Yarm School Magazine 2009-2010

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Magazine Peru

Reaching for the sky on our trip of a lifetime Sporting Yarm

Academic Yarm

Musical Yarm

Our successes across a range of sports

Oxbridge and A* achievements for our top students

High notes with opera, guitar, drums and a gala concert


Yarm redevelopment work gathers pace: page 7

This is why Yarm is so special‌ It always gives me great pleasure to write the foreword to the Yarm School magazine because it encapsulates all that is so special about the school. We are fortunate to have wonderful teachers and support staff who do such an excellent job. The school is full of pupils who contribute enthusiastically and achieve such great things. They are all a pleasure to work with and a source of great pride to me. The school year 2009-10 was packed with pupil endeavour and successes across our mind-boggling range of activities. Our new marketing manager, Lynsey Hannah, has done a superb job recording and reporting on as much of it as can be squeezed into this publication and I thank her for all her hard work. Sport, music, drama, CCF, outdoor education, trips and House reports are all represented, along with a record of the amazing redevelopment programme and appreciations of retiring Governors and staff. As you turn the pages and immerse yourself in the activity of the year I hope you will feel a little of the pride that I have in the school and all who belong to our friendly and supportive community. Enjoy our magazine!

A welcome from the Mayor in Lisieux: page 34

Combined Cadet Force on the march: page 50

David Dunn Headmaster

2 Yarm School Magazine 2009/10



Peru – adventure to the top of the world: page 12

Total white-out: page 17

Amadeus and a year for drama: page 23

Experiencing the rain in Spain: page 35

Our own General Election: page 40

Fashion on parade: page 46

Netball teams’ winning ways: page 54

Serving up great tennis: page 59

Exam success: page 70

Inside this year’s Magazine Foreword.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Contents.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Hellos and Goodbyes.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4, 5, 6 Redevelopment .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 8 Discovery day.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Sixth Form barbecue.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Outdoor education.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Peru.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 13 Fontainebleau.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Joshua Tree.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Junior caving.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 16 Winter skills.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Skiing.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 18, 19 Music.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 20, 21 Macbeth.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Amadeus.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 100 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Duologues .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Aidan.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 26, 27 Bede.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 28, 29 Cuthbert.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30, 31 Oswald .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 32, 33 Languages .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34, 35 www.yarmschool.org

Dove marine laboratory/Barcelona.. .. .. 36 Art .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 37 Art GCSE and A-level.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 39 Politics.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Hadrian’s Wall/Italy.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Arkwright Scholars/D&T.. . . . . . . . . . . 42, 43 Eco Schools.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 44, 45 Fashion show .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Dance Showcase/History Society .. . . . . . 47 Duke of Edinburgh.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Outward Bound.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Combined Cadet Force.. . . . . . . . . . . 50, 51 Rugby.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52, 53 Netball .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 54, 55 Hockey .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 56, 57, 58 Tennis/rowing/cricket.. . . . . . . 59, 60, 61, 62 Sport achievements.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 63 Sports day.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 64, 65 Leavers’ day .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 66, 67 Yarm School Association .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 68 Academic round-up.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 69 Exam results.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 70 School appointments.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71



Thanks to Yarm School staff, parents and pupils who have contributed to this year’s magazine. ©Yarm School 2010 Editor: Lynsey Hannah LJH@yarmschool.org


Art director: Tim Moat tim@timmoat.co.uk

Reaching for the sky on our trip of a lifetime Sporting Yarm

Academic Yarm

Musical Yarm

Our successes across a range of sports

Oxbridge and A* achievements for our top students

High notes with opera, guitar, drums and a gala concert

Project manager: Annie Backhouse-Cook www.navigategroup.co.uk

Yarm School Magazine 2009/10 3

Moving in and moving on Maths at Yarm School examines subtractions… Goodbye to… Mr Graham Cooper Mr Graham Cooper is retiring after 25 years at Yarm School! Mr Cooper joined the Maths Department at Yarm School in 1984 from Gordonstoun School and has taken the department from strength to strength as Head of Mathematics. Mr Cooper has been a pioneering Head of Department, choosing to introduce the IGCSE syllabus and modular assessments at a very early stage in their existence. Modular assessment was considered revolutionary at the time, however is now considered the norm for all A-levels. All of the changes within the maths syllabus were introduced by Mr Cooper with a view to maximising the outcome for each individual pupil. The Maths Department has had a great deal of public attention. In 2002 Mr Cooper discovered a flaw in the Edexcel maths examination, questions that were impossible to answer. Earlier this year, the school was highlighted in the press when six students received the new A* grade in their A-levels in March! Mr Cooper leaves the Maths Department in a very strong position and we thank him for all his hard work. We hope he has a very long and happy retirement and that he enjoys having more time to dedicate to his golfing passion!

Mrs Lilian Jackson Mrs Lilian Jackson’s first visit to Yarm School was in 1991, for a regional meeting of Mathematics for Education and Industry (MEI). Yarm School had introduced the MEI GCSE syllabus a few years earlier and had just got involved in the launch of the first modular A-level syllabus in the UK. Mrs Jackson was impressed enough to adopt the MEI A-level syllabus at her school, Acklam Sixth Form College. She then

We say goodbye and wish good luck to Matthew Thomas, our gap year assistant. Matthew has been a tremendous help to the Sports Department over the last year and we wish him well as he departs for university.

4 Yarm School Magazine 2009/10

made her first attempt to take early retirement; however, Yarm School was in need of a part-time maths teacher. The rest as they say ‘is history’ – or should that be mathematics? Yarm School has since benefited from Mrs Jackson’s exceptional skills and enthusiasm. It is rare for a maths teacher to excel at all aspects of teaching, but whether it is at Oxbridge level or extra help for Middle School pupils, Mrs Jackson has a host of grateful ex-pupils. Lesson time was only the beginning and extra help in lunch times or ‘free’ periods was always given willingly, and there was always a queue. Mrs Jackson made her second attempt to retire at the ‘usual’ teacher retirement age but less than a year later we were able to tempt her back. Her third attempt may succeed. However, Yarm School may not have seen the last of Mrs Jackson. Enjoy your retirement, Lilian, and many thanks from all your pupils and fellow Maths Department colleagues.

Mrs Findlay and Mr Cooper celebrate at their last heads of department meeting. Mrs Findlay is stepping down after 25 years as Head of Art, but remaining at the school part-time

Showcase is in no small part due to her perceptive choreography and formidable organisational skills. Miss Holloway is moving on to take up the post of Head of Girls’ Games at Mowden Prep School,

situated between Hexham and Newcastle. Clare leaves us in a very healthy position in terms of girls’ sport and she will be missed. Good luck for the future!


Mr Doug Jardine Mr Doug Jardine joined the Maths Department in 2005. In the last four years at the school he has been involved in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme and rugby coaching, as well as contributing as a valued member of the department. Whilst at the school Mr Jardine became a father to twins! Mr Jardine leaves us to join Royal Grammar School, Newcastle, where he will be closer to his family. We wish him and his family good luck for the future.

Miss Clare Holloway Miss Clare Holloway joined Yarm School PE Department in 2005. In the last four years she has been a valued member of the PE Department and worked tirelessly at improving netball in particular. This year the school has had the best results ever for netball between January and March. Whilst at the school Miss Holloway led numerous sports tours for hockey and netball, which included visiting Holland and Italy. She also accompanied Mr Van Opstal on an expedition to Nepal. The success of the Dance

Dr Bonavia is thanked by Yarm School Headmaster Mr David Dunn for her services to the school

Dr Alison Bonavia stepped down as Chair of Governors at the end of the summer term, to be replaced by Ms Catherine Evans who has been a member of the Board since January 2005. Dr Bonavia has been most generous in her support of the school, loyally attending a wide range of events and sports fixtures as well as chairing countless meetings. On behalf of the school, we thank Dr Bonavia for all her very hard work. Retiring from the Board this year are Mr Bill Pickersgill and Mrs Carol Scholes. Both governors, former Yarm School parents, have given many years’ service to the school, enthusiastically supporting all that we do. We are tremendously grateful.


Moving in and moving on

Welcome additions to our mathematics department Welcome to… Mrs Melanie Pallister We are delighted to announce the appointment of Mrs Melanie Pallister, who joins Yarm School all the way from Malawi to take up the role of Head of Mathematics. She will be replacing Mr Cooper who retired at the end of the summer term. Mrs Pallister was born in Richmond, North Yorkshire, but moved to Egglescliffe when she was 18 months. She was educated at Butts Lane Primary and Egglescliffe Secondary school. After studying maths at Sheffield University, she set off on her travels visiting: Australia and New Zealand, Argentina, Chile, Peru and Brazil for 18 months. Mrs Pallister has a wealth of teaching experience: for over 20 years she has taught in schools in Sheffield, Botswana, Spain and Malawi. Mrs Pallister joins us from an international school in Malawi, where the students are generally from privileged backgrounds, with many of the school activities revolving around helping others or raising money for local charities. The school starts at 7am and finishes at 12.30pm! Getting up at 5.30am is not something that she will miss about Malawi! Most of her spare time is taken up by family orientated activities, including watching her children take part in a wide variety of sports. One of her principal interests is cooking and baking, which has been known to spill over into her classroom. Another love is dancing; when in Spain, Mrs Pallister attended a variety of classes ranging from Salsa to Flamenco. Since being in Malawi she has taken up the more relaxing pastime of yoga, but has been involved in a couple of dance routines for school entertainment evenings. “This will be my second post taking over as Head of Department, and I am really looking forward to joining the Maths Department at such an exciting time. Combine this with being back at home amongst family and friends, and I just can’t wait!” Mrs Pallister is married to a www.yarmschool.org

Mrs Melanie Pallister

Mr Graeme Addison

Mrs Helen Salvage

maths teacher and they have four children, two girls and two boys. Puzzle: their average age is 15.5 years and there are three years between each of them, so how old are they?

then physics for four years at The Grange School, Cheshire before being promoted to Head of Mathematics at The Grange from where he joins us. “Yarm School seems incredibly similar to my current school in terms of academic ability and philosophy.” Mr Addison has enjoyed many school trips including sweating in the rain forest and then diving off the coast of Honduras, helping with a desert ecology survey in Egypt followed by diving in the Red Sea; and a month in Ecuador with students working towards their Gold Duke of Edinburgh award. He is married, with two children and a cat. In his spare time he enjoys running, listening to music and reading, as well as programming and solving hard sums. Mr Addison would love to build a kit car and dive with sharks.

the Maths Department this year. Educated locally, she went on to Manchester University, where she gained a BSc Honours degree in physics. After working for the steel and nuclear industries, Helen decided to study for a PGCE, in 1987, at the University of Durham. After teaching mathematics in the UK for ten years, she emigrated with her family to Australia. Whilst in Sydney she studied a distance learning MBA with Durham University in addition to teaching mathematics. Since returning to the UK, she has taught mathematics at the University of Durham and Prior Pursglove Sixth Form College. Mrs Salvage lives in North Yorkshire with her husband, Owen, and two children Christian and Kate aged 12 and nine. “I am very much looking forward to joining the Mathematics Department at an exciting time in the school’s development.”

Mr Graeme Addison Mr Graeme Addison returns to the North East to take up the position of maths teacher at Yarm School. Born in Hartlepool, he attended school and college in the region before moving on to Lancaster for university. He gained a degree in mathematics and theoretical physics, which by his own admission is “probably the geekiest degree ever”. After leaving university, Mr Addison worked in the defence industry for a short time as a systems engineer in electronic warfare before going to York to study for his PGCE. He has now been teaching for 18 years, teaching mathematics and physics for 10 years at William Hulme’s Grammar School in Manchester,

Mrs Helen Salvage Mrs Helen Salvage also joins

Changes Mrs Louise Findlay Mrs Louise Findlay steps down at the end of term from her position as Head of the Art department which she has held for 25 years. Mrs Findlay has overseen

impressive development within the department, which has grown significantly over the years. Art is flourishing at Yarm School and standards are very high as those who visited the excellent recent

exhibition of pupils’ work will agree. We are delighted that Mrs Findlay will remain with us, on a part-time basis, working under the new Head of Art, who will be Ms Liz Stebbings.

Yarm School Magazine 2009/10 5

Moving in and moving on Changes

Headship for Mr Boddy Mr David Boddy

Dr Arran Tulloch

Mrs Helen Blakemore

Miss Samantha Cottrell

Mrs Donna Morgan

Wide array of talent joins Yarm School Dr Arran Tulloch The Chemistry Department welcomed Dr Arran Tulloch to Yarm School during the summer term. He joined us from Northallerton College. Norfolk-born Dr Tulloch studied chemistry at Somerville College, Oxford, where he was part of the first intake of men to the college. He then went on to study for a PhD in catalysis at Southampton University. He worked within the chemical industry as a research manager for about eight years before deciding to change careers and move into teaching. He chose to study for his PGCE at York University. Dr Tulloch brings significant practical knowledge and experience to the Chemistry Department. Dr Tulloch is the proud parent of three sons, of whom two are identical twins born over the summer holidays. Congratulations! In his spare time he enjoys getting out on the river for canoeing or kayaking, as well as enjoying hill walking and rock climbing. An interesting fact about Dr Tulloch is that he can complete a Rubik cube in less than two minutes! Anyone up for a challenge?

Mrs Helen Blakemore Mrs Helen Blakemore joins the English Department this year. She originally comes from Newport, South Wales, where she was born and lived for the first 18 years of her life before leaving to go to university. She read English literature at the University of Southampton, followed by 6 Yarm School Magazine 2009/10

completing a PGCE (secondary) English at the University of the West of England, Bristol. Still not tired of studying, Helen is currently completing a dissertation for an MA in Teaching and Learning at the University of Reading. Mrs Blakemore has six years’ teaching experience, including three years at a state school (Denefield School) in Reading. She also taught for a year at an international school in Colombo, Sri Lanka and another year at an international school in Kitwe, Zambia. Since returning to the UK last year, she has undertaken maternity leave cover at St Peter's School, York and Teesside High School, Eaglescliffe. “Having met a number of members of staff and several students at interview, I am very excited about beginning work at Yarm School. I am particularly looking forward to working with my colleagues in the English Department on the numerous theatrical productions they have planned!” Mrs Blakemore currently lives in Durham with her husband, David. She enjoys attending the theatre and concerts. She also enjoys keeping fit and regularly goes to the gym. Before working abroad, Mrs Blakemore completed two half marathons – now she is permanently settled in the UK, Mrs Blakemore hopes to resume this hobby.

Miss Samantha Cottrell Miss Samantha Cottrell joins the school’s PE department this year. Educated in West Sussex, she went

onto De Montford University, where she gained a degree in physical education. Miss Cottrell joins us from Egglescliffe School where she has contributed to a wide range of sports including netball, lacrosse, hockey, girls’ football, dance, athletics and tennis. Outside of work she enjoys playing netball and lacrosse to a high standard. Miss Cottrell has led a number of trips including a hockey tour to Ireland and she is looking forward to contributing to the extra-curricular programme at the school.

Mrs Donna Morgan Mrs Donna Morgan joined us in the autumn term as the school receptionist. Since taking up the post she has become a valued member of the school office, as well as collating the school newsletter. Mrs Morgan was born in Burton-upon-Trent and moved to Darlington, when she was five. She studied at Hummersknott School and then went onto Upperthorpe Secretarial College before moving to London to work for the Land and Property Trust and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. After having her son, Jack, Mrs Morgan moved to Spain where she stayed for six years before returning in September 2009. She enjoys reading and dog walking, owning two rescue dogs which she brought from Spain. “I am enjoying the job tremendously, it changes every day, plus I thoroughly enjoy doing the newsletter with Lynsey,” she said.

We congratulate Mr David Boddy on his promotion to the Headship of Yarm at Raventhorpe. Former pupil Mr Boddy has a long history of association with the school. After finishing his education at Yarm School, Mr Boddy headed to Durham University to read English and then completed his PGCE. Four years after leaving the school, he returned as a teacher. As a pupil the young Mr Boddy’s place in Yarm School history is memorably sealed by the fact that he appeared in the very first drama production ever to be performed in what was then the brand-new state-of-the-art school theatre (now the dining hall), As You Like it – directed by Mr Booth. A secondformer at the time, Yarm at Raventhorpe’s new Head played one of the “singing foresters”. Over the last eight years Mr Boddy has made a significant contribution as a member of staff, taking on various roles over his time at the school. His work in the English and Drama Departments has been memorable for all sorts of reasons, including two outstanding drama productions in recent years – Pinter’s “The Birthday Party” and a striking production of Eliot’s “Murder in the Cathedral”, performed not in school but in a local church. Whilst Head of Aidan, David organised an array of fundraising events which included taking on the perennial mammoth task of organising the Aidan House Pensioners’ Christmas Party. The last five years he has been Head of First Year, as well as more recently being an innovative head of general studies. We are delighted he is staying in the Yarm School family, although he will be missed from the Senior School. We wish him every success at Yarm at Raventhorpe.



