 5 kids, from Cameroon A Portuguese top model, who is 25 years old A young writer who is spending a month in jail because the police caught him during a night where he was doing a graffiti A German writer A Spanish street artist A youngster forced to abandon secondary school to take care of his brothers and sisters A young girl, political refugee from Afghanistan, discriminated at school by the other pupils A young, fat shy boy, victim of bullies at school A catholic priest 16 years old hip-hop drug addict from Berlin Jamaican musician A taxi driver from Lebanon without a job 65 years old university professor from Bologna 35 years old doctor in the hospital in Rome, HIV positive Human rights activist, 29 years old Conservative Politician from the EU parliament Organic food farmer from France, 50 years old Title: The train Tool type Mid term evaluation Tool topic/s Evaluation of the learning process Aim To make participants reflect on their individual and group learning process Material needed Flipchart with train image, markers


Duration 40 minutes Description Prepare a flipchart with train drew on it. Draw sun, rain and lights, question marks, other signs that could help the participants to reflect on their learning process (you can use also the photos and collage from magazines). Then put it on the wall in the working space and invite participants first to reflect on how they feel now, what they already learnt during the training, what doubts and questions they still have, how they feel within the group etc. Ask them to join the train and draw themselves according to this reflection: they can choose the colours, their location, their shape etc. and they have to put two comments as well, one positive and one negative, about the training course. Once everyone finished, invite to share the evaluation if somebody wants to comment or explain it.


Part 2: SUSTAINABILITY AND EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABILITY Title: The Survival of countries Tool type Competition/Reflection/Cooperation Activity about sustainability, international relations Tool topic/s Sustainability, international relations Aim To understand sustainability as the product of a complex system that starts with personal and collective attitudes and which includes economic relations, international relations, (and specifically north/south) environment, history, etc. Material needed Chairs (one for each participant), sticks (around 10 per participant); markers, flipchart Duration Around 45-60 minutes Description The activity is played in 3 phases, and each phase has several rounds (for example 4 or 5). There is a flipchart prepared, with a table, where the facilitator will write the results of each round, and each phase. Participants sit on chairs, in a circle, but looking outside the circle (not within). They are told these instructions: “Each of you is a country (tell me the country you are). Your responsibility is to survive. You will close your eyes and we will throw these sticks to the floor, and when I say “now!” you (can open your eyes and) will have to go as fast as possible and take the sticks you need to survive; when I say “stop!” you won't be allowed to take any more sticks. You need 4 sticks to survive. If you don't get the 4 sticks, your country will die, and you won't be able to participate until the next phase”. When the participants tell the country each represent, the facilitator writes it on the tables of the flipchart. They can take more than 4 sticks if they want. We don't encourage nor discourage them to do so...we don't want to give more instructions than the given ones. Despite this, the facilitator will adopt the tone of a contest, to stimulate their attitude. Once instructions are told and sticks (around 15 per participant) are thrown on the floor (sticks are thrown unequally around the participants), participants get them, and we say “stop!”, it will be time to count the results. One facilitator will write the results; those participants who have less than 4 sticks are eliminated, and the facilitator tells it with big grief. Those who took 4 are correct. And those with more than 4 are received with surprise and admiration (“wow! They took that many!! - we never say that it is good or bad-). PHASE 1 Game is played as explained. Once we counted the results, we take all the sticks, and they are removed (they only know it after it happens in the first round). The new round is with only the sticks still on the floor. At the end of the established number of rounds for the phase, we count how many countries survived, how many died. After that, we start the next phase, again with all the participants. PHASE 2 After the 1st round, we explain them that those who took more than 4, now they have an advantage: we will say a first “now!”, when only them will go for the resources; and a second “now!” when the ones who only survived with 4 will be able to go as well for the resources. At the end of the established number of rounds for the phase, we count how many countries survived, how many died. After that, we start the next phase, again with all participants. PHASE 3 The same as PHASE 2, but after each round, we will throw again to the floor half of the sticks the participants took. At the end of the established number of rounds for the phase, we count how many countries survived, how many died. ANALYSIS • What were the results on each phase? (how many countries survived until the end? How many survived at least 2 phases? Any phase with all surviving?) -participants shall note that the “death” of one country is already a failure...and most of them die...• Do you think each phase has a correspondence with historic phases? (which ones? It is supposed to be pre-industrial societies -they just used the resources; industrialised societies -those with benefits can invest to create technology and have an advantage; post-industrial societies • What is it that motivated the death of the countries? More than the scarcity of resources, it will be


