WZCC Brochure

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World Zarathushti Chamber of Commerce

Empowering Zarathushti Entrepreneurs and Professionals

Mentoring • Training • Networking

NextGen Youth Commend WZCC’s Programmes “I felt that EDP to start-ups is what a mother’s womb is to the embryo. It nourishes with all that is required before standing out in today’s competitive corporate world.

WZCC provides access to a huge network, for professional and social growth.” Percy Elavia – Hotel Franchiser, Budget Inn, Hotel Chain

“There is definitely much more confidence now than what I had before as I was exposed to many new concepts than what I knew previously.”

Cusrow Poonawalla – Solar Systems, Mabhlakh Corporation

“The follow-up sessions and mentoring put together is a very valuable feature of EDP. On the whole my confidence to stay in business is renewed and I feel more capable of progressing in my venture.”

Kayomarz Gazder - 3D Web Solutions, Embbox Solutions

“WZCC has done a great mentoring job. The Chamber has helped me to restructure and strategize my business.”

Farrokh Irani - Donut chain, Donut Magic

“WZCC has done a wonderful job taking me through a series of logical steps before I got to the final stage.”

Hormazd Yazdabadi – Cinetech India Enterprises, Software Products and ERP Solutions

W ZC C - Gi ve s your B u s in es s th e Comp etitiv e Ed ge

World Zarathushti Chamber of Commerce Building the Spirit of Entrepreneurship Industry and commerce are the building blocks of a nation’s economic progress. It has always been a matter of great pride for our community to know that the seeds of trade and industry in India were sown in the early 1800s by Parsi Zarathushtis. Though minuscule in number, Zarathushti entrepreneurs were recognized as bold, enterprising, intelligent and above all, honest and dependable. The industrial houses — Tata, Wadia, Godrej and the Shapoorji Pallonji group — all starting from humble beginnings are remarkable examples of our community’s entrepreneurial spirit, perseverance and dedicated efforts at creating wealth with integrity. While creating wealth for their varied enterprises these stalwarts also generated huge employment opportunities and never hesitated in giving back to the community and society at large, sizeable portions of their wealth, through well-conceived philanthropic organizations. Big industrial houses apart, Zarathushtis have been successful in identifying opportunities in the small scale sector and in niche areas and converting them into successful business ventures. Small businesses and professional services are best suited for our community’s psyche. Since the 1950s however, a gradual shift has set in within the community, as the youth concentrating on higher education, began moving away from enterprise to more lucrative career options in the corporate world. Whether it was the security of a steady job or the attraction of higher immediate rewards and recognition or the lack of the right political environment, the community was gradually moving away from entrepreneurship, which was its hallmark till then, to the secure avenues of employment. It was with the idea of reversing this trend and rekindling the spirit of enterprise within the community, that World Zarathushti Chamber of Commerce (WZCC), the first of its kind, was conceived. The Chamber was incorporated in the State of Illinois, USA in December 2000, by a core group of Zarathushtis under the leadership of Rohinton Rivetna.

WZCC’s Mission and Objectives Mission of WZCC The Mission of the Chamber as charted by the core group is to ‘Energize the Zarathushti entrepreneurial spirit and to make WZCC the economic engine for the prosperity and well-being of our community’. Objectives of WZCC The main objectives of WZCC are to promote Zarathushti business enterprises through education, training and propagation of ideas, to disseminate information on developments in trade and industry through lectures and seminars, to promote networking and co-operation among Zarathushti businesses and the professional community for mutual benefits and to associate with other Chambers of Commerce and public bodies to promote Zarathushti business organizations, individuals and professionals.

for the last 25 years, first as a Trustee of the Bombay Parsi Punchayet and later as its Chairman. He is actively supported by Rustom Engineer, International Vice President, Houston; Behroze Daruwalla, International Corporate Secretary, Houston and Framroze Patel, Treasurer, New York.

