Al quds weekly report issue no 113

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Israeli court to convert Jerusalemite house to Israeli property

The court proposed a compromise granting Noura Ghaith and The Israeli Supreme Court issued her husband Mustafa Sub-Laban a on Tuesday a ruling providing for protected tenancy status. However, converting the ownership of a Pal- their children, the third generation, estinian house in occupied Jeru- will be excluded from this. salem to the Israeli settlers in ten years from now. The Israeli settlers rejected the court's proposal and insisted on Ahmed Sub-Laban said that the evacuating the house, while their Israeli court's ruling allows his lawyers suggested transferring the parents to stay in their house in family to a small store, which was the Old City for ten years starting faced with outright disapproval. from Tuesday without letting their The hearing ended without reachchildren stay with them. ing a satisfactory compromise. The Palestinian Information Center

He added that after ten years, the Israeli settlers will be able to own the house and turn it into an outpost in the heart of the Old City. The Israeli Supreme Court held on Monday a hearing to consider the appeal filed by Sub-Laban family on the evacuation ruling issued in 2014 by the Magistrate Court in favor of a settlement association.

Many settlement associations have been trying for years to force the Sub-Labans out of their house backed up by pressures exerted by the Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) on the family including preventing them from making any repairs or restorations for the house in the seventies of the past century or blocking the entrance of the house by Israeli settlers a decade later.

In 2010, the IOA gave the house to the Kollel Galicia Trust, a private settler group, who claimed that the house is originally a Jewish endowment and called for evacuating the Sub-Labans from it claiming that the family do not live in it. Despite all the Israeli pressure and harassment, the Sub-Laban family stood steadfast in the Israeli courts for more than 20 years until they managed to regain their right to stay in it even though temporarily. According to the United Nations’ Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UOCHA), at least 180 Palestinian families in occupied Jerusalem are under the threat of being forced out of their houses due to the court cases filed against them by Israeli settlers or settlement associations under the pretext of lacking the ownership of the properties or losing the protected tenant status.




Zionis perbaharui larangan keluar daerah ke atas wanita al-Quds

20 Dis 2016 Maan News Haluanpalestin

Zionis di al-Muskubiya dan dimaklumkan larangan keluar daer

ah yang sepatutnya berakhir pada Rejim Zionis memperbaharui hari Rabu dilanjutkan sehingga seblarangan keluar daerah ke atas ulan lagi, atas alasan keselamatan. Khadija Khweis yang berasal dari al-Quds Timur, setelah sebelum Beliau merupakan salah seorang ini mengharamkan beliau mema- wanita Palestin yang diserang oleh suki Masjid al-Aqsa di Kota Lama tentera Zionis ketika cuba memasuki al-Quds dan juga wilayah Tebing Masjid al-Aqsa, atas alasan mereka Barat untuk tempoh selama enam terlibat dengan kumpulan Murabitat bulan. [wanita penjaga al-Aqsa]. Khadija diarah hadir ke balai polis




Pendatang Yahudi di Amona akan dipindahkan ke Silwad

20 Dis 2016 Haluanpalestin Rejim Zionis akan merampas tanah seluas 12 hektar di bandar Silwad di timur kota Ramallah untuk menempatkan pendatang Yahudi yang dipaksa keluar dari pos penemaptan haram Amona.

Pos Amona dibina di atas tanah milik persendirian penduduk Palestin, menempatkan 40 keluarga pendatang Yahudi, dan dianggap sebagai haram oleh undang-undang antarabangsa dan rejim Zionis sendiri.

Tanah terbabit adalah milik persendirian penduduk Palestin. Pemiliknya pernah berjaya mematahkan dua kali cubaan rejim Zionis untuk merampas, setelah berjaya membuktikan dokumen lengkap hak milik dan ianya bukan “tanah negara” atau “tanah yang ditinggalkan.”

Mahkamah memutuskan supaya semua pendatang Yahudi mengosongkan pos Amona sebelum 25 Disember 2016. Setiap keluarga akan diberi pampasan sebanyak 1 juta shekel untuk dipindahkan ke lokasi lain, juga di atas tanah penduduk Palestin.




