Contents INTRODUCTION Purpose Who are we? Target group How to use this guide Ethical Consumption Fair Trade Responsible consumerism or conscious consumerism What is being done so far?
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EXAMPLES / PROPOSALS OF ACTIVITIES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE IN YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY Categories of Action A>Raising awareness activities B>Advocacy campaigns C>Educational activities / learning by doing EXAMPLES 1)Activities in schools and universities 2)Reuse, reduce, recycle 3)Questionnaire and research 4)Photography contest 5)Do it yourself 6)Knowledge and services exchange 7)Global actions 8)Responsible tourism 9)Pass it forward 10) Youth exchanges 11) Activities for promoting campaigns 12) Street events 13) Workshops
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rect interaction and connection between the producers, the merchants and the consumers by creating a global network of responsibility and solidarity to the working people as well as to the environment. This guide shows examples of methods to take action in the field of ethical and responsible consumption movements coming as a very helpful support for multipliers – young people who have the motivation to pass the message of awareness to their peers. Their role will be to challenge other people to get involved and increase the number of responsible consumers by decreasing the quantity of the used products and also promoting self made of fair trade products. This guide covers the need of having the information collected in a single document and thus facilitating its usage, supporting the reader with all the needed information and – we hope – with some inspiration to act.
Purpose What do we want to achieve with this guide? We want to share our experience with others. We want to create a global network of organisations and activists that have a common interest in ethical and responsible consumption. We want to support the multipliers, the people that are willing to pass the message forward so that it can reach more people. We want to encourage people to change their mentality and choices regarding consumption. The reasons are many and quite different to each other, but the idea is that we created a tool that activists and volunteers can use as inspiration for organising activities on the theme of consumption. Poverty is an issue that many talk about, but very few react and do something to change the situation. This guide wants to support people who want to make a difference in their lives and the lives of others directly or indirectly with the aim to improve the quality of life of the community and respectively of the whole planet. We cannot eliminate poverty, but we can contribute to its reduction by raising awareness and spreading the message of fair trade, ethical and responsible consumption.
Who are we? We are a group of young people that have met in a seminar about Fair Trade and Ethical Consumption, funded by the European Youth Foundation, coming from different parts of Europe, with different cultural and educational background, but sharing the same vision about consumption and environmental issues. Even though we come from NGOs with diverse visions and working with different categories of people, we are eager to make a difference in the world that surrounds us. By offering alternatives to the way and the quantity of goods a person uses, we can protect the environment, thus ourselves, help to combat poverty to some extent and have more sustainability in production.
For promoting ethical and responsible consumption we need to encourage people to change their mentality regarding consuming by questioning the quality and quantity of the products they need, or they believe they need. The change has a big and direct impact both on the consumers’ life, through their active decision to consume less or different products as well as on the producers through the support they get to sell their goods; it also creates an indi-
Target group The target group of the guide is quite large: youngsters
– from kindergarten to university, multipliers of these movements, any interested person, activists, people that feel that change is needed for a better life for everyone, people willing to change the way of consuming and producing, supporters of fair trade and responsible consumption and in particular of small farmers, youth NGOs – not necessary working in this area, but that are interested in the topic.
never met, and animals we have never seen. As the consumers we all are, our abilities to influence the life of others are more powerful than most of us think. For example, not many of us, when we pick up a jar of coffee, take a moment to consider where this coffee was produced, who made it and the working conditions of this person. The truth is, to many of us child labour, slavery and the lack of human and animal rights still present in many parts of the world, are unimaginable. Usually not many of us think that we can and should, based on our daily choices, give humans and animals worldwide the right to live a longer, healthier and happier life. Not many of us think that by thinking independently and walking an extra ten meters to pick up a different jar of coffee, we can help changing those global unfair trading patterns polluting our world today, and replace them with goods of a more fair production. Ethical consumption is when we modify our daily behaviour in order to minimize its harm on humans, animals and the natural environment.
How to use the guide This guide contains informative texts regarding ethical consumption, fair trade and responsible consumption as a theoretical background; therefore it helps the reader to get the main idea and some introductory information on these topics. It covers examples of tools and methods that can be used as a starting point in new actions. Even though it does not consist of expert, academic information about the topics, it can be helpful to get inspiration and come up with ideas about what and how to act. The guide is setting up the basic knowledge regarding this type of consumption and is giving some examples of best practices, but at the same time supports the innovation, creativity and imagination of the reader, by encouraging YOU to take further actions.
When we hear the phrase "ethical consumption" our thoughts are usually drawn to terms like fair trade (chocolate, coffee), biological and local products. However, ethical consumption (even though this is a very vital part of it), is not only about switching to a more ethical coffee brand and start buying vegetables from local farms. As ethical consumers the everyday decisions we make have a very wide range: “Should I take the train today instead of the car?”, “Is it ok for me to eat at this international fast food restaurant or should I stop going there?”, “Where should I go for my holidays?”, “Next time I need new clothes, can I go to a second hand shop or exchange clothes with my friends?”, “Should I go to the cinema tonight or to the show of a local theatre group?”, “Can I use this fabric bag
Ethical consumption It is not a hidden fact that the lives we live today as human beings basically consist of choices. Every day we make them, hundreds of them. Our lives depend on them. We all know, that the choices we make today, affect our own lives in many different ways, sometimes today, this very minute, sometimes later. However, we often forget that it is not always only our own lives we are changing. Almost all of our choices have a worryingly strong impact on parts of the world where we have never even been, people we have
when I go shopping instead of buying a plastic one?� and so on. Ethical consumption is about constantly making active, independent and fair choices; choices, which are promoting human and animal rights; choices, which are beneficial for both our local environment as well as for individuals and communities hundreds of miles away. Being an ethical consumer is not difficult; it is something that everybody can do. This is why we need to start encouraging people and emphasizing how important and non-complicated ethical consumption actually is. And in the end, if we become more people and if all of us, as ethical consumers, focus on making many fair choices, we will ultimately come together and we may cause an important global change. Fair Trade Most of us have a very vague idea about what fair trade is, so let’s try to make it clearer. Fair trade is an idea, which became a movement, connecting many people around the world, with the goal to provide an alternative to conventional trade. We
The certification process Fair trade inspection and certification are carried by FLO-CERT, an independent body created by FLO (Fair trade Labeling Organisation) in 2004. FLO-CERT ensures that both producers and traders comply with the FLO International Fair Trade Standards and that producers invest the benefits received through fair trade in their development. Certification decisions are taken by a Certification Committee, composed of stakeholders from different backgrounds: producers, traders, national labeling organisations and external experts. If a product receives certification, it carries the International fair trade mark, which looks like the images on the right column. Criteria In order for the products to receive certification, they must meet a number of criteria: - Fair Price: the price of the products takes into consideration the cost of production, the labor of the producers and is nego-
International fair trade marks
tiated between the two sides. - Respect for labor rights and working conditions: fair trade products have been produced in sweat-shop-free working conditions. Producers are encouraged to form cooperatives and fight for their rights collectively. - Respect for the environment: The production and transportation of fair trade products is done with consideration for the environment, causing as little damage as possible. - Gender equality: Male and female producers get the same amount of money for their work. - No child labor: Children should have time to go to school to learn and play. If at any stage of the life of the product (from its production to its placement on the shelves of a worldshop) one of these criteria is not met, then the product does not receive certification.
