Ybam newsfeed 15 06

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Vol. 6/2015

June 2015 20-21, 27-28 June 2015 2015年国际卫塞电影节 吉隆坡,马来西亚旅游资讯中心 (109 Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur)

2015 Wesak International Film Festival Malaysia Tourism Centre, Kuala Lumpur (109 Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur)

June 2015

Vol. 6/2015

June 2015

活动 Activities

尼泊尔大地震造成严重人命伤亡,引起全球各地深切关注,为此马佛青不仅展开赈灾募款,也与本地佛团 组成“马来西亚佛团联合救援尼泊尔地震”救援队,更举办《与尼同在》跨宗教祝福会,献上祝福,献上 关怀的力量,让全世界的关爱与尼泊尔同在。 The Nepal Earthquake Disaster is one of the deeply concerned matters of everyone throughout the world. YBAM conducted a Relief Fund campaign to help ease this unfortunate situation and formed a “Malaysian Buddhist Joint Relief Effort In Aid of Nepal Earthquake Victims” rescue team together with Malaysia Buddhist organisation. Besides this, YBAM also help to organise “Pray For Nepal” Inter-faith Prayer Service, sending blessings and power of caring, may the care and love of the world accompany people of Nepal.

Vol. 6/2015

June 2015

你有空吗? Coming Activities

12 - 14.06.2015 《真善美的旋律》佛曲音乐营 @马六甲站 马六甲妙音寺

Melody Of Truth and Beauty @Melaka Melaka Miao Yin She

14.06.2015 《回归身心平衡,重启教学动力》 教师工作坊 “快乐人生”社会关怀系列活动 芙蓉中华中学小礼堂

"Happy Living" Social Care Series Seremban Chung Hua High School

Vol. 6/2015

03 - 04.07.2015 2015年青少年佛学教师成长营 《遇见生命那一刻》 江沙佛学会

Adoloscent Dharma Class Teacher Training Program Pertubuhan Buddhist Kuala Kangsar

June 2015

11.07.2015 马佛青45周年暨普照寺落成庆典 普照寺

YBAM 45th Anniversary Celebration cum Inauguration Ceremony of Puzhao Buddhist Vihara Puzhao Buddhist Vihara (Lot 1957, Batu 8, Jalan Batu Pahat, Kluang, Johor)

Vol. 6/2015

即日起至31.08.2015 《第三届马鸣菩萨文学奖》 全国

Now until 31.08.2015 3rd Ven. Asvaghosa Buddhist Literature Award Nationwide

June 2015

18 - 20.09.2015 学佛生涯规划工作坊“第二人生” 吉隆坡鹤鸣禅寺

Buddhist Career Workshop Your Life, Part 2

Hoeh Beng Temple, Kuala Lumpur

Vol. 6/2015

16 - 18.10.2015 马佛青第七届佛教与文艺交流营 槟城

June 2015

24 - 27.12.2015 第35届高级佛学研修班 槟城

YBAM 7th Buddhist Literature Interaction Camp Penang

35th Advanced Dharma Class Penang

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