Al quds weekly report issue no 111

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Zionis akan bina lif bagi mudahkan Yahudi menceroboh al-Aqsa

30 Nov 2016 Haluanpalestin

Pihak perbandaran Zionis di alQuds meluluskan rancangan untuk membina sistem eskalator yang melibatkan pembinaan dua terowong mendatar dan menegak bagi memudahkan penganut Yahudi memasuki Dataran Buraq, tidak jauh dari Pintu al-Maghareebah di dikawal oleh tentera Zionis dan menjadi laluan Yahudi menceroboh masuk tapak suci umat Islam itu. Keputusan tersebut di buat Isnin lalu setelah melalui proses perancangan selama 10 bulan. Pembinaan dijangka bermula dalam masa terdekat.

Terowong menegak sedalam 25 meter akan digali berdekatan Sinagog Tembok Ratapan di penjuru kejiranan al-Sharaf, untuk dijadikan laluan lif. Manakala satu lagi terowong mendatar sepanjang 60 mater akan digali bagi membina jambatan yang akan membawa Yahudi ke Dataran Buraq. Projek ini dijangka menelan belanja US$9juta dan digelar sebagai “Baruch� sebagai penghormatan kepada ahli perniagaan Yahudi Baruch Klein yang menyumbang dana untuk menggerakkan projek tersebut.




Old City of Al-Quds among UNESCO’s threatened sites

The Palestinian Information Center The Old City of Al-Quds, which is exposed to ongoing Judaization activities, has been listed recently by the UNESCO among its endangered world heritage sites. 55 out of 1,052 heritage sites around the world, including the Old City in Jerusalem, feature on the UN cultural organization’s List of World Heritage in Danger. The sites in danger also include the archaeological city of Samarra, Tomb of Askia in Mali, and the ancient cities of Sana’a, Damascus and Aleppo. Conflicts, natural disasters, pollution, poaching, uncontrolled urbanization and unchecked tourism development pose major problems to these world heritage sites, UNESCO says. These sites are exposed to two types of dangers, either ascertained or potential threats, according to its classification.




BDS pressures G4S to end most illegal business with Israel

The world’s largest security company, G4S, announced today that it is selling most of its Israeli businesses after an effective campaign against the company waged by the Palestinian-led but global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. G4S said that it had suffered “reputational damage.” Reacting to the breaking news and to the fact that G4S will nonetheless maintain some illegal projects in Israel, Rafeef Ziadah, speaking for the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), said: “We have succeeded to push one of the world’s largest corporations into selling its key business in Israel. Our globally coordinated campaign has had a real impact. We will contin-

ue campaigning until G4S ends rights campaigners can compel all involvement in violations of a massive multinational like Palestinian human rights.” G4S to end its involvement in serious human rights violations French multinationals, Veolia through sustained, strategic and Orange, and Ireland’s larg- grassroots pressure.” est building materials company, CRH, have all exited the Israeli Mussa added: “We dedicate this market since September 2015, victory to all Palestinian politimainly as a result of BDS cam- cal prisoners who in 2012 had called on the BDS movement paigning. to intensify our boycott of G4S “A domino effect is at play due to its role in Israel’s prishere,” said Ziadah. “Some in- ons, where torture is rife.” vestment fund managers are recognising that their fiduciary G4S is a British security comresponsibility obliges them to pany that helps Israel run prisdivest from international and ons where Palestinian political Israeli corporations and banks prisoners are held without trithat are complicit in Israel’s al and subjected to torture and persistent violations of interna- ill-treatment. It is also involved in providing equipment and sertional law.” vices to Israeli military checkGuman Mussa, Arab World Co- points, illegal settlements and ordinator in the BNC, added: to military and police facilities. “It is not every day that human




