2018–2019 Guide To Yellow Springs

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Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9




Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N e w s

y  Sounds of the springs  y

1. World House Choir honors unsung hero ................................5

16. A traveling tour of Yellow Springs musical paths ... 36

2. Juke Joint: Chappelle’s gift to YS ...................................................6

17. Musical matriarchs of the village . ........................................... 40

3. CMYS built on Antioch’s legacy ..........................................................9

18. Born or bred — Local musicians find fame .......................... 44

4. Historical Snapshot — Famous audience .............................. 11

19. Musical Spotlight — Allen M c Cuollough.................................. 46

5. The ‘golden tenor’ of Yellow Springs ...................................... 14

20. Cello Springs returns to the village ..................................... 47

6. ‘Crazy is Forever’ — A lost masterpiece ............................. 15

21. Were you there? — Select concerts  in town .................... 52

7. James Johnston: Village’s ‘Mr. Music’ ...................................... 16

22. Cecil Taylor's free jazz ......................................................................... 53

8. A Bluegrass first AT Antioch collge ....................................... 19

23. Still vibrant, still Victorettes ................................................... 54

9. A newgrass jam band musical melange ................................... 21

24. Love & a feel-good jam band.............................................................. 59

10. Speaking Suns on the rise . ..................................................................... 23

25. Surround Sound — Debut of YS Porchfest .......................... 60

11. Youth Orchestra’s 50 Years of Music . ...................................... 25

26. AACW’s big event — a look at Blues fest .............................. 61

12. A woman in jazz, back again . ................................................................ 27

27. Springsfest — Our Woodstock ......................................................... 66

13. Local rapper turns rhymes, heads ............................................ 32

28. Paul’s Apartment Reunited .................................................................... 67

14. Stark Folk band—Rock with a consciousness ................ 33

29. Tales of a forgotten music star................................................... 68

15. From the archives — Wheels’ homegrown sound . .......... 34

30. Friends Music Camp inspires ................................................................ 69

By Carla Steiger and Carol Simmons By Megan Bachman By Lauren Heaton By Scott Sanders

By Audrey Hackett By Joe Bachman

By Lauren Heaton

By Jennifer Berman

By Megan Bachman

By Tracy Perkins-Schmittler & Megan Bachman By Lauren Heaton

By Diane Chiddister

By Aaron Maurice Saari By Megan Bachman By Megan Bachman

By Chris Till

By YS News Staff

By Megan Bachman By Lauren Heaton

By Carol Simmons

Compiled by Megan Bachman By Dave Barber

By Audrey Hackett

By Tracy Perkins-Schmittler By News Staff By News Staff

By Tracy Perkins-Schmittler By Tracy Perkins-Schmittler By Chris Till

By YS News Staff

y  index of local organiZations  y M IAM I TOWN SH I P GOVE R N M E NT Miami Township office......................................................... 18

VI LL AG E GOVE R N M E NT Village Mediation Program of Yellow Springs.................... 18 Village offices, general information.................................... 18

A rts & re c reation Art & Soul............................................................................... 28 Bridge..................................................................................... 28 Chamber Music in Yellow Springs ...................................... 28 Community Band.................................................................. 28 Community Chorus............................................................... 28 Foundry Theater.................................................................... 29 John Bryan Community Pottery.......................................... 29 Little Art Theatre................................................................... 29 Shakespeare Reading Group................................................ 29 Weavers’ Guild...................................................................... 29 World House Choir............................................................... 29 Yellow Rockers....................................................................... 29 Yellow Springs Arts Council................................................. 31 Yellow Springs Chamber Orchestra.................................... 31 Yellow Springs Contra Dance.............................................. 31 Yellow Springs Strings.......................................................... 31 Yellow Springs Theater Company....................................... 31

C O M M U N I C AT I O N S Antioch Review..................................................................... 35 Yellow Springs Commnity Access.................................. .... 35 WYSO Public Radio.............................................................. 35 Yellow Springs News............................................................ 35

C O M M U N I T Y O R G A N I Z AT I O N S 365 Project............................................................................ 55 AACW..................................................................................... 55 African-American Genealogy Group.................................. 55 Alcoholics Anonymous......................................................... 55 Arthur Morgan Institute for Community Solutions.......... 55 Better Health Co-op............................................................. 55 Charlie Brown Patient & Caregiver Support Group......... 55 Corner Cone Farmers Market.............................................. 55 Enhance Worldwide.............................................................. 56 Feminist Health Fund .......................................................... 56 Food Co-op............................................................................ 56 Friends Care Community..................................................... 56 Great Books........................................................................... 56 Green Environmental Coalition........................................... 56 Grinnell Mill Foundation...................................................... 56

C O M M U N I T Y O R G A N I Z AT I O N S c ont ’ d James A. McKee Association............................................... 57 La Leche League.................................................................... 57 Masonic Lodge...................................................................... 57 McKinney/YSHS PTO........................................................... 57 Mills Lawn PTO..................................................................... 58 Morgan Family Foundation.................................................. 58 NAMI of Clark, Greene & Madison Counties.................... 58 Narcotics Anonymous.......................................................... 58 Odd Fellows........................................................................... 58 Ranch Menagerie Animal Sanctuary................................... 58 Riding Centre, The................................................................ 62 Senior Center......................................................................... 62 Tecumseh Land Trust............................................................ 62 Threshold Singers of Yellow Springs.................................. 62 Unicef.................................................................................. 62 Wellness Center at Antioch College.................................. 62 Winter Farmers Market . ..................................................... 62 Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce.............................. 63 Yellow Springs Community Foundation............................. 63 Yellow Springs Farmers Market........................................... 63 Yellow Springs Historical Society........................................ 63 Yellow Springs Home, Inc.................................................... 63 YS Neighborhood Gardens.................................................. 64 YS PetNet............................................................................... 64 Yellow Springs Repair Cafe.................................................. 64 Yellow Springs Resilience Network..................................... 64 Yellow Springs Time Exchange............................................ 64 Yellow Springs Tree Committee.......................................... 64

E D U C AT I O N  Private School

Antioch School, The.............................................................. 49 Yellow Springs Montessori School...................................... 50  Preschool

Community Children’s Center . .......................................... 50 Community Children’s Center After School Care............. 50 Friends Preschool Program.................................................. 50  Public Schools

Greene County Career Center............................................ 50 Greene County Educational Service Center..................... 50 Greene County Learning Center......................................... 51 Yellow Springs Public Schools............................................. 51  Higher Education

Antioch College..................................................................... 49 Antioch University................................................................ 49 Antioch University Midwest................................................ 49

GLEN HELEN Glen Helen Ecology Institute.............................................. 48

L i b rary Yellow Springs Community Library..................................... 22 Yellow Springs Library Association..................................... 22

lo c al I N D U S T R y Cresco Labs, Inc.................................................................... 65 DMS ink.................................................................................. 65 ElectroShield, Inc.................................................................. 65 EnviroFlght, LLC.................................................................... 65 Morris Bean & Company...................................................... 65 S&G Artisan Distillery, LLC.................................................. 65 Vernay Laboratories.............................................................. 65 Yellow Springs Brewery........................................................ 65 YSI/Xylem Brand................................................................... 65

SPIRITUAL COMMUNIT Y Bahá’í Faith............................................................................. 41 Bethel Lutheran Church....................................................... 41 Central Chapel AME Church............................................... 41 First Baptist Church.............................................................. 41 First Presbyterian Church.................................................... 41 Grandmother Drum Healing Circle..................................... 42 Heart Rhythm Meditation Class & Circle.......................... 42 Pleasant Grove Missionary Church.................................... 42 St. Paul Catholic Church...................................................... 42 The Body Gathering............................................................. 42 Unitarian Universalist Fellowship....................................... 43 Yellow Springs Christian Center.......................................... 43 Yellow Springs Dharma Center........................................... 43 Yellow Springs Friends Meeting (Quakers)........................ 43 Yellow Springs Havurah........................................................ 43 Yellow Springs United Methodist Church.......................... 43

Y O U T H organizations BSA Scouts............................................................................. 12 Cub Scouts............................................................................. 12 Fair Play 4-H Club................................................................. 12 Girl Scouts.............................................................................. 12 Perry League.......................................................................... 12 Sea Dogs................................................................................ 12 Yellow Springs Youth Baseball ........................................... 13 Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association..................... 13 Yellow Springs Youth Soccer................................................ 13 YS Kids Playhouse................................................................. 13

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y  index of Advertisers  y A-C Service Company........................................... 23 Adoption Link, Inc.................................................. 20 Al Kahina Middle Eastern (Belly) Dance Studio........................................ 26 Antioch College.......................................Back Cover Antioch School, The.............................................. 40 Arbor-Care of Yellow Springs............................... 43 Asanda Imports......................................................... 5 Back to Now........................................................... 25 Basho Apparel......................................................... 18 Battino Counseling Services................................ 46 Rubin Battino, M.S. Battle, Esther S., Ph.D., Inc................................... 60 Bauer Stoves and Fireplaces...................................6 Bentino’s Pizza........................................................ 27 Black Pug Bike Repair............................................ 48 Blackman, Shelley.................................................. 69 Keller Williams Advantage Reality Blue Butterfly.......................................................... 38 Bradstreet and Associates, Inc............................ 44 Brandeberry Winery.............................................. 28 Bryce Hill Inc........................................................... 64 Calypso Grill and Smokehouse............................ 48 Chamber Music in Yellow Springs....................... 21 Clifton Garden Cabin............................................... 9 Clifton Opera House............................................. 65 Coldwell Banker Heritage Realtors Jan Augenstein................................................. 17 Minerva Bieri, Sam Eckenrode....................... 19 Community Children’s Center................................4 Community Solutions, Arthur Morgan Institute for .......................... 38 Complete Building Service, LLC.......................... 53 Corner Cone........................................................... 54 Creative Explorations............................................ 62 Curliss, Laura, Attorney......................................... 65 Current Cuisine...................................................... 46 Dark Star Bookstore.............................................. 33 Dunphy Real Estate, Inc........................................ 57 Jo Dunphy Sheila Dunphy-Palotta Teresa Dunphy

Earth Rose............................................................... 52 EdenWorld ............................................................. 56 Kim Plinovich, L.M.T. Edward Jones.......................................................... 16 Mike Reed Ehman’s Garage...................................................... 58 Eldridge Roofing, Inc................................................ 5 Emporium Wines / Underdog Café.................... 41 Enon Veterinary Hospital...................................... 44 EnviroFlight, LLC....................................................... 9 Epic Book Shop...................................................... 67 Flying Mouse Farms.............................................. 55 Friends Care Community...................................... 30 Funderburg, Pamela, L.M.T................................... 55 Glen Garden Gifts and Flowers........................... 25 Gravity Spa.............................................................. 12 Green Environmental Coalition........................... 32 Green Generation Building Co............................ 49 Green Plains Cabin Bed and Breakfast.............. 68 Greene County Career Center............................ 35 Greene County Council on Aging....................... 38 Greene County Public Health.............................. 14 Greenleaf Gardens................................................. 33 Grinnell Mill Bed and Breakfast........................... 32 Ha Ha Pizza............................................................. 62 Hawthorne Place.................................................... 53 Heart Rhythm Meditation.................................... 11 Hearthstone Inn and Suites................................. 63 Holser, J. Marc, D.D.S............................................ 70 Homeworks............................................................. 13 House of AUM / Modern Spirituality................. 33 House of Ravenwood............................................ 50 Jackson Lytle and Lewis Funeral Homes........... 26 Jailhouse Suites...................................................... 44 Jennifer’s Touch Fine Jewelry . ........................... 70 John Bryan Community Pottery.......................... 61 Little Art Theatre.................................................... 49 Little Fairy Garden................................................. 29 McManus, Todd, O.C. and Assoc......................... 64 Meadowlark Restaurant........................................... 8 Miami Township Fire-Rescue ............................ 24 Miami Valley Pottery.............................................. 27 Mills Park Hotel . ................................................... 64

MinDesign............................................................... 48 Morgan House Bed and Breakfast...................... 60 MVECA.................................................................... 32 Nipper’s Corner...................................................... 35 Ohio Institute of Sexual Health........................... 15 Ohio Silver Co........................................................ 63 Ohio Valley Surgical Hospital..................................7 Orthodontic Specialists of Ohio.......................... 15 James Tetz, D.M.D. Peifer Orchards and Farm Market....................... 61 Pleasant Grove Missionary Church..................... 42 Positive Perspectives, Inc. Counseling Centers......................................... 14 Rails-to-Trails Conservancy.................................. 64 Re/Max Ultimate.................................................... 43 Craig Mesure Re/Max Victory...................................................... 52 Chris and Rick Kristensen Brett Burcham Weaver Reichley Insurance Agency......................................6 Rose and Sal Co. Mercantile................................ 16 Rumpke Waste Removal and Recycling............. 45 St. Paul Catholic Church....................................... 62 Sam and Eddie’s Open Books.............................. 33 Smoking Octopus, The.......................................... 41 Solid Gold Self Storage......................................... 59 Southtown Heating, Cooling, Electrical and Plumbing.................................. 31 Springfield Arts Council........................................ 51 Springfield Museum of Art................................... 10 Springfield Symphony Orchestra......................... 48 Springs Healing Massage...................................... 23 Keri Speck, L.M.T. Amy Spurr, L.M.T. Stoney Creek Garden Center............................... 50 Sunrise Cafe............................................................ 47 360° Private Training Studio................................ 43 Melissa Heston, cP.T. 365 Project............................................................. 68 Tecumseh Land Trust............................................. 34 Tibet Bazaar............................................................ 29 TLC Dental Center................................................. 71

Tom’s Market........................................................... 11 Town Drug............................................................... 10 Twin Coach Apartments....................................... 70 Unfinished Creations............................................. 42 Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Yellow Springs................................................... 55 Urology Specialist of Ohio.................................... 59 Eric Espinosa, M.D. Veterinary Associates Animals Hospital............. 47 Village Artisans....................................................... 16 Village Automotive................................................. 22 Village Cyclery........................................................ 42 Village Mediation Program of Yellow Springs................................................... 42 Village of Yellow Springs....................................... 46 Wagner Subaru....................................................... 66 Wander and Wonder............................................. 20 Wellness Center at Antioch College, The.......... 56 Wheat Penny Oven and Bar...................................8 Wildflower Salon.................................................... 35 Winds Café / Winds Wine Cellar........................ 70 World House Choir................................................ 43 WYSO Public Radio............................................... 69 Yellow Springs Arts Council................................. 18 Yellow Springs Brewery......................................... 67 Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce........29, 34 Yellow Springs Chiropractic.................................. 26 Erika Grushon, D.C. Katherine Hulbert, D.C. Yellow Springs Community Foundation............. 67 Yellow Springs Farmers Market........................... 56 Yellow Springs Hardware.........................................5 Yellow Springs Home, Inc..................................... 35 Yellow Springs Library Assoc................................ 45 Yellow Springs Pottery.......................................... 19 Yellow Springs Science Castle............................. 53 Yellow Springs Senior Center............................... 25 Yellow Springs Tree Committee........................... 46 Yellow Springs United Methodist Church......... 21 Young’s Jersey Dairy.............................................. 28 YS Federal Credit Union..........................................4 YS Kids Playhouse.................................................. 57

Sounds of the Springs— y  A sampling of music in the village  y ‘Writing about music is like dancing about architecture,” comedianmusician Martin Mull once said. Music is best heard. Nevertheless, “Sounds of the Springs” endeavors to capture some of our village’s unbelievably rich musical past and present. You will have to imagine the strings reverberating in the Presbyterian Church sanctuary during a chamber music concert, the beats thumping in the Whitehall barn at a Juke Joint, the buskers’ voices wailing on the street, the orchestral climax of a concerto in ’50s-era Kelly Hall. The articles that follow tell the story of a creative community that has not only defined its own sound, but through its locally born and bred musicians, gone on to influence the wider world. “Sounds of the Springs” traces the threads of local musical influence to a few prominent progenitors; points out the pre-eminence of Antioch College and its radio station, WYSO; places Yellow Springs at the center of the ’60s rock sound; finds geographical roots in Southwest Ohio bluegrass country, and figures in the major role of African Americans in a com-

munity that early on offered opportunity. We discovered many hidden gems in the process. Did you know: • A villager once appeared on American Bandstand? • Antioch hosted the very first bluegrass concert on a college campus? • Members of seminal ’60s rock bands Buffalo Springfield, Jefferson Airplane and Country Joe & the Fish lived here? • Rock ’n’ roll pioneer Chuck Berry ate lunch at a local diner just after it was desegregated? • World-class chamber ensembles vie for the prestigious Emerging Artists Award at an annual local competition? • Two internationally renowned AfricanAmerican opera stars grew up here? • On two occasions, 35 years apart, 7,000 people attended a concert in Yellow Springs on the Antioch College golf course? We hope you learn more about our musical history. A self-guided tour covering some of our prominent players and the places they performed, the “Sites of the Sounds,” is on page 38.

The cover to this year's Guide To Yellow Springs is inspired by the iconic Americana design work of the Hatch Show Print poster company out of Nashville, Tenn.

It’s remarkable how big an impact our small village has had in many areas of endeavor, music among them. But what are the ingredients of a musical town? Perhaps it is our penchant for artistic free expression, our respect for radical creativity, our valuing of diversity — especially the racial diversity that blends musical styles and lineages — and our sense of purpose that is not commercial but community centered. Our music makers are masterful, but they are also playful. The desire to become proficient has no doubt driven many a skilled player. But so has their desire to create with their listeners a shared experience, a communion across difference, across experience and even across time. That love of craft is evident on each and every page. Covering the genres, I'm confident you'll find something for your taste. And although we tried to cover the cream of the crop, this sampling of the sounds of the Springs cannot claim to be comprehensive. There is so much more to hear. — Megan Bachman, editor



Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N e w s

y Contributors y

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Megan Bachman is the editor and coowner of the Yellow Springs News. She has covered the local music scene through ysnews.com blog, Village Vibes. Joe Bachman is a longtime record collector with a passion for finding undiscovered and underappreciated musicians. Dave Barber, a WYSO Community Voices producer, began as a host at the station in 1978. He currently resides in Austin, Texas. Jennifer Berman is the host of WYSO’s “Rise When the Rooster Crows,” and was a bluegrass radio programmer on WYSO from 1979–1985, while a student at Antioch College. Diane Chiddister was editor of the News from 2006–2018 and a longtime reporter and columnist for the paper. Audrey Hackett is a local poet and former reporter and columnist/blogger for the News. Lauren Heaton is a former associate editor and longtime reporter with the News. She is a cellist in the Yellow Springs Community Orchestra. Tracy Perkins-Schmittler is a local musician and songwriter who calls his style art rock. He is also a freelance writer for the News.

Aaron Saari is a pastor, author, community organizer and former freelance writer for the News. Scott Sanders is the Antioch College archivist at Antiochiana. Carol Simmons is a reporter for the News and a second soprano with the World House Choir. Carla Steiger is a local writer, photographer, visual artist and freelance reporter for the News. Chris Till is a local musician, music historian and writer, specializing in vintage musical instruments.

Production: Additional photography by Robert Hasek, Matt Minde, Suzanne Szempruch, Matthew Collins and Carla Steiger Cover art and design: Matt Minde Community submissions editor: Lauren “Chuck” Shows Advertising: Robert Hasek, Eleanor Anderson, Suzanne Szempruch Proofreading: Karen Gardner, Diane Chiddister, Jeanna GunderKline and Gary McBride

The Yellow Springs News, founded in 1880, is an independent weekly newspaper of news and opinion that reports on the life and times of Yellow Springs. To subscribe, visit https://ysnews.com/subscribe.

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Y e l l o w S p r i n g s N e w s


Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9


y WORLD HOUsE CHOIR honors unsung hero y By

Past themes have been climate disruption and immigration. Originally commissioned by five LGBTQ choruses around the country, “The Man Behind the Dream” features a variety of musical styles, ranging from gospel to tango to blues to shape-note hymns. The story spans Rustin’s life and features pivotal moments along the way. Both local performances, held in Antioch College’s Foundry Theater, were to standingroom only crowds. The choir also prepares a Martin Luther King Jr. Day program each year, which it performs as part of the local MLK Day celebration, as well as in several prisons. 1




SIMMONS “The proof that one truly believes is action.” —Bayard Rustin The late civil rights activist Bayard Rustin, an adviser to the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., was the principal organizer of the 1963 March on Washington, where King delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” speech. But Rustin, an openly gay man, was forced into the background of the civil rights movement because of his sexual orientation. And today, three decades after his death in 1987, Rustin’s name and contributions are not widely known. In an effort to bring Rustin’s story out of the shadows, a series of events, including multiple performances of an oratorio about the activist’s life, were presented in September 2018. The 57-minute musical work, “Bayard Rustin: The Man Behind the Dream,” was performed in Yellow Springs, Dayton and Cincinnati. The Yellow Springs-based World House Choir anchored the piece, with additional singers coming from the Dayton Gay Men’s Chorus and several Cincinnati-based groups. World House Choir founder and director Catherine Roma described the oratorio, composed by Cincinnati-based composer Steve Milloy, as “electrifying.” Roma, a frequent collaborator of Milloy’s, wanted to bring the monumental work, which premiered in Minnesota two years ago, to local audiences. The September performances were the oratorio’s Ohio premiere. A legacy of inclusion Rustin’s legacy offers many touchstones for learning and discussion, Roma said in a News interview. For example, Rustin, who was raised as a Quaker, went to jail as a conscientious objector in World War II. His life-long efforts toward greater equality, justice and peace are inspirational to the choral director, whose own life’s work has included a focus on inclusivity. “In my 40 years of conducting choirs, it’s been an important value of mine to bring people of different backgrounds and beliefs together,” she said. The World House Choir, for its part, is ethnically, racially, politically and spiritually diverse, with singers ranging in age from 18 to 94. Singers come from Dayton,

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Gifts for All Occasions • Ph o t o by M AT T M INDE In September 2018, the World House Choir performed “Bayard Rustin: The Man Behind the Dream,” an oratorio that tells the story of a central, yet little-known, figure of the civil rights movement, to a standing-room-only crowd at Antioch College’s Foundry Theater. The piece was conducted by Jeremy Winston; narrator and soloists La’Shelle Allen and Keith Dean told the story in word and song. Urbana, Springfield, Cedarville, Middletown and Cincinnati, as well as Yellow Springs. Each year, the choir, currently celebrating its fifth season, prepares a fall concert focused on a specific social justice issue.

Ph o t o by S u z a n n e S z e m pru c h

Cathy Roma directs a rehearsal of the World House Choir, which she co-founded in 2013 and which now boasts about 100 singers.


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Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N e w s

y  Juke Joint: Chappelle’s gift to YS  y By


Bachman “Musically speaking, the Jook is the most important place in America,” wrote Zora Neale Hurston in 1934. “For in its smelly, shoddy confines has been born the secular music known as blues, and on blues has been founded jazz.” The list of genres tracing their roots to the historic Jook — or Juke — Joint would now include rock ’n’ roll, soul, R&B, funk and hip-hop. And in a barn outside of Yellow Springs on Memorial Day weekend in 2018, a modern Juke Joint celebrated this lineage and the legacy of African-American music. For the third time, comedian and local resident Dave Chappelle threw a star-studded barn party in the village. The Juke Joint, as curated by Chappelle, is a night of copious covers, musical improvisation, surprise guest stars and hot and sweaty dancing. In interviews, attendees shared peak moments and told of frustrating ticketing glitches. Most expressed gratitude for Chappelle’s local offering. “It was a gift,” said Sarah Buffy, who traveled from Cincinnati for the Monday concert. “[Chappelle] opened with gratitude for his hometown. It was so beautiful and heartfelt.” “Why Not Ohio?” Chappelle asked audience members from behind the DJ booth at the start of both nights. Though Chappelle has organized Juke Joints in London, New York, Toronto, Montreal, Chicago, Los Angeles and other big cities, he keeps bringing it back to the place he started in 2015 — Yellow Springs. “Dave does this really because he wants


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• S u b m i t t e d Ph o t o by M at i e u B i t t o n Comedian Dave Chappelle joined in with harmonica player Frédéric Yonnet and The Band with No Name at the May 2018 Juke Joint, held at a barn at Whitehall Farm. It was the third local Juke Joint presented by Chappelle; the event offered locals and visitors a night of music and dancing. to share this experience with his hometown,” said Chappelle’s manager and Juke Joint event producer, Carla Sims. “The idea of bringing this caliber of talent into a market they would not otherwise touch is what really brings a lot of joy to him.” A barn dating from the 1920s at the historic Whitehall Farm provided the requisite “shoddy confines,” even though it was decked out with professional lighting and surrounded by pristine rows of young corn. Historically, juke joints popped up in the South after Reconstruction as informal places of music, dancing and drinking by and for African Americans barred from other establishments due to Jim Crow segregation. Blending the improvisation of jazz with the potent rhymes of hip-hop and soaring soulful vocals of R&B, Chappelle’s Juke Joint is a kind of remix of a century of black music and the other popular music it influenced. It is at once a shout-out to the originators and a call to the next generation to create anew in

spur-of-the-moment solos. Stevie Wonder’s one-time backup band, The Band with No Name, led by harmonica player Frédéric Yonnet, held down the stage both nights, playing for more than four hours, until after 2 a.m., and mixing planned with improvised pieces. Cycling in to sing or rap with The Band with No Name were a slew of prominent old school ’90s and 2000s hip-hop and R&B musicians: Jarobi White, formerly of A Tribe Called Quest; R&B and neo-soul singersongwriter Jill Scott; underground hip-hop artist Pharoache Monch; Taleb Kweli, one half of the hip-hop duo Black Star; Martin Luther, who starred in the Beatles musical, “Across the Universe;” Doug E. Fresh, the “Human Beat Box;” Wayna, an R&B and soul singer; Canadian rapper Kardinal Offishall; Cincinnati producer Hi-Tek; DJ Cipha Sounds; and DJ D-Nice, aka Derrick Jones, who began his hip-hop career in the mid-1980s with the group Boogie Down Productions.

Rounding out the celebrities in attendance were comedians Amy Schumer, Hannibal Buress and Donnell Rawlings and Hollywood film and television producer Stan Lathan. Then there was Chappelle himself, who has managed to pick up both an Emmy and Grammy over the last year for his stand-up comedy, but who many locals just know as “Dave.” Chappelle, the son of the late Bill Chappelle, who was on the music faculty at Antioch College, spent time in Yellow Springs in his youth. His mother, Yvonne Seon, lives in town. He lives with his family in a home just outside the village. The mystery surrounding the Juke Joint lineup adds to the excitement, according to Paul Herzog, who attended both nights. Rumors flew that anyone from Stevie Wonder to Lauryn Hill might show up, which may have led to “out of whack expectations” among some attendees. But the moment nationally known singer Jill Scott walked onto the stage unexpectedly on Sunday night was amazing in its own right, Herzog said, and was a highlight of the weekend. Scott’s appearance on Sunday night was a happy surprise to many, and her eagerly hoped-for return on Monday was met with equal delight. The Philadelphia native is a respected singer-songwriter, having risen to fame on a 1999 collaboration with The Roots, “You Got Me,” a Grammy Awardwinning song she co-composed, and with her debut album the following year. When Scott laid down a spoken word and song rendition of the national anthem on Memorial Day, the audience stood rapt. Questioning whether America is really the “land of the free,” Scott said it’s “home of the brave slave.” She went on to clarify that slaves built the country and that the legacy of slavery is still the source of inequality. From the audience, Luna Malbroux of San

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Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

y  Juke Joint: Chappelle’s gift to YS  y Francisco was moved. “Her freestyle was a reminder that what we are experiencing today is a result of slave labor and that we can’t forget that the inequality of this country is even in the clothes we wear — the cotton,” Malbroux said, referencing a poignant section of Scott’s piece. For Rebecca Kuder, who attended Sunday night, Scott had “goddess energy”
and “time seemed to slow down” when she was on the stage. Another attendee related his experience during her performance: “It’s like she’s singing straight to my soul,” he said. Other attendees pointed to the songs, sing-a-longs and monologues that were memorable to them — a cover of Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit” that had the whole barn jumping; a moving Sly and the Family Stone medley of “Everyday People” and “Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin);” Chappelle’s heartfelt tribute to Prince, complete with a purple light that bathed the barn; Yonnet’s “mind-blowing” harmonica solos; and Mavis Staples’ “I’ll Take You There” as the Monday night opener. Coaxed on by their fellow musicians and buoyed by the audience’s cheers, each musician on stage had his or her own chance to solo, to shine. The crowd was treated to solos on saxophone, trumpet, trombone, guitar, bass, keyboard, and of course, verses and vocals. In fact, the art of jamming is central to the Juke Joint, according to Sims. “That musical exchange, the back-andforth, is an important part of it,” Sims said. “A lot of it is very spontaneous.”

The ban on smartphones at the Juke Joint aids an atmosphere of improvisation, according to Sims. The policy allows the performers to take more risks, knowing that if they make a mistake it won’t be captured and circulated, Sims said. “It gives Dave and the other performers a chance to be more experimental,” she said. “It allows them to jam and get out of their comfort zone.” Many attendees mentioned the smartphone ban as contributing to a good time. In Buffy’s words, “people were present to honor the art.” Sims said it’s an important piece of the Juke Joint experience. “People are engaged — no one is on their phones trying to get a piece,” Sims said. “Dave wants people to be in the moment.” Audience members also spoke of the connection afforded by both the lack of phones and spirit of the scene in general. “It seemed to me to be what a family reunion would be like if you liked everyone in your family and they had world-class musicians at the picnic,” Gilah Pomeranz Anderson wrote in a message. The Juke Joint’s origins can be traced to a chance event in Austin, Texas, when Chappelle hosted an impromptu gig with Yonnet at which Stevie Wonder showed up. “The whole night was just magic,” Sims recalled. According to Sims, Chappelle reflected that they had captured lightning in a bottle and told Sims he wanted to throw a similar party in Yellow Springs. “Dave said he wanted to have it in his neighbor’s barn. I thought he was kidding,” Sims said.

• S u b m i tt e d Ph o t o by M at i e u B i tt o n A barn at the historic Whitehall farm just north of the village has been the site of the three Juke Joints thrown by local comedian Dave Chappelle. That first event, in 2015, was organized in less than one week and tickets went on sale the day of the event, Sims said. One aspect of the Juke Joint many may not be aware of is that ticket revenue doesn’t even pay all of the event’s expenses, nor are the artists paid for their performances,

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according to Sims. While organizers aim to break even, some events have operated at a loss, Sims said. The next stop on the continuing Juke Joint series is Mississippi, in the region where the juke joint had its genesis. Several local groups participated in Juke Joint. Tecumseh Land Trust reaped the proceeds from alcohol sales — along with a barn rental fee that is passed on to them. Local food trucks were offered a coveted food vending slot. Wildflower Boutique was the exclusive merchandise provider. And Yellow Springs Brewery got first dibs on beer taps. “They want to support Yellow Springs as much as they can,” said Herzog — who works at Yellow Springs Brewery — of Juke Joint organizers. On stage for the bulk of the evening, Chappelle hosted and orchestrated the event with Yonnet, sang quite a few songs himself, and a few times addressed the audience and specifically the locals in attendance. He spoke of the recent suicides in the village, asking people to reach out to support one another, cursed opioids and ended the final evening with a plea: “Forgive yourself.” Several of those interviewed said the Juke Joint had additional meaning because of recent village controversies and tragedies. “The positive energy was so infectious — and with so much recent sadness in our little town, it felt wonderful just to have FUN,” wrote Anderson. For Malbroux, who is originally from Louisiana and has frequented juke joints in the South, Chappelle’s version hit the mark. “For me, it felt like being right at home,” Malbroux said. “They got it so right.” 1



Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N e w s

Y e l l o w S p r i n g s N e w s


Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

y  CMYS built on Antioch’s legacy  y


A CMYS performance by the David Piano Trio on Oct. 26, 2016. The concert series currently hosts four to five concerts per season, as well as the highly respected annual Competition for Emerging Professional Ensembles.

• By


heaton A n d Megan

Bachman The local First Presbyterian Church sanctuary is quite lovely, but ever thought of comparing it to, say, Carnegie Hall? The same small string, wind and vocal ensembles that play under the big lights in New York City, Paris and Tokyo, also play in this little Ohio town, the improbable seat of a world-class chamber music series known as Chamber Music in Yellow Springs. How did it come to pass that professional groups such as the Vienna Piano Trio, Calefax Reed Quintet, Red Priest and the Jasper String Quartet have become regular guests of the local series? Looking back, organizers saw that as CMYS celebrated its 30th anniversary a few years ago, at its root is Antioch College, whose music program was going gangbusters in the 1950s. Nearly 200 concerts have been performed as part of the CMYS series, including string quartets, piano trios, woodwind and brass groups, and a variety of other ensembles with instruments as interesting as the marimba and the sackbut. The groups have performed a combined total of more than 800 works, heavily favoring Beethoven, but also featuring contemporary compositions, as well as commissions of music by locally born composers such as Drew Hemenger and Allen McCullough. According to current board president Christopher Chaffee, the music is diverse and accessible. “Our seasons include something for everyone — from traditional to modern and everything in between,” Chaffee said. And for over 30 years, CMYS has hosted a major competition for emerging ensembles that continues to draw young groups

of considerable talent, several of which have gone on to major accolades in the music world. In fact, the CMYS competition has helped the organization find a place of some stature on the international musical scene, according to Chaffee, as evidenced not only by the success of its finalists, but by the fame of its final-round judges, who are consistently drawn from leading musicians, scholars, and leaders of the top music schools in the country. Finally, the organization has also expanded its educational mission using an Ohio Arts Council grant to partner with area schools for concerts and workshops. Mills Lawn Elementary School children have been the enthusiastic recipients of several concerts by first-rate ensembles. CMYS remains committed to diversity and inclusion by reaching out to ensembles of women and people of color. CMYS’s Antioch origins Though few are around who remember that time, local resident Ruth Bent came to Yellow Springs in 1952 when Walter Anderson was running a robust one-man music department at the college. Anderson was persuasive and had wide ranging connections, and he “was very good at getting well known musicians to come here, snagging them on the way to Chicago or New York,” Bent said. “Walter Anderson was an amazing man — he could do anything and get people to do it with him,” Bent said. Without a performance hall to speak of, ensembles played on the stage in what was the college gym in the original Main Building. But when the college made a plan to turn the gym into Kelly Hall, suddenly the groups had nowhere to perform. That was unacceptable to a cadre of local residents

Ph o t o by M att M i n d e , c ou r t e sy o f C M Y S

who had grown accustomed to world-class music in their backyards. So they made a plan to fix their problem by starting the first Chamber Music Yellow Springs. “The impetus to start our own series came from the fact that the college didn’t seem to be doing anything at that time, and there was no place at the college to have the concerts anyway,” Bent said. “A group of people said we can try this on our own!” The group, including Antioch student Jim Bolle; Judy Spock, an Antioch graduate who would later create the CMYS cellist logo; her husband, Mike Spock; and Dotty Moore (Bent joined the following year), incorporated in 1957 and began holding concerts in the original Mills Lawn auditorium (new at the time). They continued for three years until the opening of Kelly Hall in 1961. “We didn’t think we needed to compete

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Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N e w s

y  CMYS on Antioch’s Legacy y How may we help you live better and longer?

