Al quds weekly report issue no 115

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Zionis pasang 270 kamera keselamatan di jalan utama ke al-Quds

haluanpalestin 4 Jan 2017

Rejim penjajah Zionis memasang lebih 270 buah kamera keselamatan di sepanjang jalan utama, Road 443, yang menghubungkan kawasan penempatan haram Yahudi di barat al-Quds ke Kota Lama. Jaringan kamera tersebut merakam semua gerakan yang mencurigakan, yang dihantar terus ke bilik kawalan 1


yang beroperasi 24 jam sehari. Sebanyak 61 aksi serangan anti-penjajahan berlaku di situ pada tahun 2016, di mana seorang askar Zionis maut.



3 kanak-kanak al-Quds diculik pasukan polis preman Zionis

haluanpalestin 5 Jan 2017

Tiga kanak-kanak Palestin diculik oleh pasukan polis Zionis berpakaian preman dalam pertempuran di perkampungan al-Issawiya di timur kota al-Quds. Pasukan polis Zionis dilaporkan beberapa kali menyerbu al-Issawiya sepanjang hari, sehingga mencetus pertempuran dengan pemuda Palestin. Polis berpakaian preman memerangkap kumpulan pemuda Palestin yang membaling batu dan menangkap tiga orang, kemudiaannya melarikan mereka ke lokasi yang tidak diketahui. Tiada kecederaan dilaporkan.





Remaja perempuan Palestin dihukum penjara 8 tahun

haluanpalestin 4 Jan 2017

Mahkamah Majistret Zionis pagi tadi menjatuhkan hukuman penjara selama lapan setengah tahun dan denda sebanyak 10,000 shekel (RM11,500) ke atas remaja Marah Bakir, 18, dalam keadaan beliau masih cedera akibat ditembak polis Zionis. Marah ditangkap selepas cedera ditembak apabila dituduh cuba me



nikam seorang pegawai polis Zionis tidak lama selepas meninggalkan kawasan sekolahnya di kejiranan Sheikh Jarrah di al-Quds pada 12 Oktober 2015. Beliau yang sedang dikurung di penjara HaSharon masih belum pulih dari kecederaan tersebut.



2 kanak-kanak Palestin dihukum penjara 2 tahun

haluanpalestin 4 Jan 2017

Mahkamah Zionis di al-Quds menjatuhkan hukuman penjara selama dua tahun ke atas Shadi Anwar Farah dan Ahmad Raed Zatari, kedua-duanya berumur 13 tahun, atas tuduhan membawa pisau dan cuba membunuh.

Selepas ditangkap, mereka di soal siasat tanpa kehadiran ahli keluarga mahupun peguam.

Setiap kanak-kanak tersebut juga dikenakan ikat jamin sebnyak 5,000 shekel (RM5,700). Mereka ditahan sejak 12 Disember 2015, Sehingga Oktober lalu, seramai 400 kanakdan tempoh tahanan sejak tarikh tersebut kanak Palestin dikurung dalam pusat-pusat tahanan Zionis. tidak termasuk dalam hukum tersebut.





Rejim Zionis musnahkan 11 rumah keluarga Badwi di al-Quds Timur

haluanpalestin 5 Jan 2017

Semua rumah terbabit, yang dibina menggunakan kayu dan kepingan zink, pernah Seramai 87 ahli keluarga Badwi Pal- diroboh buat pertama kali pada bulan estin di kawasan al-Khan al-Ahmar Ogos lalu. di al-Quds Timur kehilangan tempat tinggal apabila rumah dimus- Terdapat 20 buah karavan yang menjadi nahkan oleh tentera Zionis pagi tadi. tempat tinggal puluhan penduduk Badwi Lebih 10 buah kenderaan tentera mengepung 11 buah rumah terbabit sebelum meroboh tanpa membenarkan penghuni menyelamatkan barangan dan perabot mereka, atas alasan dibina tanpa kebenaran. 5


di al-Khan al-Ahmar. Al-Khan al-Ahmar merupakan salah satu perkampungan Badwi yang dipaksa pindah bagi memberi laluan kepada pembinaan ribuan buah rumah penempatan khusus pendatang Yahudi.



Rejim Zionis ranapkan 2 rumah penduduk al-Quds, selepas didiami selama 15 tahun

haluanpalestin 5 Jan 2017

Pihak rejim penjajah Zionis memusnahkan dua buah rumah milik keluarga Adnan Shweiki yang terletak di kejiranan Shuafat di utara kota Al-Quds atas alasan pembinaan tanpa kebenaran, setelah rumah terbabit didiami sejak 15 tahun lalu.

Adnan sebelum ini terpaksa membayar denda keseluruhan sebanyak 335,000 shekel (RM383,000) dan kos perobohan kepada pihak perbandaran Zionis sebanyak 80,000 shekel (RM92,000).

Seramai 15 orang termasuk lima kanak-kanak kehilangan tempat tingSejak dibina 15 tahun lalu, Adnan be- gal. rusaha mendapatkan kebenaran dengan menyerahkan dokumen kejuruteraan dan perundangan yang lengkap. AL-QUDS WEEKLY REPORT




Israel is using prison as collective punishment of the Palestinians

A Palestinian woman protester holds national flag during a protest to show solidarity with Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails outside Ofer prison near the West Bank

Middle East Monitor By Ramona Wadi A report compiled by Addameer, the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society and Al-Mezan Centre for Human Rights has explained the statistics of the arrest and imprisonment of Palestinians by Israel in 2016. The figures are staggering.


