September 2015 columns

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Illinois State University Fraternity & Sorority Life

“Record Breaking Recruitment�

September 2015

By: Yesenia Garcia, Graduate Assistant, Fraternity and Sorority Life Inside this issue: CPC Sorority Recruitment 2 IFC




Gamma Week


New Organizations


Upcoming Philanthopies




Contact Us Fraternity & Sorority Life (309)-438-2151 Alex Snowden

In case you missed the chaos, Labor Day weekend was a bit restless for the Illinois State University sorority community. The College Panhellenic Council worked tirelessly to help nearly 700 women find their home in one of ten sororities


Shantira Norris Specialist

Yesy Garcia Graduate Assistant

Salem Awwad Graduate Assistant


(Pictured above: The 2015 all sorority new member class.)

“Words of Wisdom” By: Marina Di Diana,VP of Recruitment, CPC Congratulations new members, you are beginning one of the most wonderful journeys of your lives!

You have found your home and now it is time to fully engage in your experience as sorority women. Soon, you will all be introduced to rituals and values that will greatly impact you and you’re about to create unbreakable bonds with the women in your chapter and find lifelong friends. Being a member in a sorority is being part of something that is bigger than yourself.Your chapter at Illinois State University is just one of many in the country and it is our responsibility as sorority women to represent our sisterhood, our chapter, and our university in the best way possible. Take a leadership position, raise money for a philanthropy, make connections with other chapters, support the Greek community, strive to be an excellent chapter member and member of the Panhellenic community, etc. The opportunities to make a difference are endless. As the years go on I want you all to think about how you are going to make your mark on your chapter and leave the legacy of being an inspiring role model. Your collegiate experience may only last 3 or 4 years but your membership and sisterhood is for a lifetime. Enjoy the best years of your life and keep your chapter ever in your heart.

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“Thank you� By: Rachel Houston,VP of Public Relations, CPC

To the College Panhellenic Council,

I couldn't have done this without each one of you! I am grateful to be apart of something so much bigger than my own chapter. This experience has been better than I could have ever imagined. I will always be thankful I met you wonderful women and had the opportunity to work alongside you. Recruitment was a huge success and I couldn't be more proud of us. To the Rho Gammas of Formal Recruitment 2015,

We did it! The largest sorority recruitment to date at Illinois State University was a huge success all thanks to you. Months of planning, difficult disaffiliation, and endless hours of work resulted in over 600 ecstatic new members. Thank you for devoting your time away from your chapter, being the wonderful Panhellenic women you are, and supporting our Greek community. I will always look back on this experience with positivity, and I am so grateful I was able to share it with 50 new friends.

“Delta Chi Recruitment” By: Zack Smith & Ryan Connor, Delta Chi Fraternity Fall recruitment was a success! Fraternity |recruitment week included a number of events where new members were encouraged to find the fraternity that best fit them. Here’s a look at what the week looked like for Delta Chi fraternity. Sunday kicked off the week with an information table in the Brown Ball Room. Monday and Tuesday, “Open House Nights”, involved potential new members were being invited into the chapter house for tours, a grill out and volleyball. On Wednesday, the chapter hosted an event at Swingers, a local driving range. A bus was provided for transportation to and from the event. Thursday, 57 men were invited to a dinner at Alexander’s Steak House. Following the dinner, 42 bids were handed out to men we hoped to see as brothers. The week concluded Friday as 40 men were pinned in as Associate Members. We look forward to instilling the values of Delta Chi into these men and molding them into future leaders.

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“Combating Bystander Behavior� By: Yesenia Garcia, Graduate Assistant, Fraternity & Sorority Life It is no secret that sexual assaults, binge drinking, and bystander behavior are prominent occurrences on college campuses. It is also known that social situations can fuel the prevalence of these dangerous behaviors. The fraternity men at Illinois State University are doing everything they can to prevent these things from happening to their brothers, sisters, friends and peers.

On Wednesday September 30th the Interfraternity Council’s Risk Managers attended a bystander intervention workshop facilitated by Health Promotion and Wellness. Bystander intervention training is an interactive skill-building workshop that empowers participants to help in a variety of situations. The workshop taught strategies and techniques to intervene directly or indirectly in both emergency and non-emergency situations. It also helped developed skills, awareness and confidence necessary to safely help others.

Request a workshop! Visit Need more information? Contact Health Promotion and Wellness at (309) 438-WELL (9355) or stop by the office in 187 McCormick Hall.

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“New MGC EBoard” By: Jessica Ramirez, President, Multicultural Greek Council

The Multicultural Greek Council has officially elected and appointed their new executive board! Check out this months spotlight on these leading ladies! Check back next month for more spotlights from this council.

Name Jessica Ramirez

Name Vanessa Galvin

Name Elizabeth Nunez

Position President

Position Vice President of Administration

Position Vice President of Public Relations

Major Early Childhood Education

Major Apparel Merchandising

Major Bilingual Elementary Education

Affiliation Alpha Psi Lambda, National, Inc.

Affiliation Alpha Psi Lambda, National, Inc.

Affiliation Gamma Phi Omega International Sorority Inc.

Excited for… Advocating for positive Greek life truths and engage in collaborations with other councils as well

Excited for... Understanding the importance of the financial side to an organization and its similarities to actual com-

Excited for... Getting to work with all the organizations and get MGC out there to the ISU community!