We have Premium Abdallah chocolates, vitamins, a full line of Burt’s Bees products, cards, Antioch apparel & more! 767-1070 • 263 Xenia Ave. MON.– FRI. 10 a.m.–7 p.m. SAT. 10 a.m.–2 p.m.


Amy Kelly, R.Ph., mgr. Emma Robinow, R.Ph.

• Ph o t o S c ou r t e sy o f A n t i o c h i a n a , A n t i o c h C o l l e g e A performance in Kelly Hall, with David Epstein, a 1954 graduate of Antioch, conducting. Epstein taught music at the college in the ’50s and early ’60s; Walter Anderson is at the far right, seated at the organ.

$ $ $ Continued from page 9 with the college, and we were losing money anyway,” Bent recalled. CMYS went dormant while the college began hiring more faculty and ramping up its music program. Local resident Richard Simons, now in his 80s, still recalls the

details of his tenure with the department in the 1960s. Distinguished composer and Ford and Fulbright scholar Don Keats was chair for a time. With his wife, vocalist Ellie Keats, and faculty members Joe Liebling and Andrew Apostle, the college put on stupendous productions in Kelly Hall, Simons said. They performed Bach’s St. Matthew Passion, Praetorius’ Christmas Mass, Vivaldi’s “Gloria,” and a full on production of Guillaume de Machaut’s Mass, replete with stained glass windows designed after Chartres Cathedral by art department chair Bob Metcalf. “To have that kind of strength ... to me it was Camelot — the golden age,” Simons said. For about five years in the late ’60s, the college also hosted its own Antioch College String Quartet, made up of graduates of Juilliard. So in addition to performances of avant-garde percussionists from New York City, dancers and musicians from India, and the college’s own choir and

Judy Spock, an Antioch graduate, created the CMYS cellist logo in the late 1950s; it’s still in use.

orchestra (always open to villagers and college graduates interested in playing or singing), the college had its own chamber musicians to regularly regale both the campus and the village. “Antioch in the ’60s was a cultural Mecca,” Simons said. But according to both Bent and Simons, the music department suffered a great decline during the 1970s, just as the college was turning its attention to its farflung satellite campuses and suffering grave budget problems, including a strike in 1973. As music at the college was much of how music in the village happened, when the college began its decline, villagers stepped up in different capacities to keep different programs afloat, Bent and Simons said. Villager Pat Olds took over the early music program Antioch started, Bent took on the Community Chorus started by the college, and later a new group of villagers would eventually pick up where others had left off with CMYS as well. College physics professor Bob Turoff was actually the first to organize a committed series of chamber concerts, mostly inviting musicians from the Cincinnati Symphony. Starting in 1979, the series ran for three years, until Turoff left town in 1982. At a post-concert dinner of the last scheduled concert, a group of villagers talked of resurrecting their own CMYS series. They found their old incorporation papers, and Jane Baker became the first president of the new CMYS. CMYS’ current board members are Barbara Bullock, Christopher Chaffee (president), Celia Diamond, Mary Fahrenbruck, Karen Gardner, Scott Kellogg, Ron Kerans, Charles Taylor, Steven Winteregg and Daniel Zehringer. In fall 2018 and spring 2019, CMYS will bring a variety of ensembles — “Old Friends, New Friends” — to local audiences. Among the groups are the Akropolis Reed Quintet, Attacca String Quartet, JACK Quartet — named Musica America’s 2019 Ensemble of the Year — and Seraph Brass. The Annual Competition for Emerging Professional Ensembles will take place on April 28, 2019. 1

Y e l l o w S p r i n g s N e w s



Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9


Historical Snapshot – y  famous audiences y By


sanders On Oct. 10, 1949, Antioch College Professor of Music Walter F. Anderson, the first African-American member of the faculty, met with former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt in her Manhattan apartment to perform the “D-Day Prayer” written by her late husband, President of the United States Franklin Delano Roosevelt. “Andy” as he was known, arranged the music for FDR’s prayer, originally broadcast to the American people as U.S. troops hit the beaches of Normandy on June 6, 1944, based on Mrs. Roosevelt’s own suggestion. Esther Oldt, known to most Antiochians for her work in Antioch Education Abroad but then an Instructor in Voice, sang the vocal, and Mrs. Roosevelt recounted the event in her syndicated newspaper column, “My Day.”

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LARGE SELECTION of fresh organic fruits & vegetables • Ph o t o S c ou r t e sy o f A n t i o c h i a n a , A n t i o c h C o l l e g e Antioch students played and sang folk ballads for Helen Hartness Flanders in the mid-1950s at a meeting of the college’s music committee. Flanders, described on the back of the photo as a “well-known authority on Vermont and New England folk music,” made thousands of recordings of traditional ballads and folk music in her life. She was visiting campus for a week with her husband, Republican Senator Ralph Flanders of Vermont, who was the first of a group of visiting faculty to help the college celebrate its 100th birthday.

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Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N e w s

youth org A N I Z AT I O N S BSA Scouts Troop 78 email:


Local BSA Scouts Troop 78 has been chartered as a troop for over 75 years in Yellow Springs and meets regularly at the First Presbyterian Church. The troop is open to both girls and boys, grades 6 and up. Although we enjoy camping, cycling, hiking the Glen and geocaching, the focus of our scouting program is community service, inclusiveness, volunteerism and living the Scout Law as a group and as individuals. Our scouts learn new skills, practice teamwork, build leadership capacity and grow as young people as well as achieving success as scouts. The troop parks cars with the local PTO for the Street Fair and sells popcorn in September and wreaths in November, all to minimize activity costs to scouts and their families. Check out the troop’s website at www.ystroop78.org.

Cub Scouts C o n ta c t:


Cub Scouts is a volunteer program for girls and boys who are in kindergarten through fifth grades (ages 5–11). The Cub Scouts in Yellow Springs are represented by Pack 578, sponsored by the First Presbyterian Church. Pack 578 is grouped into dens of Webelos, Wolf, Bear, Tiger and Lion Cubs. Children in kindergarten may participate in the Tiger Cub program. Den

meetings are held twice a month, with a pack meeting once a month at the Presbyterian Church. The Cub Scout program helps children grow through character development, craft skills, citizenship training and activities that involve skits and games and physical fitness skills. Pack events include a Pinewood Derby and other races, overnight camps and service opportunities. Currently, individual den leaders run the dens in Yellow Springs. Volunteers are always welcome and needed.

Fair Play 4-H Club Kathleen Galarza, 937-838-7411 galarzaohio@earthlink.net

C o n ta c t: email:

The Fair Play 4-H Club includes boys and girls ages 5–18, and helps them grow into productive, contributing members of society. Fair Play 4-H Club offers fun, active oppor tunities for personal learning and growth through club meetings, projects, hands-on learning, leadership opportunities, fairs and activities. Participants are encouraged to explore their own unique interests and share their knowledge with others in the club.

Girl Scouts Susan Hyde, 767-7756; Girl Scouts of Western Ohio, 800-233-4845 e m a i l : susanhyde@aol.com C o n ta c t:

The Girl Scouts of the USA strive to develop self-esteem, a strong personal value system, skill in interpersonal relationships

and the ability and desire to contribute meaningfully to society. Locally, girls 5 to 17 can participate in a variety of activities such as camping, earning badges, community service and product sales. Troop camping, resident and day camps are available for all ages. Leaders for troops are needed every year; leaders do not need to be a parent of an active scout. Volunteers are welcome.

Perry League Jimmy Chesire, 767-7300, 937‑708-9243 e m a i l : jimmy.chesire@wright.edu C o n ta c t:

Perry League, Yellow Springs’s unique, hilarious and wonderful T-ball program, is a noncompetitive beginner’s baseball program for girls and boys ages 2 to 9. Two- and 3-year-olds are welcome if accompanied on the diamond by an adult. There is no fee, no registration. Children can begin to play on any of the 10 Friday nights, and there is no requirement to play every week. Organizers try to keep it simple, try to make it fun and are serious about keeping it noncompetitive. There are no outs, no runs, no scores and no one ever strikes out: you get a 1,000 strikes in T-ball. Every child gets a chance to field and to bat a couple of times each evening. Organizers try to be as tender, patient and loving as possible. The program is open to all children regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, ability or disability or spiritual inclination. Children come out to play ball, to play

in the water at the drinking fountain, to play in the grasses around the two fields, to hang out with their old and or new friends and they often come out to just sit and play in the dust of the Gaunt Park ball diamonds. The Perr y League is a self-sustaining, all volunteer program. Donations from parents, grandparents, loving aunts, loving uncles, big brothers, big sisters, friends of the program, the children themselves, and the sale of T-shirts allow the program to pay for itself. Perry League is held every Friday night from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Gaunt Park. The season runs for 10 weeks beginning on the first Friday in June and ending on the first Friday in August with a wiener roast potluck picnic, at which we award ever y child a Perry League trophy. It’s great fun for kids and adults alike, so why don’t you come on out and play with us?

Sea Dogs Web:


The Yellow Springs Sea Dogs is a competitive summer swim team for youth ages 5–18. The season runs from the beginning of June until the end of July. There are eight dual meets and a championship meet during June and July. The Sea Dogs swim team teaches the essentials of all four competitive strokes in an atmosphere of camaraderie and fun. Practices are held Monday–Thursday.


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Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9


youth org A N I Z AT I O N S Yellow Springs Youth Baseball Derek Barker, 767-1577 ysoyouthbb@gmail.com www.ysbaseball.org

C o n ta c t: email: Web:

The Yellow Springs Youth Baseball Program has two divisions: the Minor League for children aged 6 to 9–10; and the Major League for children ages 10–11 to 14. This is recreational baseball with a focus on fundamentals, sportsmanship, teamwork and fun. The season runs from after Memorial Day through July and is a volunteer organization. A volunteer coordinator is needed for each of the leagues. Parents and other adults are needed to volunteer to coach teams and referee games. Volunteers are also needed to prepare the fields before games (except mowing). High school community service credits are available for this function. The Minor League plays coach-pitch with some modification of standard baseball rules to promote learning and the basics of baseball. The Major League plays by standard baseball rules with only a few changes to promote learning advanced concepts of the game. All games are played at Gaunt Park, with the Minor League playing on the diamond nearest the forest tree line, and the Major League playing on the large diamond closest to the pool area. All teams usually play two games per week with the games during evening hours and on the weekends. There is a registration fee to help cover team uniform and league supply expenses. Scholarships are available.

Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association dfarmer2663@yahoo.com www.ysyoa.org

email: Web:

The Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association, or YSYOA, has existed since 1964 as an organization interested in promoting and supporting music education and activities for the youth and now entire community of Yellow Springs. This is accomplished through support of local school music programs, scholarships, multigenerational endeavors and concerts. YSYOA offers a summer music camp for students who have played an instrument for at least a year. The camp includes group and individual instruction, and ends with a grand finale concert for the public. In recent years, the YSYOA has expanded to include intergenerational playing groups such as the Yellow Springs Strings, which meets on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in the Yellow Springs Senior Center great room. Learn more and how you can get involved at YSYOA.org.

Yellow Springs Youth Soccer Bob Curley, 767-7070; Bill and Lynn Hardman, 937-768-4140 e m a i l : hardmansoccer@sbcglobal.net W e b : www.facebook.com/YellowSpringsSoccerInc C o n ta c t:

The mission of Yellow Springs Soccer, Inc. (YSSI) is to encourage and assist in the development and growth of community

leagues, associations, organizations, programs and teams, so that soccer is made available to more people at all levels of competition. Since its inception 51 years ago, the recreational soccer program has offered accessible soccer ever y fall and spring to the children of Yellow Springs and nearby communities. The program continues to be run entirely by volunteers and is funded by donations — no registration fees are charged for inclusion on a recreational soccer team. There are currently four age levels of recreational youth soccer that form groups or teams after an annual registration clinic in late summer: • Copper Cup — pre-K to kindergarten •B ronze Cup — first to third grade (or similar age) • Silver Cup — fourth to fifth grade • Gold Cup — sixth to eighth grade Traveling teams also form as interest warrants. Please contact YSSI for more information. YSSI, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, benefits from monetary donations and an annual soccer camp each June. If you’d like to contribute, please make checks out to YSSI and mail to: YSSI, P.O. Box 813, Yellow Springs, OH 45387.

YSKP—Yellow Springs Kids Playhouse admin@yskp.org www.yskp.org

email: Web:

The YS Kids Playhouse is a creative performance experience by and for youth. YSKP holds introductory and advanced acting and technical theater arts immersion experi-

ences for youth ages 7–18 throughout the year. Each summer the company produces a newly commissioned musical for youth. By presenting exclusively original work, YSKP offers professional quality and innovative entertainment for all ages. It promotes creative interaction between area youth, professional artists and a variety of art forms. Participation in productions is open to all. Participation fees are offset by scholarships as needed. Through YSKP, area youth have the opportunity to engage in a structured learning experience within a broad range of theater skills. Founded in 1995 by John Fleming, YSKP is the recipient of numerous grant awards, including the National Endowment for the Arts, the Ohio Arts Council, and the YS Community Foundation. As a nonprofit community theater arts education program, it also receives individual, business and corporate support.

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Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N e w s

y The ' golden tenor' of Yellow Springs y By


hackett Acclaimed tenor Martin Bakari still calls Yellow Springs home, though he’s lived in New York and Boston for more than a decade. The 2005 Yellow Springs High School graduate remains rooted here through family and friends in the area, including his mother, father and sister, Maria, Iddi and Zyna, and the memory of his older brother, Umoja Iddi. Those roots are especially important because Bakari spends about nine months of every year rehearsing and performing on the road. “When I come back to Yellow Springs, it always feels like home,” he said in an interview last year. Bakari, 31, is an opera singer, a rising star in a competitive and demanding artistic field. He favors the term “theater artist” to capture the range of what a singer does to physically and emotively embody an operatic role. “Opera is theatrical, it tells a story,” he said. A graduate of Juilliard, Bakari, a singer Opera News calls a “golden tenor,” has performed in over 100 different operas, musicals, oratorios and concerts. Before beginning rehearsals for the lead role, Tamino, in Mozart’s “The Magic Flute” at Opéra Louisiane in Baton Rouge in 2017, Bakari stopped home for an evening of conversation and celebration at the Little Art Theatre. Bakari was in town as part of the Little Art’s “Homecoming”

series, which welcomes back successful Yellow Springers. During the event Bakari also sang selections from his new album, which was released by Naxos Records and is under Grammy consideration. Bakari grew up in a family that sang and played piano together, and he developed his own musical passions at a young age. Still in elementary school, he saw a group of young jazz musicians, Serious Young Musicians, led by Daytonian Tumust Allison, perform at Antioch College. “I thought, I want to do that,” he recalled. “That” meant play the trumpet, and he did, playing both trumpet and clarinet in school band. Former Yellow Springs band director Michael Ruddell was a dedicated mentor and key influence, according to Bakari. Also crucial to his early artistic development was participating in Yellow Springs Kids Playhouse, or YSKP. That came about quite casually, with founder John Fleming encouraging Bakari’s mother to bring him to audition. Six-year-old Bakari was cast in YSKP’s first-ever show, “Dick Tracy: the Musical,” in 1995, and performed with YSKP for the next six years. “If there wasn’t a kids theater in town, theater likely wouldn’t have gained my interest,” Bakari said. At 15, Bakari saw his first opera, Verdi’s “Rigoletto,” at Dayton Opera. Playing in the title role was Lester Lynch, an AfricanAmerican baritone from Ohio. The experience was riveting. “I thought, ‘people like me do this,’” Bakari recalled, adding that he has since

• S u b m i tt e d ph o t o by T i m K n o x Tenor Martin Bakari, who grew up in Yellow Springs and performed in many YS Kids Playhouse productions, is finding success as a professional opera singer based in New York City. Recently featured in the Seattle Opera presentation of Gershwin’s “Porgy and Bess,” he also starred in “Charlie Parker’s Yardbird” in Atlanta, a new opera about jazz musician Charlie Parker. And in the summer of 2018, he appeared in Cincinnati Opera’s production of Verdi’s “La Traviata.” sung with Lynch. Yet it was not — quite — a “eureka” moment. Bakari’s future still seemed wide open in high school. He loved sports, performed in high school musicals and played,

with increasing seriousness, the clarinet. He deepened his musical skills at Friends Music Camp and other camps. As a high school junior, he began thinking about playing clarinet in college. Then his piano teacher Karen Gorden, a renowned conductor and musical director, made a quiet suggestion. “I would consider going for voice,” she told him. She had seen him in high school musicals and believed he had serious talent, according to Bakari. The suggestion took him by surprise. “It wasn’t something I knew I wanted,” he said, adding that Yellow Springs did not then have a school choir. Local resident Bev Logan introduced him to Rebecca Helm at Antioch College, who had training in opera and voice. Though Helm stayed in Yellow Springs for just a year, her influence was decisive. “She was an angel dropped down to teach me how to sing,” Bakari said. He got into several college voice programs, choosing Boston University, where he graduated in 2009 with a bachelor’s in music education, followed by a master’s in vocal performance at Juilliard in 2013. As a singer, Bakari is particularly drawn to new music. Contrary to popular perceptions of opera as static and antiquated, the art form is thriving, he said. New operas are written all the time, with fresh stories and innovative music. “So many operas are telling new stories about people who haven’t traditionally been written about,” he said. That opens doors for him and other singers of color. “I feel grateful composers today are writing operas for people who look like me,” Bakari, who is of Tanzanian and Filipino heritage, said. At the same time, music directors are casting singers of color in classical roles — witness Bakari’s appearance as the prince in “The Magic Flute.” Last year, he sang in “The Long Walk,” a new opera about a U.S. soldier returning from Iraq. Even more personally meaningful is his starring role in “Charlie Parker’s Yardbird” in October 2018. “To perform as Charlie, in a role written for tenor — it’s a dream come true,” he said. Being an artist, even at a high level, is not about being “the best” technically and aesthetically, but about something deeper and more valuable, Bakari reflected. “We’re communicating our humanity. As artists, we need to be in touch with that.” 1

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Y e l l o w S p r i n g s N e w s


‘Crazy is Forever’ — y  a lost masterpiece y By


bachman There is no accounting for timing. Rob Heiliger, the patron saint of Yellow Springs troubadours, has at times seemed poised to break out and shoot the rays of his talent past our little landscape and into the great beyond. Many is the local concertgoer who has watched Heiliger and seen past the Johnny Cash persona for what he is: a singular and unique talent. Heiliger has long taken aim at country music’s fondness of double entendre. He holds his guitar high, poised to strike like a sledgehammer at the hypocrisy of subtlety. His music is crude, sexual and politically irreverent. His songs are catchy, well-constructed and packed with impossibly clever word play. His audience, kept at arm’s length, is constantly challenged to keep up. On its surface, Heiliger’s music appears to be simple: some sex, some laughs and plenty of dancing. But darkness crowds the edges. The insecure anti-heroes who populate his songs are wrapped in the cloaks of false masculinity, drug addiction, mental illness and self-inflicted pain. You can laugh and dance, he dares, but don’t forget that actual lives are being lived this way. Time has rarely been on his side. He remains a local act, and at times retreats even from that — going for extended stretches without playing at all. It was during one of these stretches in 2013 that Heiliger recorded “Crazy is Forever.” The album, his first and only studio release, found the smallest of audiences, selling around 300 copies through the online retail site CD Baby. But when you listen to it on Spotify or Bandcamp, or any number of digital streaming platforms, there is no mistaking it. “Crazy is Forever” is a minor masterpiece. “Mature” is not an adjective easily attached to Heiliger, and perhaps that’s why “Crazy” failed to catch on. Produced and performed by “Crazy Joe” Tritschler, along with a swinging team of keyboardists at Tritschler’s handmade studio, the album is a polished, roundly conceived hour of musical craftsmanship. It’s a mature work. Heiliger’s naughtiness is subdued, and his weariness is more immediate. The album provides enough Heiliger raunch to stay true to form, but the gems are found in the nooks and crannies. It kicks off with some showy tunes. “Coming Back Home” shows off his country bona fides. “Road Head,” “Clothes Hanger Repairman” and “Kentucky Jelly” provide the requisite Heiliger lewdness. In “Searchin’ for My Unders,” Heiliger dials up the wordplay with lyrics that are at once dizzying and hilarious. But somewhere in the middle, the album takes a turn. With a gentle pour, “Valium and Honey,” “Roll Up The Rug” and “Tomorrow’s Gonna Hurt” slip into the proceedings. Upon repeated listenings, this trio of ballads reveals itself to be full of sad, beautiful dimension. Essentially bookending the album’s second act, these songs are achingly lovely in their conception: slow, melancholy dirges


Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

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• S u b m i tt e d ph o t o c ou r t e sy o f m i k e c i mag e s Rob Heiliger during the recording sessions for “Crazy is Forever,” recorded in the home studio of “Crazy Joe” Tritschler, local musical polymath and electrical engineer.


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Change A Smile & Change A Life rounded out by exquisite playing. They inhabit the space of the weary traveler who desires little more than the soft glow of romance but who finds empty promises around every corner. In these songs, laughter takes a back seat while the pain it masks gets to sway in the moonlight for a moment. Even as the melancholy tugs and pulls, Heiliger continues to sprinkle in tales of soiled underwear and creative uses for sexual lubricant. Romance is for suckers, he says, but what are you going to do? He’s a sucker. We all are. It has never been enough for Heiliger to be funny, succeed though he does. He has always demanded that people not only get up out of their chairs, but more importantly, get up out of their comfort zone. “Crazy is Forever” is the sound of Heiliger leaving his. It is the sound of an immense talent coming to terms with itself and hearing nothing but echoes in return. 1

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Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N e w s

y James Johnston: village' s ' Mr. Music' y By



For three decades, the name Ruth Bent had become synonymous with the Yellow Springs Community Chorus. And it was no small concern for Bent, when her eyesight began to fail, that the chorus continue with a strong and dedicated leader. So when James Johnston, sometimes referred to as Yellow Springs’ Mr. Music, agreed to receive the torch, Bent was overjoyed, she told the News. For his first concert as conductor of the Community Chorus, Johnston and the chorus paid homage to George Frideric Handel with a performance of “Alexander’s

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Feast,” an oratorio with orchestral accompaniment. The 1736 composition was based on an ode by John Dryden to St. Cecilia, who embodied the emotional power that music can have on the heart. On first inspection, Johnston doesn’t appear to have a lot in common with the 18th-century composer. Handel went to work in tights and a wig; Johnston wears tweed jackets. Handel composed by candlelight; Johnston by fluorescent bulb. Handel wrote “Messiah,” one of the world’s most well-known English oratorios; Johnston won the Noah Greenberg Award for arrangements and performances of 19th-century American music. But both musicians did and do whatever necessary to engage in and spread the love and appreciation of music. Johnston first came to Yellow Springs in 1997 as assistant professor of music at Antioch College, where he eventually became head of the music department before the college closed in 2008. But instead of leaving the village, he grew new roots here by accepting positions as the music director of the First Presbyterian Church, director of the Community Band, director of the local chamber orchestra, director of the Dayton Mandolin Orchestra, and finally the leader of the local chorus. And he has continued to commute from his home in Indianapolis, where he maintains an association with the Indianapolis Symphony and teaches at Marian University. The community of Yellow Springs is unique in its wide spectrum of knowledge and interest in music, which is a draw for

• Ph o t o by Lau r e n H e at o n James Johnston, who arrived in Yellow Springs in 1997 as assistant professor of music at Antioch College, is now the local “Mr. Music.” Along with serving as music director at the First Presbyterian Church, Johnston, in addition to teaching, also conducts the Community Band, the Yellow Springs Chamber Orchestra and Yellow Spings Community Chorus.

Johnston. Village musicians vary between novices and hobbyists to those who correct performers, claiming Bartók died in 1944, by shouting that in fact it was 1945. That aspect makes perfect sense to Johnston, who prefers to approach music in a very pragmatic way, arranging parts for those who need a different range and reaching out to explain the context and meaning of the music to those who aren’t familiar with it. He sees that increasing music literacy is the first step toward making beautiful music. Bent took a similar approach to the chorus when she became its conductor. She was with the Community Chorus when it began in 1972. She remembers the night of the raucous cast party following a Gilbert and Sullivan show at the Dayton Street Center Stage Theater, when the cast continued singing so much they decided the town should have a chorus. So music director Bill Jones started one with Bent, Shirley Christensen, Ned Oldham and the late Mitzy Manny. Bent took over the chorus in 1979. She chose music she liked for a wide range of talent, including lots of Bach and Mozart, and always carried a whistle around her neck, to call the chorus members back together after the break in their rehearsals. She recalls fondly two impressive performances of the Brahms Requiem and singing a wide range of other works from the past four centuries, including both sacred and secular music, African-American spirituals and several pieces written by local musician Tucki Bailey. And in her estimation, a big part of her job was to get chorus members to understand the emotion behind the music in order to portray it, much like actors do. She always liked to be able to say of a vocal performance, not “what a beautiful voice,” but “what beautiful music” she was hearing. “If you sing with understanding, then the audience understands what you’re singing,” she said. Johnston carries on the accessibility of the music for all the groups he now leads in the community. He thinks of music as a craft, which at the time of Handel and those who came before the industrial revolution, was a much more common form of participatory entertainment. But he also believes, like St. Cecilia, in the power of music to lift people’s souls. “I remember attending performances as a youth and being wrapped up in it and nourished by it, which is something I try to create,” he said. 1

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In the spring of 2018, James Johnston rehearsed the Yellow Springs Community Orchestra and Chorus to gear up for a performance of Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, Op. 125, the first symphony to incorporate a chorus and vocal soloists. Because of his unique position of being director for both the chorus and the orchestra, Johnston frequently programs music that requires both ensembles. Ph o t o by matt m i n d e

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Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N e w s

V illage G overnment Miami Township Miami Township offices, 225 Corry Steet, 767-2460 e m a i l : trustees@miamitownship.net W e b : www.miamitownship.net C o n ta c t:

Miami Township, which includes Yellow Springs and Clifton, is governed by a three member Board of Trustees — currently Mark Crockett, Don Hollister and Chris Mucher — and a Township Fiscal Officer, Margaret Silliman. The Township is zoned, and the trustees oversee and appoint the five members of the Zoning Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals. The Township zoning code and map are available online. The trustees also see to the maintenance of 14.35 miles of Township roads, all of which are hard surfaced, and the operation of three cemeteries: the Town-

ship cemeter y in Clifton, the Glen Forest Cemeter y and the private Grinnell Cemeter y. The Township also owns the historic Grinnell Mill, which is open to the public Sunday, from noon to 5 p.m. For information regarding the Grinnell Mill Bed and Breakfast, call 767-0131. The Board of Trustees meets the first and third Mondays of each month at 7 p.m., at the Township of fices, located at 225 Corr y Street in Yellow Springs. Township residents are invited to attend the meetings, which traditionally have an “open agenda” format. Meeting minutes may be viewed by visiting miamitownship.net.

Village Mediation Program of Yellow Springs John Gudgel, 605-8754 MAccount@vil.yellowsprings.oh.us www.yso.com

C o n ta c t: email: Web:


0 That music? Subscribe to the News. ysnews.com/subscribe and find out!

The Village Mediation Program of Yellow Springs provides peaceful and productive methods of addressing conflict in the Yellow Springs and Miami Township community. Skilled volunteer mediators provide free mediation sessions to assist community members with their disputes. Free facilitation and consultation services are available for nonprofit, community service and education organizations. VMP offers a variety of workshops and training opportunities for local residents and organizations. New mediators are always welcomed.

Village of Yellow Springs John Bryan Community Center, 100 Dayton Street, 767-3402; Parks and Recreation, 767-7209, 767-7205 W e b : www.yso.com C o n ta c t:

An engaged, active citizenr y and a responsive government are a tradition in Yellow Springs. The Village of Yellow Springs is a political subdivision of the State of Ohio, governed by a home-rule charter adopted in 1950. The Village operates under the CouncilManager form of government, operating several depar tments, including police, streets maintenance, parks, water treatment and distribution, sewer and storm water collection, water reclamation, refuse/recycling, and electrical service. Fire and EMS service are provided by Miami Township. The Village offices are located in the Bryan Center, at 100 Dayton Street. The Village Council is a nonpartisan, five-member governing elected body. The Council serves as the policy-making body of the Village, with the Village Manager assisting Council with policy decisions through insightful analysis on policy alternatives, implementing policy decision and carrying out other duties as described in the Charter. Three of the five Council members are elected every two years, in the November general election in odd-numbered years. The two candidates receiving the most votes are elected to four-year terms, and the candidate with the third-highest total receives a twoyear term. Village Council is presided over by the Council president, who is a Council member elected by Council members with each newly elected Council. The Village Council meets on the first and third Monday of each month at 7 p.m., in the Bryan Center. Council provides time at each meeting for public input, on both matters being discussed before Council and on matters not on the agenda, but of interest to the community. Meetings are televised live via cable TV on Channel 5. The Planning Commission meets on the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Bryan Center. The Planning Commission is presided over by an elected chair and consists of five members who are appointed by Village Council, including one Council representative. The commission provides time at each meeting for public input on matters being discussed before the commission. These meetings are also televised on Channel 5.

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The Board of Zoning Appeals, or BZA, meets as needed to hear variance and other zoning matters. BZA is presided over by an elected chair and consists of five members appointed by Council. BZA meetings are open to the public and are televised on Channel 5. Council also has established citizen advisor y committees and commissions who advise Council on policy matters. Membership is appointed by Council, but meetings remain open to the public for input and comment. These are the Library Commission, Human Relations Commission, Environmental Commission, Energy Board, Public Art Commission and Community Access Panel. The Village works with other local groups on specific projects. Village partners have included the Chamber of Commerce, Community Resources, Home, Inc., Tecumseh Land Trust, Bicycle Enhancement and Safe Routes to School Committee, the Senior Center, Yellow Springs Arts Council, the Tree Committee and several others. The Village operates a mediation program to help resolve disputes and foster peace in the community. The Bryan Center is a multi-use facility that provides space for Village government offices, Mayor’s Court, conference and meeting rooms, a youth center and a number of recreational and educational areas. The center is accessible to all citizens per the use policy. Facilities for tennis and basketball, as well as a pottery shop, toddler playground and the skate park are located at the rear of the Bryan Center property. Recreational activities in the village include numerous parks and the Br yan Center. Gaunt Park, located on West South College Street, is the Village’s largest park and is home to the public swimming pool. The Village’s swim team, the Seadogs, competes regionally. The two softball diamonds at Gaunt Park are used by men’s and women’s leagues and the Perry League, the local T-ball program. The Yellow Springs Youth Baseball Program also plays at Gaunt Park ever y summer. Ellis Park, on the north end of town, is a passive recreation park where patrons enjoy strolling through the Lloyd Kennedy Arboretum and/or using the fishing pond. Ohio’s longest bike trail, the Little Miami Bike Trail, runs adjacent to the Bryan Center parking lot. Residents and visitors use the trail for bicycling, walking, running, skating, horseback riding and other nonmotorized recreation. The Village manages its section of trail in conjunction with the Greene County Parks & Trails department.