Superb new facilities are starting to emerge This year has seen significant progress on the School’s redevelopment project. After the closure of the old theatre, a fantastic new dining hall and kitchen were constructed, with a spectacular mezzanine floor providing accommodation for an extended fitness suite and new maths classrooms. This, in turn, made it possible to close the old dining hall and Maths Department ready for the stunning performing arts centre and riverside development.

The Sixth Form centre was refurbished in the new year with a first floor added to provide two classrooms. An impressive department base was also created for the Religious Studies Department in a new second floor of the Tate Building. The grand opening of dining hall was a momentous occasion with celebrity chef, Paul Rankin, visiting the School for the day. Paul provided a series of lessons to both the Prep and Senior pupils in how to make healthy smoothies, as

Artist’s impression of the new riverside development

well as hosting a most enjoyable and hilarious special version of the popular TV programme Ready, Steady, Cook. The Sports Department was thrilled that the performance director for GB Rowing, Mr David

Tanner, agreed to make a rare school visit to open the new fitness suite. David watched closely as pupils competed in an Inter-House ergo competition before officially opening the fitness suite.

On my command… Jack Flannery gets ready to start the demolition work. Right, the winners of the lottery with Mr Dunn and below, the work begins

‘Demolition derby’ is dream come true for Jack To mark the start of the major phase of redevelopment, Jack Flannery fulfilled every schoolboy’s dream – by demolishing his school! The old mathematics classrooms, dining hall, kitchen, first aid room and reception all needed to be demolished to make way for the stunning new riverside development. The winner of the demolition derby lottery, Jack Flannery and two runners-up, Freya Gittens and Thomas Dearlove, met the newly appointed contractors, Miller, for


a special lunch and received their own named visibility jacket, hat and steel toe capped boots. Jack took up his special place on a podium and counted down, instructing the demolition to begin. “I really enjoyed starting the demolition. It was great to see the buildings being torn down.” When Jack was teased that he knocked down the wrong building, he calmed replied, “Oh dear we will just have to rebuild it.”

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Redevelopment Bringing our past to life

Above: laying the multi use games area at the Prep School. Left: the grand opening of the Prep School Hall

Fantastic new hall replaces old gym At the Prep School, January saw the closure and demolition of the old gym, replaced with a fantastic new hall capable of accommodating school performances. After sports day, the old grass playing field was dug up to allow for a wonderful all weather astroturf

pitch. Adjacent to it, there will be new netball courts and carpet cricket nets. Around the whole facility will be an adventure trail which will provide great fun for younger pupils. The entrance to the Prep School has seen impressive new gates installed, which are

electronically and remotely controlled. These will enhance security on the site. To keep up to date with the redevelopment project visit our website www.yarmschool.org where regular updates and photographs will be placed.

Why we are all ‘Going for Gold’

Mr Neville Tate recounts fascinating stories of 21 years as Yarm School’s founding Headmaster in his book “A Story to be Told”. The book recalls the early days of Yarm School which included a band of pioneering parents helping to get the school ready for the first day of term by putting their DIY skills to full use, painting walls and sewing curtains! There are many remarkable stories including priceless accounts of an array of school trips, such as delivering a school bus to India. Mr Tate’s charm, wit and spirit of adventure are evident throughout, in what the D&S Times described as ‘a great story’ and a ‘well crafted tale’. The book is available to buy from the Senior School office, priced £9.95. Email admin@ yarmschool.org to reserve a copy.

Monitor our progress A time lapse camera has been installed to capture the redevelopment work on the riverside development. The images are photographed on a daily basis and uploaded to the School’s website every week as a video. The camera will provide photographic documentation of the project and provides a great opportunity for friends of the school to have a look at the progress. The camera was kindly sponsored by our fantastic design team:

Towards the end of last term the Going for Gold Appeal was officially launched at two highly successful events – the Going for Gold ball and summer gala concert. Next school year we have more Going for Gold events to look forward to. We hope that all members of the Yarm School community will be excited about the forthcoming developments and will join in with the appeal by fundraising, donating, sponsorship, organising and attending events. All of our children are going to benefit hugely from these fantastic new facilities. Spectacular Going for Gold Auction of Promises – Friday 12th November. Don’t miss it – put the date in your diary now! 8 Yarm School Magazine 2009/10


Discovery Day

The adventure begins First Year pupils grasped the opportunity to meet each other, their Tutors and their Head of House at the start-of-term Discovery Day. A variety of team-building exercises, prepared by Mrs Dunn and the Sixth Form House Officers, brought children some dry-land fun, before the raft-building challenge began and things became a little wetter! Under the watchful eye of


Mr Van Opstal, the teams each navigated their way across the river – some more successfully than others, but all in high spirits. Following the raft challenge, pupils took in a scenic walk along part of the Cleveland Way, stopping to admire the stunning views at Carlton Bank, all of which whetted their appetites for the barbecue prepared by the Headmaster back at school. Mr D Boddy

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Sixth Form BBQ

Girls show off their superior strength The new Lower Sixth students marked the end of their first week with the now traditional barbecue. Although this year the weather was not too seasonal, it did not dampen spirits and the marquee was buzzing with news of the first few days. The barbecue was followed by

10 Yarm School Magazine 2009/10

a tug o’ war – the first Inter-House competition of the new academic year. Having finally located the rope, the competitors lined up alongside The Paddock. Rain had unfortunately made the ground more slippery than we might have wished. This year’s champions were Cuthbert House

with a decisive 2-0 victory over runners-up Oswald. The event was rounded off with the boys taking on the girls and the girls extended their unbeaten run despite the boys’ best efforts. You really must read the rule book more carefully, boys! Dr A M Goodall


Outdoor Education

Canoeing in Scotland On Sunday 25 October, we set off on the seven-hour journey to Aviemore in Scotland. The plan was to canoe 114km of the River Spey, which is more or less from source to sea. The next morning we travelled about 27km west of Aviemore, back up the River Spey by minibus, before placing all the kit in the boats and properly starting the adventure. No more than two minutes after actually getting on the water, we managed to capsize our boat! Ian spent several minutes rushing around the river to collect the floating bags, managing to find everything (much to our relief), except a paddle and two of the water bottles. We soon set back off and over the course of the day we managed to paddle 21km, as well as finding all the missing kit. That night we camped not far downstream from Lock Inch. After a rather early start the next morning, we were back on the water for another day’s paddling. Luckily, Tuesday was less eventful than Monday, although it did rain practically all day. After another 28km, we set up camp for the evening and, much to our surprise, the rain stopped.

Another early morning followed with our first real challenge: rapids. We managed to travel much quicker due to the faster flow and in one day completed 45km. We even managed to survive the grade two rapid, the ‘washing machine’. The next morning we set off knowing there was only 20km of the River Spey left to canoe and after only three hours of paddling we reached the sea. On the Friday morning we set off on the long journey back home, having all had a thoroughly enjoyable time and having learnt a lot about canoeing. Caroline Clarke & Isla Gardner

True grit on our Peak District climbing weekend A small group of keen climbers braved the inclement weather and set off for a weekend of grit-stone climbing in the Peak District. After a quick pit stop in Sheffield, we made our way to the


English Mecca of rock climbing and headed to a local hostelry to enjoy the warmth and pit our wits at a pub quiz, which we hopelessly lost! In the morning, much to our surprise, the weather was pleasant and we headed up to Stanage Edge, probably the most famous crag in the country. After a good warm up on ‘the pebble boulder’ we proceeded to the main crag. We were enjoying the climbing so much that the start of rain showers went un-noticed until we were drenched! Retiring to the café, the group were eager to carry on climbing so we headed to the very impressive bouldering wall ‘the works’ where we beasted ourselves until our hands could not hold on any more!

Again retiring to a hostelry for the evening we prepared for the next day’s adventure. With fantastic weather on our sides, we spent a day at Birchen Edge where we climbed all day, bouldering, top roping and also a few lead climbs. All of the group made

significant progress which provided good preparation for the imminent venture across the Atlantic to Joshua Tree and Red Rocks California! Thanks to all the group and Mr Chamberlain for his infectious enthusiasm for all things rock. Mr Van Opstal

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Outdoor Education After goodbye hugs, kisses and even a few handshakes, the 2010 Peru trip got underway in the very early hours of 3 July, with participants boarding the coach to Heathrow. A frankly draining 15 or so hours later, we were in Miami, having missed our connection to Lima. Thankfully, there were two more flights to Lima within hours, which we were swiftly booked onto and, to make up for our troubles, two of us were even upgraded to business class, where we sampled four courses of plane food, were refused champagne and tried hard not to look too out of place. Our staggered arrival times were at unsociable hours, so the next few days were spent recovering in Lima. Many of the boys were too tired even to leave the hotel room for longer than a few hours at a time, instead gathering in one of the hotel rooms and lying comatose in front of the television. Thrilling as this was, the trip really started when we reached Cusco, a city rightly renowned for its mix of South American culture, huge Inca stonework and ruins, and Spanish Imperial churches and cathedrals. Unfortunately, after a few hours, the negative effects of being at 3,400m started to tell, with Robbie Mortimer and Duncan Montgomery being struck down almost completely. After a few days acclimatising to the altitude, wandering around Cusco, and ruthlessly bartering down our souvenirs (except dedicated group philanthropist Jonny Craig, who I would like to thank for his generosity on behalf of Cusco’s poor), we aimed for the first major tourist experience of the trip, Machu Picchu. We arose at an early hour, as our journey was a long one, culminating in an exciting coach ride up to the ruins. High expectations were met, the grassed terraces, irregularly tessellated stonework, mountainous surroundings, and the odd tourist-friendly grazing llama provided ample opportunity for photography. Most of us chose to amble up a rocky path to the Sun Gate, a ruin on a col overlooking the site and provided spectacular views of the surrounding landscape. When we returned to Cusco at midnight we were exhausted, but felt lucky to have experienced a perfectly (and unseasonably) sunny day at one of South America’s great tourist sites. After a day spent at 12 Yarm School Magazine 2009/10

Peru: our adventure to the top of the world Sacsayhuamán, another Inca fortress above Cusco, we packed our bags ready to depart in the morning. A hair-raising bus journey took us to the Apurimac river, where we spent the next three days tackling rapids, falling out while tackling rapids, wistfully watching the

attendant kayakers, attempting to avoid mosquitoes, and picking scorpions out of our wetsuits. Charles Cooper even managed to terrify most of the group by being stung by one, but thankfully seemed unaffected by it. By the end we had enjoyed ourselves fully, formed a well

drilled set of crews, and were rewarded with a gigantic and satisfying barbeque and a hilarious view of James Bennett’s back, sunburnt into a finger painting due to his hasty application of sun cream. We didn’t have long to recover in Cusco before we boarded www.yarmschool.org

Outdoor Education

another coach, this time bound for the small mountain town of Tinki, where we prepared ourselves for the trek ahead of us (a route circling Ausengate, one of Peru’s highest peaks) by playing football against the locals, poker, a Scrabble variant, and drinking excess amounts of Inca Kola. Even on the first day of the trek, our heavy equipment loaded onto a team of horses, and our pace a slow uphill plod, it was clear that this would not be an easy week, with some members of the group clearly not at full strength. As the week wore on almost all, with the exception of that unstoppable beast of burden Richard Les (whose time came later in Cusco), would succumb to some form of illness, but a gritty stoicism


was the general attitude shown. The third day in particular was a struggle for many, but after four hours of trekking we reached our high point for the trip, a windy pass 5,100m above sea level, higher than any of the group had ever been before, Mr Chamberlain and Mr Newman excepted. These character-building trials were rewarded in full, as we experienced a day of being “snowed in”, having nothing to do but throw snowballs and act as an enthusiastic audience for a local musical outfit. Despite the freezing weather, we were kept warm by our superb down jackets and sleeping bags, which were worth every penny of an admittedly large price tag (thanks to parents, relatives

and other donors for your contributions). Refreshed by this, the last three days of trekking were, for all but the unlucky few still ill, both easier and much more scenic, as we passed mountains freshly capped with snow, which could be seen avalanching in the distance. The last two days were almost all downhill and we were rewarded for our perseverance, spending hours in the hot springs in the village where we camped on the last night, and in the morning being treated by our porters, who had somehow managed to bake two large cakes in their camping stoves. After the trek was complete we returned to Cusco tired and happy, ready to gorge ourselves on all-you-can-eat Indian food

(Mr Chamberlain got through four plates, ‘in an effort to regain body mass’), and to celebrate our success in the bars and squares of that ancient city. We returned to an overcast Lima a few days later, having sorted out our various woolly presents, ready to fly back to England. On behalf of all the participants, I would like to thank the teachers involved in making the trip a success and in training us physically beforehand – Mr Chamberlain, Mrs Guest, Mr Newman and of course Mr Van Opstal, who dealt with the stress of leading the trip, and without whose initiative we would not have enjoyed an extraordinary three weeks. Duncan Montgomery

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Outdoor Education


Between a rock… …and a hard place Following on from last year’s successful trip, a keen group of climbers set off across the Channel to burn up all remaining energy of the term in the wonderland of rock that is Fontainebleau. The group spent a fantastic week honing their climbing skills. After a late-night arrival at the campsite, the first morning greeted us with rain on the tents, forcing us to relax into the trip. However, by mid afternoon we had dry rock and we were away! The great thing about Fontainebleau is the wide range of boulders for climbers of all abilities. I would say we were generally climbing mid-range boulders. Within the group over half of the pupils had attended the first trip last year and they quickly passed on the knowledge of the specialities of Fontainebleau rock to the ‘newbies’. The rock is sandstone with seams of quartz. 14 Yarm School Magazine 2009/10

To master this, often strength is not the main component, but controlled, balanced manoeuvres that require the climber to work out exactly where their next move is. It is, to quote Mrs Whitehead, “a three dimensional physical puzzle” and Yarm students demonstrated considerable ability in solving these challenges. Time just seemed to pass by and often we were so carried away with climbing that we didn’t have lunch till gone 3pm! The other great factor of Fontainebleau is the French lifestyle of baguettes, croissants, cheese followed by more cheese with all the students practising their French-speaking skills. We also forced a morning of rest upon ourselves and visited the famous and historic town of Fontainebleau with the rather grand Chateau, one of Napoleon’s old hunting lodges. Mr Van Opstal www.yarmschool.org

Outdoor Education

High climbers JOSHUA TREE At the end of Autumn Term, eight keen climbing students set off on one of my adventures across the Atlantic to Nevada and California. We landed in Las Vegas, picking up a small campervan and people carrier. I had mentioned to the group that the van was ‘individually painted’, though even I was in shock when I saw it; a full-body flower-power van! After my reassurance about how great the weather would be, we woke up on the first morning to snow in the desert and a freezing wind! We decided to head to the sun of the Joshua Tree National Park. It was an amazing drive – quickly leaving the madness of Vegas, we travelled through stunning scenery: travelling on Route 66 for a short distance, driving though salt flats, high Mojave Desert, abandoned mining communities, passing doubledecker trains two miles long and there was even a corner every now and then. On arrival at Joshua Tree, our base for a week, the weather was perfect. Even after several visits to Joshua Tree, it does not lose its initial impact of how unique it is. Millions of yellow sand-coloured rocks of all sizes seemingly


unnaturally stacked everywhere, scattered with the famous Joshua Trees themselves. It is easy to see how many artists come here for inspiration, including U2 back in the 80s. We quickly settled into a routine of desert life and climbing. The rock is monzonite, which is amazingly harsh and fantastic to climb. Towards the end of the trip we moved back towards Vegas, to climb and explore the under-hyped Red Rock Canyon, only 30 miles

from the centre of the chaos on ‘the strip’. The rock here is sandstone and different again to climb, but we set to it with a long day of bouldering! A rest day was required to recharge our batteries and we decided to drive to Hoover Dam. Back at the awesome Red Rocks we had a final day of adventures, with Matthew Hui and Alasdair Scott completing a notable assent of the multi-pitch route, A Cat in the Hat, with Mr Chamberlain. Mr Van Opstal

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Outdoor Education JUNIOR CAVING

Exploring the depths One Friday night, as most people were heading out of school, a young group of students was getting ready to head underground for the majority of the weekend. We headed to Ribblehead Viaduct for the first caving experience of the weekend. It was here that the group stooped, crawled, wriggled and sploshed their way around Runscar and Thistle cave, giving a good introduction to the world of caving and surfacing in the dark – not your normal Friday night. Some fine cooking by the Third

Years set us up for the day and off we went to explore fascinating sights of the Longchurn cave system. Caving is a peculiar activity that requires all manner of skills, from technical rope work and climbing to scientific knowledge about the unusual natural formations, to group trust when getting through the odd ‘tight spot’. I was really pleased with the progress and enthusiasm of the group; and, after reaching the surface by climbing a waterfall, we headed yet again to a more challenging system. Calf Holes was our next venue. After a spot of abseiling into the ‘pot’, we had a brief opportunity for exploring before it was time to ascend a 35ft wire ladder to reach the surface. As the sun set, we headed to the nearby Hoffman lime kiln, which is an open Victorian industrial ruin. On Sunday we kitted up and headed for Calf Holes again, on the side of Pen-y-Ghent. This time though we went in at the resurgence and found our way through the cave via obstacles such as ‘the staircase’ and ‘the letterbox’, the latter resembling the real thing. Mr Van Opstal

