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Al-Quds Weekly News

27 March 2015, Issue no 60

A political expert: what’s going on on Jerusalem is a beginning to a fierce war in the region

In This Issue The Israeli occupation hinders the maintainance and construction projects at Al-Aqsa Mosque Israel issues demolition orders to 5 Silwan homes Attempts to impose the Israeli curriculum on the Jerusalemite students The Israeli occupation approves to build new 49 residential settlements in Jerusalem Palestinian gets two life terms for Israeli settler murder

The political expert in the Jerusalemite issue Jamal Amro said that the Israeli occupation forces prepared a “black list” contains names of Palestinian activists and murabeteens of Al-Aqsa Mosque in order to fight and arrest them. Amro continued “the occupation municipality supposed to be as a civil department, but now it changed to be a security department which works on destroy the people’s life and turns it to a “hell”. The daily violations against the Palestinians in Jerusalem look like the “Aparthied and Ethnic Cleansing” that happened in many countries in the world”. “What’s going on on Jerusalem is a dangerous indicator because of the Palestiian weakness and the Arab silence. We warn of a fierce war in the region due to the Israeli proceedures against the Jerusalemites and their properties and Holy places by the Israeli forces”. Amro added.

Israel prevents ex-prisoner from entering West Bank Top Islamic Movement cleric in Israel sentenced to prison France-based firm pulls out of Jerusalem cable car project Israeli forces arrest 6 teens in Jerusalem

The Palestinian Center for Media, 14-3-2015 Issue No 60 // 27 March , 2015


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Al-Quds Weekly News

Issue No : 54

29th July, 2013

The Israeli occupation hinders the maintainance and construction projects at Al-Aqsa Mosque

The director of construction committee at Al-Aqsa Mosque Bassam Al-Hallaq said “the staff of the Islamic Jordanian Wakf Department are working on maintaining the Dome of the Rock and Qeble Mosque in a ddition to the infrastructure and Al-Aqsa Mosque yards. Last week, we fixed a new granished windows to Qeble Mosque. Al-Aqsa Mosque needs to maintainance works regularly and continuosly”. The Palestinian Center for Media, 12-3-2015

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Issue No 60 // 27 March , 2015

Al-Quds Weekly News

JERUSALEM (Ma’an) -- Israeli municipality officers issued five demolition orders in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan on Monday, a local group said. The Wadi Hilweh Information Center said Israel’s Jerusalem municipality attached five demolition orders to properties in the neighborhood, with owners given 30 days to appeal to Israeli courts. Some of the buildings are under construction, while one property was built 45 years ago, the center said. Israeli municipality officers, accompanied by armed forces, also took pictures of the properties.

Issue No 60 // 27 March , 2015

One of the owners, Walid Ahmad Abed al-Razzaq, said his home was built 45 years ago and no new structures have been added. Nine members of his family currently live in the property. Silwan has been a repeated site of Israeli settler incursions and attempts to evict Palestinian locals. On Saturday, the Jerusalem District Court rejected a bid by the Jerusalem municipality to confiscate a private Palestinian property in Wadi Qaddum in Silwan, rejecting the municipality’s claim that the land was public property. However, last Wednesday, settlers invaded a building and took over three apartments, while in October last year, hardline settlers moved into 35 apartments in Silwan, sparking anger and consternation among locals. Source : Maa News WWW.ALQUDSMALAYSIA.ORG

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Al-Quds Weekly News

29th July, 2013

Issue No : 54

Attempts to impose the Israeli curriculum on the Jerusalemite students

On last Thursday 12-3-2015, the Head of the Union of the Parents’ Committees Abed Al-Kareem Lafi warned of the Israeli calls to the students and their families to register their sons in the mixed-school in Beit Hnaina which learns the Israeli curriculum. The Israeli statement was published by the Department of Arab Knowledge in the occupation municipality in Jerusalem. Lafi added “the Israeli curriculum isn’t an academic curriculum but a political one, and an Israeli attempt to occupy the awareness and thought of our children and next generations. We completely refuse this statement and we are in contact with the inluential people in Jerusalem to end this issue as soon as possible”. Palestinians 48 Website, 12-3-2015

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Issue No 60 // 27 March , 2015

Al-Quds Weekly News

The Israeli occupation approves to build new 49 residential settlements in Jerusalem

The “Israeli local committee for planning and building” in Jerusalem approved on Wednesday 11-3-2015 to build a new 49 residential settlements in “Ramot” settlement eastern Jerusalem. According to “Wallah” Israeli website, the new construction works will be on around 2 km. An Israeli reports showed that the “settelement department”, which considered as the governmental tool to do the illegal settelement works, spent more than 83 million NIS in 2014 on settlements. But, its reports mentioned that only 17 million NIS were spent by this department which means that they hid huge amounts of money, and more than 28 million NIS were transferred to “Beit Ayel” setttlement. The Palestinian Center for Media, 11-3-2015

Issue No 60 // 27 March , 2015


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Al-Quds Weekly News

29th July, 2013

Issue No : 54

Palestinian gets two life terms for Israeli settler murder

Israel prevents exprisoner from entering West Bank Israeli authorities delivered a military order on Friday denying a former Palestinian prisoner from Jerusalem entry to the West Bank for six months. The former prisoner, Salah Hammouri, 29, told Ma’an that Israeli intelligence had summoned him to the Russian Compound police station in Jerusalem and given him a military order preventing him from entering the West Bank so as to maintain “the security and safety of citizens.”