A total of 6,400 Palestinians were arrested, including 1332 children, of whom 300 are still imprisoned, among them 11 girls. There were 1,742 administrative detention orders in 2016, of which 635 were new; the others were renewals of existing orders. Prisoners are held indefinitely with neither charge nor trial under


this system. Perhaps the most striking observation of the report with regard to administrative detention was its rampant use against younger Palestinians: “The majority of administrative detention orders were issued against young people, including those who do not belong to the factions

Article or student blocs.” This contradicts Israel’s regurgitated “security concerns”, yet it is disseminated as a mere observation rather than a fact that should at the very least demand greater scrutiny. Appealing for accountability will remain a wasted effort and one that attracts further violations due to the fact that there is no solid foundation upon which to construct such requests. The language in such circumstances has also failed Palestinians; it borrows heavily from the vocabulary of the colonised in order to make itself heard and, in turn, is ignored systematically by the international community. Other violations mentioned in the report are the issues of former prisoners who have been refused parole; the Israeli government’s refusal to release the fourth batch of Palestinian prisoners as part of the deal put together during the last stalled negotiations; and the re-arrest of prisoners who were granted freedom as part of the Gilad Shalit prisoner swap. Solitary confinement, medical


negligence — which has, in some cases, led to death — and Palestinian protests through hunger strikes are also given prominence. The report attributes 50 prison deaths to medical negligence. If anything is to be gleaned from the report, it is the widespread effects of incarceration upon Palestinian society, as well as the consistent omission of important assertions that feed unwittingly into both the Israeli and the international narrative. It can be argued, of course, that the scope of the report is to impart statistical information, but the continued emphasis on involving ambiguous legislation to make a point – in this case administrative detention – without pointing out the flaws in such legislation which stops short of declaring it a violation of human rights regardless of circumstances, will not aid the Palestinian cause. Families have already been plunged into irreparable difficulties due to previous imprisonment campaigns across the whole communi-

ty. Israel’s targeting of the younger generation, which has increased since the commencement of the Jerusalem Intifada, has now ensured that gaps in Palestinian society become more tangible, particularly psychologically and emotionally. Meanwhile, the international community continues to flaunt its abandonment of Palestine in different ways. The failure to uphold, let alone support, Palestinian anti-colonial struggle is the main violation committed against Palestinian society since Israel was given international recognition. Promoting awareness that such reports are describing an interminable cycle should come across unapologetically, and the blame for such repetitive, systematic violations attributed directly to the aggressor and its external accomplices. At the very least, Israel should be condemned for using imprisonment as a political tool, for it is no less than collective punishment, which is in itself a violation of international law.





Report: Over 1,200 Israeli violations against holy sites last year

The Palestinian Information Center More than 1,200 Israeli violations happened in 2016 against Palestinian holy sites, especially Masjid Al-Aqsa and Al-Masjid Al-Ibrahimi, according to the Palestinian ministry of religious affairs in Ramallah. In a report released by the ministry on Tuesday, these violations included banning the Adhan (call to prayer) 644 times at Al-Masjid Al-Ibrahimi and closing it for 10 days. The report highlighted the ongoing expansion of underground tunnels, excavations and Judaization projects taking place beneath and around Masjid Al-Aqsa as well as in the Old City of ALQuds. It also pointed to the exposure of Islamic mortmain real estate and cemeteries to several violations and break-ins by Jewish settlers and soldiers.





Report: 117 Palestinians killed by Israeli army in 2016

The Palestinian Information Center

Occupied Jerusalem and its suburbs topped the list 117 Palestinians were killed by the Israeli occupa- in the number of knife attacks with 17 stabbing attempts in 2016. Al-Khalil and Ramallah hit a record tion army in 2016, a report by Hamas said. high of four car-ramming attacks each in the same According to the report by the Islamic Resistance year. Movement, Hamas, the Palestinian resistance carried out 332 anti-occupation operations in 2016 As for the overall death toll, al-Khalil topped the list while Palestinian protesters launched 117 unsuc- with 34 casualties, followed by Occupied Jerusalem with 24 casualties and Jenin with 12. cessful stabbing attacks against Israeli soldiers. Clashes flared up across over 4,758 flashpoints The month of December witnessed an outburst of hostilities across 354 flashpoints with the Israeli ocwith the Israeli occupation army. cupation along with two anti-occupation stabbing For every dead Israeli there is an average of seven attacks, five thwarted stabbing attempts, 10 shootdead Palestinians, down from 12 Palestinians for ing attacks, and 31 Molotov cocktail assaults. every dead Israeli in the First Intifada of 1987. Israeli attacks in December took away the lives of The report kept record of 50 anti-occupation stab- five Palestinians and left 70 others wounds, combing attacks, 119 shootings, 10 car-ramming at- pared to 32 injured on the Israeli side. tacks, 153 blasts using explosive devices and local bombs, and 718 Molotov cocktail assaults. AL-QUDS WEEKLY REPORT


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