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Outdoor Education WINTER SKILLS

White-out We arrived in Aviemore at a rather depressing half-past one in the morning, due to road closures and a five-hour detour. But at a spritely 9.30am we rose out of our beds and lumbered our way down to the kitchen for porridge and corn flakes. After breakfast we had a talk on how to pack our bags, a brief weather report and then we were off into the Scottish Highlands. We arrived at our parking spot and immediately we were all raring to go, the axes were handed out and the group spirit was high. Apart from a small tumble from Greg we all managed to get to the Bothy unscathed! We split into two groups, one with Mr Chamberlain and Tamzin, one of our instructors, and another group with Mr Van Opstal and Mark, another instructor. Both www.yarmschool.org

groups climbed up the hill and then we practised how to stop sliding down a face of a hill (with the

occasional snowball, of course). On day two, one group went ice climbing (Simon Eastham,

Josh Woodward, Josh Sunley and Crayston Renner) and the rest went to build snow shelters in 10ft snow drifts. The ice climbing was quite frightening; due to the snow and pure white sky it was a white-out. My group’s experience started off by standing on an ice ledge which was about 10cm wide, in the freezing cold. Snow and ice, which had been dislodged by Mr Chamberlain kept landing on us, while he climbed higher to set up an anchor point. The ice climbing was extremely cold on the hands, and quite hard work on the legs, but it was thoroughly enjoyable. On the last day we went on a nine-kilometre hike up a mountain and encountered changeable weather, snow blizzards, harsh winds and at times a little bit of sunshine. The entire group made it to the top. Yarm School Magazine 2009/10 17

Junior Skiing You couldn’t describe one best bit, it was all brilliant – Ben Gray

My favourite part was skiing for the first time because I found it really fun! – Kathryn Jackson

My most memorable moment was the first time I shooshed, it felt so fast and fun – Toby A

Slip sliding away The beginning of the February halfterm holidays marked the start of the annual pilgrimage to Austria, by 41 First and Second Year pupils. The journey initially seemed extensive, all the way to Austria by coach, but with modern technology (Nintendo the favourite choice) and sleep we arrived. The hotel, complete with swimming pool, was fantastic! The next morning we set off to ski, arriving at the beginner slopes where everyone warmed up regardless of skill (or lack of). Blessed with fantastic weather and excellent piste conditions, the beginners of the group made good progress. Experienced skiers also got the chance to advance their techniques under the excellent instruction. We filled each day with as much skiing as possible, being first to the slopes and skiing until our legs could take no more! We then headed out for our evening entertainment, the highlight of which was the Tyrolean evening, with Yarm competing in traditional activities of the area against other 18 Yarm School Magazine 2009/10

schools. You would be glad to know that we did Yarm proud, convincingly winning the Yodelling (thanks Charles Guthrie), the sawing (Robin Croft and Ben Gray), second in the milking (Lily Grace Frank and Abigail Riley) and the ski team (Kim and Sam Guest, Milen Patel and Joshua Atkinson). With regards to the other events, we will be practising hard to ensure a clean sweep next year! With skiing being a risky sport the threat of a painful injury is always present, though it was reassuring to know that we had the assistance of Dr and Mrs Croft, a team of two parent doctors on standby. Luckily they had only to deal with minor skiing injuries, the most serious of which was on Mrs Croft herself! We were sad to see Megan Hindmarsh whisked off to hospital under the concern of Dr Croft and Mrs Guest, only to have appendicitis confirmed. But all ended well, with Megan feeling much better and eager to come back skiing next year. Mr Van Opstal www.yarmschool.org

Senior Skiing

The Italian snow job Claviere, Italy was the destination of this year’s Senior Ski trip. Pupils ranged in their skiing abilities from veterans of the slopes to firsttimers. After equipping ourselves for the first day, we headed straight for the slopes. Our second lift saw a number of people destroy their equipment, despite a ski lift sign that read “Lift your poles”! The skiing in Claviere was excellent, allowing us to ski on the slopes in Italy but also to cross the border and ski in France. The day we ventured into France the fog was so thick that it was near impossible to see where the slopes were. Zach Kibirige fell, making a three-foot hole in the snow which he then struggled to get out of for at least 10 minutes! The skiing was outstanding, www.yarmschool.org

although a little hard, due to the snow which had deteriorated into slush on the lower pistes. In spite of this everyone on the trip improved their ability. Most notable of these was Matthew Thomas, who began the week never having skied, yet managed to rise quickly out of the bottom group. After completing the slalom, he confidently predicted he might get a top 10 finish. Matty however lost out to Charles Cooper, who achieved victory overall, and about 24 other people. The week culminated in a karaoke night which saw everyone attempt to sing/murder classics, such as ‘Islands in the Stream’, ‘I Got You Babe’ and ‘Sweet Home Alabama’. Patrick Joyce Yarm School Magazine 2009/10 19


Joy of music spreads throughout school I am proud that music continues to thrive in school; so many pupils have again immersed themselves in performance whether that has been playing a part in an ensemble, performing for a House event, or simply playing for pleasure. A few highlights which I must mention are the Choir’s visit to sing Evensong at York Minster, the Choral Society’s Vivaldi Gloria performance and the Haydn Nelson Mass, Bach and Haydn concerti performed by Andrew Johnson, Jane Perry and Anthony Ferguson. Also, the Telemann concerti performed by

Abigail Gittens and the Telemann Ensemble in the Stockton Young Musicians’ Lunchtime Concert Series, Charlie Vasiliou’s stunning drum kit performance in the national competition, the Junior Orchestra performances including acoustic and rock, the Funk Band in the final end of year concert and the Independent Schools’ Concert in Durham Cathedral. Plus the successes of all the chamber ensembles that have performed on a regular basis throughout the academic year. The orchestral performance at the end of the summer term

of Mussorgsky’s Night on a Bare Mountain was evidence of the high standards of music-making we achieve at Yarm School. The department would not thrive without the commitment of the visiting music teachers and in particular I wish to name Miss Gale, Miss Midgley, Mrs Brett, Mrs Bury, Mr Cull, Mr Haigh and Mr Milgate who joined the staff during the course of the academic year. Mr Dalby, who has taught brass at Yarm for over a decade, decided to seek a career change and we wish him well for the future.

Mr Hall, who has assisted us so competently as an administrator, left after completing his one-year study post. He will be sorely missed and I thank him for the tremendous amount of effort and enthusiasm that he gave to us during his time at Yarm. Finally, I am grateful for the continued support and shared vision received from Miss Robinson, Mr Trotter and Dr Harrison; without their contributions the Music School would not be so rich in musical achievement. Thank you. Mr K R Brown

Performance diplomas for talented musicians Two budding school musicians achieved their Music Performance Diploma this year. Sarah Gardner and Matthew Bonavia achieved this accolade in piano and saxophone respectively. The Music Performance Diploma is a well respected qualification usually taken by older college students. Both Sarah and Matthew endured challenging examinations which involved performing rehearsed pieces of music, answering in-depth questions about composers and playing a piece of grade six music from sight after only

five minutes of preparation. The Music Performance Diploma entitles Matthew and Sarah to use designatory letters after their name: Matthew Bonavia DipLCM and Sarah Gardner DipABRSM. Congratulations to Abigail Gittens who has recently achieved a Music Performance Diploma for playing the recorder from the London College of Music.

Charlie Vasiliou won the Drummer Alliance ‘Beat 2009: Young n Drummer of the Year’ competition. Having played a two-minute original solo without the use of a backing track or metronome. He was the youngest to make the final ten at the age of 12 (the majority of contestants were 16 and 17). Charlie won a snare drum worth in the region of £800 to £1,000. Many previous finalists have gone on to play with wellknown bands including Basement Jaxx, Annie Lennox, Will Young, Mark Ronson and Amy Winehouse.

Durham Cathedral the venue for prestigious concert In the first event of its kind, pupils from Yarm School and nine other independent schools in South Durham and the Tees Valley collaborated in a concert held at Durham Cathedral in support of the Teenage Cancer Trust.

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In total there were 321 pupils, aged from nine to 18, who took part as instrumentalists and singers. The orchestra started with music from Capriol Suite, Crown Imperial, and Night on the Bare Mountain. Following

the orchestra, the concert band played Latin Gold and music from Pirates of the Caribbean. The wellknown and catchy tunes made for a toe-tapping performance. The choir then performed, singing movements from The

Armed Man, The House of the Lord (a piece composed by our conductor, Will Todd), and Zadok the Priest. The choir was the largest ever to perform in the historic cathedral. Alex Bridges



Musical feast at ‘Going for Gold’ concert Senior School ensembles, Prep School ensembles, the School Orchestra and members of the Choral Society all performed in the Going for Gold Gala Concert in June. The concert was the first musical contribution to the Going for Gold campaign which aims to raise funds to add extra-special finishes to our new facilities. The concert was started by a rousing performance of The Dambuster’s March from the School


Orchestra which set the tone for the rest of the evening. Before the interval Father Grieves kindly spoke on behalf of the Going for Gold campaign, complimenting the school on their achievements, both in performing arts and academic. After the interval and afternoon tea, the audience returned to a recent collection of music which included the Funk Band and a Mama Mia medley performed by all the choirs.

The Prep Choristers sang a capella Rhodesian song with Alex Humphrey as leader. They sang confidently, with energy and style. There were also performances from the Prep Brass ensemble and the Prep Orchestra. The united Prep-Senior School concert was a huge success and it will become an annual event. Thank you to Mr Brown, Dr Harrison and their music team for organising a wonderful event.

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The old Dining Hall has seen a number of Gary Booth productions over the years, but Macbeth was arguably the best. He had, like Shakespeare, taken an old text and refreshed it, writing for his cast, making sure that everyone had a good part. Ten witches was a brilliant idea, as were the two gossipy lady courtiers – for those who knew the play well, it was fun to spot where lines had been redistributed, for those who didn’t there was a very clear narrative which skilfully condensed the essence of a difficult play. It was a pleasure to see so many boys and girls in the First Year Drama Club tackling Shakespeare confidently, and enjoying themselves. Mrs S Rea

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Amadeus With a little vision and a lot of graft the Church Hall was transformed, creating an intimate performance space. Carefully placed spots and intense washes of colour brought the world of eighteenth-century Vienna to life. Amadeus is a celebration of Mozart and his music, but crucially it highlights the contradiction between the beauty of his composition and the vulgarity of his character. Peter Shaffer’s portrayal of him may seem exaggerated in its coarseness, but many of the lines in the play are taken directly from Mozart’s letters to his female cousin. The contradiction presents a challenge to the actor playing this role: he must convey his childish exuberance but capture the suffering of his madness and the pain of his death. Matthew Thompson certainly achieved this and his roving eyes, bizarre body-shapes and manic energy,

certainly hit the mark with the audience. His counterpart in much of this humour is Constanze, played by Olivia Darbyshire. The strength of her comic acting lies in exaggerated expression and large gesture, and this, combined with clever timing in response to Matthew, produced some wonderful moments. Amadeus maybe the title, but the story belongs to Salieri, an older contemporary of Mozart’s who claimed on his death-bed to have poisoned his musical rival. He makes a deal with God to be a great composer, but his horror at seeing God’s beauty displayed in the music of the botty-smacking Mozart, produces a jealousy that destroys both him and Mozart. Luke de Belder, with his rich voice and musical sensitivity, was a natural for this role. Many were in awe at his ability to learn all those lines, but what impressed was his ability to inhabit a role so totally

for every second of the play. From the jaw-jutting, restricted drawl of the old man telling his story, to the swagger and poise of his younger self, Luke had it all. This play, however, is a strong company piece and every actor here delivered. The four Venticelli (usually two and usually male), played by Lucy Bourke, Alex de Jong, Juliet Edwards-Heathcote and Laura Franks, just bristled with gossiping energy. They forced the plot forward with their wide-eyed dynamism. Henry Slade, as the Emperor Joseph, commanded attention. Hanky-flicking and slightly manic, he was hilarious. His sycophantic entourage of Richard Hall, Richard Les and Jack Mann were wonderfully mannered. The wigs and make-up helped, but they moved with great poise and worked wonderfully off each other creating independent but complementary rhythms of speech. Mr T Pender

“Mr Pender’s compelling production provided, I think, the most thoughtprovoking evening in a Yarm School Theatre since Cabaret a few years back. This is a play with grown-up themes and ideas. It aims to make us ask many questions of ourselves, and offers no easy solutions or smug consolation to the audience.” www.yarmschool.org

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The fifth form play The audience at the Fifth Form play waited in the church hall, on staged seating, with Library Theatre ‘fringe’ expectations. Would the ‘memory’ of the wit-filled Alex (William Toher) prove sufficient to trigger the camera flash, sealing his existence in eternity as memory-blessed? I hoped so, earnestly (Come on! Stop prevaricating through those edgy comic punchlines!) for I had warmed to the affectionate nature of Nia’s (Emily Folkes) relationship with him. He was all the better for her undiluted love. Wouldn’t she have made a great wife and mother? I think Emily’s own audience-mother would be looking on with a strong sense of knowing this (even with THAT line!). I saw a loving couple’s potential future in their scene, together, in a playground. I can hear their children’s innocent laughter and, for the ‘wise ones’ in the audience, this evoked strong reminiscences of all those fumbles in flirtation, briefly enacted in front of us for OUR personal delight, played out poignantly. War widows come into my mind as I reflect. For I was granted a moment of omniscience, so unlike the everyday me, in the 9:00 til’ 5:00 conundrum. The Advocate in me shouted out, for I was not sure whether this moment of Alex’s death had greater appeal than the life they could have lived together. At this early part of the play, we saw an ensemble piece, crafted to work in interconnectedness. Edward James, for example, with incisive commentary, made the motorbike Grand Prix dream scene memorable! ENTER,

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primitive society! Ketu, played by Jack Petch. (“Look out for Jack as he is in RS, Miss”, said Jess, a loyal supporter from Wednesday evening’s performance.) This scene was a curious, honest without scruple, portrayal of the salvific dimension in the ordinary everyday. This was so well configured by Hera Saqib, as Ketu’s sensible wife, and by the delightful innocents, daughter (Katie Hill – Kate to her REAL mother) and son (Alasdair Bruce). I found the teacher in me thinking, what would we add to this domestic scene when the children left for “school?” Clutching his orange, the clever ensemble sequences encased Ketu’s metaphysical questioning. I was drawn with gravity to this staged impulsion to know how the world works! For a second time, the simplicity of the set, black and white, the light and the dark, struck notes of perfection. I didn’t see PLATO at all at work here: there was no allegory of the cave for me. CURIOUS! Was this because I knew the real Jack,

and “he” always seeks to know? Rather, Ketu’s violent death shook both his mother and the mother in me. Is living a lie worse than a living death? Suicide is an unpalatable truth for any of us. I cannot quite shake this one off...yet. To Sophie (Vidya ShyamSundar). Complemented by remarkable orchestration from Katie, Alasdair, Max Birch and Geoffrey Hazelton-Swales, we see another morality tale open in front of our third eye. I am glad I am a classroom-type person; this office or factory seemed a squalid place in which to eke out a living. Driven by the need for “respect”, our career girl took herself to a haunting emptiness. I am wondering how t’other Mrs (Psychology) Nixon was reading this one. The Freudian father played by Mother (Emma Rettig) added a further blow to grace. We bless our children with ...cancer? I was so attached to contemplating

my own work ethic that I missed her liberation moment. It was my son’s birthday yesterday. Where was I? These three metaphorical pregnancies were speeded up and given great impetus by the ‘Guide’ (Ahmed-Saeed Maiter). I know Ahmed and so the abrupt, counting, humourless insistence which he was acting so well throughout, provided the resonant notes of time, choice and destiny. The end was as the beginning; the cycle of death began, again. The young cast embraced this difficult piece with remarkable strength and energy, embracing the intrapersonal intelligence required to make it work. The direction, “Craig” wisdom, the theatrical showcase “Pender” perfection, the audience awed and, Mr James amused: “eternity will not wait!” Thank you everyone. Mrs J Nickson www.yarmschool.org