JERUSALEM (AFP) -- An Israeli military court has handed down two terms of life imprisonment to a Palestinian who stabbed to death a Jewish woman settler, an army spokeswoman told AFP on Friday. The court on Thursday sentenced Maher al-Hashlamoun, a member of Islamic Jihad from the occupied West Bank city of Hebron, after previously convicting him of murdering Dalia Lemkus, 26, as she waited at a bus stop outside Alon Shvut settlement in November. Hashlamoun wounded two other people before a security guard shot and wounded him. The Jerusalem Post newspaper said he had been freed from prison in 2005 after serving five years for throwing a petrol bomb at Israeli troops. The November 10 attack on Lemkus came hours after the fatal stabbing of a young Israeli soldier in Tel Aviv by a Palestinian teenager from the West Bank. Maa web,

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The order, which had been signed by the Israeli Major-General Nitzan Alon in the West Bank, took effect on March 24, 2015 and will continue until September 24, 2015. Al-Hammouri was convicted for being a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and planning to assassinate Rabbi Ovadia Yosef. He was released on December 18, 2011 as part of the the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange deal after having spent six years in Israeli jails, and was prevented from travelling and entering the West Bank for three months at that time as well. Around 1,000 Palestinians were released from Israeli prisons in 2011 in exchange for Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who was captured by Hamas in 2006. Israeli forces maintain severe restrictions on Palestinians’ freedom of movement in the occupied Palestinian Territories through a complex combination of checkpoints, roads forbidden to Palestinians but open exclusively to Jewish settlers, and various other physical obstructions. Dissidents against the Israeli occupation are often specifically denied freedom of movement, to the extent that Israeli authorities sometimes forcibly exile political opponents from the West Bank to the Gaza Strip. Maa web, Issue No 60 // 27 March , 2015

Al-Quds Weekly News

Top Islamic Movement cleric in Israel sentenced to prison ERUSALEM (Ma’an) -- An Israeli court on Thursday sentenced a top Islamic cleric who is a Palestinian citizen of Israel to 11 months in prison for a speech he gave eight years ago. An Israeli magistrate court in Jerusalem sentenced Sheikh Raed Salah, head of the Islamic movement in northern Israel, to 11 months of prison as well as a suspended three-month sentence for “inciting violence.” The sentence is based on a speech he gave in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Wadi terrorist general to another.” al-Joz in 2007. “We have never allowed ourselves, and listen well, Banned from approaching Jerusalem’s Old we have never allowed ourselves to knead the blood City, he gave a fiery speech in which he con- of children into the bread with which we break the demned Israeli officials for their destruction fast of the holy month of Ramadan .... What would of a number of holy sites in and around the happen to some of the children of Europe whose Al-Aqsa mosque complex, the third-holiest blood was mixed into the holy bread?” site in Islam. Sheikh Raed Salah has denied that he ever made The destruction led to protests across the re- such statements, which the court considers damning gion, and the defense argued that the sheikh’s because they reference European anti-Semitic libels anger was part of this reaction. that suggest Jews baked children’s blood in their holy The court however, disagreed, and consid- bread. ered his words both inciment to violence as The sheikh has appealed his conviction repeatedly well as racist. before, and the court delayed the sentence for 45 days According to Israeli news site Haaretz, the in order to allow an opportunity for further appeals.

conviction was based primarily on the fol- During the court case Thursday, dozens of Islamic lowing texts, which the court claims were a movement supporters and Palestinian leaders gathpart of his speech: ered in the courts yard, as several Israeli rightists “The Israeli establishment wants to build a headed by extremist leader Baruch Marzel also gathtemple that will be used to pray to God. It is ered in the yard holding folded signs. so impudent and such a liar. Someone who wants to build a house of God cannot when our blood is still on his clothing, our blood is still on his doors, our blood is in his food and in his drink. And our blood goes from one

Issue No 60 // 27 March , 2015

Sheikh Salah was previously sentenced by an Israeli court in March last year to eight months in prison for inciting “Muslims and Arabs” in 2007 to start an “intifada.” Source : Maa News


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Al-Quds Weekly News

29th July, 2013

Issue No : 54

France-based firm pulls out of Jerusalem cable car project

(AFP) -- France-based utility giant Suez Environnement said Wednesday that, because of political sensitivities, it has decided not to take part in a cable car project linking West Jerusalem to the annexed Eastern sector. The project, run by Jerusalem city council, has stoked controversy over the Israeli cable car’s planned route, which passes through parts of mostly Palestinian East Jerusalem. “To avoid any political interpretation, Suez Environnement has decided not to take part in this project,” it said. Suez said its involvement in the project was limited to a feasibility study carried out by engineering firm SAFEGE, one of its subsidiaries. “SAFEGE fulfilled a contract for Jerusalem municipality between June and November 2013, carrying out a feasibility study, from a technical perspective, on a public cable car system in Jerusalem,” it said. The PLO and international community oppose any Israeli construction in East Jerusalem, which was seized in the 1967 Middle East war and is officially recognized as occupied Palestinian territory. The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee welcomed the decision. “Safege and Puma has taken the only sensible decision and have avoided participating in Israel’s colonization of Palestinian land. By doing so they have also avoided becoming targets for the international BDS movement,” a statement on their website said. Source : Maa News 8 |


Issue No 60 // 27 March , 2015

Al-Quds Weekly News

Israeli forces arrest 6 teens in Jerusalem

JERUSALEM (Ma’an) -- Israeli forces on Monday evening arrested six Palestinians from the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound for allegedly throwing rocks, witnesses said. They said four children were detained while playing football, while the other two were assaulted, shoved, and arrested near the Chain Gate. The detainees were aged between 11-15, and were identified as Bashar Najib, Tawfiq Najib, Amir alMalki, Abd al-Bakri, Ayman Hameisheh, and Hussein Awad. They were taken to Beit al-Yaho police station in the Old City. Source : Maa News

Issue No 60 // 27 March , 2015


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