Abu hurayra and the falsification of hadith

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In the Name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful

ABŪ HURAYRA AND THE FALSIFICATION OF HADĪTH By Yasin T. al-Jibouri Mu`āwiyah ibn Abū Sufyān ibn Harb (602 – 680 A.D.), a relative of the Prophet of Islam from the Quraish tribe, played a major role in distorting the Islamic creed by paying writers to tailor design “traditions” to serve his interests and support his deviated views. He installed himself as ruler of Syria1 in 40 A.H./661 A.D. and ruled for twenty long years till his death at the age of seventy-eight. Mu`āwiyah declared himself “caliph” in Syria when he was 59 years old and assumed authority by sheer force. He was neither elected nor requested to take charge. He did not hide this fact; rather, he bragged about it once when he addressed the Kufians saying, “O people of Kūfa! Do you think that I fought you in order that you may establish prayers or give zakat or perform the pilgrimage?! I know that you do pray, pay zakat and perform the pilgrimage. Indeed, I fought you in order to take command over you with 1

Actually, it was not Syria but Sham, a word which is not quite common in English. Sham used at the time to include Syria, Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan.


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