the use of them, the attitude towards them (excessive consumption, competition against others, …) and the other countries, that motivated the death. Did anybody try to change behaviour? What happened then? Were there at any moment dynamics of cooperation? Which alternatives could have arisen? (collaboration-solidarity; sustainable consumption; de-growth; education for sustainability -telling the others that this way is going to kill them all...) When do we change our behaviour? (After experiencing things that are going wrong, we ACTIVATE OUR CRITICAL THINKING). Is it enough to recycle to survive?? What else can be done??

• • • • •

Title: Walking Gallery Tool type Interactive presentation Tool topic/s Reference definitions and documents about sustainability Aim To introduce common meanings and concepts of sustainability Material needed Quotes about sustainability, pens, markers Duration 40 minutes Description Preparation The trainer puts on the walls of the working room different quotes about sustainability (available on: Activity Description The participants are asked to walk individually through the working room and to read carefully the quotes and definitions on the walls. Then they can add questions and their reflections directly on the sheets with the phrases that they find more attractive or controversial. After half of hour they join the plenary and share their opinions and notes with the group. Title: Snow Ball about sustainability Tool type Work in groups and presentation in plenary Tool topic/s Culture Aim To make participant share their definition of “sustainability”; to make them share different points of view and search for common points and differences Material needed Post it, paper, pens, flipcharts and markers Duration 60 minutes Description Each participant receives a post it and a pen. Each one has 3 minutes to write on the post it what “sustainability” is. Then groups of 2 participants are created. They have to present their 2 definitions and discuss them, finding common aspects and they have to create a new, single, definition. They have at disposal 6 minutes. Then groups of 4 participants are created (a group of 2 is mixed with another group of 2). They have to present their 2 definitions and discuss them, finding common aspects and they have to create a new definition. They have at their disposal 8 minutes. Then groups of 8 participants are created (a groups of 4 is mixed with another group of 4). They have to present their 2 definitions and discuss them, finding common aspects and they have to create a new definition. They have at their disposal 12 minutes. Then groups of 16 participants are created (a groups of 8 is mixed with another group of 8). They have to present their 2 definitions and discuss them, finding common aspects and they have to create a new, single, definition. They have at their disposal 16 minutes. In plenary the two groups present their definition. Key questions for the debriefing: How was the process? How was the cooperation within the group? – Did every body participate? Was it hard to find common definitions? Did you change your opinion about sustainability? Did you agree with the new definitions? Title: Gincana in 4 stations Title Methods in 5 stations Tool type Interactive workshop Tool topic/s Different non formal education methods Aim To deepen the different non formal education methods that can be used during training Material needed Available on:


Duration 60 minutes Description Different stations in different rooms are created, each one representing a different non formal education method that can be used during trainings, workshops and non formal education activities. The different stations could be, e.g. team building, role play games, simulations, moving debates …. In each station there is a trainer. Different groups are created (no more than 5-6 participants each), each group has to follow a different rotation so that all the different stations can be visited. In each station a group meet a trainer that is presenting, in interactive and dynamic way the method. Space for questions, examples and discussions have to be left. Move to change the world Stop 1. Reduce pollution and consumption Facilitator explains the 3 R (recycle, re-use, reduce), and plays “The story of Stuff”. Action: With the garbage they have to find things to re-use, re-cycle: wallet with tetra-brick; toys with bottles, etc. Stop 2. Change consumption (ecological, local, markets, social products, fair trade, renewable energies, re-usable materials, sustainable transports,...) Make a change in consumption in an international event. Your recommendations will be sent as possible guidelines to international networks for when they organise activities. List areas where we consume during an international event/training (food, materials, travel, water, energy, etc.). Propose 5 alternatives considering these areas of consumption. Stop 3. Transformative Actions Actions can be done integrally; system they used. Transition Towns, examples Establish yourselves your plan for transitions Stop 4. Education for Sustainability Make an activity to raise awareness: a poster, etc. Make the wishes of the World Tanabata Action. Explain the World Tanabata Action


