A s p e c i a l s e c t i o n o f t h e Y e l lo w S p r i n g s N e w s | M ay 2 3 , 2 019
Classof2019 Trey Anderson
Connor McAnerney°
Cody Back*
Jude Meekin
Kelli Baxter*
Harper Mesure
Mark Bricker
Ryan Millen
Kayla Brown
Gabe Muballigh*
Shay Brown
Tariq Muhammad
Lily Bryan Taysha Burch* Trystan Burch* Raven Campbell Eli Capasso Alyssa Chance Kayla Chance Sulay Chappelle Victoria Chesnut Andrew Clark Anastasia Cooper* Dharma Crocker* Mateus Cussioli† Zoren Egea-Kaleda Mathew Flanagan* Teymour Fultz Aleea Goble William Gray
Jonathan Nash Hailey Qualls Dylan Rainey Meryam Raissouni Cierra Richeson Willow Richeson Alex Ronnebaum Forrest Rowe Biron Schoonover Sokhna Mously Sene† Andrew Siler* Calum Siler Audree Speaks Alexa Spitz Eden Spriggs Janine Stover* Stacia Strodes* Kenna Thomas Sydney Trimbach*
William Gregor
Anna Vogt
Ashlyne Griffis
Kevin Wagner
Ashton Gueth*
David Walker
Jason Lansing
Tabitha Weaver°
Hannah Lawson Jesse Linkhart Zach Lugo
Ethan Yaus* Brett Young° Sara Zendlovitz
C o mm e n c e m e n t c e r e m o n Y ta k e s p l a c e o n T h u r s day, M ay 3 0 , 7 p. m . , i n t h e h i g h s c h o o l g ym The responses and photos in this publication were compiled with generous assistance from YSHS’s Dave Smith and Elizabeth Lutz, and GCCC’s Ron Bolender. | †Indicates exchange student | *Indicates GCCC student | °Indicates no photo The Yellow Springs News is pleased to honor the Yellow Springs High School CLASS OF 2019 with this special section. It is made possible by the sponsorship of the businesses and organizations listed throughout.
2 Yellow Springs High School
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A Special Section of the Yellow S prings News | May 23, 2019
and Coach Phil.) Next year I will attend Sinclair to get my associate’s degree, and in the future I plan to attend the University of Cincinnati to study either education or parks and recreation. In the next 10 years, I would like to either be a P.E. teacher or work in the parks and recreation department in a city near Boston.
Trey Anderson
Mark Bricker
Shay Brown
Taysha Burch
As I am graduating with my class of 2019, I know for sure that I’m going to miss everyone at YSHS and the building itself. I’m going to miss the memories that made our history. I’m going to miss the teachers, the staff, my peers, the coaches and everyone that helped me over the years. There have been many caring people who helped me learn things I would have never known about and I’m thankful for that. I’m proud to be a Yellow Springs Bulldog! I’m going to miss track and crosscountry. I’m going to miss everything about YSHS where I’ve enjoyed spending my last 12 plus years. My senior year ending — it’s just hard to let go and move on but I look forward to senior graduation. My future plans after high school are to get a job so I can bring in a decent amount of good money and eventually start my company, Bricker Industries. I want to help people to make our world a better place to live in and make it beautiful. I hope to have a family of my own some day. I love Yellow Springs and I love you, Bulldogs!
No response submitted.
Eleanor Anderson, Rob Anderson
I would often visit Yellow Springs with my family when I was younger, going to all of the little shops around town. I would always fantasize about what it would be like to live here. During the summer after my sixth-grade year, my fantasy finally became a reality. I came to Yellow Springs as a seventh grader, and it completely changed my life for the better. Though we didn’t know anyone, the community welcomed our family with open arms. I have gone to three other schools in my life, and none of them compare to Yellow Springs. Yellow Springs has helped me grow as a person, not only in the schools but in the community. Some things that I would say were most meaningful were the relationships and bonds I’ve made with not only my peers, but my teachers as well. I would say having a good relationship with your teachers can go a long way at this school, and I’m glad I was able to have those sort of relationships with at least some of my teachers (shouts to Ms. Lutz, Mr. McCoy, Ms. Lohmeyer and Kathy). I was very fortunate to have friends that would have my back no matter what; having a strong support system has helped me out in more ways than one (shouts to Kev, Mateus, Eric, and Andrew, my brothers.) Basketball is, and always has been, my favorite sport, but my mom and I felt I wouldn’t be able to grow my skills at a high level going to a large D1 high school. At Yellow Springs, I was able to get serious varsity minutes as a sophomore and learn from some of the best coaches I’ve ever had in my life, not only about basketball, but about how to be a good, respectable human in society (shouts to Coach Craw
Kelli Baxter Parents/guardians:
Reggie Baxter, Teela Baxter
I go to the Greene County Career Center for the nursing program. I achieved my STNA. I hope to enjoy my summer with friends and family, and then go to Sinclair for the RN program, after which I will transfer to Wright State for my BSN. I am from Xenia, but the Yellow Springs family has been really caring towards me. I hope that in 10 years I will be working in a hospital in the ER.