Junior Duologues It may have been one of the hottest days of the year but it was the drama that sizzled at the Junior Duologues Competition. The evening opened with Olivia Weatherhead and Sara Toher delivering a very mature performance of The Cuckoo Sister. They sustained the intensity throughout and showed excellent understanding through their line delivery. They were followed by Rosie Ravenhall as a wonderfully self-aware evil witch with a cackle to match and Catriona McLain as the gullible Snow White. Kick Off allowed Ahmed Mostafa and Alex Hall to show good focus and timing in their roles as football commentators. The first half ended with Nick de Jong and Chris Baczkowski performing Monty Python’s argument sketch. The different roles on offer allowed them to show the full range of their skills, both vocal and physical, and they impressed with their ability to work an audience and let the laughter grow. Jennifer Dunn and Tanya Bayley cast themselves well


as the Vicar of Dibley and the dopey Alice. There was a great deal of purposeful detail in both performances: Jen’s clever facial expression connected with the audience to show increasing irritation, and Tanya’s smile literally melted as she discovered that her budgies were, in fact, not immortal! Nikhil Krishna and Oliver Thompson performed the first of the evening’s two original scripts, with Oliver as the psychotic roommate whose murder weapon of choice is a baguette, and Nikhil as a blasé policeman with a penchant for freshly cut sandwiches. The sandwich theme continued

with Sitting on Top of the World and Dhruv Gupta and Kunal Agarwal were the two builders pausing for lunch 23 storeys up. Kunal’s animated face was matched by Dhruv’s beautifully dead-pan delivery. Hannah Pyke and Rebecca Feary’s original script was a clever parody of Eastenders and a sharp piece of writing, and they produced performances to match. This was a high energy, high volume duologue that saw both actors moving well to gain maximum engagement with their audience. The final piece was performed

by Avinash Shanker and Chirag Gopinath as mad lab assistants in The Tiger’s Bones. Chirag was wonderfully animated in all he did and Avinash supported well in showing the calm stupidity of his character. Adjudication was by Dr Chapman and, after much deliberation, the final winners were Nick and Chris. Well done to them, but thanks to all performers for putting on such a strong evening’s entertainment. Mr T Pender

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Aidan House It was a pleasure and a privilege to be Head of Aidan House this year. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with all of the pupils and staff in this fantastic House. It does not seem long ago that I was shaking hands with Mr Rye and taking over, but here we are, a full year later, and the time has come for me to hand over to Mrs Pyke. This year started with the First Year Discovery Day, a great way to get to know the newest members of Aidan House. We had lovely weather for the walk; worked together really well as a team for the swamp challenge and built a raft to rescue the new House Officers who were stranded across the River Tees. I shall always remember the look on certain faces as the ropes holding their raft together slowly came undone, then the barrels started to move and finally... splash! A first-hand experience of how cold the river can be, but what a memory to take with you throughout the rest of your school life. Discovery Day was quickly followed up by the Sixth Form meal. We headed to Joe Rigatoni’s in Yarm. It was good social event to start off the year for the older members of Aidan House, as well as allowing pupils to get to know the Sixth Form Tutors a little better. Thank you all for coming along and making it a great night. After Induction Day, Discovery Day and a week at school, the First Years were still raring to go when we set off, along with Oswald House, to Wet ‘n’ Wild. It was another really fun day. However, I still can’t decide who enjoyed the water slides more: the pupils or Mr Rye? Emily and Caroline did a great job of getting to know the younger pupils from the comfort of the jacuzzi. After burning off lots of energy in the swimming pool, we were replenished with burger and chips before returning home. Aidan House would not be the same without the drive and enthusiasm that Miss Rhodes brings to our charity week, which is always so successful that it has evolved over the years into a charity month. Aidan always supports breast cancer charities and this year we decided to support Breast Cancer Care, Breakthrough Breast Cancer and the Breast Cancer Campaign. I was astounded by the support that was shown from all members of the school and we managed to raise a grand total of £2,000. This record-breaking sum was divided equally between our three chosen charities. 26 Yarm School Magazine 2009/10

In the pink for breast charities

We held cake sales, sold sweets, sold badges, guessed the number of sweets in a jar, named a teddy bear and many other activities in order to raise money. The money was raised by a combined effort from many people, but I would like to single out Miss

Rhodes and the Aidan House Officers for giving up every break and lunchtime for the full month in order to maximise the money raised. A special thank you should go to Emily Walters and Caroline Peddle who encouraged students

to come to school wearing pink for the day. I would also like to thank Mr Thompson for putting together a song lyrics quiz and very persuasively encouraging people to take part, for a small fee of course. Quickly following breast cancer awareness month was the Mr & Mrs contest. It was a chance for some of Yarm School’s best known couples to show how much they really know about each other. Members of the Upper Sixth fronted the event dressed as girls; with some of the boys looking a little too comfortable in a dress. Well done to the winners, Mr Armitage and Mr Jardine as Mr & Mrs Maths. They won a trophy that was made by Fourth Year Aidan. One of the highlights of the year is the annual pensioners’ party, where members of Challoner House in Yarm are invited to the Senior School for Christmas dinner and a good sing-song. Throughout my three years in Aidan House I have always enjoyed being involved with the pensioners’ party, but this year was particularly enjoyable as I got the privilege of delivering 40 Christmas hampers to Challoner House. The hampers were put together from donations made by pupils, so thank you very


Aidan House

much to everyone that helped with this appeal. Teenagers regularly receive such bad press in the national media, however the residents of Challoner House always comment on how helpful, well mannered and generous members of Aidan House are. The residents enjoyed receiving Christmas presents from Santa (Jonathan Griffiths) and from Rudolph (Sophie Glasby and Megan Geddis). The pensioners’ party would not happen without the kind and generous support from staff, pupils, the Estates Team and the Catering Team. Thank you. In March we held a football marathon. This was a ten hour game of five-a-side football. The final score was 176 – 195, but winners were the patients at Zoe’s Place baby hospice who received just over £300 in sponsor money raised from the event. I am always impressed by the community spirit in Aidan House and this was exemplified throughout the year when former Aidan pupils came back into school to raise money for their chosen charity, Childreach International. They held cake sales and nonuniform days and raised in excess of £700. They are hoping to raise £2,200 in total by climbing to Everest base camp. This just proves: once an Aidanite, always an Aidanite. During April, House Officer Ajay Asokan was taken 12,000ft into the air to jump out of a plane. As well as a massive adrenaline rush, he also managed to raise in excess of £500 which he donated to the nominated breast cancer charities. www.yarmschool.org

done! Next year will see a few changes to Aidan House. I would like to say thank you to Mrs Kneale and Mr Hulme for all of the work that they have done for Aidan and wish them luck in their new roles at Yarm School next year. I’d like to welcome our new Aidan House tutors: Mrs Pyke, Mrs Pallister and Mr Edwards. I’m sure that they will be looking forward to getting involved with all of the great events that are run by Aidan. I am very proud of the fact that I have been in Aidan House for my full time at Yarm School so far and I have enjoyed every minute, but next year I will be moving onto a new challenge within Yarm School. I will always have fond memories of Aidan and I’m sure that I’ll be on a cake stall or serving Christmas dinner again in the very near future. Thank you all for your commitment to the House. I will leave you in the very capable hands of Mrs Pyke. Mr C Mulligan

Olivia Weatherhead and Sarah Toher, both members of second year Aidan, raised £78 for the Make a Wish Foundation in June by selling muffins at break times. I was really pleased that they took the initiative to organise this on their own, even working out the costs and profit margins for their baking. I believe that being a House Officer is one of the most important and most rewarding jobs that members of the Upper Sixth can

do. This year the Aidan House Officers were absolutely fantastic. The captains were Caroline Peddle and Jonathan Griffiths, and vice-captains were Emily Walters and Ajay Asokan. They have all done a brilliant job, working with enthusiasm, determination and a desire to make a positive difference to Aidan House. This has been a very successful year for the house and much of that is due to the hard work of the House Officers. Well Yarm School Magazine 2009/10 27

Bede House Where were we? Ah, yes, we concluded last year with some questions about the coming year which would be our hope-filled but uncertain future, but is now but a story from our past. So to answers: lots; yes; no; Elvis; yes; no. It has been another productive year for the house of the Venerable Bede. The pupils of Bede House continue to shine, heavily featuring in the achievements documented throughout the rest of this magazine. Together we have learned many things, including: Live each day to its fullest – we can never know what is just around the corner; about being true to ourselves and wondering if we are the same person we were three years ago?; that it is never a good idea to pretend you understand something when you don’t; and that most in Bede prefer chocolate to cheese (although not me, I must clarify). I should like to take this opportunity to publicly thank my team of House Officers for the year. The team consisted of captains: Shona Gardner and Swasti Gupta, and vice-captains: Jenny Lightwing and Jonny Craig. The team have been involved in making posters, writing letters, ordering hoodies, tireless assistance with trips, events and stalls, and much more throughout the year. I was especially grateful for the parting words of wisdom they shared with us all in assembly. During the summer term examination leave of the older year groups, Fourth Year pupils Matthew Cant, Isla Gardner and Katie Peeling stepped up as acting

28 Yarm School Magazine 2009/10

The year according to…

captains to keep the House running during this time. My thanks go to them for organising a football event, assisting the Eco-Schools project, making a team banner for sports day and speaking in assembly. Kudos. The team for next year will

consist of Josie Neasham (captain), John Liddle, Kate Pleydell and Tyler Whitehead (vice-captains). Already heavily involved in House charity work, I am certain we are in good hands for next year. They will be joined by a very able support team who will be assisting tutor groups with their House activities throughout the year.

Memories of Bede House 2009 – 2010 (in no particular order) n One half of First Year Bede being carried off on their raft by the undines of the River Tees; n Elvis Emerson and Frau Cher leading the annual music quiz; n Extremely popular stalls for homemade cakes, sweets and hot chocolate making large sums for charity; n Beating Oswald house at football for First to Fourth years, featuring unexpected goalkeeping by Katie P; n Discovering that there had, in fact, been a horse in my tutor group for the last three years before finishing last in the tutors’ obstacle race at the Fifth Year leavers’ sports extravaganza; n VC Jenny desperately trying to avoid ending up in the river on Discovery Day; n Very large hammers; n Many outstanding musical performances across the age range from First Year to Sixth Form to Mr Booth at the Bede musical evening, including some brave debuts; n The phenomenon that was the toasties stall; n Semi-spontaneous act of human art on the Paddock steps; n Sam and Sam making an exceptional effort to raise money for Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research with their sponsored cycle from Edinburgh to Yarm; n The BFG on the door to 3Bede’s tutor room – definitely my favourite world book day door covering this year; n Mr Newman’s guest story in assembly – inspiring stuff;


Bede House

n Winning the interhouse athletics shield for an unprecedented fourth consecutive year (with particular thanks to those Fifth Year and Upper Sixth who returned to help make this happen) – a hymn of glory let us sing.

The essence of true charity is anonymity. Suffice it to say that the involvement in fund-raising activities this year was outstanding, with every Bede tutor group raising money for both our nominated house charities (Great North Air Ambulance and Caitlin’s Library) and other causes supported by individuals including the Haiti earthquake relief fund, Children in Need and Leukaemia Research. For last year’s House charities, I was able to present cheques, on behalf of Bede House, for £950 and £650 to the James Cook Hospital and the Dogs’ Trust respectively. A big “thank you” to all pupils, parents and staff who have www.yarmschool.org

supported the charity work of Bede House this year in some way. This could be by running activities, donating prizes, attending events, buying sweets from our stalls or one of myriad helpful things that our fund-raising depends on. The charities really appreciate it. Next year What new events will the pupils of Bede come up with? Will ‘Battle of the Bands’ finally happen? Which “star” will present February’s music quiz? Can anyone prevent us reaching half a decade of sports day victories? Will Bedeles the dog make a triumphant return? ...All of this and more from the rising suns of Bede House; illuminating Yarm School and, indeed, the world. Dr PD Prideaux Yarm School Magazine 2009/10 29

Cuthbert House

Cuthbert’s year goes 6th Form Meal

Children in Need Week

(to the tune of John Brown’s Body)

(to the tune of Land of Hope and Glory)

Cuthbert Sixth Form all went out to have a meal Thanks to Anjali who got us a good deal The conversation flowed; the food was very good And we all had a sense of community-hood

When it comes to fundrai-sing Cuthbert leads the pack Leg waxing and discos... Children in Need is back. Hairy rugby players Now have legs so smooth Determined sweetie buyers With their queueing uncouth... Myriad lollies were sold Thank you Seewon... (sorry, tooth)

Cuthbert Sixth Form have been friendly Leadership skills are a-plenty They’ll be missed by very many So thanks to our Sixth Form!

Suite and Spice (to the tune of Edelweiss)

1st Year Bowling (to the tune of When Santa got Stuck Up the Chimney) When First Year went bowling in Stockton We all had a ball! So many strikes and half-strikes were struck The unions would be proud... And then we went for Burger King too And all of us were agreed Our afternoon bowling in Stockton Was very good indeed!

Suite and Spice, Music nice, Cuthbertians helping others Many played; Talent displayed; For proud fathers and mothers. Piano, singing, and rock bands too On the stage together Suite and Spice Was a night Cuthbert excelled as ever.

Sporting successes (to the tune of Match of the Day) Our five-a-side team were the victors With seven-nil the score Our Sixth Form netballers were winners Like tug of war before Cross-country, Third Year were the fastest And cricket was won too And the Fourth Year cricket team Beat all the other ones... woohoo! Miss E C Robinson

30 Yarm School Magazine 2009/10


Cuthbert House

from verse to verse Fashion Show (owing a lot to Vogue) Strike a pose Strike a pose Vogue, vogue, vogue Vogue, vogue, vogue Look around everywhere you turn is Cuthbert With lots of help from Oswald Look around, stylish clothes and hair and makeup All under Amy’s control It all went well, it’s the place to be Funky music and choreography A sell out show that was not to be missed It’s called a cat-walk, and here’s what it’s for, so… Come on vogue Sashay down the walk to the music Hey, hey, hey come on vogue Raising cash for Butterwick Hospice Congratulations!

Wet and Wild (to the tune of Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head) One day we went to Wet and Wild And we all had fun – right down to every single child, Racing down the slides And, now we can’t wait to go again, Wet and Wild Cuthbert were beguiled!

House Captains and Tutors (to the tune of Thank you Very Much for the Aintree Iron) Thank you very much to our House Captains Thank you very much, thank you very very very much Amy, Stephen, Lucy, were fantastic Thank you very very very much! Thank you very much to Cuthbert Tutors Thank you very much, thank you very very very much For all the support that they have given Thank you very very very much! Thank you very much to Cuthbertians Thank you very much, thank you very very very much, Friendliness and keenness, all year through Thank you very very very much!


Yarm School Magazine 2009/10 31

Oswald House

Over 60 ways to signal success Thank you to everyone in Oswald House this year. Pupils, Tutors, House Officers and House representatives have worked hard to grow together and support others. These pictures show a busy year which started with the big question, “What makes a successful House?” Oswaldians were quick to come up with over 60 ideas, including involvement, communication, charity, creativity, generosity, participation, team work, unity, fun. We used these ideas as our moral compass for the year. The year kicked off with a fun packed Discovery Day. I was encouraged to see the grit and determination displayed by the new First Year Oswaldians, the future was looking bright. The Sixth Form meal was organised with military precision thanks to House Captain Rachel Warne. Rachel plans to study events management, this is definitely the right career path for her. It was a great evening, launching the busy year ahead.

