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Al-Quds Weekly News

4 March 2015, Issue no 57 MP Abu Halabia

“the Arab Support to Jerusalem is so low, Jerusalem needs 500 million USD annually”

IN THIS ISSUE The Occupation Municipality plans to establish a “Biblical Bather” and Hotels Complex next to Al-Aqsa Mosque

Demands to stop “Israelize the Education” in Jerusalem

ZIONISTS CALL TO CELEBRATE JEWISH PURIM IN The Head of Jerusalem committee in the Palestinian Legislative Council Dr. Ahmaed Abu Halabia warned from the Israeli violations against Al-Aqsa Mosque. He said “the Israeli occupation forces increased from the daily violations and storms to Al-Aqsa Mosque using large numbers of soldiers in order to impose a new agenda and reality in the region. In addition, the Israeli forces exploit the Jewish holidays to storm Al-Aqsa Mosque every time”. “the Israeeli Knesset adopted in its agenda the project of temporal and spatial divison of Al-Aqsa Mosque, in addition to the judaization processes which considered a dangerous step against Al-Aqsa”. Abu Halabia added.



The Palestinian MP also warned from another Israeli plan against Al-Aqsa Moque after the Israeli Parliament Elections and this warning was issued by Sheikh Raed Salah to the Arab countries. Abu Halabia assured on the importance of the Arab support to Jerusalem and its people. He said “the Arab support is so low and it’s not enough to support their steadfastness. The people of Jerusalem needs 500 million USD to implement their projects annually. The Arab Summits in Doha and Sert promised to support people of Jerusalem with 500 million USD annually and to establish “Jerusalem Fund” but these demands still words not actions”.


Palestinian Center for Media, 22-2-2015 Issue No 57 // 5 MARCH , 2015


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Al-Quds Weekly News

29th July, 2013

Issue No : 54

The Occupation Municipality plans to establish a “Biblical Bather” and Hotels Complex next to Al-Aqsa Mosque

Al-Aqsa Foundation for Wakf and Heritage said on Monday 232-2015 that the occupation municipality in Jerusalem plans to establish a “Biblical Bather” with total budget four million NIS (around one million USD) on Alttour Mountain, Male’ Hezetem settlement, next to Al-Aqsa Mosque. This bather will serve around 105 Jewish families and number of settlements nearby. An Israeli media resources mentioned that the Israeli municipality in Jerusalem adopted unusal budget for this project as it serves the Jewish presence in the Old Town of Jerusalem. The foundation added “this project aims to judaize Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Old Town with settelement projects and to surround the mosque with many Jewish religious buildings. The Israeli forces and its bodies are rushing in their construction to build more and more residential buildings in Salwan, Alttour Mountain and Ra’s Alamoud next to Al-Aqsa Mosque. Also, one of the aims of this project is to separate the neighborhoods of Jerusalem and separate between the Jerusalemites and Al-Aqsa Mosque, and so the number of arrivals to Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem will decrease”. Palestinian Center for Media+ Palestinians 48 Website, 24-2-2015

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Issue No 57 // 5 MARCH , 2015

Al-Quds Weekly News

Demands to stop “Israelize the Education” in Jerusalem

The “Civic Coalition” condemned the Israeli procedgures to impose the Israeli education curriculums on the Palestinian students in occupied Jerusalem. The Caolition added on last Wednesday 18-2-2015 that these proceedurres and policeis are contrary with the rules and laws of Human Rights and Internatioanl Conventions which adopted the “Right of Education” for all people wherever they are. The Coalition asked the International Community to act to stop these policies which aim to judaize Jerualem and its national identity. Last January, the Israeli municipality warned the official and private schools in Jerusalem to use the Israeli curriculum and not to buy any foreign books. According to media resources, some school administrations agreed to use the Israeli curriculum after a meeting contained Israeli and Palestinian headmasters. Palestinin Center for Media, 18-2-2015