products to the fair trade organisations. Worldshops and Products Fair trade products are sold in small shops, that are non profit institutions with the aim to supply the local market with products and also to raise awareness about ethical consumption. Many times they are run by volunteers. The products cover a wide range, from food (coffee, sugar, rice, chocolate, etc), handicrafts (basket, toys, small gifts), to cosmetics and clothes. What can you do as an individual - Get informed: search the web, locate the nearest worldshop, question the conditions under which the products you consume are produced. - Get involved: Become a volunteer or a multiplier, help to spread the word, make the movement bigger and stronger. (you can use this book to get tools and inspiration). - Change little habits in your everyday life, the coffee you drink or the chocolate you eat. For more information on fair trade check the following links:
What do these fair trade organisations that do the work of the “middle people� do? Research: They conduct research about the market and the production conditions, on ways for the production to improve in quality and quantity and about the impact of the fair trade movement. + Empowerment for producers: They inform producers about their labour rights and encourage them to form cooperatives, so that they are independent and have a stronger voice. They also organise trainings to provide the current production know-how. + Community development support: a part of the price of the products is invested in the development of the community (building schools, hospitals, etc). + Advance payments and log term relationships: the producers receive advance payments for the cost of their production and they have the security that they will sell the
Responsible consumerism or conscious consumerism
One very important concept related to Ethical Consumption it is Conscious Consumerism. The two terms can seem similar, but there is a fundamental difference between them:
3. “Consume Less Consume Good” - questioning ourselves - will this product last? - do I really need this? This movements is about a natural decision of working less and spending less. Instead of spending time and money for shopping, people engage in voluntary simplicity.
Ethical consumption concerns mainly the quality and the nature of the products we choose; Conscious consumption concerns the quality of the human beings’ life, or better this concept tries to propose an another interpretation of our relationship with the system of production and consumption. To be make it clearer, this movement talks about an increased awareness of the impact of our purchasing and production decisions on the environment that we live in, in all it’s fields (society, economy, nature, health etc...).
4. Being conscious of consumption trends and questioning ourselves -why am I buying this product? -which one of my needs is this expense satisfying? It is also concerned with the effects of media and advertising on consumers.
As a result of this orientation, conscious consumers find themselves supporting organic agriculture, fair-trade and sweat-shop free products, as well as local and independent businesses. Here we will try to point out key-concepts of Conscious Consumerism, by using some practical examples.
Conscious consumers use some specific tools to bring on their consumption/production choices in their everyday life. The research for new sustainable tools and ways supporting this orientation it is still in process.
1. Buying natural and organic products I prefer to consume seasonal fruits or vegetables because: - my decision avoids waste of energy in the process of storage; - these products require artificial chemical processes of production that can affect human beings health, ground condition, ecosystem balance and so on…
Many aspects of Conscious Consuming have been practiced throughout the world but not in a cohesive form. Actually it is possible to get the products you need through: - web sites like crag lists or purchasing groups; - trade with friends, exchange without money or at a lower price; - make goods with what you have following the Do It Yourself methodology; - hit yard sales;
2. Buying mainly local products because - buying local products we reduce the environmental impact that transportation can have; - we put down the costs of transportation - we promote local economy to support the development of the local communities
Conscious consuming has its roots in voluntary simplicity(1), in which people re-evaluate their Work-life balance in order to spend more of their time and money on the things
Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed. ~Mohandas K. Gandhi.
that really matter to them. As people work less, there is more time for connecting with family and friends, and in general to feel part of a community, more space for activities like volunteerism, hobbies, community service, personal development; actually more time to take care of ourselves as human beings, re-evaluating also our basic natural needs and the deep meaning that they have, to cultivate the will of spending an happy and satisfactory life.
What is being done so far?
Before we go on with examples of activities that we propose as inspiration for you (as the young activists and multipliers that you are), we would like to give you some recourses and input of activities that have already been done, or are going on as we speak (or read..) A blog by Colin Beavan about what each of us can do to end our environmental crisis, to make a better place to live for ourselves and everyone else, and hopefully come up with a happier way of life along the way. This man and his family lived for a whole year in New York City in a way that had no impact to the environment whatsoever. Their experiment was made into a book and a film and there is a webpage promoting it: Youthxchange is a webpage designed to help trainers and individuals to understand and communicate on sustainable lifestyles. You can surf along the over 130 examples of organisations, innovative ideas, funny stories and motivated people active in making day to day life more sustainable. Get inspired! They have also produced a very useful training kit on responsible consumption: a.php
(1) Voluntary Simplicity means to make the choice to give up the complexity of our life, to address the concept of quality to other dimensions, not anymore connecting it with material comfort coming from things we could own and the products we are able to consume, but going back to our emotions and abilities: cultivating our emotional life and human relationships, discovering again what we can create being part of a community that lives in harmony.
A section of the website of “THE GUARDIAN” hosts two journalists who answer to different kind of “green” questions every week. Take a look:
Examples: proposals of activities for young people in your local community
Finally take a look at this site from the Council of Europe that lists initiatives on sustainable development by country:
Categories of action First of all we want to clarify that this session of the guide has the aim to orient your action in a systematic way, to create somehow an order to follow during the process of “putting your ideas into action�. The categories we choose are generic ones and we are certain that, after a first approach, you will understand that all the actions are not fixed in one unique category. You can easily combine and exchange them by switching from one category to another or acting in the same time at different levels using one, two or all the categories in the same projects (supporting different project phases). We choose to have three categories of action: Raising awareness activities Advocacy Campaign activities Educational activities A> Raising awareness These activities are oriented in sensitizing and informing the target group about specific issues. When it comes to raising awareness, there are two different approaches. The first one acts at rational level, the second one acts at emotional level. You can choose your way taking in consideration the subject you are going to deal with, the target group, the activity you want to bring on, the environment in which you want to implement it.
