Al quds weekly report issue no 118

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Alarm sounded over Israeli aggressions at Masjid Al-Aqsa 31 JAN 2017 Director of the holy al-Aqsa Mosque, Sheikh Omar al-Kiswani, warned of new Israeli schemes and break-in tactics pursued at the site in an attempt to impose a new fait accompli. Speaking in an interview with PIC, Sheikh Omar al-Kiswani said that by the end of 2016 and the start of 2017, Israeli Haredim gangs, commonly known as the “blacks” in reference to their black clothes and dogmatic doctrines, have been allowed to break into the al-Aqsa Mosque and perform their Talmudic rituals in the presence of Israeli cops.

35 settlers stormed the site in the morning shift while 20 Israelis, mostly dressed in black attire, broke into the al-Aqsa place of worship in the afternoon shift,” al-Kiswani warned.

He added that the Israeli settlers burst into hysterics and carried out rituals violating the sanc“In the wake of the latest UNESCO resolution tity of the al-Aqsa Mosque. denying Israeli ties to Muslims’ the holy al-Aqsa Mosque, the Israeli intelligence and police Quoting al-Aqsa supervision staff, al-Kiswani opted for other tactics to hold sway over the site said: “A horde of 15 Israeli settlers have been and violate Muslims’ freedom of worship,” not- storming the mosque on a daily basis and performing the same rituals as if they were cared al-Kiswani. rying out an official mission dictated by their He added that in the wake of UNESCO bid, leaders.” new Israeli settler gangs and fanatic hordes, including the Haredims, have forced their way Al-Kiswani further spoke out against the crackinto the site and carried out sacrilegious rituals, downs, abductions, and tough restrictions immost notably wailing, dress tearing, and bare- posed by the Israeli police against the Muslim worshipers at the entrance gates to the al-Aqsa foot break-ins. Mosque. Al-Kiswani said he believes that an Israeli resolution is being currently weaved against the The al-Aqsa Mosque is the third holiest site in al-Aqsa Mosque in response to the UNESCO Islam. It is a highly sacred place for the adherents of the Islamic faith across the occupied resolution. Palestinian territories and across the other parts “Israeli break-ins reached a peak on Sunday as of the globe.





Israel demolished 143 Palestinian homes in January

The Middle East Monitor An official Palestinian committee announced on Sunday that the Israeli occupation authorities demolished 143 Palestinian homes this month, Arab48. com has reported. The figure is double the number of homes destroyed by the Israelis in January 2016. The Anti-Israeli Settlement and Wall Committee said that occupation forces carried out most of the demolitions in the areas where it is planning to establish new illegal settlements or expand existing colonies for Jewish settlers. The Information Director of the Committee, Qasim Awwad, said that there has been an increase in the demolition of Palestinian homes compared to the increase in building new settlement units. “The Israeli authorities built three new settlements in the Jordan

Valley, Nablus and Hebron,” explained Awwad. He noted that a new settlement generally starts by placing makeshift housing units on Palestinian land and then connecting them to mains electricity and water services. They then develop into full settlements. The Israeli government has recently approved even more new settlement units in the occupied Palestinian territories, in defiance of UN Security Council Resolution 2334. Palestinian MP Mustafa Al-Barghouti pointed out that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu does not miss any opportunity to let everyone know of his government’s settlement policy. He called for the people to wake up and confront Netanyahu’s settlement plans. AL-QUDS WEEKLY REPORT




Tindakan Memindah Semula Kedutaan AS ke BaitulMaqdis Bakal Mengundang Bahaya

27 JAN 2017 Palestinkini Suruhanjaya Ulama dan Pendakwah di BaitulMaqdis memberi amaran bahawa menempatkan semula Kedutaan Amerika Syarikat ke Baitulmuqaddis bakal mengundang bahaya. Suruhanjaya menambah, prosedur untuk memindahkan Kedutaan Amerika Syarikat ke BaitulMaqdis sedang dijalankan dan “ini akan membawa ke 3


pada akibat buruk�. Ia menegaskan bahawa BaitulMaqdis merupakan sebuah bandar Arab dan Islam, sambil menambah bahawa fakta ini tidak akan berubah oleh sebarang tindakan. Tindakan ini juga bertentangan dengan rundingan tajaan Washington antara Palestin dan Israel, menekankan.



Hukuman Penjara, Pengusiran dan Denda Terhadap Pemuda Al Quds

27 JAN 2017 Palestinkini Pihak Mahkamah Zionis di al-Quds pada hari Isnin (23/1/2017) membuat keputusan menjatuhkan hukuman tahanan rumah dan penjara serta pengusiran dan penahanan terhadap para pemuda dan aktivis dari kota al-Quds. Sumber dari pihak Hak Asasi Manusia menyebutkan bahawa mahkamah Zionis menjatuhkan hukuman tahanan rumah selama 10 hari terhadap Mundzir Qanbar dari Jabal Mukabbir di selatan al-Quds, disamping penahanan selama 180 hari dan membayar denda sebanyak seribu shekel dan pendandatanganan jaminan dari pihak ketiga seban

yak 10 ribu shekel, sebelum beliau dibebaskan dari penjara Zionis. Mahkamah Zionis juga membebaskan anggota jawatankuasa pamantau perkampungan Isawiyah, Muhammad Abu Himsh dengan syarat beliau perlu diusir dari perkampungan tersebut selama seminggu dan membayar wang jaminan sejumlah 1500 shekel serta penandatanganan jaminan pihak ketiga sebanyak lima ribu shekel.Selain itu, mahkamah penjajah Zionis menjatuhkan hukuman penjara 6 tahun 10 bulan ke atas Thariq Darwis, 5 tahun 9 bulan ditambah denda 5 ribu shekel ke atas Yusuf Ilyan dan hukuman dua tahun ditambah denda 2500 shekel terhadap Luai Abu Himsh. AL-QUDS WEEKLY REPORT




Israeli colonisation of Al-Quds focus of new infographic series The Middle East Monitor Six Palestinian civil society organisations, CAC- Al-Quds University, JLAC, the Society of St. Yves, Al-Haq, BADIL and al-Shabaka, have collaborated with Visualising Palestine to create a series of visuals on the situation in Israeli-occupied East Jerusalem. The graphics “aim at raising awareness of Israel’s apartheid policies in the city, its effects on the Palestinian population, and the gross violations of international humanitarian and human rights law that arise.”