WZCC - India The launch of WZCC in India was well timed in 2003, as the winds of liberalization were sweeping across the nation and tremendous opportunities were thrown open to large and small enterprises. Today, after eight eventful years, WZCC India has a membership of over 500 businessmen, professionals, corporate executives and youth spread across the three Chapters. The India Chamber co-ordinates the activities of all the three Chapters and is governed by WZCC launched in 2000 a dedicated and experienced The Chamber was formally Board of Directors headed launched by Nadir Godrej by a professional and highly at the Seventh World experienced President. The Zoroastrian Congress at President of India Chamber Houston on December 29, is Cyrus Bagwadia, Director 2000. In the following year, on the boards of many seven local Chapters were companies; he is actively established in USA and engaged in mentoring and two in Canada followed WZCC presented the first and only ‘Entrepreneur of the promoting entrepreneurship. by one in Tehran. In 2002, Century’ Award to Ratan Tata at the World Zoroastrian ConThe Chamber has taken the Middle East Chapter gress in 2005. several initiatives in organizing was inaugurated with activities which are in line with headquarters in Dubai. Later WZCC’s mission and objectives. In particular the Business in 2003 and 2004 Chapters were set up in India, UK, Sydney Plan contest and the Entrepreneur Development Programme and Karachi, followed by representative offices in Hong Kong have invoked an excellent response from members and other and Singapore. Today, the total active membership of WZCC businessmen in the community. worldwide is reckoned to be around 1,000. India with the largest Zarathushti community has three Chapters located WZCC - Mumbai strategically at Mumbai, Delhi and Pune. The Mumbai Chapter is by far the most vibrant Chapter in India. The Chapter has organized a series of informative WZCC governed by an International Board and inspiring lectures and training programmes, facilitated At the global level WZCC is governed by an International members’ exposure to modernized large-sized factories Board of Directors currently headed by Minoo Shroff as its and arranged structured networking sessions, all aimed at International President. He is a well-known Economist, a rejuvenating the spirit of entrepreneurship. Members have Corporate Counsellor and a Director on the board of many gained immensely from these programmes. companies. He has worked relentlessly for the community

WZCC values your Involvement and Support WZCC’s vision is to become the engine for promoting economic growth of our community, by facilitating and mentoring business enterprises and encouraging start-ups to implement their ideas. We are focusing on building a strong membership base and attracting young budding entrepreneurs and professionals, start-ups, established businessmen, women entrepreneurs and students to become WZCC members. We are also inviting industry experts and professional advisors to be mentors to our members and share their experiences. While trying to project entrepreneurship as a more rewarding and fulfilling option, we are encouraging our community members to realize their full potential and face the challenges of building a successful business. The interactions, mentoring and networking opportunities at WZCC have created an enabling environment which will be of immense value to all. Successful businessmen are not necessarily born; they can be made with appropriate incentives and mature guidance.

As our International President Minoo Shroff puts it, “In the emerging economy there will be more scope for entrepreneurship than employment. Daring, energy, tenacity and perseverance are the ingredients for fulfilling one’s desire to succeed.” According to him “An entrepreneur requires the stamina of a boxer and the patience of a chess player.” We have several among our younger generation with these latent qualities. Today finance is not a problem if the promoter is seriously committed, has the right qualifications or skill and has a good project on hand. WZCC will provide the training and even help arrange for finance. For this we have developed linkages with leading banks and venture capitalists. We have laid down the path and we need the support from business leaders and community stalwarts to join us in our mission. Together we can help our aspiring entrepreneurs to rediscover their confidence and face the emerging challenges in a competitive environment.

WZCC Website Integral to WZCC is its worldwide website, www.wzcc.net, which has become the focal point of the organization and its activities. The website showcases the Chamber’s activities across all Chapters and provides a platform for networking and business development among members. It is managed by Yazdi Tantra, Technical Director on International Board of WZCC. The WZCC Newsletter The newsletter brought out by WZCC Mumbai Chapter is uploaded on the website giving glimpses of the Chapter’s activities and some insightful articles and ideas on starting and building a successful enterprise. It also provides a platform to showcase business enterprises of members SynergyZ The journal of WZCC, SynergyZ published by the Middle East Chapter spreads awareness of the multifarious activities of WZCC Chapters worldwide along with profiles of eminent personalities including distinguished honorary members of WZCC. WZCC Awards Every year WZCC presents three awards for outstanding contributions in one’s chosen business or profession: • Outstanding Zarathushti Entrepreneur • Outstanding Zarathushti Professional • Outstanding Young Zarathushti Professional or Entrepreneur

WZCC’s Guiding Stars “I am very deeply touched by your words… Over time, one has lost touch with the community. To be recognized by them is a great and special honour,” referring to the ‘Entrepreneur of the Century’ Award presented to him by WZCC at the World Zoroastrian Congress in 2005. “Zoroastrians stand out in Business as they did in past years. I would love to re-engage… be associated with your organization to make that happen. If there are young Zoroastrians that have a good idea, I will be happy to contribute.”

