Y By Yasin T. al-Jibouri Excerpted from Volume Two of my book titled Allah: The Concept of God in Islam (Bloomington, Indiana, U.S.A.: AuthorHouse, 2013) While the Prophet was still in Khaybar, a Jewess presented him with a dressed and grilled lamb just when he was about to be served his dinner. Expressing his gratitude for the present, the Prophet took the shoulder, his favorite part, to eat, giving the man sitting next to him, namely Bishr son of al-Barā' ibn Ma`rūr al-Khazraji al-Ansari who had courageously participated in the battles at Badr and Uhud, another piece and passing pieces to other sahaba who were present there and then as was always his habit. As soon as the Prophet tasted the lamb, he realized that it did not taste right. Rather than swallowing it, he spat it out. Meanwhile, Bishr had already swallowed some of the meat. He collapsed and died instantly. Conducting an intensive inquiry, the companions of the Prophet came to know that that lamb had been prepared by a Jewish captive who was summoned and interrogated. She defended herself by saying that that was her revenge for the loss of her father, brother, husband other relatives, for the devastation wrought by the Muslims on her people and country. She added saying that if Mu¦ammed were a true Prophet, he would discover the mischief before any harm afflicted him; but if he were a pretender, he would fall a victim to her scheme and the Jews would be saved from "his tyranny”. There are two different stories as to what happened to that Jewess. One says that she was put to death there and then. Another tells quite a different story. Following is the narration of the same incident by a grandson of the Prophet , namely Imām Ali ibn Mu¦ammed : "When the Messenger of Allāh returned from Khaybar to Medīna, after having won a great victory (over the Jews), a Jewess who had pretended to have accepted