Cody BLack No response submitted.
Kayla Brown
Lily Bryan Parents/guardians:
Brooke Bryan, Carl Bryan
I was “one of the lucky ones” as a kid growing up in Yellow Springs. I don’t think there’s a spot in town my bare feet haven’t traversed at some point. From the Children’s Center to Yellow Springs High School, my peers and mentors have shaped me and my perspective invaluably. Here, I’ve been taught to pursue knowledge and to love the world around me. I have way too many people to thank for their support. My friends, my family, my class, my teachers, and everyone in between. I love every one of you. I will be attending Barnard College of Columbia University on a pre-medical track, and I hope to double major in neuroscience and history with a French minor — but we’ll see what I’m planning a year from now. In fact, that might be the saving grace of senior year: the future is teeming with possibility, but the past will always be preserved in my heart.
I was enrolled in Yellow Springs Schools in the eighth grade. Yellow Springs Schools have taught me a lot about individualism and how to accept others for who they are. Their teaching and the projectbased learning helped with the education of students. There isn’t anything that I would change with Yellow Springs Schools. My plans for the next couple of years are to finish college with my bachelor’s degree in nursing and hopefully to be a pediatric nurse. In 10 years, I hope to still be working in the pediatric nursing field and be a successful person.
Trystan Burch Parents/guardians:
Bonita Burch, David Burch
I came to Yellow Springs my eighth grade year. I grew up in Springfield and have always lived there, so I was relatively new to Yellow Springs. In the next few years I will be attending the Modern College Of Design, and I will also be continuing my career with my band, Pandolia.
No response submitted.
O u r
AC Service Antioch School
Bonita Burch, David Burch
S p o n so r s
Basho Apparel Bentino’s Pizza
Jerome Borchers, Lamm’s Insurance Shelly Blackman, Keller Williams Realty
A Special Section of the Y Ellow Springs News | May 23, 2019
Yellow Springs High School C L A S S O F 2 0 1 9
Raven Campbell Parents/guardians:
Carrie Campbell, Aaron Campbell
I’ve lived in Yellow Springs for as long as I can remember. I’ve attended only YS schools as well, preschool through high school. From what I’ve heard from my friends who come from other schools and places, Yellow Springs schools — and Yellow Springs — are like their own little worlds compared to the rest of the world. Yet I still feel like I have a loose understanding of how the rest of the world works. I feel like I learned more in school than I would’ve on my own — not only through elective classes, but the core curriculum as well. Not just through classes, but through the programs and people we have visited and the schoolwide days that we take off of class to learn a valuable life lesson or watch a life-changing documentary, or address a deeper issue with society in a positive way that teaches us how to handle said issue. Not just through programs, days of awareness, and classes, but also through clubs and sports. We have student led clubs that find ways to address and fix issues. Not just the schooling, but because of the people I grew up around. I’ve known of some of my peers since preschool, more since elementary, most since high school started, and almost all of them as of this year. I’ve learned of different parts of the world as these people come into our school district, whether it be from as close as Xenia or from as far as Senegal or Libya — and I’ve learned something from that. I’ve learned the importance of trying to understand a stranger. As a more solid statement, in Yellow Springs and its schools, I’ve learned the importance of trying to understand things that are new to me, instead of just letting someone else explain it, and that’s valuable to me. Through the school I have
learned of many different potential career paths for me, so immediately after school I plan on attending Clark State Community College for the next two years to prepare some general credits I might need for careers such as psychologist/counselor, engineer, public speaker, economist, general manager and anything else that becomes of interest to me. In 10 years, I plan to be working in various fields of science along with politics to solve as many problems as I can with the current state of the world before I pass away. More specifically, in 10 years time I’ll probably be obtaining a doctorate degree in psychology/ sociology and designing some obscure product or process to fix a problem with daily life.
would be the staff and teachers. The staff and teachers have been really great to me and have helped me understand the lessons in each class. I have such great relationships with the staff to where it helps me feel comfortable with coming to school. I also really like coming here for my friends. My friends have helped me a lot with getting through classes, being people I can trust and call my second family. My plans for the future are to go to Columbus State and get a degree in studio art or art history. I am hoping that, through college, I can find an internship or a job that involves one of those fields. I am also thinking of becoming a certified dog trainer. I hope to get a good job in the future and be able to use my art skills or dog trainer skills and be happy in life about what I do. Thank you to all my friends and the staff for helping me over the years.
