Al quds weekly report issue no 109

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EU unions call for economic boycott of Israel

20 Nov 2016 in the presence of union The Palestinian Informa- activists from Palestine. tion Center The conferees criticized in a statement the 1995 asThe European Trade Union sociation agreement beConfederation (ETUC) has tween the European Union called on all member unions (EU) and Israel and called to assume their responsibil- for revoking it after the ities and intervene with the latter violated the treagovernments in their coun- ty, especially Article 2. tries to prevent local companies and businesses from This particular article, dealing with Israeli firms. they said, stipulates clearly that “relations between This came during a Pales- the parties as well all the tinian-European trade union provisions of the agreeconference held by the con- ment itself shall be based federation (a consortium of on respect for human rights European unions) on Sat- and democratic principles, urday evening in the Bel- which guides their internal gian capital city of Brussels and international policy and

constitutes an essential element of this agreement.� The Palestinian-European conference aims, according to its organizers, to advocate the European corporate boycott of Israeli companies and the international boycott campaign against Israel, which is known as the BDS Movement. The conference also seeks to raise the awareness about the gravity of the European economic partnership with Israel, which provides support for Israel’s oppressive and racist policies against Palestinian workers.




Sheikh Raed Salah bersetuju henti mogok lapar 17 Nov 2016 Pusat Berita Palestin haluanpalestin Pemimpin Pergerakan Islam di Wilayah Palestin 1948 Terjajah, Sheikh Raed Salah, hari ini bersetuju menghentikan mogok lapar yang dilancar sejak lima hari lalu kerana menghormati rayuan oleh Jawatankuasa Tindakan Susulan Penduduk Arab 1948. Sheikh Raed melancarkan mogok lapar Ahad lalu bagi membantah layanan jahat pihak penjara dan tindakan mereka mengurung beliau berseorangan di penjara Ramon.

mogok dan pihak jawatankuasa akan mengadakan perhimpunan di hadapan mahkamah di mana beliau akan dibicarakan, bagi membantah tindakan pihak penjara yang mengurung Sheikh Raed secara berseorangan serta menBeliau dijangka akan dibawa ke ghalang lawatan ke atas beliau. mahkamah bagi perbicaraan untuk pihak Zionis melanjutkan Sheikh Raed ditangkap pada 8 Mei tahanan ke atas beliau selama lalu selepas sebuah mahkamah Zionis tiga bulan lagi. menjatuhkan hukuman penjara selama sembilan bulan atas tuduhan menghaPeguam Omar Khamayssa sut dalam satu khutbah Jumaat yang menyerahkan sepucuk surat beliau sampaikan di Wadi al-Jouz pada dari jawatanhuasa tersebut ketahun 2007. pada Sheikh Raed, yang merayu supaya beliau menghentikan




Tentera Zionis tangkap 20 penduduk Tebing Barat dan al-Quds, termasuk 2 wanita

17 Nov 2016 Maan News Haluanpalestin

ahli keluarganya dalam satu bilik sambil menggeledah serta merosakkan perabut dan barangan mereka. Terdahulu, tentera menangkap abangnya Hatem Muhammad Abu Fanar, 48, Sekurang-kurangnya 20 penduduk Palestin, serta tiga yang lain termasuk seorang wanita. termasuk dua wanita dan lima kanak-kanak, ditangkap dalam operasi tentera Zionis di Pasukan tentera Zionis berpakaian preman seluruh Tebing Barat dan al-Quds Timur se- menangkap seorang pemuda yang keluar dari jak semalam. sebuah kedai minum di kota Ramallah dan melarikan beliau ke lokasi yang tidak diketaDi wilayah al-Quds, pasukan tentera hui. menyerbu masuk kejiranan Issawiya dan Jabal al-Mukabbir serta menangkap enam Lima lagi penduduk termasuk seorang waniorang termasuk lima kanak-kanak awal pagi ta ditangkap di wilayah Beit Lahm, dan mastadi. ing-masing seorang ditangkap dari kem pelarian Qalandiya, Jenin dan Tulkarem. Dalam kejadian di al-Khalil di selatan Tebing Barat, pasukan tentera yang menaiki Sehingga Oktober lalu seramai 7,000 penduduk 15 buah kenderaan memecah masuk rumah Palestin termasuk 64 wanita dan 400 kanakkeluarga jurnalis Abd al-Aziz Abu Fanar di kanak dikurung dalam penjara Zionis. perkampungan Yatta dan mengurung semua