Zionis haramkan pengkebumian jenazah penduduk al-Quds di Bab al-Rahmah

20 Dec 2016 Pasukan polis Zionis mengirigi pihak Taman dan Alam Semulajadi Zionis memasang papan tanda di beberapa kawasan sekitar tanah perkuburan Bab al-Rahmah di al-Quds Timur, mengharamkan sebarang pengkebumian atas alasan tanah tersebut akan dijadikan sebagai sebuah taman negara. Papan tanda dengan mesej “Taman Negara di tembok al-quds,” “Dibuka kepada orang awam,” dan “Pengkebumian tidak dibenarkan” diletak di atas tanah seluas satu ekar milik keluarga al-Husseini dan Ansari. Ia adalah tanah wakaf yang dijadikan sebagai tanah perkuburan sejak zaman Khalifah Uthmaniyah.




Four female prisoners face harsh sentences 27 Dec 2016 The Palestinian Information Center Four Palestinian female prisoners, including minors, faced harsh sentences recently issued by Israeli military courts, researcher for prisoners’ affairs Riyad Ashqar revealed. The Israeli magistrate’s court in occupied Jerusalem on Sunday sentenced the 19-year-old Palestinian girl Shurouq Dwayyat to 16 years in prison, after she was accused of attempting to stab an Israeli settler in the Old City in Oct. 2015. Shurouq was shot and injured by an Israeli settler before her arrest in Jerusalem's Old City after she allegedly attempted to stab him on Oct. 7, 2015. ent prison terms including Amal Taqatqa, 23, who faced seven-year sentence for an alleged stabbing The Palestinian young woman Maysoun Jabali, attack in January 2014. 22, was also sentenced to 15 years imprisonment after being arrested in June 2015 for an Amal, from Bethlehem, was hit with five live bulalleged stabbing attack. lets during her detention. An Israeli military court sentenced 16-year-old Nurhan Awad to 13 years and a half in prison after she was convicted of attempting to stab an Israeli soldier at a military checkpoint along with her cousin who was shot dead in the scene.

The 23-year-old female prisoner Hulwa Hamamra was also sentenced to six years imprisonment, while the prisoners Ataya Abu Aisha and Yasmin Shaaban were sentenced to five years in prison.

The 45-year-old Abla Adam, a mother of nine chilNurhan suffered serious foot injuries prior her dren, was sentenced to three years imprisonment arrest in Nov. 2015. for allegedly trying to carry out a stabbing attack in Dec. 2015. The Jerusalemite woman Israa Jaabis, 31, was sentenced to 11 years in prison for allegedly Since the outbreak of Jerusalem Intifada, the numcarrying out a hit-and-run attack in Oct. 2015. ber of Palestinian women and girls detained by Israeli forces has risen sharply. Jaabis was shot and injured during her detention at Zaim military checkpoint. In October, Addameer reported that Israel was holding 64 female Palestinian prisoners, some of Meanwhile, a number of Palestinian female whom were injured during their detention. prisoners have been further sentenced to differ-



Al-Quds Timur: Membongkar Projek Kolonial Zionis

Sejak dari mula penjajah Zionis ke atas kota suci al-Quds, mereka telah merancang tiga strategi utama iaitu menjadikan bangsa Yahudi sebagai penduduk majoriti, mengurangkan populasi penduduk Palestin, dan memencilkan al-Quds Timur serta memisahkannya dari Tebing Barat. Seluas 35% daripada kawasan al-Quds Timur dikhususkan bagi pembinaan penempatan haram Yahudi, tinggal hanya 13% untuk tujuan pembinaan bagi penduduk Palestin sehingga menimbulkan krisis perumahan yang kronik dan memaksa penduduk Palestin membuat pembinaan tanpa permit. Sejumlah 3,200 buah rumah dimusnahkan atas alasan dibina tanpa permit, dan sekitar 25,000