Sulay Chappelle No response submitted.
Anastasia Cooper Parents/guardians: Jason
Cooper, Jenny Cooper
Victoria Chesnut No response submitted.
Eli Capasso No response submitted.
Growing up in the Yellow Springs school district, I have been open to many different experiences. A lot of those experiences have to do with involvement in the community. I would have to say that’s the thing that has stuck with me the most from attending Yellow Springs Schools. Choosing to attend the Greene County Career Center was the best decision I have made about my schooling so far. Not only has it given me a jump start into my future career but I was also able to get several college classes out of the way. After graduation, I plan on attending Sinclair Community College to study radiologic technology. In the next ten years I hope to have a steady job in a career I love and enjoy!
Kayla Chance Parents/guardians: Amy
Groeber, Christopher Groeber
Alyssa Chance Parents/guardians: Amy
Groeber, Christopher Groeber
I started at McKinney Middle School in 7th grade. My experience through the years of being at YSHS/MMS has been a lot better than the school I was at before my family moved to Yellow Springs. I like doing the project-based learning that YSHS/MMS does because it is much more simple to understand the topics we are learning than through textbooks and Powerpoints. The best part for me about YSHS/MMS, besides the PBL,
I started going to Yellow Springs Schools my seventhgrade year. Throughout my experience at Yellow Springs Schools, the greatest part of the school was the teachers and staff. I have had such great relationships with the teachers here. They are great with helping me and just interacting with me. In my mind, the school system itself has changed for the better. Slowly, but surely, the PBL is improving. I do believe for students who excel with learning in groups and in projects this school system is a better choice. It has helped me a lot with my own learning. My plans for the future are to go to Columbus State this fall and study mechanical or electrical-mechanical engineering. I plan to use my degree in engineering to get a good job using my skills or work for the Lego company at one of their factories. O u r
Coldwell Banker Heritage Realtors, Sam Eckenrode, Minerva Bieri
Andrew Clark No response submitted.
Dharma Crocker Parents/guardians:
Marta Mari, Billy Crocker
I moved to Yellow Springs when I was eight years old and I have always enjoyed the town — Mills Lawn was a good experience. Yellow Springs High School was fine; I think that they were figuring out PBL and still were learning how to best implement it in the curriculum. I will say that how the staff handles out-of-school
S p o n so r s
Current Cuisine Dunphy Real Estate, Jo, Teresa & Sheila
Ehman’s Garage Emporium Wines/Underdog Café
4 Yellow Springs High School
C L ASS OF 2019
A Special Section of the Yellow S prings News | May 23, 2019
afraid to take the chances that led me to where I am today. You are all an extremely meaningful part of my life, and I could not be happier to call myself a fellow Bulldog.
incidents or problems is unprofessional and, in their effort to help, causes more problems for all parties involved. I would get a new counselor for the school. I plan on enjoying my life, slowly forgetting about this place. GCCC was enjoyable and really the only helpful schooling I have ever had and will be the reason I go into a good career. How could I see 10 years in the future?
me the opportunity to make the most of the time I’ve spent in this town so far. This fall I will be attending Miami University and I plan to double major in global politics/ diplomacy and professional writing, with an undecided minor.
Matt Flanagan
William Gray
Parents/guardians: Libby
No response submitted.
Flanagan, Kevin Flanagan
Mateus Cussioli No response submitted.
Zoren EgeaKaleda Parents/guardians: Kelly
Yellow Springs has been good to me.
I’ve actually only lived in Yellow Springs for about five years, but still find my experience here meaningful and memorable. When we first moved here, I was going into the eighth grade. Everyone was a complete stranger to me, as I was to them. I was so scared because I was in a completely unfamiliar environment filled with people I’d never met in my life. And it didn’t help that I was pretty anti-social too. I kept thinking that everybody would pick on me, and nobody would like me because I was (and still am) such a weirdo, and that I would never be able to make friends here like I did in Virginia. But as time went on, I learned to be comfortable around everyone. For the first year or so, everybody was so kind and welcoming to me. I made friends a lot easier than I thought I would. I was still pretty anti-social, so I didn’t partake in any clubs or activities for a couple of years. In 10th grade, I decided to take a leap, and joined the School Forest club. Then I took another leap and ended up going to the Greene County Career Center for my passion for design, but still kept in touch with Yellow Springs High School by being in School Forest. I would never have taken those leaps if it weren’t for my first year here, where I was graciously welcomed by people who today I call my friends. The confidence they gave me all those years ago by being as kind as they were is the same confidence that drove me to perform at that talent show at the end of 8th grade, dance at the pep rallies, join School Forest, go to the Career Center, and even write this story. To everyone who has known me since eighth grade, thank you for helping me not be
Teymour Fultz Parents/guardians:
Sarah Amin, Darrin Fultz
Yellow Springs is a great place. I went to MLS in kindergarten and I’ve been going to school here since. The thing I really love about Yellow Springs schools more than anything is that teachers have always pushed me to do my best and have always made me feel welcome. Not only have the teachers made me feel welcome but everybody I met in this town is very nice and accepting. As for my plans after high school, I will be studying health education at the University of Cincinnati. I am looking forward to college, but I will miss the town where I lived my whole life.
