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Al-Quds Weekly News

27 October 2015, Issue no 80

Islamic Movement in «PALESTINE LAND 48» criticises Kerry’s ‘understandings’ regarding Al-Aqsa Mosque

S Secretary of State’s latest comments regarding the situation in Jerusalem are “useless” and aim to “reinforce Israeli control over Jerusalem”, the Anadolu Agency reported the Islamic Movement in “PALESTINE LAND 48” saying. In a statement released after Israel placed cameras around Al-Aqsa Mosque courtyards, the movement said: “These understandings aim to abort Jordanian custodianship over Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque even although placing cameras was a Jordanian demand.” The statement also warned of the use of the words “status quo”, stressing that Netanyahu plays with words. “The sole meaning of the word ‘status quo’ is that it is necessary for the Israeli occupation to leave Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque because this word has referred to undisputed Islamic sovereignty over Al-Aqsa Mosque, including the Al-Buraq Wall,” the statement said. Issue No 80 80// // 27 October, October, 2015

In This Issue

Hamas: Israel does not want to stop tensions Court victory for Raed Salah deals blow to UK “anti-terror” policy Larijani: Israel exploiting regional unrest to hold sway over al-Aqsa Video cameras to be placed at Al-Aqsa mosque compound Hamas calls for national strategy to ‹protect uprising› Israeli minister ‹dreaming of Israeli flag› over al-Aqsa. WWW.ALQUDSMALAYSIA.ORG

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Al-Quds Weekly News

Issue No : 54

29th July, 2013

Hamas: Israel does not want to stop tensions

Israel is not interested in the “de-escalation” of the ongoing tensions in the region as it continues “committing more crimes”, the Anadolu Agency reported a senior Hamas figure as saying yesterday. “The Israeli escalation is a natural outcome for the American cover-up and the official Arab silence towards Israeli crimes against Palestinians.”Commenting on the Israeli execution of a 17-year old Palestinian school girl in Hebron, Hamas spokesman Sami Abu-Zuhri said: “This execution is proof of the continuous Israeli crimes and field executions. It is a lie that they desire to de-escalate the situation on the ground.” On Sunday, Israeli occupation forces executed Danya Irshayyid, 17, while she was on her way home from school. She was wearing her school uniform and was carrying her school bag when she was shot eight times in the neck. Earlier, Hamas Deputy Chief Ismail Haniyeh called for the continuation of the “Jerusalem Intifada” to protect it from all “containment efforts” which aim to remove the Palestinian rights to the land.

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Issue No 80// 27 October, 2015

Al-Quds Weekly News

Court victory for Raed Salah deals blow to UK “antiterror” policy fter nearly ten months fighting to clear his name in UK courts, Palestinian activist Sheikh Raed Salah won his case against deportation on Saturday. Salah is a Palestinian citizen of Israel and the leader of the northern branch of the Islamic Movement, a political and religious organization. Upper tribunal judge Mark Ockelton ruled that Sheikh Salah’s appeal succeeded “on all grounds.” In a big blow to the government’s controversial and politicized “antiterrorism” strategy, Ockelton also ruled that “there is no lawful basis” for Home Secretary Theresa May to “implement the exclusion order that was based on exactly the same material” as the deportation order. Salah had been banned from the country only two days before he entered legally in June 2011. Neither he nor the groups that invited him to the UK had been informed. Ockelton wrote of May’s argument that Salah should be deported from the country that the tribunal considered it “to be very weak,” because she was “under a misapprehension as to the facts” noting that “she was misled as to the terms of the poem.” The ban was based on a falsified version of a poem Salah had written, with the words “You Jews” inserted to incorrectly make it seem as if it had been anti-Semitic. Salah’s solicitor Tayab Ali told The Electronic Intifada that the decision was “a decisive ruling by the upper tribunal.” It also showed “that the allegations against him were unfounded, wrong and malicious.”

Issue No 80// 27 October, 2015

Ali also suggested legal action could be pursued. “Now Shiekh Salah will carefully consider how to hold to account those who maliciously and wrongly tried to silence an important Palestinian voice,” he said. Ali said they would ask for bail conditions to be dropped on Tuesday, when the working week starts after the Easter bank holiday weekend. The conditions include stipulations against speaking to the press or public, reporting daily to the police and wearing an electronic tag. A spokesperson from the Middle East Monitor (MEMO), the group that had invited Salah to the UK for the June speaking tour, told The Electronic Intifada that they would on Tuesday try to find out if May would appeal the ruling. She said Salah now intends to return to Palestine as soon as the UK Border Agency returns his passport. In a press release, MEMO said “he goes home with no stain on his character or against his name.” “Sheikh Raed speaks on behalf of millions of oppressed Palestinians and this is a victory for each and every one of them,” said Ismail Patel in a press release from Friends of al-Aqsa, a group which had supported Salah’s UK tour. Palestine Solidarity Campaign director Sarah Colborne said in a press release: “I trust that there will be a serious attempt by the British Government to rely in the future on accurate evidence rather than inaccurate anti-Palestinian propaganda against someone who has a history of opposing Israel’s crimes.