Israel to build 10,000 new Settlement units in Al-Quds

2,620 settlement units were also approved in 04 Dec 2016 The Palestinian Information Center Givat Hmreis while 734 units were approved

in Ramot, in addition to hundreds of housIsraeli media sources revealed that Israe- ing units in settlements of Pisgat Zeev, Har li authorities took advantage of the U.S. Homa, Prophet Jacob, and Mishor Adumim. presidential transition period to approve 10,000 new housing units in occupied Last week, 600 housing units were approved in Ramat Shlomo. Al-Quds. Kol Ha'ir weekly newspaper affirmed that the Israeli government is working to accelerate settlement projects in occupied Al-Quds amid fears that “U.S. President Barack Obama's administration will impose an artificial settlement suspension during the transition period.� According to the paper, 1,100 housing units were approved in Ramat Shlomo settlement in occupied Al-Quds, while 2,300 others were approved in Gilo settlement.

500 other units were approved in the same illegal settlement over the past few months, while nearly 1,600 housing units are expected to be approved in the near future in the settlement. Head of the Israeli Local Planning and Building Council, Meir Turgeman, told the weekly newspaper that Israeli municipality in occupied Al-Quds would accelerate settlement construction during the U.S. presidential transition period.




Towards Meaningful Solidarity with Palestine

Less Symbolism, More Action

By Ramzy Baroud

darity with the Palestinian people. ty with the Palestinian People’. So what is the November 29 ‘Day The Palestine Solidarity Cam- However, it seems that the hard- of Solidarity’ all about? Interestpaign has designated the week, er Israel tries to impede BDS, the ingly, the history behind that speNovember 25 to December 3, greater the attention and sympa- cific date is quite an ominous one. as the ‘biggest-ever campaign’ thy the BDS movement garners. aimed at boycotting Israeli prod- In some way, Israel’s frantic re- Palestine was partitioned, unucts and those of companies action has helped BDS spread its justly, on November 29, 1947. that contribute to the Israeli mil- influence and expand the param- There was no moral or legal baitary occupation of Palestine. eters of debate on the conflict in sis for that partition, as commuPalestine. In such scenarios, it is nicated in UN resolution 181 In a recently issued press release, most likely that civil societies, (II) into a ‘Jewish State’ and an the civil society-led group high- not government intimidation, ‘Arab State’. Jewish immigrants lighted “99 actions that will take will eventually prevail – as pre- were granted 55 percent of the place across the world to high- vious experiences, the anti-Apart- total size of historic Palestine light what they described as “HP heid South Africa movement and the ‘Arab State’, which nevcompanies’ complicity in Isra- notwithstanding, have shown. er actualized, was accorded the el’s violations of international rest. Jerusalem was to be given a law and human rights abuses.” It has also become clear that, special legal and political status, while solidarity with Palestine known in Latin as ‘corpus sepaBDS activities are expected to be has crossed many thresholds and ratum’, and was to be governed staged across at least 18 coun- overcome repeated obstacles in through an international regime. tries, spanning 6 continents. recent years, Palestinians themselves are reaching out to other A few months after that unwarrantThe sharp increase in the boycott marginalized groups, including ed partition, well-trained Zionist campaign activism is a direct re- African Americans, Native Amer- militias moved from several fronts sult of Israeli pressure – joined by icans and the Landless Movement to ‘secure’ the borders of their western governments – to thwart in Brazil. This reflects a growing promised state, only to take over the boycott movement. Even fi- maturity, as the latter are the natu- half of what was designated for nancial institutions, such as the ral allies of the Palestinian people. the future of the Palestinian state, Bank of Ireland, have joined in leaving the indigenous Palestinian on these efforts, shutting solidar- The week of November 25, Arab population of that land with ity groups’ accounts and simply however, was not chosen ran- 22 percent of historic Palestine. trying to raise the price tag for domly, for November 29 is the those who dare to stand in soli- ‘International Day of Solidari- In June 1967, the Israeli army