lagi rumah bakal dirobohkan. Seramai 100,000 penduduk Palestin akan kehilangan tempat berteduh. Seramai 14,500 penduduk Palestin di al-Quds timur dilucutkan status penduduk atas pelbagai alasan. Pada masa yang sama ribuan buah rumah dan jaringan laluan pintas khusus untuk pendatang Yahudi telah dibina di atas tanah penduduk Palestin. Hasilnya, kini seramai 100,000 orang pendatang Yahudi menetap di al-Quds Timur. Sebelumnya, seramai 200,000 pendatang telah menetap di al-Quds Barat. Hanya tinggal 300,000 penduduk Palestin yang masih memegang status penduduk al-Quds, termasuk 100,000 yang terpaksa tinggal di luar tembok sepanjang 240 kilometer yang memisahkan al-Quds dan Tebing Barat.



Al-Quds highlights the extent of Palestine’s fragmentation

Middle East Monitor By Ramona Wadi

definition of “peace” is tantamount to Palestine’s (and Palestinians’) anniAs Israel’s colonial ambi- hilation. tions prevail largely unhindered, Jerusalem has been Quoted in the Times of bequeathed with further Israel, Dermer added that unwarranted contention. such a decision would Speaking during a recep- “send a strong message tion at the Israeli embassy against [the] delegitiin Washington, Ambassa- misation of Israel.” His dor Ron Dermer declared statements echo Donald that moving the US em- Trump’s electoral rhetoric bassy from Tel Aviv to Je- as well as recent assertions rusalem would constitute by the president-elect’s se“a great step forward” for nior aide Kellyanne ConIsrael’s peace; the warped

way, who described the as yet hypothetical move as “something that our friend Israel, a great friend in the Middle East, would appreciate and something that a lot of Jewish-Americans have expressed their preference for.” The US has consistently applied the presidential waiver to the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, which calls for relocation of the embassy and recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, citing



national security interests gal scholars have various ian state also incorporates as justification. East Jerusalem. As can be opinions” about this. seen, the fragmentation of It is indeed dangerous that Israel and the US have Palestine remains a priorcontention – already an exploited such opinions ity for Israel, the US and aberration given the legit- in favour of resolutions the international commuimacy of Palestinian an- being “non-binding” and nity. ti-colonial struggle – has expanded the definition been confined to Jerusa- over everything related to In the absence of interlem. If Trump’s rhetoric the Greater Israel project. national consensus over is acted upon, and the em- What is disseminated as Israeli violations and the bassy is moved, the deci- isolated, albeit shocking, importance of reversing sion would violate UN Se- decision-making is root- colonial domination, Jerucurity Council 478 which ed deeply in alienation, salem will likely be relestates clearly that Israel’s which in turn has dimin- gated to being yet anoth1980 Basic Law “consti- ished the effectiveness of er territory to be bartered tutes a violation of inter- opposing US-Israeli com- over, regardless of the national law”. Article 5 of plicity. land’s centrality to Palesthe Resolution states that tine. For Israel, the dilutthe UNSC “decides not to Undoubtedly, the centrali- ing of historical imporrecognise the ‘basic law’ ty of Jerusalem for Pales- tance will serve to promote and such other actions by tinians should be empha- fabricated claims while Israel that, as a result of sised. Yet, even Jerusalem ensuring a receptive or rethis law, seek to alter the has become an isolated and luctant audience, both of character and status of Je- fragmented issue within which provide Israel with rusalem.” It also instructs the wider framework. The an impetus to seek the states with diplomatic two-state compromise in- permanent disfigurement presence in Jerusalem to corporates a divided Je- of Jerusalem. It would be withdraw therefrom, a rusalem, while the leaked opportune for the internaclause that the US deemed Palestine Papers revealed tional community to avail to be “a disruptive attempt chief negotiator Saeb Er- itself of the chance to emto dictate to other nations” ekat’s willingness to relin- bark upon a constructive while claiming that the quish Palestinian rights to effort to make Israel’s resolution is non-bind- the city. The UN General delegitimisation a priority ing. According to the UN, Assembly recognises Pal- and a logical outcome, al“in general, resolutions estinian sovereignty over though it looks as if coloadopted by the Security East Jerusalem and the nial complicity will conCouncil… are considered mainstream perception of tinue to take unwarranted binding” although “le- a hypothetical Palestin- precedence.