You can never get enough of what you don't need to make you happy. ~Eric Hoffer
example street events, seminars, networking activities, concerts, cine-forum, periodical activities on the same topic, training for activists and multipliers, boycott, etc… A campaign is a long-term activity; it is fundamental to keep it constant, in order to build up a big community able to really have an impact on the consumption system.
EXAMPLE Ethical consumption and child labour Rational Approach Organize an open space/fair on the subject. Arrange a sharing information session (stands, leaflets, documentaries, best practices sharing, ect…), conference, round tables etc… Emotional approach Present a theatre event on the subject, or do a theatre workshop. Provide background information to support the target group in learning, however the main part of the learning will arise through the emotions that the theatre will provoke. Other activities you can implement are contests, simulation games, exhibitions, concerts, seminars, movie projections, etc… A raising awareness activity can be a singular action; it is not necessary for this activity to take place repeatedly. Raising awareness means to spread the word with specific messages leaving the target group free to decide what to do and how to act after the activity.
C> Educational activities The aim of education is to form/provide competencies to other people in dealing with raising awareness and campaigning activities. These activities can have different orientations depending on the target group and on the environment you will act in. You can, among others, use educational activities: - To form groups of youth workers and activists (volunteers, youth leaders, NGOs working groups, ECT…) - To encourage and inspire singular persons acting in groups (young people, students, adults, teachers etc…) - To create multipliers in different environments (schools, gyms, locals, cinemas, etc…) First category example - Internal Impact Organize a seminar to form your NGO working group about raising awareness (or campaigning) activities having the “reuse reduce recycle” logic as a specific subject. You achieve two results: you realize a raising awareness activity (information about reuse-reduce-recycle) but, in the mean time, you are also encouraging them to support you in further actions to be realized on other target groups, as NGO activity.
B> Advocacy campaign These activities usually aim at leading the target group in acting as a body for lobbying to the authorities for the change of specific rules, dynamics and trends. Fundamental elements you need in this process are: - a strong community background - institutions of reference (to be considered as counterpart) - contact with media - clear and exact framework of action - clear and exact requests of action for the target group.
Second category example – External Impact Organize a workshop about “reuse, reduce, recycle” and address it to a mixed target group. Title: how to build hashes from tin-cans. You are rais-
Activities that you can use to bring on a campaign are for
ing awareness, but in the mean time you are providing to the target group a tool to become active. They can implement what they have learnt from the workshops in their everyday life, becoming a living example in their local community (family, friends, school mates, etc…). In this dimension you can underline that even as a single person you can make the difference with small actions. Moreover this activity wants to focus on the importance of pointing out a different point of view and trying to spread it to more people. Third category example – External Impact – Internal Impact You can chose to form specific target groups and give them the instruments to act in their own environment in a systemic/ conventional way. Seminars about Ethical consumption for teachers: You will inform the teachers about the subject. You will inform about the range of methodologies and tools they can use during the raising awareness/campaigning activity. You will inform them about networking activities they can bring on in connection with the subject. You will provide the target group with support in the realization of the activities (if they get encouraged to plan an action after the seminar). This last phase is very important in order to produce a good internal impact on your group or your organization since: - you can acquire motivated volunteers; - you can provide new opportunity of being active volunteers to your members; - you make your network bigger; - you acquire new trustable partners. Don’t’ forget that educational activities are a milestone in community building.
How many things are there which I do not want. (2) YOU – you as a multiplier, you as an informal group, you as an NGO, you as singular, you as a group of friends, you as a family, etc…
1. Activities in schools and universities
• Technical equipment – (where needed) laptop, video projector, plugs, lights, sound, audio/video, protection measurements • A film to show • Advertising – Prepare the design of the informative materials, printing and spreading them; they should include a link to the organization’s website. • Refreshments
Category of action: Raising awareness activities Title: Ethical movie night Aim: • To increase the students knowledge on/ interest in Fair Trade and Ethical Consumption • To find and prepare volunteers for World Fair Trade Day
Expected results: • Have a interesting discussion on fair trade and/or ethical consumption, leading to an increased interest on the subject and to follow up activities • Get at least 10 active volunteers for Fair Trade day • Inspire the participants to get more informed on the theme of the movie night
Target group: - Students in schools and universities - Teachers and professors . Anybody else interested
Tips: ~ Communicate the idea with the rest of your organization ~ Invite local media and local authorities ~ Make sure to send invitations 1-2 weeks before the event ~ Check the place before the opening to be sure everything is in its right position, equipment is working, each person know what his/her task is, etc. ~ Create a list of interest expression beforehand for the students to sign, in order have an idea of approximately how many people will attend. ~ Make sure to be in time when booking the place for the movie screening ~ Be certain that the technical equipment are working – laptop, video projector, plugs ~ Prepare some questions for the discussion to get it going and to avoid a disturbing silence. ~ Work on the publicity of the event (posters, flyers, leaflets, brochures, etc, communicate it to the local media)
Methodology: - Introduction of organizers, aim of the screening - Movie screening - Discussion Description: The idea of the project is to screen a movie giving more detailed information about fair trade and ethical consumption in general. The movie will later in the evening be followed by a discussion where the participants can voice their views on fair trade, and also come up with ideas on follow-up activities for the university, and activities for World Fair Trade Day. What you need: • People – volunteers and organizing members
2. Reuse, reduce, recycle
~ Prepare an introduction/official opening of your event; support it with visual presentations (Power Point, movies, pictures) ~ Serve some fair trade refreshments, snacks and so on, in order to make the event more attractive and to introduce the products ~ Upload information about result of the event (including pictures, interviews and so on) on the website of the organization. People will read, see that the project went very well, and put more trust in your organization.
Category of action: Raising awareness activities Title: Reuse, reduce, recycle materials Aim: • To raise the level of awareness of the colleges in the organization about ethical consumption • To inspire the local community to do something practical that can make a difference.
Alternatives: These activities are just examples and you can get inspired to do anything else inside the schools and universities that might inform and raise awareness in an interesting way. You might create a Fair Trade Group in your school, or promote a competition for which class can collect and save the most paper, organize debates, photo competitions, invite a guest speaker working with fair trade/coming from an established international organization/etc., collect signatures for petitions, put up information stands in front of the school entrance, play interactive games with younger students, offer cooking sessions with locally produced/fair trade products, make power point presentations, quizzes, workshops, organise theater performances, drawing competitions, exhibitions, concerts, theme days and nights, or anything else you think that will bring students and teachers closer to the idea of ethical consumption.