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Y e l l o w S p r i n g s N e w s


Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9


y  A bluegrass first AT Antioch collEge  y By



Always a trailblazer, Antioch College counts a number of progressive American milestones among its accomplishments: inclusion of women in college, first outdoor education center in the Midwest; first liberal arts college to have a work-study program, and many more. Appropriately, Antioch hosted the very first bluegrass concert on a college campus. On March 5, 1960, the Osborne Brothers, rising stars of a rising scene, played their bluegrass music to a packed Kelly Hall at Antioch College. The concert would prove seminal. That evening, when the Osborne Brothers played some early folk hits like “Pretty Polly“ in the radical, new bluegrass style, they struck college-audience gold, and propelled the genre into a heyday that lasted through the 1980s. Soon after the concert, Yellow Springs would find itself one locus of the bluegrass movement, even today inspiring a new generation of locals to pick up their banjos, mandolins and fiddles to keep the music alive. Why Antioch? For one, bluegrass — a music genre as unique to America as jazz — was a rebellious musical evolution, similar to its revolutionary host, Antioch College, according to local bluegrass historian Fred Bartenstein, author of “The Bluegrass Hall of Fame, Inductee Biographies 1991–2014” and internationally syndicated bluegrass radio programmer. “Bluegrass was an innovation, much like rock ‘n’ roll — a reaction against music the way it was being played,” Bartenstein said in a recent interview. “It was a very novel and oppositional form.” Antioch also helped launch the college bluegrass scene because of its radio station, WYSO, which hosted many bluegrass and old-time music shows over the years. “Bluegrass has become a staple of WYSO’s imagery,” Bartenstein said. “People who listen to WYSO all the time are exposed to bluegrass. It has become the soundtrack of Yellow Springs.” What exactly is bluegrass? Bluegrass is an evolutionary branch of Southern country music — although it wouldn't be called that until the late ’50s, when Bill Monroe and his Bluegrass Boys came to define the genre, according to Bartenstein. The music is distinguished by highly syncopated rhythms that emphasize the off beat. Players trade solos, or “breaks,” much the way

The Osborne Brothers at Antioch College, March 1960: the very first bluegrass concert at a college campus. Sonny Osborne, banjo; Bobby Osborne, mandolin; Jimmy Brown, Jr., guitar. jazz musicians do. Singers generally employ tight, sweet harmonies over the instrumentation, one hallmark of which is the “high lonesome” harmony, traditionally sung by a tenor. Instrumentation is usually guitar, banjo, mandolin and bass, and occasionally a fiddle. Each is played in a distinct style: the banjo is picked “Scruggs style,” with picks on the thumb, index and middle finger; notes are rolled from one finger to the next in quick succession. The mandolin’s quick, cheerful chops keep up the tempo with the upright bass. Guitar and fiddle fill out the sound. Continued on page

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Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N e w s

y Antioch college ' s bluegrass first y

$ $ $ Continued from page 19 Bluegrass comes to Antioch The tale of the Osborne Brothers’ concert begins with Alice Gerrard and Jeremy Foster, a married Antioch couple living in Yellow Springs. Foster was an avid early documenter of bluegrass, and Gerrard, who had dropped out of Antioch after becoming pregnant, was beginning to make music with their mutual friend, Hazel Dickens. Gerrard and Foster spent a term working as co-op students in Washington, D.C., to be near the music parks of Baltimore and D.C., where bluegrass was played every weekend. After co-op, they brought recordings and records back to Antioch, and spread the music among their friends. It was Foster’s idea to bring the Osborne Brothers to Antioch. The Osbornes were part of the Appalachian migration after WW II that drew migrants to work in Dayton’s factories. In a recent interview, Gerrard recalled Foster, who later died in an automobile accident. “He was really charismatic and had all these great ideas and could persuade people,” Gerrard said. As for the reasons they decided to host the concert, it was simple. “We loved the stuff [bluegrass] and we wanted other people to love it, too,” Gerrard said. So with $300 ponied up by Antioch, Bobby and Sonny Osborne traveled to Antioch, a world away from Dayton, on that

propitious Saturday in early March. They brought along sidemen Benny Birchfield from W. Va., and Jimmy Brown from Eastern Tennessee (both resettled in Dayton) and played the historic concert to a full house. The legendary high tenor Bobby Osborne, now 87, recently reflected on the concert, saying he “had no idea it was the start of bluegrass on a college campus.” “It was really a shock to us ... We didn’t know what kind of songs to sing to those kids,” Osborne said. “When we first went on stage we were singing some country songs. We were singing … popular songs that we thought they would like, and … they didn’t show a lot of interest in the songs because I guess they hadn’t heard them.” At intermission, Neil Rosenberg — an Oberlin student whose band, along with Gerrard and Foster's band, opened up for the Osbornes — advised him to play songs like ‘Pretty Polly’ and ‘Little Maggie’ and “some of the real old [folk] songs that Carter and Ralph Stanley put out,” according to Osborne. “So we started doing them old songs and those kids really appreciated what we were doing. We learned right there that something was going on that we didn’t know anything about. That’s when the college kids started liking bluegrass and it just went from there.” The Antioch concert helped form the repertoire of bluegrass that would make it irresistible to urban, Eastern, collegeeducated people, whose appetite for roots music had been whetted by the earlier folk boom, and who ended up embracing bluegrass as “part of folk music in the late 1950s,” Bartenstein said. According to Barteinstein, Yellow Springs was on that leading edge for two reasons: the first was geography, being only 25 miles from Dayton; the second was taste. “We had very aware, very discerning folk music listeners here who recognized that bluegrass artistically was head and shoulders better than most of the folk music played,” like the Kingston Trio and the Limelighters, Bartenstien said. Radio keeps bluegrass alive In addition to being near live bluegrass in Dayton, Middletown, Fairborn and Xenia, Yellow Springs became a bluegrass hub because of WYSO, born in the heating ducts of Antioch College in the late 1950s, and later becoming an NPR affiliate and public radio station for the Miami Valley. “Folks started associating bluegrass with Yellow Springs because they heard it on WYSO,” Bartenstein said.

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• s u b m i tt e d ph o t o By I r e n e Y ou n g As Antioch students, Alice Gerrard, a performer herself, and her thenhusband Jeremy Foster brought the Osborne Brothers to the college. Yellow Springs was the local eddy where the two currents — Appalachian migrants and East Coast intellectuals — mingled. In fact, Bartenstein says, “bluegrass appreciation has continued in Yellow Springs more than most places in the world because of the exposure through WYSO.” And while the bluegrass scene is not what it once was in this area, he said, one “can hear bluegrass played live 365 days a year” here in the Miami Valley, Bartenstein said. In addition to WYSO, another regional station, albeit a commercial one, broadcasts authentic classic country music, bluegrass and gospel from its headquarters in Xenia. WBZI, which has also been on the air since the 1950s, is owned by Greene County resident Joe Mullins, who is arguably one of the best banjo players in the country, and heads his bluegrass band, Joe Mullins & the Radio Ramblers. Old-time: another popular local style Alongside bluegrass, old-time — aka “old timey” — music also has a healthy presence in Yellow Springs and the surrounding area. While both genres use the same instrumentation, the sounds are quite distinct. Generally speaking, old-time music is made to be danced to, which is why it has more “rhythmic stability,” according to Bartenstein. Old-time music is also necessarily slower, and instruments play more as an ensemble, as opposed to the lightning-fast solos that are part of the bluegrass trademark sound. You can’t really dance to bluegrass, Bartenstein said, “it’s too fast, too syncopated.” The two musical forms have different cultures as well. While a bluegrass musician would take a pop tune and record it bluegrass style, an old-time musician would “get excited about a fiddle tune that someone’s great-great-grandpa taught them in Eastern Kentucky that’s never been recorded before,” said Bartenstein. “Old-time music highly values the folk tradition, the notion that music is learned from person to person, part of a living culture,” he explained. “Something that’s old is privileged, something that’s new is diminished.” Basically, it “should be played on a back porch and you should never charge for it —

it’s the people’s music,” Bartenstein said. One rare player that straddles both genres is WYSO’s own Tom Duffee, who has been a bluegrass and country programmer on WYSO for 40 years, and makes his home with his wife and fellow Corndrinkers bandmate Linda Scutt, outside of Yellow Springs. “We do straddle the fence,” Duffee said recently. “We insert ‘breaks’ into a largely old-time format. Our repertoire is largely from the early days of radio — pre-bluegrass, but still a music meant for the stage — rather than strictly old ‘folk’ tunes.” Why is Yellow Springs a hub for old-time music? “Clearly WYSO has a lot to do with it,” Duffee said. “But Yellow Springs has always been supportive of non-majoritarian arts, and this old-time folk music fits right in.” And the village has the artists to prove it. There’s Yellow Springer Ben Cooper, a musical polymath who plays banjo, fiddle, guitar and bass, his style ranging from Western swing to bluegrass to old-timey. Residents Joe Cook (banjo, fiddle and mandolin) and Leslie Lippert (quarter-sized bass and banjo-ukelele) keep old-time music’s down-home tradition going by hosting local jams at their “tunetarium” for anyone interested in keeping old-time music (and terrible puns) alive. Paul Van Ausdal (hurdy-gurdy, fiddle) and his wife Carol (fiddle) are also part of the local old-time scene, as is Dave Finch (banjo). And when not shoeing horses or fighting for green space, Rick Donahoe plays rhythm guitar with old-time musicians in Yellow Springs and at the Trolley Stop in Dayton, which hosts old time music jams weekly. Newgrass, jam grass and the future Yellow Springs is also host to some exciting new bands that are hybrids of bluegrass, folk, rock, old-time and jazz, with a touch of the Grateful Dead; Bartenstein calls it “jam grass.” The village “has continued to produce a number of ‘new acoustic music’ bands — Blue Moon Soup, Wheels — and continues to generate them.” But whatever the sound or genre, Yellow Springs still seems to have the right creative mulch, open-minded and encouraging fans, and diverse influences to keep producing innovative, fresh music right here. 1

Where to Find it:

Live bluegrass, old-time music: “Tunetarium” old-time jam Contact: Leslie Lippert, 767-2999 Trolley Stop, Wed. nights 8–11 p.m. 530 E. 5th St.,
Dayton, 461-1101 Southwestern Music Festival Nov. 9 and 10, Wilmington, OH On the radio WYSO 91.3 FM • Downhome Bluegrass, Sat., 8–10 p.m. • Rise When the Rooster Crows, Sun., 6–8 a.m. • A Country Ramble, Sun., 6–9 PM WBZI 1500 AM and 100.3 FM • The Chubby Howard Show Sat., 9 a.m.–3 p.m.,
Sun., 1–5 p.m. • Dan Mullins Midday Music Spectacular weekdays, 10 a.m.–noon • Hymns from the Hills, gospel, weekdays, 1-2 p.m. • The Banjo Show weekdays, 2-3 p.m.

Y e l l o w S p r i n g s N e w s


Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9


y  A newgrass jam band musical melange  y By


bachman Blend chucking mandolin, floating fiddle, lush guitar and plucked upright bass, add a splash of rich four-part vocal harmonies and season with a pinch of medieval chord progressions to taste. Simmered for seven years, it makes Blue Moon Soup. “The soup idea is that we’re a concoction of different ingredients — and we’re down to throw anything in at any time,” guitarist Justin Moon told the News in 2012. With music that sounds as good around a campfire as in a bar, Blue Moon Soup represents the next generation of bluegrass. In reflecting on the group’s growing success on the festival circuit, fiddler Robbie Marion tipped his hat to his Yellow Springs mentors. He learned fiddle at age 10 from Deborah Clark Colón of local Irish traditional string duo Changeling. Meanwhile Brendan Moore, the mandolinist, came up in town playing with other local musicians, and taking notes from his father, jazz cornetist Chris Moore and his mother, the late Christina Hess, a singer and guitarist for local Celtic band Heartstrings. Blue Moon Soup was officially formed by Moore and Marion in 2010, but the duo’s musical collaboration dates back to the McKinney Middle School orchestra and the Yellow Springs High School courtyard, where the two would play guitar at ­lunchtime. Moore progressed to playing loud rock through maxed-out amps in various basements around town, before stripping down to acoustic mandolin. Marion, meanwhile, trained in classical, bluegrass and Irish music, but now prefers to play the fiddle, not the violin, a distinction that Moore clarified. “They say the difference is you can spill beer on a fiddle,” Moore joked. The group also includes upright bassist Jon Baumann of Xenia and guitarist Moon, who lives in a rural area between Yellow Springs and Springfield. The band’s newest member is multi-instrumentalist Evan Lane. Nailing down the funky and folky sound of Blue Moon Soup is tough, especially when the group sees itself as separate from the recent folk-pop movement sparked by bands like Mumford & Sons and the Lumineers. As Marion says modestly, “we probably got into the bluegrass thing before this recent resurgence.” But Blue Moon Soup would be equally at home in the 1940s Appalachian bluegrass scene as they are in the 2010s indie-folk revival; they could hang with centuries-old Celtic traditional groups as well as 1960s jam bands, and would kill in 1930s gypsy jazz clubs as much as 1960s folk festivals. And since their older bluegrass fans may go to bed at an earlier hour, Blue Moon Soup has come to cater more to a young crowd that packs bar shows that start at 11 p.m. That has meant a move into a new subgenre called “newgrass” and towards a true jam band. In fact, while listing their influences, the band quickly dispenses with the Grateful Dead and banjoist Béla Fleck, name-drops mandolinist David Grisman, country and bluegrass legend Tim O’Brien and Irish folk musician Andy Irvine, and references the Beatles, the Band, Neil Young and Bob Dylan. Bringing those influences into the 21st century, Blue Moon Soup goes for

Local four-piece string band Blue Moon Soup, shown here in 2012, is making a name for itself in the region with a sound that blends bluegrass, Celtic traditional, folk and pop. From left are Jon Baumann, Robbie Marion, former member Brendan Moore, and Justin Moon, with pitbull “Moon.” The current lineup also features multi-instrumentalist Evan Lane. high intensity in the vein of EDM — electronic dance music — and soothes those fans’ digitally overburdened ears with real analog sounds. Their self-titled second album, released in 2013, spans bluegrass standards to Celtic ballads, an instrumental track featuring a Chinese pentatonic scale to a song with a Latin beat and claves. Songs reference crowns, 2,000-year-old curses and J.R.R. Tolkien characters; speak of natural elements like seas, mountains and stars and touch darker themes like death, murder and demons. Take “Mithrandir,” a sweet ballad using the “Lord of the Rings”

character Gandalf’s elvish name: “So long! Until we meet again I’ll sing your song/ By the light of the moon I will find my way home/ Hold on, the riders cross the Brandywine at dawn/ And I must be away before the morning.” The album says many a goodbye and references many a quest, which seems fitting for the road-regular band that is making a name for itself far beyond the borders of Yellow Springs, far from the banks of the Little Miami. Blue Moon Soup released its third studio album, “Luna,” in 2015; they have numerus live albums available as well. 1

S u b m i tt e d ph o t o by S u z y Pe r l e r

Chamber Music in Yellow Springs 2018–2019 Akropolis Reed Quintet Sunday, September 23, 2018

Attacca String Quartet Sunday, November 4, 2018

JACK Quartet Sunday, January 27, 2019

Seraph Brass Sunday, March 10, 2019

Yellow Springs United Methodist Church Corner of Winter & Dayton Streets

Established  Join us for

 

Church Office, - Pastor Rick Jones, -4-4

for all ages at : a.m. (Sept. through May only) and  at : a.m. (year-round)

34th Annual Competition Finals for Emerging Professionals Sunday, April 28, 2019

First four concerts at 7:30 p.m., the Competition Finals at 4 p.m. in the First Presbyterian Church, 314 Xenia Avenue. Ticket information: 374-8800 www.cmys.org



Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

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Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N e w s

Yellow Springs Community Library Connie Collett, head librarian, 352-4003 e m a i l : ccollett@gcpl.lib.oh.us W e b : www.greenelibrary.info C o n ta c t:

There’s always something new at the librar y: A completely updated website, event calendar and catalog, a makerspace at the Xenia Library and wi-fi hotspots to check out and take home. But there’s also a lot of the same old, same old in the library. That’s because our community still loves and uses traditional ser vices, tried and true. Primar y among these is a physical place to visit, to run into friends, to hold a meeting, attend a story time, discuss a book. Friendly, helpful staff and individualized service are other valuable traditions that endure. Another “same old” is physical stuf f: In this age of Netflix, the Yellow Springs Librar y still houses almost 60,000 items including books, movies, audiobooks, music, magazines and newspapers. Millions more can be borrowed from other libraries, including six other public libraries right here in Greene County. Of course there are also plenty of free downloadable e-books, audiobooks, music and videos for your phone or tablet. Computers for the public and a highspeed internet connection still make the library the place to go when there’s slow or no internet at home. Wireless for your own device lets you connect to the internet and use all the library’s online services. Oneon-one instruction for computer novices ensures that no one is left behind. Story times for babies, toddlers and preschoolers remain a fun way to make sure your child gets an early start in reading. Preschoolers can sign up for the Dolly Parton Imagination Library and receive a free book in the mail each month until they’re ready for kindergarten. Special activities for older kids and teens — including a Teen Advisory Group — keep them busy, connected and reading. Libraries have had summer reading programs forever, but they are still a great way to keep people of all ages reading over the summer, and to educate and entertain them with great programs and prizes. If you have questions, an actual human being is always at the library to help find an answer, whether in person, by phone or online. The library’s subscriptions to premium databases often make getting answers easier than Googling on your own. If you become homebound and can’t make it to the library, the library’s Outreach Depar tment will bring books and other materials to you. All these services, both new and traditional, are still available to you for free, paid for by your tax dollars. When our community joins together to fund a public library, the payoff for each of us is much greater

Keep up on Yellow Springs with a subscription to the News: ysnews.com/subscribe

than the cost of our individual contributions. More use means more value. Don’t miss out! The Yellow Springs Community Library is located at 415 Xenia Ave. Hours of operation are Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and Sundays (September through May), 1 to 5 p.m.

Yellow Springs Library Association Amy Magnus, president, www.facebook.com/ YellowSpringsLibraryAssociation

C o n ta c t: Web:

Membership in the Yellow Springs Library Association, or YSLA, is open to anyone interested in serving the community and willing to pay the small annual membership fee of $5. YSLA assists the Yellow Springs Community Library in many ways, including providing funds for many of the extras that make the library so useful and appealing. The YSLA: • Publishes a newsletter, ExLibris, four times per year • Holds a bi-annual YSLA Tea • Provides refreshments and prizes for library programs • Funds specific projects such as repairs to the roof, new bike racks, updated media shelving and meeting room lighting improvement, and the Dolly Parton Fund • Supplies supplemental activities for the summer reading program • Gives a book to local newborns • Augments the librar y’s collection of DVDs, CDs, toys and books • Helps the library with the purchase of equipment and furnishings • Maintains and expands the Corky Shiff Circulation Art Collection • Raises funds through such activities as the Founders’ Day celebration and usedbook sales • Supports library outreach with book donations • Works on library landscaping, including removal of invasive honeysuckle and maintaining garden plots The YSLA has a long history of volunteer achievement. The doors of the first library in Yellow Springs opened in 1899 through the efforts of a group that, in 1901, incorporated as the YSLA. The group was responsible for maintaining every aspect of the library until 1926, when the library became part of the Greene County library system. In 1980, the association produced “This Town Is Our Town,” a slide and tape history of Yellow Springs, and in 1978 it founded the Corky Schiff Circulating Art Collection and established a local authors shelf. The association commissioned Jon Barlow Hudson to create “Tree of Knowledge,” an outdoor sculpture that was dedicated in 1993. All are invited to find the YSLA on its Facebook page, facebook.com/YellowSpringsLibrar yAssociation. Annual membership dues are $5 per household, with the opportunity for lifetime membership for $100. YSLA brochures with membership application forms are available at the entrances to the library. The YSLA is now a “Friends of the Library” organization. The governance of the library and its day-to-day operation are the responsibility of the Greene County system.

Y e l l o w S p r i n g s N e w s


Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

y Speaking Suns on the rise y By



perkins-schmittler and


bachman While there are many bands out there keeping the venerable traditions of rock ‘n’ roll, blues and funk alive and well, there is one pioneering a new sound for a new era. That band is Speaking Suns. A group of Yellow Springs High School grads — Jacob Diebold, David Bryne, Rourke Papania, Jay Teilhet and Dylan Sage — now in their 20s, the confident five-piece sounds like what’s next. Dropping expectations and conventions about how they should play their instruments and how they should sound, Speaking Suns is inspired and authentic. Seven years after they formed, pop-rock band Speaking Suns is on the rise. In the summer of 2018, the group performed as part of the Bellwether Music Festival in Waynesville, sharing a stage with such national headline acts as The Flaming Lips, Echo & the Bunnymen and the Psychedelic Furs. In addition, the group is set to release a new full-length album in the spring of 2019. Speaking Suns recorded their first EP, “Part One” on their own in 2013. They have recorded and released two LP’s: “Vanishing Country,” in 2014, and “Range,” in 2017. Vanishing Country was released by Great Guys Records, the label of Yellow Springs native and former Speaking Suns-bandmate Connor Stratton. The album explores the changing Ohio landscape of the members’ youth — the old farm equipment rusting in fields and dying small towns. “The whole wide country is vanishing,” sings Diebold in the refrain of “Symmetry.” But far from melancholy, the album has more of a warm, nostalgic feel. As Stratton said of the album, “It’s a lot like [the band’s] sound — dark but endearing.” Speaking Suns’ style ranges from psychedelic dream pop, to indie, to art rock, and borders on chamber pop. Recently the band has gotten somewhat more sociopolitical, singing about such subjects as “empty capitalism,” diversity and multiculturalism. According to bassist Dylan Sage, the fact that the band is all white and all male means they need to be active as allies through their music. “Coming from privilege, we feel an obligation to be more politically active to support diversity, minorities and those less fortunate,” Sage said. After officially forming in 2011, the band

• s u b m i tt e d ph o t o by k h a l i l Nasa r Yellow Springs-based pop-rock band Speaking Suns performed as part of Waynesville’s Bellwether Festival in the summer of 2018. Speaking Suns’ members are, from left: Dylan Sage, Jacob Diebold, Jay Teilhet, Rourke Papania and David Byrne. has gone through several iterations. Keyboardist Rourke “Rory” Papania is a newer addition to the band. Jacob “Jake” Diebold is the lead singer and guitarist, hailing originally from Akron. He became good friends with Jay Teilhet, who plays guitar in the band, and Sage. Teilhet also improvises makeshift hand-crafted instruments that provide a variety of sounds for the group’s studio recordings. Sage and David Byrne, who plays drums, played percussion together in the high school band. Byrne’s parents played for a time with the band Swearing at Motorists, which began in Dayton in the early 1990s and went on to tour internationally. In an interview this summer, band members said they were excited to be performing amid a lineup of bands that were influential in their development. “It doesn’t seem real,” Papania said. 1

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Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N e w s


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Y e l l o w S p r i n g s N e w s


Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9


y  youth orchestra' s 50 years of music y Shirley Mullins, at left, participates in a recital with the Summer Strings program she began over 50 years ago. Her musical minions are young musicians, some of whom are likely children of children she taught in her long career as a music educator.

Your Downtown Florist & Gift Shop


• By



The big story about the Yellow Springs youth orchestra program isn’t that it’s more than 50 years old. It isn’t that the summer strings and youth orchestra program has provided music lessons, instruments and performance opportunities for anyone who was interested and that it continues to expose a new generation of youth to the richness of music. The big news is that the Shirley Strohm Mullins who started the string program five decades ago is the same Shirley Mullins who organizes, raises funds, teaches, conducts, administers and runs the program today. Mullins’ love of music was infectious, according to early Youth Orchestra Association members Henning and Hanlo Von Gierke. When in 1963 she came to a village that offered no opportunities for youth to play stringed instruments, she had no other thought than starting a program herself. As an educator, her goal was to get into the schools, where children, like sponges, would soak up fresh ideas and spread them to each other and to the community. Knowing a good teaching partner when she saw one, Mullins, principally a cellist, picked Mary Schumacher out of the violin section in the Antioch College orchestra

and proposed that they start offering string lessons for village youth. With an ad in the Yellow Springs News, they announced that “any child can learn to play a musical instrument” and that their “long-range plans include a full youth orchestra.” There was no foundation, no support system in place to encourage their endeavor. Very few students had instruments and bows, there was no music library to draw from and there wasn’t even a fixed location to teach the lessons, Mullins recalled. But 25 children responded to the call expecting to learn to love music, so the women solicited donated instruments from people’s basements and attics, and taught the revolutionary Suzuki method in groups and by ear. They taught lessons all over town, from the building behind Antioch’s music hall, to the Children’s Community Center and into people’s homes. “We were music carpetbaggers. We didn’t have a home,” Mullins said. Their dedication was recognized by a group of parents who organized the first meetings of the Youth Orchestra Association in 1965. The association was incorporated and received grant money from the Ohio Arts Council and the Yellow Springs Community Foundation to purchase equipment and organize concerts for the small but growing orchestra.

s u b m i tt e d ph o t o

“These people had the vision that this thing was not going to be a flash in the pan,” Mullins said. “We knew it, but to have these people believe in us gave us energy to keep going.” Mullins connected with the high school band director, Claire Miller, to combine

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Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N e w s

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• ph o t o by ca r l a st e i g e r Shirley Mullins conducted while flautist Shirley Hatfield played a solo during the Yellow Springs Strings performance on the front deck of the Mills Park Hotel as part of the Porchfest music festival in October 2018. Yellow Springs Strings, an adult chamber orchestra, was created in association with the Youth Orchestra Association, 16 years ago.


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$ $ $ Continued from page 25 the string players with winds from the band, and in five years the school had a full orchestra proficient enough to hold its first performance of The Sound of Music. Two years later, Mullins received a stipend as a part-time string teacher at the high school, then as the orchestra director the next year. Inch by inch, she inculcated the orchestra program into the high school until by 1980, rehearsals were happening every day during school hours and Mullins was traveling with the orchestra to conventions and prestigious conferences around the Midwest and Chicago. Last year, the Youth Orchestra Association regrouped and launched a membership campaign, detailing the current slate of activities in which they are involved, including the purchase and refurbishing of instruments, bus trips to concerts in Dayton and Springfield, music scholarships, and intergenerational performances. In addition, the organization runs the Yellow Springs Summer Music Camp (formerly Summer Strings), a two-week summer day camp that offers full orchestra, jazz combo, vocal and chamber music ensembles, master classes, music theory, private lessons, conducting and more and Yellow Springs Strings, a chamber orchestra for adults, many of whom are returning to music after many years. Mullins said she hopes that all villagers will be reminded that it took many people and many decades to promote and sustain a music program in Yellow Springs, and that it will take more energy still to keep the beat alive. 1

• n e w s a r c h i v e ph o t o Shirley Mullins conducting the Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra, circa 1980.

Y e l l o w S p r i n g s N e w s


Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

y  a woman in jazz, back again y By

couple, living together in San Francisco and making a life as musicians. But one night their big old house was ravaged by fire, and Bailey barely had time to grab her instruments before finding safety. The last thing she grabbed from the house was the picture of legendary saxophonist Charlie Parker on the wall. Devastated by the fire, the couple decided to move to Yellow Springs, where Schumacher, the son of local musician and music teacher Mary Schumacher, had grown up. So they moved back to Ohio in 1981, and their daughter, Tess, was born in 1984, the same year that Bailey performed in the first Women in Jazz festival. She continued performing for the festival’s next 20 years. After leaving town, she still came back to play in the festival and to serve as musical director and perform for Yellow Springs Kids Playhouse. Bailey is now launching a local business teaching music, offering instruction in piano, sax, flute and voice, ranging from classical to popular to jazz. Back home, she knows that music will see her through. “I am blessed,” she said. “I love music. And I get to play my horn!” 1


chiddister After an absence of 17 years, Tucki Bailey, a well-known area musician, returned home to the village in 2017. She moved from northern California back to Yellow Springs, where she makes music and teaches students in her West Whiteman Street home. Not long after returning she headlined the Dayton Jazz Festival with her band, the Vagabonds. Coming so soon after her move, headlining the festival was a lot to take on. Bailey originally called to find out if she could play a set at the event, the new iteration of Women in Jazz, where Bailey performed regularly. But the festival needed a headliner, and the manager asked if she could do it. Bailey said yes, although she had to scramble. First, she had to assemble a local group of musicians. Next, she had to come up with a set list for a group that hadn’t yet performed together (although several were old friends and colleagues, including keyboard player Carl Schumacher, who is also Bailey’s ex-husband.) And most of all, she needed to practice her sax, which she hadn’t performed on for five years. But only a week before the event, Bailey was undaunted. “You know what, I’m going to kick ass,” she said. “I get to play my horn!” Playing her horn is what Bailey wanted to do a lot when she moved to California 17 years ago. But the economy had taken a downturn. Work dried up, and Bailey took what she could get, mainly playing piano and keyboards. She made a living, but didn’t get to play her horn. But she loved the Bay area and it was home, the home where she grew up years ago. Bailey was only 15 when she got her first gig at a club in San Francisco’s North Beach neighborhood, where she had to lie about her age. “I had to act mature,” she said. She had fallen in love with music as a child, although her family wasn’t especially musical — except for her grandfather who played the trombone. Bailey studied piano and flute and when she was a teenager her music teacher asked her to perform with him on his gigs. She took him up on his offer, and they ended up with a regular gig in the touristy Giardelli Wine Cellar every weekend, where Bailey, who hadn’t yet discovered


L e f t ph o t o by R o b e r t Has e k ;

r i g h t ph o t o f r o m n e w s a r c h i v e s

the saxophone, played flute. Living the life of a professional musician at such a young age was a challenge, but Bailey wouldn’t have it any other way. “It was my love,” she said of music. “I didn’t have much of a social life. But I always had a buck in my pocket.” In college at San Francisco State, Bailey discovered the jazz band and the saxophone, and she fell in love all over again. She continued performing, and in the heady early ’70s she practiced her horn at Golden Gate Park. And for a while she played with Country Joe McDonald of Country Joe & the Fish. Bailey was performing at a Sausalito gig when a friend, Bruce Schumacher, brought his younger brother, Carl, to see the band. The two became friends and later Bailey asked Carl, a keyboard player, to join the band. He lived close by and used to give her rides to their gigs. After a while, the two musicians became a

Tucki Bailey, at left, sitting in on sax with the band Devil’s Backbone at PorchFest 2018, and right, at the keyboards at a jazz performance in 1987 in Kings Yard.


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Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N e w s

A rts and re c reation Art & Soul, A YS Art Fair

Wednesdays, 6:30–10 p.m., in the great room of the Senior Center, 227 Xenia Avenue.

Fischoff Educator Award in 2015, Akropolis brings “imagination, infallible musicality, and huge vitality” (Fanfare) to the concert stage and to the wider public in music festivals Chamber Music C o n ta c t: Lisa Goldberg, 767-7285 which it organizes and in work with schools, e m a i l : Lisa@YSArts.org Yellow Springs including a Monday visit to Mills Lawn W e b : www.ysarts.org/artSoul.html School in Yellow Springs. C o n ta c t: 374-8800 The second concer t, Nov. 4, brings Art and Soul: A YS Art Fair, a YS Arts e m a i l : info@cmys.org back “old friends” Attacca String Quartet, production, entered the art scene in Yellow W e b : www.cmys.org prize winners at chamber music festivals Springs in November of 2012. It is held Chamber Music in Yellow Springs has from Osaka to Melbourne to Carnegie on the third Saturday of November from 10 a.m.–5 p.m. at Mills Lawn Elementary been bringing professional ensembles from Hall. Attacca has served as string quartet School, 200 S. Walnut Street. It is an intimate all over the world since 1983. The organiza- in residence at The Juilliard School and the juried art fair with 30 artists from the region tion’s mission is to enrich the musical life of Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. who gather in Yellow Springs to exhibit and the community. Funded by generous donors, With international acclaim, Attacca has local advertisers and subscriptions, CMYS become one of America’s premier young persell their fine arts and crafts for the day. The name Art & Soul was chosen because is also the recipient of an Ohio Arts Council forming ensembles. The Washington Post “artists put their souls into the making of sustainability grant. Each season the local described them as “four strikingly individual their work.” Artists will have plenty of pot- booking committee selects chamber music players with the ability to speak eloquently tery, jewelry, fiber, paintings, photography, ensembles and chooses a theme. This year’s in one voice. ... Mastery like this is scarce wood, glass, and mixed media work available theme is “Old Friends, New Friends,” as this enough in quartets that have played together for sale. At times, Yellow Springs Schools season will feature ensembles new to the for decades.” On Jan. 27, 2019, the series continues students have had work displayed or sold series as well as two ensembles who previtheir work as exhibiting artists. During the ously participated in the CMYS Annual Com- with “new friends” JACK Quartet, deemed first three years of Art & Soul, show promot- petition. Their subsequent successful careers “the go-to quartet for contemporary music, ers donated over $2,300 to the Yellow Springs bode well for the two new groups who will tying impeccable musicianship to intellectual school system and Police Coat Fund. In addi- be chosen to vie for the top prize in the 34th ferocity” by The Washington Post. Dedicated tion, in 2014, they began to donate to the Lisa Annual Competition Concert in April of 2019. to the performance, commissioning and Performances take place on Sundays at spread of new string quartet music, JACK Goldberg/YS Arts Scholarship Fund held by First Presbyterian Church, 314 Xenia Avenue has performed at Carnegie Hall and Lincoln the YS Community Foundation. in Yellow Springs, at 7:30 p.m., except for the Center and at major venues in the United Annual Competition, which begins at 4 p.m. Kingdom, Europe, Japan, Indonesia, Mexico Bridge First up, on Sept. 23, 2018, was Akropolis and Argentina. “New friends” Seraph Brass will round out C o n ta c t: Susan Freeman (Wednesday Reed Quintet, “old friends” who brought an group), 767-0235 exciting new program of works by Marc Mel- the regular season on March 10, 2019. This e m a i l : sf7547@msn.com lits, Astor Piazzolla, George Gershwin, Becky dynamic brass quintet draws from a roster Turro, and David Biedenbender. Winner of of America’s top female brass players. ComAn informal duplicate bridge group meets both the Fischoff Gold Medal in 2014 and the mitted to engaging audiences with captivating programming, Seraph Brass presents a diverse repertoire including original transcriptions, newly commissioned works, and well-known classics. The group has toured throughout the U.S., Mexico and Europe. Finally, the Annual Competition for Emerging Professional Ensembles will take place at 4 p.m. on April 28. As it did last year, this earlier concert time will enable all audience members to stay for the judges’ highly anticipated final decision. The competition youngsdairy.com has garnered more attention ever y year as its winners — first- and second-place — One mile north of Yellow Springs on U.S. 68 continue to launch successful international careers, as this year’s “old friends” exemplify. CMYS subscription concerts are recorded by SoundSpace Yellow Springs for broadcast on “Live and Local” at WDPR-FM (88.1) and WDPG-FM (89.9). Dates and times will be announced at www.discoverclassical.org, where these broadcasts are also available on streaming audio. Concerts are preceded by a free pre-con-

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cert talk by music experts John Kurokawa, instructor of clarinet at Wright State University and principal clarinetist of the Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra and Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra, and musicologist and WSU Professor Emeritus Charles Larkowski. Meet the musicians at gourmet postconcert dinners, hosted at homes in Yellow Springs. Everyone is welcome, but seating is limited, so a reservation is required. Call 937374-8800 at least four days in advance. CMYS concert season subscriptions are $100 for adults and $25 for students. Individual tickets are $25 for adults and $7 for students. Tickets and further information are available online at www.cmys.org or by phone at 937-374-8800.