32 Yarm School Magazine 2009/10

idea to raise money through a Christmas message candy cane service. Along with other fundraising events the girls collected over £300 for Cancer Research. House meetings showcased some great talent this year. Thank you to Mr Booth’s class for their presentation of an alternative Christmas carol. There were also acoustics contributions and some fun and games, congratulations to Nick as the reigning champion of a ‘rock, paper, scissors’ competition! The eco message extended to the Prep School this year with

senior pupils working with younger pupils to produce some innovative and wacky recycled fashion outfits, which were shown at this year’s charity fashion show. The Valentine’s Disco was a brilliant opportunity for social reps Lauren and Guy to show off their party throwing skills. The First to Third Year groups enjoyed an energy packed night, thanks to the technical wizardry of Guy, Jack and Chris. House Captain Jack Mann produced a fantastic acoustic evening this year. All the acts were inspirational and the evening raised

House Officers and First Year pupils enjoyed a trip to Wet ‘n’ Wild, House Captains were there for leadership and guidance. Oswald House wanted a corporate identity. The House logo competition was won by Duncan Gilbertson who designed a slick polished “badger logo”, which has been used on all house paperwork, posters and of course this year’s new house hoodies. Thank you to everyone who donated Christmas boxes to support the Convoy Aid Romania Appeal. The organisation was thrilled with Yarm School’s contribution. Emily and Regina had a great www.yarmschool.org

Oswald House

over £400 for Leukaemia Research. Charities week harnessed the creative talents of the House. Busking and caricature events were held by Sixth Form pupils. Other events included a sponsored silence, tramp for the day, pancake sales, cake sales, pin the tail on the donkey, Easter egg hunts, girls v boys netball, to name a few. Congratulations to Mr Booth and Mrs Nixon’s groups this year who


were particularly inventive in raising funds which go to Leukaemia Research and the Friends of Murambinda Hospital. The traditional Roseberry Run was held in May. Thanks to all those who were involved and Mr Van Opstal, as once again his expertise saw everyone safely up and down the hill. The climb was celebrated with an aerial photograph taken by our very own budding professional photographer, Carla Whittingham, taken from Mr Gates’ helicopter. Thank you to Mr Gates for supporting the event this year. Jack Mann won the Roseberry Run and added a sky dive to his Action Mann resume, raising over £500 for House charities. To reward pupils for all their hard work, Psyche clothing store donated a voucher to be won by a pupil who had contributed to the spirit and energy of the house. Well done to Thomas Clough who came to school as a tramp for the day, raising money for charity week. Sports day was enthusiastically

attended by all. Oswaldians may not win all the races but they are always on top for courage, team spirit and drive to be their very best. Well done Oswald House! Oswald has been a very successful house in 2010. Our

special thanks goes to the House Captains Jack Mann, Rachel Warne, Vice Captains Manisha Pandey and Maria Lee, who worked incredibly hard all year to make sure all the planned events were a great success. Mrs A Jackson

Yarm School Magazine 2009/10 33


French exchange to Lisieux This year’s French exchange trip visited Lisieux, Normandy. The first morning we left our hosting families and visited the hosting school – the Collège de Notre Dame. After a brief tour of the school, we took part in a range of different lessons. These were followed by a warm welcome from the Mayor at the Town Hall. We were also treated to an assortment of traditional French fare before our visit to the Lisieux Basilica. The following day we went to the picturesque town of Honfleur and

the Cerza Zoo (dubbed by the Mayor as the “Zoological Breeding Centre”). Unfortunately the heavens opened half-way through the day and we got drenched! The following three days (over the Easter weekend) were spent with our host families. We were entertained by our families: some of us enjoyed a tour of a calvados distillery (under strict instructions not to consume any samples!), while others were lucky enough to try escargots au chocolat! Zut Alors! Undoubtedly the highlight of the trip was Paris, where we visited

the iconic Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame de Paris. On the final day of our stay we went to Bayeux, where we admired the famous tapestry, as well as paying our respects at the American war graves and memorial at Arromanche – a rather moving experience for all. The exchange was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone and we would like to thank Frau Heinen, Mr Ravenhall, Mr Hall and Mrs Rea for their hard work and support in organising the visit. Vive la France! Victor Sampson

To the Christmas markets in Germany On Thursday 17 December, at 5.30am, we set off for the Christmas markets in Germany. Exhausted after a 15 hour trip, we arrived at our hotel in Aachen. The following morning, we ventured out into the bitterly cold Aachen air, the extra layer our parents had made us pack came in very handy. We were split into groups, I was a member of Mr Emerson’s group and we called ourselves Team Currywurst. After a 15 minute walk, we arrived at the Christmas markets. The markets were a collection of stalls, which sold everything from glass baubles to carved wooden pens. After our visit to the Christmas markets we were treated to a Nachtwächtertour, or ‘Night Watchman Tour’. We were led around the old parts of Aachen, along the way being told stories of folklore, history, and legend. It was very interesting, especially as it was quite dark at this time, and some of the stories our guide told us gave us a chill that the cold alone could not quite explain… On Saturday, we travelled to Cologne, a large 34 Yarm School Magazine 2009/10

city, slightly to the east of Aachen. Our first port of call here was the Catherdral which was stunning and was once the tallest building in the world. Huge towers, statues and stained glass windows adorned it. We climbed 553 steps to the top. The view from the top was worth the effort, it was utterly spectacular. Although we set off very early on Sunday to make sure we did not miss our Channel Tunnel crossing, not long after Dunkirk we came across the traffic queues. However, thanks to the teachers’ ingenuity and a good road atlas, we found an alternative route to Calais. Finally, thank you to all the teachers who both organised and accompanied us on the trip. Christopher Baczkowski and Alex Bridges www.yarmschool.org


The rain in Spain falls mainly… on us After the success of our first Spanish language trip last year, I was keen to introduce our Spanish students to another region of Spain. Last April, we spent a week in Barcelona. This year, we headed for the southern city of Seville. We had been hoping for some nice warm weather, but unfortunately we managed to coincide with the wettest period in living memory! Where I recalled small braided streams from previous years, rivers ran deep and fast, red with the soil of Andalucía. In Cádiz, Atlantic waves threatened to break through the sea walls and pour into the medieval town. But there


were moments of sunshine – and many of us have some early-season colour from a beautiful sunny day in the ancient town of Córdoba. What struck all of us was the influence of the period when the area was settled by North African Muslim tribes – the Almohads and the Almoravids – which spans 600 years until the reconquista of the 13th century. In several cities we saw evidence of how Muslim and Christian architects had worked closely together to create some of the most spectacular buildings in Europe in a style known as Mozarabe. In particular the great mosque

of Córdoba, with its eccentric, later addition of a cathedral nave, provided a memorable visit. The Arabic influence is still strong in the food, the way of life and the local dialects of the region. Our Lower Sixth Spanish pupils were able to practice their now quite advanced level of language with their hosts. Frau Heinen eagerly embraced the shopping in Seville, and her example was followed by various pupils; Spain is an excellent destination for those interested in chic but affordable clothes! I meanwhile sheltered from the downpours in damp cafés, reading an absorbing

book. Some were not to be put off by the weather: Marcus Taylor’s football almost became a permanent part of Seville’s cultural heritage when it found its way into the giant, ornate fountain in the Puerta de Jerez, but it lived to bounce another day until finally bursting on the way home. A similar fate was feared by Rhys Morris, so soundly was he overfed by his hosts Miguel and Sofía. Mr I T Chamberlain

Yarm School Magazine 2009/10 35


Barcelona bound The Geography Department once again embarked on a tour of Barcelona and the surrounding area with the new AS cohort, as part of their fieldwork. Following an early 6.45am meet at school, the group travelled to Newcastle for a morning flight to the Catalan capital. We arrived at Barcelona and chose to embark on a city orientation tour, stopping for some Spanish cuisine. The tour included panoramic views of the city from the Olympic quarter on Montjuic, a drive along the regenerated waterfront, a visit to the Gaudi’s Cathedral of the Segrada Familia and a tour of the Example –Cerdà’s ‘perfect’ 19th Century residential extension of the city. The formal work started the following day as the group ventured to the El Raval district of Barcelona city to experience the regeneration

and rebranding policy of the local authorities in an area famed for its deprivation and poverty. The next day could not have been more of a contrast as we ventured south to the Priorat wine growing region. This area had once produced some of the most exclusive wines in Spain and we were looking at its revival and reinvention following a period of deprivation. From the idyllic and sparsely populated villages of the Priorat, our last day took us to one of the most prestigious coastal towns, Sitges. Work here was predominantly on the beaches measuring material movement and assessing the management strategies in place. Each day’s fieldwork was followed by two hours data collation before dinner. On the final evening, we were treated to a local tapas experience

by Richard, one of our excellent tutors. One hundred and seventy six cocktail sticks later we were ready to pack for the journey home! The pupils worked from 8am to 8pm each day and were absolutely magnificent as they embodied the Yarm School motto of ‘work hard, play hard!’ Mr A O Newman

Lower Sixth biologists’ mission to Dove Marine Laboratory In October, the Lower Sixth biologists visited Newcastle University’s Dove Marine Laboratory, in Cullercoats, to study how living and non-living factors affect the distribution of plant and animal

36 Yarm School Magazine 2009/10

species on the North East seashore. After a comprehensive introduction by Dr Jane Delaney from Newcastle University’s Department of Marine Sciences, we gathered our quadrats and went out onto the shoreline to perform our main study. Setting out a number of transects on the rocky shore we looked at the effects of position up the shore, wave action, dessication and other factors on the types of plants and animals in each area. A long morning of data collection was followed with a 10-minute timed study to try

to find any unusual species not normally found in the North. This was part of a countrywide survey adding information to a national database studying the effects of climate change on the distribution of animals. We returned to the Dove Marine Laboratory for lunch, supplemented by the local fish and chip shop for those with a larger appetite. In the afternoon we analysed the data we had collected back in the laboratory before our trip back to school. Dr K W Perry www.yarmschool.org

Art Art project links Yarm with Tate Modern – and Barcelona The Art Department was invited to take part in a brand new Tate Modern initiative, working in collaboration with MIMA and a partner school in Barcelona. The project was kicked off by artist Howard Matthew, who visited the school. Working with our talented Sixth Form artists, Howard explored the theme of memory through various journeys taken by students on a daily or regular basis. Together the group created a large, temporary installation on the floor of the art room, which combined their journeys into one threedimensional map. The students also created soundtracks, videos and a piece of drawn animation

which were all based on a part of their journey. All of this work was digitally recorded to share with our partner school in Spain Mrs Findlay and I are thrilled to be taking part in such an exciting partnership. It is wonderful for our students to be given the opportunity to work alongside practising artists, who bring a fresh approach into the classroom, and I am looking forward to seeing how this partnership influences our students’ art work. We’d like to say a big thank you to all 23 of our talented and hard working A-level art students with whom we have such great fun! Ms Stebbings

Working with the Royal Academy Sam Pearce’s A-level art project, n Hunched Figure, has been selected by The Royal Academy of Arts to be exhibited for their A-level summer exhibition online. Sam had his work shortlisted from over 1,300 submissions from schools and colleges across the country. Fifty-six works were chosen by three curators, Royal Academician Richard Wilson, RA curator Dr Adrian Locke and RA Schools student Rachael Champion, to be exhibited on their website. The RA summer exhibition is the only online exhibition in the UK for A-level students and is open to all schools and colleges which offer A-level art. To view Sam’s Hunched Figure go to www.royalacademy.org.uk/alevel. www.yarmschool.org

Sixth Form art students enjoyed a life drawing workshop run by the Royal Academy of Art’s outreach programme led by artist Paul Brandford. We spent the day drawing the muse, Anna, in different poses, learning to manipulate and experiment with chalk and charcoal. We practised different techniques: concentrating on light and shadows, the form and also working over the top of someone else’s drawing! Everyone learned new techniques over the course of the day. By the end of the day we

were worn out but we had gained a wealth of experience, advice and renewed selfconfidence. Paul told Ms Stebbings that he was very impressed with our A-level art students and felt the standard of work produced was of art school calibre, something he doesn’t often see when he runs workshops in schools. High praise indeed! We would like to say thank you to Mrs Findlay and Ms Stebbings for organising the workshop and to the Royal Academy of Art. Manisha Pandey

Yarm School Magazine 2009/10 37


Chaewon Lee/GCSE

Josie Wearmouth/GCSE

Eleanor Jenyns/Lower Sixth

Emily Gloag/Lower Sixth

Kate Desmond/GCSE Emily Folkes/GCSE

Sachin Kumarendran/GCSE

Izzy Irwin/Lower Sixth

Grace Smeaton/GCSE

Caroline Spratto/Lower Sixth

Georgina Mitchell/Lower Sixth Helen Whittingham/GCSE

Jack Petch/GCSE 38 Yarm School Magazine 2009/10

Charley Oliver/Lower Sixth

Harriett Leggett/Lower Sixth www.yarmschool.org


Jamie Torvaney/Lower Sixth

Safina Roberts/Lower Sixth Apoorva Peddada/Upper Sixth

Jane Perry/Lower Sixth

Becca Reid/Upper Sixth

Luke de Belder/Upper Sixth

Kate Pleydell/Lower Sixth

Sam Pearce/Upper Sixth

Katie Gorwits/Lower Sixth

Carla Whittingham/Upper Sixth Manisha Pandey/Upper Sixth

Megan Geddis/Lower Sixth

Sophie Glasby/Lower Sixth


Ellie Chapman/Upper Sixth

Kate Wilks/Upper Sixth

Tony Ferguson/Upper Sixth Yarm School Magazine 2009/10 39


On the hustings This year the school’s politics and debating societies hosted a mock general election to coincide with the national general election. Posters popped up like mushrooms across the school. The parties of Labour, Conservative, Respect, Liberal Democrat, and UKIP had no shortage of energy and drive, as highlighted in the open forum debates. The first panel discussion was on the subject of health, education, and welfare. The party leaders each gave statements of opinion on each of these issues, ranging from Guy Stokeld’s statisticladen defence of the status quo for Labour, to the radical ideas for social change expressed by Phil Armitage for Respect, and Mark Taylor and Robbie Mortimer for UKIP. Chris Gibbon, the Lib Dem speaker, managed a conversational tone and displayed an intimate, albeit anecdotal, acquaintance with the issues, escaping deep scrutiny; while the Tory delegation,

consisting of Tim Armitage-Jones and Avinash Shanker, the lone junior speaker, wavered under sharper criticisms but retained their cool demeanours and made their points clear. A further panel discussion focused on energy and environment. The discussion was opened confidently by John Liddle for the Liberal Democrat party, who delivered his well-researched views with assurance, leaving his colleague, Alex Puddick, almost entirely silent throughout the lecture. He was followed by a hesitant Huw Jones, representing the Conservative party. The Respect Party, represented jointly by Phil Armitage and Rebecca Reid, made a short statement, followed by

Tim Armitage-Jones makes his victory speech after being declared winner for the Conservatives 40 Yarm School Magazine 2009/10

Johnny Adams for Labour. The final speaker was George Swanell for UKIP, who championed his cause admirably despite faltering under heavy criticism over his party’s views on anthropogenic global warming from John Liddle. On Tuesday, 23 March, teachers, staff and pupils got the chance to cast their vote. The votes were counted and verified by Mrs Bridges, a manager for two local constituencies, the winner was… Tim Armitage-Jones, and the Conservative party! Turnout percentages for the election were excellent. The school average turnout was 66%. Well done to the First Years, who had the highest voting percentage of 81%. Interestingly, the group with the worst voting record was the teaching staff, who managed a measly 48% – less than half. The school average even exceeded the national average by 5%, so well done to all who voted. The election was won by the

Conservatives, who captured over a third of the votes to win. The Lib Dems came in second, with 24% of the vote, followed in close succession by Labour, UKIP, and Respect, respectively. Eight per cent of the ballots were, sadly, rendered void, either by selfidentification (forgetting to tear your name off the bottom) or by a vote for an invalid party. The First Year pupils were the most likely to vote Labour, whereas over two-thirds of the Third Year pupils came out in favour of the Conservative party. Over half of the Lower Sixth supported the Lib Dem party, the only year group in which the Conservatives did not hold a majority. Congratulations to Tim, and also to all of the politicians, supporters and Mr Edwards who made the election possible. All of the parties put a great deal of effort into their campaigns, and deserve a big thank-you. William Toher www.yarmschool.org


Following footsteps of Roman soldiers Once again the First Years travelled up to the Roman Army Museum at Carvoran, near Greenhead, in the week after half term. We went in two groups, dovetailing with the geography/ biology trips to Blanchland. We had an excellent talk on Roman weapons and armour – but it was not quite so bloodthirsty this time. The man who normally gives the talk was away, so the wife of one of the archaeologists

stepped into the breach. However the pupils donned Roman helmets, lifted up those heavy legionary shields and brandished some very sharplooking swords and javelins. Then we watched the “Eagle’s Eye” film, with its aerial survey of the most impressive parts of Hadrian’s Wall and its computeraided reconstructions of forts. In the afternoon we walked up to Walltown Crags, where the Wall stands seven or eight feet high in places – and the

weather was amazing! It poured with rain on the way home on the Wednesday trip, but there was not a drop (and more than a glimpse of sunshine on the Thursday) while we were out in the open! The wind was biting, so at least we got some impression of what it would have been like to guard Rome’s northernmost frontier. Mr H A Killick


Following an enjoyable YouTube singalong in the classroom, 2A used one of their English lessons to create their own version of the famous song from “The Sound of Music”. Here it is: hope you like it! Playing with friends on sunny white beaches Eating a dish full of strawberries and peaches Shooting in netball and shopping with friends Listening to music until the day ends Rugby for Yarm and a steak on the barby Keeping in hockey then a bacon sarni Ski-ing in the Alps and Les Paul guitars Easter egg chocolate and really fast cars

All our roads led straight to Rome Hey – we actually got into the house of Caecilius! We really did, thanks to a friendly custodian who unlocked the front door especially for us. But I am jumping ahead – that was on the Saturday, a full day in Pompeii. We arrived in Rome on the first Monday evening of half term, a party of 18 students and five adults, and did all the usual sites – the Colosseum, the Palatine, the Forum, St Peter’s Basilica, the Pantheon with its fantastic dome, built by the Emperor Hadrian, and the Capitol and its museums. At St Peter’s we saw the Pope, as he was giving an audience in the square. On Thursday we set off southwards driving in the rain to spend three nights in the Naples area. We visited

Our favourite things

The sound of summer mornings in Quebec The taste of candy and an open cheque Cricket and Christmas and chocolate to eat Lamborghinis going fast down the street Sleeping in bed, and a fast rugby game Some music bands (though they all sound the same) Lazing on beaches, or quick round the track Going out shopping and not turning back Eggs with your mates, and tea on the boil, Fast games of footy, and chocolate in tin-foil Listening to Paramore, Lostprophets and Muse A nice slice of pizza I couldn’t refuse Going out shopping on warm sunny days Lying on beaches in small golden bays Dancing and singing and shopping with friends Dreaming of summer until the day ends

the Abbey at Monte Cassino on the way – scene of fierce fighting in World War II – and Herculaneum, another town frozen in time thanks to Mount Vesuvius erupting in 79AD. Friday was spent in Naples

at the Archaeological Museum. Then came Pompeii on Saturday, and a brief stop at Ostia, the port of Rome, on our way back to the airport. As Caesar didn’t say, “We came, we saw, we enjoyed”.

