w8 submission

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Module 3 : Fabrication Name: Tan Yee Ann Student No: 573608

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Review on Ideation

interconnections within the complex network

Pentagon base pattern Leaf veins From the readings by Poling on analytical drawings. I extrapolated many Clay modelling permutation of 2D designs.

Paper modelling Digitizing

Module 3 : Fabrication Name: Tan Yee Ann Student No: 573608

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Recap on Recipe

2. Repetition (3 layers) 3. Scaling (at the middle)

1. Base unit

4. Continuous Rotation The points on the 3-D object is skewed to show rotation

5. Complex centre as compared to the peripheral zones

I have incorporated the recipe and embedded into my design process. Considering the base pattern, the physical structure, the illuminated state and the shadow that is cast

This is seen in the individual modules. Shadows as well as physical structure

Module 3 : Fabrication Name: Tan Yee Ann Student No: 573608

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Panelling options and prototyping Panel 1:

Triangulation of pattern due to unconstructability due to the presence of curved surface. Problems faced lead to the development of this design. The central portion where there is a clear relation to the complex core

Module 3 : Fabrication Name: Tan Yee Ann Student No: 573608

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Panel 2:

Reconsidering module 1’s paper model.

Panel 3:

Experimenting with directing the angle of light. Panel 2 and 3 i experimented with a thinner material. Which allowed more light to shine on the surface.

Panel 4:

Experimenting with different panelled surfaces

Experimenting with the degree of open and closed surfaces

Module 3 : Fabrication Name: Tan Yee Ann Student No: 573608

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Prototype 1:1 Prototype 1: Developing from panel 1

panelised surface with panel option 1

2D inner skin

Creation of Tabs such that the inner skin can be attached to the outer skin

3D inner skin The concept of creating a double skin is to bring out the theme of core and peripheral (based on the recipe) Experimenting with the interference effect.

Module 3 : Fabrication Name: Tan Yee Ann Student No: 573608

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Prototype 1:1 (1)

Issues faced: The prototype has a intricate shadow which is interesting. However the shadow does not show much differentiation in the complex core.

Tabs on the edge of the surface. This is to connect to the 2nd skin. The second skin was discontinued. after testing our the effects. The second skin poses another issue, the second skin does not differ much from the inner layer hence not emphasizing the goals of the recipe

The 1st prototype has too big offset hence having over exposure and it is unable to conceal the led light source. In the model making experimented with the tabs and realise that when i glue both sides of the tabs together it strengthen the entire lantern structure. The idea of st The failure lead to development of the next model.

Module 3 : Fabrication Name: Tan Yee Ann Student No: 573608

Shadow effect and hand interaction

Prototype 1: the inner layer of the deign Page 6

Prototype 1:1

Further development such that there is a core and peripheral, complex vs non complex theme applied on the border offset as well.



This differentiation enabled me to show a greater distinction between the components as well as bring out the core and peripheral concept

Module 3 : Fabrication Name: Tan Yee Ann Student No: 573608

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Prototype 1:1 (2)

The production of beautiful interference pattern and the shadows brings out the desired shadow which has a central complex shadow compared to the

The use of black card to show a clearer distinction between the 3 separate layers

I also experimented with the joints of the lantern. I liked how the dashed lines allow the form of the to be accentuated. The form has

Module 3 : Fabrication Name: Tan Yee Ann Student No: 573608

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Prototype 1:1 New inner skin

The centralised core that sits within the structure would bring out the concept of core and periphery and hence the decision in creating a central core. The presence of the inner core enables the light to be less intense. Which allows the differential lighting effect of the card to be shown.

Module 3 : Fabrication Name: Tan Yee Ann Student No: 573608

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Construction phase

Led light 8 AA battery in a plastic case

UHU glue Allow some error as its cohesiveness is not as strong as white glue when dried hence if mistakes are made correcting them is a lot easier.

Double sided tape and glue tape is not strong enough to hold the structure in place. White Glue does not dry as quickly hence would require a linger time to make the model.

To cut I used a scalpel which I broke. Hence I use the a pen knife and scissors to trim the edges. Triangle clips to hold the tabs in place for the glue to set.

Module 3 : Fabrication Name: Tan Yee Ann Student No: 573608

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Preparation for fablab on Rhino

Module 3 : Fabrication Name: Tan Yee Ann Student No: 573608

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Hand interactions

Module 3 : Fabrication Name: Tan Yee Ann Student No: 573608

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Final model (3)

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

The model has some minor issues that i would need to resolve. The issue with closing the lantern has to be considered as it has a curve surface. To close the structure I would have to attach the black portion last to join the structure. Photo 4: the complexity of the handler..

Having an opening structure at the back is a interesting concept as it shows clear distinction between the complexities seen in photo 2

Module 3 : Fabrication Name: Tan Yee Ann Student No: 573608

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Reflection In this weeks reading I learnt how technology has greatly improve the flexibility and ability of our to produce complex structures. In Kolarevic’s reading shows large range of different technology is being used in the fabrication of architecture design as well as in product design. From the lecture I have learnt how customizing is becoming more accessible with the proliferation of the technology. These processes are enabled through the development in software, CNC (computer numerical control) technology and stimulated analysis. Iwamato discusses several concepts that are relevant to the fabrication process. In the reading he discusses how fabrication relates to the materials. The reading shows how materials are pushed to the limits due to the greater understanding of materials due to the advances in technology. Previously impossible designs are now made possible. He also talks about the concept discussed in the lecture on problem solving process and puzzle making process. From the lecture I can see how the topics discussed in the readings helps me realize the direction technology has shaped the design industry both in architecture and in product design. The lecture enabled me to see the examples discussed in the readings and learn the different processes taken to develop the design. The lecture also reinforces how experimentation leads to the development of a design. In the lecture the building by Frank Ghery has struck a chord in me. I see how my lantern relates to the building. It has a separate skin that has a totally different structure, which was able to show the core and complexity that I was trying to achieve. The lecture also has many amazing buildings that were raised in the readings. Chris bosses lava Digital origami feature enable light to shine both way, which created an interesting effect. The play of colored light is something that I could consider in my design.

Module 3 : Fabrication Name: Tan Yee Ann Student No: 573608

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