MUSIC VIDEO Creative concept
Starts with him in the different locations we want to use, shots start blurry and become focused. Also have a location of him on a white wall, with a projector projecting locations. He is going to be seen in the empty room rapping with shots ranging between extreme long shots and close ups, while the shots of him singing will be close ups and mid-shot. Footage for the bridge will include the girl recording a video she made for him will play while it slowly zooms onto the artist. The colour palette will be mostly contrasting colours, with the artist being dressed simply but more so that his costume will contrast Visual styles and techniques In our music video we will be using close ups of his mouth whilst he raps, profile shots, and hand shots. We will also be using the projection of previously shot footage over the artist during the bridge.
Magazine Advert
The simple style of having the image taking up the whole page with the text at the bottom is a format that we want to use because it is simple, which reflects on our artist’s brand of being down to earth. As well as the photograph, we aim to manipulate it using graphic styles like the images below. The font and style of the text will most likely be a sleek san serif font in white over the image. And the way that the first screen shot has the small constellation dots with the lines is another graphical element that we will include in the magazine advert and the digipak. We will have a twitter, official website, Facebook page and Tumblr information along the bottom. The website is going to be the most obvious, as well as the twitter. The Facebook page, Tumblr. We will also have where it will be available (iTunes, Bandcamp).
Image credit: Nick Knight
Digipak The way that this digipak follows a certain theme with the black and white and the newspaper style, I think we will include into our work as well. The magazine advert and the digipak will be a strong point of making his visual brand known while the music video will focus on both his visuals and his persona. We will have an edgy avant-garde like style as seen in the magazine advert, as well as using powder, either coloured or plain (most likely plain, using something like talcum powder as a substitute), to throw over the artist or by itself to make the text out of it. On one of the panels we will include the social networking links.