Community Band James Johnston, Brian Mayer delphi@ameritech.net; bmayer@ ysschools.org W e b : www.facebook.com/ys.communityband C o n ta c t: email:

The Community Band is open to all adult woodwind, brass and percussion players without audition — middle and high school students may join by invitation or recommendation. Music reading is necessar y. The band plays six to seven concerts a year: two in fall, two in winter/spring and three outdoor summer concerts in June and July. The repertoire includes standard marches, medleys of Broadway and Hollywood songs, big band and jazz sets and other works for concert band in a variety of styles. Rehearsals are held Monday evenings, 7:30–9 p.m., in the high school band room. Follow the band on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ ys.CommunityBand.

Community Chorus James Johnston, Music Director; Carol Cottom, 767-1458 e m a i l : delphi@ameritech.net C o n ta c t:

Founded in 1972, the Yellow Springs Community Chorus is open without audition to all who enjoy singing, can attend rehearsals regularly and are able to learn and perform the music. The ability to read music is desirable, but not required. The chorus usually gives two or three performances a year, often with orchestra, and sings music from a variety of styles, periods and genres. Past repertoire has included Handel’s “Judas Maccabaeus,” “Carmina Burana” and the Mozart and Faure Requiems. Rehearsals are on Sunday evenings, 7–9 p.m., in the YSHS band room. The chorus

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Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

A rts and re c reation gratefully receives donations through the Yellow Springs Arts Council.

Foundry Theater 937-319-0200 foundryboxoffice@antiochcollege.edu W e b : antiochcollege.edu/academics/areasstudy/arts/foundry-theater C o n ta c t: email:

The Foundry Theater at Antioch College reopened in September 2014 after its first renovation since the 1980s. It includes a 200-seat mainstage theater, the 50-seat experimental black box theater, a sprung-floor dance studio, and additional workshop, office and studio spaces. Adjacent to the theater complex is the 400-seat outdoor amphitheater. The Foundry Theater hosts performances and events by Antioch College students, as well as by various community groups.

John Bryan Community Pottery Brad Husk, studio operations manager, 767-9022; 100 Dayton Street e m a i l : jbcp.ys@gmail.com W e b : www.communitypottery.com C o n ta c t:

John Bryan Community Pottery (JBCP) is a community studio that offers an extensive array of classes, workshops and studio rentals. JBCP also features a gallery, exhibiting and selling the work of its members and other ceramic artists. For more than 45 years, the nonprofit studio has been providing opportunities for learning and working with clay to the Yellow Springs community and surrounding areas. The studio is well-equipped with a newly rebuilt gas reduction kiln, a wood-fired kiln, raku kiln, electric kilns, 12 wheels, a slab roller, extruder and glaze room. Renters have 24-hour access to the studio. Visitors are always welcome to stop in at the Penguin Building and take a tour. Open studio hours are Saturday and Sunday, noon–4 p.m. A schedule and description of upcoming classes is available at www.communitypottery.com.

Little Art Theatre 767-7671 littleart.director@gmail.com www.littleart.com

C o n ta c t: email: Web:

donor supported 501(c)(3) nonprofit facility, it made the leap into the digital age with a $625,000 top-to-bottom renovation completed in 2013, but remains very much a hometown, single screen experience that cannot be replicated at the multiplexes. The Little Art takes pride in its mix of independent and mainstream offerings, with commercial favorites not being prioritized over important low budget documentaries. The diverse programming is very much a reflection of the diverse local community. The Little Art is among the most recognizable and beloved landmarks in Yellow Springs, and the iconic houselights, the classic marquee and the one-of-a-kind concession treats all represent an experience that is more personal than in large for-profit venues. The Little Art is also known for its special programs that encourage local filmmakers, organizations and community members to utilize the theater in numerous ways, including bringing documentaries that champion their cause. And thanks to the renovation, the Little Art now offers “National Theatre Live” events, bringing the famous London theater’s rebroadcasts to its screen. Additionally, the Little Art hosts community events, including a New Year’s Eve celebration; a Homecoming Series that brings successful Yellow Springs natives back home to talk about their careers; and collaborations with other local nonprofits, such as the Tecumseh Land Trust, Green Environmental Coalition and WYSO, as well as others from the greater Miami Valley, such as the Dayton Jewish International Film Festival. The theater is available for people to rent for their own special events as well. For more information or to become a Friend of the Little Art, email littleartoffice@gmail. com, call 767-7671 or visit www.littleart.com.

Shakespeare Reading Group C o n ta c t:

Deborah McGee, 823-8073

Every Sunday, a number of villagers gather to revel in the English language at its richest, as written by The Bard. We sit at a table in a circle, and each person reads the next character’s lines — at one round you might be Othello, and at the next, Iago. Occasionally we stop to discuss or debate. Meetings last one-and-a-half hours, but once in a while, the magic of a play holds us for two hours. Several members have attended for many years, but we often have people dropping in just for the day. Sometimes we read well-known plays like “Hamlet,” or we pick a less familiar play,

The Little Art Theatre has provided film entertainment and enlightenment — and so much more — to Yellow Springs and the surrounding Miami Valley for almost 90 years. A

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like “Pericles.” Meetings are at Friends Care Community in the Assisted Living meeting room. New and former members are always welcome. For more information, contact Deborah McGee, or see the Community Calendar on page two of the YS News.

For more information about rehearsal times, locations and performances, contact choir director Catherine Roma at 513-5609082, or caroma129@gmail.com.

Weavers’ Guild

C o n ta c t:

Diana Nelson, P.O. Box 825, 767-9487 W e b : www.wgmv.org C o n ta c t:

The Weavers’ Guild of the Miami Valley, organized in 1949 to promote interest in handweaving and spinning, moved to Yellow Springs from Dayton in 1998. The guild is a nonprofit educational organization that promotes handweaving, handspinning and the textile arts. The guild offers education programs in fiber techniques and processes and encourages artistic awareness through topical lectures, discussions, exhibits, workshops and demonstrations.

World House Choir Catherine Roma, 513-560-9082 e m a i l : caroma129@gmail.com W e b : www.facebook.com/worldhousechoir C o n ta c t:

The World House Choir is a diverse, multicultural, mixed-voice choir, whose repertoire is drawn from different traditions, including world music, spirituals, gospel, folk and peace and justice. The choir’s mission is to perform music that motivates and inspires communities toward justice, diversity and equality in the pursuit of peace. New members are welcome.

Yellow Rockers Ralph and Melanie Acton, 767-8951

Yellow Springs Yellow Rockers is a western square dance club that dances at the plus level. Club dances are held on the second Sunday of each month, 7:30–10 p.m., in the Bryan Community Center. Square dancers who have completed the plus-level Continued on page

31 %%%





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Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

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Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9


A rts and re c reation

$ $ $ Continued from page 29 dance lessons — both singles and couples — are welcome.

Yellow Springs Arts Council Street address: 111 Corry Street; mailing address: P.O. Box 459, 937-6799722 e m a i l : ysartscouncil@gmail.com W e b : www.ysartscouncil.org C o n ta c t:

The Yellow Springs Arts Council supports local arts infrastructure through program opportunities, publicity, education, advocacy and coordinated partnerships across the community. Each year, the YSAC supports over 200 local creative workers. The organization began in the 1950s as the Yellow Springs Arts Association. In 1972, it incorporated as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and adopted the full name, Yellow Springs Arts Council. In 2008, the YSAC expanded its mission to encompass all arts disciplines and launched the YSAC Community Gallery and Multi-Arts Center. YSAC increased its arts advocacy role in 2012, which led to the Yellow Springs Village Council’s adoption of a Public Arts Policy in January of 2013. Regional publicity for YSAC-supported events, in partnership with the YS Chamber of Commerce, brings thousands of visitors to Yellow Springs annually for arts-related events. The Arts Council provides many opportunities for local artists to share and develop their work. Monthly exhibits in the gallery

provide a diverse range of visual artists with a space to show and sell their work. Once a month, Arts Alive! showcases musicians, comedians, dancers, stor ytellers, poets and more in live performances in the Multi-Arts Center or on the outdoor stage. In September, the focus shifts to arts collectors with the Art House Hop. Art classes are offered periodically for children and adults in the Multi-Arts Space, which is available to the community as a class, meeting and performance space. YSAC also participates in public art projects, such as the Mills Park Hotel Fence Art Gallery Project and the National Bronze Sculpture Trail. YSAC is a member organization that relies on membership dues and donations and the dedication of a marvelous group of volunteers. The organization is also supported through grant writing and fundraising projects. Artists, appreciators and supporters of all arts disciplines are welcomed and encouraged to participate in the organization.

Yellow Springs Chamber Orchestra James Johnston delphi@ameritech.net

C o n ta c t: email:

The Chamber Orchestra welcomes all intermediate and advanced string players and selected woodwind and brass players in consultation with the music director. Ability to read music is necessary. The ensemble gives two to three concerts a year, frequently with chorus, and performs standard repertoire from the 18th to the 21st centuries. Rehearsals are Tuesday evenings, 7:30–9

p.m. in the First Presbyterian Church.

Yellow Springs Contra Dance Nancy Lineburgh, 330-618-0892 lineburgh@gmail.com yscontra.wordpress.com

C o n ta c t: email: Web:

Folk dance to live music in Yellow Springs! Contra dance is a blend of old and new cultural influences ranging from northern Europe to Africa. It’s done to a walking step, so if you can walk, you can dance. A caller tells the dancers each step in the pattern until it’s flowing smoothly. Each dance begins with a walk-through, and there are beginner lessons at the start of each dance. It’s energetic, the live music is exciting, and it is a generally joyous experience! Dances are (usually) held once per month, Sunday at 2 p.m., at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on Xenia Avenue. There is a suggested donation of $5. Check our website for the most current details. All ages and experience levels are welcome, including first-time dancers. No partner is required. Most of our dances are open-band and open-calling; musicians and callers of all experience levels are welcome to join the band or call a dance.

Yellow Springs Strings C o n ta c t:

Shirley Mullins, 767-3361

Yellow Springs Strings is a string orchestra for adults that meets Tuesdays, 7–8:30 p.m., at the Yellow Springs Senior Center’s

great room. Players of modest-to-advanced levels of proficiency are welcome. There are no fees for participation. The ensemble is conducted by Shirley Mullins. Children and young adults join with the ensemble for special occasions, such as the Celebration Concert. Membership is fluid; college students home for vacation, children of orchestra members, etc. are welcome. The Yellow Springs Strings is assisted by the Yellow Springs Youth Orchestra Association.

Yellow Springs Theater Company ystheatercompany@gmail.com facebook.com/ystcohio; www.ystheater.org

email: Web:

With a belief that theater can enrich the soul, challenge the mind and expand the heart of the diverse community in which it serves, the Yellow Springs Theater Company is committed to producing new and classic works of theater that fearlessly examine and illuminate the human condition: past, present and future. Formed in 2014, YSTC comprises local artists, actors, directors and musicians. Through performances of new and classic plays as well as the Yellow Springs 10 Minute Play festival, YSTC aims to present high quality and affordable theatrical performances for local audiences which both entertain and resonate. View the YSTC season and support its mission by making a donation at www.ystheater.org.



Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N e w s

y  Local rapper turns rhymes, heads  y


Yellow Springs rapper Issa Walker, aka Issa Ali, performed with legendary hip-hop artist Taleb Kweli at Antioch College’s Music on Main concert in June 2018.

GREEN ENVIRONMENTAL COALITION Grassroots advocates for Ohio’s Environment focused on Clean Water, Toxic Chemical Reductions, Urban Sprawl and Public Participation. P.O. Box 553 • Yellow Springs, OH 45387 www.greenlink.org

• By

aaron maurice


Last year, Yellow Springs resident Issa Walker visited a radio studio in Detroit owned by legendary rapper Eminem. As the influential program “Sway in the Morning” was live on the air, Walker, who professionally goes by the handle Issa Ali, was

offered the microphone as a beat he had never heard started to play. Issa Ali did not hesitate. “Look through the prism/look into the prisons/human slave system/humans raised conditioned,” he rapped. The video of Walker’s freestyle — putting lyrics and technically proficient rap to a beat — cuts off right as D-12, a renowned group from Detroit, and Royce 59, one of Walker’s idols, explode into shouts, a sign of respect in hip-hop. “Sway put the pressure on me because I’m from Ohio and we were in Detroit. The way he put pressure on me, it was intense,” Walker said. Pausing, he added: “But I killed it. That’s what Sway do. You either kill it or you get dogged on national radio.” The Sway he referred to is Sway Calloway, one of the most important people in hip-hop today. He began his career in the late 1980s as a rapper and b-boy (break-dancer), teaming up with DJ King Tech to record several albums, which in the early 1990s landed them jobs hosting their own radio show in San Francisco. Other stations quickly began simulcasting “The Wake Up Show,” and soon it became for hip-hop what “The Ed Sullivan Show” once was for rock ’n’ roll. Walker said he won accolades from Sway and great appreciation from Royce, which


s u b m i tt e d ph o t o by M AT T f i n n

Walker referred to as “co-signing.” This is when one emcee acknowledges the prowess of another. “It was one thing to deliver on such a big platform, but to have Royce co-sign me, that was...” he trailed off, unable to put such an accomplishment into words. Being a wordsmith, that’s not something Walker experiences often. “You’ve gotta rap about your environment,” he continued, focusing on the contents of his freestyle. “And I love the braggadocio of hip-hop, so I brag about my master’s of public health degree. I brag about my mind. If I can make being educated cool, that’s what I want to do.” Walker, a 2006 graduate of Yellow Springs High School, holds a bachelor’s of science degree in biology from Central State University, and a master’s of public health from Wright State University. “I’m still way into health and I hope to use my music to educate, perhaps go on lecture tours and talk to kids after I do all this music.” Walker’s music career has followed the trends of the industry. Full-play albums were once the norm for social consciousness rap progenitors such as Arrested Development, Digable Planets and The Fugees. Walker’s growth as an album artist can be heard from the early cuts by Village Fam, a local hip-hop group, through his second solo offering, “As Above, So Below,” released in 2014. Now he’s focusing on singles and creating professional quality videos for YouTube. When asked if this was an artistic move or a commercial one, he answered quickly. “Everything is singles now. People don’t buy whole albums, they just want to put the track on their playlist. So, there’s an industry game to play. And I know how to do it; in a way it is simpler. I know how to write hooks. My beats may sound gansta [referring to a particular subgenre of rap] and like we’re having a party, but the lyrics reflect my consciousness. I’m giving you something that’s real. But also something that’s hot,” he said, smiling. Walker was on his way to New York City for a month, but envisioned returning to Yellow Springs soon. “I’m gonna go soak it up like I do whenever I’m in New York.” He paused. “For a while, that is, and then I come back home. I love it in Yellow Springs. I grew up here, and I can think here,” he said. In the summer of 2018, Issa Ali performed with legendary rapper Taleb Kweli at a concert at Antioch College. 1

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Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

Stark Folk Band — y  Rock with a consciousness  y By


Bachman If you’re wondering where rock ’n’ roll went, you’re not alone. Bands today angle for ears in a cacophonous music scene by staking out niche genres — from shoegaze to darkwave — while the music itself has gotten more gloomy. Local four-piece Stark Folk Band, however, is unapologetically rock ’n’ roll and definitively high energy. Tending the flame of 1960s psychrock, while tapping deeper roots of blues, folk and country, Stark Folk Band plays upbeat — and uplifting — rock ’n’ roll tunes for the indie rock-weary. It’s rock the way it’s meant to be — loud and liberating. “Rock ’n’ roll is supposed to be fun. It’s not supposed to be a drag,” said lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist Brady Burkett. A decade-plus-long project of Burkett and three other area musicians, Stark Folk Band is on the cusp of its third full-length release, due out in early 2019. Stark Folk is a garage band with a doit-yourself ethic and rebellion from the status quo. But the group also casts its music as “rock with a consciousness,” in the words of Burkett, who is working on a Ph.D. in media psychology. “With my lyrics I try to deliver a sense of empowerment and liberation,” Burkett said. “It’s aimed at inspiring people.” The name Stark Folk stands for two important elements of the project — stark for its revealed, transparent and raw nature and folk since it is music made by people for people. Filling out the sound are electrical engineer and yoga teacher Jeremy Malchow, who lives just outside of the village, on drums, and Dave Jurcsisn of Huber Heights on bass. Shaffer, a local videographer and production worker at Yellow Springs Brewery, sees the project as about “creating a fun experience,” in contrast to much indie music today, where bands on stage eschew audience interaction. As for the new album, “When Odysseus Wept,” it is the band’s most ambitious one yet, according to Shaffer. Home produced and engineered, it’s fitting that the album is named after an epic Greek poem. “For me it combines all of the elements of music and albums that we love — epic 1970s arena rock, psychedelic concept records, blues-rock, folk, early punk,” Shaffer said. “It’s fairly ambitious to create that epic-ness within a pretty lo-fi production setting.” The album’s theme is transformation, Burkett explained, and “all of the triumphs and pitfalls that often accompany personal growth.” “It’s about finding one’s voice amidst a barrage of other voices. Who am I? What do I think?” Stark Folk Band already has two full-length LPs: 2010’s “Well Oiled” and 2008’s self-titled “Stark Folk Band,” both through Old3C Records in Columbus, in addition to a seven-inch vinyl release

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• ph o t o by M AT T HEW C OLLIN S Brady Burkett wailed during the Stark Folk Band’s performance at Yellow Springs Brewery in October 2018 during the Porchfest music festival. In the background are guitarist Ryan Shaffer and bassist Dave Jurcsisn. Not visible is drummer Jeremy Malchow.

The band’s third LP, “When Odysseus Wept,” is due out in early 2019.

through Toxic Beauty Records in 2014. Burkett and Shaffer have been music collaborators for more than 20 years, previously delving into experimental rock music together as A Landscape Yesterday. After moving to the Yellow Springs area in the mid-2000s, the duo recorded Stark Folk records in the Union School House, in a barnturned-studio set between woods and a cornfield off of Old Mill Road and at MillWorks’ Studio Z. Above all, Stark Folk is not trying to reinvent the wheel in rock music. Instead, Stark Folk wants to use the medium of rock as it was intended — as a way to challenge authority and an act of creative expression. “It’s a way of tapping into yourself,” Burkett said. “It is a spiritual experience.” 1

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Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N e w s

From the A chives : May 26,2011— y  Wheels' homegrown sound y By


Bachman Listening to local band Wheels — the poetry of their lyrics, the crispness of their music and sweetness of their harmonies — the listener may not believe that this group of teenagers have played their instruments for just a few years. Now the quintessential homegrown four-piece band, delivering jaunty folk music with bluegrass roots, but with pop harmonies (think Bill Monroe meets the Beatles) has a full-length album to its name and a growing reputation — all in a little over a year. With their debut album, "Fields on Fire," Wheels hopes to take its act to the next level — to play more shows, write more songs and get recognized by national acts, including their musical heroes and principal influence, the Avett Brothers. Not too bad for Yellow Springs teens Sam Salazar and Sam Crawford, both 14, and Rory Papania and Jamie Scott, both 16, who began as a street act busking for spare change. “Wheels is a serious treasure of Yellow Springs,” said Tim Berger of Exceptional Sounds, sound engineer and co-producer of "Fields on Fire." “What a brilliant collaboration of four people,” and not just

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• S u b m i tt e d Ph o t o by S ava n a h A m o s From left, local teens Sam Crawford, Rory Papania, Jamie Scott and Sam Salazar were Wheels, a homegrown band with pop and bluegrass sensibilities. The band was active in the early 2010s. for their age, he added. In their live shows, Wheels adds a dynamism to traditionals like “I’ll Fly Away” and “Angel Band” and covers of John Prine, Gillian Welch and The Band while impressing with daring originals about lost love, friends in trouble and childhood. “People said we were Americana or folk, which we didn’t like,” Salazar said. So the group takes folk and bluegrass tunes and “wheels them up,” adding their sweet harmonies and a funky groove to make it danceable. What became Wheels was seeded in the summer of 2009 when Salazar and Papania — having just returned from Friends Music Camp, where they met — started picking a ukulele and guitar together in front of Tom’s Market. They would lay down a black Bob Dylan songbook in front of them and jam for six-hour stretches. A few months later, Scott, wanting to get in on the fun, picked up a harmonica and joined in. The threesome’s light, cheery sound and beautiful three-part harmonies went from precious to powerful when Scott began mixing in hand drums and upright bassist Crawford was added to the lineup at the end of last year. The album features eight original songs by Salazar, Papania and Scott, all singers and songwriters who take turns as the lead vocalist. Salazar’s vocals have a rock edge, Scott’s a sweet tenor and Papania’s a soulful depth. Together, they blend beautifully. “I thought some of their harmonies were as stellar as Crosby, Stills and Nash,” Berger said. Papania is the band’s principal guitarist and most experienced musician, having played the guitar for just over three years,

while Salazar chimes in with bouncy flourishes on the mandolin and ukulele, instruments he’s played for just a year and a half. “Sam is just a genius, a child prodigy,” Papania said. To his bandmates, Salazar is the Bob Dylan of the group — a poet and natural performer. Scott is the band’s Frank Sinatra, with a jazzy vocal style and passion to spare, while Papania’s style resembles fellow guitarist George Harrison and Sam Crawford is the “Thelonious Monk of the stand-up bass,” band members said. Preferring an acoustic and live sound, Wheels recorded "Fields on Fire" with live takes, not separate tracks, and didn’t wear headphones. “Playing live, there is so much more energy and a much more intimate connection between us,” Salazar said. Wheels quickly graduated from street corners to open mic nights at Peach’s and Brother Bear’s to paid gigs at area bars and concert venues and eventually to festivals around the state and region. They even played at a 600-person show at the historic Newport Music Hall in Columbus last New Year’s Eve as the opening act for Ekoostik Hookah. The future looks bright for Wheels, who hope to keep “rolling on,” as their band name implies. To Berger, Wheels’ music seems inspired by nature and by the town of Yellow Springs. It’s fitting that the band thanks the entire community in the album’s liner notes. “The sound comes from the community of Yellow Springs that they grew up in and are a part of,” he said. Wheels released their second album, "Big Feeling," in 2012 followed by their final album, which was self-titled, in 2013, after which they disbanded. 1

Y e l l o w S p r i n g s N e w s


Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

c ommuni c ations Antioch Review Cynthia Dunlevy, business office manager, P.O Box 148, 769-1365 e m a i l : cdunlevy@antiochcollege.edu W e b : review.antiochcollege.edu C o n ta c t:

In 1940, times were turbulent. Faced with a world in turmoil and fascism on the march, a small group of Antioch College faculty met to discuss the founding of a review. In 1941, they launched the Antioch Review, a quarterly publication. The Review’s first editorial began with: “It takes, perhaps, uncommon brashness to plunge into the intellectual struggle at a time which Max Lerner has so aptly described as that of ‘the breaking of nations.’ When values are everywhere toppling in the high winds of conflicting dogmas, there are those who would seek refuge in a quiet cloister or an ivory tower. Such an escape is not unattractive; it is impossible.” More than 75 years later, the Antioch Review remains a publication of critical and creative thought that prints award-winning fiction, essays and poetry from prominent and promising authors and poets. The Review, published by Antioch College and headquartered on the Antioch campus, is identified variously as a literary journal, a scholarly quarterly, and a little magazine, and has attracted an international readership who have an active interest in culture: the arts, politics and current affairs. Regardless of formal reputation, creative authors, poets and thinkers have found a friendly reception in the Review. Its authors are consistently included in Best American and Pushcart Prize anthologies. The Review was a finalist for the National Magazine Award in 2009 (Essays), 2010 (Fiction), 2011 (Essays & Criticism) and 2015 (Fiction). Subscriptions and single copies are available online at review.antiochcollege.edu, on Antioch’s campus (call first, 937-769-1365), or via mail order (P.O. Box 148). Single copies are also sold locally at Mills Park Hotel, Sam & Eddie’s Open Books, Tom’s Market and Town Drug.

WYSO Public Radio 767-6420 wyso@wyso.org www.wyso.org

C o n ta c t: email: Web:

WYSO Public Radio, 91.3 FM, is the most listened-to public radio station serving the Miami Valley. It was founded by Antioch College students in 1958 as a community radio station.

It is the area’s primary source for NPR programming, including “Morning Edition” and “All Things Considered.” Entertainment favorites include “Fresh Air,” “This American Life” and “Wait Wait … Don’t Tell Me.” WYSO features news programming from the BBC World Service for its overnight schedule. WYSO produces local news reports and features, the weekly magazine “WYSO Weekend” and many locally hosted music programs. WYSO is licensed to Antioch College, and broadcasts from the Antioch campus at 50,000 watts to a weekly audience of 70,000. WYSO depends on listener and business support for most of its operating budget. Businesses may contact the station to reach WYSO’s audience through under writing messages. Information on programs and memberships and audio streaming are available online at wyso.org.

Yellow Springs Community Access Council Chambers, John Bryan Community Center, 767-7803 e m a i l : communityaccess@gmail.com; office hours: 10 a.m.–noon each Saturday W e b : www.yso.com C o n ta c t:

Yellow Springs Community Access (YSCA) is a local cable television station available to Time Warner cable subscribers (Channel 5) and online. The station broadcasts meetings of Village Council, Planning Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, Miami Township Trustees, School Board and other organizations. Local groups and residents provide shows of interest to the community. Announcements of local events are aired between programs. Villagers and organizations are encouraged to submit photos, videos and announcements promoting local arts and culture. Station cameras and tripods are available on loan for residents who would like to record a community event or public meeting. Basic training is available with advance notice. The station is run by a part-time station manager.

activities in Yellow Springs and Miami Township, from coverage of the local governments and schools, to stories about interesting people who live here, to the many events that take place throughout the year. Published every Thursday, the News is read regularly by more than 80 percent of Yellow Springers. Over the years, the paper has consistently won state and national journalism awards for its reporting, editorial writing, advertising, design and community service. It has been named “Newspaper of the Year,” the top honor in its size group, for the past eight years at the annual conference of Ohio News Media Asssociation.

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Yellow Springs News P.O. Box 187, 253 Xenia Ave., 767-7373, fax: 767-2042 e m a i l : ysnews@ysnews.com W e b : www.ysnews.com C o n ta c t:

For more than 130 years, the Yellow Springs News has reflected the myriad


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Call or text Emily: 937.508.8734 Meghan: 937.673.2718

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Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N e w s


Tour of yellow p ri n g s s Musical


• 1 2 8 Dayt o n S T r e e t Mad River's debut gig at The Gulch

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• 1 0 0 c o r ry S T r e e t (at rear) First home of Greg and Nick Dewey

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By chris


A surprising number of rock ’n’ roll, blues, country, jazz and punk music stars lived in Yellow Springs before they found fame. Some grew up here, like members of Buffalo Springfield and Country Joe & the Fish. Some lived here while attending Antioch College, like members of ­Jefferson Airplane and They Might Be Giants. Drummer Cindy Blackman Santana grew up here before going on to play with Lenny Kravitz and Santana. “There’s a very creative energy here,” she said recently of Yellow Springs, while sitting on the Mills Park Hotel porch with her family. “There’s a feeling of freedom, a really open feeling. It adds to creativity and the ability to create art.” Use this guide, developed after much research, to follow the path of our music stars, from their former homes to the places they played, beginning in downtown Yellow Springs. Continued on page

38 %%%

Whit e Nort h Cent er Sout h • 2 41 X e n i a Av e . First home of Richie Furay

• 1 2 0 L i m e st o n e Street Former home of Jorma Kaukonen


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Y e l l o w S p r i n g s N e w s


Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

Wa ln ut ST re et

• 2 1 5 X e n i a Av e n u e Former site of The Glen Café, a then newly integrated lunch counter where Chuck Berry ate in 1958

Wa ln ut ST re et

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• 502 Livermore Street Former home of Brien Fisher




• 2 5 1 X e n i a Av e n u e Hootenannies with Ian Buchanan and Jorma Kaukonen

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• A n t i o c h c o l l e g e W e st Ha l l The Gits rehearsal space


Stre et

• 777 Xenia Av e n u e Former apartment of Ray Benson

• A n t i o c h c o l l e g e b ack l aw n Site of many outdoor concerts




Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N e w s

y  A traveling tour 1. Mad River

Home Decor & Gifts That Make Your Heart Happy! 138 Dayton St., YS | 937.416.7569 |


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Greene County Council on Aging Support for Greene County Seniors & Caregivers • Information and Assistance Seniors and caregivers can call/e-mail the Yellow Springs Senior Center or Council for information on senior/caregiving issues and services. The Council’s Directory of Services and Support is available at the Center. • Partners in Care (PIC) Program Designed to keep seniors (60+) in their own or family member’s home for as long as possible. Depending on need, in-home services are purchased from local agencies. Council staff works with the Yellow Springs Senior Center when assisting Yellow Springs seniors and families. • Caregiver Support Caregiver Resource Center – information and materials on a wide variety of topics to review, borrow & keep. Caregiver support groups, educational and wellness programs and respite care.

937-376-5486 or 1-888-795-8600/www.gccoa.org Programs provided by the Council on Aging are possible through a countywide senior services levy.

Mad River is one of the best rock bands Yellow Springs has yet produced. Founded here in 1966, its two 1968 and 1969 releases are classic acid rock albums. With a lineup of four Antioch students (Lawrence Hammond, Rick Bockner, David Robinson, and Tom Manning) and one local (Greg Dewey), Mad River moved to Berkeley, Calif. in March 1967. During the Summer of Love, centered in San Francisco, Mad River shared concert bills with now-legendary bands like Big Brother & the Holding Company, the Grateful Dead and Santana. Mad River’s performing career began in 1966 when the band played at the Majaga at 128 Dayton St., now The Gulch. The bar had a small balcony with a stage in the back above the pool tables. Hammond recently recalled, “the place was dark, and the tiny stage was in black light. We were ghosts.” A quarter century after Mad River broke up in 1969, Hammond had a radio hit when the Judds took his song “John Deere Tractor” to #29 on the Billboard country charts. Suggested listening: “Cherokee Queen” on their eclectic second album, “Paradise Bar & Grill.”

2. Greg Dewey

Born and raised in Yellow Springs, drummer Greg Dewey is best known for playing at Woodstock with Country Joe & the Fish in 1969. Prior to his year with that band, Dewey played with Mad River. With Dewey longhaired and shirtless, the 1970 Woodstock movie prominently featured Country Joe & the Fish. Because of their photogenic appeal, they appeared as musicians in three more films in 1970 and 1971: “Zachariah,” starring a young Don Johnson; “Gas-s-s-s;” and Charlton Heston’s “The Omega Man.” After Country Joe & the Fish, Dewey played and sang with many other bands. Most notable were 1970s major label bands Grootna and Bodacious D.F., as well as the seasonal Christmas Jug Band. Dewey’s earliest childhood home is now behind 100 Corry St., in the small multi-colored building that was moved from its original location on Marshall Street. Suggested listening: his new Greatest Hits album.

3. Nicholas Q. Dewey

Greg Dewey’s younger brother, songwriter Nicholas Q. “Nick” Dewey, left, wrote the 1978 Jefferson Starship hit “Runaway.” The song went to #12 on the Billboard charts and still plays on the radio. Born and raised in Yellow Springs, he began life in the same small multi-colored building as his brother.

Suggested listening: Jefferson Starship “Runaway.”

4. Chuck Berry

Though Chuck Berry never lived in town, he did eat lunch here once in 1958. At the time, his now-classic rock ’n’ roll song “Johnny B. Goode” had just been released. “Noted entertainers, Alan Freed’s ‘The Big Beat,’ stopped for lunch in Yellow Springs recently en route to an engagement at the Cincinnati Gardens. One bus load ate lunch at the Glen Café and the other at the 68 Grill,” reads a May 1, 1958, Yellow Springs News article. Taken alone, commemorating where a famous man ate lunch 60 years ago is trivial. In context of the area’s dark history of racial segregation, though, it is educational. The restaurant where Berry ate, the Glen Café at 215 Xenia Ave. (now the Winds), notoriously refused to serve black customers well into the 1950s. Thankfully, ownership changed not long before Berry stopped here. The new ownership served all, regardless of race, including Berry, a true musical superstar. Suggested listening: Chuck Berry, “Johnny B. Goode.”

5. Richie Furay

Born and raised in Yellow Springs, Richie Furay sang and played guitar in the 1960s Los Angeles rock band Buffalo Springfield. Also featuring future superstars Neil Young and Stephen Stills, Buffalo Springfield had one big hit in 1967, “For What It’s Worth.” Furay went on to co-found 1970s country rock band Poco. According to his 2006 memoir Pickin’ Up the Pieces, Furay discovered his true calling in the early 1980s when he became a Christian minister. As a boy, Yellow Springs “looked very much like Mayberry, but it was quite a progressive community,” wrote Furay in his memoir. His first lived in an apartment on the second floor of 241 Xenia Ave. Furay’s Gift Shop, his parents’ business, stood next door in what is now Unfinished Creations. Suggested listening: Buffalo Springfield, “For What It’s Worth.”

6. Ian Buchanan

Old Yellow Springers still reminisce about the Village Bakery, which occupied the current Dunphy Realty building at 251 Xenia Ave. Around midnight, crowds used to gather for its fresh donuts. In the early 1960s, as detailed in Jorma Kaukonen’s new memoirs Been So Long, the bakery also housed all-night folk music hootenannies, starring both Kaukonen and his musical mentor, Ian Buchanan. Buchanan fingerpicked country blues on the guitar, a rare music at the time. Before his 1982 death, Buchanan only performed

Y e l l o w S p r i n g s N e w s


Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

of musical paths through the village y on two albums. Suggested listening: “Winding Boy,” from the 1964 “Blues Project” compilation album.

7. Jorma Kaukonen

In 1967, two Jefferson Airplane hits particularly captured the feeling of the Summer of Love: “Someone to Love” and “White Rabbit.” Pioneering acid rock, both prominently featured their lead guitarist, Jorma Kaukonen. From 1959 to 1961, Kaukonen lived in Yellow Springs as an Antioch College student. According to Antioch College housing records, in 1961, he lived on the second floor of what is now Morgan House at 120 West Limestone St. Ian Buchanan lived on the third floor. “This would prove to be a pivotal point in my life,” wrote Kaukonen in a recent email. “Our house was filled with string music at all times,” he wrote in his new memoirs of his time at Morgan. In the 1970s, Kaukonen started bluesrock band Hot Tuna. In recent decades, he founded the Fur Peace Ranch in southeast Ohio, offering star-studded music instruction. Suggested listening: Jefferson Airplane, “Somebody to Love,” with special attention to Kaukonen’s psychedelic guitar solo at 2:25.