conquered whatever remained tain their inalienable rights as de- in western societies, especialof Palestine. As a direct result of fined by the General Assembly.” ly in the United States, that has both military campaigns, millions served as a shield and benefacof Palestinians became refugees. Yet, little has been done in the last tor for Israel for too many years. 39 years to implement any one The International Day of Soli- of them, either partially or whol- The United Nations, and all darity with the Palestinian Peo- ly. No practical mechanism has relevant platforms within the ple was designated to be a day been set forth. No legal apparatus world’s largest international inof solidarity almost exactly 30 has been introduced to aid Pales- stitution, must be persuaded years after the partition plan tinians in their efforts at achiev- to produce a workable mechatook place. It was announced in ing meaningful independence, nism to bring an end to Israesuccessive resolutions, firstly in or reprimand those who deny li occupation and offer PalesDecember 1977 (Res. 32/40 B) the Palestinian people their legal tinians a true political horizon. and, secondly, more substance rights and political aspirations. to that resolution was added in Moreover, a day of solidarity that December 1979 (Res. 34/65 D). Any such recommendations for is based upon the political realimeaningful interference on behalf ty of nearly four decades ago and These resolutions crowned thirty of occupied, oppressed Palestin- shaped by an understanding of the years of unmitigated failure on ians were thwarted, repeatedly: ob- conflict from nearly seven decades the part of the international com- structed by United States’ vetoes at ago, while admirable in principle, munity to aid in the establishment the UN, hindered in myriad ways would have to be revised. A soof a Palestinian state, which was by Israel and its western allies. called ‘two-state solution’ is neieven unsuccessful in imposing ther just, nor practical or feasible. any form of punishment on the Unfortunately, since the origi30-year-old ‘Jewish State’ for nal partition resolution passed in A new narrative must take hold, repeatedly violating internation- 1947, and to this today, the Pales- in which the ‘question of Palal law and every legal principle tinian cause has been feeding on estine’ is not framed as if a ‘refupon which it was established. symbolism – symbolic solidari- ugee problem’ or a ‘humanitarty, symbolic victories and so on. ian crisis’ to be remedied with One cannot deny the role of the verbal solidarity and food aid, numerous friendly nations, most- This is not meant to undermine but as a pressing political crisis ly from the South, that stood by the significance of that day. How- in which the injured party must Palestine’s side at every turn and, ever, to live up to the meaning of be unconditionally supported. at times, faced the wrath of the its designated title, the day must US and Western governments be repossessed, taken away from Any solidarity that deviates for their unfaltering solidari- guarded diplomats with careful- from the current aspirations of ty. However, the nature and the ly-worded language, and giv- Palestinians – as articulated by timing of these resolutions were en back to the people. In fact, their fighting women and men, seen as mere tokens, a symbolic Palestinian solidarity is now a by their prisoners on hunger gestures at best, to show solidar- global phenomenon: this is the strikes, by their students fightity in words only and not action. perfect opportunity to make No- ing for the right to education, by vember 29 a day of strategy these resilient, but often neglectAccording to a UN document and global action, led by civ- ed voices – is not true solidarity. relevant to the day of solidari- il societies across the world. ty, the purpose of November 29 For the International Day of Soliis to provide the “opportunity Civil society can use the day of darity with the Palestinian People for the international community solidarity as an opportunity to to be truly meaningful, it must be to focus its attention on the fact place pressure on their govern- reclaimed, by Palestinians and that the question of Palestine re- ments to move beyond symbolic their friends all across the globe. mained unresolved and that the gestures into meaningful action. Palestinian people are yet to at- This effort is most important



The Month in Pictures: November 2016 Palestinians in the West Bank city of Nablus protest against an Israeli bill banning mosques from broadcasting the call to prayer, on 20 November. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he backed the bill, which critics have called a threat to religious freedom. Nedal Eshtayah APA images Palestinian Bedouin children sit on their belongings as Israeli forces confiscate shelters on the pretext they were built without a permit in the West Bank village of Jaba, near Jerusalem, on 15 November. Israel routinely denies Palestinians building permits and then destroys structures built without permission. Shadi Hatem APA images

A car passes burning trees in a suburb of the coastal city of Haifa, in the north of present-day Israel, on 24 November. Dry air and strong winds created conditions for 1,773 reported fires over several days in the West Bank and Israel. Gil Eliyahu EPA