Aleea Goble No response submitted.
O u r
Glen Garden Gifts Greene County Career Center
Ashlyne Griffis No response submitted.
William Gregor Parents/guardians:
Teresa Dunphy, Tomaso Gregor
Yellow Springs is not just a beautiful place to live, full of unique people and unique opportunities, it is a place where people are given the support and resources to pursue what they love. As a person who was raised in Yellow Springs, I took for granted, until recently, the many great things that it has to offer, like Glen Helen Nature Preserve, the Little Art Theatre, the many coffee shops and restaurants, Saturday farmers market — and, of course, the schools. There are few other places in the United States that preserve and support small businesses and nature quite like this town. Behind these great values are the community leaders and dedicated teachers. Through projects I have participated in during school — the Food for Thought project, French Café and Glen project — I have learned that anyone can make a difference, as well as the importance of preservation and respect for the world around me. While there were good and bad times, I can say confidently that I wouldn’t have wanted to spend my childhood anywhere else. Thank you to my family, teachers and friends for giving
Ashton Gueth Parents/guardians: Adam
Gueth, Vanessa Gueth
My expierience growing up in Yellow Springs was fun and eye-opening — I learned a lot of things through project-based learning, like teamwork and communication. My plan for the next few years is to join AmeriCorps.
Jason Lansing No response submitted.
S p o n so r s
Greene County Public Health James A. Tetz, D.M.D.
Kettering Health Network Todd McManus, O.D.
A Special Section of the YE llow S prings News | May 23, 2019
Yellow Springs High School C L A S S O F 2 0 1 9
Be cool or be cast out Any escape might help to smooth The unattractive truth But the suburbs have no charms to soothe The restless dreams of youth
Hannah Lawson
Zach Lugo
Parents/guardians: Kira
Stephanie Lawson, Jeff Lawson
I haven’t always lived in Yellow Springs, but have definitely enjoyed the opportunities it has provided for me, as well as the amazing people it has allowed me to meet. I’ve met some of the most influential and important people in my life, from friends to mentors. One of my favorite experiences has been taking riding lessons at the Riding Centre — that’s where I was able to make some of my best friends. The School Forest club has been one of the better parts of my high school experience. I appreciate all the help and support I have gotten from my teachers throughout the years. I couldn’t have done it without them. My plan for the fall is to attend Ohio State University to study astronomy.
Lugo, Brian Lugo
Sprawling on the fringes of the city In geometric order An insulated border In-between the bright lights And the far, unlit unknown Growing up, it all seems so one-sided Opinions all provided The future pre-decided Detached and subdivided In the mass-production zone Nowhere is the dreamer Or the misfit so alone Subdivisions In the high school halls In the shopping malls Conform or be cast out Subdivisions In the basement bars In the backs of cars Be cool or be cast out Any escape might help to smooth The unattractive truth But the suburbs have no charms to soothe The restless dreams of youth Drawn like moths, we drift into the city The timeless old attraction Cruising for the action Lit up like a firefly Just to feel the living night
Jesse Linkhart No response submitted.
Looking back on my time as a student in Yellow Springs, I feel incredibly grateful for the people that I’ve met and shared experiences with. I’m most grateful for my friends, teachers, and coaches. I have many fond memories that correlate with Yellow Springs High School. But all said, Yellow Springs High School is still a high school. We all share the same struggles every other high schooler shares. The fear of not fitting in, not being good enough, cool enough, smart enough. Even in YS there’s still subdivisions. Not knowing where you’re going or what you want to do. You don’t realize that opinions aren’t provided. Decisions aren’t pre decided. It feels like you’re going to be in high school forever and you never have to worry about what comes next. But everyone who graduates admits, “Man the last four years flew by...”
Connor McAnerney Parents/guardians: Gigi
McAnerney, Kevin McAnerney
I’ve been going to Yellow Springs schools since I was young and I have made some great friends over the years. It was okay. I’m going to University of Cincinnati to study business analytics. I have many memories here, but I’m ready to move on.