8. Brien Fisher

Country music producer Brien Fisher is responsible for more hits than any other former Yellow Springer. Beginning in 1978 with the Kendalls “Heaven’s Just a Sin Away,” Fisher produced about 20 Top Ten country hits. In the 1950s, Fisher lived at 502 Livermore St., now the Dharma Center. See page 68 for Fisher’s story. Suggested listening: Betty Foley, “Old Moon,” co-written by Brien Fisher.

9. John Flansburgh

They Might Be Giants may be best known for their 1990 #3 hit “Birdhouse in Your Soul.” In the decades since, they’ve released about 20 records, including three gold children’s records; won two Grammy Awards; provided music for TV commercials; and scored the SpongeBob SquarePants Broadway musical. One of the two founders, John Flansburgh, lived in Yellow Springs in 1979–1980 as an Antioch College student. While living here, he started his first band, Black Out, Flansburgh told Wakka Ciccone in a 2002 Antioch Record interview. “My very first stage experience was at the [Antioch] Cafeteria. I was wearing pajamas and singing. I had never done anything like that before.” According to Antioch housing records, he lived in the now-demolished Presidents dormitory, on the southwest corner of Livermore Avenue and E. North College Street.

Suggested listening: They Might Be Giants “Birdhouse in Your Soul.”

10. The Gits

Banding together as The Sniveling Rat-faced Gits at Antioch College in 1986, Mia Zapata, Joe Spleen (Andy Kessler), Matt Dresdner, and Steve Moriarty embraced the punk rock ethos of that era: loud and fast rock music, mixed with an independent do-it-yourself attitude. Besides good riffs, their ace-in-the-hole was the powerful and soulful voice of their lead singer, Mia Zapata. Relocating from Yellow Springs to Seattle in 1989 just as the grunge music scene began, the Gits — their shortened name — toured up and down the West Coast from San Diego to Vancouver and back, as well as Europe. Along the way, they shared bills with future superstars Nirvana, Sublime and Green Day. While recording their second album in 1993, the unspeakable happened: Zapata’s murder in downtown Seattle. Since then, the three surviving Gits have periodically reunited, including an album and tour with Joan Jett. While at Antioch, the Gits practiced at Antioch’s West Hall at 114 E. North ­College St. “It was abandoned and unused while we were there, which is why we were more or less allowed to practice in one of the rooms,” recalled Gits guitarist Joe Spleen recently. Suggested listening: the Gits “Whirlwind.”

11. Ray Benson

In 1975, “The Letter that Johnny Walker Read,” by Asleep at the Wheel, hit #10 on the country charts. Co-written and sung by the band’s leader Ray Benson, it’s a story song about a drunk man mourning the loss of his family. In the decades since, Benson has been the band’s only constant. Releasing more than 20 albums, Asleep at the Wheel has won nine Grammy Awards. Then known by his birth name Ray Seifert, Benson lived in Yellow Springs as an Antioch student in 1969–1970. In 1970, according to Antioch housing records, he lived in the apartment building at 777 Xenia Ave. Suggested listening: Asleep at the Wheel, “The Letter that Johnny Walker Read”

12. John Hammond

Since 1963, blues singer and guitarist John Hammond, son of legendary record producer John H. Hammond, has released over 30 albums and received multiple Grammy nominations. Well known to blues cognoscenti, Hammond lived here as an Antioch College student in 1960–1961. “John Hammond was a year behind me although we both lived in South Hall,” wrote Jorma Kaukonen in a recent email. Con-

firmed by Antioch student housing records, Hammond lived on the fourth floor, while Kaukonen lived on the second floor. Suggested listening: “Fannin Street,” from his 2001 album of Tom Waits covers, Wicked Grin.

13. Medicine Ball Caravan

In 1971, the Medicine Ball Caravan movie played in theaters across the country. Documenting a caravan of traveling rock festivals, one of the concerts occurred in Yellow Springs on Aug. 21, 1970. On the Main Lawn east of Antioch’s Main Building, Van Morrison and Charles Wright & the Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band performed. Local artist Robert Paschell attended and recently recalled that Wavy Gravy’s Hog Farm served mescaline popsicles there, though he did not partake. “I did jump in a bowl of red Jell-O that was in the Plexiglas turret of a B-24 bomber,” he said. Neither Morrison nor Wright made the movie’s final cut. The only Yellow Springs scene in the movie shows a tedious fight between a defensive Caravan member and the duo of Tom Forcade, later to found High Times magazine, and musician David Peel. ­Pictured is Sal Valentino of Stone Ground. Suggested listening: Charles Wright & the Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band, “Express Yourself.”

14. The Pyramids

It was during an Antioch Education Abroad year spent in Europe and Africa in 1972–73 that Chicago-born saxophone player Idris Ackamoor founded an Afrofuturist jazz ensemble called The Pyramids with fellow Antioch College students Margaux Simmons and Kimathi Asante. When they returned to campus, the three studied with legendary avant-garde pianist Cecil Taylor, playing in his Black Music Ensemble. Another student, Bradie Speller, joined The Pyramids and they recorded two albums in Yellow Springs, “Lalibela” (1973), and “King of Kings” (1974), then headed to the Bay Area, where they released their seminal “Birth / Speed / Merging” in 1976 before disbanding. In 2007, the group reunited for a European tour and in 2011, got back into the studio. The Pyramids, whose music is described as “deeply spiritual, afro-psychedelic music,” released its most recent album, “An Angel Fell,” in 2018. Suggested listening: “Message to my People,” from their latest album, “An Angel Fell,” by Idris Ackamoor and The Pyramids.

15. Cindy Blackman Santana

Though a trained jazz drummer, Blackman Santana,who is married to music icon Carlos Santana, is best known for playing with Lenny Kravitz and Santana. Born in Yellow Springs in 1959, she lived here until age 11 in 1970.


“I’m very proud to be from here,” she said in a recent interview. Yellow Springs “made a big impression on me as a kid.” From an old Yellow Springs family with local roots back to the 1800s, music runs on both sides of Blackman Santana’s family. For her, though, it all began in her childhood home at 634 Keystone Court, a geographic outlier to our tour. Suggested listening: “I Remember,” her own composition, on the 2017 SantanaIsley Brothers album, Power of Peace.

16. John Batdorf

Towards the end of the 2017 movie “Guardians of the Galaxy, Volume Two,” the hero Quill relaxes in his spaceship with his feet up, snacking. Just as he’s drawn into intergalactic battle, Silver’s 1976 hit “Wham Bang Shang-a-Lang” plays. Singing lead on the song is John Batdorf (at left). Born and raised here until age six in 1958, Batdorf first charted in the early 1970s with the duo Batdorf & Rodney. In later years, he’s composed and recorded for TV and film, while also releasing his own records. Though he moved from Yellow Springs after kindergarten, his family has deep Yellow Springs roots. “My grandparents owned KBS Hardware” on Dayton Street, where Design Sleep now stands, he explained in a recent interview. His childhood home stands at 139 Cemetery St., another geographic outlier to this tour. Suggested listening: “Oh, Can You Tell Me,” on Batdorf & Rodney’s self-titled album. 1



Search Spotify for “Yellow Springs Rock Tour” to find a playlist created for this tour, featuring most of the suggested listening. While you’re there, check out the “Yellow Springs” playlist, comprised of songs from other bands featured in this supplement.




Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N e w s

y  musical matriarchs of the village  y By


Bev logan $Pianist and piano teacher;


taught in the music department at Antioch College; recently known for vocal training and establishing several local singing groups; developed and established Community Experience Program at YSHS

“To plant trees under whose shade you do not expect to sit,” is true meaning of life, farmer Nelson Henderson once wrote. For a group of longtime Yellow Springs music teachers, who have passed their musical talents onto the next generation, it is the song they do not expect to hear. These women have been devoted teachers, talented performers and pioneering founders of ensembles, camps and nonprofits. They taught, mentored and inspired generations of villagers, many of whom have gone on to become professional musicians. And while many have died, the music lives on.

ruth bent %

Conducted all Gilbert and Sullivan musicals for Center Stage productions; longtime director of the Community Chorus, and a chamber (or larger) orchestra for many performances.

Ava English

Seated at the piano; was an influential local piano teacher. She played in the semi-professional English Trio, pictured here, with Mary Schumacher on violin and Shirley Mullins on cello. She died in 1995.

Mary Schumacher $Violin and viola teacher and viloinist

with the well known English Trio. She and Shirley Mullins established the orchestra program in the Yellow Springs schools. Taught Wendy Champney and Anne Harris (see pages 44–45). Son Carl Schumacher is a local musician.

Peg Champney %

Violinist and violist and teacher; co­‑founded the influential Friends Music Camp with Jean Putnam in the early ’80s. Daugther Wendy is a professional violist; granddaughter Chiara is a professional cellist. (See page 47)

Jean Putnam $Pianist, organist, arranger and piano

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and voice teacher to hundreds of students in her home. She founded a musical fraternity in Dayton, co-founded Friends Music Camp and established an 8-handed piano group wih pianist Ava English. She died in 2016.

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767-7642 • P.O. Box 242, Yellow Springs www.antiochschool.org • nathan@antiochschool.org

Pat Olds %

Established the Early Music Group of Yellow Springs, in 1979, where she taught and performed with others on period instruments such as viols, recorders and crumhorns. She died in 2012

Y e l l o w S p r i n g s N e w s



Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

spiritual c ommunity Bahá’í Faith Roi and Linden Qualls, 767-7079 e m a i l : ysbahai@gmail.com W e b : www.ohiobahai.org C o n ta c t:

In the words of Bahá’u’lláh, the founder of the Bahá’í faith, “It is not for him to pride himself who loveth his own country, but rather for him who loveth the whole world.” Bahá’u’lláh taught that there is one God who progressively reveals his will to humanity. Each of the great religions initiated by one of God’s divine messengers — Moses, Zoroaster, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad — represents a successive stage in the spiritual development of humankind. All religions are seen as one in spirit because, essentially, they share a common aim and origin. Bahá’ís regard Bahá’u’lláh as the most recent of these messengers, whose teachings address the ethical, social and spiritual challenges of the modern world. For more than a century, Bahá’í communities around the globe have worked to dissolve prejudices based on nationality, class, race, religion and gender. They have collaborated with other like-minded organizations to promote social justice, world peace and love for all mankind. As a countermeasure to the many negative forces at play in today’s world, Bahá’ís have engaged in a global effort to learn about how to raise capacity at the neighborhood and local level for communities to take charge of their spiritual, material and social development. These efforts seek to weave educational and spiritual practices together in ways that contribute to the advancement of all. In Yellow Springs, the Bahá’í Community suppor ts children’s classes for moral education, junior youth spiritual empowerment programs, devotional programs focused on individual and community transformation and study classes to learn how to continually advance and refine these core activities. All these activities, including holy day celebrations, are open to the public. The Bahá’í Center in Yellow Springs is located at 502 Dayton St.

Bethel Lutheran Church Pastor Larry Bannick, 2731 W. Jasckson Road, 323-2471

C o n ta c t:

Bethel Lutheran Church was founded in 1844 by Ezra Keller, who was also a

co-founder of Wittenberg University. This ELCA church has developed from its traditional country heritage to serve a diverse congregation. It is a small, family-oriented church in which every member or visitor is valued. The Rev. Larry Bannick became the pastor in January of 2006. Sunday School for children and adults is held at 9:30 a.m. and church services are held at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays. The Kay Glaesner Community Center was completed by church and community members in 2006 and is available to rent for receptions and other events. The center has full kitchen facilities and accommodates up to 90 people. For rental information, contact Lois Pelekoudas at 937-284-0287.

Central Chapel A.M.E. Church Rev. Dwight E. Smith, M. Div, M.B.A., pastor; 411 S. High St., Church office, 767-3061 e m a i l : TheChapelOne@aol.com C o n ta c t:

Central Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church was established in 1866 in the Old Central School House on State Route 370. The church relocated to the corner of High and Davis streets in 1896. Members now worship in the second sanctuary built at that location. In order to better serve the congregation and community, an addition, the Education and Family Life Center, was built in 1998. The church has and will continue to address the spiritual, civil rights, physical and educational needs of all persons in Yellow Springs and beyond. The A.M.E. motto is “God our Father, Christ our Redeemer, The Holy Spirit our Comforter, Humankind our Family.” Church Sunday School is held at 9:30 a.m. and Sunday Morning Worship begins at 11 a.m.

First Presbyterian Church of Yellow Springs 314 Xenia Ave. Office hours: 9 a.m.–noon, Monday–Friday. Church office, 767-7751. e m a i l : firpys@gmail.com W e b : www.facebook.com/FPCYS C o n ta c t:

The First Presbyterian Church was organized in Yellow Springs in 1855. Its presence in the community has been a very visible one, and the new addition built in 1958 was dedicated for ministry oriented toward the community. A strong musical emphasis has brought excellence and diversity to its own musical program, as well as making the church a center for community music programs. It also offers space for meetings by many community groups as a part of its ministry, including Alcoholics Anonymous, Boy Scouts, Monday Morning Artists, Chamber Music in Yellow Springs, Montessori School, Dayton Mandolin Orchestra, support groups, social justice and peacemaking and dance and movement classes. The church offers diverse styles of worship on Sundays at 10:30 a.m., Sunday school for children and youth and both adult and children’s choirs. The church is an inclusive community of God’s people continuing Christ’s ministry of justice, mercy and love in the world.

Continued on page

First Baptist Church William E. Randolph Jr., pastor, 600 Dayton St.; Church office, 767-7659 or 767-7623

C o n ta c t:

The First Baptist Church was originally called Zion Baptist Church when it was founded in May 1863. According to its records, it was formed to meet the needs of freed slaves. In 1876, members were able to purchase the new former First



Baptist Church located on Xenia Avenue. After 134 years at the Xenia Avenue site, members held a final ser vice on Aug. 17, 1997, and departed to the new location on 600 Dayton Street. On March 25, 2006, the church achieved the extraordinar y by celebrating the mortgage burning for the new building. Besides many groups and events ser ving its members, the church is noted for annual community events, the most noteworthy of which is the annual Calendar Tea, which has taken place for more than 55 years. The church also has an AWANA Program held each Thursday evening at 6:30 p.m. AWANA is a Bible-based club for youth, kindergarten through seventh grades. AWANA combines fun, physical activity, Bible memorization and the basis of a relationship with God. In 2012, Pastor William E. Randolph Jr. was selected by the church body to serve as its pastor. Pastor Randolph delivered his first sermon on Oct. 7, 2012, and was officially installed on Nov. 11. Sunday worship service is held at 10:45 a.m. and Sunday school for adults and children meets at 9:15 a.m. Bible study is held each Wednesday at noon, with prayer and Bible study also held at 7 p.m. on Wednesday evenings. The church prescribes for itself a core belief in the love of all mankind generated by the love of God, and is a caring community of Christians who desire to be in the community, seeking to transform the community for the glory of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.

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Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

Serving bike enthusiasts in Yellow Springs & the Miami Valley since 1987

$ $ $ Continued from page 41 Grandmother Drum Healing Circle Grandmother Peggy, 767-9331; Grandmother Abby, 767-1170

767-9330 110 Dayton St. www.vcbikes.com vilcyclery@woh.rr.com

Tues.–Sat. 10 am–6 pm Sun. noon–5 pm | Closed Monday

The Grandmother Drum Healing Circle holds monthly gatherings on the Saturday nearest the full moon, from 7 to 9 p.m., at Rockford Chapel on the Antioch College campus. The group draws from indigenous spiritual practices that recognize and honor the wisdom of female elders, the healing power of the drum and the importance of our connection to the earth. The group aims to build community and support one another. Each gathering begins with a silent meditation, followed by a fire ceremony and drumming. Colored cloths represent the four directions, and these colors swirl together to form pastels that flow out in all directions with a voice for peace. The circle is open to everyone to honor the sacredness of the full moon. Following drumming, participants share finger foods and conversations.

Heart Rhythm Meditation Denise Runyon and Tom Malcolm, 937-623-2047 e m a i l : darun@sbcglobal.net W e b : friendsoftheheartcenter.com C o n ta c t:

Looking for insight, strength and hope, healing and guidance? We find it in the heart, an inner source that

The Village Mediation Program of Yellow Springs is dedicated to providing peaceful and productive methods for addressing conflict to Village and Township residents for free. Mediation is a place for... Addressing conflict Productive conversation Making decisions Gaining clarity Saying what you need to say Working things out

Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N e w s

spiritual c ommunity

C o n ta c t:

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Many people use mediation... Neighbors Landlords & Tenants Separated parents Family members Young people Co-workers

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is typically unnoticed or guarded. Our hearts are so much more than we know. Heart Rhythm Meditation offers the tools needed to experience a Change of Heart. Our goal is heart consciousness in which we reach an integration of self that includes the body, mind, heart and soul. In doing so, we see ourselves, each other and the world differently and creatively. The HRM method of using the breath and heartbeat in rhythm together is based on long-standing mystical teachings and supported by scientific research. It is an applied, engaged method of meditation that yields improved health, relationships, purpose and spiritual life. We learn to live from the heart. Heart Rhythm Meditation is universal. All hearts are welcome. Denise Runyon and Tom Malcolm lead a guided Heart Rhythm Meditation weekly on Tuesdays, 7–8 p.m., at the House of AUM, located at 125 S. Walnut St. Donations requested, or pay by sliding fee scale of $5–$15. Denise and Tom are graduates of the Institute for Applied Meditation, iamheart. org, an international nonprofit organization dedicated to building the culture of the heart.

Pleasant Grove Missionary Church Deacons Art Enyart, Steve Schlabach, 491 W. Hyde Road, Church office, 767-8011 e m a i l : pleasantgrovemc@gmail.com W e b : www.pleasantgroveMC.org; www.facebook.com/pleasantgrovemc C o n ta c t:

The Missionary Church is an Evangelical denomination, committed to church planting

Unfinished Creations Custom Jewelry & Repair Art & Office Supplies Precious & Semiprecious Stones 243 Xenia Ave. 767-7173 M–F 10:00–5:30 Sat 10:00–5:00

and world missions. The Pleasant Grove Missionary Church has been a part of this community since 1945. A warm welcome awaits visitors by the people of this country church. Adult Bible Fellowship, Elective Class and Sunday School classes for children are held on Sundays at 9:30 a.m.; worship service for adults and children’s church are held at 10:45 a.m. Sundays; a nursery is available for all Sunday morning services. Sunday evening service is held at 6 p.m. and includes worship, training, music and ministry opportunities.

St. Paul Catholic Church 308 Phillips St., 767-7450, fax 767-7465 e m a i l : office@stpaulchurchyso.org W e b : www.stpaulchurchyso.org C o n ta c t:

The cornerstone of the first St. Paul Catholic Church was laid in 1856 on a lot at the corner of West North College and High streets. In 1908 the current church at the corner of Phillips and Elm streets was dedicated in a building that once housed the First Christian Church. St. Paul has 300 registered family units on its roster. It offers the Parish School of Religion for Pre-K through 12th-grade students, Youth Ministry and Adult Faith Formation throughout the school year. The parish praises God in word, song and Eucharist in its masses on Sundays at 11:15 a.m. The parish has an outreach to various groups and people in the area. It rejoices in the richness of the Roman Catholic tradition and in the diversity of a worshipping community drawn from the variety of Yellow Springs and its environs.

The Body Gathering www.thebodygathering.org; www.facebook.com/TheBodyGathering


People ask what kind of church we are, and it’s simple: We are a “relational” church. We strive to show that we care, and want to give back in any way possible as a church. Jesus is our focus, and His word is our guide as we go through our daily lives. If you are wondering what you should wear when you come check us out, we want you to simply be you. This is not about religion — it’s about a relationship with Jesus. The longer we walk with Him, the more He will work in our hearts and transform our lives. We look forward to seeing you this Sunday at 11 a.m. at the Body Gathering, located in the Foundry Theater at Antioch College, located at 920 Corry St.

Pleasant Grove Missionary Church 491 W. Hyde Rd., Yellow Springs

Schedule of Services Sunday School 9:30 am Morning Worship 10:45 am Sunday Evening 6:00 pm

767- 8011 • www.pleasantgrovemc.org

Y e l l o w S p r i n g s N e w s



Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

spiritual c ommunity Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Yellow Springs 372-5613, 767-1603 www.uuf-ys.org, www.uua.org

C o n ta c t: Web:

Unitarian Universalists value a free search for truth, the importance of reason and the right of conscience, drawing inspiration from science, history and all world religions. Unitarian Universalists believe that spiritual wisdom is ever-changing, and seek to act as a moral force in the world, putting faith into action through social justice work in the community and the wider world. Unitarian Universalists are united by seven principles: • The inherent worth and dignity of every person. • Justice, equity and compassion in human relations. • Acceptance of one another and encouragement for spiritual growth. • A free and responsible search for truth and meaning. • The right of conscience and the democratic process. • Peace, liberty and justice for all. • Respect for the interdependent web of life. Individuals of all races, ethnic origins, religious philosophies, life styles, abilities and gender orientations are welcome at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Yellow Springs. The fellowship is located two miles south of Yellow Springs at 2884 U.S. 68 in Goes Station. Services are held at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays yearround, with religious education for children and youth and childcare for babies and toddlers. The building is wheelchair accessible. All are invited to explore the UUFYS website, visit the fellowship and discover the inclusive community of Unitarian Universalism.

Yellow Springs Christian Center Charles Bunton, 324 E. DaytonYellow Springs Road, 767-9133 e m a i l : yscc@ag.org C o n ta c t:

The assembly is a small family church where the special unique quality of each individual is cherished and nurtured. The body of believers is warm and supportive, with strong belief in the Bible as God’s manual for everyday living. Worship is informal and participatory. The Yellow Springs Assembly of God Christian Center began in 1975 as an independent fellowship, and in 1977 associated with the Assemblies of God Fellowship.

Yellow Springs Dharma Center 502 Livermore St., 767-9919 info@ysdharma.org www.ysdharma.org

C o n ta c t: email: Web:

The Yellow Springs Dharma Center is a Buddhist meditation center supporting practice in the traditions of Vipassana, Zen and Tibetan Buddhism. The center seeks to create an environment that supports the development of calm, compassion, and generosity; to encourage an awareness of one’s own thoughts; and to consider how one’s words and actions impact the world. To this

end, the center sponsors many activities at the big brown house on Livermore Street. Daily silent meditation is offered at 7 a.m. every Monday through Friday, and at 7 p.m. every evening except Saturday. Zen meditation is offered on Saturday, 7:30–9:30 a.m., and Vipassana meditation is offered on Sunday, 8–9:30 a.m. Vajrayana practice is held twice each month and is scheduled according to the Tibetan lunar calendar, so the Dharma Center’s website calendar should be consulted for practice dates. Those new to meditation and wanting to familiarize themselves with a beginning practice are invited to attend a brief orientation session held on the second and fourth Mondays of every month at 7:45 p.m. Additionally, six-week Basic Meditation Courses are offered throughout the year by senior practitioners at the Dharma Center. Halfday retreats at the center and residential retreats of up to one week duration are held at various times during the year as well. Several Book Discussion Groups are held each year on Thursday evenings. Schedules, titles and leader information are posted on our website. A lending library is available for community use, with the contents posted on our website. Visiting teachers from the three traditions frequently hold teachings and practice retreats. Visit www.ysdharma. org for additional information, changes and updates to the schedule, and follow the center on Facebook.

Yellow Springs Friends Meeting (Quakers) Rockford Chapel, 515 President St. on Antioch College campus, 937-232-4250 W e b : www.quakercloud.org/cloud/yellowsprings-friends-meeting C o n ta c t:

Members of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) meet each Sunday at Rockford Chapel on the Antioch College campus. Meetings for worship are held in silence at 8:30 and 11:15 a.m., with individuals delivering spoken ministry when led by the Spirit. Quakers recognize a measure of divine presence in every person, and their quiet worship times, called meetings, are intended to deepen devotion to this Spirit. Religious education is offered for children and adults Sundays from 10 to 10:50 a.m., September through May. An additional meeting for worship is held at Rockford Chapel each Wednesday from 7 to 8 a.m. The meeting sponsors a peace witness every Saturday at noon on the corner of Limestone Street and Xenia Avenue. Yellow Springs Friends have been active in peace and social concerns at local, national and international levels. In the 1970s, this body initiated formation of an extended-care facility in Yellow Springs now known as Friends Care Community; assisted living and independent living accommodations have been added.

Yellow Springs Havurah C o n ta c t:

Leonard Kramer, 767-2324

The Yellow Springs Havurah provides Jewish spiritual, religious, cultural, social and educational experiences. The Havurah holds Shabbat services on the first and third Saturdays of each month at 10 a.m., at Rockford Chapel on the Antioch College campus.

A schedule of Havurah activities, including High Holy Day Services, is posted at groups. yahoo.com/group/yellowspringshavurah

Yellow Springs United Methodist Church Rev. Rick Jones; Linda Shook, 202 S. Winter St., 767-7560 (church) e m a i l : pastor-ysumc@yellowsprings.com W e b : www.yellowspringsumc.com C o n ta c t:

The Yellow Springs United Methodist Church is a warm, friendly, communityoriented congregation. The membership is diverse and consists of professional, working class and farm people, theologically representing the entire spectrum of faith understandings, from conservative to progressive. The congregation is also racially and ethnically diverse. The force that holds the group together is love: the love of Christ and a love for humankind. The United Methodist Church has been a presence in the village since 1837. Its current building was completed in 1846, dedicated in 1850, and has experienced a number of additions and improvements over the years. Today, the church serves the community by providing space for local support groups and organizations, including the community Emergency Food Pantry and Home, Inc., a nonprofit housing corporation. Sunday worship is held at 10:30 a.m. yearround. Church school begins at 9:30 a.m., September through May. Bible studies and other programs sponsored by the church are always open to the community. The Yellow Springs United Methodist Church is a faith-based community where everyone is welcome.

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Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

Jail House Suites www.jailhousesuites.com Beautifully renovated historic jail house built in 1878. Just one “cell” block from downtown Yellow Springs. Available for overnight and extended stays.


Born or bred — y  local musicians find fame y By Megan

Bachman This supplement is too short to catalogue all the musical talent that has come from and through Yellow Springs. Here are a few troubadours and virtuosos who at one time called this place home.

111 N. Winter St., Yellow Springs, OH 45387

Roberta Alexander

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named Roberta Alexander, was a soprano who sang with the Dayton Philharmonic and her father was a choral conductor who led his own chorus, The Robert Alexander Chorale. In the mid-1950s, Dr. Walter Anderson, head of the Antioch College music department, asked Roberta Alexander’s mother to join the Antioch College faculty as an instructor of voice. The family moved to the village from nearby Wilberforce in 1967. Alexander made her opera debut in Yellow Springs at age 8 during a “Music Under the Stars” series of three operas. She was in a production of “Lost in the Stars” by Kurt Weill, which featured the Robert Alexander Chorale. Alexander went on to study music at nearby Central State University, the University of Michigan and the Royal Conservatory of The Hague. She became a leading soprano, debuting at the Netherlands Opera in 1975 and performing principal roles in opera houses around the globe for decades. She currently lives in Amsterdam.

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Internationally known opera singer Roberta Alexander moved to the Yellow Springs area in the 1950s as a child with her musician parents. Her mother, also

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Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N e w s

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Joy Blackett

A distinguished mezzo-soprano, Joy Blackett immigrated from Bermuda at the age of 14 and settled in Yellow Springs three years later. Already accepted by Oberlin Conservatory of Music in Ohio before her freshman year, Blackett toured her native country accompanied on piano by her mentor, Dr. Walter Anderson, concert pianist, composer, and chair of the music department at Antioch College. She went on to graduate from Juilliard and become a renowned vocal performer in concerts and operas, and a university professor. Blackett won the National Opera Award in Washington, D.C., and has performed with the Milwaukee Symphony, the Seattle Symphony, the Musica Aeterna Orchestra in New York, the Indianapolis Symphony, the Santa Fe Opera, the Seattle Opera and more. In 1989, The New York Times music critic Donal Henahan identified and listed Blackett, along with African-American singers Leontyne Price, Paul Robeson, Kathleen Battle, Dorothy Maynor, and Roland Hayes, “among the flood of splendid black singers who have contributed to the world of concert and opera as spiritual descendants of the legendary Marian Anderson.”

Wendy Champney

Wendy Champney is viola player with the Carmina Quartet, an internationally acclaimed string quartet based in Zurich, Switzerland, that has traveled the world since 1984. Champney grew up in the Vale playing music with her parents Peg and Ken Champney and took lessons from her neighbor, the violinist Mary Schumacher. Coming of age in the 1970s, she benefitted from the strong high school musician program led by cellist Shirley Mullins. She earned her music degree from Indiana University, where she met her husband and future musical collaborator, violinist Mattias Enderle. Champney continued on in graduate studies in viola performance in Zurich. It was there that she and Enderle formed the Carmina Quartet, which won its first major Borciani competition in Italy in 1987, and thereafter gained international prominence. They traveled the world performing, at their peak, upwards of 100 concerts in a one year. At the group's 25th anniversary concert, held as part of the Chamber Music in Yellow Springs series in 2008, they added a new member, the Enderle's daughter, Chiara, at cello. In addition to occasional tours, Champney is also an instructor of chamber music and viola.

Michael Fitzpatrick

Personal cellist to the XIVth Dalai Lama, Michael Fitzpatrick is an internationally known musician who uses his music to promote world peace through his “Tuning the Planet” platform. Currently based in Boulder, Colo., Fitzpatrick studied with Shirley Mullins at age 9 and with Mills Lawn music teacher Becky Brunsman in the early 1970s. More recently he received The Prince Charles Award for Outstanding Musicianship conferred by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales.

Y e l l o w S p r i n g s N e w s


Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

Born and bred — y  local musicians find fame y Anne Harris

The Chicago, Ill.-based roots and blues fiddle player and singer/songwriter Anne Harris grew up in Yellow Springs, the daughter of Olga and Bob Harris, who moved from Dayton to the village in the late 1960s. According to Harris, it was the diversity and open-mindedness of the community, along with its strongly emphasized arts and music, that influenced her as a young musician. Harris learned the “grace of ensemble playing” through youth orchestra director Shirley Mullins, studied violin with Mary Schumacher and learned musical theater and performance from Becky Brunsman. “This triumvirate of strong, inspiring women were absolutely critical in sparking, challenging, and supporting my emergent art and self expression,” Harris wrote in a recent email. After moving to Chicago in the ‘90s, Harris crafted her own unique style, drawing from influences as diverse as blues, folk, funk, rock, classical, Celtic and beyond. She has written and produced six independent records, in addition to touring and recording with famed blues musician Otis Taylor for nine years. Her most recent album, “Come Hither,” was released in 2015 and a new record of acoustic fiddle music will be released in early 2019. She also scored and is starring in a short indie film by acclaimed director Mark Schimmel called “The Musician,” which will be released in late 2018.

age 17, playing both piano and guitar. Later, Rabson found fame as a member of Saffire— The Uppity Blues Women. Rabson moved to Yellow Springs with her parents and brother in 1953 when her father got a job in the Antioch College math department. Rabson’s mother, Alice, worked as a researcher at the Fels Institute. Rabson attended the Antioch School and graduated from Bryan High School. During her distinguished career that took her around the globe, Rabson received multiple nominations for a W.C. Handy Award as Traditional Blues Female Artist of the Year. In 1998, her first solo album, “Music Makin’ Mama,” was nominated as Album of the Year in both the Traditional Blues and Acoustic Blues categories. Rabson died in 2013. She is pictured here performing at the 2009 AACW BluesFest.

summer of 2017 for his 50th class reunion and performed at the Little Art Theatre with the regionally based Corndrinkers, a five-member old-timey stringband. Wagner, who now lives in Minnesota, has won several awards including a Northern Lights Arts and Music Award, Minnesota Community Television Award and a British Gramophone Best Opera of the Year Award. His brother, Bodie Wagner, is also a successful folk performer, and played with the great folk singer and labor organizer, the late Utah Phillips. They are the sons of the late Paul and Betty Wagner.

J.J. Yates




Pop Wagner


A folk singer, fiddler and self-described “cowboy poet,” Pop Wagner has traveled the world since 1968 sharing his music and tall tales. He has appeared frequently on public Radio’s “A Prairie Home Companion.” Growing up in Yellow Springs, Wagner’s parents gave him his first guitar at age 14. He played folk, blues and rock with other locals and attended performances at Kelly Hall at Antioch College by Josh White, Dave Van Ronk and John Hammond. Wagner, a 1967 graduate of Yellow Springs High School, returned to the village in the

Drummer and sound technician J.J. Yates lived in Yellow Springs for 25 years. Yates played with several national acts, including Piney Brown, Branford Marsalis and Kool and the Gang, with whom he traveled around the world for 10 years. A graduate of Central State University with a music education degree, Yates directed the Paul Robeson Cultural and Performing Arts Center at Central State for 13 years. At Antioch College, he helped to install a recording studio and was frequently a sound technician at events at Kelly Hall. Yates also helped to organize and performed at the first African American Cross-Cultural Week in 1991. He currently lives in his hometown of Cincinnati. 1

Ann Rabson



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Born in New York City, well-known blues musician Ann Rabson grew up in Yellow Springs, where she discovered a love of blues and became a professional musician at


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Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

TheYellow Springs   TreeCommittee More than 30 Years Planting and Caring for the Urban Forest and Tribute Trees in Yellow Springs

Musical Spotlight— y  allen m c. cullough  y By



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Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N e w s

It was six years ago that Chamber Music Yellow Springs commissioned a string quartet composition by Yellow Springs native Dr. Allen McCullough. The homecoming was funded with a $10,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Arts and a $2,000 grant from the Ohio Arts Council. McCullough, currently a member of the music faculty at Purdue University, grew up in the village, graduating from Yellow Springs High School in 1996. He has written extensively for the piano, voice, chamber ensembles, choral forces and symphony orchestra, including a symphony in five movements, and a concerto for piano and orchestra. McCullough got his start at home on the piano under the tutelage of his mother, local piano teacher Sarah McCullough, who played piano for Community Chorus and helped to book ensembles for CMYS. His father, William McCullough, was also involved in community life, as a Greene County health commissioner. But McCullough’s music was nurtured by many others in the village, not the least of whom was high school music conductor Shirley Mullins, who taught him to play the cello. McCullough’s older brother, Prentice, played the cello under Mullins as well.

