Yer Scene Vol. 5

Page 42


How Not t o be a Dick in The Pit By Emily Ham

If you're like me, odds are that you love to get in the middle of a mosh pit. In my local scene, I?m known as ?the girl who?s in every pit at every show?. I love it. Granted, I am six feet tall and can hold my own. Some people can?t. Regardless, the pit shouldn?t be as bad as some that I have experienced. Wearing my bruises like a badge of honor, I live for the adrenaline. Mosh pits can be wonderful, but only when those involved aren?t, for lack of a better term, being dicks. Simple enough, right? We all want to have a grand ol?time thrashing our limbs around to these fantastic breakdowns, but we should be doing so in a way that isn?t so messed up. You can?t guarantee that people aren?t going to get injured- it comes with the territory, but here are some tips to make sure that you keep the pit works the way that it is supposed to. 1. Before the Show If you go into the pit expecting to come out whole (i.e. your clothes potentially still in tact, not having any bruises or sores, etc.), you will be let down. That?s why it is best to prepare yourself for what to expect. Where shoes that are secure to your feet. Your untied Vans will be your enemy. You should also wear clothes that you don?t mind messing up. If you have long hair, I find it best to wear it up so that you can still be aware of your surroundings. If you have glasses, you might want to invest in contacts. If you?re ballsy (like me) then you?ll risk them getting broken. (I?ve lost 6 pairs to mosh pits.) Additionally, leave the valuables at home or in your car. You don?t want to risk losing your watch or jewelry.

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