Ratan Tata Chairman, Tata Group, Highly respected and recognized globally for his Vision, Integrity and Leadership. An unending source of inspiration to entrepreneurs in India.

“I urge all the youngsters here to start a business without fear. With passion and a worthy cause, much courage but a cautious pause… And if you stay true to your creed you too are destined to succeed. And when you need a helping hand the WZCC is there…”

‘‘WZCC is pursuing a very laudable cause which is reenergizing the Zarathushti entrepreneurial spirit and that should be supported wholeheartedly by one and all.”

Pallonji Mistry

Leading construction magnate and Chairman, Shapoorji Pallonji group of companies, he is the single largest shareholder of Tata Sons Ltd. As WZCC’s Honorary Member, he has extended a very generous support to WZCC.

Nadir Godrej

MD, Godrej Industries Ltd., eminent Industrialist and Director of several leading companies. He is the Honorary Member who had launched WZCC in Chicago in 2000.

“Our community is blessed with a glorious business tradition. We have a vision — which is to be the engine that drives the economic prosperity and well-being of our global community, through our Mission which is to energize the Zarathushti spirit of enterprise.”

Rohinton Rivetna

Founder President and main Architect of WZCC. He has been the leading light of WZCC for over a decade and still evinces keen interest in its activities.

Minoo Shroff

“Entrepreneurship entails great patience and resilience to withstand the uncertainties which are inherent and unavoidable. However the rewards from a successful venture can be most alluring besides offering enormous freedom for initiative and creativity.”

President and Honorary member of WZCC, has been Chairman and President of several leading professional and business bodies. He is the recipient of the highest civilian award conferred by the Emperor of Japan. Very actively involved with WZCC since the last eight years; he is the real Guiding Force behind its multifarious activities.

Message to Youth “Get out of your comfort zone and be prepared to take challenges. Set out to conquer. Do things that nobody else wants to do.”

Dr. Jamshed Irani

A leading technocrat and Senior Director of Tatas, played a very active role as Chairman of leading Industrial Bodies and Public Commissions. Proud recipient of Padma Bhushan and widely honored in India and globally for his outstanding contribution to the growth of industry in India.

Sam Balsara

“The initiative taken in the formation of the World Zarathusthi Chamber of Commerce itself and more recently by its India Chamber by instituting a Business Plan Contest has generated tremendous response. The model needs to be replicated in all geographies and repeatedly administered at regular intervals.”

Chairman and Managing Director, Madison World he was ranked as India’s Most Influential Media Person for five consecutive years. He is an Honorary Member of WZCC.

“This is almost a definition of Entrepreneurship: You come up with an Idea, you have limited means, you have the odds stacked against you; but you want to get somewhere with your idea and you go out and make it happen. Sometimes people ask me if being a Parsi has helped me succeed. I believe the Zoroastrian emphasis on Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds definitely helps.”

Lord Karan Billimoria CBE, DL

First generation entrepreneur in UK and the first Zarathushti to be appointed as a member of the House of Lords. He is the Founder President of WZCC, UK.

“The world of commerce and business has great opportunities. If I can go to the US with $ 200 and make it work anybody can accomplish the biggest dream that he may have.”

Alayar Dabestani

Founder Director of WZCC, he is a leading businessman based in USA. As an Honorary Member he has taken an active part in the growth of WZCC .

Kersi Limathwalla

“Today we are counted upon by one and all not just for industry but also for Industry with Integrity. This has enabled us to stand apart from the rest and be reckoned among the best. These values have come to be identified as our Brand Equity because they are undoubtedly an integral part of our Zarathushti ethos.”

Immediate Past President, WZCC, he has played a major role in the growth and development of WZCC in India.

Select Programmes of WZCC Empowering through Mentoring, Training, Networking and Recognition

Global Programmes Houston Chapter Tenth Annual WZCC Gala at Houston The Houston Chapter has over the years continued to encourage and mentor young and budding entrepreneurs of our community. The keynote speaker at the Tenth Annual WZCC Gala at Houston was the celebrity Chef Jehangir Mehta, the ‘Iron Chef’ finalist from the exciting Food Channel’s main show. He shared his experiences with the audience with his aptly titled presentation ‘Passion & Risk – Two Sides of the Same Coin’.