“My brother always joked that Yellow Springs was probably some kind of government experiment to create a community of the super talented people because of the way the arts are nurtured and valued here,” McCullough said. “This definitely is a special place,” he said. “As a kid you don’t realize it, you just play in the orchestras and you think surely this must happen everywhere. And you quickly find out that it doesn’t. Yellow Springs is unique.” McCullough’s sister, Helen Allen, is also a musician. A 1993 YSHS graduate she is a soprano with a doctorate in voice from Ohio State University. According to former

CMYS president Jeff Huntington, it’s marvelous but hardly surprising that a brother and sister duo from a tiny Ohio town both landed careers in the music profession, a field as difficult to master as it is to make a living from. But beyond their immediate family, Yellow Springs has launched dozens of others into musical careers, including many in the classical genre but also in jazz, rock and pop. Huntington, who has been part of the music community here for 40 years, recently came up with just shy of 100 people who either grew up here or worked in music in the village. 1

The Village of


IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS Police Emergency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 911 Police Non-Emergency & Utility Emergency . . . . 767-7206 General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .767-3402 ext . 0 Clerk of Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767-9126 Utility Billing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .767-7202 ext . 221 Public Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767-8649 Water & Wastewater Facility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767-7208 Parks & Recreation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767-7209 Gaunt Park Pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767-9172 Mayor’s Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767-3400 Village Mediation Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605-8754 Public Access TV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767-7803 Village Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767-1279 Economic Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767-1702 Zoning & Code Enforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767-1702 Bryan Center Room Scheduling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767-7209


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• S u b m i tt e d ph o t o c ou r t e sy o f m e r c e r u n i v e r s i ty In 2013, Chamber Music Yellow Springs commissioned a string quartet by Yellow Springs native Allen McCullough that was performed by the Aeolus Quartet. McCullough grew up in a local musical family, including his mother Sarah McCullough, a pianist and well-known piano teacher.

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Y e l l o w S p r i n g s N e w s


Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

y  Cello springs returns to village y By



simmons Like snowbirds of a sort, cello players from far and away descended on Yellow Springs in January 2018 for the second annual Cello Springs Festival. While the cellos didn’t respond especially well to the sub-zero-degree temperatures that came with the new year, their players said they were delighted to be back for the 11-day instrumental intensive. The festival, which features a range of public, semi-public and private events, was put together by a core trio of musicians with professional and familial ties to the village: Lisa Liske-Doorandish, a Virginia-based performer and teacher and a former longtime faculty member at Friends Music Camp; her eldest daughter, Miriam Liske-Doorandish, a recent graduate of Oberlin Conservatory of Music; and Chiara Enderle, a granddaughter of villager Peg Champney, who is pursuing a career in performance based out of Germany. Enderle’s parents, classical musicians as well, also taught at Friends Music Camp, or FMC, in the 1990s; and Miriam and Chiara met there as young children before becoming campers together when they were older. The nurturing, collaborative, noncompetitive spirit at FMC — which was co-founded by Champney and former villager, the late Jean Putnam — is an inspirational pillar of the festival, the three organizers agreed. “I give credit to Friends Music Camp, and Peg, and her vision of people making music together,” Lisa Liske-Doorandish said. In addition, daughter Miriam noted, the three organizers have “a lot of experiences of different kinds of festivals,” which also informed the organizational formula of Cello Springs. In addition to public performances, the gathering encourages the participating cellists to get together more informally in support and mentorship. “One of the most encouraging things is seeing that many of the same people” who participated the first year are coming back for the second, Miriam Liske-Doorandish said. That tells her that the festival is offering something worthwhile. While the core participants are professional musicians, the festival is for all cellists and cello lovers, the organizers said. And there will be chances for students and amateurs to play as well — in group settings and private lessons. Such an activity, and the festival itself, is possible in the village because Yellow

For the past two years villagers have been treated in January to Cello Springs, a multi-day festival of cello music held in public spaces and private homes. Organizers of the event, which includes both professional and amateur musicians, plan to bring the event back to the village in January 2019. Springs has a rich musical foundation and heritage, Lisa Liske-Doorandish said. “[Longtime local teacher and cellist] Shirley Mullins and others helped mentor worldclass musicians,” she said. Their example shows what a dedicated, ongoing local music program can accomplish. “Shirley Mullins and FMC. They’re the two pillars of this whole thing,” she said. The festival wouldn’t exist at all, however, without the hospitality and support of villagers who host and feed the visiting musicians. Jane Baker, who hosted cellists in her Phillips Street home for the last two years, said she values what Cello Springs brings to the community. “It’s unique,” especially for a community of this size, and “it’s inspirational.” As someone who studied cello, she said she particularly appreciates the festival’s inclusive outreach with local residents and students. All told, more than a dozen cellists came in for all or part of the festival. The final program included a French piece for 12 celli, “a cello explosion,” Miriam called it. 1



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937-372-9978 1920 US 68 North, at the junction of US 68 North and SR 235 We are a mixed animal practice offering traditional medical care to pets and farm animals. Acupuncture and chiropractic is available by Dr. Brett Ellis, chiropractic and sports medicine/surgical rehabilitation therapy is available by Dr. Deanna Clark. Jon H. Ellis, DVM, Brett F. Ellis, DVM, VSMT Jodi Moorman, DVM, Lacey Sharp, DVM, Jody Strong, DVM, Deanna Clark, DVM, VSMT

Monday, Wednesday 8 a.m.– 7 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Friday 8 a.m.–6 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m.–2 p.m., Sunday Closed

Please call for appointments


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Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N e w s

G len H elen Glen Helen 405 Corry St., 769-1904 tclevenger@glenhelen.org www.glenhelen.org

C o n ta c t: email: Web:

Glen Helen is the legacy of Hugh Taylor Birch, who donated a wooded glen to Antioch College in memory of his daughter, Helen Birch Bartlett. The scenic 1,125-acre preserve is rich in natural formations and fixtures, accessible from a 15-mile trail system. Visitors can witness spectacular blooming wildflowers, majestic 400-year-old trees, imposing limestone cliff overhangs, beautiful waterfalls and the amazing yellow spring for which the town is named. Trails are open year-round during daylight hours. The Glen Helen Association is a membership-based organization established to support Antioch College and its efforts to protect the Glen. Members are entitled to complimentary parking at the Corry Street entrance, discounts, at the Glen Helen Nature Shop and discounted admission to many of the events in the preserve. Individual membership in the Association begins at $40. To support the Glen, visit www.glenhelen.org or send donations to: Glen Helen Association, 405 Corry Street, Yellow Springs, OH 45387. Glen Helen’s quarterly program calendar — including guided hikes, invasive species removal, after-school programs, public lectures and public workshops — can be accessed at www.glenhelen.org. Programs and activities include the following: Outdoor Education Center — For over 60 years, the center has shaped the lives of the fifth- and sixth-graders who visit it. The Outdoor Education Center is also the site of

Glen Helen’s EcoCamps – summer day and overnight camps in which children and teenagers are immersed in nature. It is located at 1075 SR 343. Grounds are closed to the public when school is in session; call 937-767-7648. R a p t o r C e n t e r — This nationally recognized facility rehabilitates injured birds of prey, providing a second chance at life in the wild. Resident birds, used for educational programs, can be viewed on site. Open during daylight hours; limited parking is available at 1075 SR 343; call 937-767-7648. Tr a i l s i d e M u s e u m — Serving as the preserve’s welcome center, Trailside Museum is the hub for regularly scheduled programs and hikes at Glen Helen. Stop in for a map, gear or information before venturing out onto the trails. 505 Corry Street. Nature Shop — The Nature Shop features a wide variety of field guides and other nature books, crafts, T-shirts, bird feeders and greeting cards. Hours: Mon.–Fri., 9:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.; Sat.–Sun., 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Vernet Ecological Center, 405 Corry Street; call 937-769-1902. Ex t e n s i o n P r o g r a m s — Glen Helen can bring a host of programs to your site, and its naturalists also offer guided hikes for private groups; call 937-767-7648. Rent the Glen — The Vernet Ecological Center, Birch Manor, the lodge and pavilions at Camp Greene, the Outdoor Education Center complex and select outdoor settings within Glen Helen are available for special events like weddings, retreats, conferences, meetings and memorials. Call 936-769-1902, ext. 3. V o l u n t e e r i n g — Glen Helen has ongoing opportunities for habitat stewards, Nature Shop clerks, hike leaders, museum docents, and more. Call 937-769-1902, ext. 3, for more information.

Y e l l o w S p r i n g s N e w s


Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

E du c ation Antioch College 767-1286 info@antiochcollege.org www.antiochcollege.edu

C o n ta c t: email: Web:

Antioch College is an innovative and progressive institution and community, dedicated to pursuing new and better ways of living and learning in our world. Founded in 1850 by the eminent scholar Horace Mann, Antioch is centered on the pillars of campus and experiential education, co-op and community. At Antioch, education and opportunities for growth are not confined to the classroom, but take place throughout the campus community, and in the world at-large. The Antioch experience encourages students to explore broad perspectives on critical issues, and innovative approaches to learning and living differently in the world. Antioch’s hallmark cooperative program — “co-op” — expands education through work and experiential learning. Students alternate academic terms on campus with terms of full-time work, where they learn to navigate complex environments, negotiate for themselves and experiment with solutionoriented approaches. In applying themselves to real-world situations, they explore their interests and develop practical skills. Community is the guiding principle of campus life. Antioch was among the first colleges to incorporate community governance, through which students, faculty and staff participate jointly in institutional decisionmaking. The process of community building at Antioch promotes the creation of “deep democracy,” encouraging individuals to work together in developing greater group cohesion and resilience. The words of Loren Pope, former education editor of The New York Times and author of “Colleges That Change Lives,” speak to Antioch’s unique capability: “Antioch is in a class by itself. There is no college or university in the countr y that makes a more profound difference in a young person’s life, or that creates more effective adults. None of the Ivies, big or small, can match Antioch’s ability to produce outstanding thinkers and doers.” One-hundred-sixty-eight years after its founding, Antioch College continues to innovate in higher education, and continues to attract students seeking the tools to innovate in their communities and careers.

Antioch School, The 767-7642 e m a i l : nathan@antiochschool.org W e b : www.antiochschool.org C o n ta c t:

The oldest democratic school in the United States, the Antioch School was founded in 1921 by Arthur Morgan, then president of Antioch College. In 1951, the School moved to its current idyllic setting, nestled in beautiful green space neighboring the Glen Helen nature preserve. Under the direction of architect Eero Saarinen, the building was designed to connect the indoors with the outdoors. It was renovated in 2007 to be more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. The Antioch School is a place where childhood is revered and children are encouraged to pursue their innate curiosity wherever their abilities take them. An Antioch School education is based upon the ideals of respect, trust, challenge and choice.

A wide variety of educational opportunities are provided, which encourage children to become involved in their own unique way, while matching their needs and abilities to resources for learning and growth. The children are grouped in the Nursery, 3 to Kindergarten-ready; Kindergarten, 5 to Younger Group-ready; Younger Group, 6 to Older Group-ready; and Older Group, 9 to 12 years of age. The Nursery and Kindergarten offer half- or full-day programs. Antioch School provides an art and science program with a full-time faculty member. Formal music instruction, artists-in-residence through the school’s Emily Bailey Fund, field trips and aftercare are established school programs. The development of reading, writing and mathematical abilities is emphasized. Social and self-discipline skills and the interaction of children as a means for self-definition and growth are deeply valued. Individualized instruction works two ways at the School: teacher-to-child and child-to-child. The children’s academic and creative growth and learning are ungraded. Standardized testing is restricted to the Older Group children who are preparing to leave the school. Unless the children request homework, it is not a part of the daily life of the school. There are opportunities for the children to participate in a variety of activities, such as unicycling, dramatics, music and art, including pottery, painting, sculpture and stained glass. An emphasis is placed on physical activity with children playing together on the school’s expansive grounds, swimming and skating field trips. The children attend school day performances at the Victoria Theatre, Schuster Center and Kuss Auditorium. Directing the school’s operations is a board of directors consisting of parents and faculty members and a community member. The daily life of the school is facilitated by the school manager, Nathan Summers. Family involvement is vital to the school’s learning environment. Because the Antioch School is small, our group size and enrollment numbers are limited. Tuition is comparatively low among area private schools. Applications are accepted throughout the year and financial aid is available for qualifying families. Visitors are always welcome!

Antioch University Administrative offices, 769-1340 www.antioch.edu

C o n ta c t: Web:

Antioch University is a multi-campus university established in 1852 in Yellow Springs and has been in continuous existence since then. AU serves adult students in Yellow Springs, Seattle, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara and Keene, N.H., online and around the world. It has been continuously accredited by the Higher Learning Commission since 1927. Originally incorporated as Antioch College, its name was changed in 1978 to reflect the fact that it had expanded and was no longer only an undergraduate institution. The university sold the college campus to a group of alumni in 2009, along with a license to use the name “Antioch College.” The college now operates as a separate legal entity, but with a common heritage. Antioch University has a rich histor y filled with the ideals of social, economic and environmental justice. Its first president was Horace Mann, who challenged students to unite their passion with purpose and to go

forth to “win victories for humanity.” For more information, call 937-769-1800 or visit www.antioch.edu.

Antioch University Midwest Admissions, 769-1814 admissions.aum@antioch.edu www.antioch.edu/midwest

C o n ta c t: email: Web:

Antioch University Midwest’s mission is to provide learner-centered education to empower students with the knowledge and skills to lead meaningful lives and to advance social, economic, and environmental justice. Students not only demonstrate the core competencies that are required for career success, but instigate change and have a positive impact on the world. As an Antioch University Midwest student you’ll discover how to unite your passion with purpose. Antioch University Midwest of fers a wide range of options for working adults to enhance their skill sets. Programs are designed with today’s business needs in mind and emphasize critical thinking, cultural diversity, and an international perspective, as well as provide opportunities for collaborative learning, and promote the integration of life and work experience with academic knowledge. A key element that leads to the success of AUM students is its distinguished faculty members, who are as diverse as the student body and include esteemed professionals, acclaimed authors and Fulbright Scholars committed to helping Continued on page

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E du c ation

$ $ $ Continued from page 49 adult learners achieve their career goals. Antioch University Midwest also supports opportunities for community ser vice and partnership, from its 200-seat auditorium to its classroom facilities, which are available to host events.

Community Children’s Center 767-7236, 320 Corry St. info@ysccc.org, ysccc.org

C o n ta c t: email:

The Yellow Springs Community Children’s Center is a not-for-profit, high-quality program offering education and care for children 18 months to 12 years of age. Licensed by the State of Ohio, the Center is a one-star rated facility through the Job and Family Services Step Up To Quality program. The philosophy of the Children’s Center is based on the belief that children learn through play experiences. The teachers prepare hands-on learning activities to challenge and encourage children at each developmental level. A variety of open-ended materials, activities and social experiences are provided in an environment of comfort and security. Children choose activities, interact with each other, try new roles, experiment with their own ideas, build on their experiences and solve problems. Individualized attention is promoted by small groupings and a low child-to-teacher ratio. Parent and community par ticipation enhance program offerings. Staff and enroll-

ment policies encourage diversity of racial, religious, ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds. The Children’s Center operates Monday through Friday, 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., with a late program until 6 p.m. Full- and half-day programs are designed to meet the needs of three age groups: 18 months through 36 months, 3 years through kindergarten and kindergarten through 12 years of age. The Community Children’s Center is governed by an elected board of trustees. The Children’s Center is funded through private tuition, United Way allocations, and support from the community. Title XX is accepted. The center staff welcomes inquiries and observation visits. For more information on enrollment, call 767-7236 or email to info@ ysccc.org.

Community Children’s Center After School Care 767-7236 e m a i l : info@ysccc.org W e b : www.ysccc.org C o n ta c t:

Children’s Center After School Program, located at Mills Lawn School and administered by the Yellow Springs Community Children’s Center, is a recreational program offering after-school care for students ages 5 to 12. The program is designed to provide a safe, stimulating and enriching environment that is child-centered. Children may choose activities according to their own interests, including inside and outside play, organized games, sports, arts and crafts

and homework support. In addition, a daily snack is provided. The program accepts Title XX tuition assistance. For registration materials or more information, leave a message at 767-7236.

Friends Preschool Program Kathy Harper, early childhod director, 767-1303, ext. 113 e m a i l : kharper@greeneesc.org C o n ta c t:

Friends Preschool program is a public school program operated by the Greene County Educational Service Center. Located at Friends Care Community, the program provides rich educational experiences to children with delays in development. A few slots are also available for tuition students from the community. Therapy services are available as needed. The program is dedicated to helping seniors and children learn together through the development of intergenerational programs. The program includes a strong educational component with structured teaching, as well as a health, nutrition and social service component. Class sizes are small. All staff have bachelor’s or master’s degrees in education. The program follows a comprehensive curriculum that aligns with Ohio’s Early Learning Content Standards. Bus transportation is available. The program is free to children with disabilities. There is a nominal tuition charge for private pay children. Friends Preschool serves children ages 3–5 from both Yellow Springs and Cedar Cliff school districts.

Greene County Career Center 2960 W. Enon Road, 372-6941 rbolender@greeneccc.com www.greeneccc.com

C o n ta c t:

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email: Web:

Greene County Career Center has served as the region’s premier provider of careertechnical education for high school and adult students since 1967. The center serves as a hub for high school juniors and seniors who seek career and college preparation in a hands-on environment. Approximately 60 percent of those completing a career-technical program at GCCC go on to a two- or four-year college or university, a career or trade school or an accredited apprenticeship program. In addition to programs offered on the main campus, the career center also provides instruction at all seven school districts in

Greene County, in addition to the new Equine Science and Veterinary Science offered at the Agricultural Research Center. At Yellow Springs High School, engineering classes are provided by Greene County Career Center. The school also is the home of one of the premier adult programs in Ohio, the Peace Officer Basic Training class. Each year, dozens of new police officers earn their certification thanks to this program. Additionally, Greene County Career Center also provides refresher courses for current law enforcement professionals and runs an academy for upcoming corrections officers. Beginning in 2014, a partnership through Clark State allows adults to take HVAC and Welding classes at the GCCC campus on West Enon Road.

Greene County Educational Service Center 360 E. Enon Road, 767-1303 www.greeneESC.org

C o n ta c t: Web:

The Greene County Educational Service Center (GCESC) is located in the Arthur Morgan Building next to Yellow Springs High School and has been at this site for the past 25 years. The GCESC provides a variety of educational services to Greene County school districts and other regional agencies. The GCESC employs over 180 workers in the areas of education and therapy and is one of the largest employers in Yellow Springs. The mission of the GCESC is to promote educational success of students by providing essential, effective, specialized services supporting collaborative partnerships amongst all stakeholders. GCESC provides high quality special education and instructional services to the districts in Greene County. The ser vices provided to each district vary depending on the size of the district and the special needs that each district has. GCESC contracts with each district on a yearly basis. By coordinating services for the districts, GCESC is able to help them reduce duplication of personnel and programs, thereby reducing costs for the schools. The Center is considered to be a premier provider of therapy services for students including physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and adapted physical education. The GCESC also provides school-based mental health therapists to all of the county public school districts. The Greene County Educational Service Center also provides an array of educational

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Y e l l o w S p r i n g s N e w s


E du c ation programs for students with emotional and/ or behavioral issues as well as preschool programming in districts. GCESC also runs the Intensive Needs Classrooms for students with severe communication disorders and behavioral issues. To find out more about the GCESC and updates on what services are offered, please visit the website at www.greeneESC.org.

Greene County Learning Center Brad Kayata, Director of Education, 360 E. Enon Road, 767-1303, ext. 141 e m a i l : bkayata@greeneesc.org C o n ta c t:

The Greene County Learning Center, or GCLC, is a public “separate facility” school program for students in grades K–12, that serves students from all school districts in Greene County. The caring staff at GCLC work as a team to meet the academic and emotional needs of the youth that they serve. The major objectives of the program are to help the individual gain self-awareness skills, learn new coping skills, increase the ability to make appropriate choices and improve social-interpersonal interaction with peers and adults. An additional objective is to help the students achieve academically to the best of their abilities. The ultimate goal is to help each student to successfully return to the home school environment and to function more fully in the world around them.

Yellow Springs Montessori School email:


Yellow Springs Montessori School is a parent cooperative preschool for children ages 3–5 years. The mission is to foster the intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual growth of preschool aged children while using the Montessori method to encourage the moral development of each child. YSMS has a traditional preschool design. Class is held Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9 a.m.–noon and the same children attend every day, creating a sense of consistency and community. Student instruction is based on the personal needs and interests of each child, with the teacher serving as a guide. Children are given the opportunity to absorb math, language, science, geography, history, sensory training, practical life and the arts through exploration of their environment. They learn about the value of human diversity and a desire to serve humanity. Parents are viewed as active partners who aid in the operation of the school. The school year is September–May and approximately follows the Yellow Springs School District calendar. The classroom is located in the First Presbyterian Church, 314 Xenia Ave.

Yellow Springs Public Schools Mario Basora, superintendent, 767-7381; Matt Housh, Mills Lawn principal, 767-7217; Jack Hattert, McKinney School/Yellow Springs High School interim principal, 767-7224 W e b : www.ysschools.org C o n ta c t:

Students in Yellow Springs have the opportunity to pursue an education in three

award-winning schools: Mills Lawn Elementary School, McKinney Middle School and Yellow Springs High School. Recognized as a leader in project-based learning, the district is an invited member of the Ohio Innovative Learning Network, a selective group (only 2 percent of districts statewide) of schools doing innovative work in public education. YS Schools are dedicated to helping students become the global change leaders of the future. Through the implementation of our 2020 Strategic Plan, the district is giving its students the tools necessary to make a positive impact on our world and achieve their personal goals and dreams. The schools have a longstanding reputation for encouraging critical thinking, individual creativity, respect and appreciation for diversity, and authentic learning in science, the fine arts and the humanities. The public schools are a vital and integral part of the Yellow Springs community and provide an education based on the belief that small schools can provide big opportunities. More recently, the schools have been noted for their focus on deep, meaningful learning experiences, using inquir y and student voice/choice to guide learning. Yellow Springs High School, a recipient of the Silver Award on the U.S. News and World Report Best High Schools List, provides a comprehensive and varied curriculum for ninth- through 12th-grade students. Advanced placement courses, college prep courses, vocational courses (through the Greene County Career Center), Post Secondary Options Education (PSEO), and a variety of electives are offered in many subject areas. Numerous co-curricular opportunities are available to students: athletics, including a dozen varsity sports; band/orchestra; a theater program; academic clubs; the School Forest Club, Photography Club, Poetr y/ Spanish Night, Charlotte Drake Youth Philanthropy Group, S.P.I.D.E.E., the Bulldog Contemporar y Dance Competition and other activities. All students are required to perform 45 hours of community service and a senior project as graduation requirements. Students in grades 7 and 8 attend McKinney Middle School, which is under the same roof as the high school, but McKinney School students have their own band and orchestra programs and participate in seasonal interscholastic sports activities. Emphasis is placed on assessing and accommodating the uniqueness of the early adolescent child in a middle school environment, a focus which earned the McKinney Middle School team of educators recognition as the 2017 Ohio Middle Level Association Team of the Year. Considerable effort is made to incorporate interdisciplinar y studies through thematic units. McKinney students are afforded a variety of co-curricular oppor tunities, including athletics, Power of the Pen, Student Council and other activities. At Mills Lawn School, elementar y students are empowered to be active and engaged members of their community and learn at high levels through project-based learning. Students are encouraged and offered opportunities to tackle important issues facing our community through their projects, including af fordable housing, hunger and environmental issues. Students are offered extracurricular opportunities such as Girls on the Run, Junior Lego League and the all-school musical.

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Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N e w s

EARTH ROSE   Were you there?— y  Select conCerts  in town y C o m p i l e d By



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Dave Brubeck Quartet


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Pete Seeger gave his last of many performances at Antioch in 1984 for HUMAN Day, an occasion conceived by Jim Dunne, founding director of the Yellow Springs based human rights organization Help Us Make A Nation. The Dayton Daily News piece promoting the show says Seeger performed at Antioch about annually in the 1950s. Once the Weavers, the band with which he produced his biggest hit (Leadbelly’s “Irene, Goodnight”) in 1950, were blacklisted from commercial performance due to his and bandmate Lee Hayes’ political views, Seeger began crisscrossing the country, performing at the only places that would book him: colleges and universities. —Scott Sanders, Antiochiana

including civilian and military

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Dave Brubeck Quartet; Antioch College March 5, 1960: Osborne Brothers; Antioch College (see page 52) May 14, 1960: Stanley Brothers; Antioch College Feb. 12, 1966: The Blues Project with Al Kooper; Antioch College Nov. 24, 1969: Albert King; Kelly Hall, Antioch College May 17, 1970: Roberta Flack; Antioch College Aug. 21, 1970: Medicine Ball Caravan (Van Morrison and Charles Wright & the Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band); main lawn at Antioch College May 23, 1971: Poco; Antioch College golf course March 11: 1973: Cecil Taylor; Antioch College (see page 53) March 2, 1977: Gil Scott Heron; Antioch College March 22, 1977: Opera singer Joy Blackett; Antioch College (see page 66) April 25, 1979: Gilberto Gil; Antioch College Aug. 12, 1984: Pete Seeger and the Weavers; Antioch College Nov. 6, 1985: Dead Kennedys; Antioch College May 30, 1986: Mia Zapata; main lawn, Antioch College May 29, 1993 (and J u n e 1 , 1 9 9 4 ) : Ani DiFranco; Antioch College Septe mber, 1 2005: Wanda Jackson at Peach’s Grill. Sept. 9, 2006: Erykah Badu with Goapele and Frédéric Yonnet at a concert organized by Dave Chappelle, at the AACW Blues Fest; Antioch College golf course Sept. 24, 2006: Ritchie Havens; Peach’s Grill. May 24, 2015: DJ D-Nice, Frédéric Yonnet; Dave Chappelle’s Juke Joint, Whitehall farm O ct. 9, 2016: DJ D-Nice, Talib Kweli, Q-Tip, Frédéric Yonnet; Dave Chappelle’s Juke Joint, Whitehall farm June 4, 2018: Jarobi White, Jill Scott, Pharoache Monch, Taleb Kweli, Martin Luther, Doug E. Fresh; Dave Chappelle’s Juke Joint, Whitehall farm June 9, 2018: Taleb Kweli; main lawn at Antioch College (see page 32) July 7, 2018: Guided by Voices at Springsfest; John Bryan Center lawn, downtown Yellow Springs (see page 66) Unconfirmed, rumored concerts: Bob Dylan, Youngbloods, The Lemon Pipers, Commander Cody & his Lost Planet Airmen, Ravi Shankar, Mahavishnu Orchestra.

Gilberto Gil

aug. 8, 1959:

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Thanks to Antioch, Yellow Springs has long been a tour stop on the college circuit. The college hosted many more bluegrass pickers, folk singers, rock ’n’ rollers and punk rockers than can be listed. More recently, Dave Chappelle’s Juke Joint and a couple of festivals organized by young villagers brought big names to our little town. And Peach’s Grill, known for its live music, has also hosted well-known acts. The largest local concerts took place in 1970 and 2006 — both on the Antioch College golf course — with an estimated 7,000 attendees at each. As for the most significant concert? That’s up for debate.

Erykah Badu


Dead Kennedys

Medicine Ball Caravan; Charles Wright & the Watts 103rd St. Rhythm Band

Y e l l o w S p r i n g s N e w s


Cecil Taylor's y  Free jazz y By


Barber The late American jazz pianist Cecil Taylor was a pioneer of what is called free jazz — music which often discards notated scores and breaks with meter and conventional harmonic progression. In the late 1960s and early ’70s, Taylor taught at Antioch College. Taylor, who died in April 2018, was invited to Antioch by professor John Ronsheim. The two had been friends while students at the New England Conservatory 20 years before. Ronsheim became an academic and Taylor paved a singular path as one of the most adventurous figures in contemporary music. One recording, captured by Antioch student Jim Klein, captures Taylor in the classroom in 1969. “I’m asking you to perhaps at least consider the idea that music and the enjoyment of it does give you a responsibility to those people who have given you the enjoyment … so that you might conceivably make other people’s lives — your own, your friends’ lives — better,” Taylor said. At the center of Taylor’s work at Antioch was the Black Music Ensemble, an orchestra of students who would create a canvas for large scale works. Bassoonist Karen Borca was Taylor’s assistant at Antioch. She had been introduced to Taylor’s musical world while a student at the University of Wisconsin. “It was a composing lab,” says Borca. “[Taylor] was always composing stuff but he wanted to work with larger ensembles and this was an opportunity for him to do that. And of course he was writing music every day. Bringing in new stuff every day.” Borca performed in the Black Music Ensemble, which included musicians who traveled to Yellow Springs from across the country to study with the pianist. Taylor’s residency would wind down in the spring of 1973 as funding ran out amid financial upheaval at Antioch. Major lifetime achievement awards — including a MacArthur Fellowship, an NEA Jazz Master Award, and in 2016 a 10-day celebration of his career at the Whitney Museum in New York, have provided polish for his place in history. For many, including the musicians who studied with him at Antioch over 40 years



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The avante-garde jazz pianist Cecil Taylor, here photographed circa 1965, taught music at Antioch College in the late 1960s and early 1970s. ago, Cecil Taylor remains an electrifying performer and a galvanizing symbol of the sacrifices that are part of creating art without compromise. Special thanks to Jim Klein, Larry Blood and Scott Sanders of Antiochiana. This article, shortened for print, was originally published by WYSO. The full article can be viewed at: www.wyso.org/post/openspace-creativity-cecil-taylor-antioch. 1


Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9




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Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N e w s

y  still vibrant, still victorettes y By


Hackett We are the Victorettes of Yellow Springs. We want you to know us and hear us sing for the Army, the Navy and the Marines. —Victorette song, 1944 In the spring of 1944, Allied troops in Europe were preparing for D-Day. Battles were being fought throughout the Pacific. And in Yellow Springs, with husbands and brothers and friends away at war, a group of young African-American women came together under the leadership and musical direction of Dorothy Boyce. They called themselves “The Victorettes,” and for

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two years they put on vocal concerts and plays, organized youth dances and picnics, sent cards and letters to local servicemen stationed overseas and undertook service projects within their church and ­community. “It gave us purpose,” Phyllis Jackson said in an interview. “And it gave us a reason to be happy,” she added, recalling the difficulties of the war years, with loved ones far from home. Busy in the community or singing in their signature “V for Victory” formation wearing formal evening gowns, the Victorettes made their mark on Yellow Springs, and on each other. The young women grew up together in the village, and some were related by blood. Their shared experiences as Victorettes deepened those bonds, making them friends for life. The strength of their ties and the mesh of family and friends was in joyous evidence in September 2017, at the Victorettes’ annual reunion. Around 50 people gathered at Central Chapel A.M.E. Church to celebrate the surviving Victorettes, remember those who’d passed away and share memories of earlier times in Yellow Springs. One by one the Victorettes were introduced: Dorothy Perry Boyce, Dorothy Mundy Allen, Betty Cordell Ford, Phyllis Lawson Jackson, Isabel Adams Newman, Marie Adams Payton (who died earlier in 2018), all in their 80s or 90s. Surviving but not in attendance were Anna Hull Johnson and Mary Hull Bowers. The women’s maiden and married names are testaments to the group’s close family ties — and

yelllow sprin prin s s ien ien e astle A pop up science café and makerspace serving the village since 2014

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• Ph o t o by Au d r e y Hack e tt Six members of the Victorettes held hands and sang at Central Chapel A.M.E. Church in September of 2017, capping off a well-attended reunion. From left are Phyllis Jackson, Dorothy Allen, Marie Payton (who died earlier in 2018), Dorothy Boyce, Betty Ford and Isabel Newman. All were members of the singing and service group founded by Boyce in 1944 and active until 1946, with friendships that have lasted a lifetime.

• S UB M I T T ED PHO T O The original members of the Victorettes in a photo dated circa 1944. Front row, from left: Geneva Gudgel, Dorothy Allen, Maxine Jones, Dorothy Boyce, Naomi McKee, Marie Payton and Phyllis Jackson. Back row, from left: Anna Johnson, Nellie Hughey, Betty Ford, Barbara Davis, Charlotte Jordan, Clara Jane Berry and Isabel Newman. longevity in Yellow Springs. Many of the names are among the village’s oldest families, some with roots back to the Conway Colony, a group of freed slaves who settled here in 1863. Victorettes’ founder Dorothy Boyce was a recent Wilberforce University graduate and young married woman in 1944. Her husband, Lyonel, was away at war, stationed in Guam. Back home in Yellow Springs and living with her parents, Boyce sought to bring together other young women in their late teens and 20s. An early history of the group, likely written by Boyce herself, states the Victorettes’ founding purpose was to raise funds for and render services to Central Chapel. (Some members belonged to the A.M.E. church, others to First Baptist.) In its first year, the group performed “enthusiastically received” musical programs such as the Spring Musicale and Summer Concert series, and staged a play called “I Want a Nurse,” deemed a “hilarious success.” The

young women performed not just in Yellow Springs, but also traveled to churches and colleges throughout the area. Their audiences were primarily, though not exclusively, African-American, according to Isabel Newman, who wrote a chapter on the Victorettes for the “Black in YS” Encyclopedia. When Eleanor Roosevelt came to Antioch College in the summer of 1944, the Victorettes sang for her. Reunions such as the one in 2017 have been going on for decades. When it was time to sing, everyone moved into the chapel, and Boyce, an accomplished pianist, made her way to the grand piano. Her memory has been worn down by dementia, but she hasn’t forgotten how to play. “When she gets on the piano, it all comes back to her,” Sharon Perry said. As Boyce launched into the Victorettes’ own special song — “We are the Victorettes of Yellow Springs ...” — her five dear friends lined up in the front of the chapel, and sang together one more time. 1

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Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

c ommunity organizations the 365 Project John Gudgel jwgudge@sbcglobal.net the365projectys.org

C o n ta c t: email: Web:

The 365 Project is a local volunteer organization that serves as a catalyst organization that challenges and supports the people of Yellow Springs and Miami Township to engage critically and respectfully in dialogue and action that promotes and sustains diverse African-American heritage and culture and educational equity, 365 days a year. The 365 Project meets monthly and has sponsored the annual Elaine Comegys Film Fest, community conversations and myriad other activities. For more information, contact John Gudgel at jwgudge@sbcglobal.net or P.O. Box 165, Yellow Springs, OH 45387.

