Eco-schools slide show
The Story so far ...
Competition Entries Recycling Ink Cartridges, plastic bottles and paper Eco-Cake Stalls in Eco-weeks Reduce Food Waste Week Eco-fashion competitions Eco-kids recycling Bird and Bat boxes Eco-code Teacher competition entries Donating gardening equipment
Competition Entries
Eco-statue competition winner
Reduce energy waste poster winners
Eco-product recycling competition entries 2010-2011
Recycling plastic bottles!
Eco-week cake stalls
Eco-week cake stalls
Home baked Ecocakes
Fairtrade Hot Chocolate
Reduce Food Waste Week Please take the portion size you would like Why? – We would like to raise awareness about how food wastage affects us. In raising awareness and acting upon it, we will be helping our environment and saving money at the same time.
Garments from first Eco-fashion Show 20092010
Eco-Fashion Show competition entries 2010-2011
Eco-Fashion Show competition winning entries 2010-2011
Eco-Fashion Show competition winning entries 2010-2011
Eco-Fashion Show competition entries 2011-2012
This years winners in the Eco-Fashion Show competition with an Olympic Theme!
Eco-kids recycling materials
Yarm School pupils build Bat and Bird boxes for the school grounds.
Yarm School’s Eco-code – produced by the pupils.
Turn the lights off when not in use
Yarm School Eco-code Put things that can be recycled in a recycling bin
Bring in ink cartridges to recycle
DON’T WASTE FOOD. Eat what you take
Look after school property
Make sure you turn taps off
Put your litter in the bin
Respect and care for all areas
Yarm School pupils wear green for nonuniform day to help promote Eco-schools.
Teacher competitions –Fairtrade Banana competition and Bio-pac Eco-cup competition.
Eco-warrior dance produced in Eco-week in activities!
Yarm School Eco-reps donate gardening equipment to the prep school pupils.
Yarm School Eco-reps donate gardening equipment to the prep school pupils.
Yarm School Eco-reps donate a composter to the pupils at Yarm at Raventhorpe.
Eco-schools slide show
The Story so far ...
Competition Entries Recycling Ink Cartridges, plastic bottles and paper Eco-Cake Stalls in Eco-weeks Reduce Food Waste Week Eco-fashion competitions Eco-kids recycling Bird and Bat boxes Eco-code Teacher competition entries Donating gardening equipment