Al quds newsletter issue no 105

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Yayasan Al-Quds Malaysia

Tentera Zionis rosakkan kubur di Bab al-Rahma 23 Okt 2016

Pusat Maklumat Palestin Haluan Palestin entera penjajah Zionis dengan diiringi oleh beberapa pegawai Jabatan Antikuiti Zionis menceroboh masuk tanah perkuburan Islam di Bab al-Rahma yang terletak bersebelahan timur Masjid al-Aqsa. Beberapa kubur dirosakkan dan digali semula. Dalam kejadian tersebut seorang petugas Masjid al-Aqsa, Samed Asila, ditangkap dan dibebaskan selepas disoal-siasat.

Tentera Zionis paksa peniaga Palestin di al-Quds tutup kedai

23 Okt 2016

Pusat Maklumat Palestin Pasukan tentera penjajah Zionis malam tadi menyerbu kawasan Bab Hitah di Kota Lama al-Quds dan memaksa peniaga-peniaga Palestin menutup kedai mereka. Seorang warga emas Abu Zaki, 60, dan pemuda Ahmad Badriyah ditangkap dalam kejadian tersebut. Menurut peniaga Muawiyah Duweik, bekalan elektrik terputus sebelum solat Isyak dan para pemuda mula menyalakan bungapi ke udara. Setelah bekalan elektrik kembali pulih, mereka dikejutkan dengan pasukan tentera penjajah yang menyerbu Bab Hitah dan memaksa semua peniaga menutup kedai. Tindakan tentera ini merupakan sebahagian daripada hukuman secara kolektif ke atas penduduk Palestin di al-Quds, di mana para peniaga menjadi dikenakan berbagai denda dan cukai setiap hari. Biasanya, peniaga akan menutup kedai pada jam 11:00 malam.



Yayasan Al-Quds Malaysia

UN official: Israel has tightened Gaza blockade, pursued demolition wave in West Bank 22 Oct 2016 Middle East Monitor Almost every Palestinian in the West Bank and Gaza Strip is affected by the “protection crisis” under Israeli occupation, a senior United Nations (UN) humanitarian official has told the Security Council. Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Stephen O’Brien, delivered his statement on the Humanitarian Situation in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) on Wednesday.

law and Security Council Resolution 1860.” The UN official pointed out that “the operating environment for humanitarian action in Gaza has also deteriorated”, with “access for humanitarian staff in Gaza…increasingly problematic.” The Overall, according to O’Brien, “nearly half rate of permits denied to UN personnel based in of all Palestinians in the oPt – some 2.3 mil- Gaza rose from 3% in January to 41% in Seplion out of a total population of 4.8 million tember. – are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance.” Turning to the West Bank, O’Brien stated that Concerning the Gaza Strip specifically, the Israeli occupation authorities have demolO’Brien said that “movement and access ished 958 Palestinian-owned structures – includrestrictions on goods and people…not only ing in East Jerusalem – in 2016 to date (as of 13 literally bind most people into an untenable October). This is 75% higher than the figure for reality in Gaza, but also impede economic 2015 as a whole. activity.” In addition, the “demolition of donor-funded O’Brien noted how “over 1,500 traders and humanitarian assistance has also spiked, at 271, 160 business people in Gaza have lost travel 150 per cent higher than last year, and there have permits in recent months, reversing a trend been more demolitions in occupied East Jerusaof increased permit approvals witnessed lem, 147, than in any year since the UN began post- 2014.” systematically recording such demolitions in 2008.” Israel has displaced 1,447 Palestinians, “Without the capacity to develop the lo- including 719 women and 690 children, and ancal economy,” O’Brien said, “a sustainable other 5,919 affected, including 1,571 women and solution to the humanitarian needs in Gaza 1,763 children, due to the demolition of liveliwill not be possible”, adding that “the full hood structures. O’Brien added: “These demolifting of the closures is crucial to lasting litions violate international law and must cease progress in Gaza, in line with international immediately.”