Issue No 57 // 5 MARCH , 2015


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Al-Quds Weekly News

Issue No : 54

29th July, 2013


Extremists that affiliate to “Groups for The Temple Compound” have called on extremist Jewish supporters to participate in breaking into Al-Aqsa mosque the next Wednesday and Thursday to celebrate the Jewish Purim. The “temple compound” groups have sent out their calls through social media websites, to organize breakinto al-Aqsa mosque in order to perform Talmudic rituals, following guide programmed, WAFA, Palestinian News Agency quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting. According to the ads, the break in will be attended by several extremist groups including “Trustees of the Temple,” “Women for the Temple,” “students for the Temple,” “Third Temple Institute,” Rabbis of Kiryat Arba settlement in Hebron and a number of party leaders and Jewish groups. Local sources anticipated imposing great facilities to the break in, since the Purim synchronizes with the Israeli elections in 17 march. Furthermore, his Eminence Sheikh Mohammad Hussein – the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and the Palestinian regions – strongly condemned these invitations, and warned Israeli occupation authorities of the dangerous aggravations of this step. His eminence denounced the successive attacks and violations against the mosque, which desecrate its sanctity despite being the first Qiblah for all Muslims. He also called on the Arab and Muslim world to protect Al-Aqsa mosque from the shamelessly growing attempts of Judaization and attacks against Holy sites.

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Issue No 57 // 5 MARCH , 2015

Al-Quds Weekly News


The Israeli forces have killed two Palestinians and arrested 280 more, including 36 children, across the Palestinian territories last month, a human rights centre reported. The Ahrar Centre for Human Rights Studies, a Palestinian NGO, said in its monthly report that Jihad Al-Jaafari, a 20-year-old from Dheisheh refugee camp in Bethlehem, was killed after Israeli forces’ stormed the camp, while Naji Khalid Abu-Sableh, 20, was killed when an explosive device left by the Israeli forces detonated in the Gaza Strip, Middle East Monitor (MEMO) quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting. The centre documented the arrest of 280 Palestinians including 36 children across the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip. According to the centre, the Israeli forces arrested 18 Palestinian women from East Jerusalem, including a journalist. The Israeli forces arrested female university student, Yaman Amarna, 21 years old and from Yabad in Jenin, while crossing the Zatara military checkpoint between Nablus and Ramallah. According to the report, Hebron witnessed the highest number of arrests with 67, followed by Jerusalem with 57 detainees, Ramallah with 46, Nablus with 42, Jenin with 19, and Bethlehem with 17. Nine people were arrested in Tulkaram, while seven were detained in Qalqilya, six in Jericho and three Palestinians in Salfit. The centre also reported the arrest of at least nine Palestinians from the Gaza Strip. The detainees were arrested while attempting to climb the barbed wire fence that separates Gaza from Israel. Meanwhile, a Palestinian merchant was arrested while passing through an Israeli crossing. Fouad Al-Khafash, director of the Ahrar Centre, said Israeli forces continue their detention policy against Palestinian civilians without taking their age or gender into consideration. Khafash said the situation of the nearly 7,000 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails continues to deteriorate as they are deprived of their rights.

Issue No 57 // 5 MARCH , 2015


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Al-Quds Weekly News

Issue No : 54

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29th July, 2013

Issue No 57 // 5 MARCH , 2015

Al-Quds Weekly News

ISRAEL DESTROYS THOUSANDS ACRES OF CROPS IN PALESTINE Thousands of acres of wheat and other cereal crops have been destroyed by Israeli police in the Palestinian Bedouin village of Rakhama in Negev. According to Ali Freijat, a local resident, as many as 14 Israeli tractors escorted by in excess of 50 Israeli police vehicles destroyed the agricultural products and leveled the land early on Tuesday, Ma’an news agency reported. “This is vandalism through which they plan to displace the Bedouins from the Negev so as to create a Jewish state free of Arabs,” Freijat added, Press TV quoted by Mi’raj Islamic tlements and military structures in the area. News Agency (MINA) as reporting. The demolition of Bedouin homes is part of Israel’s masHe further noted that the Israeli regime forc- sive land grab plan, which will forcefully displace thoues have been trying to confiscate the land for sands of people. many years.

In the Negev desert, Israel has already authorized the “However, my message to them is that if you expulsion of tens of thousands of Bedouin Arabs from turn over the land a million times, and if you where they have lived for generations. demolish our homes a thousand times we will Bedouin villages in the desert frequently come under atcontinue to live on this land and won’t allow tack by Israeli forces. More than 150,000 Bedouins live anybody to take it from us,” he added. in the occupied Palestinian territories, mostly in and Reports also said on Sunday that the Israeli re- around Negev. gime plans to carry out more demolitions in an Nearly half of Bedouins live in villages where Israel dearea populated by Palestinian Bedouins near nies access to water and electricity. al-Quds (Jerusalem). Rights groups have repeatedly called for the Israeli reTel Aviv authorities say they want to build set- gime to stop the demolition of the homes of Bedouins.

Issue No 57 // 5 MARCH , 2015


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