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Al-Quds Weekly News

15 July 2015, Issue no 73

Report: Escalation Targeting Worshipers in Al-Aqsa last month

“Ciobrs” center presented a new statistical in which they documented violations of the occupation forces and settlers in Al-Aqsa Mosque and its surroundings in the month of June 2015. Since the beginning of this year until the end of the month of June 180 worshipers at Al-Aqsa Mosque have been arrested; the majority of these arrests led to exclusion from Al-Aqsa for periods ranging from two weeks to three months, including 3 exclusions for 2 men and a woman from occupied territories in 48 orders away from the Old City walls. In a related context, tension and charged atmosphere increased in Al-Aqsa Mosque last month after repeated attempts of the occupation forces and settlers to abuse women within the walls of Al-Aqsa Mosque, which prompted Al-Aqsa guards and worshipers to face them and resulted in arrest campgins for worshippers. This escalation came despite a decline in the number of intruders into Al-Aqsa Mosque, which amounted to 738 last month compared to the number of settlers who stormed Al Aqsa last May which amounted to 1128. This is due the influx of thousands of worshipers on a daily basis during the holy month of Ramadan, which foced the occupation to reduce their numbers and close Al Mughrabi Gate after noon prayers. In a related context, 162 soldiers and an occupation officer, putting on their army military uniforms, and 57 intelligence component of the occupation stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque last month, in addition to 243 Israeli university students who broke into Al –Aqsa over the month in the form of population groups ranged between 25 to 50 students. Issue No 73 // 15 July , 2015

in this Issue

UNESCO: Occupation Poses Threat to Islamic Heritage of Jerusalem Israeli Taxes Raise Prices and Burden Jerusalemites 144 Arrests Recorded During June in Jerusalem Boy from Qalandiya Refugee Camp Killed while Trying to Enter Jerusalem for Paryer Shooting Jerusalemite Prisoner Leaves Him Paralyzed Legs Israeli Proposal for Eternal Removal of Palestinians from their Country New Light Rail Links Settlements in Jerusalem WWW.ALQUDSMALAYSIA.ORG

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Al-Quds Weekly News

Issue No : 54

29th July, 2013

UNESCO: Occupation Poses Threat to Islamic Heritage of Jerusalem

UNESCO International Organization issued a resolution expressing concern as a result of the changes carried out by the occupation authorities on heritage and historical monuments in the Islamic City of Jerusalem. According to the decision, “the Jewish State is also guilty of violating Islamic sites, due to the construction of the light rail just a few meters from the walls of the Old City and Israel is demand to restore of the original character of the area.” UNESCO also calls for the occupation to “cooperate with the Jordanian Ministry of Religious Endowments, according to its obligations under the provisions of Article of UNESCO, to facilitate the arrival of Jordanian experts with appropriate equipment to deal with the Islamic sites.” In a response to the resolution, the seventh Hebrew channel said that a state of anger prevailed the occupation government in the wake of this decision and quoted Dore Gold, Director of the Foreign Ministry of the Occupation, saying that the decision “is hypocritical and unrealistic.” He said: “UNESCO has adopted a resolution completely from one side on the Old City of Jerusalem, and deliberately ignores the historical relationship between the Jewish people and the old capital city; even the rights of Christians in Jerusalem do not exist in the eyes of UNESCO.” Palestinian Centre for Media 7/7/015

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Issue No 73 // 15 July , 2015

Al-Quds Weekly News

Israeli Taxes Raise Prices and Burden Jerusalemites

Jerusalemites are still suffering the oppression of the occupation in all aspects of their lives; their suffering is not limited to the unstable political situation in Jerusalem but the economic situation in the city is steadily declining. Haj Wadeea Halawani, owner of a chain of shops in the Old Town, attributes the reason for the high prices of goods in Jerusalem to the occupation, which has a monopoly on varieties of goods and sells them to dealers at double price, pointing out that the Jerusalemite trader does not have a valid storage means to store large quantities of goods, which just obliges traders to buy goods from the Israelis in smaller quantities and at higher prices. Traders are also obliged to pay 6 types of taxes, a factor beyond the increases of commodity prices. Halawani said he did not notice any increace in the purchasing movement, pointing out that the goal of the people visiting the West Bank is a prayer in Al-Aqsa Mosque in particular, noting that the prices of goods in their cities are far lower than it is in Jerusalem. Palestinains of 48 2/7/2015

Issue No 73 // 15 July , 2015


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Al-Quds Weekly News

Issue No : 54

29th July, 2013

144 Arrests Recorded During June in Jerusalem

Statistics issued by the Committee of Jerusalemite Prisoners Families, that the occupation authorities carried out 144 arrests during the month of June, most them concentrated on the vicinity of Al-Aqsa Mosque, as well as the town of Issawiya, and most of the neighborhoods of the Holy City witnessed arrests and incursions: 19 women from Al-Aqsa mosque were arrested, out of whom 2 minors, and (58) minors under the age of 18, five under the age of (12), and (67) young men, and a group of aged. Statistics also recorded (83) cases field arrests and (61) during the storming of houses. The Committee confirmed the number of detainees as following: (21) people from the Old Town, (9) from the Revolutionary neighborhood, (4) from the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, (6) from Tur neighborhood, (26) from Issawiya, (18) from Beit Hanina, (4) from Mount Scopus, (10) from Ras Al-Amood, (17) from the Silwan neighborhood, (2) from Wadi Joz, (2) from Sur Baher, and (21) from different parts and 48 Palestianisn territories, all of whom came to pray at Al Aqsa Mosque. The report pointed out that the youngest child arrested in the past month is the child Ahmed Jassim al-Shobaki (9) years, who was released after interrogation field. On the other hand, Wadi Hilweh Information Center monitored the deportation of 22 Palestinians during the month of June away from Al-Aqsa Mosque for periods ranging from 15 days to 4 months, including 14 women. And the Israeli municipality crews and Nature Authority continued demolition and dredging operations in the city of Jerusalem. During the month of June 3 houses under construction in the town of Silwan and Salah al-Din Street were demolished, under the pretext of building without a permit. The crews also bulldozed 8 agricultural acres of Issawiya village and destroyed a farm and its facilities. Palestinain Centre for Media 3/7/2015