Part 3: BE THE TRAINER: LET’S DO IT! Title: Trainer-Facilitator Tool type Brainstorming in groups and plenary Tool topic/s Trainer role and facilitator role in a training course Aim To make participants analyse and share the differences between the role of a trainer and of a facilitator. The activity is propaedeutic for the workshop “Tool Kits in Practice” and specifically in the definition of the roles within the pool in order to keep a good balance Material needed Paper, pens, flipcharts, markers Duration 45 minutes Description Participants are divided in 5 groups, each group has the following task: discuss, share and define the differences between the role of trainer and the role of facilitator and to fix them in a flipchart. Then every group presents in plenary. The pool will facilitate the discussion and the definition of differences between the two different roles. What is a workshop – what is a training? Tool type Short presentation in plenary Tool topic/s Differences between a training course and a workshop Aim To make participants aware of the differences between a training course and a workshop. The activity is propaedeutic for the workshop “Tool Kits for ESD” Material needed none Duration 15 minutes Description The pool shares in plenary the difference between a training course and a workshop. Time for questions and comments from the participants is left. Title: Launch of proposals + matching + group creations Tool type Individual work Tool topic/s Selection of the training ideas the participants will work on Aim To launch different project proposals; to choose 4 project proposals Material needed Pens, papers, flipcharts (they have to be already prepared with the participants names in the different squares), colours and markers Duration 60 minutes Description Trainers introduce the activity to the group: Step 1: each participant should think about a training course (maximum 5 days) about environmental issues, sustainability and education for sustainability and has to define the following aspects on a piece of paper: - Title; - Specific topic within the macro-areas indicated; - Aim; - Target; - Short description and outcomes Step 2: each piece of paper, with the project proposal, is stuck on the wall Step 3: each participant has to carefully read the different project proposals, than will receive 3 post it and has to choose the 4 project proposals more interesting Step 4: matching and creation of the 4 groups that will work on the project implementations APPENDIX - GUIDE to design and implement your training activities Design the main framework for your workshop/training Choose your topics and your main aims; Define your goals; Choose the target/profile of participants you make the workshop for (age, experience, social background, specificities,...); Choose the context (place to make it, if it is an isolated session or in the middle of a training, or in the middle of a project about something, or... etc.). Work on the topic and on the training: Find information about the topic, related to your goals; Find, compare, analyse, create and choose activities and tools that are helpful and adequate for you and


your training. B 1. Define the structure of the training/workshop (introduction, activities, evaluation, breaks, etc.); taking in account: the needs as the group; the needs for the topic, the situations in terms of comfort of the participants (comfort, stretching, crisis, panic zones), attention, etc. B 2. Define the main topics and “messages” to work on at each activity. B 3. Analyse and prepare in depth each of the activities: Play them; See what and how it comes out; See the needs and risks; See how they fit in the process you want to create. B 4. Check again the whole evolution of the training, from the introduction to the conclusions; from the getting to know each other to the final goodbye. Work on the pool of trainers roles in the pool; who makes what; who is involved in each activity. Prepare each activity Logistics: What materials do you need? Which kind of room? When do we start? Etc. Play the games and rehearse: so that everybody in charge is aware on how it goes and what can happen; Prepare the general introduction and the general conclusion. E. Prepare a short presentation and a short summary for everyone Tool Kits for EDS in practice Tool type Work in groups Tool topic/s Setting of a training course and tool kit preparation Aim To make participants practically experiment how to structure a training course; to make the experiment non formal education activities, as trainers and as a participants; to make them concretely experiment non formal education working methods; To make them in condition to: • Organize a training; • Organize a workshop; • Create one specific tool kit; • To implement the activity with an international group; • To evaluate the experience Material needed Paper, pens, flipcharts, markers, colours, glue, scissors, ropes, elastic, clothes …. Duration 180 + 180 minutes Description Presentation of the activity to the group: These will be the tasks for each group: 1. Short presentation: prepare a short presentation and a short summary of your work for everyone. The presentation will be afterwards introductive for the activity run the day after “presentation of the training and tool kit assessment”; 2. Preparation of the tool kit: each group has to prepare one non formal education activity-tool kit; 3. Rehearse: each group has to choose the proper space, to check materials and to rehearse the activity Title: Presentation of the training and tool kits assessment Tool type Work in groups Tool topic/s Non formal education activities – setting of a training course Aim To make participants practically experiment how to structure a training course; to make the experiment non formal education activities, as trainers and as a participants; to make them concretely experiment non formal education working methods; To make them in condition to:


Organize a training; Organize a workshop; Create one specific tool kit; To implement the activity with an international group; To evaluate the experience Material needed Paper, pens, flipcharts, markers, colours, glue, scissors, ropes, elastics, cloths …. Duration 240 minutes Description Presentation of the training: each group will make a short presentation of the training and of the agenda (60 min); Tool kit assessment: the 3 groups will have approximately 2 hours for playing the activities as trainers and as participants. NOTE: it’s scheduled a rotation in the groups so that each one can play the activity as a pool of trainers with another group (participants) and can take part in one activity (played by another group – pool of trainers) as a participant. It’s also expected some video shooting during the different activities the video will be afterwards edited and uploaded with the tool kit, so that there could be a visual support to explain them. Here is one example in the group division: group A B+C group B A+C group C A+ C Key questions for the debriefing: How was the cooperation within the group? How was the roles division within the pool? How the activities have been presented? Do you think some logistic aspects could be changed or modified? Were the working methods experimented really effective? Do you think some working methods could be changed or modified? Closure: at the end of the entire activity the group will be back in plenary for the general conclusions.

Videos of some activities on non formal education and sustainability are available here: Day 1: Day 2: Learning styles: Sustainability: Energizers, supertrainers!: Strip cartoons, One Step Forward: Gincana in 4 stations:


Part 4: Tools created by participants This part of the toolbox includes the workshops that were created and run by the participants during the last two days of the training course. Workshop N1: Green Town (SD transportation practices) Watch the workshop online: Tool type Workshop: Energizer, working groups, creative interactive presentation Tool topic/s Sharing Practices about transportation patterns Aim • To share knowledge from applied practices related to transport patterns • To share knowledge between participants and share their experiences • Develop a global concept of sustainability in three dimensions: environmental, social and economic Material needed Written instructions for the steps of the group activities: Activity 1:YOU HAVE 10 MIN, YOUR MISSION IS TO WRITE DOWN THE LONGEST LIST OF SPECIFIC EXAMPLES OF GOOD PRACTICES YOU SAW, HEARD OR EXPERIENCED RELATED TO SUSTAINABLE PRIVATE TRANSPORTATION IN TOWN. (The text was given in printed form, white papers and colourful pens) Activity 2: CHOOSE TWO PRACTICES OF YOUR LIST AND WRITE DOWN THE POSITIVES AND NEGATIVE IMPACT ON ENVIRONMENT, ECONOMY AND SOCIETY-CULTURE. YOU HAVE 15 MIN. (The text was given in printed form, white papers and colourful pens) For this task we ask the participants to write the positive and negative environmental, economic and social impacts of two practices that would like to analyze further. We provide them an A5 page as it is showed in the following picture. Activity 3:YOU HAVE 10 MINUTES TO PREPARE A PRESENTATION OF ONE OF THE TWO EXAMPLES YOU MADE IN THE PREVIOUS ACTIVITY. YOUR PRESENTATION WILL LAST MAX 3 MINUTES. YOU CAN CHOOSE TO DO: A FROZEN IMAGE WITH AN NARATOR, OR A VISUAL POSTER WITH A NARATOR. (The text was given in printed form, white papers and colourful pens) Duration 1 hour and 30 minutes. Description 5 min: energizer “bang bang”: the participants are in a circle, a person is in the middle, point out at one person that goes down the 2 person around have to shoot each other by saying “bang”, the slowest go out of the circle. The activity goes on until there is only one person left. 5 min: brainstorming about “ transport” in plenary. First we remind few rules to participants: say everything that comes to your mind, do not comment on the other words, speak one after another. 5 min: presentation of the topics and objectives of the workshop: the key words are written on a paper each and shown to the participants. Topics: transport/ sharing/sustainability Objectives: to gain ideas/ develop systemic thinking/ to share experiences. 5 min: group division according to the colours on the papers that each participant get 45 min: working group about transportation. This activity is divided in 3 steps: 1st step: each group get the instructions of task 1 (see “materials needed”) and has 10 min to do it 2nd step: instructions for task 2 (see “materials needed”) and a table to support the reflection 3rd step: instruction for task 3 Then the whole group gather and each team present the results of the task 3. At the same time the participants make the presentation one of the trainers collects the results of task 1 and create a mind map with it. 30 min: debriefing presentation of the mind map: where did you find the good practices, are they implemented in your towns? Countries? Did you hear about new ones? How was it to analyse the practices in term of positive and negative aspects? 5 min: opening to the topic of the training: as future multiplier do you think this activity answered the objectives?