Some will sell their dreams for small desires Or lose the race to rats Get caught in ticking traps And start to dream of somewhere To relax their restless flight Somewhere out of a memory Of lighted streets on quiet nights Subdivisions In the high school halls In the shopping malls Conform or be cast out Subdivisions In the basement bars In the backs of cars
Jude Meekin Parents/guardians: Nan
Meekin, Kirk Meekin
Yellow Springs has been such a great place to grow and learn, I’ll honestly miss it. I plan to attend Southern Illinois University and major O u r
MVECA Nipper’s Corner
in zoology this fall. I’d like to give a special shout-out to John Gudgel for always being there for me, and being one of the best people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting. To all my swim, track, and cross country coaches, my teachers and my wonderful parents: thank you for helping me become the person I am today; I couldn’t have done it without you.
Ryan Millen Parents/guardians: Tara
Well, I didn’t grow up in Yellow Springs — I moved here from Columbus. But I can honestly say that I love it here a lot more. The people are nicer, the schools are better and I’m able to be me without being afraid of others. So thank you, Yellow Springs, for the warmest welcome I’ve ever had.
Harper Mesure Parents/guardians: Craig
Mesure, Sylvia Ellison
Meaningful things from my Yellow Springs experience: Santa Breakfast at the Methodist Church; Riding horses at The Riding Centre; Riding my bicycle all over town; Playing violin in school orchestra; Gold Cup soccer with YSSI; School plays and musicals; YSKP shows; Gingerbread Festival at Mills Lawn; Eighth-grade trip to DC (where I was born); Orchestra trip to Chicago; YSHS service learning trip to Peru; Antioch College Wellness Center; Strength training with Mia; High school soccer, swimming, track and field, and cross country teams; Bulldog Brigade and Bulldog Bistro with Jody Chick; Learning different jobs with businesses in town; Working for Mary Kay at the Winds Cafe. My plans in the next couple of years: I will be studying culinary arts and Career X at the Greene County Career Center. I will continue to work and learn at the Winds Cafe. Thank you to all my teachers, coaches, teammates, classmates, friends and family.
Gabe Muballigh No response submitted.
Tariq Muhammad Parents/guardians:
Teresa Wagner, Lee Wagner
I did not grow up in Yellow Springs, although this is my second year here. The first time I came here was the summer of 2005 — I played Minor League baseball for the Pirates. My senior year at Yellow Springs High School was amazing — I love all the teachers
S p o n so r s
Re/Max Victory, Chris & Rick Kristensen
Re/Max Ultimate, Craig Mesure Reichley Insurance Agency
6 Yellow Springs High School and I thank them all for all the help they gave me. I also want to thank my aunt and uncle for pushing me to do my best.
Jonathan Nash No response submitted.
Hailey Qualls I’ve lived in Yellow Springs almost my whole life and I wouldn’t trade the experience for the world. Being able to grow up in such a loving and tight-knit community and being able to call it home is an honor. I have attended Mills Lawn Elementary School, McKinney Middle School and Yellow Springs High School, and have made memories to last a lifetime. During my time in Yellow Springs I have been involved in plays, softball, volleyball and cheerleading. The friends I have made along the way hold a special place in my heart and are friends I will treasure. Being able to have such a close group of classmates was a great experience, as they are like my second family. I have friends that I met on the first day of kindergarten and friends that I met just this year, but all of them share the same love for Yellow Springs and the memories we have together. Going through the Yellow Springs school system is unique and something you truly don’t understand until you do it yourself. From trips walking to Corner Cone, school
C L ASS OF 2019
musicals, Halloween parades, field days, water balloon fights and class trips to soccer games, cheerleading, prom and homecoming, there have been so many things that I have been lucky enough to experience with my best friends by my side. I think one of my favorite memories would have to be every year cheering on the boys soccer team during the homecoming game. It was always the one weekend of the year where the whole school came together and showed the most school spirit. Another memory I will always keep is being able to bond with my classmates on our eighth-grade trip. During that time, I spent time with new people and made amazing new friendships. I will never forget the endless giggles in class, the times where we should have been in class but were roaming the halls instead or being able to go outside that first warm day of spring and just take the last few minutes of the day to talk with friends and just enjoy life. It’s amazing how fast the time has gone by and how much appreciation I have for the amazing teachers and staff that have helped me get to where I am today. Most people think going to a school where your graduating class is less than 70 people sounds crazy. But I will always remember being able to experience everything with truly my second family and closest friends. There’s something unique about the relationship of YS classmates; we’ve truly experienced our whole childhood together. We’ve been there for each other through the good and bad, and have shared so many moments of growth together. In the fall I will be attending Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, where I am following a pre-law track. As excited as I am about that, I wouldn’t be able to go to my dream school without all the valuable lessons both in the books and in life from my teachers. I’d also like to thank my family as they have always supported me and pushed me to strive for the best. But specifically my mom, who has always been there for me and has held my motivation and molded me into the person I am today. Yellow Springs is and will always be my home, no matter where I am in life. Thank you to my class, teachers, principals, guidance counselors, family, and community members for all you have done
A Special Section of the Yellow S prings News | May 23, 2019
for me. I look forward to seeing where the future takes us all. Go Bulldogs!