Going to hockey – returning a winner, Coming back home for my Sunday dinner Riding my horses and then going shopping Eating my dinner (which then ends up dropping) Fast games of hockey and toasties with beans Ski-ing with friends and playing in teams Painting some pictures in a warm lovely spring – These are a few of our favourite things.

Mr H A Killick Yarm School Magazine 2009/10 41

Design and Technology

Proud to be an Arkwright Scholar In the autumn term, Andrew Brown, Hamza Qureshi, Kate Pleydell and I were invited to the Royal Institute of Engineering and Technology for the annual Arkwright Scholarship award ceremony. The award ceremony is one occasion when sponsors can meet and talk with their scholars. It is an important networking event. We attended with approximately 240 other pupils from across the UK, who had also been chosen for this national award that recognises excellence in all aspects of design and technology capability. This year, the number of awards presented was the highest since the Arkwright scheme began back in the early 1990s.

The Arkwright scheme rewards those who are deemed to be gifted and talented and interested in engineering and design related careers. The Arkwright team get in touch with mainly engineering based companies (such as TDR, BT, The William Leech Charity, RAF, Royal Navy) and encourage them to sponsor as many scholars as they can. Individual scholars receive £500, to help offset research and project related costs, such as equipment or software. A scholar’s sponsor will be kept informed of their progress and it is not uncommon for work experience and further sponsorship through university to be offered. David Alban

Guitar hero: Tony Ferguson with his eight string guitar. Below left, Sam Pearce with his gate and, below right, Malcolm Miller

Picking up some useful experience Pupils from Yarm Primary School visited the Design and Technology Department to gain some hands-on experience of design and manufacturing techniques. Mr Day, with help from his D&T colleagues, organised three morning sessions with different classes from the primary school. The project selected for the pupils was a personalised compartment box to store keepsakes. The box composed of a wooden frame with coloured acrylic sides and

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tops, dividers were inserted into the box, formed using strip heaters. Mrs Jackson used her artistic flair to help the children to produce a design for the top of their box using sticky-backed vinyl, whilst Mr Stewart used the laser cutter (CAD/CAM technology) to etch out names in the side of the box. The pupils and teachers from the primary school thoroughly enjoyed their time learning about manufacturing techniques and loved the end result.


Design and Technology Bat boxes are part of our ecology plan As part of the school’s redevelopment project there is an ecology plan in place to provide roosting space for bats and birds around the school grounds. The D&T Department took on the challenge to make the wooden boxes as part of Fourth Year lessons. The construction of the boxes was a great way for pupils to be involved in a batch production process, something they must learn about as part of their course. It took 2 months to construct all the bat and bird boxes.

Mr Dunn and his group presented all the completed boxes to Mr Hodgson and Mrs Leary just before the exams. Mr Hodgson and

his estates team will be responsible for hanging the boxes, which could take some time with 82 boxes to be sited around the grounds! Mrs

D&T show a big success Once again it was time for the D&T product show, giving students the chance to show off their coursework. The product show is a great opportunity for friends of the school to have a look at what has been produced during the year by both GCSE and A-level students. This year saw a wide range of events, including classic cars arranged by Mr Stewart, the textiles fashion show arranged by Mrs Jackson, the product design show by Mr Dunn and Mr Day and, of course, the barbeque by Martin. As usual the products were fantastic, in particular there were some outstanding pieces of work on show, including A-level pieces,

Leary and pupils involved within Eco-Schools will monitor the use of the bat and bird boxes, so as to learn about their habits.

Sam McClaren, left, with his table football and below, Anjali Roody with her furniture

such as Tony Ferguson’s eight string guitar, Sam Pearce’s gate, and GCSE projects, such as Isaac Harmer’s TV stand and Chris Elms’ cabinet (just to name a few). The fashion show gave the textiles students the chance to show off their outfit designs, as well as producing a thoroughly enjoyable show. The designs looked fantastic on the catwalk which included designs from James Spoors and Emily Gloag. Many thanks to everyone who came to the event, to all the D&T staff for making it all happen and also thanks to Martin and his colleagues for providing the food. Sam McClaren

Classic cars added a touch of glamour to the D&T show


Yarm School Magazine 2009/10 43


Eco-schools at Yarm Eco-week Cake stall Photo competitions

Fashion show recycled garments competition


44 Yarm School Magazine 2009/10



Ink cartridge recycling

Eco-schools noticeboard

Poster competition winner Paper recycling Eco-statue winner www.yarmschool.org

Yarm School Magazine 2009/10 45


Fa shion on parade

The fashion show was an outstanding success with a packed audience enjoying a professional and seamless show. The show was a joint production between Cuthbert and Oswald Houses, and raised approximately £1,500 for the Butterwick Hospice. This is such a worthwhile cause – the hospice looks after adults and children who are terminally ill, giving them holistic care and pain relief. We are very grateful to the shops that kindly lent outfits to be modelled – Pysche; Changes; Bliss; Elfin; Kate Fearnley; Hash; Leggs, and Attitude, who kindly stepped in at the last minute to lend us more outfits than originally agreed after another shop was unable to participate. In addition to the clothes sourced from the shops some Yarm School pupils made and modelled their own designs. Garments made by GCSE and A level textile students were highly professional and looked stunning on the catwalk. Eco-Schools participants 46 Yarm School Magazine 2009/10

also made their own very creative eco garments, which a great deal of effort had gone into. Congratulations to all entries for the Eco fashion garments and thank you to Miss Frost for all her help and support from the Prep School. After difficult deliberation the following winners were selected: n 3rd Year: worn by Ellie Baker.

n 2nd Year: worn by Jenna Hobbs. n 1st Year: worn by Serena Gate n Prep School: Philip Pyke.

It wasn’t just the clothes that made our models look so glamorous! Hairtek, Chicago’s and Saks at David Lloyds spent the whole afternoon styling each model’s hair, and generously did not charge a penny. On the catwalk, the models

looked the part as they walked through the choreographed runs, which had taken hours of rehearsal, with very professional lighting and music provided by the technical team. There was something swanlike about the show – models serenely gliding up and down the runway whilst backstage they had to run up and down stairs and along corridors in order to be changed in time for their next appearance! However, despite the rushing backstage, it always seemed organised, thanks to painstaking planning by the Sixth Form students organising the event. They had spent an enormous amount of time contacting and visiting shops and running rehearsals, whilst balancing A levels and coursework deadlines. Congratulations to them all on such a successful event, especially thanks to Amy Bonavia, Rachel Warne, Ellie Chapman and Emily Gloag, Young Kuk Noh, Alastair Scott, Chris Mckenzie, Rachel York and Alex Howie. Miss E C Robinson www.yarmschool.org


y g r e en e m a s , s e l y t s e c n a d t n e r Diffe

On the morning of the dance showcase I was wondering, “how are we going to top the tremendous success of last year?” However, the passion, commitment and enthusiasm from all the dancers resulted in spectacular event. Some 46 dancers of all ages took part in a spectacular display of energy, creativity, dynamism and stamina! Styles varied from street, ballet, modern, classical Indian, R&B,

crumping, jazz, bollywood, bangra to hip hop. The show finished with a stunning finale to Black Eyed Peas’ track ‘One Tribe’. Glow sticks lit the movements of the dancers who were also accompanied by percussion incorporated in the routine. Proceeds will go to the Daisy Chain charity and to the dance dept for resources in our exciting new dance studio. Daisy Chain will be visiting the school in September to receive a cheque

and to meet the dancers. We are looking for more boys to get involved in next year’s showcase, so get in touch with me as soon as you get back. Finally, a big thank you to all involved with this year’s showcase. DVDs of the event will be available for purchase in September.

Miss K Serdecka

History – and futurist cuisine The Yarm School History Society entered its third year with a host of memorable occasions. Set up in order to extend the intellectual and gastronomic diet of senior historians of the school, this year has surpassed others in terms of its offerings. Previous society dinners have been held to commemorate various historical occasions including the anniversary of the Battle of Hastings, discussing the nature of AngloFrench relations whilst partaking in a dinner that sought to combine the very best culinary delights that each country has to offer. Another dinner was prompted by the anniversary of the sailing of the Pilgrim Fathers from Plymouth on the Mayflower ship bound for sanctuary in America. On another occasion a visiting lecturer provided a fascinating lecture on the nature of witchcraft, complemented by a Blumenthallike dinner of smouldering delights from Chef Martin Strangward. This year a dinner held in the early part of the first term saw a gathering of a considerable number of presidents past and present in order to discuss the nature of ‘love in the classical world’. The event was designed www.yarmschool.org

as a collaborative affair with the classics department and the history department members were delighted to be joined by Mr Killick and Mr Hall. The conversations and readings ranged far and wide in discussing the extent to which love can be held as common throughout all ages or is as much a product of its times as other aspects of culture. Reports of the appearance of kitchen sous-chef Lucy as a cavorting flute girl are perhaps moderately exaggerated. The year also hosted another guest speaker, Dr Jo Fox, from the Department of History at Durham University. Dr Fox delivered a lecture to a crowded lecture theatre on the ‘Art and Propaganda: The promotion and reception of visual media from the Weimar Years

to Nazi Germany’. Dr. Fox, an expert on the use of visual media in Britain and Germany during these years delivered a fascinating, insightful and often challenging set of thoughts on this intriguing period of European history and provided some intriguing offerings for members of the Fourth Year through to the Sixth Form. As tradition dictates a dinner followed involving senior members of the society and the departmental staff. Perhaps the highlight of the year for many members of the society was the futurist dinner. Futurism was, some would argue still is, a dynamic movement originating in Italy in the years immediately preceding and following the First World War. It entailed a fierce rejection of the

mores and manners of the past, repudiating references to the classical heritage of Italy, and even the stodgy turgid effects of a diet of pasta. The cuisine, carefully researched by Chef Martin, assisted by the loan of an almost priceless Italian Futurist cookbook, generously loaned to Dr Chapman from the University of Nottingham Library, reflected this embracing of the modern, seeking to juxtapose seemingly incongruous ingredients, and extended to such dishes as ‘vanilla ice-cream nestled on a bed of electrocuted chicken, surrounded by a moat of edible ball bearings’. This industrialised dish was then contrasted by a dish with a course where sensory delight was the order of the plate, with diners awaking latent tactility in the form of stroking a variety of fabrics, whilst savouring the flavours. A final dish required the tempo to be reduced, each mouthful to be chewed for an exact minute, and each diner’s completion to be celebrated by a blast on a trumpet. Initial scepticism to the sense and pleasure available to such futurists dissolved in the face of such dining. Mr S Edwards Yarm School Magazine 2009/10 47

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme

Going for bronze, silver or gold The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme continues to be a popular choice among Yarm School pupils with over 120 pupils choosing to take their Bronze, Silver or Gold Award. This year the training expeditions saw groups travel to the Lake District, the Scottish Highlands and North York Moors for walking, navigating, camping and canoeing. Mr Rye led the Bronze Award expeditions. The final assessed expedition saw approximately 60 pupils complete the award. The 48 Yarm School Magazine 2009/10

Bronze Award also requires pupils to be involved in community service, develop a skill and be involved in physical recreation. Pupils that have successfully completed the Bronze Award can choose to go onto the Silver and subsequently the Gold Award. Mr Van Opstal led expeditions to the Lakes and Scotland for these awards. The year started with a very wet Silver and Gold walking expedition in the Lakes, though all pupils completed it in good ‘Yarm spirit’. One notable expedition was the

first canoeing assessed expedition across Scotland, from sea to sea, for the Gold Award. Service activities have included providing Red Cross first aid cover at concerts and the Great North Run to assisting at residential care homes. One residential project saw Chidinma Anyaegbuna and Seewon Lee working in a dental surgery in Ghana. For more information on the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme please see Mr Rye or Mr Van Opstal. www.yarmschool.org

1st Year

Sense of

Rafting, rowing, climbing, hiking, canoeing, swimming, caving, kayaking: all these and more were on offer to the first years who went along to Ullswater. We were treated to glorious weather and a beautiful setting to enjoy these activities. Boys and girls strode up mountains, leapt into water, scurried down tunnels and flung

themselves from tall poles, all under the expert supervision of the outward bound instructors, who used their considerable experience and talents to push the children to their limits, helping them to achieve things they never thought they could. One of the highlights of the weekend was the talent show, where we were wowed by some wonderful singing, an elegant waltz and even some juggling. Congratulations to Natalie Friesem and to Tenzing group for winning the individual and group prizes, and thanks to Mr Rye for entertaining us with his miraculous magic fingers. A great big thank you must also go to Mr Boddy, who enjoyed his eighth and final Ullswater trip

this year. For the last eight years he has put in countless hours of hard work, arranging and organising this wonderful weekend for us all, and without his hard work and commitment it would not have been the same. Mr J Hall Yarm School Magazine 2009/10 49

Combined Cadet Force Change at the top and another memorable year for CCF It has been a busy year for Yarm School’s Combined Cadet Force (CCF) with a change in command and many field trips. The year started off with a mandatory biennial inspection of the CCF. We were delighted to have passed with flying colours with the inspecting officer, Colonel

Simon Newton, making many complimentary remarks. The RAF cadets got the chance to visit XI Squadron due to a kind offer from Sqn Ldr Simon Race, a former pupil and now senior engineering officer. The cadets had the rare privilege of getting up close to the aircrafts – XI Squadron

is the RAF’s first multi-role Eurofighter Typhoon Squadron. One of the many highlights was the adventurous training week in Scotland, a great way for cadets to learn to work together, as well as learning new skills. We were very fortunate to be invited to Germany, for our summer

camp by our parent regiment, 1 Yorks, who are currently stationed there. The cadets were put through intense (for cadets) infantry training where they took part in exercises with a greater range of guns and pyrotechnics. Captain Paul Connery Contingent Commander

March to remember This year saw the 65th anniversary of the Long March. Nine members of the CCF, accompanied by over 100 RAF regulars and five veterans, chose to commemorate this by marching 65 miles of the route, from Stalag luft III, Zagan, Poland to Spremberg, Germany. During World War II, the only force that operated every single day of the conflict was RAF Bomber Command. It lost 55,000 men, the highest attrition rate of any British unit. Yet, it is the only service not to have been honoured for its efforts. No campaign medal, no ‘thank you’. Along with this bit of RAF history, the Long March is also often overlooked. This was the forced evacuation of prisoner of war camps in Eastern Germany, as the Russians closed in. Hitler had planned to use the POWs (many of whom were of Bomber Command) as bargaining chips or human shields around Berlin. The march was undertaken in freezing conditions, –25°C records say, and the airmen were malnourished and only had the clothes they were captured in. They marched for days on end. Many died, many were forgotten. The march began at the memorial outside Zagan, the temperature reaching a bone chilling –28°C. We marched all day

Fond farewell

Presenting our cheque for £700 to the Help for Heroes campaign

through the bitter cold, until we reached our shelter for the night, Hotel Lipna. This was far from any hotel; it was a 19th century stone barn, the same barn in which the POWs had slept in. We woke early the next morning to find more snow on the ground. Today was the day where, along our route, we would unveil the memorial cairns to

Our part in the Remembrance Day ceremony in Yarm 50 Yarm School Magazine 2009/10

commemorate the Long March. Also, it was one of the veterans’ birthdays. Eric Foinette turned 95, and it was on his 30th birthday when he originally marched. We set off again, this time for the German Polish border. The route took us through what seemed like an endless forest, a real drain on the mind. Muscles weary, and feet sore, we trudged on and we crossed the border as one. That night we slept on the site of the glass factory in which many of the POWs had slept. After two days of field conditions, it was a great feeling to have a shower, even if it wasn’t hot. We set off the next morning for the final time, reaching Spremberg just ahead of schedule, giving us a quick rest before the memorial service. Accompanied by the Band of the Royal Air Force, we paid respects again to the fallen, before

This year, Mr John Logan has stood down from his position as contingent commander of the Yarm School CCF after leading the contingent with much success since 2003. We would like to thank Sqn Ldr Logan most sincerely for his dedication and very hard work. Under him, especially recently, numbers in the CCF have grown and new initiatives have been introduced. The new contingent commander will be Captain P J Connery. Mr Connery has very quickly and competently taken over the reins.

boarding a coach back into Poland. That evening we were treated to an officers’ mess dinner, sampling both fine cuisine and forces banter, which lasted long into the night. The final day dawned, packing our bergans for the last time, we left Poland for Berlin. An unforgettable experience, many thanks to Flt Lt Harrondon and FO Van Opstal for taking us, and also to former Sqn Ldr Logan, who as his last action as contingent commander of the CCF, coordinated the trip from the beginning. Thank you. Jack Taylor www.yarmschool.org

