Al quds weekly report issue no 117

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Pencerobohan ke atas al-Aqsa meningkat lebih 250% pada tahun 2016

16 Jan 2017 Middle East Monitor

onis, samada pasukan berpakaian serangan mahupun preman.

Tahun 2016 menyaksikan pencerobohan pendatang Yahudi paling banyak ke atas Masjid al-Aqsa sejak dijajah 50 tahun lalu. Statistik yang dikeluarkan oleh pihak rejim menunjukkan peningkatan sekurang-kurangnya 250% berbanding catatan tertinggi tujuh tahun sebelumnya; di mana seramai 5,658 orang Yahudi menceroboh masuk pada tahun 2009, manakala seramai 14,000 orang menceroboh masuk pada tahun 2016.

Statistik yang diterbitkan oleh Quds Press menunjukkan seramai 17,6012 orang Yahudi menceroboh masuk pada tahun lalu, iaitu peningkatan sebanyak 310% berbanding tahun 2009.

Peningkatan tersebut dikatakan berpunca daripada tindakan pihak rejim mengharamkan pertubuhan-pertubuhan yang mempertahankan dan menghalang Yahudi menceroboh masuk tapak suci umat Islam Statistik tersebut bagaimanapun tidak men- itu, termasuk Sekolah Syariah yang tergambil kira kes serbuan yang dibuat oleh letak di perkarangan masjid dan pertubuhan pelajar Yahudi dan pasukan keselamatan Zi- Pergerakan Islam 1948.





Sheikh Raed Salah bebas selepas 9 bulan dikurung bersendirian

17 Jan 2017 haluanpalestin

Tiga jam kemudian, beliau ditemui di masjid Hassan Beit di Tel Aviv, selepas ditinggalkan oleh pasukan polis di sebuah stesen bas berdekaRejim Zionis pagi tadi membebaskan Sheikh tan kejiranan Yahudi Kiryat Malakhi di Gurun Raed Salah setelah beliau menamatkan huku- Naqab, tanpa sebarang perlindungan. Sheikh man penjara selama sembilan bulan sejak Mei Raed menaiki bas dari situ menuju ke Tel Aviv, di 2016 atas dua tuduhan menghasut. mana beliau berada di situ selama sejam sebelum menuju ke Umm al-Fahm. Sepanjang tempoh tersebut, beliau dikurung secara bersendirian dalam penjara Ramon dan di Selepas pembebasan, Sheikh Raed berikrar untuk soal siasat secara kejam. Beliau pernah melan- terus memberi sepenuh komitmen bagi membecar mogok lapar kerana membantah tindakan baskan Masjid al-Aqsa dan wilayah al-Quds. pihak rejim mengurung beliau berseorangan. Sepanjang tempoh tahanan, beliau sempat Pembebasan beliau bagaimanapun menimbul- menghabiskan bacaan sebanyak 80 naskah buku, kan suasana tegang apabila beliau tidak muncul menulis empat naskah buku dan menggubah 23 di luar penjara Nafha pada 6:00 pagi, sebagaima- buah syair perjuangan. na dijadualkan. AL-QUDS WEEKLY REPORT




Penduduk Palestin terbunuh dalam pertempuran ketika tentera meroboh rumah di Umm al-Hiran

18 Jan 2017 haluanpalestin

lain. Pegawai polis Zionis Erez Levy, 37, mati dalam insiden tersebut sebelum Yacoub Mousa ditembak.

Penduduk Palestin Yacoub Mousa Abu alQee’an, 47, dibunuh oleh pasukan polis Zionis apabila beliau dituduh sengaja merempuh seorang pegawai tentera Zionis yang sedang mengawal pasukan tentera merobohkan rumah dan struktur binaan di perkampungan Umm al-Hiran di Beersheba, Gurun Naqab, pagi tadi.

Insiden tersebut mencetus pertempuran di antara tentera Zionis dan penduduk, di mana beberapa orang termasuk Ahli Parlimen Ayman Odeh cedera ditembak dengan peluru getah di bahagian kepala dan belakangnya.

Kenyataan saksi begaimanapun menyebut bahawa pihak tentera melepaskan beberapa tembakan sebelum Yacoub, seorang guru Matematik, mula memandu lari dari kawasan tersebut tetapi beliau tidak dapat mengawal keretanya sehingga terbabas menuruni bukit dan terlanggar dua orang pegawai tentera. Keretanya terhenti hanya selepas terlanggar sebuah kereta



Tentera Zionis meningkatkan kerja meroboh rumah penduduk Palestin sebagai menyahut desakan pendatang Yahudi membalas dendam ke atas arahan mahkamah supaya pos penempatan haram Amona dikosongkan. Umm al-Hiran merupakan salah satu daripada 35 perkamungan Badwi di Gurun Naqab yang tidak diiktiraf oleh rejim Zionis. Pihak rejim merancang untuk membina sebuah bandar baharu khusus untuk pendatang Yahudi di kawasan tersebut.