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Issue No 73 // 15 July , 2015

Al-Quds Weekly News

Boy from Qalandiya Refugee Camp Killed while Trying to Enter Jerusalem for Paryer

Medical sources announed, on Friday morning (3/7), the killing of Mohammed Hani Earners (17 years) from Qalandia refugee camp in occupied Jerusalem governorate near the town of Al-Ram by Israeli occupation fire, while trying to enter Jerusalem to pray at Al-Aqsa. According to the sources, the Israeli occupation soldiers executed the young man by shooting him while trying to climb the “Annexation” wall to get to the city of Jerusalem. In a related context, the coordinator of the United Nations “for the peace process in the Middle East” Nikolai Mladenov condemned Israeli occupation forces for killing the boy Mohammed Kesba. The UN envoy said: ‘I condemn the fatal shooting by Israeli forces on the Palestinian boy aging 17 years old, during the alleged incident of pelting with stones. “ Miladinov expressed his ‘increased concerned’ about the continuing deadly incidents in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, against the Israelis and the Palestinians’, calling for ‘an immediate end to the violence’, and also called for ‘return to negotiations that lead to a solution that ensures the establishment of an independent Palestinian state’ . Palestinian News Agency – WAFA 3/7/2015

Issue No 73 // 15 July , 2015


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Al-Quds Weekly News

29th July, 2013

Issue No : 54

Shooting Jerusalemite Prisoner Leaves Him Paralyzed Legs

Jerusalemite Captive Hassan Ayoub Abu Rumaila (21 years), had several operations after Israeli soldiers shot him at “Kalandia” checkpoint, north of occupied Jeruslaem at the end of Last June. Young Abu Rumaila family confirmed that one of Hassan’s faculties was eradicated, and that one of his lungs stopped working, in addition to paralysis in his feet because of an injury in the spinal cord after being shot by Israeli soldiers at “Kalandia” checkpoint; the occupation police claimed the reason for shooting him that he was repeating “Allahu Akbar” and walks toward the barrier. The family added that he is “still unconscious and going a very serious health condition that is in constant deterioration,” noting that he is in detention and feet- bound in “Sheary Tasdeeq” Hospital in Jerusalem. Palestinains of 48 Website 6/7/2015

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Issue No 73 // 15 July , 2015

Al-Quds Weekly News

Israeli Proposal for Eternal Removal of Palestinians from their Country

“Eli Ben paint”, Deputy Minister of the Israeli army, presented a proposal of law to deport Palestinian fighetrs and their families from the Palestinian territory permanently and eternally, saying that the deportation will contribute to “eradicate the phenomenon of the terrorists who do not belong to any terrorist organization and prevent them from committing attacks against Israeli targets.” “Eli” stressed that he had asked the Minister of the Judiciary “Shaked Elite” to study this proposal, in an effort to pass and ratify it and formally. The forced deportation policy is a clear violation of international humanitarian law, which prohibits the removal of any citizen or group from their places of residence by force. Deportation or illegal transfer of protected persons is a violation of the “Fourth Geneva” Convention under Article (No. 147) of the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Palestinain Centre for Media 3/7/2015

Issue No 73 // 15 July , 2015


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Al-Quds Weekly News

29th July, 2013

Issue No : 54

New Light Rail Links Settlements in Jerusalem

Weekly Hebrew “Kol Ha’ir” reported, on Saturday (4/7), that “The local Committee for Planning and Building” in Jerusalem last week ratified the so-called scheme of the “Green Line” light of the train, which will connect settlements in occupied Jerusalem. The newspaper pointed out that the new line will connect the settlement of “Gilo” in “Mount Scopus” next to the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, with a length of 19.6 km, and that the train is expected to convey about 145 passengers a day. According to the newspaper, it is expected that the new line meets with the existing light rail “Red Line” which has a length of 13.8 km, beginning from “Mount Herzl”, and ending in the settlement of “Pisgat Ze’ev”, in the premises of the nation station. Palestinian Centre for Media 4/7/2015

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Issue No 73 // 15 July , 2015

Al-Quds Weekly News

Occupation Confiscates 700 Acres for Establishment of Jewish Garden Sumber berita Hebrew mendedahkan bahawa Datuk Bandar Israel “Nir Barakat” memerintahkan agar merampas 700 ekar tanah di lereng Bukit Scopus yang terletak diantara 2 bandar, iaitu bandar Issawiya dan bandar At-Tur di bahagian utara Jurusalem. Rampasan itu dibuat dengan tujuan membina “Taman Negara Yahudi”.

Issue No 73 // 15 July , 2015


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Al-Quds Weekly News

Issue No : 54

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29th July, 2013

Issue No 73 // 15 July , 2015

Al-Quds Weekly News

Issue No 73 // 15 July , 2015



Al-Quds Weekly News

Issue No : 54

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29th July, 2013

Issue No 73 // 15 July , 2015

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