UN Security Council passes resolution to end Israeli settlements

With 14 votes in favour and one abstention, the UNSC passed a resolution urging an end to illegal Israeli settlements Middle East Monitor

Israel asked Donald Trump to intervene but it was proposed Four of the five permanent The UN Security Council has again by Malaysia, New Zea- members of the UN Security passed a resolution urging an land, Senegal and Venezuela. Council, and all 10 of the curend to illegal Israeli settlerent non-permanent members ments, which the US refused voted in favour of the motion: to veto, abstaining instead. The resolution demands Israel: China, France, Russia, UK, "immediately and completely Angola, Egypt, Japan, MalayThe motion was passed with cease all settlement activities sia, New Zealand, Senegal, 14 votes in favour and one ab- in the occupied Palestinian Spain, Ukraine, Uruguay and stention. It is the first resolu- territory, including East Jeru- Venezuela. tion the Security Council has salem…[the establishment of adopted on Israel and Palestine settlements by Israel has] no ‘more than merely symbolic’ in nearly eight years. legal validity and constitutes a flagrant violation under in- The passage of the resolution The Egyptian-drafted resolu- ternational law. " changes nothing on the ground tion had been withdrawn after between Israel and the Pales-



tinians and likely will be all US President-elect Donald but ignored by the incoming Trump, who called for a veto Trump administration. along with Netanyahu, is likely to be a more staunch supportBut it was more than merely er of Netanyahu’s right-wing symbolic. policies. He named a hardline The resolution formally en- pro-Israel ambassador and shrined the international com- vowed to move the US Embasmunity’s disapproval of Israeli sy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. settlement building and could spur further Palestinian moves US Republicans: ‘absolutely against Israel in international shameful’ forums. US House of Representatives Reversal of US policy Speaker Paul Ryan and Senator John McCain, both ReThe US has traditionally shel- publicans, blasted the Obama tered Israel from condemna- administration’s decision to tory resolutions. The US ab- abstain in the vote. Ryan said stention was seen as a parting in a statement the US abstenshot by US President Barack tion was “absolutely shameObama, who has had an acri- ful” and a “blow to peace.” monious relationship with Is- McCain said in a statement the raeli Prime Minister Benjamin US move “has made us comNetanyahu and who has made plicit in this outrageous atsettlements a major target of tack.” peace efforts that have proven ultimately futile. Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Danny Danon, However, after today’s vote, said after the vote: US Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power "It was to be expected that said that continued settlement Israel’s greatest ally would building “seriously under- act in accordance with the mines Israel’s security”. values that we share and that "The United States has been they would have vetoed this sending a message that the set- disgraceful resolution. I have tlements must stop privately no doubt that the new US adand publicly for nearly five de- ministration and the incomcades… One cannot simulta- ing UN secretary-general will neously champion expanding usher in a new era in terms of Israeli settlements and cham- the UN’s relationship with Ispion a viable two state solution rael" that would end the conflict. One had to make a choice be- Israeli Energy Minister Yuval tween settlements and separa- Steinitz said the US had abantion"

doned Israel by abstaining in the United Nations Security Council vote which adopted a resolution demanding an end to Israeli settlements. Steinitz, who is close to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, told Israel’s Channel Two news: "This is not a resolution against settlements, it is an anti-Israel resolution, against the Jewish people and the state of the Jews. The United States tonight has simply abandoned its only friend in the Middle East" ‘…A day of victory’ Meanwhile, Palestinians say the adoption of this anti-settlement resolution “is a day of victory”. The issue of Jewish settlements is one of the most contentious between Israel and the Palestinians, who see them as an obstacle to peace.

About 500,000 Jews live in about 140 settlements built since Israel’s 1967 occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The settlements are considered illegal under international law, though Israel disputes this. Israel says their final status should be determined in talks on Palestinian statehood. The last round of US-led peace talks between the Israelis and Palestinians collapsed in 2014.

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