Keluarga Palestin dipaksa roboh rumah sendiri di Kota Lama al-Quds

17 Jan 2017 haluanpalestin

Pihak perbandaran Zionis di al-Quds memaksa keluarga Mahmoud Firas meroboh rumah mereka sendiri di bandar al-Issawiya, atas dakwaan ia dibina tanpa kebenaran. Rumah yang dihuni oleh Mahmoud bersama isteri dan tiga anaknya itu dibina hampir setahun lalu di atas sebidang tanah seluas 120 meter persegi. Mahmoud terpaksa akur meroboh rumah tersebut bagi mengelak dikenakan denda yang tinggi oleh pihak perbandaran.











Israel approves hundreds of settlement homes in East Al-Quds

DECEMBER 29: Israeli settlements, under construction are seen, in Palestinian lands in Jerusalem, on December 29, 2016. Settlement constructions by Israel continue in Ramat Shlomo, a Jewish settlement located in east of Jerusalem. However, UN Security Council adopted a resolution with 14 votes demanding Israel to halt settlement building and expansion in the Palestinian territories, Israel announced to build 5,600 new houses at Palestinian territories.

22 Jan 2017 Middle East Monitor Israel approved building permits on Sunday for hundreds of homes in three East Jerusalem settlements, two days after US President Donald Trump took office, expecting him to row back


on the last administration’s Minister Benjamin Netcriticism of such projects. anyahu, in order to avoid further censure from the The housing projects, on administration of Barack land that the Palestinians Obama. seek as part of a future state, had been taken off the Jeru- Israel’s right-wing expects salem municipality’s agenda Trump’s attitude towards in December at the last min- settlements built in the ute at the request of Prime West Bank and East Jerusa-


Article lem, areas Israel captured in a 1967 war, to be far more supportive than that of his predecessor. Netanyahu said he would hold his first conversation with Trump since he took office, by telephone on Sunday. “Many matters face us, the Israeli-Palestinian issue, the situation in Syria, the Iranian threat,” he said in broadcast remarks at the start of his weekly cabinet meeting. Jerusalem’s City Hall approved the building permits for more than 560 units in the urban settlements of Pisgat Zeev, Ramat Shlomo and Ramot, areas annexed to Jerusalem in a move unrecognised internationally. Meir Turgeman, the chairman of the municipality’s Planning and Building committee, told Israel Radio that the permits had been held up until the end of the Obama administration. “I was told to wait until Trump takes office because


he has no problem with building in Jerusalem,” Turgeman said, adding there were hundreds more units waiting for approval. The Palestinians denounced the move. “We strongly condemn the Israeli decision to approve the construction,” Nabil Abu Rdainah, spokesman for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, told Reuters.

the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Israel sees all Jerusalem as is its capital but most of the world does not, seeing its final status as a matter for peace negotiations. The Palestinians have said an embassy move would kill any prospect for peace. Negotiations broke down in 2014. Trump has also appointed a new US ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, who is considered a settlements supporter.

In its final weeks, the Obama administration angered the Israeli government by withholding a traditional U.S. veto of an anti-settlement resolution at the United Na- Commentators in Israel tions Security Council, en- have said it was too early to abling the measure to pass. tell what Trump’s policy on these matters will actually Trump’s nominee to be US be once he takes office. ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, Most countries consider setechoed his condemnation tlement activity illegal and of the world body over its an obstacle to peace. Israel treatment of Israel at her disagrees, citing a biblical, Senate confirmation hear- historical and political coning on Wednesday. nection to the land – which the Palestinians also claim In a proposal that has drawn – as well as security intera Palestinian outcry, Trump ests. has also pledged to move AL-QUDS WEEKLY REPORT




3 Palestinians killed, 38 injured last week

The Palestinian Information checkpoint 104 near Tulkarem, and Center Yaqoub Abu al-Qiaan from Umm al-Hiran village in the Negev who Three Palestinians were killed last was killed by the Israeli police over week by Israeli army troops and po- an alleged car-ramming attack. lice in the course of the past week, according to statistics published 38 Palestinians were injured during by al-Intifada website on Saturday. the clashes that broke out in 59 locations during the third week of The casualties included Qusai January 2017, the website added. al-Amour, 18, who was killed during confrontations in Bethle- The statistics documented that the hem, Nedal Mihdawi, 44, who Israeli authorities are still holding was shot by Israeli soldiers at the the bodies of 9 Palestinian martyrs. 9




Al-Intifada website pointed out were new while the remaining that the Israeli forces arrested prisoners had their detention exmore than 60 Palestinians includ- tended, according to the website. ing 8 children and women. The majority of the detainees were ex-prisoners and deputies of the Palestinian Legislative Council.

The Israeli forces re-arrested the Palestinian journalist Mohammed al-Qiq after he was held along with a number of relatives of Palestinian martyrs near Beit El checkpoint, north of al-Bireh city. Al-Qiq declared a hunger strike in the early hours of his detention. The Israeli authorities issued administrative detention orders against 36 Palestinian prisoners for periods ranging from 3 to 6 months. 12 of the orders

An Israeli court issued a decision to release Sheikh Raed Salah after he served 9 months in Israeli jails. The Israeli authorities also released Yasmeen al-Zarou after a one-year detention for allegedly carrying out a stabbing attack. Al-Intifada website pointed out that an Israeli court had issued during the same period an unfair 3-month sentence against the 14-year-old Palestinian child Ayham Adawi from al-Aroub refugee camp in alKhalil. AL-QUDS WEEKLY REPORT


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