Target group: - Local community - Activists - Volunteers Methodology: - Activities inside the organization - Presentations - Discussions --The open space method* - Workshops Description: The project idea is to host an inspirational afternoon using the open space technology method (small open discussion groups), presentations, movies, games and discussions on how to reduce, reuse and recycle materials used in our everyday lives. You can host a creative workshop on how to transform old objects into new useful ones, in order to provide the participants with practical examples on how to do what you are suggesting. What you need: •People – volunteers and organizing members, experts on
While you consume, you consume yourself. ~On a street graffit in Madrid
how to reuse materials • Technological equipment – (where needed) laptop, video projector, plugs, lights, sound, audio/video, protection measurements • Films that demonstrate and support your idea • Advertising – Prepare the design of the informative materials, printing and spreading them; website/links to the organization’s website
~ Upload information about result of the event (including pictures, interviews and so on) on the website of the organization. People will read, see that the project went very well, and put more trust in your organization. Alternatives: Debates, interactive games with people from the local community, cooking sessions with locally produced/fair trade products, power point presentations, quizzes, workshops, etc.
Expected results: • To increase the amount of recycled materials within the organization • To improve the local attitude towards ethical consumption • To show that it is possible to reduce the things you throw away through creative ways. Tips: ~ Assure the publicity of the event (posters, flyers, leaflets, brochures, etc, local media) ~ Make sure to send invitations 1-2 weeks before the event ~ Prepare the needed stationary materials – papers, pens, tape, etc. to use for transforming the products ~ Check the place before the opening to be sure everything is in its right position, equipment is working, each person know what his/her task is, etc. ~ Invite local media and local authorities ~ Communicate the idea with the rest of your organization ~ Be certain that the technical equipment are working – laptop, video projector, plugs ~ Prepare an introduction/official opening of your event; support it with presentations by experts on the field ~ Ask the participants for their ideas – include them in the process
*having tables/spaces with one discussion topic each, allowing people to move around and discuss on the topics they are most interested in.
3. Questionnaire and research
tion, world poverty and their criteria when purchasing products. Volunteers will ask the questions and will film some of the students’ answers to make the short video, which will be shown in different follow-up events.
Category of action: Raising awareness activities Title: What do High School students think about ethical consumption?
What you need: • People – volunteers and organizing members • Motivated people to produce the questionnaire • Permit from the schools’ directors • Cameras and video cameras to be able to collect materials for the movie
Aim: • To get an idea on how well-spread the idea of ethical consumption is among High School students • To publish the result of the research by making a movie presenting the outcome of the questionnaire and thereby introduce the concept of ethical consumption to more people • To increase students' and public's awareness about ethical consumption and fair trade • To inspire the participants to find out more information about the theme of the questionnaire • To use the results to create more efficient activities on ethical consumption and fair trade in the future
Expected results: • For the organization to get an understanding on students’ general views and ideas on ethical consumption • For the students to learn about new concepts and reflect on them by trying to answer questions Tips: ~ Communicate the idea with the rest of your organization ~ Find motivated people to create the questionnaire and do the interviews to the students ~ Train the volunteers so that they can explain concepts if needed ~ Ask for permission by the schools ~ Ask for the permission of the students to film them ~ Take the opportunity to end each class session with giving out informational material and quick fasts on ethical consumption and fair trade ~ Upload the results of the research (including the video) on the website of the organization.
Target group: - 100-200 High Schools students in your city/local community, randomly chosen from 3 different schools Methodology: - Questionnaire - Video making - Presentations
Alternatives: Of course, you can change the target group, number of people involved in the research, the questions asked in the questionnaire and instead of turning the result into a movie, you can create an exhibition, slide show etc.
Description: This project is focusing on researching how well known the term ethical consumption is among High School students. In addition to this there can also be a few questions on their personal opinion on ethical consump-
If you could have everything, where would you put it ~Andreea’s memories
4. Photography contest
take pictures on this theme. By organizing an exhibition at the end to show the work of the participants, you give the community the opportunity to get in contact indirectly with the participants through their photographs, spreading the message of the competition (fair trade /ethical consumption) through creativity and enjoyment. At the same time, by exposing their works, the participants will get a positive feeling of having done something out of the ordinary, stimulating their self confidence and personal development.
Category of action: raising awareness activities Title: Photography Contest Aim: • to help the youngsters get involved by searching information on their own and coming up with ideas of interpreting the topic of the contest through their work • to inform in a creative way • to use the contest as a motivational tool
What you need: - people – volunteers and organizing members - a good idea for a theme that will attract the attention of local youngsters - technological equipment – (where needed) laptop, video projector, plugs, lights, sound, frames for the photographs, protection measurements - advertising – prepare the design of the informative materials, printing and spreading them; upload it to the organization’s website - representatives of different local authorities, media, artists, sponsors, etc. - funds – external/internal funds - place for the exhibition - stationary materials for judgment committee (pens, papers, etc), refreshments - attractive prizes for participants (fair trade products) - official opening/presentation
Target group: - young people eager to share their opinions through art - anybody else interested Methodology: - competition – by setting up a contest, the participants will get more involved, due to their motivation to win; the participants will become more informed (reaching the educational background of the theme) in order to do well in the contest. - exhibition of the photos – support the participants by exposing their work; involve the community by asking them to express their opinions (maybe vote for the best one). Description: The idea is to get young people involved in creative activities that stimulate their imagination and, at the same time, challenge them to get informed about the topic of the contest (individual researching). You set a theme for the contest (ie., consumption patterns in our community, a day in the life of a local producer, etc.) and you ask people to
Expected results: - raise the public awareness on the topic - get a high number of young people involved in such activities - stimulate the participants to get informed about the theme of the contest
~ make sure you use the right lightening to put value into the work ~ invite local media and local authorities ~ invite art professionals ~ make sure you send all invitations with 1-2 weeks before the event ~ assure the publicity of the exhibition (posters, flyers, leaflets, brochures, etc, to the local media) ~ prepare the needed stationary materials – papers, pens, etc. for the audience to vote on. ~ be certain that the technical equipment is functional – laptop, video projector, plugs ~ prepare an introduction/official opening of your event ~ prepare brochures with the exposed works (name of the author, title of the work, its description, contacts, etc.) ~ check the place before the opening to be sure everything is in its right position, equipment is working, each person knows what his/her task is, etc. ~ mention the sponsors during the initial presentation; post their logos in visible places ~ thank the sponsors and other partners at the opening and also mention the organizing team and all the people involved in this activity
Tips: ~ share the tasks inside the organizing team ~ supply the organizing team with the needed number of volunteers ~ find additional sponsors, so you can avoid asking for participation fee (it increases the number of participants) ~ search for sponsors not only to provide financial help, but also materials such as offers of technical equipment, use of a space, presentation tools to promote the works ~ set the deadline for sending the art works for the participants according to the contest’s theme (1 month, 1 week) ~ form a judgment committee with representatives of local authorities, organizing members, press, art professionals (if there is an Art Museum invite the director, different individual artists, representatives of the city hall, youth’s sector), sponsors ~ you can ask the visitors to express their opinion about the works by voting their favorite (make a box to place their votes; number the works to facilitate the voting) ~ make sure to mention the title of the picture and the name of the photographer on each work ~ additionally you can make name tags for the participants (the ones present at the opening) ~ prizes motivate the participants; prepare some catchy prizes and certificates of participation (if possible for everyone – participants and winner) ~ prepare the exhibition venue at least 2 days before the opening – think of the best way to present the art works in the given space ~ you can arrange more exhibitions with the works in public spaces easily accessible for the community (central or tourist area, parks, etc. ) ~ ensure the protection of the exposed arts (glass, safety lines, protection from rain, etc)
Alternatives: Contests on painting, cooking, writing, singing, poetry, graffiti, modern/folk dances, ballet, design, embroidery, films, illustration, design, theatre acting, pottery, puppetry, radio drama, sculpture, social circus, story telling, calligraphy, etc.