AACW Karen Patterson, 937-716-0377 www.aacw.org

C o n ta c t: Web:

AACW (African American Cross-Cultural Works) is a grass-roots community organization operating under Ohio guidelines for nonprofit organizations. Its activities focus on celebrating cultural diversity and working with other organizations to develop understanding of diversity in Yellow Springs, Wilberforce, Springfield, Xenia and neighboring communities. The group has held more than 50 events at various times of the year, including the Blues Fest, which was successful, in part, because of the increasing collaborative efforts of many individuals and organizations in Yellow Springs and the surrounding area.

African-American Genealogy Group Robert L. Harris, 767‑1949 rharris25@woh.rr.com www.aaggmv.org

C o n ta c t: email: Web:

The African-American Genealogy Group of the Miami Valley is a nonprofit service and educational organization devoted to the promotion of African-American genealogy and the study of black and family histories. The organization’s main goals are to search for ancestors, their identification and their documentation. Activities include lectures, networking, workshops and field trips for genealogical purposes. The organization also encourages the writing of personal family histories and historical and genealogi-

cal societies. Membership is open to everyone. Meetings are held monthly at various locations throughout the Miami Valley and southwestern Ohio. The current officers of the AAGGMV: President, Thomas D. Jordan; Vice-President, Judith Casey; Treasurer, Sandra Ricker; Secretary, Rosalyn Givens.

Alcoholics Anonymous 222‑2211 centraloffice@aadaytononline.org www.aadaytononline.org

C o n ta c t: email: Web:

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who meet to attain and maintain sobriety. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no membership dues or fees. The schedule of meetings in Yellow Springs is as follows: Sundays, 8 p.m., First Presbyterian Church — Yellow Springs Group; Mondays, 8 p.m., United Methodist Church — Jackson Road Group; Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m., United Methodist Church — The Step Heads; Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m., Unitarian Universalist Fellowship — Agnostic AA; Wednesdays, 7 p.m., Assembly of God — Jaywalker Men’s Group; Wednesdays, 7 p.m., Rockford Chapel — Young People’s/Beginners; Thursdays, 7 p.m., Rockford Chapel — No Name Group.

Arthur Morgan Institute for Community Solutions

farmed. Main goals are to conduct research and education about the impor tance of carbon sequestration in soils and healthy watersheds.

Better Health Co-op

ings provide an opportunity for attendees to share in confidence what is going on in their lives. Group members listen respectfully and attentively to each other’s stories. Meetings end with a healing meditation. There is a free lending library.

C o n ta c t:

Corner Cone Farmers Market

The Better Health Cooperative, Inc., is a lay organization working to achieve physical and mental well-being through emphasis on nutritional balance, physical exercise and spiritual awareness. The co-op’s main program is hair analysis. Membership is open to anyone interested in working on maintaining and improving their health. Membership fee is $10 a year for individuals, $12 a year for families and can be sent to the co-op’s post office box.

C o n ta c t:

Merrill Anderson, P.O. Box 340577, Beavercreek, OH 45434, 937‑879‑0402

Louise Berrier, 605‑8765

The Corner Cone Farmers Market is in its 10th season and welcomes small and large growers to sell their produce and homemade products. There are 13 spaces, and at times, Continued on page

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Charlie Brown Patient and Caregiver Support Group Rubin Battino, 767‑1854 rubin.battino@wright.edu

C o n ta c t: email:

The Charlie Brown Exceptional Patient and Caregiver Support Group meets the first and third Thursdays of every month from 7–8:30 p.m. in the Senior Center’s front room via the first door in the alley. The group provides support for anyone who has (or has had) a life-challenging disease, and also for caregivers. The service is free. Meet-

Find us at the Yellow Springs Farmers Market in Kings Yard

Susan Jennings, Box 243, Yellow Springs , 767‑2161; Agraria Address: 131 E. Dayton Yellow Springs Road e m a i l : info@communitysolution.org W e b : www.communitysolution.org C o n ta c t:

The Arthur Morgan Institute for Community Solutions — AMICS — was founded in 1940 as Community Service, Inc. AMICS hosts conferences and educational events focused on the mission areas of Resilient Communities, Regenerative Land Use, Community Economics, Energy Democracy, and Being the Change. In 2017, AMICS bought a 128-acre farm on the outskirts of Yellow Springs to develop Agraria: The Arthur Morgan Institute Center for Regenerative Agriculture. The Nature Conservancy is restoring the Jacoby Creek, which traverses the property, and AMICS is developing an agroforestry plan for the acreage which has been conventionally

Pamela Funderburg, LMT Integrative Massage (combining therapies) Medical/Massage Therapy Relaxation/Deep Tissue Neuromuscular Therapy Belavi Face Lift Massage Pregnancy Massage

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The Wellness Center 716 Xenia Ave. Yellow Springs

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Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N e w s

c ommunity organizations

$ $ $ Continued from page 55

Feminist Health Fund 767‑8949; P.O. Box 323, Yellow Springs, OH 45387 e m a i l : info@feministhealthfund.org W e b : www.feministhealthfund.org C o n ta c t:

participants will squeeze together to accommodate an additional vendor. This market supports economic diversity and openness with as few rules as possible. The Corner Cone Farmers Market does not require rent or dues and is made possible by the generosity of Bob and Sue Swaney, owners of Corner Cone, located at the Corner of Dayton and Walnut streets. The market is open 7–11 a.m. Saturdays.

Kim Plinovich, LMT Massage: $40/30 mins, $80/60 mins, $120/90 mins Reiki: $25/20 mins, $35/30 mins, $50/40 mins, $70/60 mins LaStone Therapy: $105/75 mins, $125/90 mins Hot Stone Reflex: $75/60 mins Foot Reflexology: $55/45 mins

Available by appointment

937-319-1011 www.edenworld.net 105 W. North College St.

An oasis of health and wellness in Yellow Springs. The renovated 44,000-sq. ft. Wellness Center — spacious and filled with natural light — is designed to preserve historic architectural elements while incorporating modern amenities.

Enhance Worldwide Ashley Lackovich-Van Gorp, 937‑708‑0144 e m a i l : enhanceworldwide@gmail.com W e b : www.enhanceworldwide.org

C o n ta c t:

Enhance Worldwide envisions communities where girls and women have the skills to lead meaningful, dignified lives and where each individual has agency, autonomy and aspirations. Working toward this vision, Enhance Worldwide helps girls, women and their communities discover strategies to navigate the challenges to their well-being in order to develop as individuals in their own right. The organization currently ser ves 150 direct beneficiaries across three programs in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Activities focus on minimalizing the risk of child marriage, forced labor, violence and traf ficking through family support, access to education and life skills development.

For more than 30 years, The Feminst Health Fund, a Yellow Springs-based nonprofit, has raised funds to help women in Greene County pay for traditional and alternative medical--related expenses. For more information, to make a donation or to apply for a grant, please give us a call or visit our website, www.feministhealthfund.org.

Food Co-op/ Buying Club C o n ta c t:

Luan Heit, 767‑1823

The Yellow Springs Food Co-op is a local buying club. The group orders natural and organic food and other household products at affordable prices, with a minimum of work for its members. Members place orders online from a wide selection of products. Delivery is every four weeks on Wednesday afternoon.

Friends Care Community 150/170 E. Herman St., 767‑7363 W e b : www.friendshealthcare.org C o n ta c t:

Friends Care Community has a single goal: the affirmation of life. Friends Care’s continuous care community has succeeded in meeting the needs of seniors who seek security and quality care, first with extended care, then with assisted living and independent living homes. Friends Care is located on a 22-acre campus. Friends is owned and operated by the Friends Health Care Association and has been a nonprofit community since 1977. Friends Care is a 66-bed skilled and longterm nursing facility. In August of 2011, Friends completed construction on a new, 16 private room rehabilitation center, providing a distinct unit for care of short-term stay rehab and nursing services. Friends Assisted Living Center is a licensed 20-unit facility designed to enhance independence, security and socialization in a quiet setting. Friends Independent Living Homes are senior living duplexes. Buyers can choose between two- and three-bedroom units and two building design plans. Each duplex

features a garage, appliances and maintenance-free living.

Great Books Ken Huber, 767‑1160 kenneth.huber@att.net

C o n ta c t: email:

Currently, meetings are held September through June on the second Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the fireplace room of the YS Senior Center, 227 Xenia Ave. The group brings together people whose love of reading is part of their quest for lifelong learning. The group uses a method recommended by the Great Books Foundation, a pioneer of book discussion. This approach of shared inquiry encourages participants to look to their own experiences, rather than to outside sources of expertise, in their discussion of a work.

Green Environmental Coalition P.O. Box 553 gec@greenlink.org www.greenlink.org

C o n ta c t: email: Web:

The Green Environmental Coalition (GEC) is a grass-roots activist group founded in 1990. The coalition’s mission is to have a positive impact on local, state and regional environmental issues. Currently GEC is involved in several projects in the area, including: • Helping to reduce the negative impact of the Fairborn Cement Plant’s operations on local residents; • Monitoring air quality of the area through the Regional Air Pollution Control Agency; • Providing environmental educational information at the YS Street Fair; • Educating collaboration between regional environmental organizations. GEC helps support neighbors’ involvement in a range of local environmental issues, as well as becoming involved in state and federal environmental regulation efforts.

Grinnell Mill Foundation Chris Mucher, 767‑1391 www.grinnellmill.org

C o n ta c t: Web:

The Grinnell Mill foundation is a nonprofit foundation comprising Miami Township, Glen Helen and the Yellow Springs Historical Society. Its purpose is the preservation and promotion of the historical and educationally

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Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

c ommunity organizations valuable Grinnell Mill located at 3536 Bryan Park Road. For more information, visit grinnellmill.org.

James A. M c Kee Association Karen McKee, president, 767‑4641; Paul Abendroth, vice-president, 767‑1678; Peggy Erskine, treasurer, 767‑7856 W e b : www.45387.org; www. facebook.com/James-A-McKeeAssociation-284986248585882 C o n ta c t:

The James A. McKee Association, or JAMA, aka Jim’s Group, formerly known as the Yellow Springs Men’s Group, is a community-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit civic organization that was organized in 1994 by the late James A. McKee, former police chief of Yellow Springs, who for more than three decades was affectionately known to many villagers as simply “Chief.” The goal of the association is to encourage volunteerism that helps build and strengthen the Yellow Springs community. Programs hosted by the organization include research, public information forums, and educational and charitable projects. Monthly “Community Conversations” about key elements of community life are led by guest speakers, and are free and open to the public. To promote the value of community participation and leadership, the association sponsors the annual “Founders Award” in recognition of an individual or group — nominated by villagers — for their significant volunteer contributions to the community. The James

A. McKee Scholarship is awarded annually to deserving Yellow Springs high school graduates who have demonstrated notable academic achievement and leadership skills while overcoming adverse disadvantages throughout their high school career. “Candidates Night” provides the opportunity for community members to meet all of the candidates who are running for local office, and to learn more about their qualifications and plans for supporting the interests of Yellow Springs’ residents. Special projects sponsored by the association include “The Cost-Of-Living Report,” “The Local Communications Network Study” and “The Community Information Project.” The James A. McKee Association is a member of the Yellow Springs Nonprofit Network and the Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce. In collaboration with other local and nonprofit organizations, the James A. McKee Association helps support the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Oratory Contest, The Odd Fellows Fireworks Celebration and many of the activities sponsored by The 365 Project. JAMA welcomes all Yellow Springs and Miami Township residents to join the association and help enhance the quality of life throughout our community.

La Leche League Laura Ann Ellison, 767‑1097 or 708‑6392; Sylvia Ann Ellison, 708‑6252 e m a i l : ellisonla@mindspring.com; sylvia. ellison@wright.edu W e b : www.llli.org C o n ta c t:

Mothers who wish to breastfeed their babies will find encouragement and information from La Leche League International.

La Leche League leaders are available by phone 24 hours a day. Leaders are available for private consultation, home visits and hospital visits. La Leche League is a mother-to-mother breastfeeding suppor t group. La Leche League leaders are accredited through La Leche League International. Leaders stay informed of current medical research and best practice. Leaders encourage the sharing of personal experiences from mother to mother.

Masonic Lodge Don Lewis, 937‑901‑6211 www.yellowsprings421.org

C o n ta c t: Web:

The Yellow Springs Masonic Lodge was chartered in 1868. Its mission is to provide a fraternal brotherhood that supports the principles of brotherly love, relief and truth. Masonr y is a place where one can find unlimited opportunities to acquire leadership experience, self-development and personal growth while enjoying fellowship and service to the community.


YS Kids Playhouse YSKP is a one-of-a-kind experience that puts youth on the ground floor of an artistic endeavor with big themes and big ideas.

We offer customized school and community theatrical arts projects, education, and collaboration. Get in touch today and join us in the audience or on the stage!

McKinney/ Yellow Springs High School PTO email:


All parents/guardians of students attending the McKinney School or YSHS are considered members of the PTO. There are no Continued on page

767-7800 admin@yskp.org • www.yskp.org www.facebook.com/theyskp

58 % % %


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c ommunity O rg' s .

$ $ $ Continued from page 57

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membership dues. The PTO meets monthly; the regular meeting time is announced at the beginning of the school year. Discussion, speakers and events are planned to strengthen the community and develop parent and educational success. For additional information, email yshspto@gmail.com.

Mills Lawn PTO Lauren Mikesell, president laurenemikesell@gmail.com W e b : www.millslawnpto.com; www.facebook. com/MillsLawnPTO C o n ta c t: email:

The Mills Lawn Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a volunteer organization that strives to support students, families and teachers in the educational process by providing educational enrichment programs and services, as well as social activities for the Mills Lawn Elementary School community. The PTO sponsors fundraising events to pay for these activities, programs and services.

Morgan Family Foundation Lori M. Kuhn, executive director, 767‑9208 e m a i l : info@morganfamilyfdn.org W e b : www.morganfamilyfdn.org C o n ta c t:

The Morgan Family Foundation is a private family foundation based in Yellow Springs and funded in December 2003 by Lee and Vicki Morgan. The foundation believes in: • building stronger, more inclusive communities; • broadening horizons and inspiring action through the power of education and experiential learning. The foundation awards grants to public charitable organizations that primarily serve Yellow Springs and St. Cloud, Minn., and their immediate vicinity. In addition, other communities and organizations that are supported by board and family members may receive grants from time to time. With all competitive grant dollars committed to multi-year grants through 2018, the Foundation will not be accepting new grant requests until 2019.

NAMI of Clark, Greene and Madison Counties info@namigreenecounty.org www.namigreenecounty.org

email: Web:

Karen and David Ehman

6075 Springfield-Xenia Road • Springfield, Ohio 45502 • (937) 323-2421

NAMI Clark, Greene and Madison Counties (National Alliance on Mental Illness) is a nonprofit, grassroots organization offering support, education and advocacy for persons living with mental illness and their families, friends and caregivers. Learn more at www. namicgm.org. We are a local branch of the national organization. We fight against the stigma often associated with mental illness through community outreach and educational programs. We advocate for beneficial change in the current mental health system, both locally and throughout the State of Ohio. NAMI Connection Recover y Suppor t Group is a free and ongoing recovery support group for adults with mental illness. Partici-

pants can safely and confidentially talk about their mental illness, learn new coping skills and find hope for a realistic future. Meetings are held weekly on Wednesdays, 6:30–8 p.m., at the Bryan Center, rooms A and B, located at 100 Dayton St. in Yellow Springs. NAMI Family Support Group is a free and ongoing support group for family and friends of individuals who live with mental illness. Participants share their experiences and offer mutual encouragement. Meetings are held the second Thursday of each month, from 7–8:30 p.m., at the Bryan Center, rooms A and B. Contact Kathryn Hitchcock, 937322-5600 or 937-873-2220. For more information about NAMI or to find out about special events, educational programs, support groups and how to help with its mission, contact us as listed above. In case of any medical emergency, dial 911.

Narcotics Anonymous Helpline 937‑505‑0705, 800‑587‑4232 W e b : www.fiveriversna.org C o n ta c t:

Narcotics Anonymous is a fellowship for achieving recovery from addiction. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using drugs. The program has found that one addict helping another works to achieve that when all else fails. An open meeting is held in the basement of the Yellow Springs Methodist Church on Saturday nights at 7:30 p.m.

Odd Fellows 937‑878‑7871 (home), 937‑607‑8115 (cell) e m a i l : ysoddfellows@gmail.com C o n ta c t:

The Yellow Springs Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows dates back to 1855. Odd Fellows follow the precept to “visit the sick, bury the dead and educate the orphan.” The lodge sponsors annual scholarships for Yellow Springs seniors and contributes to charitable organizations. Recent activities include sponsorship of the Fourth of July parade and Fourth of July fireworks at Gaunt Park, road cleanup, park maintenance, Street Fair participation, Art Stroll and various fun activities. IOOF Lodge #279 meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in the Lodge Hall, located at 261 Xenia Avenue, beginning with a social hour at 6:15 p.m. Men and women over the age of 16 are welcome to join.

Ranch Menagerie Animal Sanctuary Nick Ormes, 937‑231‑1046 theranchmenagerie@yahoo.com

C o n ta c t: email:

For over ten years now, the ranch has become home to many mixed breed sheep and goats and other small, misfit farm animals that would have been euthanized or sent to slaughter. We do find forever homes for some; the rest live out their lives in a quiet, natural environment. To date, we have adopted out over 50 sheep and goats. The ranch is not open to the public, except by appointment or invitation. All volunteers must be 18 or older. Continued on page

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y  Love & a feel-good jam band y By


Tracy Perkins


On a Saturday in the summer of 2018, a local band gathered in a circle with their fans, each with one arm around another and a cup in the other hand to toast a show at Peach’s Grill before it began. The band was Gin-Soaked Angels, celebrating the release of its very first album. Formed in 2012, the band’s music sounds so seasoned, tight and well-rehearsed that its first release seems overdue. GSA is what many might call a feel-good jam band. “We’re having one big tuning extravaganza,” said the highly animated and enthusiastic Tony Powers, one of two lead singers and the lead guitar player in the band. Someone from the audience suggested that his phrase should be the title of a new song. “We just had a sun-soaked set in the heat which throws our tuning off,” explained Powers. The group had just played an afternoon set for the Yellow Springs Street Fair. The first number was encouraging and disarming, led by the more mellow and laid-back lead singer and rhythm guitar player Ryan Stinson, who has a voice not unlike that of Billy Corgan, the lead singer of Smashing Pumpkins. “My water tastes strangely like gin,” Stinson said to the crowd. As a jam band, their sound is akin to the Grateful Dead, with extensive guitar solos and long musical interludes. Their songs range anywhere from a funky groove, a strong, tight punch, swirling sonic guitars, acoustic folk-rockiness, psychedelia, and from happy-dancy to trippy-slowcore. This fusion has all the makings of a ’90s alternative revival band, which itself was a throwback to ’60s and ’70s classic rock and pop sounds, and one can hear all these influences throughout. The fourth song was a funked-up instrumental in a minor key in which listeners were transported to “the zone,” so to speak, and everyone “got down,” especially after Powers said, “I don’t see a lot of movement here!” which cued the audience to action. One could feel the love and sentiment pouring out of their music as they performed John Prine’s “Angel from Montgomery,” which they dedicated to their late band member bassist Ben Rorrer, whose recent death was ruled a suicide. All his musical parts were recorded for the album before he died, and it was very important to the band that his presence be felt that evening. An audience member was waving his phone with a picture of Ben on the screen, which evoked heartfelt emotion in the band. Powers has a smooth, clear, on-cue singing voice that is similar to that of Jason Mraz. He and Stinson, with their contrasting and complementary personalities, are like the yin to the yang, as the vocal duo trade-off singing lead. “For those of you who are new to the band, a little history,” Stinson said at the beginning of the second set. “This is how it all began.” They then proceeded with a more folky acoustic set with just Powers and Stinson. When the two first met and started playing together, they were “just two acoustics around a campfire,” they said. It was the Thursday night open mic

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• Ph o t o by T r acy Pe r k i n s - S c h m i tt l e r The Gin-Soaked Angels was formed about six years ago by musicians who played at the open mic night at the Spirited Goat. The band is known for extensive guitar solos and long musical interludes, with influences ranging from funk to psychedelic to folk. From left is Ryan Stinson, Tony Powers, Jacob Riley, Micah Mapes (on drums) and David Rivera. shows at the Spirited Goat Coffee House that brought an influx of musicians from the community, out of which the GinSoaked Angels flowed, formed and flourished. One evening at the “Goat” six years ago Stinson, then hosting the open mics, was playing Pink Floyd on stage, but Powers was playing along with him in the audience. When Stinson discovered this, he said, “Get up here!” Afterward, they spoke outside and decided to start playing together. Micah Mapes, now the group’s drummer, had asked if he could set up his drum kit to play along with the open mic jams. For the longest time, Mapes felt as if he had “one foot in and one foot out” of the band, but eventually he felt fully a part of it. GSA has had a long string of bassists, and most of them have been close friends or relatives. Rorrer, who used to play in the folk group The Great Wide Open, was the fourth. When he was hanging out after open mic one evening, they asked him, “What you got in the case?” (referring to his bass). “Wanna play?” and he did. “Many friendships I have developed have come out of just a simple meeting,” Rorrer once wrote in his journal, which was definitely true in this case. They said he helped their jamming improve, and added something edgier and less folky. The band members faced a real turning point in their loss and grief over Rorrer. They feel him in everything they do, they said, as he is present to them spiritually and emotionally in the music and otherwise. His parents have been a presence throughout the band’s grieving process and performances, and have been very supportive. David Rivera, their present bassist, was a natural fit. Ricky Ware is the current percussionist He would come to every afterparty, bonfire, and show, playing along in the audience at first. He fell into their hearts and music, so they brought him aboard. Jacob Riley is the newest member,

another rhythm guitarist whom they also met around the coffeehouse scene. He came to Yellow Springs to get away from his former life. “I should go grab a guitar,” he thought to himself. 1

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Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N e w s

Surround Sound— y  Debut of YS porchfest y

Esther S. Battle, Ph.D. Licensed Clinical Psychologist for the psychological evaluation and treatment of children, adolescents, adults, couples and families 403 Xenia Avenue for appointments call 767-7979

Ph o t o s , F r o m T o p , by R o b e r t Has e k ,

D i a n e C h i d d i st e r , M att h e w C o l l i n s

Yellow Springs inaugurated its first PorchFest on Saturday, Oct. 6, 2018. The musical round-robin affair had villagers and visitors walking to porches, driveways and backyards to hear a wide array of local musicians perform. The seven-hour event was spread out over 20 locations and hosted 38 acts. Above, Mojo Power performed at the Haller home on Limestone Street; left, Leah Danette sang out from the library porch; below, Devil’s Backbone with Carl Schumacher, center.

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AACW's Big Event — y  A look at blues fest y


JOHN BRYAN COMMUNITY POTTERY A community studio offering classes, workshops, & studio rentals.

For over 40 years, this non-profit studio has been providing opportunities for learning and working with clay to the Yellow Springs community and surrounding areas. The studio is well equipped with a wood kiln, a gas reduction kiln, raku kiln, electric kilns, 12 wheels, slab roller, extruder and glaze room. Renters have 24-hour access to the studio. Visitors welcome. Open Studio Hours Saturday & Sunday from 12-4 P.M.


The AACW Blues Fest in full swing in 2009. Among the pIctured are, from left, the late Faith Patterson, original organizer of the event, her son Nerak Roth Patterson on guitar, and Guy Davis on harmonica. Below, daughter Karen Patterson performed blues and jazz on the cello. By



As much a fall tradition as the changing leaves, the AACW Blues Fest was long a staple of Springs’ cultural palette. The event celebrated the role of African Americans in the progression of American music — from gospel, blues and jazz to rock ’n’ roll, hip hop and R&B, bringing in national acts and elevating local talent to grateful crowds at the Antioch College Amphitheater. The annual event ran for 16 straight years, from 1997–2013, with encores in 2015 and 2016. By the end it had expanded to include other events throughout the weekend, such as Gospel Fest, Blooz N Poems and Innovation Stage. Blues Fest was organized by African American Cross-Cultural Works, or AACW, a local nonprofit dedicated to the promotion of diversity, community and education. That organization, and its annual festival, was the conception of educator and community activist Faith Patterson and the late Antioch College music professor Bill Chappelle, who built on the the successful African American Cultural Week put on in 1991 by Antioch College student John Sims. “It celebrates community and cultural diversity — it’s not just a concert,” Patterson told the News in 2010. “It’s not about musicians standing up but people learning.” Patterson died in 2016 and was memorialized at that year’s Blues Fest. Bill Chappelle died in 1998. His son, famous comedian Dave Chappelle, went on to MC an extra day of the event in 2006. That event, held on the Antioch College golf

course, featured the R&B singer Erykah Badu, harmonica player Frédéric Yonnet, and neo-soul singer Goapele, swelling the crowd from an already-impressive draw of 3,000 attendees to an estimated 7,000. Patterson’s musical children, Karen Patterson and Nerak Roth Patterson, have also been deeply involved in the festival and its organization. Karen is a jazz cellist and instructor who has traveled the world, playing at the Lagos Jazz Series Festival in Lagos, Nigeria, and soloing with the Dayton Philharmonic. Nerak Roth Patterson travels and records with his own band, the Nerak Roth Patterson Band, playing a signature mix of rock ’n’ roll, metal and blues. The group has toured with Journey, Jethro Tull, the Doobie Brothers and B.B. King. 1

Ph o t o s by R o b e r t Has e k

100 Dayton Street Yellow Springs Look for a schedule and description of upcoming classes at


Peifer Orchards & Farm Market • Farm Fresh Apples • Farm Fresh Peaches • U-Pick Blackberries • U-Pick Pumpkins • U-Pick Red Raspberries • Jams & Jellies • Baked Goods • Farm Fresh Vegetables • Handcrafted Gifts by Local Artisans • Fresh-Pressed Cider

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Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

Creative Explorations Women’s Retreat • Relax • Reconnect • Renew Facilitated or Self-Directed Retreat Options


Yellow Springs www.creativeexplorations.net

$ $ $ Continued from page 58 Riding Centre, The 767‑9087 www.RidingCentre.org

C o n ta c t: Web:

The Riding Centre was established in 1960 by Louise Soelberg as an educational, nonprofit project dedicated to the teaching of horsemanship, the care and management of horses and the training of young teachers. Located on a por tion of Glen Helen, Riding Centre facilities include a large outdoor ring, a lighted indoor ring, a cross-countr y hunt course, several trails and two stables, which house the school’s horses, boarders and the Therapeutic Riding Program. The Therapeutic Riding Program, started in 1974, ser ves adults and children with developmental disabilities. Carolyn Bailey is the riding teacher for the program. The Riding Centre also features summer riding day camps, in which children attend a four-hour-daily schedule for one week, learning about the care of horses and the skills of riding.

227 Xenia Ave., 767‑5751 e m a i l : ysscoffice1@gmail.com W e b : www.seniorcitizenscenter.org C o n ta c t:

VEGETARIAN FRIENDLY Mon.-Thurs. 11:30 a.m.–10* p.m. Fri. & Sat. 11:30 a.m.–10:30* p.m. Sun. 1 p.m.–9* p.m.

108 Xenia Ave.

767-2131 * Dining room closes 1 hour earlier

Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N e w s

c ommunity organizations

Senior Center

Over 45 years in Yellow Springs

The Yellow Springs Senior Center is dedicated to enhancing the dignity and quality of life for seniors in Yellow Springs and Miami Township and has been a mainstay of the community since 1959. The Senior Center is located in the heart of Yellow Springs on Xenia Avenue. The Senior Center provides assistance in the following areas: • Support Ser vices — assists seniors with navigation of available benefits, assists in finding solutions for seniors to remain in their homes, assists caregivers and provides linkages to services through the Greene County Council on Aging and other Greene County services. • Transportation — assists seniors with transportation to and from medical appointments, personal care appointments or tasks and Senior Center activities and programs. • Homemaking Services — assists seniors with homemaking tasks such as cleaning, laundry, food preparation and errands. • Activities — provides activities at the Senior Center and other locations to assist seniors and others with enjoyable socializa-

Saint Paul Catholic Church

Phillips at Elm Street Established 1856

WEEKLY MASS Sundays: 11:15 a.m. Wednesdays: 6 p.m. Office: 308 Phillips Street • (937) 767-7450 • Fax (937) 767-7465 office@stpaulchurchyso.org • www.stpaulchurchyso.org

tion, physical exercise and learning new skills. Membership in the Senior Center is open to ever yone. Family members are encouraged to join and become aware of the resources available. A bi-monthly newsletter is published that provides information on all the activities and programs available at the Senior Center. The Senior Center is open Monday–Friday, 9:30 a.m.–4 p.m.

Tecumseh Land Trust Krista Magaw, P.O. Box 417, 767‑9490 e m a i l : krista@tecumsehlandtrust.org W e b : www.tecumsehlandtrust.org; www. facebook.com/TecumsehLandTrust/ C o n ta c t:

Tecumseh Land Trust protects local farmland, water and natural areas forever. TLT helps maintain the rural landscape of Miami Township and unique character of Yellow Springs by preserving land in the area. In 2018, TLT announced it launched the Jacoby Creek Partnership, a grant-funded initiative to preserve farms and install conservation practices on properties along the Jacoby and Yellow Springs creeks. The goals of this project are to improve the quality of water draining into the Little Miami River and preserve key properties in the Jacoby Greenbelt and Countr y Commons, areas long identified by the Village of Yellow Springs as important to protect. Donations to this local nonprofit make it possible for staff to reach out to and assist private landowners who wish to preserve their special farms or natural properties. The land trust has preserved 155 properties, encompassing over 27,000 acres and 42 stream miles. Glen Helen, enjoyed by many visitors every year, is the best-known property protected by the land trust. Landowners and land lovers alike are encouraged to contact the land trust to learn more about the land trust’s work, upcoming walks and local food events and volunteer opportunities.

Threshold Singers of Yellow Springs Linda Chernick, 937‑234‑SING (7464) W e b : thresholdchoir.org/yellowsprings C o n ta c t:

Through bedside song, the Threshold Singers of Yellow Springs bring compassion and comfort to those standing at the threshold between living and dying. When invited, a small group of our members (usually two or three) comes to sing quietly at bedside for a comfortable length of time (perhaps 20–30 minutes) in hospitals, nursing homes and private homes. We are sensitive to the physical and emotional needs of the individual and family, always respecting the desire for privacy and family time. Our singing is meant to soothe, nurture and inspire. Family, friends and caregivers are welcome to listen or to quietly join in. There is no charge for our service. The Threshold Singers of Yellow Springs is open to all women who feel called to this service. Musical training is not necessary -- only a desire to sing from your heart, blending your voice with other singers as we learn the beautiful Threshold Choir repertoire. Since this is not a performance choir, we work on learning to sing quietly together, listening to one another and blending our voices. Singing at bedside comes in time,

when the new singer is ready. We rehearse on three Sunday afternoons a month. On the fourth Sunday afternoon, we sing at Friends Care Community. To schedule a visit, or for information about joining, please call 937-234-SING.

UNICEF C o n ta c t:

Joy Fishbain, 767‑7724

UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund, has worked since 1946 to protect the lives of children around the world. Assistance is provided in the areas of health care, safe water supply, sanitation, nutrition, education and training. The Yellow Springs community has given generous support to UNICEF. Many residents make an effort to purchase Unicef cards and children collect donations during Halloween “Trick or Treat for Unicef.” To shop for cards online, visit www. unicefusa.org/shop or call 1-800-553-1200 to place your order. Holiday cards may also be purchased from Hallmark Gold Crown Stores, Pier One Imports, Barnes and Noble or by contacting Joy Fishbain, who has a nice selection of boxed cards from recent years at discounted rates.

Wellness Center at Antioch College 937‑319‑0100 wellness@antiochcollege.org wellnesscenter.antiochcollege.edu

C o n ta c t: email: Web:

The recently renovated facility is a place to focus on fitness and health. Spacious and filled with natural light, the Wellness Center preser ves historic architectural elements dating back to its days as the college gym, while incorporating contemporary features. It embraces Antioch’s vision of sustainability by meeting LEED Gold standards. The Wellness Center offers: • A six-lane, regulation-length indoor swimming pool made cleaner and greener with UV filtration system; • A large therapeutic whirlpool; • A fully equipped fitness room with state-of-the-art cardio equipment, strength machines, weight lifting equipment, and a walking track; • Indoor courts for basketball, racquetball, volleyball, badminton and pickleball; • Studio spaces for group fitness classes; • Outdoor tennis courts; • A healthy grab-and-go snack bar. A variety of programs are offered, taught by experienced and certified instructors. Programs include: group fitness classes, intramural basketball and volleyball, swimming and tennis lessons for all ages, personal training and bodywork. Memberships and day passes are available online or at the front desk. The South Gym is a multi-use space for special events, lectures, conferences, retreats and performances.