Yayasan Al-Quds Malaysia

Al-Quds hit hard by violent Israeli raids and wave of arrests

22 Oct 2016 Middel East Monitor Al-Quds governorate has seen the highest number of Palestinian injuries and arrests at the hands of Israeli occupation forces in recent weeks. According to the United Nations OCHA report, which covers the two-week period 4-17 October, two-thirds of all Palestinian injuries across the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) were recorded in al-Quds governorate (76 out of 115). During the same two-week period, al-Quds governorate also accounted for the highest proportion of Israeli search and arrest operations in the oPt (70 out of 178), and the highest number of arrests (136 out of 295). Thus almost half of all Palestinians detained in the period 4-17 October were arrested in the al-Quds governorate. UN OCHA notes that attacks by Israeli forces included “the raiding of Dar al Aytam School in the Old City of al-Quds, arresting 14 students and the head of the school, as well as the Director of Al Waqf schools in al-Quds.” Meanwhile, also in al-Quds, “Israeli police handed out orders banning fifteen Palestinians from entering the Haram Al-Sharif/Temple Mount compound, two for three month periods and the rest for at least two weeks,” UN OCHA stated.



Yayasan Al-Quds Malaysia

19 kanak-kanak Palestin dikenakan tahanan pentadbiran tanpa pengadilan

20 Okt 2016 Pusat Maklumat Palestin - Haluan Palestin Kenyataan Defence Children International Palestine (DCIP) hari ini mendedahkan bahawa pihak Zionis mengenakan tahanan pentadbiran tanpa sebarang pendakwaan atau pengadilan ke atas 19 kanak-kanak Palestin sejak tercetusnya Intifadah al-Quds pada bulan Oktober 2015. Enam daripada mereka ditahan berkaitan tulisan di laman Facebook. Seramai 11 orang telah dibebaskan tanpa sebarang pendakwaan setelah merengkok dalam penjara antara tiga dan lapan bulan. Manakala dua orang dijatuhkan bersalah dan dipenjara selama tiga bulan. Menurut DCIP lagi, rejim Zionis menjatuhkan hukuman secara sistematik ke atas 500 hingga 700 kanak-kanak Palestin melalui mahkamah tentera setiap tahun. Menurut ketetapan Konvensyen PBB bagi Hak Kanak-Kanak (CRC) 1991, mereka yang berumur di bawah 18 tahun adalah dianggap sebagai kanak-kanak. Seramai 2,155 orang kanak-kanak Palestin ditangkap sejak tercetusnya Intifadah alQuds.



Yayasan Al-Quds Malaysia

Lebih 320 pelampau Yahudi ceroboh masuk al-Aqsa pada hari ke-4 Sukkot

20 Okt 2016 Maan News - Haluan Palestin Pasukan polis Zionis mengiringi 323 orang pendatang Yahudi menceroboh masuk Masjid al-Aqsa melalui Pintu al-Magharebah pagi tadi, pada hari keempat perayaan Sukkot. Sekumpulan pendatang melakukan ritual Yahudi di perkarangan masjid suci itu dan dihalang oleh para pengawal masjid. Dalam perjanjian di antara kerajaan Jordan dan rejim Zionis pada tahun 1967, kaum Yahudi dibenarkan masuk melawat perkarangan masjid namun mereka tidak dibenarkan melakukan ritual keagamaan. Bagaimanapun pihak keselamatan Zionis sering mengiring puak pelampau Yahudi menceroboh masuk bagi menimbulkan provokasi untuk tujuan mengubah status quo tapak suci Islam itu. Pada masa yang sama mereka mengenakan sekatan ketat ke atas para jemaah yang ingin masuk beribadat.



Yayasan Al-Quds Malaysia

Many Palestinian mothers forced to give birth at IOF roadblocks



Yayasan Al-Quds Malaysia

World’s largest mosaic unveiled in West Bank

The structure dates back some 1,400 years to the first era of the Umayyad Caliphate, and talks about the history of the Palestinian people. The Palestinian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities yesterday unveiled the world’s largest mosaic which was unveiled in the palace of the Umayyad Caliph Hisham Bin Abdul Malik in the city of Jericho. On the side lines of the ceremony to unveil the mosaic, which was attended by Palestinian officials and tourists, the Palestinian Tourism Minister, Rula Maayah, told the Anadolu Agency that the 827-square-metre mosaic is the largest in the Middle East and perhaps in the world. “It is a work of great precision and beauty,” she said, explaining that it consists of 38 different artistic themes linked to each other with thousands of stones of 21 distinct natural colours. It is located on the floor of the palace bath. The structure dates back some 1,400 years to the first era of the Umayyad

Caliphate, and talks about the history of the Palestinian people and has a great historical value, she explained. For his part, Iyad Hamdan, director- general of the Ministry of Tourism in the city of Jericho, told the Anadolu that the site is visited by about 200,000 tourists, both locals and foreigners, annually. “With the unveiling of this mosaic, however, we hope to see double this visitor numbers,” he said. It is expected that the Japanese International Development Agency (JICA) will soon begin renovating the mosaic, including building a special roof to protect it. Built during the Ummayad era, Hisham’s palace stands in the West Bank’s Khirbat Al-Mafjar area, roughly two kilometres from the city of Jericho.