Willow Richeson No response submitted.
Dylan Rainey No response submitted.
Alex Ronnebaum Parents/guardians:
Meryam Raissouni No response submitted.
Cierra Richeson Parents/guardians:
Connie Richeson
I’m glad I’ve spent 12 years of my life in Yellow Springs. It made me a liberal.
O u r
Sam & Eddie’s Open Books TCN Behavioral Health Services
Brenda Ronnebaum, Alan Ronnebaum
Senior year is our final year and it’s filled with stress and lots of memories. We will never forget how we struggled throughout the year due to the entire college application process or fighting to maintain our grades in top shape so that we can be considered by a university. But those aren’t the only things in senior year that we will carry on forever in our lives. We will never forget homecoming, prom, involvement in sports and just the fact that everything you are doing is probably never going to be done again. This is probably the most emotional part of high school, with graduation right around the corner, but senior year isn’t the most memorable year either. Our past years have also been a factor in who we are today and it’s great just to look back at how things have changed. A lot has happened within four years. Up until now, there’s only so much we can say about how our entire high school experience. Our whole high school career is fashioned around the idea of going to college and getting good grades, but along the way there is an unspoken truth that high school is truly all
about making new experiences and doing the most to make it truly memorable — like being involved in school, joining a club or sport or just making many new friends. For me, high school has been the greatest years of my life and I hate to see it all come to an end. I remember being a freshman and having that perfectionist personality where I was working hard, striving to be flawless and graduation was simply a blip on my horizon not yet to be taken seriously. It’s crazy how four years feel so much like four months. Time really does fly. The only regret I have is that I didn’t come to Yellow Springs earlier. Being at Yellow Springs from the start would’ve benefitted me a lot because of the open-minded, student-driven environment that is promoted so strongly here. I wasn’t blessed with these amazing opportunities at my old schools. Yellow Springs is truly a unique, wonderful place and I am so grateful for how the culture here has transformed me into the person I now am. Although I didn’t spend a lot of time in Yellow Springs, I’m thankful that I ended up here and met the wonderful people that I know and love today.
Forrest Rowe Parents/guardians:
Christina Rowe, Kirk Rowe
I would just like to thank a few people who have helped me over the last 18 years: Bob Barcus, thank you for sharing your endless knowledge and wisdom with me. I’ve enjoyed our time together in the garden ... and most of your jokes. Thank you, Mrs. Morrison, for being the most understanding, tolerant teacher on the planet — you truly are the best. Thank you, Papa and Grandma, for helping raise me and always being there for me. I will miss you guys.
S p o n so r s
Tom’s Market Town Drug
Jaimie Wilke, Holistic Massage The Winds Café
A Special Section of the Y Ellow Springs News | May 23, 2019
Yellow Springs High School C L A S S O F 2 0 1 9
studying nursing at Ohio University and then hopefully getting myself a steady nursing job. I’d like to thank all of my teachers for everything I’ve learned, as well as my family and friends.
Thank you, Mom and Dad, for all your support and pressure throughout the years. I really do appreciate it.
Andrew Siler
Alexa Spitz
Parents/guardians: Anne
I would like to thank my friends, family, teachers and classmates for my experience at Yellow Springs Schools. They will be missed. This fall, I am attending Parsons School of Design in New York City.
Siler, Stuart Rayfield
Biron Schoonover No response submitted.
I didn’t grow up in Yellow Springs, I transferred in to the high school my freshman year. I didn’t really find much that was meaningful or valuable, I just wanted to make it through each day. There’s nothing I would really change about YSHS — maybe communication to the Career Center students. My future plans are to get a job in the IT field or anything related to graphic design.