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Al-Quds Weekly News

29th July, 2013

Issue No : 54

Larijani: Israel exploiting regional unrest to hold sway over al-Aqsa

Speaker of Iran’s Shura Council Ali Larijani slammed on Tuesday the Israeli occupation for exploiting regional turmoil to grab hold of Muslims’ the holy al-Aqsa Mosque and Occupied Jerusalem.

A PIC news reporter quoted Larijani as stating during a meeting of the Iranian Parliament that Israel’s crimes in the occupied Palestinian territories come at a time of regional turmoil, of which Israel has taken advantage to slaughter Palestinians and to impose its hegemony over Occupied Jerusalem and the West Bank. He reiterated the Shura Council’s firm condemnation of such “brutal crimes” perpetrated by the Israeli occupation, expressing Iran’s back-up of and solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian people.

Hamas calls for national strategy to ‹protect uprising› The Hamas movement said Tuesday that the Palestinian people need a national strategy to “protect and escalate” what it termed the “Jerusalem uprising.” A statement by the group quoted a speech given by Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Lebanon on Sunday. “We are ready for unity on all levels, political and in the field, and to agree on a national strategy to protect the uprising and restore Palestinian rights and national constants,” Haniyeh said. During the speech, the Hamas leader stressed national unity and warned of “US and international attempts to abort the Jerusalem uprising, noting that no power on earth can quell the uprising that is set for dignity, freedom and liberation.” He added that the recent upsurge in resistance had “shuffled the cards and hit defeatists” and criticized international negotiations for “providing cover to the Israeli occupation.” Haniyah concluded his speech by reiterating that Gaza will continue its support for “Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa and Jerusalem’s Intifada.” 4 |


Issue No 80// 27 October, 2015

Al-Quds Weekly News

Video cameras to be placed at Al-Aqsa mosque compound

BENJAMIN Netanyahu has agreed to install video cameras at the Al-Aqsa mosque compound, according to US Secretary of State John Kerry. Mr Kerry said after a meeting today (Saturday) that Netanyahu will also announce more steps Israel intends to take in order to demonstrate that it is committed to maintaining the status quo. He said all of these steps have been accepted by the Jordanian government. Mr Kerry added that Netanyahu had told him Israel would continue to allow freedom of worship on the Temple Mount and would not deviate from the status quo. In July, dozens of worshippers were injured after Israeli extremist settlers stormed the mosque compound, known as the Temple Mount in the Jewish faith. It is thought the agreement is a compromise in Israel’s favour after Netanyahu resisted calls for United Nations peacekeepers to be stationed at the site. Last week, he spoke out against pressure from France for an international presence at the site of the Al-Aqsa mosque and the Western Wall, in Jerusalem’s Old City. Senior Israeli and Jordanian officials, said Kerry, will meet soon to discuss steps to strengthen security arrangements on the holy site. Kerry also met with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Jordan today, as well as Jordan’s

Issue No 80// 27 October, 2015


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Al-Quds Weekly News

29th July, 2013

Issue No : 54

Israeli minister ‹dreaming of Israeli flag› over al-Aqsa.

Israeli PM Binyamin Netanyahu is looking to back off from comments by the deputy foreign minister who said she ‘dreamed’ of seeing the Israeli flag flying over al-Aqsa mosque compound. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has moved to bring cabinet members into line after a deputy minister said she “dreamed” of seeing the Israeli flag flying over the flashpoint al-Aqsa mosque compound. Deputy foreign minister Tzipi Hotovely said in excerpts from a TV interview to be broadcast Tuesday that the site holy to both Muslims and Jews was “the centre of Israeli sovereignty, the capital of Israel.” “It is my dream to see the Israeli flag flying” over al-Aqsa, she was quoted by Israeli media as saying ahead of the broadcast on parliament’s cable TV channel. “We should raise the flag, this is Israel’s capital and it is the holiest place to the Jewish people,” she said.

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Issue No 80// 27 October, 2015

Al-Quds Weekly News

Issue No 80// 27 October, 2015


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Al-Quds Weekly News

Issue No : 54

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29th July, 2013

Issue No 80// 27 October, 2015

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