Tan yeeyin 560654 part B algrorithm

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WEEK 4: Exploring Surface Geometry

Proximity 3D (Plus)

Fields & Expression:

Self-exploration: With the use of simple calculation such as multiplication, the change in size is only in one direction and it looks more uniform. Use of expression to limit the effect of attractor. There are two ways: (1) simple expression of function (2) conditional function comprised of true and false Expression function list: Floor(x): Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the specified numbers. Good in limiting the variations produced

By involving more variables, the changes would be more obvious. As in first trial, I involved three variables but in the second trial, I only used x and y as my variables. Thus, the changes in second attempt is less obvious than the first. Rather than using ‘Evaluate’ of the script to create function, the ‘Expression’ would be a better choice as there is a list of specified command which allows a wider exploration as I did in the third approach.

Aranda Lasch-Fractal Tetrahedra

With the use of Pythagoras Theorem, I managed to find the height of the prism. Later, I scaled the geometry into smaller size at each vertices. Finally, with the use of ‘Boolean Difference’, I produced the form of the geometry as shown.

For the second exploration I did, I used a pre-made form in Rhino to further my scaling and boolean difference processes.

WEEK 5: Graph Controller:

Evaluating Field:

Image Sampler

Unroll faces (fail)

WEEK6: Cross reference allows the formation of a grid from the long list, but it only give a single list. This would be challenging for us to sort each of them out and hence, data tree helps us to solve this problem.

Graft, so that each of the point has its own branch. Direction of data can be easily changed by simply change the output to be grafted. Params viewer allows us to understand how the data is organized. Tree Statistics gives details about the paths of the tree, the length of each branch and number of branches.

Predefined data tree: Contain the information of the locations of the points both in reference to the origin point (x, y)and to the surface itself. (u, v).

Tree Statistics and Visualisation Text Tag command to visualise the data on the surface. By simplifying the data, the common information shared between the points would no longer shown on the surface.

Tree Dimensions With the provision of data tree and the path, ‘Tree Item’ helps to provide the data of the path. As shown at the picture, it shows where the exact point I want on the surface.

Flip matrix ables to shift the arrangement from column to row and vice-versa. This would be useful when forming curves.

Tree Menu Shift Path component is useful when using a more complex data trees, generally use in modelling with multiple components. Shift path is the opposite of the graft. It takes one dimension of the data tree and flattens it. As shown in the picture, with the use of shift path component, I managed to get the average point of every single surface.

Relative Item is a useful tool for patterning things with the control over the relationship between the points in order to draw the polylines. The number of rows and columns to be offset could be directed with the use of panel.

Path Mapper done all things we had done individually with the tree menu.Firstly, create null mapping and later manipulate the feeding input. It works with the insert of branch dimensions and list indexes. Grafting works in path mapper by taking all the listed items and turn them into a new branch: {A;B}(i) to {A;B;i}.In contrast, to flatten, simply {0} since it is going to turn everything into a single branch. To flatten part B only, simply {A}(i). For relative item, we modify by mapping to specify the offset. It could set positive or negative relationship. As shown in the trial I did, I was doing flattening for C component and later B component.

AA Driftwood Frames

Provide interior support to the AA Driftwood Frames by creating planes between the interior curve and the perimeter curve.Curve CP component defines closest point of the interior curve to the exterior curve. Result shows there are more points when the curvature of the curve increases. This is useful to form a structure.

Aranda Lasch-Continuous Patterning

The first one is the beizer span without Python Script; The second one is with additional Python Script Unable to do unroll due to the lack of the grasshopper component.

Non-Teaching Week 2 Introduction to Kangaroo Plug-in

Apply the Unary Force, which indicates the gravitational force that pull the polyline downwards.

Kangaroo on meshes:

Kangaroo the polylines:

It’s fail. Couldn’t find out the reason bur most probably I think is I didn’t get the vertex points exactly on the surface. It could not Osnap on a mesh grid.

Reverse-Engineer process

Kangaroo the case study:

Insert Stiffness value:

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