Hsu Yung-Chin Co lo gne ,G e rma ny 2015
Co lo g n e , G erma n y 2 0 1 5 S ep temb er
氣韻靈動 書畫合一 徐永進的書法最引人入勝為書畫合一,以文字意念為本作為「氣」之主體 。由氣帶動本身的內在靈動,由之而生出整體架構。然而由於繪畫為徐永 進另一創作主軸,所以書寫的架構中有著不經意卻自然產生的圖像意涵, 這種書畫不自覺的互融互滲,堪稱徐永進書藝一絕。 不屈不饒,不畏困難堅持走自己的路是徐永進最令人折服之處,近年研習 道德經,老莊思想與宇宙觀將一直在突破書藝的道上更推高到另一層次境 界之中,現在的徐永進作品已經超越了具體的圖像和文字的符號性,是一 種以靈魂書寫、超越文字意義的精神書畫
Hsu Yung-Chin Contemporary Soul Art
Hsu Yung-Chin has been doing calligraphy and ink paintings for 46 years. His goal is to mix the grace and beauty of traditional calligraphy with a modern sensibility. Hsu brings the brushwork of calligraphy to ink painting and the ideas of painting to calligra phy All his work is created in a flash of inspiration and is imbued with a wild atmosphere that is full of life. Taoist philosophy and Zen practice are underpinnings of Hsu Yung-Chin’s life and work. He believes in a way of life that breaks from convention and routine in order to transcend the artificial limitations he places on himself. With this approach, he is capable of creating from an empty space within himself in order to accurately reflect whatever subject matter is at hand.
人法地、地法天、天法道、 道法自然 For I am abstracted from the world, The world from nature, Nature from the Way, And the Way from wha t is beneath abstraction. Ink on handmade Xuan paper 143x75 cm x4
上善若水 The supreme good is like water 水墨 、手工宣紙 Ink on paper 135X140 cm 2014
少則得 Posses Less, Gain More 水墨 、手工宣紙 Ink on paper 135X140 cm 2014
赤子 Innocent Child 水墨 、手工宣紙 Ink on paper 135X70 cm 2014
清淨 II A Clear Stillness II 水墨 、手工宣紙 Ink on paper 135X70 cm 2014
道法自然 II Learn from Nature II 水墨 、手工宣紙 Ink on paper 135X140 cm 2014
無 字 心相 # 6 U nwor d # 6
無字心相 # 7 U n w ord # 7
Ink on handmade Xuan paper
Ink on handmade Xuan paper
68x68 cm 2015
68x68 cm 2015
無字心相 #8 U nwo r d # 8
無字心相 # 9 U n w ord # 9
Ink on handmade Xuan paper
Ink on handmade Xuan paper
68x68 cm 2015
68x68 cm 2015
沖氣為和 When male and female combine,all theings achieve harmony-Tao Te Ching
水墨 、手工宣紙 Ink on handmade xuan paper 、Gold powder 136X68 cm x2
歸真 A Re turn to Puri ty Ink on handmade Xuan paper
60x178 cm
Hsu , Yung Chin
(1951- , Taiwan)
Solo Exhibitions 2015 “Eastern Tao”, Hsu, Yung Chin Solo Exhibitions, A.Rome , Roma, Italy 2015 “Eastern Insight”, Hsu, Yung Chin Solo Exhibitions, Art. Fair, Cologne, Germany 2015 “Revelations of the Soul Art”, Hsu, Yung Chin Solo Exhibitions, Art Stage , Singapore 2014 “Awareness” Ink Painting Solo Exhibition, Taiwan Cultural & Creative Plartform, Taipei Taiwan 2013 "Coevolution/Extrasensory/Speciation " Hsu, Yung Chin Solo Exhibition, YESART AIR GALLERY, Taipei Taiwan 2011 "Beyond Calligraphy" Exhibition, Providence University Art Center, Taichung Taiwan 2007 Contemporary Ink painting and Calligraphy Exhibition, Art Expo, Taipei Taiwan 2005 Contemporary Ink Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition, Hsinchu