Yayasan Al-Quds Malaysia



Yayasan Al-Quds Malaysia

What’s next after the UNESCO resolution regarding Al-Aqsa?

By Saleh Al-Naami

However, there is no doubt that the resolution also eliminates the legitimacy of the agreements reached between some of the Arab parties and Israel regarding Al-Aqsa Mosque. These agreements have acted as an Arab cover for the desecration of the Noble Sanctuary by illegal Jewish settlers, who announce explicitly their desire to destroy Al-Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock, and build a temple on what they call the “Temple Mount”.

Middle East Monitor The draft resolution issued by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)denying a link between Judaism, Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Buraq (“Wailing”) Wall was a harsh blow to one of the most important aspects of the fabricated historical narrative on which Zionist ideology was founded. This narrative was – and continues to be – used to justify the ethnic cleansing of Palestine and the The UNESCO resolution indicates the great oppression of its people. latent energy in the measures that the PalesHence, Israel’s angry and unbalanced re- tinians, Arabs and Muslims should be taking action to the resolution was not a surprise, in international forums. It is there that they as the Zionist leaders realised that this can limit Israel and reduce its room to maresolution not only exposes the weakness noeuvre, exhausting its resources as much as of their narrative (and thus the strength of possible. They need to work until they strip the Palestinian version), but also indirect- the Zionist state of international legitimacy ly gives credibility to the Palestinian peo- and dismantle the international reality that ple’s resistance against the occupation. allows Israel and its supporters to label othThis is what drove Zionist spokespeople ers as “extremists and involved in terrorism” to claim that the UNESCO resolution is whenever anyone addresses their ongoing brutal military occupation and oppression of “encouraging terrorism”. the Palestinians.



The fallout from challenging the “moral” and “historical” rationale upon which the Zionist movement relies, as a result of the UNESCO resolution, will be negligible compared to the damage that could be caused to Israel if only the Palestinian Authority and the Arab and Islamic world would take serious steps against illegal Israeli settlements across the occupied West Bank, Jerusalem and Golan Heights. There is no one else in the world, other than Israel and its backers, who is willing to defend these settlements; even the US has expressed its opposition, albeit symbolic, to them. There is a need to take action against settlements in the UN, the UN Security Council and the International Criminal Court (ICC). It is true that the US could use its veto to thwart any action against the settlements in the Security Council, but there are many options for utilising the ICC. The PA, with the support of the Arab and Muslim countries, could file a lawsuit against Israel, not least because international law already deems the occupation and settlement of land to be a war crime. It is clear that such action would need to come from the PA and for it to be seen through to the end. However, all the indications are that PA President Mahmoud Abbas is procrastinating because he fears Israel’s reaction to such legal action. He is very sensitive about taking any steps that may anger the Israelis, in case Tel Aviv takes punitive action against him and his sons’ considerable financial investments.

Yayasan Al-Quds Malaysia

As such, the only hope we have for changing the way that the Palestinians deal with Israel in the international arena is the approaching end of Abbas’s time as president; his period in office has damaged the Palestinian people and their rights. The top priority of the future Palestinian leadership must be to intensify international action against Israel; the payback from such efforts is almost always more than the benefits of armed resistance. Measures taken against Israel may affect its nuclear capability, which it continues to develop with full immunity from accountability to the international community. The Arab and Muslim countries could address Israel’s nuclear weapons once again in meetings of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The world cannot continue to defend the double standards applied to these weapons – which are neither inspected nor monitored by the IAEA (nor, in fact, are America’s nuclear facilities) – while insisting that, for example, Iran must abandon its nuclear programme.

In short, serious diplomatic efforts can achieve things which armed resistance cannot, especially with the Palestinians’ limited capabilities and finances. Exhausting Israel, restricting its ability to manoeuvre and harming its legitimacy is all possible if there is the political will on the part of the PA to challenge the Zionist government’s policies in the international arena.

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