Combined Cadet Force

In search of adventure During the May half term we set off on an adventurous training expedition to Aviemore, near Inverness. After the long journey past the Forth Bridge and the Highlands, we began our expedition in the Cairngorms. After walking ten kilometres in four hours we set up a campsite in a plantation, situated in a spectacular valley. Due to our policy of packing


light, on the second day we suffered from a shortage of food. The weather also changed which was quite extraordinary, from freezing cold to beautiful warm sunshine. We climbed a steep incline to the top of the highest mountain in the Cairngorms, Ben Macdui, 1300m. After reaching the top we made our way down (and occasionally up) snow covered hills. Once

off the hills we encountered an incredibly steep slope, with rocks above a nearby vertical slope. After a cautious and steady descent we eventually made it down to the rendezvous of the ski station; incredibly we were able to see people skiing in June. We were then whisked away to the lodge where we remained for the rest of the week. After an enjoyable night’s rest, in the clean and convenient accommodation, we began a day of sailing on Loch Insh. During the next two days, the group divided into two groups: one kayaking, the other mountain biking. Mountain biking was probably the most enjoyable activity of the trip. We not only learnt basic mountain biking skills but also skills that can be applied to road biking. A whole day of climbing was next, overlooking the valleys in the Highlands. Climbing itself was an interesting and progressive challenge. The natural rock certainly provided a different challenge to the plastic handholds

in an indoor centre. One highlight was watching a low flying RAF fast jet pass by from above. Overall the week provided many challenges whilst learning, new sports, new skills and how to be self-sufficient. On behalf on the cadets, I would like to thank Captain Connery and FO Van Opstal for a thoroughly enjoyable week. Harry Runnacles

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Spirited rugby: The arrival in September of our friends from Townsville GS, Australia, for our third fixture in the space of four years was one of the highlights of our rugby season. In a game in which the visitors started brighter and scored two early tries, Yarm did fight back with a debut try from Ben Tombling which resulted in 10 tense final minutes. However, Yarm spurned a glorious opportunity to level the game which Townsville capitalised on to go the length of the field to score a try of their own to seal a 7-19 victory. Their first victory in our “Ashes” series; a series which will hopefully continue next summer. The first XV opened the season with an encouraging 27-10 victory over Silcoates School and also managed victories over Leeds GS, Ashville College, Dame Allan’s, King’s School and Richmond School, as well as very spirited draw against Woodhouse Grove. However, consistency was certainly an issue and they only managed to win two games in a row on one occasion. A young second XV also opened with an excellent 35-5 win over Silcoates but they did find the rest of the season hard going and lost their next six fixtures. However, a last minute drop 52 Yarm School Magazine 2009/10



despite the mud goal by Nicky Thomas sealed a famous 14-11 victory over Durham School. They did follow this up with victory over Dame Allan’s before a last minute penalty lost them the game against Ashville on the last day of the season. The U15s and U12s both played in the Durham County Cup finals against High Tunstall and Barnard Castle respectively. Unfortunately the U15s left it rather late in the game to believe that they could win, and although they did manage to score two tries, they had let the opposition get too far ahead going down 14-35. The U12s played a thrilling www.yarmschool.org

game against rivals Barnard Castle whom they had comfortably beaten earlier in the season 36-14. This was to be a much closer encounter which was ultimately decided by the boot of Sam Wasson and the power of Ben Pollock. Although Yarm were leading 14-10 at half time Barnard Castle finished the stronger of the two teams. An early Sam Wasson penalty helped settle the Yarm nerves and when Ben Pollock scored his third try of the game it was all over. Sam Wasson converted to give Yarm a deserved 24-10 victory. Mr S Hardy Yarm School Magazine 2009/10 53


Netball teams’ winning ways What a season! The last three months have been the best season on record for the senior squad – the Ist VII won seven of their matches (a big improvement on last year) finishing with a success rate of 64%. The 2nd VII did better still, winning 73% of their games. This is no mean feat especially when you consider the opponents we have played at Sixth Form level. The 3rd and 4th teams did not have quite the same success, but getting four teams out regularly at this age is a success in itself. Special thanks must go to Rachel Warne for leading the seniors so well this season – big boots for someone to fill as senior netball captain next year! Also to Rachel York and Tash Donaldson, who have somehow managed to balance playing 1st VII netball and rowing at a very high level this term – that takes real time management and an ability to be torn in several directions! Thank you girls – the team would not have been as successful without you. The U15s are a talented year group who have displayed real commitment and enthusiasm this season. The ‘B’ team remained undefeated all term, which is an excellent achievement on top of winning the district tournament in October. In addition to winning the ‘A’ team District title, our ‘A’s lost only one match all season (to the immensely strong Bradford Grammar), an outstanding record. They keenly started training in 54 Yarm School Magazine 2009/10

Our winners

January with a list of ‘things we need to improve on’ and they have worked very hard to do just that this season. We look forward to this dedicated bunch joining the senior squad next year! The U14s have achieved some of the best results this season, as

between the ‘A’s and ‘B’s they have won seven matches, drawn one and lost one (we will beat you one day Barney!). This team have a brilliant rapport and work tirelessly for each other. District tournament runners up, well done for a great season girls!

The U12 and U13s have only lost one match each all season! In addition to that, the U13 ‘A’s are district tournament champions, and the U13 ‘B’s and U12 ‘A’s are district runners up. The majority of girls attended practice regularly, all of whom have represented the



Player of the season

Most improved player

U12 ‘A’

Holly Clark

Holly Clark

Imogen Kench

U12 ‘B’

Catriona McLean

Catriona McLean

Alexa Vasey

U13 ‘A’

Abigail Tombling

Lily Downs

Olivia Weatherhead

U13 ‘B’

Yazmin Gibson

Yazmin Gibson

Alex Bowen

U14 ‘A’

Annabelle Kime

Laura Marriot

Lizzie Medley

U14 ‘B’

Natalie Mills

Natalie Mills

Emily Scott

U15 ‘A’

Hannah York

Becky Scott

Georgia Slade

U15 ‘B’

Alex Metcalfe

Alex Metcalfe

Annabel Hughes

U16 ‘B’/4th VII

Shona Gardner

Rebecca Duggleby

Olivia Annal

3rd VII

Jen Lightwing

Vicky McGarley

Ellie Chapman

2nd VII

Amy Bonavia

Sarah Scott

Becky Potts

1st VII

Rachel Warne

Hattie Leggett

Tash Donaldson



Clockwise from top, Under 12 ‘A’s; Under 12 ‘B’s; Under 13 ’B’s and the U15 team warm up at Giggleswick

school in at least one match. The U12s have massively improved and now play together well as a team and with much less shouting than went on in January! The U13s have worked hard with Miss Jolly to continue the progress they made last year. They now attack with

confidence using the whole court and it a takes a lot to get past their defence! A great season girls! I would like to say a big thank you to all the staff who have willingly given up their time over the last four years to help coach and umpire – the matches could

not go ahead without your support. I would personally like to thank Hattie Leggett and Livi Desmond who have put in many hours each week helping me coach the U12/ U13s and even umpired matches, I really appreciate it girls! Finally, I would like to say a HUGE thank

you to the girls who have worked tirelessly on court, given up their lunch time to practice shooting and juggled their commitments so they could be at practice every week; Yarm Netball would not be so successful without your dedication. Thank you girls, I will miss you! Miss C Holloway

Above, our Under 12 distict champions; left, the 1st VII squad

1st VII get new kit, courtesy of Cleveland Land Services www.yarmschool.org

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U16 county champions

Girls’ hockey: we are the champions Overall, we have all enjoyed a very successful season. The U12s recorded wins over Barnard Castle, Red House, Durham School, Scarborough College and St Martins,

56 Yarm School Magazine 2009/10

Ampleforth. They were runnersup in the county tournament but won the Stockton Indoor League beating Teesside High in the final. Player of season was close with Beth Edmondson having an excellent season as captain and Sammy Reed growing in stature as a GK, but... U12s player of the season – Holly Clark U12 most improved player – Kathryn Jackson Top goal scorer – Kathryn Jackson with 12 goals. The U13s have had a mixed bag of results with good wins over Durham School, Scarborough, Queen Marys and worked hard for draws with Red House, Leeds and

Barnard Castle. They were runners up in the county tournament in March but won the Stockton Indoor league in the same month, where Hannah Sunley was played extremely well. U13s player of the season – Lily Downs U13s most improved – Lucy Quigley Top goal scorer – Olivia Shotton with 13 goals. The U14s enjoyed a win over Leeds Grammar but struggled against other local schools. We have a number of players playing hockey for the district and Tees Valley but as a unit they have lacked consistency and confidence. However, I am pleased to report that at the end of the season the U14s were crowned county champions in March beating Red House 2-0 in the final. U14s player of the season –

Hannah McCullagh U14s most improved – Chandni Gupta Top goal scorer – Hannah McCullagh with four goals. The U15s have had a good season beating Giggleswick, Leeds Grammar, Barnard Castle but their highlight was winning the Ampleforth 7s invitation. This was a fantastic result beating the likes of Hymers, Pocklington, Ampleforth, and Cundall Manor. Selecting the U15s player of the season has proved difficult. Katie Carter was close, Emilia Mack was like lightening up front and Alex was a revelation on the wing. Hannah Crosbie was the glue holding it all together, but the captain just nudges it for me: U15s player of the season – Hannah Carey U15s most improved – Annabel Hughes www.yarmschool.org


Top row, from left: U14 county champions; U15 indoor hockey team; U13 indoor winners. Above, left: 1st XI. Above right: U15 girls, also pictured left at the Ampleforth tournament. Below: U13 ‘A’s

Top goal scorer – Alex Metcalfe with seven goals. The U16s have enjoyed yet another excellent season. Not only were they crowned county champions in September, they remained unbeaten in friendly fixtures for the fifth year running. Many players make up the 1st and 2nd X1 squads and have therefore played a lot of hockey. They should be commended for their commitment to school hockey, they have been a pleasure to coach and they are always available. The seniors have had their ‘best ever’ season. The 1sts enjoyed wins over Durham School, RGS Newcastle, The Mount and Queen Ethelburgas. My personal highlight was the win over Durham and the third goal scored that day, Sophie to Vicky to Harry and a resounding third goal. The crowd went wild, okay just Tony and me! www.yarmschool.org

The player of the season is a close call but Sophie Briddon (selected to play for the north of England this season) for her dominance in midfield against older and stronger girls. She works tirelessly for the team and has the most assists on the pitch. Most improved is Emma Mavin, what a season – strong and selfless. For the 2nds I have selected Sam ‘Bambi’ Deer as player of the season, she has been the quickest on the pitch and been instrumental in a lot of clean sheets. Most improved player for the 2nds would have to go to Becky Potts, she has grown in confidence and made a difference to the team. 1st top goal scorers – Vicky McGarley and Sophie Briddon with 10 goals each, followed by Harry Bradbury with eight and Emma Mavin with seven. 2nds top goal scorer – Emily

Hadlow with nine goals, together with a number of girls helping with the odd one or two. The seniors have scored 69 goals in total, the highest total ever scored by our three oldest year groups. This leaves me with just the Upper Sixth girls who have now played their last hockey matches for the school. No tears girls! Abbie Hirst (captain), has played in the 1st team both last year and this year, a difficult feat with the quality this season. Shona Gardner and Jess Clark (captains), played mostly for the 2nds with the odd game for the 1sts, have been very good ambassadors for school hockey. Marie Lee has improved this year and been a handful up front for the

2nd team. Alex Howie was injured for most of the season enjoyed a great penalty flick for the 2nds. Rachel Warne will be missed for her ‘Sport Billy Bag’ and general good company. Becky Pearson started the season well but has not played since early October, her goal against Leeds Grammar early on was the highlight of her season. That just leaves me with this year’s hockey statistics: Played 72, won 40, drawn 12, lost 20. Lastly, thank you to Becca, Mr Emerson and Mrs Gratton for running the school hockey teams. Also to Mr Grainge (Mr Roll Out!) whose coaching has been invaluable this season. Miss N Redhead Yarm School Magazine 2009/10 57


Serving up Boys’ hockey is on the up Yarm boys’ hockey planned to play over 80 fixtures this year, however the season was hampered by snow and freezing temperatures. Once the snow and ice finally thawed, Yarm had some excellent results. The U18s team comprised mainly of members of the Lower Sixth and Fifth Year and had a difficult task to continue the successes of the previous Upper Sixth side. It was promising to see the U16s stepping into the vacant U18 positions. At times, they produced some excellent hockey, with memorable moments from Luke Hunter, Ben Tombling, Nick Theos and Nick Thomas. The players’ player of the year was given to James Thomas. Several of the U18 players are involved in the Junior Regional Performance Centre at Durham. This year was the first time Yarm fielded a 2nd X1 and the boys competed well and came through with some good results. The highlight was beating Durham 4-2 after being 2-0 down at half time. The U16s were a very strong team this year, reaching the final of the County Cup but narrowly losing to Egglescliffe School 1-0. The U16s nearly went through to the National Indoor Finals at Southampton, however lost out to Egglescliffe 4-3 after being in front 3-1 in the north finals at Bradford. The U15s have a lot of talent and they continue to support the U16 team. They were also successful as a year group, 58 Yarm School Magazine 2009/10

beating Durham 13-0. George Austick, Joshua Woodward, Adam Edmondson and Conner Graham represented Durham County. The U14s have continued to develop this season, beating QEGS the Yorkshire champions 6-0 but losing to Egglescliffe 2-1 in the County Cup final. Akshay Peddada, Andrew Brennan, Tom Mavin, John Phellas and Alex Reed continue to support the spine of the team. The U13s are another year group with plenty of promising talent. They work well together as a team. The U13s are my tip for the most successful boys’ hockey team from Yarm School, having beaten our local rivals Egglescliffe and Red House. Max Harrison, Alex Gittens, Sam Guest, Jonny Wong are just a few to watch. The U12s are a very keen and responsive side and continue to develop. They have beaten Egglescliffe and Red House School to be crowned the County Champions. Sam Wasson, Mark Phellas and Dom Vasey deserve a mention but there are plenty of characters in this year group which make the team complete. Hockey as a whole within Yarm School is improving and Yarm is producing more players year on year representing the county (JAC) and regional centres (JRPC). Well done to all who have participated. If you would like to be involved in county and regional hockey please see Mr Grainge for more information. Mr P Grainge

It has been another very busy and successful season for the boys’ and girls’ tennis teams, with some great performances all round. This season the effort and enthusiasm shown by the boys, not only for the A teams but also those who represented the school right through to the D teams, has been outstanding. We were involved in many midweek league matches at U13 and U15 age and in total I believe almost 50 boys played in the various teams. This is a great achievement and shows how popular tennis is at Yarm. Once again we were successful in winning all our A team league matches in both age groups and as such we will represent Cleveland in the knockout stages of the Aegon National Tennis Cup starting in September. In the B, C and D team league matches, we won all matches across the

leagues with the exception of one draw and one loss. In the North of England Championships we had a full representation of teams at all age groups; U12, 14, 16 and 19. At the senior end we made the quarter final of the U16 cup, only struggling as both players were suffering with injury, and in the U19 plate we reached the semifinals. At Pocklington School it was the turn of the younger boys and we entered two pairs in both the U12 and U14 competitions. The performance of all players was very pleasing and they showed superb attitude and commitment, some of them exceeding expectations. In the U12 tournament the pairing of Sam Waanders and Harry Bean made it to the Cup quarter finals, before succumbing

U15 ‘A’ team

U13 tennis www.yarmschool.org


some great tennis

to a very strong Altringham Grammar pair. Mark Phellas and Marcus Mclaney (in his first appearance for the school) battled hard to get to the quarter final of the plate. In the U14 event, Alex Gunn and Michael Alexander (both playing a year young) played some great tennis reaching the last 16 of the cup. In the plate competition Alex Reed and Andre Wilson fought hard to get to the semi-final, with Alex on top form as they lost to a very strong MGS side. The U13 girls secured the title of county champions after remaining unbeaten against Conyers, 6-0. Sophie Allick, Jo Jo Booth, Sam Reed, Alex Bowen and Serena Gate each played a single and a doubles match to secure the victory. The U13 team continued their winning ways against Red House with Sophie Allick winning 6-1, Jo Jo Booth 6-3, Sam Reed 6-0 and Serena Gate 6-2. The U13 girls went on to play the Durham representatives and Sunderland County winners. The team, Sophie Allick, Nat Woods, Sam Reed and Jo Jo Booth competed well in searing temperatures but lost to Durham High (6-0), but beat Houghton Keepier (6-0). Overall we won one, lost one, but well done to the four girls who did well to get to


this inter-county triangular. The U15 girls had mixed results which included a close match against Leeds Grammar School. All three couples played a round robin tournament. Caitlin and Imogen Prasaad, Alex Metcalfe, Hannah Crosbie, Kat Lees and Karishma Ahitan all contributed to a very good win overall with 5-4 the final score. Overall, the girls played 24 matches, won 17 and lost seven. Finally, teams across all ages (U13-U19) were at Eton College for the annual tennis event, National Independent Schools’ Championships. As a school we played some great tennis and gained respect from

spectators for the way the teams played, and the team spirit and support that was evident to all. In the U13s tournaments, both boys’ pairs achieved some great results, just failing to reach the quarter-finals. The U13 girls pair of Jo Jo Booth and Sam Reed did very well to be runners up in their pool and reach the knockout stage. They won through the plate final, eventually finishing top six out of the 20 teams. The highlight of the tournament was the boys’ U15 pairing of Stephen Alexander and John Phellas. They had tough draws throughout the

tournament but impressed everyone with the standard of their tennis and achieved some outstanding wins against pairs from Eton, Millfield and Loughbrough. In the quarter-finals they played the tournaments second seed doubles from Millfield. They pushed them hard all the way, only losing 6-4. This result put them into the shield event. After beating Radleigh 6-1, 6-1, they faced Merchant Taylors’ School. In an absorbing final that went into a deciding tie-break set, they eventually lost 14-12. It was a tough result but they should be extremely proud of themselves, as they finished sixth overall from a draw of almost 100 schools. Mr C Webb & Miss N E Redhead Stephen Alexander and John Phellas: north of England U14 winners 2009