Pertubuhan Yahudi desak mahkamah halau 72 keluarga Palestin dari al-Quds

16 Nov 2016 Haluanpalestin

dakwaan tanah tersebut dimiliki oleh Yahudi dari Yaman sejak tahun 1881. Seramai 300 penduduk Palestin dari 80 keluarga tinggal Pertubuhan Yahudi Ateret Cohanim di lebih 30 bangunan di situ. mendesak mahkamah supaya mula menghalau sembilan keluarga Palestin dari Mereka mendakwa kononnya tanah tersekawasan Batan al-Hawa di kejiranan Sil- but dimiliki oleh Yahudi Yaman sejak tahun wan di al-Quds Timur, iaitu sebahagian 1881, namun kemudiannya ditinggalkan dan daripada keseluruhan 72 keluarga yang dijadikan kawasan penempatan penduduk cuba dihalau keluar. Palestin selepas Perang 1948. Ateret Cohanim, sebuah NGO pro-pendatang Yahudi yang mendapat sumbangan dana pengecualian cukai dari Amerika untuk membantu pendatang Yahudi mengambil alih tanah Palestin dan meluaskan penempatan haram, merancang untuk merampas tanah seluas 5,200 meter persegi di kawasan Batan al-Hawa atas

Menurut undang-undang Zionis 1970, penduduk Yahudi boleh menuntut hak milik harta sekiranya mereka dapat membuktikan harta tersebut pernah dimiliki oleh Yahudi sebelum tahun 1948. Namun undang-undang tersebut tidak boleh diguna pakai oleh penduduk Palestin untuk menuntut harta mereka.




Parlimen Zionis lulus rang undang-undang bagi mengesahkan penempatan haram Yahudi

16 Nov 2016 Pusat Berita Palestin haluanpalestin Mahkamah Zionis, atau Knesset, hari ini meluluskan rang undang-undang kontroversi yang akan mengisytihar pos penempatan haram yang dibina di atas tanah milik peribadi penduduk Palestin di Tebing Barat sebagai sah. Undian pusingan pertama rang undang-undang tersebut disokong oleh 58 ahli parlimen, sementara 50 yang lain membantah. Ia perlu diundi sebanyak tiga pusingan untuk diwartakan sebagai undang-undang. Sekiranya diluluskan sepenuhnya, ia akan terpakai ke atas sekitar 3,000 rumah pendatang Yahudi di Tebing Barat, termasuk pos Amona yang diarahkan roboh oleh Mahkamah Agung Zionis sebelum 25 Disember 2016.





Why Is Israel Silencing the Call for Prayer in Al-Quds ?

The Palestinian Informa- li army had departed the camp, ordinary people climbed to the ending their terrifying and vi- roofs of their homes during the tion Center olent nightly raids, leaving the refugees behind, either mourning their dead, wounded or detained, and freeing the ‘Muadhin’ to open the mosque’s old, rusty doors, and announce to the faithful that a new day had arrived.

As I was growing up, I was always reassured by the sound of the ‘Muadhin’ making the call for prayer in our refugee camp’s main mosque in Gaza. Whenever I heard the call very early in the morning, announcing in a melodic voice that the time for the It was almost impossible to go ‘Fajr’ (dawn) prayer was upon us, to sleep during those days of the I knew it was safe to go to sleep. First Palestinian Uprising, when collective punishment of PalOf course, the call for prayer in Is- estinian communities throughlam, like the sound of church bells out the Occupied Territories ringing, carries a deep religious crossed every tolerable line. and spiritual meaning, as it has, five times a day, for the last 15 cen- That was before the mosque in turies, uninterrupted. But, in Pales- our camp – the Nuseirat Refugee tine, such religious traditions also Camp in central Gaza Strip – was carry a deep, symbolic meaning. raided, along with other mosques, and the Imam was arrested. When For the refugees in my camp, the the mosque’s doors were sealed dawn prayer meant that the Israe- shut by orders from the army,

military curfew and announced the call for prayer, anyway.

Even our ‘communist’ neighbor did – a man, we were told, who had never stepped foot inside a mosque all of his life! It was no longer just a religious matter but an act of collective defiance, proving that even orders from the army would not silence the voice of the people. The call for prayer meant continuity; survival; rebirth; hope and layer-upon-layer of meanings that was never truly understood, but always feared by the Israeli army. The onslaught mosques never


the ended.

Article According to government and media reports, a third of Gaza’s mosques were destroyed in the 2014 Israeli war on the Strip. 73 mosques were entirely destroyed by missiles and bombs and 205 were partially demolished. This includes Al-Omari Mosque in Gaza, which dates back to 649 AD. It also includes the main mosque of Nuseirat, where the call for prayer throughout my childhood gave me enough peace and calm to go to sleep.

It all began on November 3, when a small crowd of settlers from the illegal settlement of Pisgat Zeev gathered in front of the home of Israeli Mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barakat. They demanded that the government ends the ‘noise pollution’, emanating from the city’s mosques.