Living Art Center, Hsinchu Taiwan 2004 The Flow of Ink Painting and Calligraphy Art, National Touring Exhibition, Taiwan 1996 The World of Senses, Ink Painting on Pottery, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung Taiwan 1993 The Beauty of Taiwan, Ink Painting Exhibition, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei Taiwan 1989 Calligraphy Exhibition, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei Taiwan 1989 Calligraphy and Ink Painting Exhibition, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung Taiwan Co-Exhibitions 2014 Contemporary Ink Painting after 1950‘s in Taiwan, Arki Galeria, Taipei, Taiwan 2014 Taipei South Town Art Festival : The Contemporary Art of Chinese Characters Taipei, Taiwan 2010 Hang Zhou 2nd International Contemporary Calligraphy Exhibition, Hang Zhou China 2010 Taipei Flora Expo Calligraphy Exhibition, Taipei Taiwan2010 Praying Words, World Expo 2010, Shanghai, China 2009 East Coast Driftwood Art Exhibition, Taitung Living Art Center, Taitung Taiwan 2009 Busan Calligraphy Exhibition, Busan Korea 2007 International Contemporary Calligraphy Exhibition, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei Taiwan 2005 International Contemporary Calligraphy Exhibition, Hang Zhou China
Awards 1977 First 1976 First 1975 First 1974 First 1973 First 1973 First 1973 First
Prize, Prize, Prize, Prize, Prize, Prize, Prize,
Six Northern Counties Competition (Calligraphy) 30th National Art Competition (Calligraphy) The Lu-Guang Competition National Youth Calligraphy Competition National Student Calligraphy Competition National Chinese Calligraphy Competition Youth Calligraphy Competition
Collections National Museum of History, Taipei Taiwan Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei Taiwan Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei Taiwan National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung Taiwan
(1951- , 台灣)
學歷: 1983 國立臺灣師範大學 個展: 2015 「東方 道」A.Rome 羅馬 義大利 2015 「東方直觀」科隆當代藝術博覽會 科隆 德國 2015 「氣韻靈動 -當代靈魂美學」藝術登陸新加坡博覽會 新加坡 2014 「靜觀自得」水墨回顧展 台灣文創平台 台灣 台北 2013 「共演•超感•種化」-當代書藝演繹 意識畫廊 台灣台北 2011 「Beyond Calligraphy」台北當代藝術館 台灣台北 2004 徐永進靈之舞動書畫巡迴展 苗栗、台中、台南、桃園、雲林、 嘉義文化局 1996 感官世界水墨瓷畫個展 國立台灣美術館,台灣台中 1993 台灣之美水墨個展 台北市立美術館,台灣台北 1989 書法個展 台北市立美術館,台灣台北 1989 書畫個展 國立台灣美術館,台灣台中 近年聯展: 2014 「台灣50 現代水墨」築空間 台北 台灣 2014 城南藝事-漢字當代藝術展 台北 台灣 2010 首屆兩岸漢字藝術節 翰墨千秋 ,中國北京 2010 第二屆國際現代書法藝術展 中國美術學院,中國杭州 2010 祈福語展 上海世界博覽會 台灣館,中國上海 2009 東海岸漂流木國際藝術創作展 台灣濱海公園,台灣台東 2009 釜山書藝BIENNALE 藝術雙年展,韓國釜山 2007 開FUN-2007台北國際現代書法展 台北市立美術館,台灣台北 2005 杭州首屆國際現代書法藝術展 中國美術學院,中國杭州 獲獎: 1973-1977 全國書法美展類 獎項七次第一名 作品典藏: 2011 書法作品 台北當代藝術館 (MOCA)書法 1996 瓷畫 國立台灣美術館典藏 (四仕如玉)瓷畫 1995 書法作品 台北市立美術館典藏 (漂泊.闖盪.狂飆一組) 1989 書法作品 台北市立美術館典藏 (太史公自序節文)(隸書四屏) 1987 書法作品 書法對聯,台灣歷史博物館 1981 書法作品 國立歷史博物館典藏 (西湖)行草
Ar t Sta ge Singa por e 201 5 R evelations of the Soul Ar t, Hsu Yung Chin’s solo e xhibitio n