Yarm School Magazine 2009/10 59


It has been another hectic but highly successful season for rowing at Yarm School. We have once again recorded more wins than any other school for the fourth consecutive year. Yarm stormed the Tees Regatta, winning 10 events and therefore putting the school at the top of the leader board after a thrilling day of rowing. The most notable victory was Andrew Brown winning the elite singles. At the National Schools Regatta, Rachel Gamble-Flint won the only medal for the school, coming first in the women’s championship single sculls. The championship coxless quad of Richard Jones, Alex Grundmann, Andrew Brown and Richard Kessell missed out on a medal coming fourth; also coming in fourth place was the J18 girls coxed four of Abigail Sadler, Rachel York, Natasha Donaldson, Georgina Metcalfe and cox Hannah York. A junior eight and coxless quad pre-qualified for Henley Royal Regatta this year, which was a first for the school. The eight won their first round (another first for the school!), but were drawn against tough American opposition and were consequently knocked out in the second round. The coxless quad were drawn

60 Yarm School Magazine 2009/10

Rowing to against a home composite crew and led for the majority of the race but were unfortunately rowed through just before the line, losing by three feet! In adverse weather conditions three Yarm crews raced the 2k course at Strathclyde Park in the British National Championships. Ben Donald put in a brave performance in his single scull in exceptionally testing conditions. The J16 coxless quad of Nicholas Theos, Ben Tombling, Alex Grundmann and Richard Kessell had to race twice to reach the final,

placing them in an unfavourable lane where they finished fifth, and the J18 coxless quad of Richard Jones, Jack Taylor, Joe Croisdale and Ben Jones just missed out on making the final. At the European Championships junior event, known as the Coupe de la Jeunesse, Andrew Brown successfully completed final trials and was selected to row in the double scull. On the first day of the competition, Andrew’s crew were unlucky to be drawn in the toughest semi-final and just missed out on a place in the A-final. They

did, however, go on to win the B-final comfortably. On the second day of racing the draw was more favourable and they qualified for the A-final where, in the closest race of the event, they won a bronze medal finishing 0.6 seconds behind the winners. At the World U23s in Brest, Belarus, Rachel Gamble-Flint’s season continued to thrive as she achieved selection to row in the women’s U23 coxless quad. In the heat and the repecharge her crew came third which put them into the B-final where they came second, www.yarmschool.org


glory ranking the crew eighth overall. In the women’s lightweight double scull, former pupil Katherine Copeland secured a place in the A-final where she came sixth, and Ben Rowe, also a former pupil, won a silver medal in the men’s lightweight double scull. Congratulations to all. The House regatta saw some very exciting racing this year, with Aidan taking a two point victory over Bede with Cuthbert in third place and Oswald in fourth. The event was followed by a barbecue and the unveiling of the newly www.yarmschool.org

named “Snakey” double scull, kindly sponsored by ‘Get Ahead Hats’ owners, Mr and Mrs Sadler. Rowing continues to grow from strength to strength at Yarm School. This was evident when Mr David Tanner, GB Rowing Performance Director, opened the new fitness suite earlier in the year. Mr Tanner spoke highly of the

school’s rowing achievements especially considering it has only been established for 13 years. Well done to all current and former pupils on their achievements this year. Also, thank you to parents and staff who attend

the regattas in support of the school. We look forward to another great season next year. With memberships expected to exceed 100, it looks promising. Yarm School Magazine 2009/10 61


Cricketers make an impact Once again the very short summer term and increased number of exams made it a brief cricket season. That said, all of the junior teams had some notable successes and some fine individual performances. It cannot be stressed enough, however, if the boys (or girls) want to reach their full potential they must be prepared to involve themselves with local clubs. U12s started off like a whirlwind with a fine victory over St Martin’s, Ampleforth. Star of the show was Ben Pollock who scored a magnificent 81, this was then supported in the bowling department by Dominic Vasey, Sam Wasson and Nikhil Krishna. Disappointingly this was the only win of the season, however all the other games saw some notable performances mainly from the aforementioned Wasson and Vasey. U13s also had a very hard season but it was a memorable one because all their matches were closely contested affairs. Highlights of the year include victory over King’s Tynemouth (both A and B teams) and individual performances of Richard Knaggs, Kieran Johnson, Michael Alexander and James McCullagh. U14s boasted four Cleveland Schools players in Uddhav Vaghela, Akshay Peddada, Dheeraj Viswanath and Tom Robinson but 62 Yarm School Magazine 2009/10

not all were available for every school match due to their other commitments. Highlight of their year would be Andrew Pearson 5 for 4 against King’s Tynemouth, an opening partnership of 111 (Nelson for the knowledgeable) between Tom Robinson and Akshay Peddada, and the consistent performance of Akshay and Dheeraj. U15s were captained by their county player Scott Melville. They also had a hard season and were bolstered from time to time by U14s who forced their way into the team. A special mention needs to be made of Scott for the way he steered the side through choppy waters and Simon Eastham for his performance with the bat. As always the 1st VI had a truncated season but performed admirably in all their matches. One sensed the true spirit of cricket flowed through the team. My personal thanks go to Gareth Russell-Hughes for captaining the side with knowledge and tactical awareness, and to all the other players for making themselves available before, during and after their public exams. Cricket continues to thrive at Yarm which is down to the willingness and application of all boys in the teams from U12 B to 1st VI. Well done! Mr C Thomas www.yarmschool.org

Sports round-up What a year for n Ben Spencer! Ben represented Stockton at the

Steve McClaren, centre, with the Yarm pupils who collected awards

Sporting heroes Over 130 senior pupils and parents celebrated the sporting successes of the past year, at our sports award dinner. Former England football manager Steve McClaren Rugby

Oliver Kitson

Girls Hockey

Abbie Hirst

Boys Hockey

Ben Taylor


Rachel York

Boys Rowing

Andrew Brown

Girls Rowing

Rachel Gamble-Flint

Boys Tennis

Philip Armitage


Matthew Thomas

joined us fresh from winning the Dutch league to present the awards. The following pupils were awarded individual prizes for their contribution to the respective sports:

Cleveland Schools Cross Country where he took the county title for the junior boys. He continued with his winning streak at the North of England Cross Country Championships, in Blackburn. Ben competed in the under 13s, 3k race with nearly 200 boys at Witton Park. The race was very close with Ben digging deep for a four second win, making him the under 13s Northern Champion. In winning the race Ben managed to outrun six boys that came in the 1500m top ten rankings.

In recognition to their overall contribution to Yarm School sport the following awards were presented: Boys

Gareth Russell Hughes


Rachel Warne

Ben Spencer: winning streak

Achievements applauded

J16 coxed four won the team award www.yarmschool.org

Yarm School was delighted that both current and former pupils were nominated at the Teesside Schools Sports Council Awards 2010. Andrew Brown, Richard Jones, Alex Puddick, Ben Jones and Hannah York (cox) won the team award for their successes in rowing. Achievements have included a gold medal in J16 coxed four at the National Schools Regatta and a bronze medal at the National Championships. The awards were hosted by Diane Youdale, radio presenter and former Gladiator, Jet. Diane was so impressed with the school’s rowing achievements that she came to the school to interview members of the boat club which was broadcasted on BBC Radio Tees. Yarm School Magazine 2009/10 63

Sports Day

64 Yarm School Magazine 2009/10


Sports Day


Yarm School Magazine 2009/10 65

Fifth Year

66 Yarm School Magazine 2009/10


Sixth Form

And so, farewell‌ Upper Sixth Form students marked the end of their formal schooling with the annual leavers' day service and leavers’ dinner. We wish all of our Upper Sixth students well for their future. Dr A M Goodall


Yarm School Magazine 2009/10 67

Yarm School Association

Flings can only get better: at the Burns Night celebration

Getting in the swing

Food, glorious food: at the Gourmet Night

The Yarm School Association has had a busy year hosting a wide range of events for parents. The year was started with the annual new parents’ evening where the YSA committee members were able to meet many of the new parents at the school and introduce them to the Association. In November there was a chance for women to enjoy an evening of shopping and pampering at the YSA Pretty Woman event. With jewellery, food, flowers and 68 Yarm School Magazine 2009/10

beauticians it was a perfect evening to relax and unwind whilst meeting other parents. Burns Night proved a big success with a ceilidh and traditional Scottish cuisine: haggis, neeps and tatties. A piper addressed the haggis before chef Martin served the meals. In March the YSA hosted a Gourmet Night where Martin and his team delighted guests with four delectable courses and complementary wine. Also in March

Hats off: the Pretty Woman event

was an evening with Mr Neville Tate: the founding Headmaster told stories and read extracts from his book about founding the school. The year was rounded off by the ‘Black & Gold’ ball which proved once again to be a sell out. Martin and his team served up a delightful three-course meal and Synergy band ensured everyone was up on the dance floor. This year the YSA has raised money that has been put towards: art display boards, cameras for the

photography club and weights and storage for the new fitness centre. To find out more about the YSA please look out for the programme of events that will be sent out at the start of the new term. Thank you to Fiona Attewill, Chair of the YSA and other members of the committee who have organised and ensured the smooth running of the events. Also thank you to everyone for attending the YSA events in support of the school. www.yarmschool.org

Academic Sixth Formers among first to receive new qualifications Congratulations to the pioneering group of Sixth Formers who received the results of the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). Anjali Roody, Philip Armitage, Manisha Pandey and Usmaan Omer, began work on their projects last spring and submitted their finished work in October. When the results were published, Anjali, who hopes to

read engineering at university, became the first person at Yarm School to achieve the new Sixth Form A* grade for her project on nano-technology. Other projects included one on the influence of 1968’s student uprising on later French society, a short ethnographic film about Peruvian culture, and research into space exploration. The EPQ, which was

introduced nationally in September 2008, is modelled on a university dissertation, giving students the chance to complete an independent project in a field in which they have a particular interest; it is assessed by looking not only at the end-product but also their management of the process and the quality of students’ evaluation of their work. They also had to give

presentations about what they had done and face questions from the audience! Thanks must go to the members of staff who supported the students in the role of ‘supervisor’ – Mr Brown, Mr Chamberlain, Dr Goodall and Mrs Kneale – and we look forward to seeing what members of the new LVI EPQ group will achieve in a year’s time.

Oxbridge places for hard working Yarm students Yarm School is delighted that five star students have been offered places at Oxford and Cambridge this year to study a range of subjects from engineering to history. Rachel York, Patrick Tomison, Malcolm Miller, Duncan Montgomery and Max Upton have been offered a place at two of the country’s most prestigious universities, after a grueling interview process. Competition is always fierce and therefore it is fantastic achievement that five Yarm School students

were offered places. This year we were particularly pleased to see students being accepted on a wide range of courses, including law with German. Patrick Tomison was accepted to study law with German at Oxford’s University College; Malcolm Miller to study engineering at Queens’ College, Cambridge University; Rachel York to study chemistry at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford; Duncan Montgomery to study English at Cambridge and Max Upton to study history at Cambridge.

Mathematicians in national final

Congratulations to 15 students who received university offers to study medicine and dentistry this year. This achievement is particularly impressive with increased competition for university places, especially medical-related courses. Medicine and dentistry continue to be popular career choices for Yarm School students. In 2009, 13 Yarm School applicants received offers of places and this success has been repeated in 2010 with 13 medical applicants and two dental applicants being offered places. In both years this comes from a sixth form of less than 100 students! We congratulate those who have been successful in receiving offers and wish them, and all our students, good luck in their future.


Four of our young mathematicians, Matthew Bonavia, Uddhav Vaghela, Dhruv Tapasvi and George Atherton, travelled to London to compete in the National Finals of the Team Maths Challenge. After travelling across London they arrived at the Royal Horticultural College to meet the 80 teams taking part. The competitions consisted of four rounds: a group circus (a set of questions that they had to work on as a team), a head to head (where they competed against another team), a cross number (where one half of the team tackled the across clues and the other half the down clues) and the final relay round.

The questions tackled by the pupils were challenging and all four boys had to work hard for their points. They worked well and achieved respectable results in each round. The final placing of 45th in the country was a very good result. Example from the group round: If 2T+M=C and C+M=3T what is the value of T/M? Three tenths of a number is one more than two sevenths of the number. What is the number?

Yarm School Magazine 2009/10 69

Exam results

Much to celebrate Lots to celebrate for Ahmed, Vidya and Alex

Celebrating the new A* grade

The results this summer were excellent and have given everybody good reason to celebrate! In a year of change in Upper Sixth examinations, the new A* was introduced at A-level, Yarm School trialled the first ever Pre-U examinations, which are an alternative to A-levels and the Extended Project Qualification became established. All three initiatives met with considerable success at Yarm School. At A-level over half of the subject entries (53.7%) achieved A* or Grade A. This was an increase of exactly 10% over last year – what an improvement! 15.4% of entries were awarded the new A* grade. Overall, there was another 100% success rate, with everybody

Great results for Duncan Livesey

passing every one of their options – superb! The new Cambridge Pre-U qualification was piloted by the Religious Studies and Philosophy department. All four of the candidates achieved a distinction, a most notable success. Well done to them and Mrs Nickson who worked so hard introducing the course. Earlier in the year the School achieved its first A* grade in the Extended Project Qualification and increasing numbers of pupils are recognising the benefits of this extension piece of examination work. Four pupils, Patrick Tomison, Malcolm Miller, James Kessell and Duncan Montgomery achieved 4 A*’s and 1 A grade. Both Patrick and Malcolm have been accepted

to study at Oxford and Cambridge respectively and they will be joined by three other Yarm School pupils. In Medicine, 13 pupils held offers of places on this most competitive of degree courses and we were delighted that all 13 of them secured their places – 13 must be a lucky number for Yarm School! At GCSE level records were broken, too. The overall mean of 10 passes per pupil was our best ever. In total 27.9% of entries were awarded A* and 60% A* or A. We must also remember that our pupils take the more demanding academic courses which are so highly valued by universities and employers. Ahmed Saeed Maiter achieved 13 straight A* grades (that number again!). Alexander

Grundmann (12 A*’s), Siri Gowda (11 A*’s) and Richard Kessell (11 A*’s) all shared with Ahmed the accolade of achieving a “clean sweep”. All of our pupils work extremely hard and their teachers support, nurture and encourage them throughout the year. We must remember all of our successes are way above the national norm. We celebrate them all and congratulate everybody on this year’s outstanding achievements. Mr D M Dunn

Straight A*s for Alexander Grundmann 70 Yarm School Magazine 2009/10


School Appointments



Jack Harrison and Georgina Appleyard


Hamza Qureshi Jack Taylor SCHOOL PREFECTS

Olivia Desmond Harriett Leggett

Jonathan Adams Georgina Appleyard Andrew Brown Preeti Chaudhury Thomas Conroy Joe Croisdale Alexandra de Jong Olivia Desmond Juliet Edwards-Heathcote David Elliott Katie Gorwits Richard Hall Jack Harrison Isobel Irwin Eleanor Jenyns Andrew Johnson Isaac Kibirige Regina Lee HOUSE CAPTAINS

Harriett Leggett John Liddle Caroline Lywood Christopher MacKenzie Victoria Matthews Alexander Metcalfe Georgina Metcalfe Josie Neasham Young Kuk Noh Kate Pleydell Hamza Qureshi Eleanor Robinson Sarah Scott Lucy Soppitt Jack Taylor Joshua Van Geffen Tyler Whitehead Jasmine Wilkinson

Aidan: Sarah Scott

Richard Hall Georgina Metcalfe Barney Rankin

Bede: Josie Neasham

John Liddle Kate Pleydell Tyler Whitehead

Alexandra de Jong Robbie Mortimer


Cuthbert: Eleanor Robinson Young Kuk Noh Oswald: Christopher MacKenzie Lauren Hewitt


Emily Cardew Guy Stokeld



Richard Hall


Mohib Ellahi


Ben Jones

Isaac Kibirige



Harriett Leggett


Olivia Desmond

Isaac Kibirige

Yarm School Magazine 2009/10 71

Yarm Preparatory School Grammar School Lane Yarm TS15 9ES Email: prepschool@yarmschool.org Telephone: 01642 781447 Yarm School The Friarage Yarm TS15 9EJ Email: admin@yarmschool.org Telephone: 01642 786023 Yarm at Raventhorpe 96 Carmel Road North Darlington DL3 8JB Email: yar@yarmschool.org Telephone: 01325 463373 www.yarmschool.org

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