Workshop N2: Eco Pictures Watch the workshop online: Tool type Brainstorming and group activities, energizer Tool topic Links between sustainability and eco-farming Aim To gain knowledge about eco-farming Materials needed flip chart, 50 post-its, markers, 2 cameras, 1 computer, projector, 4 papers (with 4 dimensions each), white board, a hat Duration 90 minutes Description Energizer (10 minutes) In circle we will do a small game to get to know each other better. Name game with gestures Post-it Brainstorming (15 minutes) Link the previous discussion of sustainability dimensions with the idea of eco-farming. We provide the participants with the instructions and explain them what exactly they are supposed to do. On the white board we have written all four dimensions of sustainability and in the middle we have the idea of eco-farming. (look the draw). We ask them to connect this idea with all the dimensions. We give each participant five post-it and explain them that they need to write a word or a short sentence about their thoughts. Then we ask them to place their post-it on the white board to the right dimension. When they are all finished we do a small summary on what it is written on every dimension on the white board. Creating groups for the picture activity (5 minutes) Organize two groups, in each group pick two papers from a bag with the 4 dimensions and receive the post-it front those dimensions. They have to link those dimensions with eco-farming. For make the groups the people will chose between: -organic wine or -organic beer. Picture activity (25 minutes) Two trainers will join the two groups to help them in the process. The group will discuss about the words that they get it and how they can link the dimensions. The group have to make three pictures that show three different links between two dimensions and eco-farming. Debriefing and conclusion (30 minutes) We all create a circle. Each group will show the pictures one by one and ask for the another group what they think the pictures mean. The group that took the picture will explain their own concept. There will be the same dynamic with the second group. After this the trainers will address certain questions to reflect on the activity. 1) The group will explain why they chose this pictures. Why is it important? 2) The picture would be the same if you was thinking about a conventional farm? 3) Can you link the picture with two other dimensions? 4) What did you discover about eco-farm? Conclusion So far we have managed some how to connect the idea of eco-farming with all the dimensions of sustainability and tomorrow we will have more time to go deeper and discover more practical ways to become ECO-FARMERS. Workshop N3: Ideal green House Watch the workshop online:


HOSTING AND COORDINATION: YAP -Youth Action for Peace- Italy POOL OF TRAINERS: Stefano Varlese, Sara Mandozzi, Luca Elec,

Oriol Josa



Liza Zaytseva and the staff of Centro Informagiovani del Comune di San Giorgio a Cremano

PARTICIPANTS: Mária Kleinová, Matúš Lukačin, Dragos-FlorinBarbu, Ionela Panait, Ana María Hernández Ardila, Javier Fraile Moya, Tünde Horváth, Csilla Gyarmati, Laetitia Barbry, Maimouna Kaba, Benoit Satin, Dorian Ide, Ioannis Chamilos, Maria Dimitrakopoulou, Roberto Meloni, Alžbeta Hrušovská

Publication edited by: Liza Zaytseva All videos have been shot and edited by Alžbeta Hrušovská


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