The ‘noise pollution’- referred to as such by mostly European settlers who arrived in Palestine only recently – are the calls for prayer that have been made in that city since 637 AD, when Caliph Umar Now, Israel is trying to ban the entered the city and ordered the call for prayer in various Pal- respect of all of its inhabitants, reestinian communities, starting gardless of their religious beliefs. in Occupied East Jerusalem. The Israeli mayor readily and imThe ban came only a few weeks mediately obliged. Wasting no after the United Nations culture time, Israeli soldiers began raiding and education organization, UNE- mosques, including al-Rahman, SCO, had passed two resolutions al-Taybeh and al-Jamia Mosques condemning Israel’s illegal prac- in the Jerusalem town of Abu Dis. tices in the occupied Arab city. “Military officials arrived beUNESCO demanded that Is- fore dawn to inform the muezrael ceases such practices, zins, the men responsible for which violate international law the call to prayer through the and attempt to alter the sta- mosques’ public announcement tus quo of a city that is central speakers, of the ban and barred to all monotheistic religions. local Muslims from reaching the places of worship,” reportAfter staging an unsuccessful ed International Business Times, campaign to counter the UN’s citing Ma’anand other media. effort, going as far as accusing the international institution of Praying five times a day is the secanti-Semitism, Israeli officials ond of the five main pillars in Isare now carrying out punitive lam, and the call for prayer is the measures: collectively punishing summoning of Muslims to fulfill the non-Jewish residents of Jeru- such a duty. It is also an essential salem for UNESCO’s verdicts. part of Jerusalem’s intrinsic identity where church bells and mosques’ This includes the construc- call to prayer often interweave tion of yet more illegal Jewish into a harmonic reminder that homes, the threat to demolish coexistence is a real possibility. thousands of Arab homes, and, as of late, restricting the call But no such coexistence is posfor prayer in various mosques. sible with the Israeli army, government and mayor of the city


treating Occupied Jerusalem as a platform for political vengeance and collective punishment. Banning the call for prayer is merely a reminder of Israel’s domination over the wounded Holy City, and a message that Israel’s control exceeds that of tangible existence, into every other sphere. Israel’s version of settler colonialism is almost unprecedented. It does not simply seek control, but complete supremacy. When the mosque in my former refugee camp was destroyed, and soon after a few bodies were pulled out from underneath the wreckage to be buried, the camp’s residents prayed atop and around the rubble. This practice was replicated elsewhere in Gaza, not just during the last war, but the previous ones as well. In Jerusalem, when Palestinians are prevented from reaching their holy places, they often amass behind Israeli army checkpoints and pray. That, too, has been a practice witnessed for nearly fifty years, since Jerusalem fell to the Israeli army. No amount of coercion and court orders is likely to ever reverse this. While Israel has the power to detain imams, demolish mosques and prevent calls for prayer, Palestinian faith has displayed far more impressive strength, for, somehow, Jerusalem never ceased calling upon its faithful, and the latter never ceased praying. For freedom, and for peace.

By Ramzy Baroud



350 Palestinian minors held in Israeli jails

Middle East Monitor

ing live ammunition against them, detaining them and [keeping them] without food At least 350 Palestinian children are lan- and water in addition to beating and intimguishing in Israeli jails, a local Palestinian idation,” it said. NGO said Saturday. The NGO cited that Israeli investigators “Israeli authorities are holding 350 Pales- used threats to extract confessions from tinian children aged between 12 and 18,” Palestinian children. the Palestinian Prisoners Society said in a statement on the occasion of the UN Uni- It said some Palestinian children were versal Children’s Day. slapped with life sentences by Israeli courts, while others were sentenced to 10 It said twelve females were among jailed years in prison. The NGO went on to call children in Israeli prisons. on international organisations, particularly the UNICEF, to intervene to protect PalesAccording to the NGO, more than 2,000 tinian children in Israeli prisons. Palestinian minors have been detained by Israeli forces since 2015. According to Palestinian official figures, more than 7,000 Palestinians are currently “Israel has committed several violations held in detention facilities throughout Israagainst Palestinian children, including fir- el.



Government body: 63 Palestinian children killed since 2015

Middle East Monitor

The statement said that ing homes in the West Bank around 400 Palestinian mi- and East Al-Quds on the preA total of 63 Palestinian nors are still languishing in text of lacking permits. children have been killed Israeli jails. by Israeli forces since 2015, Palestinians accuse Israel of according to a government On Saturday, the Palestinian waging an aggressive camstatistical institution. Prisoner Society said at least paign to “Judaize” East Al350 Palestinian children were Quds with the aim of effacing In a statement Sunday, the still held in Israeli jails. its Arab and Islamic identity. Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics said Israeli forces According to official esti- Sacred to both Muslims and have rounded up 2,634 mi- mates, children make up Jews, East Al-Quds is home nors last year. around half of the 4.6-mil- to Masjid Al-Aqsa, which lion Palestinian population in for Muslims represents the “Around 1,260 Palestinian the occupied West Bank and world’s third holiest site. minors were also detained in Gaza Strip. Jews refer to the area as the the first four months of 2016,” The statistics bureau said that “Temple Mount,” claiming it it said in the statement that around 2,500 Palestinians was the site of two prominent marks the occasion of the UN have been displaced due to Jewish temples in ancient Universal Children’s Day. the Israeli policy of demolish- times.

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