5. Do it yourself
- to multiply the knowledge of creating useful things Tips: depending on the workshops you might need: ~ access to water; ~ rooms with wind passage; ~ sewing machines ~ technical tools ~ pay attention to the safety of the workshop (provide the participants with gloves or special protection for eyes, hands and so on…). ~ distribute the products of the workshop to the participants. ~ produce short guides connected with the activity of the workshops (indications about where to find the materials, recepies, contacts of people that have more experience on the subject to contact in case of problems or needed explanations). ~ organise follow-up activities (workshops in which you can produce the goods and get help by the more experienced participants). ~ at local level support the participants to repeat the workshops independent from your organisation and be constantly in contact with one another. This creates a network that can become very strong especially at a local level. ~ Develop contacts with other groups that share an interest on the same kind of activities
Category of action: Learning by doing Title: DIY – Do It Yourself Aim: • To provide the target group with practical tools to question and reduce over-consumption attitudes. • To provide practical knowledge to acquire goods without money. • To address creativity and put it in a practical framework; producing goods with material we already have. Target group: - the target group of the organization - the audience of the multiplier - young people from the local community Methodology: Learning by doing/non formal education Description: Workshops (Example: how to reuse tin-cans, plastic bottles etc…, how to produce home made soap, bread, shampoo, how to sew, how to repair furniture etc…) What you need: - Trainers or books on the topic you choose to develop. - Material for the workshops. - A motivated group of participants.
Alternatives: skill exchange can be applied also to languages (Tandem), the same mentality can be applied to other services (like pluming, baby sitting, teaching, etc) in order to overcome the use of money in these services; create a time bank (mutual volunteering between singular persons or communities).
Expected results: - to change small consumption attitudes in every day life. - to realize that it is easy to create something on your own
6. Knowledge and services exchange
- a very good experienced work team. - A good technician to manage the websites. Expected results: - creation and spreading of the mentality of goods exchange, - promotion and spreading (multiplying) the realization of similar events at local or international level
Category of action: Raising awareness – learning by doing (providing practical tools/solutions) – campaigns Title: let’s create another currency
Tips: ~ without a strong campaign of sensitization before the realisation of the event you take a big risk of having a lack of participation, lack of goods, lack of variety in the goods you are offering. ~ involve the local community as much as possible. Sharing responsibility it is fundamental in the organization of this kind of events, it is crucial to avoid concentrating all the responsibilities in one of two people. ~ include one or two inexperienced persons in the work team coming from other communities (at local or international level) to bring new ideas into the team and have more multipliers of your activity.
Aim: raising awareness about no currency based economic transactions Target group: depending on the target group of the organization or on the audience of the multiplier. - Local community - young people Methodology: open spaces/open events, seminars, offering and exchanging services Description: you can train participants in organizing exchange sessions (under the form of small open markets) for services like bicycle repair, clothes swapping, photography classes, etc) You can use different tools for it: web-sites, mailing lists, forums, blogs where find information about these kinds of initiatives and the goods being exchanged. What you need: - a local community that is already a little sensitized and motivated in participating and in providing goods to exchange, - trainers with practical experience in the sector and strong coordination and organization skills,
Alternatives: beret based shops, purchasing groups directly from producers at local level, family goods exchange (baby clothes, toys for children, etc…), community goods exchange (rural communities/ urban communities).
The things you own end up owning you ~From the movie Fight Club,
based on the novel by Chuck Palahniuk
7. Global actions
What you need: - people – as many as you can gather - space – according to the number of the persons; make it as central and visited as possible (you can get spectators involved as well) - a photo/video camera - communication with your international partners
Category of action: raising awareness activities Title: Human Letters Aim: to send a message with a strong visual impact both through the implementation phase (made in public spaces) and after it, when the results come (photos and/or video)
Expected results: - create a visual tool that is easy to be promoted and spread - raise awareness on the viewer concerning the message the letters express
Target group: - young people - anyone interested in the message that is to be sent through the letters
Tips: ~ you can create a single letter at one time or a whole phrase ~ you can lay on the ground, stand up, hold hands, use materials (ropes, same colors of the clothes, holding papers, etc) ~ the message you want to transmit must be very specific and short ~ try to involve other groups according to the level you want the impact to reach (local, regional, national , international) ~ in the international case, it is better to point out few coordinators of the groups; these people should stay in contact with all partners to pass information, decide which letter(s) to do, gather the pictures/videos after they are done and then pass it to the person in charge of the whole project, to edit and put together all the materials from all the groups. ~ choose a place as visited and visible as possible, but also think of a spot where you can take the picture/video from ~ don’t forget that the camera is the most important ma-
Methodology: - photography – taking a picture of the formed letters - video – shoot a video while forming the letter (the process of arranging the people in the specific letter) - use of public spaces to attract attention on your action Description: The idea is to gather a certain number of people together (as many as possible) and arrange the group in such way that, when seen from above it creates a letter (the higher, the more visible - you can distinguish the letter; make it ‘readable’). The idea is to write a message through which to express your opinion, a statement, a motto, etc., take the picture/video of it and then spread it around through diverse channels (internet, CDs). You can use your international partners and ask them to send you a letter so that each letter is photographed in a different public place, in a different city. The text can read: “Make trade fair”, or any other message you want to convey.