Pictures A Palestinian man confronts Israeli forces after they arrested two Palestinian youths, accusing them of throwing stones at soldiers, in the West Bank city of Hebron on 16 November. Wisam Hashlamoun APA images

Mourners carry the body of Muhammad Abu Saada, a 26-year-old Palestinian who was shot dead by the Israeli army during a protest along Gaza’s eastern boundary, during his funeral in the Nuseirat refugee camp, central Gaza Strip, on 19 November. Ashraf Amra APA images Christian worshipers light candles inside the Church of the Nativity in the West Bank city of Bethlehem on 26 November at the beginning of Advent, the season ahead of the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus on Christmas. Wisam Hashlamoun APA images



PCHR: Israel tightened its siege on Gaza last month The Palestinian Center for Human Right (PCHR) said that Israel unprecedentedly tightened its blockade on the Gaza Strip last month and imposed more restrictions on the movement of goods and citizens at border crossings. This came in its report on the traffic of goods and individuals at Karam Abu Salem and materials needed for reconBeit Hanoun (Erez) cross- structing homes and strucings last October. tures in Gaza, especially those destroyed during IsAccording to this report, the rael’s wars on the impoverquantity of goods that were ished enclave. allowed into Gaza through Karam Abu Salem crossing Israel only allowed, of the noticeably declined. total construction materials The volume of imports in October constituted 58.3 percent of the total imports in August, while the exports did not exceed 3.1 percent of the total exports that were there before Israel imposed the siege on Gaza in June 2007. Israel also persisted during the reporting month in banning entry of about 400 types of different supplies to Gaza, mostly basic goods and raw materials. Besides, severe restrictions are still imposed on the delivery of building

needed by Gaza, 2.5 percent of cement, 1.6 percent of steel and 5.3 of gravel.

Compared to last September, the rate of travel rejections for Gaza patients increased. Therefore, the travel of patients in October saw a decline by 33.9 percent. Simultaneously, a large number of patients’ companions were also denied travel during the same period. The rate of their rejected travel applications dropped by 36.5 percent compared to September.

There were also entry restrictions on cooking gas shipments last month, where only 34.2 percent of the pop- Furthermore, the rate of busiulation’s total needs were al- nessmen allowed to travel lowed in. saw about a 20-percent decline, while the number of As for the movement of cit- people with humanitarian izens at Beit Hanoun cross- cases, relatives of prisoners ing, Israel reduced further and elderly worshipers who the number of passengers visit the Aqsa Mosque on allowed to cross into the Pal- Fridays decreased by 54.3 estinian territories under its percent, 59.7 percent and 22 occupation. percent respectively.



Over 1,300 Israelis storm Al-Aqsa in November

Middle East Monitor More than 1,300 Jewish settlers and Israeli security forces stormed East Al-Quds flashpoint masjid Al-Aqsa compound last month, according to a Palestinian official. For Muslims, Al-Aqsa represents the world’s third holiest site. Jews, for their part, refer to the area as the “Temple Mount,” claiming it was the site of two Jewish temples in ancient times. “Around 1,178 settlers and 184 intelligence offi-

cers forced their way into the holy compound in November,” Sheikh Azzam al-Khatib, director-general of Al-Aqsa Affairs, told Anadolu Agency on Saturday.

167 Palestinians, including six women and 80 minors. During the same period, the Palestinian NGO cited the demolition of 17 Palestinian structures in Jerusalem by Israeli Also in November, Israe- authorities on claims of li forces killed one Pal- lacking permits. estinian in East Al-Quds and carried out sweeping Israel occupied East Alarrest campaigns, target- Quds, in which the Al-Aqing Palestinian residents sa is located, during the in the Israeli-occupied 1967 Middle East War. It city. formally annexed the entire city in 1980, claiming According to Wadi Hil- it as its capital in a move weh Information Centre, never recognized by the Israeli forces detained international community.

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