Ybam newsfeed August 2015

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Vol. 8/2015

August 2015 即日起至31.08.2015 《第三届马鸣菩萨文学奖》 全国

Now until 31.08.2015 3rd Ven. Asvaghosa Buddhist Literature Award Nationwide

August 2015

Vol. 8/2015

August 2015

活动 Activities

走过25年风雨,位于马来西亚柔佛州居銮的普照寺(马佛青行政与训练中心)终于完工,这是马佛青及马来西 亚佛教的一大里程碑。普照寺落成典礼已于7月11日成功举行,当日逾4千人共同见证这历史性的一刻。 在7月11日,出席者也可以参与普照寺内各项活动,例如摊位义卖、嘉年华、座谈会、捐血运动、海潮汇演出 、真善美的旋律演出、亲子故事、无尽灯等。 After striving for 25 years, YBAM Puzhao Buddhist Vihara is finally completed, this is an important milestone for YBAM and Malaysia Buddhism. The inauguration ceremony was successfully held in 11 of July 2015, more than 4000 people attend and witness the memorable event. During 11th of July, participants can also attend various activities, such as charity bazaar, carnival, seminar, blood donation campaign, Buddhist hymns performance by ‘Hai Chao Hui’ and the team of ‘Melody of Truth and Beauty’, family story telling session, the night of endless light and etc.

Vol. 8/2015

August 2015

你有空吗? Coming Activities

18 - 20.09.2015 学佛生涯规划工作坊“第二人生”

16 - 18.10.2015 马佛青第七届佛教与文艺交流营



Buddhist Career Workshop Your Life, Part 2

YBAM 7th Buddhist Literature Interaction Camp

Hoeh Beng Temple, Kuala Lumpur


Vol. 8/2015

24.10.2015 《心・企业》2015年佛教企业研讨会 吉隆坡时代广场

“The Wisdom of Business 2015” Buddhism Business Forum Berjaya Times Square, KL

August 2015

21 - 28.11.2015 第十八届禅净共修 太平佛教会

18th Chanting & Meditation Retreat Taiping Buddhist Association

Vol. 8/2015

04 - 07.12.2015 2015雪隆佛青之友领袖培育营 莎阿南佛学会

KL/Selangor State Young Buddhist Fellowship Leadership Training Camp 2015 Shah Alam Buddhist Society

August 2015

24 - 27.12.2015 第35届高级佛学研修班 槟城

35th Advanced Dharma Class Penang

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