Members of WZCC Houston Chapter; Behroze Daruwalla, Corporate Secretary; Rustom Engineer, Vice President, WZCC with Hon. Consul General of India, Sanjiv Arora and Keynote Speaker Jehangir Mehta.

New York Chapter Lecture by noted Economist Amar Bhide A compelling session was held at the Chapter’s meeting at Suffern where Amar Bhide, Professor of Business at Columbia University spoke on his provocative book, ‘The Venturesome Economy, How Innovation Sustains Prosperity in a more Connected World.’ In his view, many analysts put too much emphasis on the production of new technological ideas. Instead, he observed, the real economic payoff lies in innovations in how technologies are used. ‘Real Estate Opportunities in Challenging Times’ a Panel Discussion During this discussion, professional experts made presentations on Foreclosures and Short Sales, Securing Mortgages Today and The Role of the Title Company. Rusi Gandhi, the moderator, spoke on ‘Real Estate Internet Auctions’. On the occasion, the outgoing Chapter Chair Arnaz

Maneckshana, summarized the Chapter’s strong progress over her three-year term. Arnaz was awarded with a plaque of fine mahogany, in appreciation of her dedicated efforts and devotion to the Chapter.

Members of the New York Chapter with outgoing Chapter Chair Arnaz Maneckshana, current Chapter Chair Natalie Vania-Gandhi, Rusi Gandhi and Edul Daver.

Chicago Chapter Investment Planning In Uncertain Economic Times An informative presentation on Investment Planning was made by Farrokh Billimoria one of the nation’s top-notch financial advisors and Kayomarsh Mehta another financial expert. Members learnt how to maneuver through turbulent yet potentially attractive economic times and the strategies to be adopted for protecting, preserving and growing their financial portfolio.

Southern California Chapter The Five Models of Creating Wealth A lecture by Cush Bhada, a successful real estate consultant was organised which touched upon the Five Models to create wealth; Net Worth Model, Financial Model, Network Model, Lead Generation Model and Acquisition Model. He walked through the foundational approach to thinking and becoming a millionaire, focusing on Criteria (the potential deals), Terms (to determine the best deals) and Network (to support the deals).

Outstanding Zarathushti Professional Award to Jal Shroff of Hong Kong Every year WZCC recognizes outstanding Zarathushtis for their achievements in various business categories. The award for the Outstanding Zarathushti Professional was presented to Jal Soli Shroff of Hong Kong. A special ceremony was held at Dallas, when Firdosh Mehta, the then Chapter Chair, presented the award to Mr. Shroff for his varied achievements in the field of business and community services. Active in many voluntary services in Hong Kong, Mr. Shroff has been the Chairman of the Zoroastrian Trust Funds of Hong Kong, Canton and Macau for more than 15 years. He is the Promoter and Director of the world famous watch and accessories company FOSSIL Inc. which was launched in Dallas.

chanical engineer from India and is a qualified software engineer from NIIT. His company which started in 2008 provides high level graphic web designs to clients. Khushroo is the only Zarathushti who provides Khushroo Daruwalla receiving the Award for Outstanding Young Zarathushti Entrepreneur bespoke IT support from Lord Karan Billimoria and Chapter Chair, services round the Shernaz Engineer clock. In Khushroo’s words, “The WZCC Award will not only boost my morale to a great level but infuse pride towards recognition for the sincere hard work that I have put in.”

United Kingdom Chapter

Middle East Chapter - Dubai

North Texas Chapter

Ninth World Zoroastrian Congress The Ninth World Zoroastrian Congress organized at Dubai by WZCC Chapter Chair, Meher Bhesania, was the largest gathering of leading industrialists, businessmen and professionals from the Zarathushti community. The Congress brought together leading businessmen and professionals to network with over 750 community members over four days.

Kris Wadia, Partner at Accenture; Christopher Forbes of Ph.D. Search and Selection; Shernaz Engineer, Chapter Chair; Phil Nunnerley and RustomTata, Partner at DMH Stallard.