Sokhna Mously Sene Parents/guardians:
Aurelia Blake
My name is Sokhna Sene and I am an exchange student. I have been in Yellow Springs since August 2018. On my way to the USA, I just expected a really big city with a lot of people, distractions and tall buildings, just like in New York City. Once I arrived, I was very disappointed at first, but through the year, I discovered a whole other universe. The universe of Yellow Springs shows me the importance of life, which is love. Receiving love from this community was one the best gifts ever. I received love from my host family, Miss Blake, who was a very amazing and protective mother for me and has welcomed me into her house with love. I have enjoyed the school a lot. Teachers, mentors and friends have made this experience special, with a lot of knowledge and joy. Thanks to the whole community of Yellows Springs, especially the Central Chapel AME Church, for making me their daughter.
Calum Siler Parents/guardians: Erica
Wyant, Caleab Wyant
I was extremely anxious about transfering to a new school after spending my first two-and-a-half school years getting comfortable and becoming intertwined in our little community. I was very close with all of my classmates and I didn’t think I would ever have that type of relationship with an entirely new set of energetic children. Thankfully, I was met with one of the most passionate and accepting communities I could imagine. From the teachers to the other students, positivity was always present. While there were times that I wondered how it would feel to be part of a bigger school, every day I was proud to be a part of Yellow Springs’ schools. After graduating, I will be
Audree Speaks Parents/guardians:
Aimee Cooper
I did not grow up in Yellow Springs — I live in Springfield, and switched to the high school here during my sophomore year. My years at Yellow Springs High School have had their ups and downs, but that is like every high school. The most valuable thing I feel I have gotten out of my high school experience, besides the learning and ability to further my education, is the people I’ve met along the way. Some of the friends I made will stick with me through college and, even if we do not stick together through that, we’re so close we can just pick up wherever we left off. I’d like to thank the staff members and the teachers that have helped me through this journey. My plans for the upcoming years involve me continuing my education at the University of Cincinnati, for psychology. I’m going to get my bachelor’s and then move on to my master’s. I then hope to get my Ph.D. in psychology and work in a practice as a therapist.
Yellow Springs Board of Education
not knowing anyone. I will always remember the fear I felt on my first day. From the moment I got to school, I didn’t talk to anyone. Before I knew it, I had to go to lunch alone. As I left my last class a girl with a long blonde braid and a horse shirt told me I was welcome to sit with her and her friends. This girl was Hannah Lawson and she immediately became my best friend. From that day forward I fell in love with the openness throughout the school and throughout friend groups. There is no set place for anyone in Yellow Springs schools — you do a little bit of everything you find interesting. Being at the Career Center, I miss the ability to pursue different hobbies. However, I am more confident and excited than ever to continue my education and start my career. I owe a lot to the schools that have shaped me into the person I am today. Going to Yellow Springs schools is a decision I will forever be glad I made.
Eden Spriggs Parents/guardians:
Beverly Spriggs
In the fall I will be attending the University of Cincinnati pursuing my Master of Science degree in nursing. I’d like to thank all of my wonderful teachers, friends and family for supporting me along the way.
Janine Stover Parents/guardians:
Brenda Sandman-Stover, Mike Stover
My Yellow Springs story started in eighth grade when I transferred from the Xenia schools. I came to the district O u r
Stacia Strodes No response submitted.
Kenna Thomas Parents/guardians: Erica
Thomas, Justin Cooper-Thomas
I first attended Yellow Springs Schools back in second grade. I remember I was gawked at in my favorite pink tutu that I got from a thrift store. If only I knew my outfits
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Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce
Yellow Springs Chiropractic
8 Yellow Springs High School would get crazier, including, but not limited to: animal onesies, a Pikachu costume, colorful knee-high socks with knee-length pants, and so much more. My need to stand out was obvious. While there were a lot of bad experiences throughout being in the YS school system, some favorite memories did happen. When I was in eighth grade, I really had just started actually playing the upright bass in orchestra, and that summer I decided to join the Community Band as the backup tuba while still playing the bass. Community Band was really complicated, but I got out so many of my frustrations in music; it’s definitely one of my top memories. During ninth grade, we had this food project where each group of four to five ninth-graders had a topic around the food industry. My group had honeybees; I was terrified of anything that could sting me, especially if they could fly. Throughout our research, which included talking with a beekeeper, I began to gain more respect for bees. I’m still terrified of bees — but in a respect-filled way. Next year I plan on going to Wright State for conservational biology so I can save the axolotls (definitely search them up, they are just the happiest things in the world). I also plan on working towards normalizing what it means to be nonbinary and using they/ them pronouns. In ten years, I plan on being somewhere near or in Mexico helping count and protect the axolotl population. If that plan doesn’t happen, I hope to aid in national or state park management to curb the effects of global warming before it’s too late.
C L ASS OF 2019
Anna Vogt No response submitted.