8. Responsible tourism
terial you need in order to be able to take the pictures/ video ~ make a list with each group’s details (contact email) and the letter(s) they will do, and the coordinator that is in charge of that specific group ~ mention the names of the groups/NGOs that have taken the picture/video, the city and country (where appropriate) in the final output with a big thank you ~ distribute the final version firstly to the persons that helped you realize it and than post it for public use ~ try to make it public in such a way that you can measure the number of views and then share this information with your partners (it is a good way to show that their work is appreciated)
Category of action: Raising awareness – learning by doing Title: Travel Differently Aim: Pointing out and raising awareness about responsible tourism as a part of an ethical consumption choice. Target group: people willing to explore, activists, local communities. Methodology: providing experience, learning by doing/non formal education. Description: The project consists of two phases. The first one will be a workshop made to plan the travel with the participants and the second phase will be actually going on the responsible travel the group has planned. What you need: Decide the field of action. Responsible tourism can have different orientations and different channels of development (education/information about specific problems, support of local producers and social projects, consideration of the impact tourism has on the environment and on the places we visit.
Alternatives: pictures spread on ground or on wall, ropes, other materials, planting trees/flowers, relevant objects to form the written message (message about fair trade – coffee, tee, biscuits, wine, beer, etc.), create signs/messages from street commercials, newspaper cuts, cutting bushes in the wanted shape, etc. (for some of those make sure you have an approval or you don’t violate any law)
The specific focus of your travel can be one of the following: - In nature: biodiversity, water management, desertification, ect… - In the cities or villages knowledge of the local social and
The only reason a great many American families don't own an elephant is that they have never been offered an elephant for a dollar down and easy weekly payments. ~Mad Magazine
economic system, introduction to the culture/folklore and observing specific problems or dynamics). EXAMPLE: NGOs/ organizations mutual exchange visits (sharing of knowhow, best practices, products etc… ) . EXAMPLE: exploring the forest identifying specific species of plants and their natural properties, animals and their behaviours, considering if they risk extinction, observing ecosystem balance, considering the impact of the technological civilization on the forest life etc… - voluntary experiences/workcamps: environmental care, help on cultural or social issues etc… - personal development: connection with nature, introspective inputs EXAMPLE exploring the forest. Observing our feelings when living in the forest and comparing them with our daily life style and attitudes. Meditation activities in the nature. You should know about the place/s the group is going to travel to, as well as about alternative transportation opportunities. Make connections with travel agencies and with local communities or local organizations/NGOs.
~ offer the participants the opportunity to have a health insurance ~ create connections between the participants (blog, mailing lists, forum, skype sessions ect…)
Expected results: providing actual examples of how it is possible to have conventional experiences in a different way.
Alternatives: responsible pick-nicks, responsible schools trips, responsible and sustainable youth exchanges, in general each kind of visit at local or international level.
Tips: ~ find additional sponsors to avoid charging participants with expensive costs ~ take care of the timing ~ prepare carefully the participants about the experience they are going to live ~ create a list for the useful things to bring ~ consider inevitable vaccinations and bring medicine for allergies ~ check the health condition of the participants ~ help them with the visa procedure
9. Pass it forward
pass it on. The message can be anything; it depends on the needs of the community, NGO, young people, etc. In this way, you start to create chains inside the communities by connecting people with same interests, needs, ideals, visions, etc.
Category of action: raising awareness activities, campaigns, learning by doing Title: Pass it forward
What you need: - “pioneers” – people to set up and start spreading the message - funds (in case of printed materials)/sponsors/sales - creative people – to design the informational materials (web, brochures, flyers, etc.) - in case of mailing/web/blog: at least one person to keep it updated with the news, answer the mails, send newsletters, propose activities, etc
Aim: to spread a certain message which you want to multiply and share it with more and more people Target group: - young people - anybody interested in the message to be spread Methodology: - verbally: sharing it with the people you are connected with or get in contact with at school, work, in the parks, on streets, etc. – phone calls, meetings - written: printed materials (brochures, posters, flyers, leaflets, etc) - promotional materials: pens, notebooks, badges, stickers, t-shirts, caps, cups, calendars, CDs, etc - internet: websites, blogs, mails, e-groups, mass messages, online conversations - actions: implementing activities, organizing meetings/ conferences/ exchanges/ debates, etc. - media – written press, radio, television - example: be an example of what you want to promote.
Expected results: - raising awareness among the citizens of a big or small community regarding the message you want to promote - make changes in people’s mentality concerning the message - reduce certain services, products, consumption, etc/ - encourage the active involvement of young people in the project Tips: ~ make the message clear and short (no one wants to read literature on a leaflet) – create a catchy title ~ express your ideals about the message you want to spread – what, how, where, why, etc you wish to achieve, to whom it is addressed ~ in the case of printed materials, mention the link(s) where they can get more information about the message you want to share ~ it is very helpful to create a website/blog (there are sites
Description: The idea is to spread the message through diverse ways (spoken, written, performance, etc.). In this way, each person in turn becomes a multiplier of the message by taking it forward to other persons, which, at their turn, will also
There are two ways to get enough: one is to continue to accumulate more and more. The other is to desire less. ~G.K. Chesterton (1874-1936)
that host for free, but with limit of space) ~ make the intermediate results you get visible (how many people got the message, how many pass it forward, etc) if they are measurable ~ use your social networks to promote your message ~ be as realistic as possible in creating the message you want to spread, but leave space for imagination of future activities ~ address the message to an individual and not a collective or general public (‘you can do it’, ‘you can change’, etc. instead of ‘people can change’, ‘we can do it’) ~ try to get as many starters as you can involved (at least 5), the other people are more easy to influence by a mass of people than a single person; depending on the impact expected (local, regional, national, international) ~ be an example for your message ~ organize your activities in public places and plan them in such way to always be able to adapt it to a bigger number of people thus involving the spectators as well ~ prepare interactive materials (webs, blogs, etc., activities) ~ inform the press about your intention; send them press handouts, arrange interviews, ask them to join you in your activities, send them the minutes of your meetings, etc. ~ if you have gathered many visual materials, the easiest and cheaper way is to create CDs/DVDs and spread them into schools, working place, on streets, etc. ~ come up with innovating ideas to put your message into practice ~ it is hard to follow how many people and which ones exactly got involved in the multiplying effect of your message, but to the ones you know send a thank you message and they can forward it to the people they know and so forth (passing the “thank you” forward). Alternatives: ethical consumption, fair trade, responsible consumption, environmental issues, active citizenship, etc.