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“New Swans in the ISU Pond” By: DesireeVasquez, Gamma Phi Omega

The Sigma Chapter of Gamma Phi Omega would like to introduce their newest members to the ISU community. They are Gamma line, 2 ARETÉ who crossed on April 24th, 2015. Captain: Desiree "ItaRae" Vasquez Anchor: Lissette "ZaZa" Zarco

Gamma Phi Omega recently introduced their newest members on August 29th, 2015 at their Public Ceremony. They are happy to be a part of such an amazing sisterhood and cannot wait to contribute and get to know more of the ISU Greek community.

Year: Senior

De sir G ee et "It to aR Kn Hometown: Chicago Ridge, IL ae ow "V : as Positions in Gamma Phi Omega: Treasurer and Co-Academic Chair qu ez Involvement in other RSOs: Illinois State University Council on

Major: Family and Consumer Sciences Human Development Sequence

Family Relations organization (ISU-CFR) Fun Facts: I completed a community service trip in Peru the summer entering my senior year in high school that involved rebuilding an elementary school for low income students. :


Year: Sophomore

ow r Major: International Business Kn " Za o a Hometown: Chicago, IL t t ZaZ e G e" t Positions in Gamma Phi Omega: Cultural Awareness and Social Chair et s s Li

Involvement in other RSOs: Member of the International Business Club liaison within the Multicultural Greek Council

Fun Facts: I love Green Tea Frappuccino’s from Starbucks

“Gamma Week” By: AliciaWalker, President, Sigma Lambda Gamma The Gammas of Illinois State University dedicated a week of excellence to the student body during their annual GAMMA WEEK. Throughout the week Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority Inc., provided workshops and events that promoted the following principles: Academic Excellence Cultural Awareness Community Service Social Interaction Morals & Ethics GAMMA WEEK started with the Annual Panther Dash, Saturday, September 19th, undergraduates and Alumni of Illinois State University gathered to fundraise for the national education foundation.

The events continued onto Sunday, September 20th, with “Study with the Gammas” at Milner Library.

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Monday, September 21st, the

The best way to get to

Sigma Lambda Gamma ISU

“Insight to Success” workshop was

someone’s heart is through

Colony is always looking to

held in the Student Service

their stomach so the

expand its membership,

Building. ISU students received

GAMMAS made some deli-

Wednesday, September 23rd,

insight on how to strengthen their

cious treats of Puppy Chow

the GAMMAS held an

resumes, interview tips and

and Oreo Balls for the entity

informational to inform

information on internship

fundraiser on Tuesday,

interested women about our


September 22nd.

beautiful organization.







GAMMA WEEK came to a close as the undergraduate sisters and the ISU student body came together to write letters of encouragement to Breast Cancer Survivors. Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority Inc., strives to be the premier organization committed to proving a mechanism of empowerment to all women. As the semester continues be on the look out for GAMMA’S events as we take one step at a time to empower all of mankind.

“newest greeks on campus”


By: Yesenia Garcia, Graduate Assistant Fraternity & Sorority Life

In the late weeks of September, you might have seen some unfamiliar faces recruiting for Illinois State’s Fraternal community. You might have come across their social media pages, posters, flyers and giveaways.You might have recommended and encouraged friends to check them out. This is how national organizations colonize under a “cold start” model. 0

A “cold start” involves a lengthy and highly selective search for fraternal organizations not already represented on a particular campus. This process is student driven and the deciding vote happens in a governing council meeting. Once selected, a national fraternity/sorority sends leadership consultants to recruit and hand select students at all levels to become founding members of their newest chapter. They’re also responsible for the entire new member education process and will typically stay and support until the chapter can function and elect its own student leaders. With enrollment and freshman classes at all time high, it was a no brainer to bring new and exciting organizations to offer something else to the Illinois State student. Fraternity and Sorority Life is excited to finally welcome Phi Gamma Delta (also known as FIJI) and Alpha Omicron Pi to our Illinois State Community. Please do not hesitate to say hello to our honorary Redbirds! Please recommend friends, student leaders and loved ones to these incredible organizations.

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Connect Alpha Omicron Pi at Illinois State University @AOII_IllinoisSt @AOII_IllinoisSt

Connect Phi Gamma Delta at Illinois State University @PhiGamISU

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This October, Delta Chi will host their first annual volleyball cookout with Delta Delta Delta.

at h W

Volleyball Tournament

e r e h



Grill Out (Food to be sold)

The Delta Chi Fraternity House Backyard

All proceeds will benefit the Jimmy V Foundation and the St. Jude Children’s Hospital. We look forward to seeing everyone come out for a great cause!

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October 2015 Sunday









6 Greek Speaker 7



ΣΧ Derby Days

ΣΧ Derby Days








ΣΣΣ Dodgeball

ΠΒΦ Arrowspike















ΑΓΔ Powderpuff



Homecoming 26







Homecoming 31


Trick or Treat for Change

Developmental Review Begins


University Events

Philanthropy Events

Oct 26—Advisor & President 1:1 begin


Nov 20—Developmental Review Due


Sept 28-Oct 2—Sigma Chi Derby Days

FSL Office Reminders

FSL Office Event Reminders October 9th—10 EGLR

Emerging Greek Leaders Retreat

One representative from each chapter must be in attendance.

Required for FSL Seal of Approval through the accreditation process Council Events 7—All Greek Speaker Brown Ballroom College Panhellenic Council

Trick or Treat for Change Oct 31st

Want to be featured? Please email a headline, article, and picture to: Yesenia Garcia Graduate Assistant Fraternity and Sorority Life at

4th—Zeta Tau Alpha 5K Benefitting: Susan G Komen 10th—Sigma Sigma Sigma Dodgeball 11th—Alpha Gamma Delta Powderpuff Benefitting the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation—Diabetes Awareness

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