Yer Scene Vol. 5

Page 8


An Int er view wit h Shar kt oot h Recor ds Founder St uar t Buckl ey Interview by Kenneth Fury


ounded in Saint John, New Brunswick born out of the DIY scene, Sharktooth had some of the most important releases from the area. In a smaller area, the labels, venues and other scene essentials we do have become immediately part of the culture forever. Whilst I knew Sharktooth Records weren?t active anymore, I knew they deserved a place in the zine to immortalize them, if nothing else. However, Stu was more than happy to do an interview, through Twitter DM?s, no less. Check it out.

Wh en did you st ar t you r r ecor d label? Was

it som et h in g you h ad been con sider in g or did som eon e h elp you get in t o t h e pr ocess? I started Sharktooth back in the spring of 2013. It was something I?d always wanted to do, but never really knew how to start. Eventually I just decided to give it a go, not really knowing how to do it at all.

M ost r ew ar din g par t of r u n n in g a label? The most rewarding part of running Sharktooth was honestly getting the Shark Tank going. The label itself was never all that active and didn?t have many physical releases, it was more about just documenting and amalgamating all of the music my friends and I were creating. Starting up the venue/rehearsal space/studio the Shark Tank was the first time it felt like I was doing something that served someone other than me and my close friends.

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