Career Clinic on ‘Recession-proofing your Career’ Over 70 young members attended a Career Clinic organized by Chapter Chair Shernaz Engineer. Kris Wadia, Executive Partner, Accenture, led the presentations which covered career protection during recession from four perspectives — Employee, Legal, Recruitment and HR. Rustom Tata, Partner and Head of Employment Group at DMH Stallard, covered the theme from a legal perspective while structuring the exit deal. The other speakers gave tactical advice to the youth on adapting to change to stave off redundancy. Kris Wadia then chaired an extensive Q & A session reflecting real life and practical problems faced by employees and job seekers. Outstanding Young Zarathushti Entrepreneur Award to Khushroo Daruwalla of UK Khushroo Daruwalla of Khushtech Computer Services was presented the Outstanding Young Zarathushti Entrepreneur Award, 2010 by Lord Karan Billimoria, Founder President of WZCC, UK at a specially held function. Khushroo is a me-

Hashar Maktoum Juma Al Maktoum, Sheikh of Dubai being greeted by Pallonji Mistry, Lord Karan Billimoria and Meher Bhesania

Iran Chapter Seminar on ‘Economic Turmoil and its Remedies’ The Iran Chapter invited Dr. Babak Khazaei from the University of California to be the main speaker at the Seminar which was attended by 150 members. The Iran Chapter has attracted many young business-oriented persons to become members.

Programmes in India Inspiring lectures and presentations motivate Zarathushti entrepreneurs


Modern Trends in Execution of Construction Projects An interesting presentation was organized by the India Chamber which showcased the advances in construction technology made by Shapoorji Pallonji & Co. Ltd. in diverse civil and structural engineering projects. The Executives of the Group and one of its leading associate companies, Sterling & Wilson led the audience through the challenges of constructing mega projects and highlighted several bottlenecks, including government regulations, project cost control, timely execution and completion with a focus on quality control at all stages.

99% Perspiration and 1% Inspiration’. He said that Trust and Reliability are the main characteristics that consumers look for in a product or service and these are the very attributes our community is known for. The interactive session that followed provided the youth with an opportunity to exchange their ideas with the speakers on how to overcome the challenges faced by early stage entrepreneurs. Awards were presented by the distinguished guests to all the EDP participants

Sam Balsara, Shernaz Vakil and Minoo Shroff, President WZCC at the event, ‘Renaissance of Entrepreneurship’.

Trade Delegations WZCC Mumbai Chapter successfully organized three trade delegations to Dubai, Iran and Karachi to encourage and facilitate business promotion, partnerships and networking with businessmen and industry associations in these countries.

Executives of Shapoorji Pallonji & Co. Ltd. and Sterling & Wilson with Kersi Limathwalla, Past President, WZCC and Phili Kharas, Chapter Chair, Mumbai.

Presentation on ‘Nano’ Executives of Tata Motors, vividly unfolded the story of ‘Nano’ the small and affordable car, right from the concept stage to its launch in the Indian and global markets. Potential entrepreneurs were greatly enlightened by the stages involved in developing a global product and the outsourcing opportunities offered by Tata Motors. Renaissance of Entrepreneurship The event was organized to give an opportunity to the budding entrepreneurs who had participated in the Entrepreneur Development Programme (EDP), to present their business profiles. On the occasion, Chief Guest Shernaz Vakil of the Netarwala Group spoke on the Role of Women Entrepreneurs in Indian Society. The keynote speaker Sam Balsara, Chairman and MD, Madison World, inspired the aspiring young businessmen with his insightful talk on ‘Entrepreneurship —

Trade Delegation to Karachi hosted by Byram Avari, Honorary Member, WZCC.

Igniting Entrepreneurial Zeal - Training and Networking Programmes Inspiring lectures and interactive sessions with successful entrepreneurs have created awareness of the opportunities available to the community members, for launching business enterprises. These have been followed up with specific training and development programmes to equip them with the necessary skills to fructify their ideas. Entrepreneur Development Programme (EDP) The five-day programme organized by WZCC India, covered various aspects of starting and conducting a business which enabled the participants to understand and appreciate the

Communicating Across Cultures Dr. Zareen Karani Araoz, President, Managing Across Cultures and one of the International Directors of WZCC, facilitated an evening of fun and learning in Pune about ‘Communicating across Cultures’. Participants benefited from her inputs as a cross-cultural management consultant, trainer and global leadership coach, with professional experience across several countries.

The Winners of the Entrepreneur Development Programme held in Mumbai in 2010

challenges facing their businesses. Participants were given the opportunity of presenting their business plans to a panel of Mentors and Financiers. Awards were presented to all the participants in various categories.