10. Youth exchanges
- A good previously established schedule of activities (interactive) - Local transportation (if needed) - Online tools to keep in contact with your partners (mostly international ones) – e-groups, site/blog, mail, online conversations, etc - Stationary materials – papers, pens, pencils, tape, glue, rope, carton, stapler, scissors, post-its, flipchart papers, markers, cutters, folders, storage boxes
Category of action: raising awareness activities, campaigns, learning by doing Title: Youth Exchanges Aim: to get young people of similar age and interest together to share ideas, exchange opinions, etc.
Expected results: - international interaction between young people with different cultural background - exchange of ideas that can create new partnerships/meetings - exchange of opinions concerning the main theme of the project
Target group: - young people that share the same needs, interests, have the same visions, ideals, etc. Methodology: - non-formal and informal education (games, role-plays, theatre, workshops, debates, movie projections, evaluations - daily, mid-term, final -, short video editing, round tables with discussions, energizers, etc) - Formal education (mostly for training courses)
Tips: ~ apply for funding to the Youth in Action Programme or the European Youth Foundation ~ share the tasks inside your organizing team and set deadlines for working on them ~ keep notes on how, what, where you spent money – it will be easier to make the financial report in the end ~ ask your international partners to select participants in such way that they meet the criteria that support the success of the activities (gender balance, interested in the topic, common language of the project, age, etc.) ~ try to transport all the materials you need for the workshops 1-2 days before it actually starts; in case you have forgotten something, you will have time to bring it without being stressed by time ~ involve the media and the community as much as possible
Description: young people gather together to share their experience, exchange ideas, getting in touch with other cultures, make new connections and friends, interact with people of their same age, all under the umbrella of a theme (ie. ethical consumption). What you need: - funds – internal/external funds, sponsors, co-funding - local partners – informal groups, other NGOs, local authorities, media, schools, companies - (international) partners – informal groups, NGOs that are eager and able to send people interested in your planned activities - Accommodation place – proper rooms and meals
Contentment is natural wealth; luxury, artificial poverty. ~Socrates (B.C. 469-399)
~ invite the representatives of the media, local authorities, sponsors (where appropriate), important personalities of the city, people that share the vision of your project’s (ie. if the theme is about art, invite artists) ~ when possible, ensure the meeting of your participants with the local community (city hunting, activities in public space, etc) ~ make cultural evenings – give the opportunity to the participant countries to share their culture and traditions ~ organize something for each night – going out, carnival, pyjama party, karaoke night, story telling night, fire camp, play the guitar, etc; you can even ask the participants to come up with ideas on how to spend the nights, but not as a compulsory activity ~ make ‘language courses’ – teach the participants few words/phrases in your language and ask them to do the same with theirs ~ ask participants to prepare an activity on their own and present it to others ~ if you have a special occasion like a birthday (you will need passports/IDs for registration so you can see their birthday) or national/name day, prepare something different for that evening/night ~ have at least 2 coffee breaks per day; after 2 hours of work, have one; it will improve the spirit of the participants and they can be communicate and share experiences during this informal time ~ no matter how bad or difficult the situation is, smile; it can help the participants not to notice the ‘backstage’ organizing problems ~ try to find the common points between the participants and take advantage of that by modifying and adapting the activities accordingly ~ arrange press interviews of the participants (ask them before if they would like to share their ideas and opinions)
~ organize tourist trips in the area; be sure to support the tour with information about the places visited ~ take the weather into consideration– try to arrange the schedule in such a way so that activities can be done indoors as well ~ stay in contact with your partners – share your ideas about the activities, the way of implementing them ~ ask them to come with their cultural presentations ready; in this way the participants from the same group will meet more often and will talk about the activities ~ ask the participants about their health problems, food allergies or diets ~help your partners with choosing their means and route of transportation; support them in the local transportation (till the accommodation place) by suggesting routes or even buying their tickets, or picking them up ~ thank your participants for their active involvement in the activities and in total for their presence and the contributions they have brought to the exchange ~ gather the information and pictures taken during the activities and give to the participants a CD/DVD with them or send them a link online (according to their size); make sure it is easy for everybody to access them Alternatives: training courses, seminars, work camps
11. Activities for promoting campaigns
What you need: Think of the material you need to stage your action: ie. A volunteer buried under products, parcels, a way for him or her to be comfortable (chair, cusion) or free hug signs, a cd player with speakers or a sound system, power provision. Have papers to collect the signatures where the problem and the aim of the petition is also stated. Carry a camera to take pictures.
Category of Action: Campaigns Title: Activities for promoting campaigns Aim: To campaign on ethical and responsible consumption and try to influence the authorities to make a change.
Expected results: Letter writing or signature collecting.
Target Group: The local community (with a focus on young people) will unite and, together with the pressure of the press, lobby to the authorities.
Tips: ~ share the tasks inside the organizing team ~ supply the organizing team with the needed number of volunteers ~ make a budget of materials (food and drinks, audio/ light/video system) ~ set the deadline for collecting the signatures or letters and make a plan beforehand for the number of supporters you are looking for. ~ Make this number a realistic one. ~ visit the spot to check the power provision (if you need it) ~ ensure the right lighting to value the event and to help people see when they sign ~ invite local media and local authorities ~ make sure you send the invitations with 1-2 weeks before the event of meeting the authorities to give the petitions. ~ ensure the publicity of the event (posters, flyers, leaflets, brochures, etc, local media) ~ ensure the technologic equipment and their functionality
Methodology: You ask the people to support your campaign with a specific task. Usually this task is to sign a petition, or send a letter of complaint. You can present this task together with a performance, a film projection or even a demonstration. Description: Find a place in your local community where people can see you. Form a group of volunteers and find a way to attract people’s attention (make a living picture with someone being covered with products, have music, offer free hugs, etc). Inform people about the change you want to achieve (ie. Fair trade products in schools, better control of genetically modified products, etc). Ask them if they would be interested in signing a petition on this problem. Collect the signatures and organize an event to deliver them to the authorities and invite the press.