Such measures include the so-called ‘centre of life’ policy (by which Palestinians residency status can be revoked) and a discriminatory building permit regime. These policies serve to create “unbearable living conditions for the Palestinian population and is engaging in their silent forcible transfer.” Meanwhile, punitive measures specifically targeting the Palestinian population of East Jerusalem include “expropriating land and property, denying building permits, and demolishing Palestinian homes in a systematic and discriminatory manner.” Israel is also “severely restricting the natural development of Palestinian neighbourhoods by instead facilitating the expansion of Israeli settlements in East Al-Quds” and “severely restricting family (re)unification and child registration of East Jerusalem Palestinians.”

The first infographic, ‘Living under policies of colonization in Jerusalem’, provides “an overview of the discriminatory Israeli policies that target Palestinians in East Al-Quds, as well as others that seek to unlawfully increase the Israeli settler population in the city.” East Al-Quds is considered occupied 5



territory. Under international law, the de facto annexation by the Israeli government is illegal. Throughout its occupation, Israel has enacted discriminatory legal and political policies to diminish the presence of the Palestinian population in East AlQuds


Palestinians in East Al-Quds and other parts of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip are physically isolated from each other, with Israel seeking to “consolidate its control over Jerusalem and attempts to completely sever it from the rest of the [Occupied Palestinian Territory].�





29 JAN 2017 Tentera Israel menahan seorang lelaki dan wanita rakyat Palestin berhampiran Pagar penempatan Karni Shomron di Nablus kerana didakwa memiliki pisau bersama mereka.

28 JAN 2017 Mahkamah Israel menjatuhkan hukuman penjara selama 26 bulan terhadap seorang pemuda, Mohd Abdul Karim Haliqah (16 tahun) yang berasal dari Bandar Al-Aissawiyyah Utara Al-Quda



29 JAN 2017 As-syahid Mohammed Abu Khaleefa (19 tahun) ketika pertempuran dengan tentera Israel di kem pelarian malam semalam


Penceroboh Yahudi meneruskan kegiatan mereka memecah masuk ke dalam Masjid Al-Aqsa. Sekumpulan penceroboh Yahudi memecah masuk Masjid Al-Aqsa termasuk sebuah gerakan keagamaan yang dinamakan Haredim yang berpakaian hitam. Mereka menceroboh Masjid Al-Aqsa melalui Bab Al-Mugharabah dengan kawalan yang ketat oleh tentera khas Israel. Pencerobohan itu dilakukan secara berterusan melalui kumpulan kecil yang bermula


di kawasan Bab Ar-Rahmah yang dikenali sebagai 'Al-Hursy' yang terletak di antara Bab Al Asbat dan Solomon's Stables di Masjid Al-Aqsa. Mereka mencuba untuk mendirikan ibadah dan ritual Talmud dengan melaungkan laungan takbir mereka. Terdapat ramai orang yang mendirikan solat di Masjid khususnya penduduk Kota Lama AlQuds. Mereka bertebaran di seluruh Masjid Al-Aqsa untuk mengawasi pencerobohan oleh Yahudi dan juga provokasi oleh pihak mereka untuk memecah masuk ke Masjid Al-Aqsa. AL-QUDS WEEKLY REPORT




30 JAN 2017 Dakwaan ke atas Dareen Tatour diteruskan di Mahkamah Nazareth Dareen Tatour merupakan seorang penyajak Palestin yang ditahan pada tahun 2015. Antara sajak yang ditulis oleh beliau bertajuk, “Resist my people, resist them".

29 JAN 2017 PEMUSNAHAN RUMAH-RUMAH KEDIAMAN Adakah tindakan merupakan salah satu bentuk keganasan? Khutbah Jumaat (di Umm al-Hiran) yang disampaikan oleh Sheikh Raed Salah menggelar tindakan memusnahkan rumah milik rakyat Palestin yang giat dilakukan oleh pihak Israel merupakan satu tindakan "keganasan". "Tanah ini, rumah-rumah ini adalah milik kita dan kita tidak akan sesekali mengalah dalam memperjuangkan hak kita".





29 JAN 2017 "Al-Aqsa bukanlah sesuatu yang boleh ditoleransikan", Sheikh Raed Salah. Sheikh Raed Salah merupakan salah seorang pemimpin di dalam Gerakan Islam Palestin menegaskan bahawa Masjid Al-Aqsa merupakan hak keseluruhan umat Islam dan ianya tidak boleh ditoleransikan. Sheikh Raed Salah telah diugut oleh pihak Israel semasa beliau dipenjarakan. Ugutan ini berterusan walaupun beliau telah dibebaskan.

28 JAN 2017 Bayi comel ini merupakan anak kepada wanita Palestin Majd al-Khdour yang syahid dibunuh tentera Israel pada 6 bulan lepas. Jenazah beliau baru dipulangkan pada hari ini pada ahli keluarga.

30 JAN 2017 Rakan sekelas berkabung atas kematian As Syahid Qusai Al Amoor. As Syahid Qusai Al Amoor telah ditembak bertalu-talu oleh tentera Israel pada bahagian dada ketika pertempuran di Timur Bethlehem.



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