Winter Farmers Market 767‑7560 www.facebook.com/ YellowSpringsWinterFarmersMarket

C o n ta c t: Web:

Located in the great room of the Yellow Springs Senior Center, the winter market is open every Saturday morning, January– March, 9 a.m.–noon. The market features

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c ommunity organizations hoop-house produce, baked goods, jellies, honey, eggs, pork, cheese, maple syrup, granola and more items from many of the same vendors who attend the summer markets. Some Saturdays feature local musicians. Follow the market on Facebook at “Yellow Springs Winter Farmers Market.”

Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce Karen Wintrow, Executive Director, 101 Dayton St., 767‑2686 e m a i l : info@yellowspringsohio.org W e b : www.yellowspringsohio.org C o n ta c t:

The Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to encourage a vibrant business environment that drives the success of its members while enhancing the quality of life in our community. The YS Chamber supports more than 300 members. The YS Chamber hosts member events on the third Thursday of ever y month. Chamber Chats are informal member gatherings to discuss areas of interest for members. Lunch and Learn events bring guest speakers with a focus on issues of concern for members. Meetings are held either at 9 a.m. or noon in the Bryan Center, rooms A and B. Business After Hours are networking events held at member locations as an opportunity for them to highlight their business and are held from 5:30-7:30 p.m., also on the third Thursday. With offices centrally located in the Yellow Springs Station on the Little Miami Scenic Trail, visitors and residents can stop in the office for information and brochures. YS Chamber employees typically staff the office from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays, but please call first to be sure someone is available. Twice a year — on the second Saturday in June and October — the YS Chamber sponsors the Yellow Springs Street Fair, an all-day craft, food, music and beer festival to showcase the community. The YS Chamber partners on several other major events including YS Pride, Springsfest, YS Open Studios and Holiday in the Springs, plus numerous smaller events throughout the year.

Yellow Springs Community Foundation 108 Dayton St.; P.O. Box 55, 767‑2655 e m a i l : yscf@yscf.org W e b : www.yscf.org C o n ta c t:

The Yellow Springs Community Foundation — YSCF — is a tax-exempt, public charitable foundation established in 1974 to benefit the citizens and community of Yellow Springs and Miami Township. The YSCF is focused on two key activities for our community: we manage gifts and donations, and from the earned interest we provide grants, scholarships and local impact investment loans for Yellow Springs and Miami Township. In 2017, the YSCF managed $14 million in endowments and funds and made distributions and grants of $525,000 to our community, with 85 percent of our expenses staying local. Our focus areas of giving are education, seniors, housing, environment and the arts, suppor ting many of the local nonprofit

organizations through endowments, agency funds, grants, loans and awards. Applications for grants can be made online. The work of the foundation is made possible by the contributions of communityminded donors. YSCF asks villagers to consider joining the many donors who support the community by remembering the Yellow Springs Community Foundation in philanthropic giving plans.

Yellow Springs Farmers Market C o n ta c t:

Michele Burns, 319‑6076

For over 30 years, the Yellow Springs Farmers Market has provided locally grown produce, meats, eggs and much more, all from area farmers and businesses. It is conveniently located behind the Trail Tavern in the Kings Yard parking lot. The market is open every Saturday, except the second Saturdays in June and October, when the market moves to Sunday. Hours: April and November from 8 a.m.–noon; May–October from 7 a.m.–noon; second Saturday in October–November from 8 a.m.–noon. “Like” us on Facebook for weekly offerings.

Yellow Springs Historical Society David Neuhardt, President, 767‑7106; Gillian Hill, 767‑7432, P.O. Box 501 W e b : www.yshistory.org; blog.yshistory.org; “Yellow Springs Historical Society” on Facebook C o n ta c t:

The Yellow Springs Historical Society, founded in 1985, is dedicated to telling the stories of Yellow Springs’ history. The society looks for fresh ways of making the history of Yellow Springs, Miami Township and the region real and exciting to local residents and visitors. The society plans four or more programs a year at which a different story is told. In addition, the society seeks to make these stories accessible to a wider audience through other means. These other efforts have included photo and other exhibits at the Street Fair and other public events; publications, including the popular reprint of Harold Igo’s local ghost stories from the Yellow Springs News, and a biography of William Mills by Jane Baker; cooperation with local histor y programs in schools; stories and announcements on the website and Facebook; community events and celebrations; support of oral and video history projects; advocacy for the preser vation, and for collecting the stories, of historic structures and maintenance of the Antioch Bookplate archives. Future projects include tours with supplemental brochures, a formal inventor y of a growing collection of artifacts, in-depth research on the historical houses of Yellow Springs and the long-term vision of a museum and research center. The Historical Society is a co-sponsor of the Grinnell Mill Foundation, which promotes the preservation of the mill. The historic Grinnell Mill Museum is open to the public year-round on Sunday. Membership fees are modest, and the group’s public programs are free and open to the public.


Yellow Springs Home, Inc. P.O. Box 503, 767‑2790 info@yshome.org W e b : www.yshome.org; www.facebook.com/ yellowspringshomeinc C o n ta c t: email:

Yellow Springs Home, Inc. (Home, Inc.) is a nonprofit community development corporation whose mission is to strengthen community and diversity in Yellow Springs and Miami Township by providing permanently affordable, sustainable housing through our Community Land Trust. Home, Inc. accomplishes its mission through four major areas: • Working with households to prepare for homeownership through the Home Buyer Coaching program, which is centered around individualized one-on-one financial coaching; • Building and rehabbing homes and rentals affordable to low- and moderate-income families; • Supporting homeowners in the program through stewardship activities; • Advocating for sustainable development. Home, Inc. has built or rehabbed 22 housing units and counting and has not had a single foreclosure since founding. Home, Inc. is organized as a membershipbased Community Land Trust (CLT) with a board of directors that is at least one-third low-income and includes homeowner representation. The CLT model encourages the permanent affordability of each home built. Funding from local donors, foundations, and county and state government helps to supContinued on page





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Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N e w s

c ommunity organizations

$ $ $ Continued from page 63

We’re creating a NATIONWIDE NETWORK OF TRAILS from former rail lines and connecting corridors to build healthier places for healthier people. Midwest Regional Office in Yellow Springs • railstotrails.org


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port its housing development efforts. Contact Home, Inc. for more information on homes for sale, rentals and the Home Buyer Coaching program. Home, Inc. also welcomes community volunteers. Become a member today: yshome.org/ become-a-member.

Yellow Springs Neighborhood Gardens, Inc. 767‑2729, 750‑6090 W e b : Facebook: Neighborhood Gardens of Yellow Springs C o n ta c t:

Neighborhood gardening is based on a simple idea: to have places within walking distance of one’s home where neighbors can garden together — and have fun! Presently, six neighborhood gardens are open (a seventh is planned): Friends Care, the oldest garden; Fair Acres Park, the most neighborly garden; Corry Street, the largest and most sociable garden; Bill Duncan Park, the most celebritous garden; Frogtown Reserve on Glass Farm, the most tried garden; and President Street, the newest garden. This year, more than 70 villagers have garden plots. Most present gardeners do not have land, or do not have suitable sites for home gardens because of shade. Fees and deposits are not required in order to promote central values of inclusiveness, equality and affordability. Because of such values, the neighborhood gardens collectively is one of the most

demographically and socio-economically rich and diverse of all the village’s institutions! We offer safe places to garden, explore, fail, succeed, develop, experiment, show off, see how others garden, learn from others and have fun. Don’t you wish every place was like this? Come join us! Our steering committee is comprised of elected representatives from each neighborhood garden, and as need arises, experienced garden mentors and landowner representatives. For more information or to sign up for a plot or two, contact Thor and Friends at 767-2729 or 750-6090, douglasleebailey@earthlink.net. We guarantee access, not success; that’s up to you! We wish you well!

YS PetNet P.O. Box 21, Yellow Springs, OH, 937‑372‑2044 W e b : www.facebook.com/YSPetNet C o n ta c t:

PetNet of Yellow Springs is a collective of area animal lovers committed to standing between lost pets and the pound. We seek to provide excellent short-term foster care while we work with local authorities, animal shelters and the community to return each rescue home. PetNet collaborates with area resources to rehome unclaimed or stray animals when appropriate. PetNet is only as effective as our community is strong. We are always seeing volunteer fosters, but even if you can’t open your home, there are plenty of other ways you can help. For more information, contact us on Facebook or call.

Yellow Springs Repair Cafe Kat Walter, 937‑475‑9207 kat@volksmail.com ysrepaircafe.org

C o n ta c t: email: Web:

The Yellow Springs Repair Cafe, connected to repaircafe.org, brings villagers together as volunteers fix — and teach neighbors how to fix — broken goods people wish to reuse. This free, quarterly event not only builds a stronger community and teaches neighbors how to repair their own goods, but keeps more trash out of the waste stream.

Yellow Springs Resilience Network ysresilience@gmail.com facebook.com/ysresiliencenetwork

email: Web:

The Yellow Springs Resilience Network is a collaborative network of individuals

and organizations in the village who aim to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions and create long-term resilience — not only to the effects of climate change, but also as an ecological community in the village. The network is committed to developing a highly inclusive and equitable local economy, increasing local renewable energy production, greatly increasing and distributing the amount of locally produced food, cutting transportation emissions, supporting the development of highly energy-efficient housing and buildings and eliminating waste entirely. All are welcome to participate.

Yellow Springs Time Exchange Kat Walter, 937‑475‑9207 kat@volksmail.com www.ystimeexchange.org

C o n ta c t: email: Web:

The Yellow Springs Time Exchange is building a stronger, self-sufficient community by connecting individuals and organizations in Yellow Springs and the surrounding region who trade talents and services to meet needs, hour for hour. The core belief is that everyone has talents and “gifts” — resources — that people need. All services are equal in value and can provide mutual benefit for the community.

Yellow Springs Tree Committee C o n ta c t:

P.O. Box 122, 767‑2981, 767‑2162

The Yellow Springs Tree Committee was founded in 1982 with these goals: • To provide leadership in the planting and care of trees on the public lands of Yellow Springs; • To serve as an advisory group to the public on tree and shrub care, selection and removal; • To promote the improvement of private property through the wise selection and use of trees. The Tree Committee grew out of two community tree-planting projects: a 1976 planting of trees on the Mills Lawn school grounds to honor Yellow Springs News editor Kieth Howard, and a continuing beautification program of tree plantings throughout the village. The committee offers a tribute and memorial tree-planting program to honor a life, a service or a significant event. New members and volunteers are always welcome to join the Tree Committee.

Dr. Todd McManus O.D.

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Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

L o c al industry info@crescolabs.com www.crescolabs.com

email: Web:

As one of the fastest-growing companies in cannabis, Cresco Labs leads industry across multiple disciplines. They are involved with every element of the seed-to-sales process — starting with state-of-the-art cultivation facilities, precisely designed to produce thriving cannabis plants. The in-house lab team ensures product purity and quality before moving products through production, packaging, and shipment. Cresco Labs distributes products to dispensaries nationwide, including several dispensaries owned and operated by their team. With one of the top application scores, Cresco Labs moved into Ohio. They were the first to break ground on over 50,000 square feet of cultivation, manufacturing and production space. In June of 2018, Cresco Labs won license to operate vertically integrated dispensaries on Ohio.

Morris Bean & Company 777 E. Hyde Road, 767-7301 www.morrisbean.com

C o n ta c t: Web:

Morris Bean & Company had its beginnings as a co-op work project of Antioch College. It was once known as the Antioch Foundry and occupied what is now the Foundry Theater on Corry Street. Morris Bean was assigned to the project as student manager in 1928, and the business incorporated with Morris as president and part-owner in 1946. The company supplies precision castings with extraordinary performance characteristics to manufacturers of commercial refrigeration, locomotive turbochargers, medical and cryogenic equipment. Morris Bean & Company is recognized as the source for castings exceeding normal industry capabilities. The company will celebrate its 73rd anniversary in 2019.

C o n ta c t:

S and G Artisan Distillery, LLC



DMS ink Web:

Christine Soward, 937-222-5056 info@dmsink.us www.dmsink.us

DMS ink is an award-winning, certified minority and woman owned, Critical Communication company. The company provides innovative, cutting edge Critical Document solutions in the areas of project management, material acquisitions, data programming, variable content, digital, inkjet and offset printing, as well as fulfillment and mailing services. DMS ink provides a wider range of services through its subsidiaries, The Bricks Agency, a creative marketing communications firm, and Barrett Brothers Legal Publishing. DMS ink is the 2017 Dayton Business Journal’s Woman-Owned Business of the Year.

Electroshield, Inc. 767-1054; 708 S. High St. www.electroshield.com

C o n ta c t: Web:

EnviroFlight, LLC 303 N. Walnut St., 767-1988 info@enviroflight.net www.enviroflight.net

C o n ta c t: email: Web:

EnviroFlight harnesses the power of the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) through applied technology for nutrient recovery. It uses co-products from breweries, ethanol production and pre-consumer food residuals as feedstock for black soldier larvae to produce cost-effective, sustainable, high-quality nutrients and fertilizer.

sandgartisandistillery@woh.rr.com www.sandgartisandistillery.com

S and G Artisan Distillery, LLC is a true hand-created, small-batch distillery dedicated to hand-crafting fine spirits, unusual liqueurs and traditional European schnaps. S and G was founded in 2011 and made its home in the community of Yellow Springs. Founding members Meg Solomon-Gujer, Steven Gujer, Hajo Scheuner and Kerry Scheuner work collaboratively in the creation, manufacturing and business of the distillery. S and G’s brand, “The Spirits of Yellow Springs,” flagship products of Apple Pie Moonshine, made with S and G’s own exceptional rum, have proven to be fan favorites and the 44-proof version was voted a top pick of Ohio’s new products in 2015 (Ohio Magazine Readers’ Poll, Ed. January 2015). S and G’s tasting room offers tastings of all current products and some samplings of items in research and development. Located in the Millworks Complex, 305 N. Walnut St., Yellow Springs, OH, the tasting room is open Wednesday through Friday from 4 to 7 p.m., Saturdays from noon to 7 p.m., and Sundays from 1 to 5 p.m. You can find the distillery online at www.sandgar tisandistiller y.com and on Facebook under The Spirits of Yellow Springs. Cheers!

Vernay Laboratories

Yellow Springs Brewery 767-0222; 305 N. Walnut St., Suite B W e b : www.yellowspringsbrewery.com C o n ta c t:

Yellow Springs Brewer y is an awardwinning microbrewery committed to crafting high-quality artisanal beer for the village and the region. Founded in 2013 by Nate Cornett and Lisa Wolters, Yellow Springs Brewery boasts a 15-barrel production brew house and public taproom at its location in the MillWorks business park. Yellow Springs Brewery has set itself apart in the growing craft beer market by brewing well-balanced beers that are unique takes on traditional styles, winning a silver medal at the prestigious Great American Beer Festival in its first year of operation. It has produced a wide variety of beers, including pale ales, stouts, saisons, IPAs, brown ales, barrel-aged beers, wheat beers, cream ales, milds and more. In 2015, the brew house doubled in capacity, and now churns out over 4,000 barrels of beer per year. Yellow Springs Brewery cans six of its popular beers for the retail market. More than 500 bars and restaurants in the Dayton and surrounding area carry Yellow Springs Brewery beer on tap. Meanwhile, the local taproom features constantly changing art exhibits and guided tours of the production facility on Saturdays and Sundays. Yellow Springs Brewery also gives back to local nonprofits by donating $1 per beer for several hours on many Thursday nights. The brewery has around 40 full-time and parttime employees.

YSI’s global headquarters, research and development lab and largest manufacturing facility is located in Yellow Springs. YSI employs over 200 people locally and has additional employees who work in YSI facilities all over the world. YSI’s major instruments and sensors are focused on environmental monitoring, namely water quality and velocity. These systems deliver high-quality data to governments and independent professionals who are actively maintaining our natural resources and ecosystems. The Life Sciences division of YSI also manufactures bio-analyzers for pharmaceutical, health care and alternative fuel processing applications. YSI’s slogan — “Who’s Minding the Planet?” ® — asks us to consider the commitment made by those who use its products to protect the planet and ensure a rich, sustainable future. Citizens who drink clean water, receive flood warnings, enjoy recreational fishing and patients with diabetes have all encountered the benefits of dedicated professionals utilizing YSI products. You can connect with YSI on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and many other social media sites. To read more about how customers are using instruments to manage local and global environmental issues — visit YSI’s blog at: ysi.com/blog. YSI is both ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 ­registered.


YSI /a Xylem Brand 1700/1725 Brannum Lane, 767-7241 e m a i l : info@ysi.com W e b : www.ysi.com C o n ta c t:

YSI, Incorporated, a Xylem brand, is a manufacturer of precision scientific equipment. The company was founded in the village in 1948 by graduates of Antioch College.

120 E. South College St., 767-7261 www.vernay.com

C o n ta c t: Web:

Vernay Laboratories is a world leader and innovator in the design and manufacture of sophisticated fluid-handling components. Since Sergius Vernet’s invention of the waxexpansion element that revolutionized the automotive thermostat in 1938, the company has been dedicated to meeting and exceeding the specialized needs of the global marketplace. Vernay ser ves the industrialized world through sales and manufacturing facilities in Ohio, Georgia, the Netherlands, Italy, France, Brazil, Japan, Singapore and China. Vernay’s headquarters and research and development operation remain in Yellow Springs at its facility on East South College Street. Vernay produces precision rubber products for the automotive, appliance, consumer,

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Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N e w s


9TH OLDEST SUBARU DEALER IN THE U.S. • ph o t o by r o b e r t h as e k Close to 2,000 music lovers attended Springsfest in 2018 on the Bryan Center lawn. Here indie-rock outfit Twin Peaks, of Chicago, Ill., played hazy tunes to a laid-back crowd in the late afternoon. By

Tracy Perkins


For the third year, Yellow Springs celebrated its own version of Woodstock with Springsfest, an 11-hour music festival in July 2018. Total attendance was 1,835. The nationally and locally known bands were featured on the lawn of the Bryan Center, with genres ranging from folk, experimental, to punk to indie rock. Springsfest is the brainchild of Connor Stratton, who grew up in Yellow Springs, and has always wanted to make the village more of a music hub. “Springsfest is … a labor of love for the community of Yellow Springs,” Stratton said. “It’s a way of providing something new and exciting to our village and representing the unique love of the arts that we have.” The 2018 music lineup featured Guided By Voices, an indie and lo-fi rock band formed in 1983 in Dayton; Twin Peaks, a

power-pop and garage punk band based in Chicago; Caamp, a guitar and banjo indiefolk duo from Upper Arlington; Counterfeit Madison, originally from Nigeria, a funky, classical, rock solo artist based in Columbus; Speaking Suns, the town’s native sons of indie dream pop and art rock; Teen Age; Adam Remnant; The Cordial Sins; Lori; Gaptooth Grin; and Scary Balance. The seed for Springsfest started with Stratton getting involved with the Dayton Art and Film Festival, which made him dream of doing something similar in Yellow Springs. Stratton had founded Great Guys Entertainment five years before as a small indie record label. It seems perfectly fitting for such a ­bohemian, artisan and cultured village like Yellow Springs with its own history of locals who have become either famous or semi-famous in the music industry to have a music and arts festival, typified with its unique brand of “Springishness,” according to Stratton. 1

WAG N E R S U B A R U 5470 Intrastate Dr. | Fairborn | 937.878.2171 www.WagnerSubaru.com • ph o t o by r o b e r t h as e k Among the hometown bands that shared the bill with bigger names was Antioch College act Lori.

Y e l l o w S p r i n g s N e w s



Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

y  Paul' s Apartment, reunited y By

Tracy Perkins



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had lots of positive energy. It gave one the feeling of being right at home. The group has released two albums, the first one self-titled “Paul’s Apartment” and the second one titled “Utilities Included.” For more information, you can find them on the web at www.paulsapartment.com. “There is no place like Yellow Springs and the wonderful people who live here,” said Browne after the gig. “I’ll be back.” 1




suggested they form a band. Needing a drummer, they reached out to Dewey, who they had seen perform, and the band was complete. One evening as they all walked into Canal Street Tavern in Dayton, Callahan’s wife, Kelly, shouted, “Hey, look! There’s Paul’s Apartment!” and thence they were dubbed. On that Friday evening at Peach’s, all that chemistry came back as if it had never left. Band members played as if they had never broken up, not missing a beat. “I had forgotten how fun and easy it was to play with these guys,” said Callahan. “The chemistry was as intimate and as fresh as ever.” Though Browne is mainly the lead singer, she and Callahan took turns singing lead on some of the songs — she with her sultry timbre and he with his intense wailing. Each instrumentalist also took turns on solos. Most are familiar with the term “folk rock,” but this group takes that genre and turns it on its head to perform something that would better be described as “rock folk,” playing bluesy rock tinged with rockabilly and country, but uncharacteristically using acoustic folk instruments not usually employed for such a musical fusion, giving them their own unique sound. The crowd, which was more than modest,

305 N. Walnut Street • Yellow Springs 305 305 N. N. Walnut Walnut Street Street •• Yellow Yellow Springs Springs www.yellowspringsbrewery.com www.yellowspringsbrewery.com www.yellowspringsbrewery.com 937•767•0222 937 937••767 767••0222 0222 UU.S.S. UR.SU.S. R. R . ROOUUTTEOUOTUETE E 6688 6868

• ph o t o by T r acy Pe r k i n s - S c h m i tt l e r The popular local band Paul’s Apartment re-united in spring of 2018 at a performance at Peach’s Grill. Shown above are, from left, Brian Kelley, Neil Thompson, Donna Browne, Oliver Simons and Tim Callahan. Not shown is drummer “Duke” Dewey, at rear.

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On a Friday night last spring, Peach’s Bar and Grill hosted its signature band for the first time in seven years. In fact, the band, Paul’s Apartment, which is remembered fondly by many villagers, was the first act ever to play at Peach’s, which had been a drive-thru liquor store. Because of this history, the bar made special arrangements for them to play that night, even on short notice. Paul’s Apartment has been credited with re-invigorating the Yellow Springs music scene, according to several local musicians, which is why they’ve been missed. “I’ve played with a lot of musicians,” said Donna Lynn Browne (née Moser), a food safety microbiologist and the lead vocalist. “But none are like the boys in Paul’s Apartment.” Back in the day — about 15 years ago — the band played three gigs a weekend in Ohio and Indiana. They even had two songs that made it onto radio playlist rotations at 19 different stations, including “Tasty Freeze,” their signature track, a reference to the ice cream shop that once occupied the Corner Cone location. The band was most active from 2001 to 2007, after which it tapered off with the illness of one member, and eventually broke up when two members moved out of state. Browne, who has been grieving the death of her son in 2016, stopped playing music for a while because it would bring up difficult emotions. But when she visited Yellow Springs from her home state of California the month previous and listened to the music of Tim Callahan, a local psychologist and the lead guitarist, she realized she was ready. “It smoked!” she said of Callahan’s playing. Then she thought, “We’ve got to get everyone back together!” Returning to music has been healing. “Good for the soul,” she said. Callahan and Browne complement each other, they said, with his “dark psycho” side, which is a contrast to her “sexy romantic” side. “Gotta have the bitter with the sweet,” added Callahan. Brian Kelley, a construction worker who plays banjo for the band, came over from Colorado for a long weekend just to play. Then there’s Greg “Duke” Dewey, drummer of Woodstock fame, who has played in classic bands such as Country Joe & the Fish, Bodacious and Mad River, and Neil Thompson, an industrial engineer and the bassist. Thompson overcame a benign yet dangerous brain tumor in 2006 to narrowly beat the odds. Oliver Simons, who grew up in Yellow Springs, the son of Jeff Simons and the late musician Christina Hess, was the band’s mandolin player for a time and rejoined them for the reunion gig. As the origin story goes, in the early 2000s, Browne, a graduate of Berkeley College and California Polytechnic University, moved to Yellow Springs from Santa Cruz, Calif., when her employer, Dole, transferred her to its facility in Springfield. A musician and singer since she was 12, Browne was doing solo gigs around town. She attended jam sessions at the apartment of Paul Kadis above the Emporium, who the band considers to be their “patron saint and cult leader.” After jamming, Browne


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Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9


Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N e w s

y  Tales of a forgotten music star y By



Of the famous musicians to live in Yellow Springs, Brien Fisher is probably the most successful, but least known. While living in Yellow Springs in the late 1950s, Fisher had a remarkable creative run. He co-founded a successful record label. As a singer, he released four singles, including a minor hit, and appeared on American Bandstand in 1957. After he left town following a tragic crime, Fisher became an A-list Nashville record producer with more than 20 Top 10 country hits. As there is almost no biographical infor-

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mation compiled on Fisher, the arc of his early career only became apparent after interviews with two family members and six musicians who worked with him in the 1950s, and searching old Yellow Springs News accounts. Born in Tennessee in 1933, Fisher grew up just down the road from Yellow Springs in Goes Station. After a decorated stint in the Marines, Fisher moved in with his parents, who had moved to Yellow Springs. While 502 Livermore St. is well known today as the Yellow Springs Dharma Center, it was once a residence, and, in 1955, it was the home of the Fisher family. Mrs. Fisher worked as a maid at Antioch College cleaning dorm rooms and Mr. Fisher ran a taxi business out of his home. While Fisher made a living driving a taxicab in town, music was his passion. “Music was what [Fisher] wanted to do, and that’s all he wanted to do,” said Yellow Springs guitarist Eddy Campbell in a 2016 phone interview. “Talk about a man who knew his music. He’d wake up singing.” Even as a boy, Fisher loved music. As kids, “him and I and two cousins had a quartet, playing bluegrass gospel,” said brother Jack Fisher in a 2016 phone interview from Tennessee. Music ran in his family, as Fisher’s father, Rufus, was a gifted bluegrass gospel singer and amateur songwriter, according to Fisher’s son, Kevin Fisher, in a phone interview from Xenia. Brien Fisher “was talented and ambitious,” according to Jack Fisher. Soon after moving to Yellow Springs in 1955, Brien Fisher began to put both his talent and ambition to work. In early 1957, Fisher co-founded Spangle Records. Over the next two years, the Springfield, Ohio-based label produced 16 records of country and rock ’n’ roll. Brien Fisher wrote or co-wrote over half of Spangle’s songs, with his best being Rocky Rose’s stirring “Midnight Sun.” Because it lacked national distribution, Spangle had a clever business plan of recording original songs with unknown young singers and then selling the master recordings to bigger labels. “Back then, you could cut an artist [in Nashville] for not very much and take it to New York City and sell it for a couple thousand,” said famed Nashville session pianist Pig Robbins in a 2017 phone interview from Tennessee. At age 19 in 1957, Robbins’ very first recording session ever

• ph o t o c ou r t e sy o f K e v i n F i s h e r A famous musician with ties to the village is rock ‘n’ roll and country musician and producer Brien Fisher, here photographed with a Gibson CF-100 acoustic guitar sometime in the 1950s. Fisher was living on Livermore Street when he appeared on American Bandstand in 1957, and went on to become a successful Nashville producer.


The 365 Project serves as a catalyst that challenges and supports the people of Yellow Springs, Ohio to engage critically and respectfully in courageous conversations and action that promotes diverse African American heritage, culture, and educational equity, 365 days a year.


Fisher's 1957 hit single, “Fingertips,” was released by his own label, Spangle Records, based in Springfield.

was a Spangle song Fisher co-wrote for the Sprouts, “Teen Billy Baby.” In 1957 and 1958, Fisher recorded four records with Spangle. In September 1957, he appeared on American Bandstand, the biggest rock ’n’ roll show in the country. On national TV, he lip-synced his second single, the teenybopper rocker “Fingertips” — “Fingertips, your fingertips, the slightest touch makes my heart flip.” Spangle successfully sold his third single, “Double Dating,” to a bigger label. Another teenybopper rocker, it offered the sage advice that “drive-in movies, dancing, skating [are] twice the fun when you’re double dating.” Despite some radio airplay, none of his three solo records charted nationally. “Brien knew he didn’t have a great singing voice,” said Eddy Campbell, “but, boy, could he sing harmony.” Indeed, singing harmony as one-half of the harmony duo the Couplings on their modest 1958 hit, “Young Dove’s Calling,” gave Fisher his biggest chart success as a singer. Two musicians who worked with him in the late 1950s each told stories of Fisher either driving drunk or speeding. This penchant for reckless driving eventually ended the first part of his music career and likely contributed to him leaving Yellow Springs. Shortly before midnight on a Saturday night in January 1959, Fisher was behind the wheel of his sleek Studebaker Golden Hawk driving a musician friend and two young women. Fisher was headed south on Xenia Avenue near where the library now stands, when he drove into an Antioch College freshman on her bicycle, according to a News article at the time. The bruised and cut Antioch student needed about 30 stitches in her face and neck, according to the News. Fisher and his friend left their two female companions at the scene and fled the state. Later that week, police captured Fisher and his friend in Virginia, and he was sentenced to six months in jail. Soon after he got out of jail, Fisher had the biggest hit of his early career. Cowritten well before the hit-and-run, Betty Foley’s rockabilly jaunt “Old Moon” hit the country Top 10 chart in August 1959 and became one of the most played country radio songs that year. With its success, Fisher left Yellow Springs for good, moving to Chicago with his wife and infant son, according to interviews with his longtime friend, the late Illinois songwriter Bernie “Hoot” Harville Jr. There, Fisher built his own recording studio and slowly learned the craft of record production. In the end, it took Fisher almost 20 years of dogged persistence before he had another hit. Then, beginning in 1977 with his Grammy Award-winning No. 1 hit for the Kendalls “Heaven’s Just a Sin Away,” he went on to produce 20 Top 10 country hits. Producing other country stars like Vern Gosdin and Bobby Bare, Fisher’s productions sold millions of records. Fisher died of prostate cancer near Nashville in 2016, leaving a lasting legacy of music. His best 1950s songs, “Midnight Sun” and “Old Moon,” still resonate, while “Heaven’s Just a Sin Away” remains a country radio staple. After six decades in the music business, it’s easy to see that Fisher did exactly what he was born to do: make music. 1

Y e l l o w S p r i n g s N e w s


Guide to YelLow Springs   y   2 01 8 - 1 9

y  friends music camp inspires y

Friends Music Camp musicians marched through town in late July 2017, announcing the annual benefit concert for Glen Helen. A bemused ­wedding party from across the street looked on. The 35-plus-year-old camp offers two- and four-week programs in strings, brass, woodwinds and voice for young musicians aged 10 to 18 years. In addition, campers collaborate to produce a musical as a final project.




Friends Music Camp is a month-long summer youth camp with deep ties to Yellow Springs. It was co-founded by villager Peg Champney and the late Jean Putnam, both musicians and Quakers, and once each summer, campers travel to Yellow Springs to perform a benefit concert. Based on Quaker principles — including equality, simplicity and integrity — FMC offers a noncompetitive environment for aspiring musicians. Orchestra, jazz and concert band, choir, musical theater and individual instruction are all available, along with ensembles and combos that arise out of camper interest. Champney and Putnam were co-directors until Putnam’s retirement in 2012, and Champney, who plays violin and viola and

sings alto in the Yellow Springs Community Chorus, stepped down as director two years ago but remains director emeritus. “It is the realization of a dream that Jean and I had — to combine the best of music camp and strong values,” said Champney recently. She used to teach a class at the camp entitled Life Challenge Discussion, in which goal-setting and making one’s life meaningful were the topics. Two of Champney’s daughters have also served on the staff: Wendy Champney, a classical violist, and Heidi Champney, a violinist, singer and pianist. Another longtime staffer is multi-instrumentalist Martha Hyde, who also grew up in Yellow Springs and is a professional musician in New York City. The camp, formerly held at Olney Friends School in Barnesville, is now on the Earlham College campus in Richmond, Ind. Nick Hutchison is the director. 1


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Y e l l ow S p r i n g s N e w s

N O V chamber music in yellow springs (CMYS): ATTacca quartet Sun., Nov. 4, 7:30 p.m. (First Presbyterian Church) art and soul: a Ys art Fair Nov. 17, 10 a.m–5 p.m (Mills Lawn School gym) ys arts council holiday art jumble Nov. 17–Dec. 23, during regular gallery hours (YSAC Community Gallery) LEGENDARY LIGHTS OF CLIFTON Nov. 23–Dec. 31 (Clifton, OH) D E C SCHOOL FOREST FESTIVAL Sat. and Sun., Dec. 1–2, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. (Bryan Park Road) SANTA PANCAKE BREAKFAST Sat., Dec. 1, 9–11:30 a.m. (United Methodist Church) HOLIDAY FEST (downtown; details TBA) J a n MAR TIN LUTHER KING JR. PEACE WALK Mon., Jan. 21, 10:30 a.m. (downtown) Cello Springs fest (January 2-12, 2019; details TBA) CMYS: Jack Quartet Sun., Jan. 11, 7:30 p.m. (First Presbyterian Church) M A R CMYS : Seraph Brass   Sun., March 10, 7:30 p.m. (First Presbyterian Church) a p r CMY s: annual competition   Sun., April 28, 4 p.m. (First Presbyterian Church) J u ne s pring STREET FAIR   Sat., June 10, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. (downtown) AR T STROLL   Fri., June 14, 6–9 p.m. (downtown) J u ly Friends Music Camp glen helen Benefit concert   (Date and location TBA) springsfest Sat., July 6, times TBA (Bryan Center Lawn) A u g BOOK FAIR   Sat., Aug. 3, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. (Mills Lawn School) ART ON THE LAWN Sat., Aug. 10, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. (Mills Lawn School) CLIFTON GORGE art & music FESTIVAL TBA (Clifton, OH) oc t Fall street FAIR   Sat., Oct. 12, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. (downtown) AR T STROLL   Fri., Oct. 18, 6–9 p.m. (downtown)

s e a s on a l CORNER CONE FARMERS MARKET   Saturdays, 7 a.m.–noon, April–Nov. (Corner Cone parking lot) YELLOW SPRINGS FARMERS MARKET   Saturdays, 7 a.m.–noon, April–Nov. (Kings Yard parking lot) Yellow Springs winter MArket   Saturdays, 9 a.m.–noon, Jan.–March (Senior Ctr. Great Room)     4 For a comprehensive list of community activities, read the Yellow Springs News each Thursday or visit ysnews.com.

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Yellow Springs News



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