Entrepreneurship Development Programme at EDII, Ahmedabad A week-long residential Entrepreneurship Development Programme was organized by WZCC Mumbai Chapter for entrepreneurs in small and medium enterprises. The programme was designed and conducted by Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), Ahmedabad. The objective of the Programme was to enhance the entrepreneurial skills of these businessmen, who had not undergone any formal training in entrepreneurship or management.

All-India Business Plan Contest A Business Plan Contest was organized by WZCC India for Zarathushti start-ups in Mumbai to provide guidance, instructions and a template for preparing and presenting a professional Business Plan. At the end, presenters of three top Business Plans were recognized and given cash awards. Their Business Plans were further scrutinized for funding. Participants with faculty at EDII, Ahmedabad

Winners of Business Plan Contest with Dr. J J Irani, Shernaz Vakil, Homi Khusrokhan, Shernaz Mehta and Behram Sorabji

Opportunities in the IT and ITES Sectors Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), the IT giant, hosted a programme on ‘Exploring Opportunities for Entrepreneurs in the IT and ITES Sectors’ for over 40 WZCC enthusiasts. The presentation highlighted the various IT related activities having a good market potential both nationally and globally. Apart from the BPO sector, the other important IT services listed were, Mobile Applications, Applications for Social Networking Sites, Animation, Gaming, Conversions to Digital forms, et al. Members with the right aptitude and skills were encouraged to partner with TCS in its high growth initiatives.

Seminar for Women Entrepreneurs The seminar specially designed for women entrepreneurs in the micro, small and medium enterprises was conducted in association with TiE - Stree Shakti. Over 60 women in business benefited through structured sessions and ensuing interactions on Marketing, Branding, Social Media Marketing, Government Finance Schemes for MSMEs, Bank Finance and Equity Funding. The keynote speaker, Pilloo Aga, Director, Gold Seal Group of Companies shared the challenges faced by her as a woman entrepreneur and described her ‘Marketing Mantra’ to the audience. The seminar provided a good platform for networking between women entrepreneurs of all communities.

Exposure to Industry Industrial visits to the manufacturing facilities promoted and managed by leading Zarathushti business houses like Tatas, Godrej Group, Forbes Marshall, Thermax and others, have proved to be an eye-opener for members, particularly the young entrepreneurs.

Youth Wing Programmes Youth Career Connect at Houston

Eric Engineer leading the discussions on Youth Career Connect

Eric Engineer, Director Youth Affairs on WZCC International Board, conducted an interactive session for 150 attendees, mostly youth, who were divided into 12 groups based on their industry experience and aspirations. Each group was seeded with community members who had deep experience in their respective fields. The groups gained through structured discussions and sharing of ideas and experiences. Each group was tasked with brainstorming on ways in which it could collectively give back to the community. Common themes that developed included mentor and internship programmes, professional on-line directories and networks and pro-bono services for the community. Youth Leadership Enhancement Programme (YLEP) At the Houston Chapter’s meeting, Eric Engineer explained the leveraging of online social and professional networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and enlightened the audience on the effective use of these internet based avenues for keeping in touch and exponentially increasing our level of connectedness. Eric also introduced the YLEP project headed by him, to assist potential employers and employees to keep in touch in these trying economic times. Youth Wing Programmes in Mumbai WZCC, Mumbai Chapter launched its Youth Wing in February 2010 with a programme ‘Excellence Across Generations’. The Objectives of the Youth Wing are:

a) Reigniting the spirit of entrepreneurship among the youth of our community b) Creating a new generation of success stories in the professional world, and c) Enhancing the economic well-being of the community by increasing intellectual capital, growing existing business talent and creating more opportunities for growth of entrepreneurship. Nadir Godrej, MD, Godrej Industries Ltd., inaugurated the event with his inspiring address. Shernaz Engineer, Editor, Jam-e-Jamshed, motivated and encouraged the youth. Kainaz Messman, a young entrepreneur spoke about her journey to entrepreneurial success.

Mumbai Youth Wing members at the Inauguration

Business Networking Session The Mumbai Youth Wing organized a Business Networking Session for the youth, for exchange of leads and referrals for their business. The youth also got an opportunity to interact with a highly successful and young businessman. Youth Leadership Workshop, Lonavla The workshop encouraged the youth to understand the demands of today’s corporate and business environment, strengthen interpersonal relationships and remain motivated. It had an amalgamation of several sessions on Finance, Marketing, Motivation and Entrepreneurship conducted by young experts which was followed by a hands-on session which reinforced the lessons learnt from the speakers.