It is advertising and the logic of consumerism that governs the depiction of reality in the mass media. ~Christopher Lasch
12. Street events Category of Action: Raising Awareness Activities Title: Street events Aim: To inform people about ethical and responsible consumption with artistic tools (theatre, singing, free hugs event, movie showings) Target Group: Local community (with a focus on young people). – laptop, video projector, plugs ~ inform the people about what you are asking them to do and don’t pressure them to sign if they don’t seem convinced ~ Take pictures and disseminate the activity after it is over ~ Mention the reaction of the authorities when you gave the petitions.
Methodology: This is a way for activists to reach out to the local community and inform the local people with ways that are visual and keep the interest of the audience. Description: Find a popular or crowded spot in the city and organize events to inform the public. Theatre: volunteers and activists can prepare a small play that deals with the issues of consumerism and present it to the local people. Singing: Organise an amateur choir to talk about ethical consumption with a sense of humour – check out this link for inspiration ( ) Free hugs: It is a campaign to share positive energy and it can be used as an attraction to get the people interested in what young activists have to say. Make big colorful signs that say “Free Hugs” and keep them so that people walking on the street can see. Hug away! ( com/watch?v=vl_W73ZTCxY ) Movie showings: Show a documentary about ethical consumption. The best thing would be to have a discussion after the film of the issues raised.
Alternatives: You can use this format for any kind of campaign you want to promote.
What you need: Take into consideration that you might need a permit from the local authorities to perform publicly. Make sure that you can use a copyrighted film –contact the rights owners. You really need motivated volunteers for these activities. People that are ready to expose themselves with a sense of humor, so that they carry a message across. Think of what you need to prepare the set (Stage, audio equipment, music, projector and screen). Advertise the event well in local media and on webpages. Expected results: People attending the events will be informed of alternative ways to consume and will have the chance to participate in a discussion about them. The events will attract their attention and their interest.
~ prepare an introduction/official opening of your event; ~ mention the sponsors (if is the case) during the initial presentation; post their logos in visible place ~ Take pictures and disseminate the activity after it is over.
Tips: ~ share the tasks inside the organizing team ~ supply the organizing team with the needed number of volunteers ~ make a budget of materials (food and drinks, audio/ light/video system ~ set the deadline for having the performance, song, film ready for presentation ~ visit the event spot to check the power ~ ensure the right lightening to value the event ~ invite local media and local authorities ~ make sure you send the invitations with 1-2 weeks before the event ~ ensure the publicity of the event (posters, flyers, leaflets, brochures, etc, local media) ~ ensure the technologic equipment and their functionality – laptop, video projector, plugs
Alternatives:You can use this format for any kind of action you want to do on the street (juggling, body painting, collective painting, performance, athletic event, etc)
My first rule of consumerism is never to buy anything you can't make your children carry. ~Bill Bryson
13. Workshops
What you need:
Category of Action: Learning by doing
couple of volunteers to help him or her. Plan the exercises
You need an experienced trainer to run the workshop and a and take the material you need with you (paper, colors,
Title: Workshops
costumes, masks, music, etc). Make a participants list to share contacts for future cooperation’s. Talk to the teacher
Aim: to provide the participants with knowledge that comes from experience, to involve them in participatory learning and to encourage them to question some of their habits and beliefs and maybe make a change.
of the class to explain what you will do and include him or her in the workshop. Expected results: Participants are informed and encouraged
Target Group: Young people, volunteers, activists, multipliers, school children, teachers.
to change their consuming behavior.
Methodology: The methodology for these kind of workshops is non formal education and experiential learning. Participants are active in their learning and they interact with the group forming a group dynamic. Use role playing games and simulation exercises, and have debriefing discussions after the activities.
Tips: ~ Find an experienced trainer ~ supply the organizing team with the needed number of volunteers ~ make a budget of materials (paper, colors, costumes, audio/light/video system)
Description: Organise a workshop on a specific theme ie. Consumption reduction, or child labor in the coco fields. Decide on the target group and the venue (your organization, a classroom). Send out a call for participants with an application form, or talk to the teacher to get information about the class you will visit. Run the workshop involving the participants in every step of the way. Look for tools in Compass ( ) or in the SALTO – toolbox ( . Don’t forget to have a debriefing discussion and to evaluate the workshop in the end.
~ Do a pilot of the workshop with volunteers to identify possible mistakes ~ Introduce the workshop, explain what you will do and that people are asked to be active participants. ~ Plan the workshop well and include breaks. ~ Don’t forget to take a moment for the participants to step out of the character they were playing in a game. ~ make sure you send the call for participants with 1-2 weeks before the workshop.
~ ensure the publicity of the event (posters, flyers, leaflets, brochures, etc, local media) ~ ensure the technologic equipment and their functionality – laptop, video projector, plugs ~Take pictures and disseminate the activity after it is over Alternatives: You can use this format for any kind of workshop you want to organize (about the impact of poverty, gender equality, human and labor rights, environmental protection, water shortage, inclusion and anti-racism, etc).
Participants list Youth Ethical Consumers in the fight against World Poverty Athens, Greece 15 – 18 of March 2010 1) Ann-Kristin Herbst Germany/ Greece
2) Giulia Segreto Italy
3) Bojan Beronja Serbia
4) Adrian Chrobot Portugal/Poland
5) Joelle Mifsud Taliana Malta
6) Julia Brugger Graz, Austria
10) Monika Dernerova Prague / Czech Republic
11) Kostas Voudouris Greece
7) Leonidas Oikonomakis Greece, University of Crete
8) Clara Pujalte Ibarrondo Bilbao / Berlin 9) Sorin Buruiana Romania/Denmark
12) LukasWallrich Germany & UK United World Colleges
18) Elin Brudin Sweden / Bulgaria Youth and Civil Initiatives in the Rose Valley
19) Simona Rossi Greece
13) Deni Sanxhaku Albania, Tirana MJAFT! Movement 14) Catarina Duarte Amarante, Portugal 15) Andreea Caplescu Romania
16) Kostas Antonopoulos Greece 17) Fiona Ranford UK
20) Magdalena Albrycht Poland
Fair Trade Hellas would like to thank all the participants for their contributions and especially Ms Elin Brudin, Ms Simona Rossi and Ms Andreea Caplescu for their hard work and input in the production of this guide!
Useful links
Responsible tourism
European Youth Foundation
Consciuos consumerism
Do it yourself
Council of Europe Non formal Education doc52_en.htm
Ethical Consumption - green consumerism
Youth Fair Trade
Reuse reduce recycle Advocacy Campaign Free goods exchange