Kevin Wagner Parents/guardians:
Syreeta Sims
My experience in Yellow Springs has really benefited me and will help me be successful after high school. I would like to thank all the teachers for being there for me as a teacher and somebody to talk to. Most importantly, I would like to thank Mr. Comstock for being a really good friend and mentor for the past five years.
Parents/guardians: Brian
Walker, Wini Ray
No response submitted.
2. Something pretty cool about YS is the fact that you know almost everybody. 3. Something not so cool about YS is the fact that you know almost everybody. Next year I will be attending Case Western Reserve University to pursue a bachelor’s in either engineering or physics. My first objective at college will be to do a reverse freshman 15. I’ll lose all the fat on my body, and whatever I can’t lose in fat, I’ll add onto my body with muscle. In the next 10 years I intend on having some fun and making some great memories, finding a well-paying job I thoroughly enjoy that contributes to the development of the human race, and along the way finding the perfect girl. I’ve been told all that is very hard to accomplish, but I’ve always liked a good challenge. I’ve been in Yellow Springs schools since I was in kindergarten, and I’ve had a lot of great people in my life. I was going to write out a complete list of people that have helped me become who I am, but it turned out to be just too long. Instead I’d like to give a smaller list of a few people that I think are pretty cool: Mr. Fenimore Ms. Morrison Dr. and Mrs. Lawson Forrest Rowe If you’re not on this list, by no means should you feel like you’ve meant little to my experience here in YS. This is merely a list of people who I think deserve a lot more credit than they get. There are so many people I’d like to thank, but if I did I’d take up this entire paper. Thank you for being such great people.
Tabby Weaver
David Walker Sydney Trimbach
A Special Section of the Yellow S prings News | May 23, 2019
About my experiences growing up in Yellow Springs: 1. The most meaningful and valuable part of growing up in Yellow Springs has to be the loving and supportive community.
My experience in Yellow Springs has been amazingly positive, beautiful and full of growth. I’ve met so many wonderful people in the village and school community that have helped me mature as a young woman of color in society. The good things about YS schools are that they’re very open to all ways of life, ideas and personal feelings of students, and respect that not all students are the same; teachers actually help students and don’t make them feel bad about things, but there is a major lack of teacher/faculty to student communication. My plans for my future are to travel the world with my amazing boyfriend and see the world before everything O u r
The Yellow Springs Community Foundation
gets annihilated. Then, after so many years of traveling and exploring, I want to have a family and travel the world with my children and show them as much art, music and culture(s) as I can.
Ethan Yaus No response submitted.
Brett Young Parents/guardians:
William Young
I started my stay here in eighth grade. When I started here, I didn’t know what to think about it. It wasn’t what I was used to. I moved here from Springfield, so it was a lot different. In this school, you actually worked with other people, so I was a little uncomfortable at first, but I got used to it. After that, I started my first year of high school, which went well — it was a lot better than my first school year here in Yellow Springs. I had a lot more fun and it was a lot easier to go through the year. As I am at the end of my senior year, I’m glad I came to this school. The ways the school has changed over the years have been good. The changes helped me get through and I’m grateful for that.
learned a lot. Not just academically but socially. I learned that senioritis is an actual thing and it starts junior year. I have also learned that friends come and go and when things are rough they will get better. I’ve had my fair share of high school drama and made it out to the other side. I found some of my passions and have had some amazing experiences. I went on the school trip to Peru. I learned all about Peru and the people who live there. I got the chance to try new foods, meet new people and get closer with others. My favorite part of the trip was our service project. We helped start the foundation of a building for the women weavers of the local community. It was hard work, and I got many cuts and bruises, but to be able to experience and see the impact that it will have was amazing. Over my four years, I have met a lot of people and some I got closer with than others. I wanted to thank my family for helping me make it through in one piece. To all my friends who are not graduating this year, thank you for making my last year amazing. I believe in you; if I can make it you can, too. I want to thank my teachers. They have helped me so much over the years. They believed in me and gave me help even when I didn’t ask for it. They pushed me to succeed, making me do things that I maybe didn’t want to do, but in the end helped me. Lastly, I want to congratulate the ones who are graduating. We did it! We made it through all the stress, crying, group projects, state tests, school lunches, drama and field trips. I have enjoyed my time growing up in Yellow Springs and will be attending Ohio Wesleyan University in the fall. I plan on exploring the natural sciences, along with special education. So here’s to the graduating class of 2019! We made it to the promised land. Now on to the next adventure.
Sara Zendlovitz Parents/guardians:
Cheryl Meyer, Deb Zendlovitz
Over my four years at Yellow Springs High School I have
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Yellow Springs Library Association
Yellow Springs Police Department Young’s Jersey Dairy