Excerpts from Speeches of Distinguished Zarathushti Personalities “We are losing our sense of adventure, refusing to take risks. Discover the meaning of Profit. It is to make others happy.”

“We Zoroastrians are eminently suited to being Social Entrepreneurs and this is something that should come to us naturally. We believe that righteousness is the greatest virtue of all. We have an amazing track record for parting with our wealth for philanthropic purposes.”

Homi Khusrokhan Byram Avari

Undoubtedly, the most prominent Zarathushti entrepreneur in Pakistan, having built up a large hospitality business in Pakistan, Dubai and Canada. He is an Honorary Member of WZCC.

Minoo Shroff

“Enterprise is basically a sense of adventure and a leap of faith.” He likened a successful entrepreneur to a person who has the stamina of a boxer and patience of a chess player. “Failures are unavoidable but only then you learn what doesn’t work and failures give you an opportunity to try a new approach. You can never win if you never begin.”

Former MD, Tata Chemicals Ltd. and Glaxo Wellcome Ltd. He is currently serving on Boards of many public limited companies as Non Executive Independent Director.

Cyrus Bagwadia

“WZCC is an opportunity to play a positive and constructive role to bring about renaissance of entrepreneurship within our community. Vision with action is imperative. Our boys and girls have vision, have passion and must be guided to develop a definitive road map of actions to build an enterprise.”

President, WZCC, India Chamber. He is actively engaged in mentoring and promoting entrepreneurship.

President, WZCC

Neville Shroff

“In this competitive environment it is important to have high caliber capable people able to demonstrate a high degree of flair and are flexible and innovative in their approach. The business environment has totally changed from my father’s days, where your word was your bond; today one has to be versatile, smart and be one step ahead of the competition.”

Trustee, Zoroastrian Trust Funds of Hong Kong, Canton and Macau

“Somebody helped me to grow in life, especially my community. I don’t have pots of money to give away; but I give whatever advice I can or contacts I have to others. My concern is what we can give to communities.”

Dadi Mistry

Past Vice President WZCC and President Delhi Parsi Anjuman

WZCC Leadership Team Minoo Shroff

Rustom Engineer

President, International Board

Vice President, International Board

Rohinton Rivetna

Kersi Limathwalla

Bomy Boyce

Yazdi Tantra

Founder and Past President, International Board

Imm. Past President, International Board

Past President, International Board

Technical Director, International Board

Framroze Patel

Zareen Karani Araoz

Phil Madon

Eric Engineer

Treasurer and Director, International Board

Director, Global and External Relations, International Board

Chairman, Recognition Committee for Awards

Director, Youth Affairs, International Board

Behroze Daruwalla Corporate Secretary and Director, International Board

Cyrus Bagwadia

Phili Kharas

Adi Engineer

President, India Chamber

Chairman, Mumbai Chapter

Chairman, Pune Chapter

WZCC’s Global Presence Chapter

Chapter Chair



Jim Engineer



Zarir Sethna


New York

Natalie Vania-Gandhi



Zareen Karani Araoz



Behram Shahrvini



Rustom S. Kanga


North Texas

Eric Engineer


Southern California

Perinne Medora



San Francisco

Jamshed Gandi

Central Florida

Er. Soli Dastur




Fariborz Rahnamoon



Armaity Bamji


Shernaz Engineer


Adil Sarkari


Rumi Sarkari



Shahram Jiveh


India Chamber

Cyrus Bagwadia, President bagwadia@hotmail.com


Phili Kharas



Adi Engineer



Cyrus Engineer


Hong Kong

Jal Shroff



Russi Ghadiali



United Kingdom London Australia Sydney Middle East Dubai Iran


Designed and Printed by Spenta Multimedia, Mumbai, India. www.spentamultimedia.com

World Zarathushti Chamber of Commerce Registered in the State of Illinois, USA India office: 8, R.N. Gamadia Polyclinic, Gamadia Colony, Tardeo, Mumbai 400 007 Tel: 022-3296 8175/ 2353 2522 • Email: wzccindia@on-lyne.com • Website: www.wzcc.net

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